
    Paleo, Love & Transformation

    How does one create and sustain a lifetime of abundant health? Camille Macres of RecipeRx.com & special guests find the answers in some unexpected places. Episodes will explore: -Transformation, spirituality, love and relationship (with self and others). -The journey towards finding and living your unique purpose in the world. -Food as medicine, natural health and its application in daily life. Special emphasis on living a paleo lifestyle and determining the foods uniquely suited to you. -The moving pieces involved in sustaining a healthy life and tools and resources that will get you there.
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    Episodes (54)

    Jimmy Moore on Extreme Weight Loss & The Cholesterol Myth

    Jimmy Moore on Extreme Weight Loss & The Cholesterol Myth
    Jimmy Moore catapulted onto the health scene in 2004 after a phenomenal 180-pound weight loss success enabled him to come off of prescription drugs for high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and respiratory problems. He is the energetic personality behind the uber-popular Livin' La Vida Low-Carb blog and host of one of the top-ranked iTunes health podcasts, The Livin' La Vida Low-Carb Show. He has interviewed well over 700 of the world's top health experts and dedicated his life to helping people get the best information possible so they can make the right decisions about their health. He lives with his wife, Christine, in Spartanburg, South Carolina.  Links & Show Notes: "Cholesterol Clarity: What The HDL Is Wrong With My Numbers?" Livin' La Vida Low-Carb Blog The Livin' La Vida Low-Carb Show Podcast

    Annie Burnside on Soul Nurturing & Conscious Parenting

    Annie Burnside on Soul Nurturing & Conscious Parenting
    A modern bridge between the mainstream and the mystical, Annie Burnside M.Ed. is a soul nurturer, award-winning author, public speaker and teacher specializing in helping others to embrace a soul to soul approach to life through self-awareness and spiritual development. Her book Soul to Soul Parenting won the 2011 Nautilus Silver Book Award and the 2011 Next Generation Independent Book Award. She blogs for ChicagoNOW and The Daily Love, facilitates Soul to Soul Circles, sees private clients. She resides in Chicago, IL with her husband and three children. Links & Show Notes Annie's Website Annie on Facebook Annie on Twitter "Soul to Soul Parenting: A Guide to Raising a Spiritually Conscious Family" on Amazon Rate, Review & Subscribe to Paleo, Love & Transformation on iTunes

    Eric Hulse on Detoxing Your Body, Mind & Spirit

    Eric Hulse on Detoxing Your Body, Mind & Spirit
    In this episode, health coach and fellow spiritual seeker friend, Eric Hulse, joins me to discuss all of the amazing benefits of undergoing an extended detox from alcohol, sugar and all processed foods...beyond just the physical. He shares about embarking on a 10 day silent meditation retreat, being released from food and alcohol as emotional crutches, and other fancy epiphanies along the way. Eric is a total sweetheart and this was a fun, fun show that will leave you begging for a green juice and yoga mat! Links & Show Notes Eric's Website Eric on Facebook 10-Day Silent Meditation Retreat Rate, Review & Subscribe to Paleo, Love & Transformation on iTunes

    The Men's Coach, Mike Hrostoski on The Journey to Becoming a Man

    The Men's Coach, Mike Hrostoski on The Journey to Becoming a Man
    What does the journey from a boy to a man really look like? How do men and women do the dance of relationship together that creates a love that expands and deepens over time? All this and more on my first video episode of Paleo, Love & Transformation. Mike Hrostoski, The Men’s Coach, is on a mission to raise up a new generation of men who know how to love, honor their word, and stand in the truth of who they are and why they’re here on this earth. He’s doing God’s work, in my humble opinion. Save the Dates: Inner Goddess Unleashed is in San Diego on October 12th. It’s free, but you have toregister to attend. Its gonna be an amazing day! Mike and I will both be speaking, in addition to several other amazing women. Mike’s actually leading a panel discussion with a couple amazing men and answering all of the ladies burning questions about men and relationships. The Conference for Men is in San Diego on April 25-26, 2014. I’ll bet if you sign-up for his mailing list, you’ll stay up-to-date with all the details  Show Notes & Links: Learn more about Mike and read his EPIC blog The Mankind Project “The Way of the Superior Man” Subscribe, Rate & Review Paleo, Love & Transformation Learn more about The School of Inner Beauty

    The Fantasy of Romantic Relationships with Axel Anderson

    The Fantasy of Romantic Relationships with Axel Anderson
    As you know if you've been following along the last several months, I have been learning some big girl lessons about what it takes to create a happy, successful, lasting relationship. Many of us, myself included, have at one point or another taken on the notion that simply finding "the one" will complete you. Thanks again to Jerry Maguire for further perpetuating that one. The first step is usually to determine what a great relationship IS NOT: it is not going to rescue you, not going to save you, not going to make you whole. No matter how adamantly the endorphines protest and fool you into thinking otherwise, your prince/princess charming will at some point turn back into a toad. And as my guest reminds me, for those of us who are truly interested in being directed by and grounded in spirit, it simply can be no other way: our relationship with ourselves and our source must BE THE SOURCE of our love. We cannot get love from another, though we may desperately try. If we could, we wouldn't need God, and that just defeats the whole purpose of all of it! This was not a lesson I easily learned, and I'm sure I'll get the opportunity to relearn it once I'm actually in a relationship ;) So what does it take to create a beautiful and lasting relationship? Well you'll just have to listen on to find out!

    Steve Kamb of Nerd Fitness: How to Create a Life of Fun & Adventure

    Steve Kamb of Nerd Fitness: How to Create a Life of Fun & Adventure
    Been doing lots of shows for the ladies, and now its time to represent the men! And who better a guest than the uber-fun, uber-adventurous Steve Kamb of Nerd Fitness! On this episode, Steve shares how he has travelled the world multiple times over living as a real-life video game hero. This includes winning a Guiness Book of World Records title, living as James Bond for the weekend, and other out-of-this-world adventures you'll just have to listen to the show to get. The moral of the story: don't put off living your life for another day! Enjoy the ride. I bought a plane ticket around the world after this show (just kidding, but I wanted to). SO FUN! Links & Show Notes Rate, Review & Subscribe to Paleo, Love & Transformation on iTunes Nerd Fitness Nerd Fitness on Facebook Steve's Epic Quest of Awesome

    Soulmates, Self-Love, Value & Contribution with Jennifer Horton

    Soulmates, Self-Love, Value & Contribution with Jennifer Horton
    This was quite an episode, my friends! Jennifer and I talked about a wise array of topics including (and not limited to): The underlying cause of body image and eating disorders is a fundamental lack of mental, emotional and spiritual nourishment. Your body is the last to show malnourishment.  Identifying and living your life purpose brings self-worth and can dissipate eating disorders and self-hatred. Soulmates and sacred contracts, and how they contribute to the evolution of our unique life purpose and path.  Shifting out of victim mentality and into gratitude and responsibility. Learning to give and receive and the student/teacher cycle. Strength in vulnerability. Learning to connect with self and others. The sexiest thing a man ever said to Jennifer (pay attention men). Learning to make yourself your #1 investment (where you spend your time and money is critical). Show Notes & Links: Jennifer's Website "I Am" Documentary"Wake Up" Documentary "Sacred Contracts" by Caroline Myss"Anatomy of the Spirit" by Caroline Myss

    Unleashing Your Inner Beauty to Attract Love

    Unleashing Your Inner Beauty to Attract Love
    Love and dating coach, Tamara Orras, shares all about loving yourself and cultivating your own inner beauty as the foundation to entering into the dating world! We ran along many fun tangents including masculine/feminine energy and polarity, identifying the places we feel the need to be perfect and the damage that causes ourselves and our relationships, learning acceptance, and the very best part of the show...my Barry White and Elvis Impersonations!  Links & Notes Camille's School of Beauty Details & Application Flirt with Me Website Tamara on Facebook

    Rock Your Hormones with Stephanie Greunke

    Rock Your Hormones with Stephanie Greunke
    Did you know that your hormones are directly or indirectly related to every system in your body? That they impact your sleep, energy, skin, sex drive metabolism and mood (among a bazillion other things not listed)? Its true. In this episode, Stephanie breaks this down for you and provides some simple tips to start rockin' your hormones! Show Notes & Links Camille's School of Beauty Details & Application Rate, Review & Subscribe to Paleo, Love & Transformation Connect with Stephanie

    Feminine Archetypes 101 with Michele Rooney

    Feminine Archetypes 101 with Michele Rooney
    What is it about Miley Cyrus that makes us cringe? About Beyonce, Angelina and Lady Gaga that mesmerizes us the world over? They all flaunt feminine archetypes that we all have but are mostly afraid to unleash. What if recognizing them, integrating them, and releasing them was the key to greater freedom, fun, pleasure and self-expression? In this episode, Michele Rooney of EverydayGoddess.com and I discuss the importance of working with these dormant forces to unlock magic in your expression as a woman. We also discuss the masculine/feminine polarity we all have in ourselves, how it plays out in male/female relationships, and the importance of ushering in the feminine in this new era to raise the collective consciousness of the whole planet. This conversation might just make your head explode! Get links and show notes: http://www.reciperx.com/blog/?p=2595

    Tapping into Your Feminine Essence with Lauren Sheehan

    Tapping into Your Feminine Essence with Lauren Sheehan
    In this episode, Lauren and I discuss how to tap into your feminine essence, open your heart, and explore and clarify what expressing your sexuality means to you. We share our experiences of the fear that comes from opening to and receiving attention from men, and so many other juicy tidbits that I can't believe I shared (yikes)!!! Many women, myself included, read tons of book, go to trainings and seminars about how to transform and evolve as women, but it stays locked in the mind! Taking on the practices Lauren teaches pulls that knowledge into your bodily experience and has made a massive difference for me in relating to people and expressing my inner Beyonce ;) Get show notes here: http://www.reciperx.com/blog/?p=2581 Subscribe, Rate & Review: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/food-love-transformation/id635757248?mt=2

    Healing Emotional Eating with Jordanna Eyre

    Healing Emotional Eating with Jordanna Eyre
    On this episode, Jordanna and I get into a topic that is very close to my heart: emotional eating. Every time I hear these words, I think of the “Friends” episode where Ross shouts at Monica: “FOOD IS NOT LOVE, MONICA!!” Well for many, many years, it was just that for me. Women (and some men) are quite prone to use food to feel love, feel secure, feel in control. Jordanna discusses her personal journey with food that has led to a deeper knowing of both the light and dark, how she controlled her life with food when life felt out-of-control, how we pick back up after “falling off the food wagon”, learning to truly love all sides of yourself, and much more. For anyone who has ever felt powerless with food, this episode is a must-listen.   Get Show Notes Here

    Cory Michelle Johnson on Loving Your Body, Being Yourself & Dropping Judgement

    Cory Michelle Johnson on Loving Your Body, Being Yourself & Dropping Judgement
    What would your life be like if you could LOVE & ACCEPT yourself just as you are and just as you are not? What if you didn't give a poop what anybody thought about you? What if you could love your body no matter your size or shape? What if you could release all judgements you have about food? What if you could simply ask questions of the universe day to magnetize everything you've ever wanted AND MORE?!?!? Access Consciousness facilitator and business guru Cory Michelle Johnson approaches things...differently than most. In this podcast, you'll get a new access to love your life, your food, your body on a whole new level, give up caring what people think about you, and have a whole lot more fun in the process. This is an episode you wont soon forget! Links & Notes Connect with Cory and get her "Juicy Orgasmic Living Meditation & Blueprint for Creating Your Juicy Life"  Learn more and apply for Camille's School of Beauty

    Sean Croxton on Real Food, Depression, & The Power of Mindset

    Sean Croxton on Real Food, Depression,  & The Power of Mindset
    I had the honor of interviewing Sean Croxton from Underground Wellness on this debut episode of Paleo, Love & Transformation. Sean shares his story of overcoming social anxiety and depression with a combination of real food, a radical mindset shift, and getting out of isolation and into a community. We discuss what's right and wrong with the healthy eating and healthcare system, the importance of keeping your approach to diet REAL and SIMPLE or J.E.R.F: Just Eat Real Food. Super-fun, super-informative, super-de-dooper.

    Solving Your Weight Loss Mystery

    Solving Your Weight Loss Mystery
    Are you struggling to lose weight and beginning to realize it may not be as easy as calories in/calories out? Chances are you're unknowingly sabotaging your results because you're missing some VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION. In this podcast, I'm sharing with you 7 essential things you need to know to get the sexy body you've been dreaming of. Topics include nutrient deficiency, food intolerances, sugar cravings, food judgement, toxic overload, hormone balancing and inflammation. Oh, not concerned about weight loss, you say? I'm gonna give you a little secret: the things I'm sharing are all about having abundant health, with weight loss being a beautiful bi-product :) see show notes and links: http://www.reciperx.com/blog/blog/solving-your-weight-loss-mystery/

    Freedom Food!

    Freedom Food!
    In this webinar, I covered these specific topics: 1. Freedom from information overload and overwhelm. 2. Freedom from the judgement and negative charge you may have around eating "bad food". 3. Freedom to prepare meals (paleo, gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free) at home that are healthy, taste great, and don't take tons of time to prepare. 4. Freedom to eat the way you know your body wants without breaking the piggy bank. Learn more about Paleo Cooking at Home: http://getpaleogasm.reciperx.com/fastcheapeasy4thjulyspecial/ https://www.facebook.com/paleogasm

    Surrender to Your Dreams

    Surrender to Your Dreams
    Hi friends! You may have noticed that I haven't recorded a podcast for several weeks! I'm sorry if you've been missing them! I promise you that the unfolding thats been happening in my life the last couple months and the fruits that are coming from it will makeup for the lapse. In this episode, I'm sharing the amazing new revelations that have been coming to me that has led to profound levels of peace, happiness and presence in my life. Whats happening for me is possible for you, and my intention is that you know yourself as capable of creating and receiving your hearts deepest desires, whether it be for family, career, relationship, adventure, contribution...or all of them like me! These are the classes I've been participating in lately that I referenced in the episode. This list is in no way exhaustive, just what I've called to me. If you're interested in going deeper into your life's purpose, my best advice is to check them out, talk with others about the stuff they've done, and ask yourself what is best for you now. Beyond the chatter of your mind, allow the answer to come to you. Once you have it, trust it, and go for it!! Also, be straight with yourself as to whether a "NO" is a real no or fear/resistance. I PROMISE you that the real you wants to experience greater self expression, peace and happiness, and the ego would much prefer to keep things status quo. Here and here are a couple posts about that if this is confusing to you.  Beginner:  Landmark Education: This is the gateway drug into the world of transformation. In my opinion, participating in the Landmark Forum it is the cheapest and fastest way to experience a radical shift in the quality of your life. I have dont most of their programs at this point, which were foundational in putting me on the beautiful path I'm on now. PAX: These are softer, fuzzier courses that shift your perception of and relationship to men and yourself as a woman (most courses are just for women or co-ed). I particularly loved the Queen Course. Men & Sex was fun, too :)  FamilyCo.: Peter and Jennifer are good friends of mine. They're just getting started leading programs that transform whats possible for families and relationships. It is a similar flavor to Landmarks programs, but specific to relationship and partnership. Advanced: Tribal Truth: For sure sign-up for Tanya's mailing list. Her Tuesday emails are amazing. The focus here is empowering women as entrepreneurs, healing relationships between men and women, and integrating the masculine/feminine polarities in yourself. Many of her programs are in San Diego, but she has some new workshops popping up in other spots, too. Wonderful.  Abraham Hicks: Holy guacamole, I've been listening to this YouTube channel everyday for the last couple weeks. AMAZING. Access Consciousness: I am about to embark on a 5-day course that I expect to rock my world. This is probably not the first step in ones journey of transformation. I have done just a couple short sessions so far, and the effects have been far-reaching. More to come :) Connect with Camille: Recipe Rx Facebook Paleo Cooking at Home: Fast Cheap & Easy (new program)

    Open your Heart, Tell the Truth, Change the World

    Open your Heart, Tell the Truth, Change the World
    I've been in a really interesting place this year. I suspect it has much to do with the "end of times" we experienced at the close of 2012. I've spoken to several people who have all experienced a radical acceleration of their spiritual lives this year, which make sense as we enter into a whole new age. It doesn't take much to look around and see that on some level, many levels, the world is not going in a good direction. More than ever, we have an opportunity and responsibility to truly be the change we wish to see and chart a new course. Our future truly depends on us rising above the current state of affairs, level of consciousness, and creating a world that really does work for everyone, not just a few. That change happens inside each of us, one a time. I began to see that the way I'd been living was bankrupt. Living with both feet planted in the material world with some every-so-often spiritual epiphanies, sporadic prayer and meditation, but still returning to a physical place. Being driven in a very masculine way to produce a result, accomplish my vision. Plow through, repress the voices that tell you your tired, to take a break, trust, surrender, relax. This lead to adrenal fatigue, isolation from the people I love, and a bank account that was not a match for the many, many hours I'd spend working. Whoa Nelly, time for a change. In this episode, the lovely Tanya Paluso, founder of Tribal Truth discusses all of this and more with me! I am so inspired by her leadership in the world! If you're interested in cultivating your intuition, spirituality and leadership in the world, this episode is a must-listen!! Connect with Tanya: Tribal Truth Facebook Connect with Camille: Recipe Rx Facebook  Rate & Review the Podcast: Food, Love & Transformation on iTunes

    Kale Talk with Camille & Katie

    Kale Talk with Camille & Katie
    Ok, ok, not really Kale Talk, but we couldn't very well call it Coffee Talk, right?  In this episode, Camille & Katie talk about gratitude, abundance, the book "The Power", creating daily structures to have your dreams come true, cultivating/building muscle of love and happiness, and other fun shenanigans.  Seriously, seriously, this episode will make you so happy. And you'll learn stuff. Win-win.    Things we talked about on this episode: Macklemore: "Can't Hold Us" Summer Challenge Tim Ferriss Caroline Myss Connect with Katie: Mogul in the Making Connect with Camille: Recipe Rx Facebook Rate & Review Food, Love & Transformation on iTunes!