
    Parenting Paused

    Parenting Paused presses PAUSE on those shame inducing parenting failures. It presses PLAY on your inner wisdom and the ability to be the parent you want to be. Join Leslie Potter, mother and founder of Purejoy Parenting, as she shares her personal experiences as well as works with other moms and dads in real time to show you the step-by-step process to turn your parenting around.
    enLeslie Potter220 Episodes

    Episodes (220)

    Ep. 220 Do you Really Want Honesty?

    Ep. 220 Do you Really Want Honesty?

    Let's talk about honesty in parenting.

    We often strive to teach our children to be honest, but how do we react when their honesty conflicts with our comfort?

    This week in the Parenting Paused Podcast I explore how your reactions might inadvertently teach your children to tell white lies to keep you comfortable.

    Tune in as we reflect on the importance of truly hearing your children's honest expressions and consider where you might be slipping into little white lies of your own.

    Join us for this enlightening discussion! Listen here.

    Ep. 219 It's All About ME

    Ep. 219 It's All About ME

    Discover the intricate dynamics of parenting with my latest Parenting Paused podcast episode.

    I take you on a deep dive into how your reactions often say more about you than your children. Uncover the truth about how your responses to your children's behavior can be a mirror reflecting your own unresolved issues.

    This episode is all about learning to draw a line between what emotions belong to you and what belongs to your children. By doing this, you not only create healthier boundaries but also foster an environment that encourages cooperation rather than conflict.

    Join me as I unravel these insights and more, equipping you with the understanding to transform your parenting approach. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn, grow, and reflect.

    Tune in now!

    Ep. 218 Moving from Worry to Wonder http://tinyurl.com/delightparenting

    Ep. 218 Moving from Worry to Wonder http://tinyurl.com/delightparenting

    Excited to share our latest episode of 'Parenting Pause' where I dive deep into the topic of moving from worry to wonder.

    I don't know about you but when my daughter was young I found myself consumed with worry about her future. Over time what I discovered was that I wasn't worried about her, I was feeling discomfort with where she was in her journey. It was a big aha moment when I discovered that I could shift my mindset to one of "wonder" instead of "worry".

    Tune in to discover how you can transform your worries into empowering moments of wonder.

    Don't miss out on the upcoming 'Raising A Resilient Child' free summit on March 1st through 4th where I'll be discussing this topic even further. My talk is on the 4th so sign up: http://tinyurl.com/delightparenting


    Parenting Paused
    enFebruary 26, 2024

    Ep. 217 How is Your Foundation?

    Ep. 217 How is Your Foundation?

    Imagine yourself supporting your children in building their internal house, and just like any house, it's crucial to have a stable foundation. But here's the thing - to support them in building a stable house your internal foundation is equally important.

    This week on Parenting Paused I share my personal journey of discovering that my own foundation was shaky, and how that affected my parenting. I learned that instead of focusing solely on supporting my daughter in creating a strong foundation, I needed to turn inward and examine my own cracks. Only when my own foundation was strong could I provide the stability and support she needed.

    So, if you find yourself constantly triggered by your children's behavior, it may be a sign that there might be cracks in your own foundation. Take the time to reflect, inquire, and strengthen your self-awareness, self-compassion, and regulation. You'll be amazed at the impact it can have on your parenting journey.

    Listen, now.

    Ep. 216 How Do You Interpret Behavior?

    Ep. 216 How Do You Interpret Behavior?

    Let's dive into some thought-provoking ways to view our children.

    In this episode, you'll be challenged to explore the power of interpretations and conclusions in your parenting journey.

    Your experiences shapes your perspectives, and it's crucial to recognize how your conditioning and beliefs influence the way you interpret your child's behavior.

    I found it challenging to be present without jumping to conclusions and to truly listen to my daughter's feelings and expressions.

    Remember, every child is unique, and their actions are not always a reflection of disrespect or defiance. By embracing curiosity and open-mindedness, you can build stronger connections with your children and foster an environment of understanding and love.

    Listen now for more insights and join the conversation!

    Parenting Paused
    enFebruary 12, 2024

    Ep. 215 What is Missing?

    Ep. 215 What is Missing?

    In this week's podcast episode, we explore the concept of believing something is missing in the present moment.

    As parents, it's easy to get caught up in wanting things to be different, constantly seeking what we believe is missing. But what if we took a step back and realized that everything we need is already here, in this very moment?

    Join me as we dive into the practice of letting go of expectations and finding joy in the now.

    Ep. 214 It's Not Your Fault

    Ep. 214 It's Not Your Fault

    Are you feeling discomfort in your parenting journey?

    It's natural to want things to go well and to feel comfortable, but I found avoiding discomfort as a method for parenting led to a disconnect between my aspirations as a mom and my actual methods.

    Parenting involves both challenge and support, and it's important to embrace all experiences, not just the comfortable ones.

    In this week's episode of Parenting Paused, I guide you in exploring the topic of discomfort and how your own programming and conditioning can influence your reactions to your children's behavior. I offer you valuable insights on questioning your beliefs, letting go of blame, and finding kindness in challenging moments.

    Listen to gain a fresh perspective on being with you while discovering the hidden wisdom within yourself and your relationship with your children.

    Ep. 213 Neediness Sucks

    Ep. 213 Neediness Sucks

    This week, I dive into a topic that you might relate to: NEEDINESS!

    I share my personal experience and insights on how to navigate this rather challenging aspect of parenting. My emphasis is on understanding and honoring your needs and how they are perceived by your child.

    Tune in to discover my unique approach and learn practical strategies for embracing and loving your needs.


    Ep. 212 Coming Along Side Your Child to Self-Regulate

    Ep. 212 Coming Along Side Your Child to Self-Regulate

    Are you struggling with limiting your children's computer use? Here's a Purejoy take on the matter. Rather than being the enforcer of limits, how about empowering your child to discover their own boundaries?

    As a parent, I realized that my own experience of being constantly limited as a child led to resistance and a lack of self-awareness. Deciding to break that cycle with my own child, instead of imposing restrictions, I focused on supporting her self-regulation and helping her understand her own limits.

    It wasn't easy, especially with concerns about the impact of excessive screen time. But I learned to work through my triggers and approach it differently.

    By shifting my perspective, I recognized that her computer use wasn't about me. It was an opportunity for her to learn and grow.

    As an adult, I could guide her in self-regulation, rather than imposing my own fears and limits.

    Listen, now.


    Parenting Paused
    enJanuary 14, 2024

    Ep. 211 Change is Always Happening

    Ep. 211 Change is Always Happening

    Happy New Year, lovies! Does the New Year prompt personal reflections and inquiry?

    Today, put aside your resolutions and look to what is true now. Pause with me to wonder: Who are you in this beautiful moment? What magic is unfolding in your child's journey? What changes have you noticed in your parenting journey? How is it to honor the present moment and step into the future from a place of awareness? Join the conversation on this week's episode of Parenting Paused.

    Listen here.


    Ep. 210 Caring vs Taking Care

    Ep. 210 Caring vs Taking Care

    I found in my parenting journey that there's a delicate balance between caring for our children and unintentionally taking over. What might this balance look like?

    As a mama, I find my love knows no bounds. Even though, when my daughter was young, I wanted to shield her from pain, guide her through challenges, and see her thrive I found it challenging to separate out my desires from hers. I discovered that caring involved offering support, encouragement, and coming along side her when she stumbled instead of trying to fix the situation. It was about creating an environment that supported confidence and independence, nurturing her growth rather than overshadowing it.

    Truthfully, out of my own need to be a "good" mama, I unintentionally took over. It happened when my love, concern, and desire to protect her veered into taking care of her so she didn't have to experience any pain. What it came down to was I was offering her what I didn't receive when I was young. Even though it was well-intentioned, taking care instead of caring stifled her autonomy, hindered decision-making skills, and created a dependency which inadvertently communicated a lack of trust in her abilities.

    Finding the sweet spot involved present listening, empowering her to make choices for her own good, and being an awake presence rather than a director. It was about encouraging her to spread her wings while reminding her that there is a safe base to return to when she needs a rest.

    Parenting Paused
    enJanuary 02, 2024

    Ep.209 Influence vs Power Over

    Ep.209 Influence vs Power Over

    Finding the sweet spot between power and influence is the dance of parenthood. It's about knowing when to step in and hold our personal boundary and when to step back, supporting our children in taking the space to explore, learn, and develop their own sense of self.

    Let's celebrate the power of awareness and influence—a force that lasts long after the rules are laid down. Here's to fostering connections, and guiding our children not just to follow our lead but with a love that shapes their journey.

    Listen, now.

    Ep. 208 Gift Giving and Receiving

    Ep. 208 Gift Giving and Receiving

    As the holiday season approaches, I find myself reflecting on the beautiful dance between giving and receiving. This time of year isn't just about the twinkling lights and festive decorations; it's a celebration of the connections we share and the love we have to offer.

    There's something incredibly heartwarming about selecting that perfect gift, wrapping it with care, and witnessing the joy it brings to someone's face. Whether it's a thoughtful gesture, a homemade treat, or a simple act of kindness, the spirit of giving creates a ripple of warmth and joy that extends far beyond the physical gift itself.

    On the flip side, receiving graciously is equally as special. It's about embracing the love, thoughtfulness, and effort that went into someone choosing that special gift for you. Sometimes, the most precious presents come in the form of time spent together, laughter shared, and memories created.

    This year, let's challenge ourselves to be present in both giving and receiving. Let's appreciate the unique joy that each role brings and recognize the inherent beauty in the exchange of love and goodwill.

    May your holiday season be filled with moments of generosity, gratitude, joy, and the magic that comes from the genuine connections we nurture.


    Ep. 207 I'm so Disappointed

    Ep. 207 I'm so Disappointed

    Disappointment has been on my mind lately, and I imagine you can relate. There are some really great things that come along with parenting and yet it also has its share of disappointments.

    I often found myself wrestling with the weight of expectations. It's not easy admitting that the source of disappointment isn't external, rather it comes from within – from the expectations I set on myself as a mother and therefore for my child to fulfill those expectations so I felt good about myself.

    We all have dreams and aspirations for our children, hoping they'll flourish in certain areas, follow a certain path. But here's the kicker – kids are their own unique individuals, with their own strengths and passions. Sometimes, they don't align with the script we had in mind. And that can be tough to swallow.

    It's a lesson in humility, a reminder that my child is not an extension of me, but a beautifully independent soul on their own journey. Of course, at times you'll feel disappointed, and it's also important to go to your SafeSeat when you recognize these feelings. Noticing that the disappointment is often rooted in the expectations you place on yourself and your kids gives you the opportunity to offer self-kindness.

    So, I'm taking a step back, visiting my SafeSeat, recalibrating my expectations, and learning to appreciate the incredible qualities and talents my child possesses, even if they differ from what I envisioned.

    Let's keep it real! Your child is not here to fulfill your dreams; they're here to create their own. And in embracing that truth, you might just find a more profound and authentic joy in the journey of parenthood.

    Parenting Paused
    enDecember 10, 2023

    Ep. 206 Playing Tag

    Ep. 206 Playing Tag

    Tag, You're it!Do you recall those words?

    The exhilarating start of the game tag! Everyone dashes, laughter echoing, as the chase begins. Let the adventure commence!

    The art of zigzagging, ducking, and weaving through the playground. Mastering the moves to avoid being tagged is an art form!

    The anticipation and anxiety! Spotting that safe base, your heart races as you make a beeline for it, dodging pursuers along the way.

    Finally you reach the safe base, pure bliss! The moment of victory, knowing you've outsmarted your chaser and secured a moment of respite.

    In Purejoy we believe that parenting can feel very much like this child-hood game. That's why I created the SafeSeat. Think of it as your "safe-base" when the stress of parenting becomes overwhelming.

    Listen on for how you can utilize this tool and bring back those blissful moments.


    Ep. 205 Preparing to go Home for the Holiday

    Ep. 205 Preparing to go Home for the Holiday

    Hey lovies! The holiday season is upon us, and that means family gatherings. Ever found yourself at odds with more traditional family values while consciously parenting? I've been there.

    I used to get defensive about my parenting style, convinced it was the only right way. But here's the shift – realizing it's okay to have different values. When heading to family events, I'd prep my daughter on their expectations, like manners, which were a big deal for them.

    Instead of fighting against it, I framed it as an act of love for my family. Just like prepping her for school rules, it wasn't about right or wrong; it was about understanding the 'lay of the land.'

    If you're heading home this year, imagine how it would feel to embrace your family's values instead of needing them to change. Take a new approach by supporting your kids in understanding the practical expectations without making it an emotional issue.

    Listen, now.


    Ep. 204 Gratitude

    Ep. 204 Gratitude

    Hey amazing parents! Leslie Potter here with a heartfelt pause for gratitude on this Thanksgiving week. Whether you're a regular listener or joining us for the first time, THANK YOU for being part of the Parenting Paused community.

    Parenting is a wild ride, and kudos to all of you for taking a less traditional path! This week, let's dive into the transformative power of GRATITUDE.

    I used to struggle with gratitude – it felt forced. But I realized it's a practice, a conscious choice to find appreciation even in challenging moments. This week, I invite you to join me. What moments evoke gratitude? Share below and let's inspire each other.

    And here's a Purejoy challenge: What is it like to offer thanks to yourself? Parenting is tough, but you're here, seeking growth. Practice dropping the self-criticism just for this week and acknowledge the incredible parent you are.


    Happy Thanksgiving!

    Ep. 203 Pressure, Pressure, Pressure

    Ep. 203 Pressure, Pressure, Pressure

    ​​If you've been with me, you know we're all about embracing a different way to parent – one that honors each child's unique spirit.

    This week, let's dive into PRESSURE. Where does it come from? Have you ever felt the weight of external expectations making you question your parenting choices? I sure have!

    In the quest for conscious parenting, I realized much of the pressure was linked to external influences. Ever been there? It can be overwhelming!

    But here's the twist – what if the key is shifting your focus? Instead of telling your little ones what they can't do, what if you ask, "What's going on inside them that doesn't feel okay?"

    Take a pause this week, break free from external pressures, and understand your children's behavior through empathy. Ever noticed your child expressing stress through their actions? 

    Listen, here.

    Parenting Paused
    enNovember 13, 2023

    Ep. 202 Exploring the Energetics of Parenting

    Ep. 202 Exploring the Energetics of Parenting

    Hey there, Purejoy Parents!

    How do you find ways to navigate your own emotional triggers when your child's intense feelings strike a chord within you?

    In this week's podcast, dive deep into the world of childhood emotions and their powerful energetic impact. Discover how to unravel the intricacies of emotional attunement and how it shapes our little ones' behaviors. Let's explore how understanding and managing these energetic charges can nurture a stronger bond with our kids.

    Tune in now for some heartfelt insights!


    Parenting Paused
    enNovember 06, 2023

    Ep. 201 Projecting into the Future

    Ep. 201 Projecting into the Future

    Parenting is a journey filled with love, learning, and sometimes apprehension about the future. What do you notice in your parenting and energetics when you find yourself worrying about the future rather than parenting from the reality of right now?

    Do you parent the child in front of you or an invented future version of them?

    As you reflect back on the unexpected and sometimes difficult experiences you've had in the past, you'll see that you met the challenge as it happened.

    Here's to parenting with open hearts, free from the weight of future fears, and trusting that whatever comes "you've got it".

    Parenting Paused
    enOctober 29, 2023