
    Outer Limits Of Inner Truth

    The Outer Limits of Inner Truth is a program about freedom, deep introspection, self discovery, and spiritual growth. It premiered on February 2014 and within a few short months, was picked up for national syndication on Starcom Radio Networks (44 AM Stations) where it remained for four years. In 2018, OLIT was picked up by Mental Health News Radio Network (the largest mental health podcast platform in the world). In 2020, OLIT’s audience increased by a staggering 500%. Outer Limits has landed several high profile and exclusive interviews with individuals such as: Richard Belzer, George Noory, Dr. Ron Paul, Publishing Legend Judith Regan, Stacy Keach, “Rich Dad Poor Dad” Robert Kiyosaki, Dr. Naomi Wolf, Dr. Daniel Amen, Award Winning Journalist Jane Velez-Mitchell, World Renowned Heart Surgeon Dr. Stephen Sinatra, and others. OLIT has also aired acclaimed programs such as: The Death Show (a 14-part series), How To Find Your Soul Mate, Surviving The Coming Collapse, Suicide: Healing & Understanding, and The Spiritual Benefits of Laughter.
    enRyan McCormick413 Episodes

    Episodes (413)

    Something Wicked Comes This Way with Gerald Celente

    Something Wicked Comes This Way with Gerald Celente
    Gerald Celente is the Founder/Director of the Trends Research Institute and Publisher of the weekly Trends Journal magazine. He is the author of the highly acclaimed and best-selling books Trend Tracking and Trends 2000 (Warner Books). With a 40-year track record of identifying, tracking, and forecasting trends, Celente is world-renowned as today’s #1 Trend Forecaster. Celente has earned thereputation as a trusted name in trends for his many accurate forecasts; among them the 1987 Stock Market crash, Dot com bust, “Gold Bull Run,” the “Panic of ‘08,” the rise of organic foods, and the popularity of gourmet coffee long before Starbucks was a household name. Self-described as a “Warrior for the Prince of Peace,” Gerald Celente is also the Founder “Occupy Peace & Freedom,” a not-for-profit movement to honor the Constitution and Bill of Rights and restore Freedoms. Website:

    More Insights From The Afterlife with Nanci L. Danison, Esq.

    More Insights From The Afterlife with Nanci L. Danison, Esq.
    Nanci L. Danison, Esq. returns to the Outer Limits of Inner Truth to share more insights from her profound After Death Experience. Until 1994, Nanci L. Danison, Esq. () lived the life of a successful trial lawyer with a national health law practice in a large Midwestern law firm. Then, she died during an invasive radiological procedure before surgery, plunging her farther into the afterlife than previously thought survivable. She returned to share her memories of what she learned in heaven and has written five books including “Create a New Reality: Move Beyond Law of Attraction Theory.” Five Insights Nanci’s After Death Experience include: • There is no devil or hell. All people return to the same place after death. • What we did or didn't do in a previous lifetime has no bearing at all on reincarnation. We do not have to earn heaven; we automatically awaken there when our physical host's life ends. • We do not enter into human life to evolve, to learn how to love, or to learn how to be more spiritual. We souls are already pieces of Source/God's own self-awareness and cannot get more evolved, loving, or spiritual than while in our spiritual state. • We are souls that have full freedom of choice about whether to incarnate. We choose a theme or topic of interest as our guiding principle for incarnations and select physical lives that will allow us to experience different aspects of that theme or topic. • You have the spiritual power to literally create the physical world events your body experiences. But most of us either allow our human bodies to act out innate animal instincts and drives, or we unconsciously manifest into our lives the old, erroneous, and harmful beliefs we have carried around as baggage since birth. You can change that. More About Nanci Danison Nanci was a National Merit Finalist in Catholic high school, where she graduated magna cum laude. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree in biology (anatomy and physiology major) and chemistry magna cum laude, a Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology magna cum laude, and a doctorate in jurisprudence, and has been listed for decades in Martindale-Hubbell’s “Bar Register of Preeminent Lawyers.”

