
    No Ego

    Reality-Based Leadership, hosted by NY Times best-selling author Cy Wakeman and her VP of People Evolution Alex Dorr, will give you the tools you need as a leader to ditch the drama, end entitlement, and drive big results in your workplace and worldplace. It is time to modernize your leadership approach. In each episode, you will learn practical ways to evolve yourself, lead your teams with love AND call them up to greatness each and every day.
    enReality-Based Leadership219 Episodes

    Episodes (219)

    Accountability Is Not A Dirty Word

    Accountability Is Not A Dirty Word

    Accountability: it's a topic I bring up a lot because I believe it is one of the most misunderstood words in today's workplace. How do you measure for it? What is the end goal? And how do you introduce it to your company? I sat down with Jackie Froendt from Home Instead Senior Care to talk about all these things and so much more. Sidenote: we were meeting to film my new Facebook Watch show, Life's Messy Live Happy! Check out my Facebook to tune in to that as well.

    Suffering Is Completely Optional

    Suffering Is Completely Optional

    With the holidays approaching, and the added stress that can come with them, I thought I'd focus on one big topic of mine today: that suffering is completely optional. I don't say this to be insensitive or trite - it's just that so much of our suffering comes from stories we make up in our own heads and not reality. In today's episode, I'll show you tools you can use to fix that and be stress-free this holiday season.


    No Ego
    enDecember 21, 2020

    Stop Enabling: The Best Way to Foster Accountability

    Stop Enabling: The Best Way to Foster Accountability

    In this week's episode, I answer the often asked question, “How do I make someone change?” with a surprising answer. You can’t make anyone do anything - but, you can stop enabling them. When you stop enabling your teammates, it 's the quickest way to ensure that their relationship with reality is a direct one and that they have the best information possible with which to make better decisions. 

    No Ego
    enDecember 14, 2020

    Business Readiness, Not Change Management

    Business Readiness, Not Change Management

    In this episode, the last of the exclusive book club calls, I talk about why I believe our approach to change management has been one of the biggest fuels of drama in the workplace. We are asking ourselves, how can change be least disruptive to our team? But what we should be asking is: how can we make change least disruptive to our business? By making sure our teams are always ready for what's next.

    No Ego
    enNovember 30, 2020

    No Ego Book Club Chat Part I

    No Ego Book Club Chat Part I

    In this episode, I'm switching things up a bit! Recently I had an exclusive call with all the members of my No Ego Book Club where I talked for a bit and answered questions. But the content was so good, I am now releasing it here for all of you to hear as well! Enjoy.

    Go Be Great

    Go Be Great

    For this episode today, I want to go a little bit deeper into how exactly you can get your team to understand what great looks like quickly. How can you say to your team with confidence "Go be great"?

    No Ego
    enNovember 09, 2020

    What Would Great Look Like?

    What Would Great Look Like?

    In episode 5, I tell a story from my time as a leader in the healthcare system working with nurses. A nurse came to me and asked to speak with me and I knew venting was coming, thus I used one of my favorite techniques for self-reflection and getting people back on track: I called her up to greatness. If there's one question I ask people to get them out of ego and into self-reflection, it's this.

    Your Natural State

    Your Natural State

    This episode today is about what I believe to be my greatest idea, the discovery that I feel is my biggest contribution to society. That idea is this: happiness isn't something we pursue, it's our natural state once drama is gone. Listen to this episode for the full story. 


    The Power of Co-creation

    The Power of Co-creation

    Today, I want to talk about a concept called "Co-Creation". Most of us don't know we have the access to it and how important of a resource it can be in our day to day life. 

    No Ego
    enOctober 12, 2020

    Stop Believing Everything You Think

    Stop Believing Everything You Think

    Your ego narrates the world in your favor. This means you're always getting a distorted interpretation of reality. Learn how to get mentally flexible and stop believing everything you think.

    No Ego
    enOctober 06, 2020

    Letting Go - Becoming Willing to Experience the Mystery in Life

    Letting Go - Becoming Willing to Experience the Mystery in Life

    In our culture we often try shoulder through adversity and difficulty with a focus on “mastery” - how can I figure it out, master the skills required, and move through what is happening in a way that limits my pain? In this episode, one of my suggestions is that a great counterbalance is to focus on building the emotional and mental muscle required to live in the mystery of the moment and the times. I discuss ways to use current experiences to evolve one’s capacity to do challenging things that ultimately lead to great peace and happiness in life like “letting go” and creating space for the creative to arrive.

    If you want to up your game personally and professionally, you don’t want to miss my new program the Life’s Messy, Live Happy Group starting in October. A year-long experience filled with monthly group experiences, exclusive new content, and a ton of new ways to explore your internal world and grow beyond your past abilities. Don’t miss out, get registered now and bring your friends and colleagues. Register in the link below!


    No Ego
    enSeptember 28, 2020

    S3E15: Being of Value is the Key Impact in Times of Crisis

    S3E15: Being of Value is the Key Impact in Times of Crisis

    Think great connections that add value can’t happen virtually – think again. Maha Abouelenein, now Chief Value Officer at Vaynermedia, slipped into Cy’s DM’s, brought her to Egypt and the two have been creating value together ever since. In this episode, Maha shares the path to success isn’t about going after what you want – it is adding value to others and then watch what happens. She shares great tips for communicating in a virtual world, redesigning your own value proposition and informs you that you have a personal brand whether you intend to or not. Join us for great tips on how to not only survive world crisis but on how to impact the world in crisis.

    If you would like support and guidance in rounding out your mastery of the competencies that we will need going forward to not only lead, but to live peacefully and happily in the newest normal, check out my new offering – Life’s Messy, Live Happy Group. No need to wait for me to speak at your organization or a conference near you – I am coming to you directly, with all new content, new assignments for self-reflection and all in a community of Reality-Based Leaders who want to not only stay relevant but be ready to contribute to teams and lives in significant ways.  Check out the link below!


    No Ego
    enSeptember 21, 2020

    Gratitude – Not Just Counting Your Blessings – Counting It All as a Blessing

    Gratitude – Not Just Counting Your Blessings – Counting It All as a Blessing

    This week I continue my reflections and teachings on gratitude even when life is messy. I share how my gratitude practice evolved from just counting my blessings to counting everything as a blessing. Being thankful is a wonderfully positive way to live and definitely increases level of happiness. Transcending beyond duality and accepting impermanence, I share the key to gratitude in these times, OUR times. You may not be able to find gratitude for what is happening in our world but you can be grateful in every moment it is happening and step up and co-create a new reality for our future.

    If you would like support and guidance in rounding out your mastery of the competencies that we will need going forward to not only lead, but to live peacefully and happily in the newest normal, check out my new program – Life’s Messy, Live Happy Group. No need to wait for me to speak at your organization or a conference near you – I am coming to you directly, with all new content, new assignments for self-reflection and all in a community of Reality-Based Leaders who want to not only stay relevant but be ready to contribute to teams and lives in significant ways. Check it out in the link below!


    Evolve Yourself! - From Gratitude to Generosity (Part 1)

    Evolve Yourself! -  From Gratitude to Generosity (Part 1)

    These may be challenging, unprecedented times, but these are OUR times. Cy flies solo in the podcast and makes the call to greatness for all of us - let what is happening in our world and in your life evolve you, as a leader and as a human. Cy reveals the focus on her newest book, Life’s Messy, Live Happy and challenges us all to a personal evolution. Gratitude is more than a list, more than counting our well-deserved blessings, it goes deeper, leading us to get in touch with our privilege and the gifts of others in our lives. Going deep into gratitude can fuel our own giving as we pay forward in the personal and specific ways we were helped. Gratitude can be your path to impacting the world beyond giving where you can.

    BIG NEWS! I am revealing an exciting new opportunity to go deep with me in the Life’s Messy, Live Happy Group beginning in October 2020.  Check out the opportunity at this link: INFO.REALITYBASEDLEADERSHIP.COM/LMLH

    Accountability in Tough Times, Continued

    Accountability in Tough Times, Continued

    A big topic of discussion today is if accountability is still relevant. I continue to answer fan questions about fostering accountability while also empathizing with challenging circumstances face by many. I reveal my own take on how Leadership Development and Training will need to be modernized, innovative approaches in HR policy and practices to support parents working while supervising kids at home and practical tips for helping managers adapt to leading virtual work teams. Towards the end, I discuss the true drivers of motivation to succeed in today's reality.

    Ask me your questions in the link below!


    S3E14: Accountability in Tough Times - Kind or Cruel

    S3E14: Accountability in Tough Times - Kind or Cruel

    I return to you all with a solo episode to respond to the many questions from leaders wondering if accountability is still relevant in times of crises.  The answer - absolutely - in fact fostering accountability is the key to growing teams and evolving people into high value talent today and in the future. Accountability and empathy are not mutually exclusive and accountability doesn’t have to hurt. I advocate for increasing the support rather than lowering the standards and as always, give listeners great practical guidance for how to care about your people, honor their unique circumstances in their lives AND call them to greatness.

    Get your tickets for the Ditch The Drama Tour - Now Virtual! on August 28, 2020:
