
    Nourishing Women Podcast

    The Nourishing Women Podcast is a women’s health podcast on all things intuitive eating, body image, holistic healing, wellness and so much more. The Nourishing Women Podcast is hosted by Victoria Myers, the dietitian, co-founder and owner of Nourishing Minds Nutrition, a virtual private practice and online education resource that specializes in empowering women to ditch the diets, heal their digestion, regulate their hormones and learn to practice wellness without obsession. This podcast is meant to help educate, inspire and empower you to live your life to the fullest.
    enVictoria Myers407 Episodes

    Episodes (407)

    448: If You Haven't Gotten Your Period Back, Here's the #1 Reason Why

    448: If You Haven't Gotten Your Period Back, Here's the #1 Reason Why

    You've had a missing period for awhile...6 months. 1 year. 10 years. 

    You know it's a problem, so you've read No Period, Now What. You've followed all the accounts. You've listened to the podcasts.

    And you get the general sense of what you need to do: eat more, exercise less. Seems easy enough, right?

    But ACTUALLY doing this, is anything but easy. So much fear, anxiety, stress and overwhelm happens for you when you try your best to follow this seemingly simple solution.

    If this is you, the last thing you need is MORE education. You need APPLICATION of your education. Listen to this episode to learn more about HA recovery, and DM me on Instagram the word PODCAST to save time and see if you're a good fit for private coaching!

    And don't forget, you can join private coaching with our month-long Black Friday discount for 15% off 3 and 6 month packages, now through November 30th.


    447: What Happens in Your Body When Your Period Goes Missing

    447: What Happens in Your Body When Your Period Goes Missing

    If you've been diagnosed or suspect you have hypothalamic amenorrhea, today's episode is for you! In this episode I explain the exact mechanisms that happen in your body when you cease menstruation, and how this relates to food intake and exercise.

    Today's episode is brought to you by Primally Pure. Primally Pure is the only skincare company I have used consistently, every single day, since 2017. My absolute favorite products are the fancy face serum, body butter, heal and tone spray and the gua sha stone. You can use the code NOURISHINGMINDSNUTRITION10 for 10% off every order!

    A few important announcements:

     -Private coaching offers you personalized support to reach your goals of food and body peace, consistent periods and amazing digestion. Our Black Friday deal begins TOMORROW ON NOVEMBER 1ST and is 15% off any package to work with Victoria. The Black Friday deal is the entire month of November, but you have to become a client in the month of November to receive the discount. Click here to learn more! 

    -Looking instead for eating disorder recovery support? Click here to learn about our individual eating disorder counseling sessions.

    -Help us grow the podcast! By leaving a written review and taking a screenshot of that review and emailing it to me at hello@nourishingmindsnutrition.com, I'll send you back your choice of the Meal Planning Guide, Gentle Nutrition Masterclass or Fear of Weight Gain Masterclass for completely free to say thank you.

    Let’s hang out! Connect with Victoria and the staff at NMN:

    Victoria’s Instagram and Tik Tok

    Nourishing Minds Nutrition Instagram

    Nourishing Minds Nutrition website


    446: 5 Steps to Take to Release Anxiety Over Halloween Candy

    446: 5 Steps to Take to Release Anxiety Over Halloween Candy

    In last week’s episode we covered what to do when all the Halloween candy makes you binge. This week I want to discuss what to do when the Halloween candy makes you feel intense anxiety.

    Because maybe for you, you’re so strict with yourself you won’t even allow yourself to eat a single piece of candy. Or maybe you’re fearful if you do allow it, you will binge eat the entire bag.

    Food anxiety and believing that certain foods, like candy, are SO bad for us that we should never consume them, it is an extremely common experience.

    If this is you, I promise your health will not be made or broken with eating candy. In today's episode, I give you 5 specific steps to follow if you have anxiety over halloween candy so that you can release that anxiety and feel excited about the holiday coming next week!

    Today's episode is brought to you by Primally Pure. Primally Pure is the only skincare company I have used consistently, every single day, since 2017. My absolute favorite products are the fancy face serum, body butter, heal and tone spray and the gua sha stone. You can use the code NOURISHINGMINDSNUTRITION10 for 10% off every order!

    A few important announcements:

    -Private coaching offers you personalized support to reach your goals of food and body peace, consistent periods and amazing digestion. We are currently accepting new clients for November and December. Click here to learn more! 

