
    Not Safe For Worker Placement Podcast

    We're Married and we talk $#!+ about board games!
    en38 Episodes

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    Episodes (38)

    Episode 37- Blorange Is The New Black

    Episode 37- Blorange Is The New Black

    Oh you... don't give me that look. I know that look, you're wondering where we've been but you're not going to ask. Power move. Respect. But... We can't go out like suckers so we're not about to spill those beans. We could be here awhile. Okay, well played, we'll tell you what we've been up to BUT only in the form of this 2+ hour podcast! Ha! Who has the upper hand now, huh? Alright I guess I'll tell you a bit about what's in the episode BUT ONLY a taste! We talk a ton of games including: Dark Domains, Everdell, Isle Of Skye, Smallworld and many more! Plus we talk about a handful more games from awesome publisher Blue Orange Games! On top of all that we've got some Meepleofmadness Music Minute selections AND a silly IRL segment! All that and one mega blooper that brought the episode to a screeching halt! So... what have you been up to?

    Episode 36 - Party Like It's 2020: Full Sight

    Episode 36 - Party Like It's 2020: Full Sight

    Ho, Ho, Holy crap! We're back with a content packed Holiday episode for your bloated, family weary ears! It's review after review broken only by some charming chime-in's from some show favorites, Jamey Stegmaier, Jerry Hawthorne and even good 'ol Stephen Spang! We learn that winning is everything for at least one of us and you'll definitely want to stick around to the bitter end to see how we coin our motto for this illustrious new year, 2020: Full Sight! It might make slightly more sense afterwards... then again, it may not.

    Episode 35 - Prawn With The Wind

    Episode 35 - Prawn With The Wind

    Well G'day fair listener! It's a wonderfully crackin' day for a walkabout in the bush! True blue! Okay I'm done and I'm sorry. We're just so damn excited to be back talking shit about board games with ya mates! This episode we make up for our prolonged hiatus by giving you an extra large installment stuffed fuller than a vegemite sandy! We talk with the fantastic guys responsible for the even more fantastic Scoffton board game all the way from Australia. But do we give you that hot steaming goodness right away? No we make ya sweat by feeding you the hottest game reviews this side of the equator. We also talk about our experiences at both Moon City Con and Stonemaier Design Day! Plus we bring back the fan favorite @meepleofmadness Music Minute and IRL! It's truly more episode than you can cram in your marsupial pouch. So sit back grab a luke warm Foster's and tell your baby to quit catching snakes in the yard, so you can relax and enjoy this, the 35th episode of the world famous Not Safe For Worker Placement Podcast!

    Episode 34 - Let's Kick This Pig!

    Episode 34 - Let's Kick This Pig!

    Change dear listener, it's fundamental. The entirety of the universe tends inexorably towards a state that is changed from it's previous 0ne. Entropy pulls at the very fabric of reality so it's no surprise that we couldn't resist it. Wow, deep, I know... (turns chair backward and sits astride it) Listen kids, your mother and I... .... .... Are changing the format of the world famous Not Safe For Worker Placement Podcast. Hold on now, we can still talk about board games, hell we'll talk a lot about em. But we're not gonna have as much time together as we used to. We'll make the best of the time we do have though. We'll talk about Dragonsgate Collage, Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell, Orleans. Hell we'll even talk about Tortuga 1667, then we'll get ice cream. It'll be cool. I'm cool right? Well anyway, remember what I always say, "Let's kick this pig and throw it into overdrive!"

    Episode 33 - The Wrath Of Con

    Episode 33 - The Wrath Of Con

    Dear listener, another con season is upon us and to prepare you for the turbulent waters of social interaction we bring you one nerds harrowing journey to the Mid-West's Mecca of board gaming madness, Geekway To The West! In this episode our very own inept, uh excuse me, intrepid correspondent gives you the skinny on what makes a great convention like this possible. Getting the goods straight from the horses mouth and sharing his daily journal of gaming goodness with you. All that as well as a featured review of Stonemaier Games' long awaited Euphoria expansion, Ignorance Is Bliss! But wait, there's more! More what you ask? More music throughout to help you fill out that convention carpool playlist so you can stop driving your friends crazy with Burt Bacharach's Greatest Hits! (*No Burt Bacharachs were harmed in the making of this episode*)

    Episode 32 - Lord Of The Rims

    Episode 32 - Lord Of The Rims

    We're back from a trip to The Outer Rim or what some call the cities of Chicago & Cocoa Beach. They were definitely hives of scum and villainy but some booty was collected! In this double sized episode you will hear all about our booty! Get your filthy mind out of the gutter, we're simply referring to our asses. Geez! As well as that, we review Star Wars: Outer Rim and LOTR: Journeys In Middle Earth and feature a fantastic interview with Malorie & Ryan Laukat of Red Raven Games! Then in The Meeple of Madness Music Minute we steer you towards some sweet tunes to shake your own booty to by Alice Merton and Nick Thorburn! Sound like too much awesomeness for one episode? Well it is, that's why we're charging double. You're welcome:)

    Episode 31- Board Under A Bad Sign

    Episode 31- Board Under A Bad Sign

    You know, when life gives you lemons? Then life just squeezes those suckers right into your open eyeball? You know that feeling listener? Well we're mad as hell and we're not gonna take it... for... much longer. We're fired up about our first world problems in this, the 31st episode of the world famous Not Safe For Worker Placement Podcast! We vent and then get on to an episode full of nothing but hot takes and even hotter game reviews! We'll give ya the skinny on such scintillating titles as: Call To Adventure, Root, Calimala, 7 Wonders Duel, Koi and (I'm not kidding) many more! So join us in telling life to shove its caustic citrus fruits in its own sensitive orifices and enjoy this lively episode!

    Episode 30 - Live N' Hawt

    Episode 30 - Live N' Hawt

    So like every great band that gets old enough to have a live album we refuse to use our real age. Despite calling this the 29th episode multiple times, it is in fact dear listener, the 30th & first live episode of the world famous Not Safe For Worker Placement Podcast! Now light a candle and put on your hi-fi headphones to enjoy the panoramic sounds of board gaming media's number one shills as we promote Moon City Con 2019! We cover a ton of great games and offer amazing deals so be awesome like Frampton Comes Alive and not super lame like any live KISS album and download or stream this now before the inferior bootlegs pervade the scene!

    Episode - 29 B-Day Invasion

    Episode - 29 B-Day Invasion

    ***BREAKING NEWS!!*** We have received word from the front that B-Day has begun. Details are scarce but from what we've been hearing our Birthday Boy is taking it on the chin. We believed that he had a good plan of attack and was going to take the enemy by surprise but the enemy has fought back fiercely with a bad attitude and it's really throwing the Birthday Boy off balance. We'll return every hour on the hour to update this situation. Good luck Birthday Boy and Godspeed.

      Hola faithful listners! We're back again to talk board games, board games & you guessed it... Bird watching. We'll tell you all about such gems as Kami Sama, Auztralia, Tokyo Highway, Euphoria, Concordia & and last but not least, The Blue Footed Booby!

      So sit back grab your opera glasses and a cup of herbal tea and be prepared to spit it all over yourself with this episode of the world famous Not Safe For Worker Placement Podcast!

    Episode 28 - Dungeons & Drag Queens: The Ballad Of Bento & Ree

    Episode 28 - Dungeons & Drag Queens: The Ballad Of Bento & Ree

    The honorific of epic is bestowed somewhat freely these days but never has it been more well deserved than for Episode 28 of your prodigal son of podcasts, The NSFWP Podcast! Not only do we talk in-depth about four of the best heavy euro games we have played in quite awhile, Wendake, Brass: Birmingham, Trickerion & Newton, we also have a featured segment about the journey of game design! BE FOREWARNED: Don't skip out before IRL where the epic tag is truly earned as we spin a fable the likes of which would make Asop blush! So tell your phone to stop warning you about hearing damage and crank this sucker up!

    Zombies & Vampires & Aliens, Oh My!

    Zombies & Vampires & Aliens, Oh My!

    Hello all you Jack and Jacqueline O'Lantern's out there! Who knew so many pumpkins were Irish? I digress, the aforementioned greeting was intended to welcome you to this, the 27th episode of the world famously scary Not Safe For Worker Placement Podcast! In this Halloweeny and... Don't think of it as short, think of it as fun-sized like Peter Dinklage, episode; we are excited to have returning haunters Stephen Spang and Jamey Stegmaier as well as Theo the Geekygaymer Guy chilling and thrilling with us! We'll talk about our favorite spoopy games and try not to bore you to deeeaaaathh (insert ghosty sound effects) Okay I'll leave the terrib--wonderful joke telling to Steve! Meet ya in the graveyard, I'll bring the whiskey so we'll be sure to interact with at least some spirits!

    Episode 26 - You Sneezed On My Point Salad!

    Episode 26 - You Sneezed On My Point Salad!

    So the time comes again for another episode of the world famous Not Safe For Worker Placement Podcast but alas, it's not there... you wait another few days... no dice. Well the lazy MF'rs here at NSFWP central have finally gotten into gear and produced another dazzlingly informative and entertaining episode for you. Even more chalked full of vitamins and minerals than usual to make up for the delay! We talk $#!+ about such fabulous games as: Scarabya, My Little Scythe, Tesla Vs Edison Duel, Petrichor and many more! We even bring you a Kickstarter preview of a fantastic new worker placement game, Scoffton as well as our long awaited Western Legends review! So tune in, turn on and drop trow because we got a load of board game goodness coming your way, weather you like it or not!

    Episode 25 - I'm Leaving The Room

    Episode 25 - I'm Leaving The Room

    Hi and welcome back to our masterclass series: Teaching Board Games For Masochists! We've all been in this situation right? You're teaching a game to a group of humans and one of the creatures chimes in with a categorically false conjecture. You then gently, oh so gently, but firmly like the caress of an orangutan, tell them to stay out of it. Teaching this game is your job after all, you began speaking first! How dare they? Then what happens, they get upset right? If by upset you mean they attempt to burrow into your very soul with eyes so hot you feel as if you are staring into the brimstone coals of Satan's very testicles? Then yes, they get upset. Would you like to know how to handle this in a way that doesn't result in a silent four hour car ride home? Well call the number on your screen now and for just ten easy payments of $79.99 I'll send you my sure fire system on 12 audio cassettes and you'll be off that couch and sleeping in your own bed again in no time or your money back! (no refunds, exchanges, or liability outside the Democratic Republic of Congo)

    Episode 24 - Tim Tam Tastic

    Episode 24 - Tim Tam Tastic

    G'day mates! And might I add that I am really getting a kick out of that hat your wearing! In this fantastic & gargantuan sized installment of the (Now legitimately) world famous Not Safe For Worker Placement Podcast we open some correspondence from board gaming's most strategically turtley continent Australia! Oh, what wonders will spill forth from this cardboard treasure trove? Hint: They're Australia's #1 export and responsible for 97.3% of the country's GDP. After gorging ourselves we get around to talking about so many games it would blow the shrimp right off your barbie! (Or the prawns, if you're in the know) We'll talk Founders Of Gloomhaven plus an extensive and tense review of Rising Sun and literally everything in between. So hug the closest Koala bear at hand (but wear gloves, those things are riddled with Chlamydia) and get ready for us to bring the thunder from down under! Well, Maurice takes care of that, as usual...

    Episode 23 - Near Sighted and Far Flung

    Episode 23 - Near Sighted and Far Flung

    Ask yourself a question dear listener, Near OR Far? Harder than it seems right? We here at the world famous Not Safe For Worker Placement feel torment of your inner conflict. What if we were to tell you that it's now possible for you to have both? What, have your cake AND throw it in your mother-in-laws face? With the help of this fantastic new board game Near and Far all this is not only possible but down right plausible! In this episode we will take you on a journey inside the world that designer Ryan Laukat has created and give you a peek at the wonders waiting to be discovered! But wait, there's more! We also discuss a brutally competitive new deck building arena combat game, Carthage! Can you survive Rome's bloodiest spectacle armed only with a Heavy Scotum? It's a question we must all ask ourselves sooner or later... In the @meepleofmadness Music Minute we turn you onto Casablanca, a fantastic stoner/eighties hair metal band that you will not be able to deny! All these depths and more are yours to explore in this the 23rd episode of the NSFWP Podcast! Gather your gems and cinch your sack, it's gonna be a wild ride!

    Ep22- Err Of The Dog

    Ep22- Err Of The Dog

    Well listeners, the hazy afterglow of our celebratory episode 21 has faded and given way to the mother of all content hangovers. We tried to valiantly fight through the pain and dull the effects with coffee and forced smiles but in the end we did what all hard-core, truth accepting podcasts must do when faced with non-productivity... We got drunk and recorded a new episode! Don't worry you probably won't even notice, it's not like we have a track record of flawlessly professional recordings to compare it to. In this episode we giveaway a copy of Scythe from Stonemaier Games as well as talk extensively of all the games we've been playing including: Royals, Bunny Kingdom, Inbetween, Cold Water Crown, Yamatai & many more! Plus Ben regales you with tales of Geekway To The West 2018 and in our Meepleofmadness Music Minute we feature great tunes by Nick Waterhouse & Chicano Batman! Finally in IRL, Leeandra talks about her latest adventures in China & Ben sets the bar of good parenting surprisingly low! All that & more is poised to sail straight into your auditory canals, so sit back, take two aspirin & a cocktail and call me in the morning!

    Scythe Scythe Baby

    Scythe Scythe Baby

    The time is nigh once again dear alternate history agrarian, village dwelling listener! Put on your steam powered headphones and work tirelessly for your gov't to the sounds of episode 21 of Europa's #1 podcast (Take that Mark Maron) the world famous Not Safe For Worker Placement Podcast! Keep your wits about you though and don't be underfoot when that giant black mech stomps through you wheat field, you know close behind is the big smelly guy with the pointy hat, oh and the giant wolf! Your definitely starting to regret planting this close to the factory! In this episode we rock a Scythe like a vandal and interview the co-founder of Stonemaier Games, Jamey Stegmaier! We talk about his design influences, his thoughts on Kickstarter and get the inside scoop on what's next for Stonemair! We also dive deep into his biggest game, Scythe with a Beginners guide to playing it and tie that all together with a giveaway contest for a brand new copy of the game! Also there's a new 4M music segment and we ramble in IRL...Whew that's a lot. But you've got all day to listen while you toil in this field so lay down and boogie and play that 4X board game til ya die

    Episode 20 - You Can Can A Tuna But You Can't Tune A Con

    Episode 20 - You Can Can A Tuna But You Can't Tune A Con

    Quick listener, roll a dexterity check! Oh, a 6 you say? Well let's just say you get smacked up side your head by a big 'ol sack of The Not Safe For Worker Placement Podcast! You shouldn't have multi-classed as a Sorcerer, everyone knows they are chumps. Oh well, take that sucking head wound as a lesson and cheer up buckaroo because we have got quite the show for you! This episode we talk our recent D&D adventure, what other games we've been playing, bring you an all new music segment and give an extensive recap of Moon City Con 2018! The anecdotes are flowing like the crimson blood over your face as we thank everyone who came out and made the convention as excellent as a well placed melee attack to the cranium! Health Potion? Drink em if you got em and sit back and relax to the soothing sounds of episode 20. Don't you dare fall asleep though, you most likely have a severe concussion.

    Lizards & Liches & Ball Gags, Oh My!

    Lizards & Liches & Ball Gags, Oh My!

    Hello adventurous listeners! It's time once again to embark upon an epic quest otherwise known as episode 19 of the world famous Not Safe For Worker Placement Podcast! This episode we're talking about role playing, no not the kind you found out your aunt and uncle were into. "Hey Auntie, I was looking for a sweater in your closet and wow, I had no idea you were so into cosplay, that's really cool!" Auntie,"Uh... What's cosplay?" No, we're talking about Role Playing Games! DnD and beyond! Join us as we bring you an actual play DnD 5th edition segment that is fully (some might say overly) produced. And get a glimpse at how Leeandra and I got into this hobby in the first place. They say one is the loneliest number but I'm here to tell you two can be as bad as one when the the two are us and you add funny shaped dice! Join us for this grand adventure!