
    Operation Agency Freedom - The #1 Podcast for Digital Agency Owners in North America

    Operation Agency Freedom is the #1 Podcast for Digital Agency Owners in North America. We are bringing you top secret advice from the world's most badass digital agency owners and influencers. These amazing men and women are sharing their stories of how they have build 6, 7, and 8-figure digital agencies and how you can, too! If you are a digital agency owner in North America and want to grow your digital agency then you will want to listen to this show!
    enChristopher Martinez100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    Why You Need To Treat Your Hiring Funnel Like A Marketing Funnel

    Why You Need To Treat Your Hiring Funnel Like A Marketing Funnel

    If a marketing funnel can help you drive your audience into paying customers, did you know that there's also a hiring funnel that can help you drive a potential candidate into one of the best team members for your agency?

    In today's episode, I'm going to share the hiring funnel we've created from scratch over the past five years to help you find the perfect candidate you're looking for.

    This is a tried and tested process that has helped dozens of agency owners like you bring on amazing people that help them take their businesses to new heights.

    So if you're struggling with hiring right now or your approach to hiring seems like blindly throwing darts at a dartboard, then this is an episode you should listen to!


    Discussion Points:

    00:00 Intro

    03:17 Hiring Funnel

    04:28 Marketing Funnel Layer #1: Job Post

    05:26 Marketing Funnel Layer #2: Email Questionnaire

    06:05 Marketing Funnel Layer #3: Time to Respond

    06:40 Marketing Funnel Layer #4: Schedule a Quick Phone Interview

    07:53 Marketing Funnel Layer #5: Technical Exam

    08:56 Marketing Funnel Layer #6: Psychometric Exam

    11:26 Marketing Funnel Layer #7: Group Interview

    12:32 Final Thoughts

    14:29 Outro



    Get a hold of more podcast episodes through our website. You can also tune in and subscribe to Operation Agency Freedom on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Thank you for tuning in!

    Two Massive Mistakes Agencies are Making in Their Hiring Process

    Two Massive Mistakes Agencies are Making in Their Hiring Process

    Making mistakes in your hiring process can be costly – not only in terms of time and resources but also in the quality of the team you end up with.

    So for today's episode, I'm going to talk about the two massive mistakes agencies are making in their hiring process and how you can avoid them.

    By avoiding these two mistakes, you'll be able to find the best talent for your agency and make sure they're a good fit for your team. 

    If you're interested in learning what these pitfalls are so you can bring amazing A-players to your team and scale your agency fast; then this episode is for you!


    Discussion Points:

    00:00 Intro

    01:45 Best Practice #1: Make The Offer Fast

    04:20 Best Practice #2: Scrutinize Your Applicants

    05:51 Recap

    06:34 Outro




    Get a hold of more podcast episodes through our website. You can also tune in and subscribe to Operation Agency Freedom on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Thank you for tuning in!

    How to Know If You Have The Right Person

    How to Know If You Have The Right Person

    Wondering if you have the right people in your agency? You're not alone. It's a question that crosses the minds of business owners all the time. 

    That’s why in today's episode, I'm going to share with you how you can determine whether or not you have the right people in your company.

    After all, your agency is only as good as the team you put together. So how can you be sure you've got the best people for the job?

    If you're interested in learning the framework that will help you factually look at every team member and make sure that they are the person that you need to get to where you want to go next, then this episode is for you!

    Discussion Points:


    00:00 Intro

    04:11 Tip #1: Evaluate Your People Based on Facts

    05:50 Tip #2: Make Sure Your Employees Fit Job Descriptions

    11:41 Tip #3: Willingness to Sacrifice for the Sake of the Team

    13:21 Tip #4: Makes Things Easier for the Whole Team

    14:24 Tip #5: Hiring A New Team Member Must be Within The Budget

    17:19 Tips Recap

    18:53 Outro




    Get a hold of more podcast episodes through our website. You can also tune in and subscribe to Operation Agency Freedom on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Thank you for tuning in! 

    The 4 Things You Need Every Time You Hit A Plateau in Your Agency

    The 4 Things You Need Every Time You Hit A Plateau in Your Agency

    You’ve got big plans for your agency. You know you have the potential to have a big agency that gives you the life of your dreams - but you know there’s something you don’t know that is holding you back. You can feel it.

    We all hit plateaus in our businesses. It sucks, but it happens to the best of us.

    That's why in today's episode, I'm going to share with you the 4 things you must focus on every time you hit a plateau in your agency.

    So if you're interested in knowing how these four things can help you break through that plateau and take your business to new heights, then definitely listen to this podcast!

    Discussion Points:

    00:00 Intro

    02:47 Pillar #1: People

    03:15 Pillar #2: Processes

    03:40 Pillar #3: Training

    04:40 Pillar #4: Profit

    05:11 Sales

    06:08 4 Pillars Recap

    09:34 Final Thoughts

    10:41 Outro




    Get a hold of more podcast episodes through our website. You can also tune in and subscribe to Operation Agency Freedom on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Thank you for tuning in! 

    Best Practices for Submitting a Design Request

    Best Practices for Submitting a Design Request

    We all know that good design leads to good business. But do you know how to make a successful design submission that will make both you and your designer happy?

    In today's episode, we're going to talk about the best practices when submitting a design project to a designer straight from our design team.

    I highly suggest you take notes because these best practices can save you 30 to 40 hours of production time a year. Can you imagine what you could've done with those hours?

    So if you have designers and want them to get your designs done smoothly and efficiently, leaving everyone satisfied with the process and the results, then this is an episode you should listen to!

    Discussion Points:

    00:00 Intro

    03:12 Tip #1: Determine the Type of Project that You Need

    04:19 Tip #2: Get Information at the Beginning

    07:09 Tip #3: Provide References

    08:24 Tip #4: Remember to Give a Project Name

    12:45 Tip #5: First Drafts

    14:23 Final Thoughts

    15:32 Outro



    Get a hold of more podcast episodes through our website. You can also tune in and subscribe to Operation Agency Freedom on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Thank you for tuning in! 

    Best Client Gift Ideas 2022

    Best Client Gift Ideas 2022
    Giving gifts on top of the excellent service you deliver makes clients happy, and we all know that satisfied clients mean better chances for positively boosting your business.  

    In today's episode, I'm going to talk about everything you need to know about giving gifts to your clients.

    Think of gift ideas, the best places you could find gifts when to send them, how to schedule them out, and everything in between.

    So if you want to learn the best gift-giving tips so you can make a massive impact on how your clients perceive your appreciation of them, then definitely listen to this podcast!

    Discussion Points:

    00:00 Intro

    01:47 When to Give Gifts

    04:08 Websites to Visit for Gifts

    04:24 Website #1: brownies.com

    05:12 Website #2: amazon.com

    06:27 Website #3: flowers.com

    07:14 Website #4: orientaltradingcompany.com

    09:24 Ice Cream Parties

    09:50 Website #5: qualitylogoproducts.com

    10:52 Final Thoughts

    11:18 Outro




    Get a hold of more podcast episodes through our website. You can also tune in and subscribe to Operation Agency Freedom on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Thank you for tuning in! 

    You Must Be Able to Answer This One Question About Your Team Members

    You Must Be Able to Answer This One Question About Your Team Members

    Every agency owner wants to have an amazing team that will help drive the business forward, but the question is, do you also have the amazing ability to lead this team?  

    For today's episode, I'm going to talk about something that's very important, and that is, the number one question you must be able to answer if you want to manage your team effectively.

    In today's day and age, your ability to lead will make or break your agency, and it's your responsibility to become the best leader that you can be.

    So if you feel like your team isn't performing at the level you expect them to perform at or if you want to build a world-class team for your business, then you absolutely need to listen to this episode!


    Discussion Points:

    00:00 Intro

    03:29 Always Based on Facts Not Feelings

    04:42 How Do You Measure If Your Team is Successful in Their Roles?

    05:37 Look at The Completion Time

    06:11 Pay Attention to The Number of Deliverables

    06:55 Lead Your Team to Greatness

    09:28 Final Thoughts

    11:13 Outro




    Get a hold of more podcast episodes through our website. You can also tune in and subscribe to Operation Agency Freedom on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Thank you for tuning in! 

    The Top Red Flags When Interviewing Candidates

    The Top Red Flags When Interviewing Candidates
    All entrepreneurs and agency owners I know never want to make a bad hire and regret it later on. I'm sure I made every hiring mistake imaginable back in the day. But now that I've learned my lesson, I want you to avoid making the same costly mistakes I did.


    In this episode, I'm going to share with you the top red flags you need to look out for when evaluating candidates.The things you're going to learn here could mean the difference between finding your dream employee or ending up with someone who is not a good fit for your company.


    So if you're hiring or planning to hire new people and you want to learn the red flags to look out for in the interview process, then definitely listen to this podcast!

    Discussion Points:


    00:00 Intro

    02:51 First Managerial Experience

    04:55 Never Hire Out of Desperation

    05:24 Never Hire Someone Who Isn't Fit for the Job

    07:05 Don't Rush the Process

    07:48 Conduct a Phone Interview

    09:16 Red Flag #1: Blaming

    10:30 Red Flag #2: No Technical Knowledge and Experience

    11:34 Red Flag #3: Not Providing Previous Work Experience

    13:10 Red Flag #4: Being Defensive

    14:29 Red Flag #5: Doesn't Want to Work with Other People

    15:03 Red Flag #6: Unwillingness to Sacrifice for the Team

    18:12 Recap and Final Thoughts

    18:55 Outro



    Get a hold of more podcast episodes through our website. You can also tune in and subscribe to Operation Agency Freedom on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Thank you for tuning in! 

    The Proven Framework for Training New Team Members

    The Proven Framework for Training New Team Members

    One of the struggles of agency owners is training new team members after they've been hired.

    But did you know that there's a process you can implement to get your new hire to speed quickly so they can start contributing to your agency right away?

    In today's episode, I'm going to share with you a very simple framework to train your new team members that have been proven to work time and again.

    So if you're hiring people right now or if you have team members that you feel like you haven't yet gotten the most out of, then this is definitely an episode that you're going to want to listen to!


    Discussion Points:

    00:00 - Introduction

    04:58 - The Indoctrinization Period

    08:24 - The Leveling-up Period

    10:45 - Benefits of Slowing Down

    11:32 - Introducing to Respective Team Leaders

    13:18 - List out Criterias for Hierarchies

    15:19 - What Should Take Place in 90 days

    16:11 - Find the Best People Possible

    17:46 - Recap

    19:11 - Outro


    Get a hold of more podcast episodes through our website. You can also tune in and subscribe to Operation Agency Freedom on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Thank you for tuning in!

    5 Things That Make 7-Figure Agencies Profitable and Successful

    5 Things That Make 7-Figure Agencies Profitable and Successful

    Struggling to grow your agency into a 7-figure or even a multiple 7-figure business?

    Last month, I attended an in-person mastermind out in Miami and I got to sit and talk with a lot of agency folks who run 7-figure and even multiple 7-figure agencies.

    And guess what? In today's episode, I'm going to share with you the top 5 takeaways or the top 5 things that are common with these agencies that made their business profitable and successful.

    So if you're struggling to get to a 7-figure mark or you want to figure out what tweaks you need to make in your agency so that you can get to 7-figures, multiple 7-figures and 8-figures, then you definitely want to listen to this episode!

    Discussion Points:

    00:00 Intro

    04:23 Top 5 Common Traits of 7-figure Agencies

    05:05 Trait  #1: Niching

    07:22 Trait  #2: Productization

    09:14 Trait  #3: Ad Budget

    12:07 Trait  #4: Investing in Better People

    13:25 Trait  #5: The Scaling

    15:05 Trait  #6: Bridge, Connect, and Deliver

    17:00 Outro


    Get a hold of more podcast episodes through our website. You can also tune in and subscribe to Operation Agency Freedom on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Thank you for tuning in!

    Discover the 8 Business Habits Every Entrepreneur Needs to Have with Daryl Urbanski

    Discover the 8 Business Habits Every Entrepreneur Needs to Have with Daryl Urbanski

    Do you want to learn what science considers the success factors of businesses? In the episode, Darryl Urbanski shares the outstanding research they've done about habit building and performance optimization that could help individuals skyrocket their business success.

    We also talk about what motivated him to do the study, the team of researchers behind it, the tools they've used, and the excellent results they got from it.

    If you're interested to learn the 8 habits you need to focus on so you and your agency can thrive successfully, then you're going to want to listen to this episode!


    Discussion Points:

    00:00 Intro
    04:22 Discovering What Daryl's Life Purpose Is
    06:10 Daryl's Digital Marketing Background and Experience
    08:19 Daryl's Motivation in Doing the 8 Habits Study
    11:09 Putting Up Daryl's Team
    13:07 Habit No. 1: Self-efficacy
    13:30 Authoritative Tools and Measurements Used
    16:35 8 Common Habits of Success
    17:45 Habit No. 2: Strategic Planning
    18:01 Habit No. 3: Market Intelligence
    18:30 Habit No. 4&5: Marketing Strategy, Sales Strategy and Skills
    18:51 Habit No. 6: Money Management
    19:10 Habit No. 7: Business Operations
    19:34 Habit No. 8: Business Intelligence
    19:56 Biggest Challenges that Agency Owners Face
    22:37 How The 8 Habits of Success Can Help Make it Easier
    28:02 How to Get Access to the 8 Habits study
    29:01 The Perfect Person to Start on  The Study
    33:16 Final Thoughts
    33:48 Outro


    Get a hold of more podcast episodes through our website. You can also tune in and subscribe to Operation Agency Freedom on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Thank you for tuning in

    Why You Have A Responsibility to Take Care of Your Mental Health as an Agency CEO

    Why You Have A Responsibility to Take Care of Your Mental Health as an Agency CEO

    Do you want to know one of the most important things that helped me grow my business and hugely impacted my life?

    In today's episode, I'm going to talk about a very sensitive topic that I have never heard anybody talk about in the agency space and that is mental health.

    I'm certainly not perfect but I've made a conscious effort to work on my mental health and now, I want to share with you what has worked for me.

    If you're an agency owner or an entrepreneur dealing with difficult situations and you want to learn from someone like me who's been there in your shoes, then you're going to want to listen to this episode! 


    Discussion Points:

    00:00 Intro
    02:07 Statistics of People with Mental Health Disorders
    05:55 How do Mental Health Disorders Impact Agency Management
    07:01 Battling with Mental Health
    10:01 Importance of Seeing a Therapist
    11:50 How to Take Care of Your Mental Health
    13:02 Meditating and Journaling
    15:24 Going Back to Therapist
    16:11 Moral of the Story
    18:02 Final Thoughts
    18:55 Outro



    Get a hold of more podcast episodes through our website. You can also tune in and subscribe to Operation Agency Freedom on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Thank you for tuning in!

    Why I Love Hiring in Mexico & Latin America

    Why I Love Hiring in Mexico & Latin America

    If everybody is looking for talent in the same location, then the labor rates will certainly go up due to supply and demand. 

    When I first started my digital agency my team was based in the Philippines. Eventually, I moved all my operations to Tijuana, Mexico, and it was an absolute game-changer.

    This is why I love finding talent in hidden places, especially Mexico and Latin America, because they are an untapped resources that not many digital agencies know about.

    If you’re an agency owner looking to grow your team, you’ll want to tune into this episode.


    Discussion Points:

    0:00 - Introduction 

    02:24 - Chris’s First Agency Back Story

    08:35 - Untapped Talents in Mexico & Latin America

    10:10 - Benefit #1: Cheaper Cost of Living = Less Expensive Wage

    13:31 - Benefit #2: Workable Time Difference

    15:11 - Benefit #3: No Language Barriers

    17:19 - Benefit #4: Exceptional Work Ethics

    19:36 - Benefit #5: U.S. Travel Convenience and Vice Versa

    21:15 - Final Thoughts

    21:50 - Outro


    Get a hold of more podcast episodes through our website. You can also tune in and subscribe to Operation Agency Freedom on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Thank you for tuning in!

    What it Means When Your Churn Rate is Too High & How to Fix It

    What it Means When Your Churn Rate is Too High & How to Fix It

    Between myself and other multi-agency owners like you, we can all agree that churn in the business is an issue. Low churn rate, and client cancellations, are typical for those who break several 7-figure rates.

    In today’s episode, I talk about all the things you can do to lower your churn rate and grow your agency. 

    So, if you’re looking to reduce those cancellations and fix your churn rate, you’re going to want to listen in.


    Discussion Points:

    00:00 - Intro
    05:55 - How to Calculate Your Churn
    07:26 - Cancellations That Agencies Can Control
    09:52 - Reasons Why People Cancel Your Agency
    09:56 - Reason #1: Having the Wrong Expectations
    12:15 - Reason #2: The Client Doesn’t Trust You
    15:45 - Reason #3: Clients Are Not Getting Results
    17:26 - How to Fix Churn Problems
    21:30 - Outro



    How Robert Craven’s Unique Framework (and British charm) Helps Agencies to Scale Profitably

    How Robert Craven’s Unique Framework (and British charm) Helps Agencies to Scale Profitably
    Agency owners are notorious for not paying themselves enough. They can also struggle to scale their business and incomes, whilst continuing to serve their clients at the same time.

    I chat with Robert Craven, managing director of The Directors’ Centre and founder of GYDA Initiative, and we uncover his unique, innovative strategy for assisting agencies in effectively scaling their businesses.

    If you’re an agency owner looking for the answer to make your agency profitable and grow massively, you’ll want to tune into this episode.

    Discussion Points:

    0:00 Introduction 

    02:25 - Robert’s Background Story

    04:06 - Robert's Motivator to Help Agency Owners

    06:28 - Robert’s Long-term Strategy for Agency Owners

    08:08 - Strategy #1: Give Yourself A Performance Rating

    08:32 - Strategy #2: Determine Your Purpose

    09:31 - Strategy #3: Set Your Goals

    09:53 - Strategy #4: Mark Your Milestones

    10:07 - Strategy #5: The “Devil’s Pawn"

    10:22 - Strategy #6: Map Out Your Plan

    14:16 - Agency Owners Having Difficulties to Change their Strategy

    15:44 - Hidden Traps that Keeping Agency Owners get to the Next Level

    20:17 - Roleplay Scenario: The 90-day Fix for an Agency Owner

    31:00 - 'My Best Year Yet’ Process

    32:17 - Final Thoughts and Insights

    33:27 - Outro



    About the Guest: 

    Robert Craven is one of the UK's best-known and sought-after speakers on entrepreneurship and innovation. He is the go-to expert on growing digital agency businesses – in Q4 of 2016, he spoke to over 4,000 agencies from Sarajevo to Singapore, Athens to Amsterdam. He wrote best-selling books such as The Check-in Strategy Journal: Your Daily Tracker for Business and Personal Development, Customer Is King, Grow Your Digital Agency, GYDA Initiative – Strategy Workbook, etc.

    Get a hold of more podcast episodes through our website. You can also tune in and subscribe to Operation Agency Freedom on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Thank you for tuning in!

    Why Gig Workers Screw You Over 90% of the Time

    Why Gig Workers Screw You Over 90% of the Time

    9 times out of 10, those temporary gig workers that you find on sites like Fiverr or Upwork never work out.

    The real battle as an agency owner in 2022 is not mastering the technology. It's mastering how to find great talent that can contribute to your team's success.

    So if you want to know the main reason why gig workers from sites like Fiverr or Upwork never work out and how you can find a solution to this problem, then you're going to want to listen to this episode!


    Discussion Points:

    00:00 - Intro

    01:38 - Identifying the Right Talent to Hire

    03:26 - There is a Time and Place for Gig Workers

    04:28 - Gig Workers Have No Commitment

    06:21 - UpWork Attracts the Wrong Candidates for Your Agency

    08:24 - Having Poor Communication & Zero Knowledge on Projects

    12:00 - Outro



    Get a hold of more podcast episodes through our website. You can also tune in and subscribe to Operation Agency Freedom on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Thank you for tuning in

    Kill The Term Virtual Assistant and Replace it With This

    Kill The Term Virtual Assistant  and Replace it With This
    Are you still using the term virtual assistant when looking for someone to help you in your business remotely?

    “Virtual assistant” is an outdated term that I absolutely want to kill. Times have changed, and so has the way we work. Some people think that virtual assistants are people who can do anything because they are in a different part of the world. 

    But this isn't true. They are just like any other person. They have strengths and weaknesses, and they can't do everything. We need to stop using the word “virtual assistant” (or if you do it, use it properly) which will make life easier, especially if you're hiring someone for a very specific need of your business!

    If you're hiring virtual assistants and they keep letting you down because they're not adopting or learning the things you want to do, this episode is definitely for you.


    Discussion Points:
    00:00 -
    01:59 -
    The Misconception of VA’s
    04:36 -
    Identifying The Job Requirements of a VA
    06:20 -
    “Virtual Assistants” Don’t Exist Anymore
    09:00 -
    Get Specific When Hiring a Remote Team Member
    11:39 -
    The Best Part of Remote Work
    13:56 -
    Differences Between HIring an American Vs International Citizen
    15:53 -
    Final Thoughts
    17:01 -



    Get a hold of more podcast episodes through our website. You can also tune in and subscribe to Operation Agency Freedom on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Thank you for tuning in!

    5 Reasons You Are Driving Your Employees to Quit

    5 Reasons You Are Driving Your Employees to Quit
    Are you driving your employees to quit?

    Like most agency owners, I kind of started out as a terrible manager. I've made so many mistakes when it comes to managing people. I know that I’ve lost great people because I sucked at managing them. I’m not a born leader; this was definitely something I had to learn over time.

    Not necessarily a fun topic to talk about but the reality is – retaining your employees is one of the most important keys for your agency this 2022.

    If you’re recognising that your team members are leaving and you can’t necessarily figure out why and you think the reason might be you or you’re not a born leader, this episode is definitely going to be for you. Here are five reasons why you’re driving your employees to quit.


    Discussion Points:

    00:00 Introduction
    01:37 What Is It Like Starting An Agency?
    03:02 The First Reason: You’re Very Disorganized & Undisciplined
    05:38 The Second Reason: You’re Emotionally Unstable
    08:23 The Third Reason: You Talk Badly About Your Employees Behind Their Backs
    11:33 The Fourth Reason: You Get Too Excited About Things
    14:19 The Fifth Reason: You’re Constantly Chasing Shiny Objects
    18:09 Recap
    18:54 Outro


    Get a hold of more podcast episodes through our website. You can also tune in and subscribe to Operation Agency Freedom on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Thank you for tuning in!

    How to Survive In 2022

    How to Survive In 2022

    Here’s a secret. The things that helped with the success of your business up until 2021, aren’t going to work anymore. Just like many business owners, I can feel the new changes that are arising in the digital agency space. You’re probably thinking, “Chris, how are we going to get through 2022?”  It’s crucial that you are equipped with the essential strategies to get your digital agency from surviving to thriving. Are you experiencing slowdowns in leads? Are your close rates aren’t where they used to be? Are you having a hard time retaining staff? The answers to fix these issues are in this episode.   Discussion Points:

    00:00 Introduction

    03:35 Digital Agency 2.0
    06:08 What Separates A Good Business from Great Business?
    07:24 Understanding Gross Margins
    11:36  Diversifying Your Team
15:06 Final Thoughts
    17:18 Outro



    Get a hold of more podcast episodes through our website. You can also tune in and subscribe to Operation Agency Freedom on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Thank you for tuning in!

    KPIs for Your Agency’s Operations Team

    KPIs for Your Agency’s Operations Team

    Do you want to manage your agency’s operations team more effectively? 


    Managing a team, regardless of size, is always challenging. I know of this dilemma as I went from a small team of 12 to 90 people at DUDE. 


    What you’ll need, though, are the right KPIs to make the management of your agency’s operations team possible. These KPIs are essential to track and gauge their performance and find the right solutions when issues arise.


    This, then, sets you and your operations team for success, which results in a win for the entire agency. 


    So if you have an operations team and want to know how to manage them better, pay close attention to what I will share with you in this episode. 


    Discussion Points:

    0:00 Introduction 

    2:01 Who comprises the operations team?

    2:50 The operations team impacts retention 

    3:41 The operations team and CX team collaborate 

    5:03 The role of the operations manager 

    6:00 Data is essential to fix issues 

    7:09 Allow team members to come up with a plan to do better 

    8:17 Setting deadlines and clear objectives 

    10:15 Providing praise and recognition to team members who do well 

    14:33 Hitting deadlines 

    17:10 QA: Provide the best quality of work to clients 

    18:15 Other tasks of the operations manager 

    19:37 The concept of utilization 

    23:27 Helping people advance and get promotions 





    Get a hold of more podcast episodes through our website. You can also tune in and subscribe to Operation Agency Freedom on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Thank you for tuning in!