    -Looking instead for eating disorder recovery support? Click here to learn about our individual eating disorder counseling sessions.

    -Our newest free guide is the Body Trust Meditation. Use this meditation to learn how to trust your body and food choices, so that you can experience freedom with food.

    -Help us grow the podcast! By leaving a written review and taking a screenshot of that review and emailing it to me at hello@nourishingmindsnutrition.com, I'll send you back your choice of the Meal Planning Guide, Gentle Nutrition Masterclass or Fear of Weight Gain Masterclass for completely free to say thank you.

    Let’s hang out! Connect with Victoria and the staff at NMN:

    Victoria’s Instagram and Tik Tok

    Nourishing Minds Nutrition Instagram

    Nourishing Minds Nutrition website

    445: How to Avoid the Restrict Binge Seesaw on Halloween Candy

    445: How to Avoid the Restrict Binge Seesaw on Halloween Candy

    Do you feel out of control around off limit foods like halloween candy? Do you try to control the amount you eat, which inevitably leads to you binging every piece of candy in the house? If you can relate, today's episode is for you! Listen to learn how to avoid the restrict binge seesaw on halloween candy.

    Today's episode is brought to you by Primally Pure. Primally Pure is the only skincare company I have used consistently, every single day, since 2017. My absolute favorite products are the fancy face serum, body butter, heal and tone spray and the gua sha stone. You can use the code NOURISHINGMINDSNUTRITION10 for 10% off every order!

    A few important announcements:

    -Private coaching offers you personalized support to reach your goals of food and body peace, consistent periods and amazing digestion. Megan, our lead dietitian at Nourishing Minds Nutrition, is currently accepting new clients. Click here to learn more! 

    -Looking instead for eating disorder recovery support? Click here to learn about our individual eating disorder counseling sessions.

    -Our newest free guide is the Body Trust Meditation. Use this meditation to learn how to trust your body and food choices, so that you can experience freedom with food.

    -Help us grow the podcast! By leaving a written review and taking a screenshot of that review and emailing it to me at hello@nourishingmindsnutrition.com, I'll send you back your choice of the Meal Planning Guide, Gentle Nutrition Masterclass or Fear of Weight Gain Masterclass for completely free to say thank you.

    Let’s hang out! Connect with Victoria and the staff at NMN:

    Victoria’s Instagram and Tik Tok

    Nourishing Minds Nutrition Instagram

    Nourishing Minds Nutrition website


    Be Proud to Pass THIS On to Your Children

    Be Proud to Pass THIS On to Your Children

    In today's bonus episode, we talk about the importance of food and body peace so that you can pass on a healthy food and body relationship, and lifestyle, to your children. Something that you'd be proud to pass to them. Listen to learn more!

    Learn more about Food and Body Peace Playbook Fall Cohort HERE!

    Update: Enrollment deadline is now Tuesday 10/17! Join our fall cohort to be CONFIDENT you are stepping into the New Year with a completely new mindset towards food and your body AND health habits already in place to make 2024 the best year yet. THIS is what will allow you to be so proud to pass on a healthy food and body relationship, and lifestyle, to your children!

    Nourishing Women Podcast
    enOctober 12, 2023

    444: Change Your Mindset, Change Your Habits, Change Your Life

    444: Change Your Mindset, Change Your Habits, Change Your Life

    Change your mindset, change your habits, change your LIFE. Because our thoughts impact our actions. What you think will directly impact how you treat yourself.

    And if those thoughts are negative? Your health will be negatively impacted, too. If your mindset is that you're not enough, one where you are overly critical and harsh with yourself, imagine how this impacts you...

    It makes you end up neglecting or obsessing over your health. A life where you're going on diet after diet after diet, thinking there is something wrong with you. But inevitably, the diet fails and you feel like a failure, too. This is why you end up binge eating the peanut butter jar at night and eating all the kids' snacks when they go to bed at night.

    Or going on diet after diet after diet, because you too think something is wrong with you, leads you to absolute obsession. All you do is think about food and your body. It's 99% of the thoughts you have. You cannot even enjoy your life because food is all you ever think about.

    I know you want to feel good, to be healthy, but you don’t know how to eat and live without dieting. It’s all you’ve ever known. This mindset is all you've ever known.

    Imagine if we could change your mindset. A mindset is defined as a set of attitudes. So imagine if your set of attitudes was of peace, of acceptance and of trust in yourself.

    This is why inside Food & Body Peace Playbook, we provide you a playbook, a set of guidelines to follow, to change both your mindset and health habits.

    In this 8 week online course, we will change your mindset to change your habits so that you can change your life. With the tools and support provided in this online course, you’ll be able to live a healthy lifestyle that works with your body, not against it. And what this means to you? You’ll be forever free from dieting.

    And I'm so excited to announce that Food & Body Peace Playbook is OFFICIALLY OPEN FOR ENROLLMENT!

    You're a perfect fit for the program if you're ready to go *all in* to see the way you think and treat yourself change. You're ready for a new mindset that allows you to add more healthy habits in your life because you want to feel good. And you're especially a great fit if you're ready for a truly healthy lifestyle, a lifestyle AND food & body relationship, that you'd feel proud to pass on to your children. Enrollment is open now through 10/17!

    443: How to be Healthy Without Dieting

    443: How to be Healthy Without Dieting

    So you want to be healthy but you don't want to diet anymore? Actually, you realize the dieting is NOT making you healthy at all. So what do you do? How do you be healthy without dieting? You focus on your mindset AND habits, and if that sounds interesting to you, listen to today's episode to learn more!

    Today's episode is brought to you by Primally Pure. Primally Pure is the only skincare company I have used consistently, every single day, since 2017. My absolute favorite products are the fancy face serum, body butter, heal and tone spray and the gua sha stone. You can use the code NOURISHINGMINDSNUTRITION10 for 10% off every order!

    A few important announcements:

    -Private coaching offers you personalized support to reach your goals of food and body peace. Megan, our lead dietitian at Nourishing Minds Nutrition, is currently accepting new clients. Click here to learn more!

    -Looking instead for eating disorder recovery support? Click here to learn about our individual eating disorder counseling sessions.

    -Our newest free guide is the Body Trust Meditation. Use this meditation to learn how to trust your body and food choices, so that you can experience freedom with food.

    -Help us grow the podcast! By leaving a written review and taking a screenshot of that review and emailing it to me at hello@nourishingmindsnutrition.com, I'll send you back your choice of the Meal Planning Guide, Gentle Nutrition Masterclass or Fear of Weight Gain Masterclass for completely free to say thank you.

    Let’s hang out! Connect with Victoria and the staff at NMN:

    Victoria’s Instagram and Tik Tok

    Nourishing Minds Nutrition Instagram

    Nourishing Minds Nutrition website


    442: The Connection Between People Pleasing and Body Image

    442: The Connection Between People Pleasing and Body Image

    Have you ever considered that your concerns of how others perceive you is impacting your own body image? In today's podcast episode, we unpack many examples of how people pleasing shows up in our own body relationships.

    Don't forget the Body Glimmers Masterclass is THIS Saturday, September 23rd at 9am ET! Replay available to all who purchase, this is the final week to grab your ticket (this masterclass will not be available for purchase following the live event). 


    Today's episode is brought to you by Primally Pure. Primally Pure is the only skincare company I have used consistently, every single day, since 2017. My absolute favorite products are the fancy face serum, body butter, heal and tone spray and the gua sha stone. You can use the code NOURISHINGMINDSNUTRITION10 for 10% off every order!

    A few important announcements:

    -Private coaching offers you personalized support to reach your goals of food and body peace. Megan, our lead dietitian at Nourishing Minds Nutrition, is currently accepting new clients. Click here to learn more! 

    -Looking instead for eating disorder recovery support? Click here to learn about our individual eating disorder counseling sessions.

    -Our newest free guide is the Body Trust Meditation. Use this meditation to learn how to trust your body and food choices, so that you can experience freedom with food.

    -Help us grow the podcast! By leaving a written review and taking a screenshot of that review and emailing it to me at hello@nourishingmindsnutrition.com, I'll send you back your choice of the Meal Planning Guide, Gentle Nutrition Masterclass or Fear of Weight Gain Masterclass for completely free to say thank you.

    Let’s hang out! Connect with Victoria and the staff at NMN:

    Victoria’s Instagram and Tik Tok

    Nourishing Minds Nutrition Instagram

    Nourishing Minds Nutrition website

    441: Why Body Discomfort like Bloating + Period Cramps Cause Bad Body Image Days

    441: Why Body Discomfort like Bloating + Period Cramps Cause Bad Body Image Days

    There is a way you can have days where you're bloated or on your period and not let it influence how you THINK and TREAT your body. The Body Glimmers Masterclass is a deep dive into the specifics of how to feel more daily appreciation for your body.

    This will allow you to move through negative feelings towards your body, especially on days where youre bloated or on your period, so that you can still think and treat your body with the care and respect it deserves.

    And what this really means? How you eat, move your body, care for your health is not dictated by your body image, mood or body discomfort of the day. You can still care for your body no matter the obstacle of the day.

    CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE  YOUR TICKET FOR THE LIVE MASTERCLASS! (replay available to all who purchase)

    Listen to today's episode to learn WHY body discomfort like bloating and period cramps cause such bad body image days, and what you can do to move through that discomfort more easily.

    Today's episode is brought to you by Primally Pure. Primally Pure is the only skincare company I have used consistently, every single day, since 2017. My absolute favorite products are the fancy face serum, body butter, heal and tone spray and the gua sha stone. You can use the code NOURISHINGMINDSNUTRITION10 for 10% off every order!

    A few important announcements:

    -Private coaching offers you personalized support to reach your goals of food and body peace. Megan, our lead dietitian at Nourishing Minds Nutrition, is currently accepting new clients. Click here to learn more! -

    -Looking instead for eating disorder recovery support? Click here to learn about our individual eating disorder counseling sessions.

    -Our newest free guide is the Body Trust Meditation. Use this meditation to learn how to trust your body and food choices, so that you can experience freedom with food.

    -Help us grow the podcast! By leaving a written review and taking a screenshot of that review and emailing it to me at hello@nourishingmindsnutrition.com, I'll send you back your choice of the Meal Planning Guide, Gentle Nutrition Masterclass or Fear of Weight Gain Masterclass for completely free to say thank you.

    Let’s hang out! Connect with Victoria and the staff at NMN:

    Victoria’s Instagram and Tik Tok

    Nourishing Minds Nutrition Instagram

    Nourishing Minds Nutrition website


    440: Breaking Free from the 'Bounce Back' Myth (And the Many Reasons This is So Hard!)

    440: Breaking Free from the 'Bounce Back' Myth (And the Many Reasons This is So Hard!)

    This episode is for all my postpartum mamas out there! There are SO many reasons postpartum body image can be so tough, and in today's episode we will talk about examples from my own personal experience, and stories you've shared with me, so that you can break free from the bounce back myth.

    If you are struggling with postpartum body image, don't forget to purchase your ticket to the Body Glimmers Masterclass. The masterclass will be live on Saturday, September 23rd at 9am ET with a replay available to all who purchase. In this masterclass, I'll help you work through your triggers in the postpartum, so that you can experience daily body glimmers (feeling appreciation for your body) and feel more comfortable in your here and now body.

    Today's episode is brought to you by Primally Pure. Primally Pure is the only skincare company I have used consistently, every single day, since 2017. My absolute favorite products are the fancy face serum, body butter, heal and tone spray and the gua sha stone. You can use the code NOURISHINGMINDSNUTRITION10 for 10% off every order!

    A few important announcements:

    -Private coaching offers you personalized support to reach your goals of food and body peace. Megan, our lead dietitian at Nourishing Minds Nutrition, is currently accepting new clients. Click here to learn more! 

    -Looking instead for eating disorder recovery support? Click here to learn about our individual eating disorder counseling sessions.

    -Our newest free guide is the Body Trust Meditation. Use this meditation to learn how to trust your body and food choices, so that you can experience freedom with food.

    -Help us grow the podcast! By leaving a written review and taking a screenshot of that review and emailing it to me at hello@nourishingmindsnutrition.com, I'll send you back your choice of the Meal Planning Guide, Gentle Nutrition Masterclass or Fear of Weight Gain Masterclass for completely free to say thank you.

    Let’s hang out! Connect with Victoria and the staff at NMN:

    Victoria’s Instagram and Tik Tok

    Nourishing Minds Nutrition Instagram

    Nourishing Minds Nutrition website

    439: When It’s the End of Summer and You Still Hate Your Body (Listen to Learn How to Change That!)

    439: When It’s the End of Summer and You Still Hate Your Body (Listen to Learn How to Change That!)

    The Body Glimmers Masterclass is happening Saturday, September 23rd at 9am ET, listen to today’s episode to learn more!


    This episode is airing the week before Labor Day weekend. Which means its the end of summer, and we are slowly but surely entering into the fall season. But I want to rewind for a moment and take us back to before the summer.


    Because I would bet many of you listening to this episode went into this summer trying to change your body in order to feel comfortable in your body this summer. Let’s talk about why this happens and how to change that! This to learn more AND learn about our brand new masterclass, the Body Glimmers Masterclass.


    Masterclasses are an affordable way to learn and grow in a specific topic AND get coached directly by me. I’ll teach for about 60 minutes, and then open the floor for 30 minutes of coaching. 


    In this Body Glimmers Masterclass I’ll help you:

    -Understand your personal triggers so that you can easily identify when they’re happening in real time,

    -Cope with the highs and lows of how your feel about your body on a daily basis,

    -Give you a step by step process to reframe your thoughts so you can rewire your brain to gratitude for your body,

    -AND transform the way you think about your body, that way you can experience more body glimmers every day of your life.


    This masterclass will be held on Saturday, September 23rd at 9am!! Tickets go on sale Wednesday 8/30 and will be only $20 for the first 72 hours. After that ticket price goes up to $27.


    Today's episode is brought to you by Primally Pure. Primally Pure is the only skincare company I have used consistently, every single day, since 2017. My absolute favorite products are the fancy face serum, body butter, heal and tone spray and the gua sha stone. You can use the code NOURISHINGMINDSNUTRITION10 for 10% off every order!


    A few important announcements:

    -Private coaching offers you personalized support to reach your goals of food and body peace. Megan, our lead dietitian at Nourishing Minds Nutrition, is currently accepting new clients. Click here to learn more!

    -Looking instead for eating disorder recovery support?  Click here to learn about our individual eating disorder counseling sessions.

    -Our newest free guide is the Body Trust Meditation. Use this meditation to learn how to trust your body and food choices, so that you can experience freedom with food.

    -Help us grow the podcast! By leaving a written review and taking a screenshot of that review and emailing it to me at hello@nourishingmindsnutrition.com, I'll send you back your choice of the Meal Planning Guide, Gentle Nutrition Masterclass or Fear of Weight Gain Masterclass for completely free to say thank you.


    Let’s hang out! Connect with Victoria and the staff at NMN:

    Victoria’s Instagram and Tik Tok

    Nourishing Minds Nutrition Instagram

    Nourishing Minds Nutrition website


    438: I'm Back! My Birth Story, Life Update and Q&A on Baby #2!

    438: I'm Back! My Birth Story, Life Update and Q&A on Baby #2!

    I'm back with a brand NEW episode now that I'm officially back from maternity leave! In today's episode I share a personal life update with you including my birth story, what life is like right now and answering your questions about life with two kids. I'll be honest I laughed pretty hard listening back to this episode in preparation to release it, you can definitely tell I have mom brain! Enjoy the multiple wrong words used (my cervix did indeed dilate, I just never had it checked) and hope you love the personal episode.

    Today's episode is brought to you by Primally Pure. Primally Pure is the only skincare company I have used consistently, every single day, since 2017. My absolute favorite products are the fancy face serum, body butter, heal and tone spray and the gua sha stone. You can use the code NOURISHINGMINDSNUTRITION10 for 10% off every order!

    A few important announcements:

    • Private coaching offers you personalized support to reach your goals of food and body peace. Megan, our lead dietitian at Nourishing Minds Nutrition, is currently accepting new clients and has 4 spots open to work with her in SeptemberClick here to learn more! 

    • Our newest free guide is the Body Trust Meditation. Use this meditation to learn how to trust your body and food choices, so that you can experience freedom with food.

    • Help us grow the podcast! By leaving a written review and taking a screenshot of that review and emailing it to me at hello@nourishingmindsnutrition.com, I'll send you back your choice of the Meal Planning Guide, Gentle Nutrition Masterclass or Fear of Weight Gain Masterclass for completely free to say thank you.

    Let’s hang out! Connect with me and the staff at NMN:

    Victoria’s Instagram and Tik Tok

    Nourishing Minds Nutrition Instagram

    Nourishing Minds Nutrition website


    437: PCOS: How a Non-diet Approach Differs from a Traditional Approach with Megan Perez RD/N and Client Alexandra

    437: PCOS: How a Non-diet Approach Differs from a Traditional Approach with Megan Perez RD/N and Client Alexandra

    Exciting announcement! Victoria will be back to work in early September and currently has 3 spots available for private coaching packages to work with her. These very limited spots and first come, first serve!

    Listen to today’s podcast episode to hear such an incredible conversation with lead dietitian, Megan Perez, and her client Alexandra. Alexandra is herself is a certified intuitive eating counselor, and when she was diagnosed with PCOS decided to work with Megan to approach her diagnosis from an anti-diet, intuitive eating lens. 

    Alexandra’s Instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/intuitivelyalexandra/


    A few important announcements:

    • Private coaching offers you personalized support to reach your goals of food and body peace. Megan, our lead dietitian at Nourishing Minds Nutrition, is currently accepting new clients. Click here to learn more!

    • Our newest free guide is the Body Trust Meditation. Use this meditation to learn how to trust your body and food choices, so that you can experience freedom with food.
    • Help us grow the podcast! By leaving a written review and taking a screenshot of that review and emailing it to me at hello@nourishingmindsnutrition.com, I'll send you back your choice of the Meal Planning Guide, Gentle Nutrition Masterclass or Fear of Weight Gain Masterclass for completely free to say thank you.


    Let’s hang out! Connect with Victoria and the staff at NMN:

    Victoria’s Instagram and Tik Tok

    Nourishing Minds Nutrition Instagram

    Nourishing Minds Nutrition website





    Nourishing Women Podcast
    enAugust 08, 2023

    436: The Reasons for These 3 PCOS Symptoms with Megan Perez RD/N

    436: The Reasons for These 3 PCOS Symptoms with Megan Perez RD/N

    Exciting announcement! Victoria will be back to work in early September and currently has 3 spots available for private coaching packages to work with her. These very limited spots and first come, first serve!

    Listen to today’s podcast episode to learn from our lead dietitian, Megan Perez, why these three common PCOS symptoms happen and how to manage them through an anti-diet, intuitive eating lens!


    A few important announcements:

    • Private coaching offers you personalized support to reach your goals of food and body peace. Megan, our lead dietitian at Nourishing Minds Nutrition, is currently accepting new clients. Click here to learn more!

    • Our newest free guide is the Body Trust Meditation. Use this meditation to learn how to trust your body and food choices, so that you can experience freedom with food.
    • Help us grow the podcast! By leaving a written review and taking a screenshot of that review and emailing it to me at hello@nourishingmindsnutrition.com, I'll send you back your choice of the Meal Planning Guide, Gentle Nutrition Masterclass or Fear of Weight Gain Masterclass for completely free to say thank you.


    Let’s hang out! Connect with Victoria and the staff at NMN:

    Victoria’s Instagram and Tik Tok

    Nourishing Minds Nutrition Instagram

    Nourishing Minds Nutrition website

    Nourishing Women Podcast
    enAugust 01, 2023

    435: Best of: How to Dress Yourself To Feel Confident & Comfortable in Your Body with Megan LaRussa Chenoweth

    435: Best of: How to Dress Yourself To Feel Confident & Comfortable in Your Body with Megan LaRussa Chenoweth

    In this best of episode I have guest and style coach, Megan LaRussa Chenoweth on the show. Megan’s mission as a Style Coach is to empower, educate and inspire women to dress for the life they desire. She has worked with hundreds of women through VIP 1:1 Style Coaching, and her online Style Yourself Chic programs to help them dress to showcase their best self, and feel confident wherever the day takes them.

    In this episode we discuss:

    • Megan shares who she is and the work she does as a style coach.
    • Megan’s mission to empower, educate and inspire real women just like you to dress for the life you desire.
    • Why clothing can make such a difference in improving body image, helping you feel confident and comfortable.
    • The Style Yourself Chic method to dress yourself and dress for each body type.
    • How to curate your closet for a wardrobe you absolutely love.
    • How Megan practices wellness without obsession.


    A few important announcements:

    • Private coaching offers you personalized support to reach your goals of food and body peace. Megan, our lead dietitian at Nourishing Minds Nutrition, is currently accepting new clients. Click here to learn more!

    • Our newest free guide is the Body Trust Meditation. Use this meditation to learn how to trust your body and food choices, so that you can experience freedom with food.
    • Help us grow the podcast! By leaving a written review and taking a screenshot of that review and emailing it to me at hello@nourishingmindsnutrition.com, I'll send you back your choice of the Meal Planning Guide, Gentle Nutrition Masterclass or Fear of Weight Gain Masterclass for completely free to say thank you.


    Let’s hang out! Connect with Victoria and the staff at NMN:

    Victoria’s Instagram and Tik Tok

    Nourishing Minds Nutrition Instagram

    Nourishing Minds Nutrition website

    434: Best of: How OCD Impacts Orthorexia Recovery with Mimi Cole

    434: Best of: How OCD Impacts Orthorexia Recovery with Mimi Cole

    In this best of episode guest and therapist, Mimi Cole, shares about her passion educating on OCD through her own lived experience and research. Mimi shares in this episode what exactly is OCD, how this differentiates from someone who is organized or just “so OCD” and some specific examples of how OCD manifests. We also chat at length how OCD connects to orthorexia and what recovery with OCD and an eating disorder looks like.

    In this episode we discuss:

    • Mimi walks us through her journey to decide to go back to school to become a mental health counselor.
    • What exactly is OCD and what differentiates OCD from the desire to just be organized.
    • Most common examples of how OCD manifests and how to know if you are potentially struggling with OCD.
    • The connection between OCD and disordered eating such as orthorexia.
    • If someone with an ED also had OCD needs to know about treatment and recovery.
    • Why Mimi’s IG account is called the lovely becoming and her goal to create a community for humans who are becoming.
    • How Mimi practices wellness without obsession?


    A few important announcements:

    • Private coaching offers you personalized support to reach your goals of food and body peace. Megan, our lead dietitian at Nourishing Minds Nutrition, is currently accepting new clients. Click here to learn more!

    • Our newest free guide is the Body Trust Meditation. Use this meditation to learn how to trust your body and food choices, so that you can experience freedom with food.
    • Help us grow the podcast! By leaving a written review and taking a screenshot of that review and emailing it to me at hello@nourishingmindsnutrition.com, I'll send you back your choice of the Meal Planning Guide, Gentle Nutrition Masterclass or Fear of Weight Gain Masterclass for completely free to say thank you.


    Let’s hang out! Connect with Victoria and the staff at NMN:

    Victoria’s Instagram and Tik Tok

    Nourishing Minds Nutrition Instagram

    Nourishing Minds Nutrition website

    433: Best of: How to Have More Orgasms with Sex Therapist Vanessa Marin

    433: Best of: How to Have More Orgasms with Sex Therapist Vanessa Marin

    In this best of episode, we are here to release the shame and taboo around ALL conversations that surround women’s health, including sex education. In this episode, guest and sex expert and therapist Vanessa Marin, shares how to have more orgasms and improve your sex life.

    In this episode we discuss:

    • When Vanessa knew she wanted to study sex therapy as she was becoming a psychotherapist.
    • I have a lot of women who listen to the show struggle with their relationships with their bodies. This can translate into a hard time being comfortable in the bedroom, speaking up for what they want, and pleasing others before themselves. Vanessa shares tips to help you begin to speak up for yourself and your needs.
    • Where you start if you are not having enough orgasms, and how to know if you are having an orgasms.
    • How to speak up and share with your partner what you like and what feels good.
    • How Vanessa practices wellness without obsession.


    A few important announcements:

    • Private coaching offers you personalized support to reach your goals of food and body peace. Megan, our lead dietitian at Nourishing Minds Nutrition, is currently accepting new clients. Click here to learn more!

    • Our newest free guide is the Body Trust Meditation. Use this meditation to learn how to trust your body and food choices, so that you can experience freedom with food.
    • Help us grow the podcast! By leaving a written review and taking a screenshot of that review and emailing it to me at hello@nourishingmindsnutrition.com, I'll send you back your choice of the Meal Planning Guide, Gentle Nutrition Masterclass or Fear of Weight Gain Masterclass for completely free to say thank you.


    Let’s hang out! Connect with Victoria and the staff at NMN:

    Victoria’s Instagram and Tik Tok

    Nourishing Minds Nutrition Instagram

    Nourishing Minds Nutrition website