    Cracking The Cosmic Code with Dr. Scott Keller

    Cracking The Cosmic Code with Dr. Scott Keller
    Astrologer, Medical Intuitive, Ayurvedic Specialist and Chiropractor Dr. Scott Keller has been a New York State, Board-certified practicing chiropractic physician for 27 years, Astrologer, Medical Intuitive and Ayurvedic Physician. He worked as a practicing physician and metaphysician at the Association of Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.), The Edgar Cayce foundation in Manhattan which he began in 1995. Dr. Scott has reached epic proportion’s in treating over 10,000 patients during this time at the Cayce foundation. His techniques were completely unique in treatment and involved not only the use of traditional Western allopathic medical approaches and chiropractic, but also the utilization of astrological, ayurvedic, and past life information. Dr. Scott’s track record spans a list of well-known celebrities from around the world and guarantees the success of his clients.. Website: astrology predictions 2023, astrological sign personality, medical intuitive, Ayurvedic Physician, Scott Keller, Pisces, Aries

    Sleepwalking To The Gates of Hell with Martin Armstrong

    Sleepwalking To The Gates of Hell with Martin Armstrong
    Sleepwalking To The Gates of Hell with Martin Armstrong With or without our consent, humanity is being dragged into a horrific third word war. Martin Armstrong gives a sobering assessment and forecast of how, why, and what to expect when hell on earth manifests. Martin also discusses: • The likelihood that Americans will be subjected to an willingly accept a Chinese-style social credit rating system. • What the past eight civilizations that have collapsed (with the exception of Egypt post-1250 BC) all have in common. • Will the push for green energy fully succeed in the US or only prevail in a limited number of states. • When China becomes epicenter of economic activity by 2032, will it drastically increase it’s sphere of influence and political ideologies the same way the US did in post World War II. • What form of government in history was most favorable to individual rights and what nations and states will have the most freedom in the future. 2022 World Economic Conference Orlando, FL November 11, 12, and 13 The (WEC) provides a rare glimpse into our financial futures, enable attendees to learn from the leading economic expert, and attract like-minded individuals from around the world. As a politician and past guest speaker Nigel Farage said, the WEC is “the alternative to Davos.” About Martin Armstrong Martin Armstrong is a legendary economic forecaster, pro-freedom advocate, and a brilliant observer of history and human nature. Once a US based trillion dollar financial advisor, Martin developed a computer model based on the number pi and other cyclical theories to predict economic turning points with eerie accuracy (he predicted the October 1987 Black Monday crash to the very day and the Russian financial collapse in 1998). In the early 80s he established his financial forecasting and advising company Princeton Economics. His forecasts were in great demand worldwide. As Armstrong’s recognition grew, prominent New York bankers invited him to join “The Club” to aid them in market manipulation. Martin repeatedly refused he was put in a cage for over ten years (see 2014’s documentary “The Forecaster” – . Learn more about Martin here:  Website Link:    Martin Armstrong interview, World War 3, pushing for great reset, civil unrest 2023, US breaking apart, 2022 World Economic Conference, 2032 year Marxism fails, why civilization collapse future events, Outer Limits of Inner Truth

    What Evil Has Planned For Us with Gary Heavin

    What Evil Has Planned For Us with Gary Heavin
    Globally things seem amiss and getting worse by the day. Is because of massive incompetence or there a sinister plan underway? Gary Heavin lays out what he sees as “peak evil’s” vision for humanity. You learn the reasons behind it and what you need to do to protect your family and yourself. Gary Heavin is an entrepreneur and self described adventurer. He and his wife Diane are the founders of Curves, the worlds largest fitness franchise. They are credited with pioneering the concept of express fitness centers having opened 10,000 locations in 92 countries with over 5 million members. After selling the company 8 years ago, Gary has pursued his philanthropic interests doing things such as rescue flights in Haiti for 6 weeks following Hurricane Mathew that had left a million people homeless and starving. As a high time pilot, he was able to utilize his passion in saving the lives of hundreds of victims. For over 10 years, he and his wife have been feeding 10,000 children a day in Haiti. Gary has numerous credits in TV and movies. He and Diane appeared on ABC’s Secret Millionaire where they spent a week in the poorest area of Houston serving the poor and revealing their true identity as they donated almost half a million dollars to worthy organizations. Gary co-wrote the scripts for the movies Mission Air and Amerigeddon as well as acting in a major role in the latter. He also has acting credits in the new move, Roe V. Wade. Gary has flown his jet around the world multiple times, is an accomplished helicopter pilot and is a nationally ranked Hot Air Balloon racing pilot. In addition to amassing a fortune, he is a two-time New York Times bestselling author and holds a degree in health and nutrition and an honorary doctorate degree. Gary and his wife Diane, are committed Christians and believe that to whom much has been given, much is expected.

    Astroforecast For 2022-23 with Astrologer Constance Stellas

    Astroforecast For 2022-23 with Astrologer Constance Stellas
    Astroforecast For 2022-23 with Astrologer Constance Stellas An original Virtue on the Outer Limits of Inner Truth since the first show in 2014, beloved Constance Stellas (the Astro-phenom) is back with an analysis on popular guest Martin Armstrong and Astroforecast for 2022-23. Constance Stellas (creator, author) is an actor (SAG-AFTRA/AEA), writer and astrologer. Her best-selling books include The Hidden Power of Everyday Things, The Astrology Gift Guide, Advanced Astrology for Life and The Everything Book of Sex Signs. This last book has gone into a second printing, been translated into French, and is available at both bookstores and Urban Outfitters. With over 25 years of astrology experience, she regularly consults the stars for clients from the arts, business, academia, and regular folks. A permanent guest on Sirius/XM’s Broadminded, Constance has also had columns in Prestige Magazine (Singapore), Valley Life (LA), Scarlett Magazine (UK), and now blogs for the Huffington Post. She leads workshops at home and abroad in Greece, at the Oracle at Delphi. Check out Constance’s latest books here!  As an actor, she’s appeared in many off-Broadway productions. She was a member of the Jean Cocteau Repertory Theatre, New York’s oldest classical rep theatre. She also performed under the direction of Elia Kazan at The Actors Studio Playwrights and Directors Unit. She played Nurse Darla in the indy feature, Stealing Martin Lane. Having appeared on numerous soap operas, her episode of As The World Turns was nominated for an Emmy. Tree of Keys, a graphic novel, is Constance’s latest project. The comic tells the story of 12 orphans, who under the influence of the longest lunar eclipse of the century, are called to the tree of keys. Each orphan, born under a different star sign, has a special quest. Watched over by Zalinda, the Harmonizer, they journey to discover their inner most talents. As they transform to confront Nefos, the Distorter, as well as their own fears, these buoyant, bold kids become – Super Astro Heroes!

    Soul Drive with Michael Levine

    Soul Drive with Michael Levine
    Soul Driven with Michael Levine Called by USA Today, "one of Hollywood's brightest and most respected executives," Michael Levine has been responsible for the renowned public relations campaigns for, among others, Michael Jackson, Barbra Streisand, Charlton Heston, Linda Evans, Jon Voight, Suzanne Somers, John Larroquette and Sidney Sheldon. His clients have run from movie stars Michael J. Fox, Demi Moore and Mickey Rooney; to sports heroes Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Nancy Kerrigan; to television personalities Hal Linden and Mary Hart; to music figures Fleetwood Mac, Janet Jackson, Tom Petty and David Bowie; to comics such as Sandra Bernhard and George Carlin; to producer Robert Evans. Corporate entertainment clients have included: The Improvisation Comedy Clubs (nationally), The Comedy Store, Sandollar Productions, The Hollywood Athletic Club, among many others. Regarded by the national media as one of the country’s most prominent media expert, Levine has appeared on virtually every major national TV and radio show as a contributing media expert. Frequent appearances on TV include The Today Show, Nightline, Good Morning America, CNN, Fox News, ABC News, MSNBC, PBS, etc. Additionally, Levine appears regularly on radio both nationally and locally. His quotes frequent many major print media ranging from Time Magazine to The Los Angeles Times from Newsweek to The New York Times from U.S.A Today to People Magazine, etc. Levine is the creator of the LBN E-Lert (Levine Breaking News), one of the world’s premier online newsletters, feeding the latest insider breaking news to approximately 474,000 “influencers” in all 50 of the United States and 26 foreign countries including China, India, Japan, Australia, Russia, England, Israel, Germany, South Africa, Mexico, Canada and Korea. Michael Levine is the author of 19 books, with his most recent titled, “Broken Windows, Broken Business” (Warner Books) www.BrokenWindows.com. His previous book “Guerrilla P.R.” (Harper Collins) is the most widely used introduction to P.R. book in the world, and his books have been translated into six languages. Cable News Network (CNN) said of Levine, "He's as focused as a bullet in flight." The late legendary comedian Steve Allen introduced Michael Levine as the "Michael Jordan of Entertainment P.R." ---------------------------

    Become The Dreamer with Shunyamurti

    Become The Dreamer with Shunyamurti
    Become The Dreamer with Shunyamurti Shunyamurti became aware of yoga as a spiritual path at an early age and was immediately drawn to it. He spent many years of meditation practice and training in numerous forms of yoga, including apprenticeship with Baba Hari Dass, deep study of the life and teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi, and ten years of vowed association with a Brahmachari ashram in India. The teachings of such Eastern approaches to consciousness as Sankhya, Advaita, Advaya, and the insights of esoteric Shaivism and Buddhism, have been supplemented by the intensive study of Western metaphysics, and profound exploration of the dimensions opened by entheogens. From formal study of transpersonal psychology and hypnotherapy, various forms of psychoanalysis, including Kleinian and Lacanian approaches, and post-Jungian analysis and dreamwork, to the perennial philosophies, including Taoism, Kabbalah, and mystical Christianity, to postmodern philosophy, Shunyamurti has been a lifelong student and meditator. Website link: YouTube Channel:

    Upgrading Your Body Armor with Dr. Elaina George

    Upgrading Your Body Armor with Dr. Elaina George
    Body Armor with Dr. Elaina George Dr. Elaina George is a Board Certified Otolaryngologist. She graduated from Princeton University with a degree in Biology, received her Master’s degree in Medical Microbiology from Long Island University, and received her medical degree from Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York. Dr. George completed her residency at Manhattan, Eye Ear & Throat Hospital. Her training included general surgery at Lenox Hill Hospital, pediatric ENT at The NY-Presbyterian Hospital, and head and neck oncology at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. As an independent solo practitioner in private practice who is also a small business owner, she has a unique perspective on the problems of health care delivery, the true costs of healthcare, and viable solutions, which seek to improve and restore the doctor patient relationship. Her interest in the politics of healthcare and the reform effort has led Dr. George to become both a powerful voice for the practicing physician and an advocate for the patient. Dr. George is a recipient of the Patients’ Choice Award in 2008 and 2009. She has also been honored with membership in The Leading Physicians of the World and Who’s Who Top Doctors Honors Edition. She is also on the advisory council of Project 21 black leadership network, an initiative of The National Center for Public Policy Research. She is a contributor to a wide variety of websites and is a recurring medical expert on a variety of shows including Your World with Neil Cavuto, and Newsmax. Website Living in the Solution with Dr. Elaina George

    An Introspective Look At The Collapsing Republic & Push For Global Totalitarianism with Martin Armstrong

    An Introspective Look At The Collapsing Republic & Push For Global Totalitarianism with Martin Armstrong
    An Introspective Look At The Collapsing Republic & Push For Global Totalitarianism with Martin Armstrong Massive Civil Unrest in the US starting in 2023, Word War 3 on the horizon, inflation to only get progressively worse, and the elites going all out to push their Great Reset on humanity. Legendary economic forecaster and astute scholar of history & human nature Martin Armstrong returns to the Outer Limits of Inner Truth to discuss his predictions and insight on the topics above. Armstrong reveals what to expect and what people can do in the volatile years ahead. Also, if we can weather the storm till 2032, things should clear up and humanity should be knee deep in a peaceful enlightenment period by 2040. About Martin Armstrong Martin Armstrong is a legendary economic forecaster, pro-freedom advocate, and a brilliant observer of history and human nature. Once a US based trillion dollar financial advisor, Martin developed a computer model based on the number pi and other cyclical theories to predict economic turning points with eerie accuracy (he predicted the October 1987 Black Monday crash to the very day and the Russian financial collapse in 1998). In the early 80s he established his financial forecasting and advising company Princeton Economics. His forecasts were in great demand worldwide. As Armstrong’s recognition grew, prominent New York bankers invited him to join “The Club” to aid them in market manipulation. Martin repeatedly refused he was put in a cage for over ten years (see 2014’s documentary “The Forecaster” – . Learn more about Martin here:  Website Link:  Armstrong Economics Recent Articles Pushing the Envelope for Civil Unrest The Decline & Fall of the United States Sleepwalking into Our Own Demise Klaus Schwab – How to Rule the World – Maybe!

    Former Narcotics Cop Turned Freedom Activist, Barry Cooper

    Former Narcotics Cop Turned Freedom Activist, Barry Cooper
    Barry Cooper was once one of the nation’s top drug enforcement officers. After an enormous shift in consciousness, he now works as an addiction specialist, freedom consultant, and criminal defense expert witness.He has made hundreds of drug arrests and has practiced as a criminal defense expert for over a decade. He has guest lectured and helped thousands of lawyers develop defense strategies to help their drug clients go free. Barry Cooper received global attention by being reported in over 2,000 newspapers and magazines. Website Link:  He appeared in Rolling Stones, High Times, a feature in Maxim Magazine and a front cover feature in Cannabis Culture Magazine and the Texas Observer. He has been a guest on hundreds of radio shows and has appeared on every cable news channel the exists. His appearances include MSNBC Tucker Carlson, FOX Geraldo At Large, ABC I Caught, NBC Mike and Juliet Morning Show, and NPR’s, This American Life. has also appeared as a drug and legal expert in five episodes of SPIKE TV’s reality show, MANSWERS, and Vice Media. He recently starred with Woody Harrelson, 50 Cent, Eminem, and Susan Sarandon in the anti-drug war documentary, “How To Make Money Selling Drugs.” The excerpt below was taken from the documentary and features Barry Cooper freeing drug prisoners.

    The Perils of Geoengineering with Dane Wigington

    The Perils of Geoengineering with Dane Wigington
    The Perils of Geoengineering with Dane Wigington According to , global weather engineering operations are a reality and the lingering, spreading jet aircraft trails that we all see in the sky - it's not just condensation. It's the fate of our very existence and the inevitable grim consequences of sinister intentions. The Outer Limits of Inner Truth presents an introspective interview with Dane Wigington. Dane is the executive producer for the ground breaking climate engineering documentary, "The Dimming". As the lead researcher for GeoengineeringWatch.org Dane has investigated all levels of geoengineering, solar radiation management and global ionosphere heater facilities like HAARP. Dane has appeared on an extensive number of interviews and films to explain the environmental dangers we face on a global level from the ongoing climate engineering assault. Dane discusses how these jet aircraft trails are having a direct impact on our environment, where we are headed, and if there time left to turn things around before vast portions of the planet become inhabitable. In addition, we ask Dane about Christian Westbrook's (of the ) perspective of earth actually going into a Grand Solar Minimum (a substantial cooling period). ------------------------------------- Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org ----------------------------------- Geoengineering, climate engineering, chemtrails, global warming, Grand Solar Minimum, new ice age, how the world will end, collapse

    How To Optimize Your Heart Health

    How To Optimize Your Heart Health
    How To Optimize Your Heart Health with Dr. Stephen Sinatra Dr. Stephen Sinatra is a highly respected and sought-after cardiologist whose integrative approach to treating cardiovascular disease has revitalized patients with even the most advanced forms of illness. His expertise is grounded in more than 40 years of clinical practice, research, and study beginning as an attending physician at Manchester Memorial Hospital (Eastern Connecticut Health Network). His career there included nine years as chief of cardiology, 18 years as director of medical education, seven years as director of echocardiography, three years as director of cardiac rehabilitation, and one year as director of the weight reducing program. Websites:

    Facing Adversity with Dr. Jeffrey Gurian

    Facing Adversity with Dr. Jeffrey Gurian
    The Outer Limits of Inner Truth proudly welcomes back our very first guest and dear friend, Dr. Jeffrey Gurian. Gurian discusses his latest book  Three-year-old boy loses hands in an accident and grows up to be renowned spinal surgeon! Man born without arms and legs perseveres to become internationally known motivational speaker, husband and father of four children! True unbelievable stories of courage. Have you ever faced some obstacle you thought you couldn’t overcome? Or spent time feeling sorry for yourself? If so, then this is the book for you! Facing Adversity-Stories of Courage and Inspiration is a collection of true stories, collected by best-selling author, Dr. Jeffrey L. Gurian, about people who have had to face unimaginable difficulties, and somehow found the strength to overcome them, leading happy, fruitful, and meaningful lives. Collected over a period of 20 years, the stories are accompanied by additional psychological and Spiritually based commentary from Dr. Gurian, a 20-year plus Board member of The Assoc. for Spirituality and Psychotherapy, and former Clinical Prof. in Oral Medicine and Oro-Facial Pain. He was inspired to write the book after facing and overcoming many of his own adversities, like conquering a severe stuttering problem that plagued him through his 20’s and beyond, and surviving both a “widowmaker” heart attack and a hospitalization with Covid Double Pneumonia. During the time he was recovering from Covid, he wrote this inspirational book, essentially taking a negative and turning it into a positive, which is the essence of the book.

    Is The Earth Flat?

    Is The Earth Flat?
    David Weiss (known as Flat Earth Dave) appears on the Outer Limits of Inner Truth to share thoughts and observations on why he thinks the earth is not a spinning globe in space. Weiss’ perspective is shared by a growing number of individuals worldwide. There’s even a Flat Earth Society – / – OLIT loves asking engaging questions to interesting guests and this particular show will go down as one for the books. Website:

    Critical Thinking Resistance with Brandon Smith

    Critical Thinking Resistance with Brandon Smith
    Brandon Smith, Founder of Alt-Market makes his fourth appearance on the Outer Limits of Inner Truth to discuss some of the core values of freedom and mentality of those who want to take it from you. We cover some of Brandon’s recent articles and explore how to prepare for uncertain times ahead. ================================== Brandon Smith is the Founder of Alt-Market. The Alternative Market Project was initially launched in 2010-2011 after he wrote for 4-5 years at Neithercorp.us. This website (Alt-Market.us), is the sister website to Alt-Market.com, which Brandon is keeping up as an archive site for people that would like to read all of my older articles. Brandon has always tried to educate the public on facts, evidence and philosophies that the mainstream establishment refuses to discuss in an honest way. But beyond that, Brandon’s Alt-Market focuses on SOLUTIONS, not just threat analysis. My goal is to encourage people around the world (and Americans in particular) to start decoupling from the existing system; we must become more independent and self reliant as individuals, and communities must adopt localized economic networks including barter markets in order to insulate themselves from the ongoing decline of the corrupt financial structure. In other words, if centralization is the problem, then decentralization is the answer. Alt-Market is about freedom, in the purest sense, and we stand against those that are working relentlessly to undermine our most fundamental values. Website:  Brandon Smith interview, resisting tyranny, the Great Reset, pro-freedom, what states have the most freedom, survival

    The New American Nightmare with Doug Casey

    The New American Nightmare with Doug Casey
    The New American Nightmare with Doug Casey What lies ahead for the global financial markets and freedom in the US? Best-selling author, world-renowned speculator, and brilliant libertarian philosopher Doug Casey returns to the Outer Limits of Inner Truth. Casey offers his perspectives on the philosophies of Martin Armstrong, Jeff Berwick, and Larken Rose to name a few. Casey also discusses the new nightmare that we are apparently all in the midst of walking into (and what people who love free speech can do about it).. Doug Casey has garnered a well-earned reputation for his erudite (and often controversial) insights into politics, economics, and investment markets. Doug is widely respected as one of the preeminent authorities on “rational speculation,” especially in the high-potential natural resource sector. Doug wrote the book on profiting from periods of economic turmoil: his book Crisis Investing spent weeks as #1 on the New York Times bestseller list and became the best-selling financial book of 1980 with 438,640 copies sold; surpassing big-caliber names, like Free to Choose by Milton Friedman, The Real War by Richard Nixon, and Cosmos by Carl Sagan. He has been a featured guest on hundreds of radio and TV shows, including David Letterman, Merv Griffin, Charlie Rose, Phil Donahue, Regis Philbin, Maury Povich, NBC News, and CNN; has been the topic of numerous features in periodicals such as Time, Forbes, People, and the Washington Post; and is a regular keynote speaker at FreedomFest, the world’s largest gathering of free minds. Doug has lived in 10 countries and visited over 175. He currently spends most of his time in Argentina and Uruguay, and traveling to various dysfunctional hellholes. Today you’re most likely to find him at La Estancia de Cafayate, an oasis tucked away in the high red mountains outside Salta, Argentina. Cafayate most resembles the isolating beauty of Bryce Canyon, Utah combined with the lush vineyards of Napa Valley. Residents enjoy economic and social freedoms not found in the US and some of the best wine and golf on the planet. Website Link:  ================================================= The New American Nightmare Doug Casey on Food Riots and “Inflation Lockdowns” The “Great Reset” and the Future of Money… Here’s What You Need To Know

    Don't Burn This Spirit with Dave Rubin

    Don't Burn This Spirit with Dave Rubin
    Don’t Burn This Spirit with Dave Rubin You don’t have to be a conspiracy theorist to see that something dark is happening in America and the world at large. Corporations and governments monitor our every move and seek every opportunity to regress civil civilities and silence free speech. Thinking for yourself has become a revolutionary act. The Outer Limits of Inner Truth proudly presents an introspective interview with Dave Rubin. Dave is an author, comedian, and TV personality best known for his political commentary. He is the host of The Rubin Report, a top-ranking talk show recognized as one of the most influential spaces for candid conversations about complex issues and current events. Like the legendary George Carlin and Bill Hicks once did, Rubin performs stand up comedy throughout the United States utilizing his voice to highlight the absurdities of the country’s increasingly polarized political landscape. In Dave’s new book “Don’t Burn This Country: Surviving and Thriving in Our Woke Dystopia,” he offers tactics that you can use to protect yourself from today’s authoritarian rule—from resisting the grip of Big Tech to staying sane in a post-truth world. What’s more, he offers a vision for the next generation of patriots who will need to face the future head-on, holding fast to their values and creating a meaningful life no matter how frenzied and fabricated the news of the day is. Website Link:  Don’t Burn This Country: Surviving and Thriving in Our Woke Dystopia

    How To Unlock Your True Health Potential with Christine Hronec

    How To Unlock Your True Health Potential with Christine Hronec
    How To Unlock Your True Health Potential with Christine Hronec Christine Hronec is a food scientist, chemical engineer, fitness champion, and founder of Gauge Girl Training (25+ million views on YouTube and 40,000+ success stories). Christine hosts the Lifeline podcast and has been featured in Forbes and Huffington Post, and on Extra, Fox News, and CBS. Christine is also author of a new book “” Christine Hronec knows that one-size-fits-all diets don’t work…because she tried them all. Through years of coaching and research, Christine has discovered the key to fat loss is eating the optimum ratio of macronutrients—protein, carbohydrates, and fat—for your body. In UNLOCK YOUR MACRO TYPE, there is no golden ratio that works for everyone; instead, your ideal varies depending on your body type and carb tolerance. And many readers will discover they should actually be eating more calories, not less! Christine teaches us about the five Macro Types, bio-individual nutritional blueprints rooted in science and backed by real-world results. In today’s interview we cover: • Why many people need to eat more calories to lose weight • The secret code of fat, and why you need to eat fat to burn fat • Why drastic carb-cutting can backfire for many Macro Types—and why many people need to eat more carbs to lose weight • The essential macronutrient most people don’t get enough of each day Christine Hronec, weight loss, fitness, how to unlock your macro type, summer weight loss tips, carb tolerance, insulin resistance, low fat diet book

    Boundless Authenticity with Jehan Sattaur

    Boundless Authenticity with Jehan Sattaur
    Boundless Authenticity with Jehan Sattaur Jehan Sattaur is a Meditation Teacher and Life Coach. Jehan says "I am on a mission to show 100,000 people of all walks of life how they can massively improve their Mental Health, Reduce Stress and Establish Boundless Authenticity using simple yet effective Mindfulness Techniques. It's time to stop the negative self talk, self loathing, the feelings of never being good enough and sacrificing your authenticity in your daily life and learn the techniques that will reduce stress levels and improve your mental health in even the most challenging of times. Website: Podcast: