
    Nourishing Women Podcast

    The Nourishing Women Podcast is a women’s health podcast on all things intuitive eating, body image, holistic healing, wellness and so much more. The Nourishing Women Podcast is hosted by Victoria Myers, the dietitian, co-founder and owner of Nourishing Minds Nutrition, a virtual private practice and online education resource that specializes in empowering women to ditch the diets, heal their digestion, regulate their hormones and learn to practice wellness without obsession. This podcast is meant to help educate, inspire and empower you to live your life to the fullest.
    enVictoria Myers407 Episodes

    Episodes (407)

    432: Best of: Q&A on Birth Control for HA, Lab Values and How to Get Your Period Back

    432: Best of: Q&A on Birth Control for HA, Lab Values and How to Get Your Period Back

    Today’s best of episode is an Ask Me Anything Q&A with Kate, asking me your listener questions. In this episode we cover in detail birth control for hypothalamic amenorrhea (HA), how long it takes to recover from HA, how to heal from HA as a college athlete and lab values that confirm or deny HA.

    A few important announcements:

    • Private coaching offers you personalized support to reach your goals of food and body peace. Megan, our lead dietitian at Nourishing Minds Nutrition, is currently accepting new clients. Click here to learn more!

    • Our newest free guide is the Body Trust Meditation. Use this meditation to learn how to trust your body and food choices, so that you can experience freedom with food.
    • Help us grow the podcast! By leaving a written review and taking a screenshot of that review and emailing it to me at hello@nourishingmindsnutrition.com, I'll send you back your choice of the Meal Planning Guide, Gentle Nutrition Masterclass or Fear of Weight Gain Masterclass for completely free to say thank you.


    Let’s hang out! Connect with Victoria and the staff at NMN:

    Victoria’s Instagram and Tik Tok

    Nourishing Minds Nutrition Instagram

    Nourishing Minds Nutrition website

    431: Best of: 5 Ways Intuitive Eating Makes Vacation Even Better

    431:  Best of: 5 Ways Intuitive Eating Makes Vacation Even Better

    This episode was recorded after I recently traveled to Greece and felt so inspired by this trip and how intuitive eating (and body image healing) made my vacation even better, that I recorded this episode when I got back home. Listen to today’s episode to learn the 5 ways intuitive eating makes vacation EVEN better!

    A few important announcements:

    • Private coaching offers you personalized support to reach your goals of food and body peace. Megan, our lead dietitian at Nourishing Minds Nutrition, is currently accepting new clients. Click here to learn more!

    • Our newest free guide is the Body Trust Meditation. Use this meditation to learn how to trust your body and food choices, so that you can experience freedom with food.
    • Help us grow the podcast! By leaving a written review and taking a screenshot of that review and emailing it to me at hello@nourishingmindsnutrition.com, I'll send you back your choice of the Meal Planning Guide, Gentle Nutrition Masterclass or Fear of Weight Gain Masterclass for completely free to say thank you.


    Let’s hang out! Connect with Victoria and the staff at NMN:

    Victoria’s Instagram and Tik Tok

    Nourishing Minds Nutrition Instagram

    Nourishing Minds Nutrition website

    430: Best of: Improving Your Digestion with Vagus Nerve Stimulation

    430: Best of: Improving Your Digestion with Vagus Nerve Stimulation


    The vagus nerve is associated with many different functions and brain regions, and research shows the positive effects of vagal stimulation on a variety of conditions, including digestive issues. So in today's episode, we focus on the many ways to stimulate the vagus nerve to improve your digestion!

    A few important announcements:

    • Private coaching offers you personalized support to reach your goals of food and body peace. Megan, our lead dietitian at Nourishing Minds Nutrition, is currently accepting new clients. Click here to learn more!

    • Our newest free guide is the Body Trust Meditation. Use this meditation to learn how to trust your body and food choices, so that you can experience freedom with food.
    • Help us grow the podcast! By leaving a written review and taking a screenshot of that review and emailing it to me at hello@nourishingmindsnutrition.com, I'll send you back your choice of the Meal Planning Guide, Gentle Nutrition Masterclass or Fear of Weight Gain Masterclass for completely free to say thank you.


