
    Outer Limits Of Inner Truth

    The Outer Limits of Inner Truth is a program about freedom, deep introspection, self discovery, and spiritual growth. It premiered on February 2014 and within a few short months, was picked up for national syndication on Starcom Radio Networks (44 AM Stations) where it remained for four years. In 2018, OLIT was picked up by Mental Health News Radio Network (the largest mental health podcast platform in the world). In 2020, OLIT’s audience increased by a staggering 500%. Outer Limits has landed several high profile and exclusive interviews with individuals such as: Richard Belzer, George Noory, Dr. Ron Paul, Publishing Legend Judith Regan, Stacy Keach, “Rich Dad Poor Dad” Robert Kiyosaki, Dr. Naomi Wolf, Dr. Daniel Amen, Award Winning Journalist Jane Velez-Mitchell, World Renowned Heart Surgeon Dr. Stephen Sinatra, and others. OLIT has also aired acclaimed programs such as: The Death Show (a 14-part series), How To Find Your Soul Mate, Surviving The Coming Collapse, Suicide: Healing & Understanding, and The Spiritual Benefits of Laughter.
    enRyan McCormick413 Episodes

    Episodes (413)

    The Psychology Of Resilience with Mark Harol

    The Psychology Of Resilience with Mark Harol
    Mark Christopher Harol / Licensed Professional Counselor, MS, LPCS, NCC My work is dedicated to helping people develop healthy relationships and productive, satisfying lives. You may be experiencing depression, anxiety, anger issues, or a difficult situation, a sense that somehow your life is not working out as you’d like. I have been a corporate CEO, and am retired from the USAF with 22 years of service to this great country. I am retired from the Air Force and spent 12 years as the CEO of a successful company. I have many years of life and career counseling experience. Psychology, mental health resilience, covid tyranny, covidian cult, mob mentality, mending broken friendships, personal development

    Revelations with Christopher Macklin

    Revelations with Christopher Macklin
    Revelations with Dr. Christopher Macklin Returning guest Christopher Macklin discusses the latest developments with the Council of Interplanetary Light Beings and how a remote triggering system is used to release dormant diseases into the body which were administered via the vaccine schedules, toxins and chemtrailing. Dr. Christopher Macklin is an extraordinary sage who brings several facets to his work – in the realm of spirituality, health and wellness, alien connection, angels divination, paranormal, world conspiracies, Covid-19 etc.. He specializes in developing protocols for removing ‘manufactured diseases’ like Lyme, HIV, Agent Orange, Morgellons and spends his life work healing the physical, spiritual and emotional psyche. He utilizes Divine Healing techniques is cultivated to help people recover from all types of illness. Christopher is able to heal many people simultaneously with rebalancing the body’s energy field by clearing chakra points and cleansing the body’s meridian field by removing blockages and negative energies. Christopher has written several books that can be found on his website:  council of light, ancient wisdom, angelic beings, battle between good and evil, chakras, Christopher Macklin, energy field, God, light warriors, Mental Health News Radio Network, Outer Limits Of Inner Truth, remote healing

    This Is Your Last Chance with Robert Gore

    This Is Your Last Chance with Robert Gore
    “There will be a decentralized multiplicity of new political arrangements and subdivisions, from chaotic black holes to well-ordered enclaves. The success of the latter will be due to the freedom they embrace, the individual rights they protect, and their ability to defend their enclaves. New industries, technologies, modes of commerce, and ways of life will emerge. This will be the true great reset, not the Klaus Schwab version, which only recycles failed concepts of centralized power and collective subjugation on a larger scale.” This Is Your Last Chance with Robert Gore Robert is a writer, investor, attorney, and former bond trader. His website is straightlinelogic, and his most recent novel is The Golden Pinnacle, available on Amazon, Kindle, and Nook. He is also a regular columnist for thesavvystreet.com. A cabal of politicians, governments, courts, medical authorities, pharmaceutical companies, multinational agencies, the mainstream media, academics, and foundations, particularly the World Economic Forum, have concocted responses to a virus and its variants that have robbed the people of rightful liberties, are a mechanism for the imposition of global totalitarianism, and have amplified rather than reduced the virus’s dangers, inflicting severe injury and death that will last years, perhaps decades, and afflict millions, if not billions, of victims (See “The Means Are The End,” Robert Gore, SLL, November 13, 2021). Website:  This Is Your Last Chance with Robert Gore Part 1 This Is Your Last Chance, Part 2 Great reset will fail, economic collapse, hope for humanity, Robert Gore, political change, social upheaval, a new day, imposition of global totalitarianism

    Forecasting A Hopeful Future with Martin Armstrong

    Forecasting A Hopeful Future with Martin Armstrong
    “There comes a time when we just have to stand up for what we believe, or life loses all meaning.” - Martin Armstrong Forecasting A Hopeful Future with Martin Armstrong Martin Armstrong is a legendary economic forecaster, pro-freedom advocate, and a brilliant observer of history and human nature. Once a US based trillion dollar financial advisor, Martin developed a computer model based on the number pi and other cyclical theories to predict economic turning points with eerie accuracy (he predicted the October 1987 Black Monday crash to the very day and the Russian financial collapse in 1998). In the early 80s he established his financial forecasting and advising company Princeton Economics. His forecasts were in great demand worldwide. As Armstrong’s recognition grew, prominent New York bankers invited him to join “The Club” to aid them in market manipulation. Martin repeatedly refused he was put in a cage for over ten years (see 2014’s documentary “The Forecaster” – . Learn more about Martin here:  The Outer Limits of Inner Truth is honored to speak with Mr. Armstrong. We cover future economic trends (is the US economy is going to collapse and will we experience hyperinflation?), current events (Canada turning full tilt fascist), and peer behind the veil of what humanity’s future holds (SPOILER ALERT: It’s not Mad Max). Website Link:  Other Martin Armstrong Interviews Martin on The Highwire with Del Bigtree Martin on The Financial Survival Network with Kerry Lutz Martin Armstrong interview, future events, fate of the dollar, great reset, 2022, hyperinflation, views on world events, Outer Limits of Inner Truth

    Humanity's Darkest Hour with Vera Sharav

    Humanity's Darkest Hour with Vera Sharav
    Bruminating Evil & The Final Stand with Vera Sharav Mark Twain once said that history doesn’t repeat itself, but it does rhyme. That being said, do you, as someone who is an awakened mind see some distributing similarities between today and one of the darkest periods in world history? Our featured guest Vera Sharav is going to help us understand the past so we can be more aware of the present and have an idea of what to likely anticipate in the future. This could very well be humanity’s last stand. A public advocate for human rights is the founder and president of the Alliance for Human Research Protection (AHRP) which serves as an information resource and public interest watchdog organization whose goal is to unlock the walls of secrecy in biomedical research and bring accountability to that endeavor. AHRP Infomails have a wide following: they are read by physicians and scientists, public health officials, journalists, lawyers, and patient advocacy organizations. Her advocacy achievements include: suspension of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) pesticide experiment (CHEERS) on children; complaint led to two federal investigations on the use of children in foster care as guinea pigs in experimental AIDS drug and vaccine trials; suspension of smallpox vaccine on children; suspension of “violence prediction” experiment that exposed 6–11 year old NYC boys of color to fenfluramine ; opened a public debate about the ethics of relapse-inducing experiments in schizophrenia patients. Organized families and victims of unethical research to join her in testifying before the National Bioethics Advisory Committee (NBAC) — re: unethical experimentation on mentally disabled psychiatric patients; those testimonies led to a prize-winning series in the Boston Globe, “Doing Harm: Research on the Mentally Ill” — ultimately resulting in the shutdown of 29 clinical trials at the National Institute of Mental Health (1999). Mrs. Sharav served on the Children’s Workgroup of the National Human Research Protection Advisory Committee where she was the sole dissenter objecting to expanded use of children in high risk medical experiments. She has testified before public policy advisory panels including, the Institute of Medicine — against human pesticide experiments; against prison drug research; numerous FDA hearings, against misuse of psychotropic drugs for children. She has been an invited presenter at various professional and academic forums: World Federation of Science Journalists, London; National Academy of Sciences Policy Fellow program and National Public Health Association re: screening for mental illness; Consumers Institute for Medicines and Health, Stockholm — re: America’s overmedicated children; Columbia University; NY Hospital, Cornell; U.S. military medical ethics forum; University of Texas. Her recent peer-reviewed publications include: Screening for Mental Illness: The Merger of Eugenics and the Drug Industry, Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry (2005); Conflicts of Interest in Biomedical Research Harm Children With and Without Disabilities,” Journal of Disability Policy Studies (2004); “The Impact of FDAMA on the recruitment of children for research,” EHPP (2003); “Children in Clinical Research: A Conflict of Moral Values,” American Journal of Bioethics (2003); The ethics of conducting psychosis-inducing experiments,” Accountability in Research (1999). LINK: About the Alliance for Human Research Protection Our Mission The Alliance for Human Research Protection (AHRP) is a national network of lay people and professionals who are committed to upholding the humanitarian values and ethical standards of medicine enshrined in the Hippocratic Oath: “First, do no harm”; the Nuremberg Code (1947): “The Voluntary informed consent of the human subject is absolutely essential”; and the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights (2005): “Any preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic medical intervention is only to be carried out with the prior, free and informed consent of the person concerned, based on adequate information.” AHRP’s mission is to ensure that the moral right of voluntary medical decision-making is upheld. To accomplish that mission, we engage in an educational campaign, providing relevant factual information including ethical, legal, technical reports, and media reports. We endeavor to counter widely disseminated false claims that exaggerate the benefits of medical interventions, while minimizing risks. Our educational efforts are directed at both professionals and the lay public, who may be unaware of a body of suppressed scientific evidence that refutes false promotional claims for drugs; including antidepressants, antipsychotics, statins; medical devices; and vaccinations, including those for Hepatitis B, HPV, and the flu. Our goal is to empower citizens with accurate information so that they can exercise their right to informed consent to medical research and medical procedures within clinical care. As a citizens’ watchdog group, AHRP brings to public attention specific unethical violations of informed consent wherever they occur.

    Total Health Dominance with Jay Campbell

    Total Health Dominance with Jay Campbell
    Total Health Dominance with Jay Campbell Jay Campbell is the Amazon Best Selling author of four change making books in the optimization health care space. The 2019 release and master treatise on Fat Loss, Guaranteed Shredded, The 2018 release and #1 overall Men’s Health book, The Testosterone Optimization Therapy Bible: The Ultimate Guide to Living a Fully Optimized Life. The 2017 IF masterpiece, The Metabolic Blowtorch Diet-The Ultimate Guide for Optimizing Intermittent Fasting: Burn Fat, Preserve Muscle, Enhance Focus and Transform Your Health. The 2015 released and #1 5 Star Rated book of all time on TRT/TOT, THE Definitive Testosterone Replacement Therapy MANual: How To Optimize Your Testosterone For Lifelong Health and Happiness. Jay is also the Founder of TOTRevolution.com and the globally recognized TOT Revolution and Optimized Life Podcasts. Both podcasts interview the top Optimization physicians and Subject Matter Experts who answer questions and provide their decades of experience to help Men and Women become fully optimized. Jay also created OptimizedForever the world’s #1 premium group for optimizing hormones and long term health. Jay is also a champion male physique competitor who along with his wife Monica co-founded FabFitOver40.com, the #1 site on the web for people who want high quality and scientifically backed information on staying fit above 40. Jay is also the Co-Owner of (with wife Monica)-a mega production eXp Realty residential real estate team in Southern California. Jay Campbell, Testosterone Optimization, fat burning fasting, Optimized health, staying fit, metaphysics, deep interview with Jay Campbell, masculinity

    How To Survive What's Coming In 2022 with Jason Christoff

    How To Survive What's Coming In 2022 with Jason Christoff
    Turbulent economic times, a further unraveling of the social fabric, medical tyranny, more restrictions: 2022 may be a happy new year for some but, for many on the planet it could be a nightmare. The Outer Limits of Inner Truth welcomes back Jason Christoff; an expert on collective psychology and how the mind works. Jason will reveal what he sees coming for 2022 and how to best prepare you and your family for it. How To Survive What’s Coming In 2022 with Jason Christoff Jason Christoff has developed a world wide reputation as a self sabotage coach who makes complex issues easy to understand for his clients. Jason discovered very early in his career, after managing one of Canada’s most successful weight loss clinics, that health and self sabotage were inherently connected. Jason is interviewed across the world every month, appearing on various podcasts and radio shows, regarding his highly effective methods for overcoming self sabotage, losing weight and how to rise up to your full potential. Jason also leads by example for his clients, using his immense experience learned when he overcame his own self sabotaging behavior, which had driven him to the brink of disaster. Jason has written over 1300 articles on a wide array of topics, all available here for free on this website. Jason believes that not only can we save ourselves with effective coaching…..we can also save our children, our most important relationships and our communities. Website: www.jchristoff.com Jason’s Podcast “The Psychology of Freedom” Unpoison your household –

    The Little Warrior Fiona Lashells

    The Little Warrior Fiona Lashells
    At only 8-years old Fiona Lashells has showed more courage and resolve than most American adults in the face of tyranny. The Outer Limits of Inner Truth is honored to present an interview with someone that we believe is destined to change the world for the better. The Little Warrior, Fiona Lashells Florida school board finally drops mask mandate after suspending 8-year-old 38 times for violations (LifeSiteNews) – The School District of Palm Beach County has dropped its mask mandate. The district had previously suspended a second grader 38 times for violating the mandate. She may have to repeat the grade. Fiona Lashells is a student in Palm Beach County who just turned 8 years old. She took a stand against a school board policy that she believed was wrong. For months she did not wear a mask to school, even though it had been mandated by her local school board. The litany of suspensions she has been handed is available at a website her mother created outlining the experience. At a school board event on September 22, 2021, Fiona told the board members that being suspended is “not going to change” her mind, that she still has “the right not to wear a mask,” and that it is “not fair” that she is “getting punished because … the school board is not following the law.” She also told the school board that she hoped “they all go to jail” for “doing this” to her.

    An NDE Perspective On Human Nature with Nanci L. Danison, Esq.

    An NDE Perspective On Human Nature with Nanci L. Danison, Esq.
    An NDE Perspective On Human Nature with Nanci L. Danison, Esq. Making her eleventh appearance on the Outer Limits of Inner Truth is After Death Survivor, Nanci L. Danison, Esq. Nanci discusses why humans are behaving the way they are right now based on what she learned in the afterlife. Nanci reminds us that human life isn’t real and that we have the power to change things for the better. Until 1994, Nanci lived the life of a successful trial lawyer with a national health law practice in a large Midwestern law firm. Then, she died during an invasive radiological procedure before surgery, plunging her farther into the afterlife than previously thought survivable. She returned to share her memories of what she learned in heaven and wrote her first book “Backwards: Returning to Our Source for Answers.” This book and others provide vivid descriptions of the author’s death, entry into the Light, receipt of knowings that answered all her questions, meeting beloved Light Being friends, having a life review, recalling hundreds of previous lives, and witnessing Creation of the universe and mankind’s history of religions. Nanci was a National Merit Finalist in Catholic high school, where she graduated magna cum laude. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree in biology (anatomy and physiology major) and chemistry magna cum laude, a Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology magna cum laude, and a doctorate in jurisprudence, and has been listed for decades in Martindale-Hubbell’s “Bar Register of Preeminent Lawyers.” Get one-on-one coaching with Nanci at:

    A Retrospective Look At Unacknowledged with Dr. Steven Greer

    A Retrospective Look At Unacknowledged with Dr. Steven Greer
    A Retrospective Look At Unacknowledged with Dr. Steven M. Greer Steven M. Greer, MD is Founder of The Disclosure Project, The Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI), The Orion Project and Sirius Technology Advanced Research, LLC. Father of the Disclosure movement, he presided over the groundbreaking National Press Club Disclosure Event in May, 2001. Over 20 military, government, intelligence and corporate witnesses presented compelling testimony regarding the existence of extraterrestrial life forms visiting the planet, and the reverse engineering of the energy and propulsion systems of these craft. Over one billion people heard of the press conference through the original webcast and on subsequent media coverage on BBC, CNN, CNN Worldwide, Voice of America, Pravda, Chinese media, and media outlets throughout Latin America. The webcast had 250,000 people waiting online – the largest webcast in the history of the National Press Club at that time. He has worked for 17 years to bring together the scientists, inventors and leaders in society to advance new clean technology energy systems. He is considered one of the world’s foremost authorities on the strategic process of transforming our carbon-based civilization to a long-term sustainable civilization using innovative sciences and technology.

    The Hard Hat Intellectual

    The Hard Hat Intellectual
    The Hard Hat Intellectual The Outer Limits of Inner Truth sits down with The Hard Hat Intellectual – a passionate critical thinker and freedom advocate. For the past year, HHI has been raising so many great questions about the nature of our reality and in a short period of time, he’s earned the accolades of thousands worldwide (including prominent liberty advocates). LINK:

    The Transformational Power of Sound and Music with Flicka Rahn

    The Transformational Power of Sound and Music with Flicka Rahn
    Flicka Rahn is an internationally known vocal performer, author, teacher and published composer. She served on the music faculty at Texas A&M University Corpus Christi for 22 years in addition to Brandeis University in Boston, and the Boston Conservatory of Music. As a professional soprano she has appeared with the Boston Lyric Opera, Boston Philharmonic, New York Wagner Society, Minnesota Grand Opera, San Antonio Opera and the Sinfonia de Queretaro, Mexico. She has traveled throughout Mexico with notable Mexican artists presenting Uniting Nations through Music. Since 2015, Ms. Rahn has been practicing sound therapy at the Integrative Healing Institute in San Antonio. She is a co-founder of the Transcendence Project, co-creator of the Innergy Tuner app and co-author with Tammy McCrary and The Transformational Power of Sound and Music book. In 2012, as a Fulbright Scholar, she traveled to the Universidad Autonoma de Queretaro in Queretaro, Mexico, and taught courses on American art songs and American musical theater. She returned to Queretaro in 2015 to produce and direct musical presentations at the Proarte Escuela de Danza and the Centro Estudios de Musicales. In 2016, she continued her work in Mexico appearing with the Queretaro Symphony in their annual Opera Gala, performing solos and ensembles with Mexican vocal artists. She continues to have a large studio of classical vocal students in Queretaro, Mexico. In 2017, she and Mexican tenor, Andres Pichardo (add Andres’ link) presented concerts in four cities throughout Mexico. In 2018, she returned to sing two concerts, “Amigos Para Siempre,” in Mexico City and Queretaro with tenors, Alberto Angel and Andres Pichardo.” As a composer, Ms Rahn’s sacred and secular pieces for vocal soloists, choirs, and opera companies have been performed at universities, educational institutions, churches, museums, and temples. Her art songs are published in the series Art Songs by American Women Composers. In 2017, she and fellow musician, Daniel Wyman, recorded and released an album of meditation and healing music under the name The Icaros, and released their debut album Chakra Soundscapes, in 2018. This beautiful musical interpretation was inspired by her experiences of the improvised healing songs of the Shipibo shamans from the Amazon jungle in Peru. The Icaros followed up with the elegantly produced Hymns to Gaia: Honoring the Elements in 2019 and Ascension in August of 2021. The Icaros continues to perform at festivals and events in the US, Mexico and the UK. LINK:

    What Would Dr. Ron Paul Do?

    What Would Dr. Ron Paul Do?
    This is a question many liberty minded individuals often ask when thinking about some of the unprecedented challenges and dangers in the world today. In Dr. Paul’s fifth interview with the Outer Limits of Inner Truth, he discusses how to engage with people that are completely under tyranny’s spell. Dr. Paul also shares his wisdom on what happens when an individual feels that all peaceful engagement options against oppression have run their course. Dr. Ron Paul, an twelve-term congressman from Texas, is the leading advocate of freedom in our nation’s capital. He has devoted his political career to the defense of individual liberty, sound money, and a non-interventionist foreign policy. After serving as a flight surgeon in the U.S. Air Force in the 1960s, Dr. Paul moved to Texas to begin a civilian medical practice, delivering over four thousand babies in his career as an obstetrician. He served in Congress from 1976 to 1984, and again from 1996 to 2008. Dr. Paul and Carol Paul, his wife of fifty-one years, have five children, eighteen grandchildren, and one great-grandchild.Ron Paul, the New York Post once wrote, is a politician who “cannot be bought by special interests.” “There are few people in public life who, through thick and thin, rain or shine, stick to their principles,” added a congressional colleague. “Ron Paul is one of those few.” Dr. Paul is also host of The Ron Paul Liberty Report (with co-hosts Daniel McAdams and Chris Rossini). Airing Monday – Friday, the Liberty Report focuses on today’s top issues pertaining to freedom. ============================================== The Ron Paul Liberty Report (Updated Daily):  The Ron Paul Institute:

    The Hooded Sage Khris Krepcik

    The Hooded Sage Khris Krepcik
    Khris Krepcik is a world renowned etheric healer and metaphysical teacher with a lifetime of training in ancient wisdoms and mystic arts. He is considered to be down to earth, natural, and real — authentic and genuine. With over thirty years of experience in the extensive study of ancient teachings, altered states of consciousness, philosophies, shamanism, mysticism, and metaphysics, Krepcik has a rare perception and profound understanding of human consciousness and the human energy field. His profound understanding comes from direct experience and perception of the spirit worlds, the subtle etheric field, and the multidimensional nature of reality. He sees things that few others can see. He answers things that few others can answer. His style is direct and concise, with a true warmth, wisdom, and understanding. Khris Krepcik studied with Stuart Wilde for over 20 years, eventually leading to providing healing and lectures at Stuart Wilde’s workshops. In 2007, after traveling and working together for several years, Wilde asked Krepcik to write down a system of philosophical disciplines to guide others and become the next teacher. Krepcik’s teachings embody the Warrior’s Wisdom into one complete philosophical method of disciplines, meditations, and etheric techniques. Krepcik’s teachings are provided exclusively through The Hooded Sage Course — an online school of disciplines and personal guidance designed to help people develop inner power and perception. He teaches that one can create a spiritual reality of their own and transcend the collective human evolutionary path of ego, emotion, and mind, which is often ruled by a system of programming and control. Krepcik spends his time writing and teaching. He has students in over twenty five countries.

    Vision for Leadership with Mayor Glenn Jacobs

    Vision for Leadership with Mayor Glenn Jacobs
    The Outer Limits of Inner Truth features Hall of Fame Professional Wrestler and Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs. Jacobs shares his views on where he sees things headed for the future, the impact Dr. Ron Paul has had on the liberty movement, and what individuals can do to become leaders in their communities. Jacobs has served on the East Tennessee Children’s Hospital advisory council and the board of the Halls/Powell Boys and Girls Club. Additionally, his small business, Jacobs Insurance Associates, became the local champion of the Kindness Revolution, a national anti-bullying initiative. And he, along with his wife Crystal, founded Kane’s Crusaders, a non-profit organization with the mission of bringing joy to chronically ill teenagers in East Tennessee. Mayor Jacobs’ goals for his administration include keeping taxes low, finding efficiencies in government, supporting education and encouraging diversity. LINK:

    Consciousness Purification with Max Igan

    Consciousness Purification with Max Igan
    Is human consciousness in the process of a historic purge and purification? The real life matrix crumbling down for one segment of the population but, becoming ever more powerful and draconian for another? What is behind the systems of control and how can free people make a stand against them? Our featured guest will shed light on all these questions. Max Igan is a teacher, metaphysical explorer, researcher, truth seeker, radio host, film-maker and one of the leaders of global awakening movement. As a documentary film maker, his film have reached millions of people world wide including his latest films, “Transformation”, “The Calling”, “The Awakening”. Several of Max’s insights can be found on the popular YouTube Channel, Inspired –

    How To Cultivate A Warrior Spirit & Frequency with Dylan Charles

    How To Cultivate A Warrior Spirit & Frequency with Dylan Charles
    A dear friend of the Outer Limits of Inner Truth, Dylan Charles (the founder and editor of  and host of the  podcast) makes his fifth appearance on the Outer Limits of Inner Truth. Dylan discusses how to cultivate a warrior spirit and frequency. Dylan also takes a deep reflection the madness currently engulfing the world. His hero’s journey of awakening and self-actualization began with a choice to take full responsibility for his health, wellness, and happiness. Shunning the medical establishment, he set out to overcome addiction, depression, anxiety and chronic illness, first turning to the martial arts of Kung Fu and Tai Chi, then toward mastery of personal energy with Qi Gong. In 2009 he left the US to live in Central America and studied shamanic plant medicines with traditional indigenous masters from the Amazon and Africa, and now sits in ceremony as a facilitator-in-training, and serving as a guide and advisor to courageous seekers of inner truth. Dylan is a warrior for consciousness and is dedicated to leading as many men as possible back to their natural state of presence and power, guiding them on their path to self-mastery and inner peace. Having written hundreds of articles and reaching millions of people with visionary insight and matrix-busting candor, he now guides individuals and small groups of men on intensely transformational journeys of self-discovery and sovereign re-programming. He offers group mentorships, deep one-on-one personal coaching, medicine retreats, and online training. Dylan Charles Coaching ======= WHAT EXACTLY IS THIS “GREAT RESET” PEOPLE KEEP TALKING ABOUT? THE ORWELLIAN VACCINE PASSPORT AGENDA AND THE LIE OF THE “SOCIAL CONTRACT” HOW TO STAND UP FOR YOURSELF THE MYSTERY WALK: SEEKING A METAPARADIGM FOR THE EVOLVING TRUTH QUEST

    Get Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable featuring Gary Heavin

    Get Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable featuring Gary Heavin
    Gary Heavin is an entrepreneur and self described adventurer. He and his wife Diane are the founders of Curves, the worlds largest fitness franchise. They are credited with pioneering the concept of express fitness centers having opened 10,000 locations in 92 countries with over 5 million members. After selling the company 8 years ago, Gary has pursued his philanthropic interests doing things such as rescue flights in Haiti for 6 weeks following Hurricane Mathew that had left a million people homeless and starving. As a high time pilot, he was able to utilize his passion in saving the lives of hundreds of victims. For over 10 years, he and his wife have been feeding 10,000 children a day in Haiti. Gary has numerous credits in TV and movies. He and Diane appeared on ABC’s Secret Millionaire where they spent a week in the poorest area of Houston serving the poor and revealing their true identity as they donated almost half a million dollars to worthy organizations. Gary co-wrote the scripts for the movies Mission Air and Amerigeddon as well as acting in a major role in the latter. He also has acting credits in the new move, Roe V. Wade. Gary has flown his jet around the world multiple times, is an accomplished helicopter pilot and is a nationally ranked Hot Air Balloon racing pilot. In addition to amassing a fortune, he is a two-time New York Times bestselling author and holds a degree in health and nutrition and an honorary doctorate degree. Gary and his wife Diane, are committed Christians and believe that to whom much has been given, much is expected.

    How Communities Can Fight Back Against Covid Tyranny

    How Communities Can Fight Back Against Covid Tyranny
    Will you soon be forced to take a covid-19 vaccine? Are the winds of momentum shifting in favor of global tyranny or in favor of a global re-awakening to freedom? What can individuals, states, and communities do to push back against decrees which violate fundamental human liberty? Brandon Smith, Founder of Alt-Market makes his third appearance on the Outer Limits of Inner Truth to answer these questions. Website:

    Understanding Ourselves as Energetic Beings with Jona Bryndis

    Understanding Ourselves as Energetic Beings with Jona Bryndis
    founder and owner of transCODES makes her second appearance on the Outer Limits of Inner Truth. She is a wise metaphysical teacher who is also a student of human psychology. On transCODES’ site they say “Changing the way we perceive ourselves is a big part of our Global Awakening process and part of the immanent Paradigm Change ahead. With the growing evidence that who we are is not just a result of predisposed genetic information, gender, race, circumstances and cultural conditioning we are beginning to embrace the idea that we more than just a human-computer-system, limited to hardware and software – our life is much more complex than that!” More about Jona Jona was born in Iceland and grew up in Germany, where she received a Bachelor’s Degree in Chemistry, Computer Science and later in International Business. She started her professional career as consultant in the emerging computer industry and later became an instructor, coach and motivational speaker. She published articles, co-authored some magazines, had TV appearances, and worked as teacher, public speaker for a Children’s nutrition related non-profit organization and founded a holistic tutoring school in 2009. In the constant search for new and more holistic modalities, Jona decided to complement her rather secular education through more spiritual and psychological studies in NLP, Remote Viewing, spiritual healing and Metaphysics. The teachings that influenced her the most are those of Richard Bandler, Stuart Wilde, Lyn Buchanan, Dr. David R. Hawkins, Khris Krepcik and Patricia St.Clair. She is a certified trainer and coach of the SaintClairs International School for Remote Healing and is working on her combined Master’s Degree and PhD in Metaphysics through the International University of Metaphysics in Sedona since 2005.