
    No Ego

    Reality-Based Leadership, hosted by NY Times best-selling author Cy Wakeman and her VP of People Evolution Alex Dorr, will give you the tools you need as a leader to ditch the drama, end entitlement, and drive big results in your workplace and worldplace. It is time to modernize your leadership approach. In each episode, you will learn practical ways to evolve yourself, lead your teams with love AND call them up to greatness each and every day.
    enReality-Based Leadership219 Episodes

    Episodes (219)

    S3E13: Returning to Work? Best Practices in Our New Reality

    S3E13: Returning to Work? Best Practices in Our New Reality

    Sarah Morgan of Buzzaroony LLC - an HR consultant, coach, speaker, writer and request guest on the No Ego Podcast gives her practical advice direct from the frontlines in HR - for returning teams to work and supporting those who have never left. Sarah provides some fantastic food for thought, “Can the rush to get back to “normal” become more disruptive than the current WFH arrangement?" Join us to know what is helping and hindering businesses as they face major decisions about how to work in the near future and get some great strategies to customize your employee support efforts to the specific situations at hand.

    Plus, a special code to get a discount on a coveted seat at Sarah’s upcoming HROI Summit - hint: NOEGO is all you need. Get your tickets! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/hroi-summit-tickets-112327494560

    Register for my very own Ditch The Drama Tour - Now Virtual! Save the date August 28th. You do not want to miss this amazing opportunity.

    Get your tickets here! https://registration.sonburst.com/cywakeman/virtualroadshow


    No Ego
    enAugust 17, 2020

    S3E12: Peace, Love and Happiness

    S3E12: Peace, Love and Happiness

    I gave my good friend and mentor Steven Matthew Adams a ring to get his best strategies on living peacefully and happily as the world remains on lock down. Steven is an internationally-celebrated author,  keynote speaker and self-actualization coach, based in NYC, whose mission it is to help others live the lives they were meant to live even when the world seems to be falling apart. Listen in for a great conversation about what the pandemic is revealing to us and our suggestions for ensuring that we all emerge from our time at home an evolved person with higher levels of consciousness and insight.  And if you love what you hear from Steven, check out his book, “On the Way” available on Amazon.

    Get your tickets to the Ditch the Drama Tour 2020 - Now Virtual on August 28, 2020!


    No Ego
    enAugust 10, 2020

    S3E11: The Keys to Driving Engagement in the Midst of COVID

    S3E11: The Keys to Driving Engagement in the Midst of COVID

    Doug Claffey, Founder and Chief Strategy Officer at Energage joins Cy to share some surprising research results on employee engagement during the world health crisis. Bottom line -  it appears that the Top Workplaces get even better in the midst of a crisis. Cy and Doug unpack the research in the increase of engagement levels since COVID-19 hit and working from home became the new norm. Curious to find out what is driving increased employee engagement? Here is a hint - great communication, high levels of appreciation, and frequent connections. Tune in to hear lessons learned that will help drive engagement and great culture regardless of organizational challenges.

    The Ditch The Drama Tour - Now Virtual | August 28th, 2020

    Get your tickets and register now!


    What is Being Revealed to Us?

    What is Being Revealed to Us?

    This episode with Sasha Shillcutt, MD is FILLED with great strategies to finding joy, even in the midst of the pandemic. Join in to learn how we use over-functioning, mental escapes, self-soothing, and hustle to keep ourselves from our greatest insights and future growth.  Learn to stay curious, get still and stop deferring happiness as Cy and Sasha share their own personal revelations that emerged during the World Health Crisis.

    Register/Sign up and find more information on the Ditch The Drama Tour. You do not want to miss this opportunity!



    Follow Sasha Shillcutt, MD (@becomebraveenough) and Register for her Elevate Summit in the link below!



    Becoming Leader Allies

    Becoming Leader Allies

    Dear Cy has returned to Season 3 as Cy responds to listeners emails on their current challenges. In response to a great email from a fan asking for ways to immediately impact racial equity at work, Cy invited Pam Bourne, Employment attorney and friend to share ideas for where to begin. Cy and Pam talk openly about their own realizations of their own racism and ignorance along with concrete ideas to turn awareness into action at work for leaders and HR. Listen in to hear how you can act the part of leader ally at work. 

    To send me a letter or ask me your questions, click on this link!


    Register for the HROI Summit!


    Growth After Trauma

    Growth After Trauma

    Recently I've been reminded of Post-Traumatic Growth and our ability to transform after some pretty difficult experiences. Many are wondering at this time in our history if we will recover, not just economically but as a team and as a nation. We have proven to be a resilient human race throughout history and studies. Post-Traumatic Growth (PTG) suggest that not only we will recover, but we will demonstrate the immense human capacity for resiliency and growth.

    Cy calls for leaders to instill hope in their teams, calling for the ability to imagine many beautiful and positive outcomes so that we can emerge from the traumas of the past months as better humans and more cohesive teams. Leaders need to facilitate not just surviving, but profound growth that will fuel the creation of a better workplace.

    I have two assignments for you this week:

    #1. Sit down and spend time with the envisioning of many possible positive outcomes.

    #2. Find ways to commit to them without attachment.

    What Are You Not Yet Free From?

    What Are You Not Yet Free From?

    On this past weekend from the 4th of July, I reflected a lot on Freedom - the ultimate pursuit for many.  I recount how Independence Day  changed in meaning to me and my family to become Interdependence Day. I call on all of you to reflect on how the ego coopts our accomplishments meant to bring us freedom and uses it to “imprison” us. Join in and learn why we can become prisoners of our own minds and how inquiry can regain mental freedom which fuels great leadership.

    Facilitating Healing Conversations at Work

    Facilitating Healing Conversations at Work

    As leaders, we are being stretched to use get fluent in a variety of new competencies and this week, I will be going deep into the art of “Holding Space” in order to maximize the impact our current world can have on the evolution of you and your team. 

    On this episode I deliver an advanced lesson in going beyond ego in response to a trend in the questions being sent in, “How should I handle the tough conversations that need to happen at work?’  Leaders are looking for what to do and how to do it right when it comes to addressing the conversations happening in the world as they are brought to work.  Here’s the reality, jumping directly into action is premature.  Now is the time to ensure that many are being heard and that is at times uncomfortable. 

    No Ego
    enJune 29, 2020

    Are You Resilient?

    Are You Resilient?

    I believe resilience is one of the most important competencies we can develop as individuals and businesses if we want success, peace, and happiness. For businesses, it's about keeping people ready for what's next, preparing them with the skills & mindsets to tackle challenging circumstances. For individuals, it's about how you curate your life, build your networks, how you respond to disruption and uncertainty. And you'll love hearing my research on what the most resilient people had in common.

    No Ego
    enJune 22, 2020

    Moving Past Hurt Feelings & Understanding Our Triggers

    Moving Past Hurt Feelings & Understanding Our Triggers

    During stressful times or big change, have you noticed that it’s easier to get our feelings hurt, and we are quickly triggered by the actions or words of others? This is your ego in play! In this episode, we’re going to talk about how to respond when your feelings get hurt, which involves understanding our triggers, moving beyond judgment and setting boundaries. We’ll also talk about how negative thoughts and shaming can overtake our thinking.

    Loving this podcast? Please tell me what you think by dropping a rating and a review!

    No Ego
    enJune 15, 2020

    Building Your Resilience During Uncertainty

    Building Your Resilience During Uncertainty

    This week I am sharing a conversation I had on Facebook Live about resilience. I think many of us are learning a lot about ourselves since this pandemic started about our own resiliency and the resiliency of our team. I get asked all the time about how to teach teams how to be more resilient. I'll address all of this and more in this episode.

    Loving this podcast? I'd love to hear from you! Leave me a rating and a review.

    No Ego
    enJune 08, 2020

    How To Be An Ally

    How To Be An Ally

    This is a special episode I am reposting this week as it deserves to be heard again at this very difficult time in our country. It's a conversation with a great friend of mine in the HR world, Sarah Morgan of @thebuzzonhr. Her Leading in Color podcast, blog and #BlackBlogsMatter challenge are amazing and I appreciate her work to evolve HR practitioners and workplaces everywhere. The topic of our conversation is about a blog she wrote: "What's in an Ally?" and the 5 things that make you an ally and how to deal with tough issues surrounding diversity and inclusion at work.


    Blog: https://bit.ly/2k25yOG

    Book: We Can't Talk About That at Work: https://amzn.to/2kgevnK

    Book: Me and White Supremacy: https://amzn.to/2kgeEaM

    No Ego
    enJune 03, 2020

    Dealing with Resentment and Anger

    Dealing with Resentment and Anger

    This week, we’re going to a more vulnerable place. We’re going to talk about things or people in your life you are feeling resentment towards, or are feeling a large degree of frustration or annoyance with. Have you noticed this in yourself lately? You'll hear real experiences from my fans both in work and personal settings, and I'll share how to reframe your thinking and move forward.

    Have a question you want me to answer? Submit it anonymously here. 

    No Ego
    enJune 01, 2020

    Accountability with Empathy

    Accountability with Empathy

    Let’s talk about accountability. Do you think this is a taboo topic right now with your team or co-workers? Here’s the secret folks. We can cultivate accountability with our people AND show a lot of empathy. This episode is all about how to call our teams and co-workers to greatness in spite of what is happening in our world now. Remember: Reality is tough; Leadership is love.

    Loving this podcast? Leave me a rating and a review! I’d love to hear from you!

    No Ego
    enMay 25, 2020

    Understanding and Dealing with Anxiety

    Understanding and Dealing with Anxiety

    I have an important topic to cover this week that I think many of us are feeling right now or have felt at some point during this pandemic: anxiety. Most of us blow right by anxiety and right into behaviors, denying those feelings, or avoiding the work to process it. I'm going to challenge you to notice where anxiety has showed up in your life right now. Then I'll share how to better understand your anxiety and work through it.

    Have a question you want me to answer on an upcoming podcast? Submit it anonymously here: https://bit.ly/35jTfiX

    No Ego
    enMay 18, 2020

    Holding Space For Others and Making Amends

    Holding Space For Others and Making Amends

    This week, I want to talk about how we can hold space for others, widen our perspective of what others are going through, and not allow our ego to make quick judgments right now. I also want to discuss how we can make what I call repair attempts (AKA: mulligans, do-overs, making amends!) when we screw up.

    Join me on Facebook Live this week on Thursday, May 14 at Noon CST. https://bit.ly/2SNhEcy

    No Ego
    enMay 11, 2020

    What We’re Learning About Ourselves

    What We’re Learning About Ourselves

    Boy, are we learning a lot about ourselves and others during this quarantine! Have you stopped to notice and pay attention? This podcast is all about listening to what you have discovered about yourself during this time. What has been better? What has been worse? What has surprised you? The more we tune into how this time has changed us, the more we can grow.

    Ask me your questions on this week's Facebook Live on Thursday, May 7, 12:00 PM CST: https://bit.ly/3d05ox1

    No Ego
    enMay 04, 2020

    Processing ALL Your Emotions

    Processing ALL Your Emotions

    Today's podcast is a rapid-fire of questions all related to how we're doing - emotionally - during this pandemic. No two people are experiencing this pandemic alike. While some have too much time and feel lonely, others are overwhelmed and wish they had more time. Still, some others are losing their jobs and those they love most, causing incredible grief and stress. One thing is for sure is that we are getting a good lesson in how to process all of these emotions. I hope this episode will help you do just that.

    Join me on Facebook Live on Wednesday, April 29 for live Q&A: https://bit.ly/2Kw0GuN

    No Ego
    enApril 27, 2020

    Getting Perspective

    Getting Perspective

    Two themes are emerging for me in your pandemic questions this week: finding space for others and getting perspective. Our egos are flaring up right now and seeing insult where there isn't any, and we have to be ready to combat it.

    Q's answered:

    1. I am a nurse manager. How can I give good communication to my team and help them focus on the task at hand when there is so much fear, anxiety, and stress?
    2. My director is micro-managing me and not letting our team do our jobs.
    3. What are your tips for defusing my anger when I get unwanted feedback?

    Join me on Facebook Live this Thursday, April 23 12:00 PM CST

    No Ego
    enApril 20, 2020

    Finding Peace Amongst the Chaos

    Finding Peace Amongst the Chaos

    This week I'm answering 4 of your questions as we continue to find our way through this challenging time. My biggest hope is that you can find peace amidst the chaos.

    Questions answered:

    - I want to continue working from home, while my co-workers are at the office. How do I ask for what I need?

    - I feel anxious and distracted working at home right now. How can I refocus and get back to productive work?

    - I am extroverted and realize that I get a lot of my motivation and confidence from others. How can I nip that insecurity in the bud and stop being such people pleaser?

    - How can I help my team and co-workers rise above the chaos, drama, and anxiety and stay focused on the task at hand?

    Join me on Facebook Live this Thursday, 4/16 12:00 PM CST https://bit.ly/2Vkv7ca

    No Ego
    enApril 13, 2020