    Let’s hang out! Connect with Victoria and the staff at NMN:

    Victoria’s Instagram and Tik Tok

    Nourishing Minds Nutrition Instagram

    Nourishing Minds Nutrition website

    429: Best of: Clean Eating Offers an Escape from Dieting

    429: Best of: Clean Eating Offers an Escape from Dieting

    Keep listening, this episode is NOT going where you think it is, I promise you. In today’s episode we talk about the appeal of clean eating, the focus on whole foods, as you begin to leave dieting and the numbers behind. We talk about why this happens, why it’s not complete freedom and examples of orthorexia in detail. Listen to learn more!

    A few important announcements:

    • Private coaching offers you personalized support to reach your goals of food and body peace. Megan, our lead dietitian at Nourishing Minds Nutrition, is currently accepting new clients. Click here to learn more!

    • Our newest free guide is the Body Trust Meditation. Use this meditation to learn how to trust your body and food choices, so that you can experience freedom with food.
    • Help us grow the podcast! By leaving a written review and taking a screenshot of that review and emailing it to me at hello@nourishingmindsnutrition.com, I'll send you back your choice of the Meal Planning Guide, Gentle Nutrition Masterclass or Fear of Weight Gain Masterclass for completely free to say thank you.

    Let’s hang out! Connect with Victoria and the staff at NMN:

    Victoria’s Instagram and Tik Tok

    Nourishing Minds Nutrition Instagram

    Nourishing Minds Nutrition website

    428: Energy Hygiene Practices You Can Do Starting Today to Come Home to Your Body with Special Guest, My Sister, Kat Beck

    428: Energy Hygiene Practices You Can Do Starting Today to Come Home to Your Body with Special Guest, My Sister, Kat Beck

    We are big fans here at Nourishing Women Podcast of talk therapy and mindset work, but as I study and coach on body image work, the more fascinated and focused I become on integrating body work into my own practice. But if you are disconnected from your body, possibly controlling your food intake or experiencing negative body image, in can be SO challenging to come back in to your body.

    So in today’s episode, I asked my sister, Kat Beck, to come on the show to give us all energy hygiene practices we can all do (myself included!) to come back home to your body. Kat Beck of mystic medicine is an intuitive healing guide + embodiment artist. 

    She’s on a mission to make energy hygiene + embodied movement practices accessible for all. You can click here to learn more about her services, here for her membership and here for her Instagram account.

    Today’s important announcements:

    • Our newest free guide is the Body Trust Meditation. Use this meditation to learn how to trust your body and food choices, so that you can experience freedom with food.
    • Help us grow the podcast! By leaving a written review and taking a screenshot of that review and emailing it to me at hello@nourishingmindsnutrition.com, I'll send you back your choice of the Meal Planning Guide, Gentle Nutrition Masterclass or Fear of Weight Gain Masterclass for completely free to say thank you.

    • Private coaching offers you personalized support to reach your goals of food and body peace. Megan, our lead dietitian at Nourishing Minds Nutrition, is currently accepting new clients. Click here to learn more!

    Let’s hang out! Connect with Victoria and the staff at NMN:

    Victoria’s Instagram and Tik Tok

    Nourishing Minds Nutrition Instagram

    Nourishing Minds Nutrition website

    427: Is Set Point Theory Fat Phobic with Body Image Expert Bri Campos

    427: Is Set Point Theory Fat Phobic with Body Image Expert Bri Campos

    Set point theory is a VERY popular discussed conversation in the anti-diet space, and one of the most common topics discussed with clients in our virtual practice. When working with clients, we can get into the nuance behind why we get focused on “finding” our set point, but that can be harder to do for you, my wonderful podcast community!

    So I asked body image expert, Bri Campos, to come on the show today to discuss some of that nuance to set point theory and why we often fixate on it in hopes it may mean we will lose weight as an intuitive eater. We also talk to fellow coaches and providers in this episode, giving you lots to think about if you work in the body image space. Listen to today’s episode to learn more!

    Brianna (or Bri) Campos is a Licensed Professional Counselor in the state of NJ. She works as a body image coach & is passionate about teaching women about Health at Every Size (HAES) and taking an all foods fit approach to finding freedom with food and learning to make peace with your current body. 

    In this episode we discussed:

    • What’s changed in Bri’s life since she was last on the show back in 2019!

    • Misconceptions that providers have about their ability to coach on body image with their clients, and how to better coach your clients.

    • The pro’s and con’s to the education around set point theory and how this conversation can at times be misguided?

    • Other popular themes with body image that providers share that may miss the mark when it comes to coaching on body image.

    • How Bri is currently living wellness without obsession.

    Learn more about Bri on Instagram, her website or email her at bodyimagewithbri@gmail.com.

    We are so excited to announce that we are offering a super May special to celebrate my maternity leave! For the month of May, you can grab a month-long special to book a 60 minute breakthrough session with Megan, our lead dietitian, for only  $150! You can click here to book yours! This is the final week to grab the special!

    Let’s hang out! Connect with Victoria and the staff at NMN:

    Victoria’s Instagram and Tik Tok

    Nourishing Minds Nutrition Instagram

    Nourishing Minds Nutrition website

    426: Is Intuitive Eating for You if You Want or Need to Lose Weight?

    426: Is Intuitive Eating for You if You Want or Need to Lose Weight?

    Did you push play on this episode thinking that THIS episode was going to address how you feel in your body. Like you want to do this thing called intuitive eating, but  you strongly feel that you need or WANT to lose weight first?

    If you feel this way, I want you to know you are not alone. I’m not sure there’s a single human out there that doesn’t feel that way initially. And yet, it’s important to know: This episode is NOT going to be what you think it is. Because here’s the truth, if you see anyone telling you that you can intentionally lose weight and practice intuitive eating, run far, far away.

    Today’s episode is to briefly share what can happen to your weight as you enter into intuitive eating, but the main purpose of this episode is to walk you through the many emotions involved with the desire to change our bodies and lose weight.

    I’m so excited to share with you that we are celebrating May (and my upcoming maternity leave!) with a month-long special to book a 60 minute breakthrough session with our lead dietitian, Megan Perez, for only $150!

    Breakthrough sessions give you the opportunity to meet with an intuitive eating and body image expert to help you identify 1-2 key areas where you are currently stuck, so that you can breakthrough to discover peace with food and your body.

    By clicking here you can fill out the application form and will then move forward with setting up your May breakthrough session with Megan.

    Please note: In order to get your breakthrough session for only $150 (normally $377!) you need to purchase and book your breakthrough session in the month of May.

    A few important announcements:

    • The annual Summer Reset is officially ready for you! If you are ready to say NO to "get bikini body ready" messages and reset how you view food, exercise and your body this summer, download our free mini-course to help you learn how to reset your mindset.
    • Help us grow the podcast! By leaving a written review and taking a screenshot of that review and emailing it to me at hello@nourishingmindsnutrition.com, I'll send you back your choice of the Meal Planning Guide, Gentle Nutrition Masterclass or Fear of Weight Gain Masterclass for completely free to say thank you.

    • Private coaching offers you personalized support to reach your goals of food and body peace. Megan, our lead dietitian at Nourishing Minds Nutrition, is currently accepting new clients. Click here to learn more!

    Let’s hang out! Connect with Victoria and the staff at NMN:

    Victoria’s Instagram and Tik Tok

    Nourishing Minds Nutrition Instagram

    Nourishing Minds Nutrition website

    425: 5 Easy Steps to Take if You Struggle with Daily Digestive Issues

    425: 5 Easy Steps to Take if You Struggle with Daily Digestive Issues

    Are you someone who regularly experiences IBS symptoms, heartburn, nausea, or indigestion? If so, do you also find yourself feeling overly bloated and struggling with regular constipation or loose stools? Many of our clients at Nourishing Minds Nutrition are suffering from some type of digestive distress in addition to disordered eating when they begin working with us. 

    Whether it’s chronic bloating or chronic fatigue, I find that it is almost always linked to the gut-brain connection. In today’s episode we explore with this is, and 5 easy steps to take if you struggle with daily digestive issues.

    I’m so excited to share with you that we are celebrating May (and my upcoming maternity leave!) with a month-long special to book a 60 minute breakthrough session with our lead dietitian, Megan Perez, for only $150!

    Breakthrough sessions give you the opportunity to meet with an intuitive eating and body image expert to help you identify 1-2 key areas where you are currently stuck, so that you can breakthrough to discover peace with food and your body.

    By clicking here you can fill out the application form and will then move forward with setting up your May breakthrough session with Megan.

    Please note: In order to get your breakthrough session for only $150 (normally $377!) you need to purchase and book your breakthrough session in the month of May. 

    A few important announcements:

    • Private coaching offers you personalized support to reach your goals of food and body peace. Megan, our lead dietitian at Nourishing Minds Nutrition, is currently accepting new clients. Click here to learn more!

    • The annual Summer Reset is officially ready for you! If you are ready to say NO to "get bikini body ready" messages and reset how you view food, exercise and your body this summer, download our free mini-course to help you learn how to reset your mindset.

    • Help us grow the podcast! By leaving a written review and taking a screenshot of that review and emailing it to me at hello@nourishingmindsnutrition.com, I'll send you back your choice of the Meal Planning Guide, Gentle Nutrition Masterclass or Fear of Weight Gain Masterclass for completely free to say thank you.

    Let’s hang out! Connect with Victoria and the staff at NMN:

    Victoria’s Instagram and Tik Tok

    Nourishing Minds Nutrition Instagram

    Nourishing Minds Nutrition website

    424: Q&A with Megan Perez RD/N on Anovulatory Bleeds, Pre-Menopause & Not Getting a Period

    424: Q&A with Megan Perez RD/N on Anovulatory Bleeds, Pre-Menopause & Not Getting a Period

    I’m so excited to share with you that we are celebrating May (and my upcoming maternity leave!) with a month-long special to book a 60 minute breakthrough session with our lead dietitian, Megan Perez.

    Breakthrough sessions give you the opportunity to meet with an intuitive eating and body image expert to help you identify 1-2 key areas where you are currently stuck, so that you can breakthrough to discover peace with food and your body.

    By clicking here you can fill out the application form and will then move forward with setting up your May breakthrough session with Megan.

    Please note: In order to get your breakthrough session for only $150 (normally $377!) you need to purchase and book your breakthrough session in the month of May. 

    In this Q&A episode with Megan, we answer your questions from Instagram about anovulatory bleeds, pre-menopause, not getting a period and more!

    A few important announcements:

    • Private coaching offers you personalized support to reach your goals of food and body peace. Megan, our lead dietitian at Nourishing Minds Nutrition, is currently accepting new clients. Click here to learn more!

    • The annual Summer Reset is officially ready for you! If you are ready to say NO to "get bikini body ready" messages and reset how you view food, exercise and your body this summer, download our free mini-course to help you learn how to reset your mindset.

    • Help us grow the podcast! By leaving a written review and taking a screenshot of that review and emailing it to me at hello@nourishingmindsnutrition.com, I'll send you back your choice of the Meal Planning Guide, Gentle Nutrition Masterclass or Fear of Weight Gain Masterclass for completely free to say thank you.

    Let’s hang out! Connect with Victoria and the staff at NMN:

    Victoria’s Instagram and Tik Tok

    Nourishing Minds Nutrition Instagram

    423: Self Compassion as the Antidote to Self Criticism & Negative Body Talk

    423: Self Compassion as the Antidote to Self Criticism & Negative Body Talk

    Self compassion may sound loving and helpful as you connect back into your body and learn how to respect it, but what exactly does it mean to be compassionate with yourself?

    We’ll explore the concept of self compassion in this specific episode, and also address a common misconception with self compassion, that being compassionate with ourselves doesn’t allow us to accomplish things or be successful in life.

    There’s a pervasive concept in our culture that in order to have what you desire- whether that’s health, or success, or happiness, that we need to be harsh and critical in order to be successful. And this is simply not true. Listen to today's podcast episode to learn more!

    A few important announcements:

    • We are so excited to announce that we are offering a May special to celebrate my maternity leave! For the month of May, you can grab a month-long special to book a 60 minute breakthrough session with Megan, our lead dietitian, for only  $150! You can click here to book yours!
    • The annual Summer Reset is officially ready for you! If you are ready to say NO to "get bikini body ready" messages and reset how you view food, exercise and your body this summer, download our free mini-course to help you learn how to reset your mindset.
    • Help us grow the podcast! By leaving a written review and taking a screenshot of that review and emailing it to me at hello@nourishingmindsnutrition.com, I'll send you back your choice of the Meal Planning Guide, Gentle Nutrition Masterclass or Fear of Weight Gain Masterclass for completely free to say thank you.

    Let’s hang out! Connect with Victoria and the staff at NMN:

    422: Reasons Why You Feel the Urge to Weigh Yourself

    422: Reasons Why You Feel the Urge to Weigh Yourself

    Have you ever felt that intense urge to know, what is your weight? I remember when I was trying to stop the habit I had formed of weighing myself multiple times a day, that the urge at times felt unbearable.


    So if you can relate, in today’s podcast episode we will discuss why you feel like you need to or should weigh yourself, what to do when you want to weigh yourself and how to navigate getting weighed in healthcare situations. Listen to learn more!


    Grab our free guide, the Hunger Fullness Scale, for the final week before it’s archived by clicking here. 


    Other episodes on weight and body image: 5 Ways to Feel More Confident in Your Body on a Daily Basis, Your Weight is Not Your Worth and 5 Stages of Body Grief.


    Right now, we are currently booking May and June spots for private coaching! Private coaching is the highest level of care we offer at Nourishing Minds Nutrition, and will help you leave behind food, body and wellness obsession. 


    What this means is that you can feel comfortable in your body and confident in your food choices again. Reach out today to schedule a discovery call to learn more and see if you’re a good fit for our coaching programs!


    Resources for you:


    Let’s hang out! Connect with Victoria and the staff at NMN:

    421: This One Simple Strategy Can Improve Your Digestion Dramatically with Dr. Heather Finley RD/N

    421: This One Simple Strategy Can Improve Your Digestion Dramatically with Dr. Heather Finley RD/N

    Did you know that the simple goal of eating 30 plants a week can improve your digestion dramatically? In today’s episode, Dr. Heather Finley who is a gut health expert and author of the new cookbook, the Healthy, Happy Gut Cookbook gives us tangible and easy to follow food solutions for better digestion starting today.


    Dr. Heather Finley is a registered dietitian and gut health specialist. She helps people struggling with bloating, constipation, and IBS find relief from their symptoms and feel excited about food again.


    Heather struggled with her own digestive issues for nearly 20 years and understands first hand the impact that nutrition, lifestyle, and mindset have on digestive health. Gut health shouldn’t be restrictive, stressful, and all-consuming. She developed the gutTogether® method to help individuals reduce digestive symptoms and add foods back into their diet.


    Dr. Heather has a doctorate in clinical nutrition from Maryland University of Integrative Health. Her work has been featured in Mind Body Green, Yahoo! Life, and Very Well Health. 


    Grab your very own Healthy, Happy Gut Cookbook, here and learn more about her work here.


    In this episode we discuss:


    • What Heather has been up to since she was last on the show!

    • What it’s like writing a cookbook.

    • Easy food solutions for improving symptoms like constipation and bloating.

    • Creating a happy gut through foods you love and foods your gut loves, and what this looks like in everyday life.

    • Heather’s favorite recipes in the book.

    • How Heather lives wellness without obsession.


    Grab our free guide, the Hunger Fullness Scale, for a limited time only by clicking here. 


    Heather’s first episode on the podcast: Why Eating Enough Helps to Heal Constipation and Bloat


    Right now, we are currently booking April and May spots for private coaching! Private coaching is the highest level of care we offer at Nourishing Minds Nutrition, and is the fastest way to reach your goals of food and body peace, leaving food (and wellness) obsession behind in 2023. 


    Resources for you:


    Let’s hang out! Connect with Victoria and the staff at NMN:


    420: 5 Stages of Body Grief (Do You Know What Stage You’re In?)

    420: 5 Stages of Body Grief (Do You Know What Stage You’re In?)

    Do you relate to the idea of grieving your body? Have you ever heard this term before, body grief? We know that for SO many of our clients, the term body grief finally offers a description of how they feel IN their bodies. It offers language to the challenging emotions you feel about your body.


    Grief is a challenging and intricate emotion. Our emotions affect our ability to care for ourselves, and experiencing grief is no different.  


    Grief will absolutely affect how we care for our bodies.  This is why it’s important to allow ourselves to grieve and mourn what is lost, even if that means grieving the idea of a body that we never actually had.  We grieve the loss of our “ideal” body.  We grieve the loss of the fantasy of what a perfect body will give us in our lives.


    This is where I often tell clients that the only way out is through.  Through the grief, through the pain, through the disappointment and frustration. Listen to today’s episode to learn more about body grief including the 5 stages of body grief so you can identify the specific stage you’re in.


    Grab our free guide, the Hunger Fullness Scale, for a limited time only by clicking here. 


    Other episodes on body image and body grief: Your Weight is Not Your Worth, 5 Ways to Feel More Confident in Your Body on a Daily Basis, Allowing Yourself to Grieve Your Here and Now Body with Bri Campos, and Signs Your Relationship with Your Body Needs Repair.


    Right now, we are currently booking April and May spots for private coaching! Private coaching is the highest level of care we offer at Nourishing Minds Nutrition, and is certainly the fastest way to reach your goals of food and body peace, leaving food (and wellness) obsession behind in 2023. 


    Reach out in the next week to grab our spring special including $50 off breakthrough sessions and $150 off your first installment of a 3 or 6 month package.


    Resources for you:


    Let’s hang out! Connect with Victoria and the staff at NMN:


    419: 3 Mistakes You May Be Making When it Comes to Hunger & Fullness

    419: 3 Mistakes You May Be Making When it Comes to Hunger & Fullness

    Intuitive eating is a dynamic integration of instinct, emotion and rational thought. We eat (and stop eating) in large part due to hunger and fullness cues. But body cues are not the ONLY reason we eat!


    One of the biggest misconceptions I see about intuitive eating is that you only eat what you are craving 100% of the time and that it's just simply “listening to your body”. While that would be fun and ideal, it is simply not realistic for most of us in our daily lives! And that doesn’t mean you are not an intuitive eater if you have to factor rational thoughts or make real life decisions to help you decide how, what and when to eat.


    Grab our free guide, the Hunger Fullness Scale, for a limited time only by clicking here. 


    Other episodes on body cues: Experiencing Intense  Hunger Now That You are No Longer Dieting, How to Not Turn Intuitive Eating Into the Hunger Fullness Diet, and Why I Love Practical Eating.


    Right now, we are currently booking April and May spots for private coaching! Private coaching is the highest level of care we offer at Nourishing Minds Nutrition, and is certainly the fastest way to reach your goals of food and body peace, leaving food (and wellness) obsession behind in 2023.


    Resources for you:


    Let’s hang out! Connect with Victoria and the staff at NMN:


    Nourishing Women Podcast
    enApril 04, 2023

    418: Let’s Take the Word Hygiene Out of the Period Conversation with Here We Flo Founders Susan Allen and Tara Priya Chandra

    418: Let’s Take the Word Hygiene Out of the Period Conversation with Here We Flo Founders Susan Allen and Tara Priya Chandra

    Founded four years ago by Susan and Tara in a bathroom, Here We Flo is on a mission to challenge shame and disrupt the period, bladder, and sexual wellness markets with its organic and vegan products, including tampons, pads, reusable period underwear, and condoms.


    Here We Flo ensures every product is good for the planet, free of dyes or chemicals, and is 100% cotton. Their Flo pads have saved the equivalent of 61 million plastic carrier bags. At the heart of Here We Flo’s leadership is a social good. From the beginning, Here We Flo has given back 5% of profits to people and the planet. The business has supported incredible charity partners like Bloody Good Period, a period poverty organization, and The Brigid Alliance, which promotes safe abortion access for Americans. Last month alone saw the business donate 10,000-period pads to charity.


    Susan Allen grew up in the city of champions — Boston, Massachusetts, and received her B.A. in communications and legal studies from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. After three years at a healthcare policy nonprofit in Boston, she moved to New York City to join George Soros' philanthropy, the Open Society Foundations. Susan completed her master's in management at the London School of Economics in 2015. She relocated to London in 2016 to lead the Foundation's work on diversity, equity, and inclusion and to launch Here We Flo with her best friend, Tara. Their mission is to make shamelessly natural personal care products that make us feel crazy confident about life's messiest moments - from periods to bladder leaks, to sex and everything else on the human body rollercoaster. 


    Tara Priya Chandra is co-founder of Here We Flo. Born in San Francisco, she studied Economics at Columbia University in New York City, where she tried almond milk and kombucha for the first time and had her mind blown. After working on Wall Street for a hot minute, Tara ended up in the music industry in LA while freelance copywriting for brands like Ray-Ban. Tara received her master's from the London School of Economics, where she met her bestie and future co-founder Susan, had the idea for Here We Flo in the university bathrooms, and received the C200 Award for exceptional MBA students. Tara and Susan launched Here We Flo with a Kickstarter campaign in 2017 and the business has been shaking up the personal care category ever since, with a purpose-driven, sustainable period care and sexual wellness range that offers 'shamelessly natural' products. Since 2020 in the USA alone, Here We Flo has saved 9.5 million period care products from landfill.*


    *Flo period care products are biodegradable vs industry standard.


    In this episode we discuss how Susan and Tara started Here We Flo, what makes them unicorns in the period care industry, why they make their marketing relatable as possible and an important discussion on taking words like hygiene and sanitary out of the period conversation.


    Learn more about Here We Flo at their website and Instagram.  Their products can now be found in retailers including Target, Whole Foods, HEB and more!


    Grab our free guide, the Hunger Fullness Scale, for a limited time only by clicking here.


    Right now, we are currently booking March and April spots for private coaching! Private coaching is the highest level of care we offer at Nourishing Minds Nutrition, and is the fastest way to reach your goals of food and body peace, leaving food (and wellness) obsession behind in 2023.


    Resources for you:


    Let’s hang out! Connect with Victoria and the staff at NMN:


    417: Making Atomic Habits Anti-Diet

    417: Making Atomic Habits Anti-Diet

    There’s a 9 out of 10 chance you’ve heard of the book, Atomic Habits. It’s a NYT bestseller. And there's a good reason for that! I really love this idea of breaking down habits into small, incremental steps so they actually become habitual.


    Yet as is true for most things, the weight centric approach is all over the book. Why is it that all self help books use weight loss as their example for how to change with EVERYTHING?


    It’s so frustrating! I wish the world could see that we can work on forming habits and improving our health without fixating on weight or appearance. Unfortunately we’re just not there yet as a society. But that’s what we’re working towards in the anti-diet world!


    Since I think there’s actually good insight from the book to glean, but I know it could be so triggering for many of you, I’m recording this episode to help you get all the juicy details out of the book, and applying it to your anti-diet health journey.


    Listen to today’s episode to learn how to make the book Atomic Habits anti-diet and support your health journey, without being triggered by the book’s rampant weight loss examples.


    Grab our free guide, the Hunger Fullness Scale, for a limited time only by clicking here.


    Right now, we are currently booking March and April spots for private coaching! Private coaching is the highest level of care we offer at Nourishing Minds Nutrition, and is certainly the fastest way to reach your goals of food and body peace, leaving food (and wellness) obsession behind in 2023.


    Resources for you:


    Let’s hang out! Connect with Victoria and the staff at NMN:

    416: The 3 Principles of Body Confidence with Tiffany Ima

    416: The 3 Principles of Body Confidence with Tiffany Ima

    Today’s podcast guest and body confidence creator, Tiffany Ima, shares with us her story to healing her relationship with food, and the 3 principles of body confidence.


    In this episode we discuss:

    • Tiffany’s story to healing her relationship to food.

    • Why specifically body confidence important to Tiffany.

    • The 3 principles of body confidence and how to embrace body confidence in your own life.

    • How to build an exercise routine you can actually stick to.

    • How Tiffany lives wellness without obsession.


    Learn more about Tiffany:

    Tiffany’s Instagram

    Tiffany’s TikTok

    Tiffany’s website


    Grab our free guide, the Hunger Fullness Scale, for a limited time only by clicking here.


    Right now, we are currently booking March and April spots for private coaching! Private coaching is the highest level of care we offer at Nourishing Minds Nutrition, and is certainly the fastest way to reach your goals of food and body peace, leaving food (and wellness) obsession behind in 2023.


    Resources for you:


    Let’s hang out! Connect with Victoria and the staff at NMN:


    415: 5 Ways Hosting a Podcast Has Transformed My Business

    415: 5 Ways Hosting a Podcast Has Transformed My Business

    And how it can transform yours, too! I have hosted this very podcast since 2017 and always have SO much gratitude for the way podcasting has impacted my life and my business.


    Listen to learn the 5 ways I intentionally use my podcast to support my business, and also learn about the 3 ways I’m offering business mentorship, including podcast audits!


    You can learn more about business mentorship here, I currently have two spots for business mentorship open for March!


    In need of a podcast editor? I love my podcast editor so much and you can schedule a discovery call here with Cait to learn more. P.S. Tell her I sent you!


    Right now, we are currently booking March and April spots for private coaching! Private coaching is the highest level of care we offer at Nourishing Minds Nutrition, and is certainly the fastest way to reach your goals of food and body peace, leaving food (and wellness) obsession behind in 2023.


    Grab our newest free guide, the Hunger Fullness Scale!


    Resources for you:


    Let’s hang out! Connect with Victoria and the staff at NMN:

    414: Transitioning from Weight Loss to Intuitive Eating Coaching with Eden Morris RD/N

    414: Transitioning from Weight Loss to Intuitive Eating Coaching with Eden Morris RD/N

    Similar to my own journey, Eden has had her own journey in disordered eating recovery and transitioning from selling weight loss to intuitive eating coaching. If you want to hear more about the important revelations that led to Eden’s decision, plus how sports nutrition fits into intuitive eating, you cannot miss this week’s episode!


    Eden is a registered dietitian, former collegiate athlete turned mountain athlete, recovered disordered eater, and Intuitive Eating counselor (in training - she's in the process of becoming a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor). Eden majored in Psychology at Texas A&M, and after she was diagnosed with Female Athlete Triad in 2012, she decided to combine her undergraduate degree with a Master's Degree in Nutrition and Dietetics from Georgia State University. 


    For Eden, the overlap between our psychological health and our nutrition choices is way more important than "eating healthy." Now, Eden helps active individuals realize that a fueled body performs better than a starved body, confidence comes from body acceptance (not weight loss), and we are capable of so much more than we realize when we finally stop trying to shrink our bodies and our personalities to please others. 


    In this episode we discuss:


    • Eden’s journey growing up as an athlete, becoming a college athlete and then choosing dietetics as a profession.

    • How athletics influenced her disordered eating, including her diagnosis of Female Athlete Triad.

    • Eden’s decision recently to leaving selling a popular weight loss program and what led to that decision.

    • Red flags Eden indicates that the weight loss program wasn’t true “food freedom” as its often promoted.

    • 1-2 tips for how to approach sports nutrition from an intuitive eating lens.

    • How Eden lives wellness without obsession.


    Learn more from Eden:


    Email: eden@tetonperformancenutrition.com, Social media handles: @gardenofeden_rd (Instagram) @gardenofeden_rd (TikTok)

    Eden's Weekly Newsletter: Pocket Snacks 

    Fearlessly Fueled Society, Eden's signature 8-week Intuitive Eating program, starts March 7th! 


    Grab our newest free guide, the Hunger Fullness Scale!


    You can learn more about business mentorship here, I currently have two spots for business mentorship open for March!


    Right now, we are currently booking March spots for private coaching! Private coaching is the highest level of care we offer at Nourishing Minds Nutrition, and is certainly the fastest way to reach your goals of food and body peace, leaving food (and wellness) obsession behind in 2023.


    Resources for you:


    Let’s hang out! Connect with Victoria and the staff at NMN:


    413: 7 Reasons I’ve Owned a Successful Online Business for 5+ Years

    413: 7 Reasons I’ve Owned a Successful Online Business for 5+ Years

    If you want the most real, honest, behind the scenes look at my business, today’s episode for you! In today’s episode I share 7 reasons I’ve owned a successful online business since 2017 and I hope these 7 reasons inspire you to take messy action, to never give up and keep chasing your dreams, always.


    And with that shared, I’m so excited to share that I have officially started business mentorship! Mentorship will have many different aspects to it, including a food and body peace training for providers in the fall of this year, but at this time of 3 different ways I can support you: intuitive eating & body image mentorship, online business coaching and podcast auditing.


    You can learn more about business mentorship here, I currently have three spots for business mentorship open for March!


    Right now, we are currently booking March spots for private coaching! Private coaching is the highest level of care we offer at Nourishing Minds Nutrition, and is certainly the fastest way to reach your goals of food and body peace, leaving food (and wellness) obsession behind in 2023.


    Resources for you:


    Let’s hang out! Connect with Victoria and the staff at NMN: