
    Podcasting Your Brand

    Considering a podcast for YOUR brand’s content offerings? Be sure your show not only represents your brand’s quality, mission, and message, but is also maximized for success! Pick up what Producer Jaime has been putting down since 2014 and learn the tools to properly launch and then build your brand through the power of podcasting. Welcome to Podcasting Your Brand! Remember: “The only thing more powerful than your voice is your spirit to use it.” So, turn that mic on. (Formerly, Business in the Bedroom) -------------------- Your Host, Producer Jaime, has been an award-winning professional podcast Host and Executive Producer since 2014. With tips ranging all the way from developing your show’s topic and the technical side of a podcast launch through higher-level aspirations of audience growth and monetization, Producer Jaime opens her books on how to achieve all your goals. She has built her business, Flint Stone Media, as a podcast production house and consultancy firm, successfully advising clients and her Florida Podcast Network hosts on branding through podcasts time and time again. And, on this show, she will also often dip into her past experiences in law school, as a web designer/developer, as an SEO expert, and as a data analyst to provide full-scope concepts to grow your business (with your podcast at the core). Plus, she’ll be bringing onto the show people who’ve been mentors, peers, community members, and clients to lend their voices, questions, and perspectives. Producer Jaime has achieved many accomplishments in the space, often recognized as a pioneer and thought leader in the podcast industry. And, she’s excited to show you the secret sauce that she’s used to cook up success, giving you the ingredients to jumpstart YOUR podcasting. So, follow along with Producer Jaime (and her infectious laugh!) and learn everything you need to know about Podcasting Your Brand. She just LOVES talking about podcasting and giving back to an industry that has given her so much. Remember: “The only thing more powerful than your voice is your spirit to use it.” So, turn the mic on! (And, if you are looking for the Season 1’s episodes that give practical advice for newbie entrepreneurs [known collectively as Business in the Bedroom], you can still catch that first season of shows at BusinessInTheBedroom.com.)
    enFlint Stone Media LLC91 Episodes

    Episodes (91)

    Episode 49: Prepping for Your Guests (Podcasting 101)

    Episode 49: Prepping for Your Guests (Podcasting 101)

    For my next Podcasting 101 topic, I’m going to help you prepare for your guests by taking you through the four main steps of the process. First, where do you find them? Then, once you’ve found them, what are the best ways to approach them? And, in terms of scheduling your guests, I’ll cover two opposing schools of thought. (Who knew such a simple step could cause so much controversy?!?) And, last, I’ll walk you through the instructions you will want to provide your guests, so they can best prepare themselves for your recording session. In this episode, I will take you from discovering great potential guests through to the final instructions you’ll share with them as you hit that record button. Listen in and let's do this...!

    Host, Lead Editor, and Executive Producer: Producer Jaime ("Jemmy") Legagneur | Email Me! (Jaime@FlintStoneMedia.com)

    Link: Podcasting Your Brand Episode 35: Examining Your Ecosystem (Thoughts Before Launching, Part 3: The Who)

    Automatic Calendar Schedulers: Calendly | OnceHub, (formerly ScheduleOnce)

    Link: Producer Jaime’s Tips for Choosing a Microphone and Prepping Your Space

    Link: Producer Jaime’s Tips for Handling Audio Issues in Real Time While Recording

    Link: Podcasting Your Brand Episode 40: Recording Your Audio and Prepping Your Space (The Technical Side of Launching, Part 2)

    Connect with the Show and Leave a Voice Message: PodcastingYourBrand.com

    Follow me on social media:

    Favorite tools I’m affiliated with: Canva | 1SheetPRO | Monetize Your Expertise with Owwll App (Referral Code: PL954123 for a $10 credit!) | Riverside FM | Podopolo

    Already Have a Podcast? Check Out My FREE Tips | Producer Jaime’s Equipment Guide | Take my Podcast Booster Class! | Let me coach you 1 on 1... | Download My Top Tips Pack | Check Out My Other Show FULL of Tips: Podfest Podcast

    Additional Support Provided by: Flint Stone Media and Listeners Like You!!

    Remember: "The only thing more powerful than your voice is your spirit to use it." So, turn that mic on. ~ Producer Jaime


    Production House: Flint Stone Media

    Copyright of Flint Stone Media LLC 2022.

    Flint Stone Media LLC

    Episode 48: Stitching Together Your Sizzle Reel (Podcasting 102)

    Episode 48: Stitching Together Your Sizzle Reel (Podcasting 102)

    Let’s dip into sizzle reels for my next Podcasting 102 topic! A good sizzle reel can open the door that brings your show to the next level–both in terms of audience growth and partnerships. So, I’ll first go over with you what a sizzle reel even is and when you might need one. Then, I’ll review the basic nuts and bolts of a sizzle reel and discuss how to repackage your same core sizzle reel for multiple purposes. And, I’ll end the episode with a few examples of how and when I’ve used them over the years, so you can think of how to bring a sizzle reel into your podcast branding toolbox. Listen in and let's do this...!

    Host, Lead Editor, and Executive Producer: Producer Jaime ("Jemmy") Legagneur | Email Me! (Jaime@FlintStoneMedia.com)

    Link: Producer Jaime’s PDF on Stitching Together a Sizzle Reel (Click to get the Downloadable PDF)

    Link: Florida's Fresh Mix Podcast Sizzle Reel Featuring Dave Butler of the Florida Beer Podcast | FPN Media Kit (Click to see how we linked to Fresh Mix’s Sizzle Reel on page 7.)

    Link: Leaning into Podcasting Your Brand (this show’s sizzle reel transitioning from Business in the Bedroom)

    Connect with the Show and Leave a Voice Message: PodcastingYourBrand.com

    Follow me on social media:

    Favorite tools I’m affiliated with: Canva | 1SheetPRO | Monetize Your Expertise with Owwll App (Referral Code: PL954123 for a $10 credit!) | Riverside FM | Podopolo

    Already Have a Podcast? Check Out My FREE Tips | Producer Jaime’s Equipment Guide | Take my Podcast Booster Class! | Let me coach you 1 on 1... | Download My Top Tips Pack | Check Out My Other Show FULL of Tips: Podfest Podcast

    Additional Support Provided by: Flint Stone Media and Listeners Like You!!

    Remember: "The only thing more powerful than your voice is your spirit to use it." So, turn that mic on. ~ Producer Jaime


    Production House: Flint Stone Media

    Copyright of Flint Stone Media LLC 2022.

    Flint Stone Media LLC

    Episode 47: Defining Your Ideal Listener (Podcasting 101)

    Episode 47: Defining Your Ideal Listener (Podcasting 101)

    For my next Podcasting 101 topic, I’ll dive into defining your ideal listener. Knowing the people who are listening to you (and who you WANT to be listening to you) is critical in deciding the content to present on each episode and also for presenting yourself and your show to the right potential sponsors, partners, and guests. So, it is critical to think about who you are creating your show for–both in initially developing your show and when you are evolving it over time. As a natural continuation of my last lesson on your podcast being all about your listeners, on this episode, I’ll break down how to define the ideal listener of your own show. Listen in and let's do this...!

    Host, Lead Editor, and Executive Producer: Producer Jaime ("Jemmy") Legagneur | Email Me! (Jaime@FlintStoneMedia.com)

    Link: Podcasting Your Brand Episode 46: It’s All About Your Listeners (Podcasting 101)

    Connect with the Show and Leave a Voice Message: PodcastingYourBrand.com

    Follow me on social media:

    Favorite tools I’m affiliated with: Canva | 1SheetPRO | Monetize Your Expertise with Owwll App (Referral Code: PL954123 for a $10 credit!)

    Already Have a Podcast? Check Out My FREE Tips | Producer Jaime’s Equipment Guide | Take my Podcast Booster Class! | Let me coach you 1 on 1... | Download My Top Tips Pack | Check Out My Other Show FULL of Tips: Podfest Podcast

    Additional Support Provided by: Flint Stone Media and Listeners Like You!!

    Remember: "The only thing more powerful than your voice is your spirit to use it." So, turn that mic on. ~ Producer Jaime


    Production House: Flint Stone Media

    Copyright of Flint Stone Media LLC 2022.

    Flint Stone Media LLC

    Episode 46: It’s All About Your Listeners (Podcasting 101)

    Episode 46: It’s All About Your Listeners (Podcasting 101)

    For this next Podcasting 101 topic, I want to make it SUPER clear that the most important focus for your show is how well you are making it all about your listeners. It’s a key concept that you need to apply to all aspects of your show if you want to see good audience growth. And, in this episode, I’ll be honing in on 4 fundamental areas of consideration: picking your guests, figuring out when during the week it’s best to release your episodes, which sponsors to partner with, and what resources you can make available to your listening base for reference after the episode. Along the way, I will give you loads to think about in terms of YOUR listeners and how to make your show truly geared towards them and audience growth. And, I’ll even share one of my favorite quotes of all time, because the advice it conveys is simply fantastic. Listen in and let's do this...!

    Host, Lead Editor, and Executive Producer: Producer Jaime ("Jemmy") Legagneur | Email Me! (Jaime@FlintStoneMedia.com)

    Link: Podcasting Your Brand Episode 33: No Infomercials, Please (Thoughts Before Launching, Part 1: The What)

    Link: Podcasting Your Brand Episode 37: Deciding on a Format (Thoughts Before Launching, Part 5: The How)

    Connect with the Show and Leave a Voice Message: PodcastingYourBrand.com

    Follow me on social media:

    Favorite tools I’m affiliated with: Canva | 1SheetPRO | Monetize Your Expertise with Owwll App (Referral Code: PL954123 for a $10 credit!)

    Already Have a Podcast? Check Out My FREE Tips | Producer Jaime’s Equipment Guide | Take my Podcast Booster Class! | Let me coach you 1 on 1... | Download My Top Tips Pack | Check Out My Other Show FULL of Tips: Podfest Podcast

    Additional Support Provided by: Flint Stone Media and Listeners Like You!!

    Remember: "The only thing more powerful than your voice is your spirit to use it." So, turn that mic on. ~ Producer Jaime


    Production House: Flint Stone Media

    Copyright of Flint Stone Media LLC 2022.

    Flint Stone Media LLC

    Episode 45: Creating Disciples for Your Show (Podcasting 102)

    Episode 45: Creating Disciples for Your Show (Podcasting 102)

    For my first Podcasting 102 topic, I’m going to dive into a Jaime-ism for audience growth known as my disciples lesson. Remember when I had you examine your ecosystem back on Episode 35? Well, those lists you made were an effort to uncover launch partners, potential guests, monetization opportunities, and more. Well, today’s lesson on creating disciples for your show is a cornerstone to ALL of those opportunities. Organic, word-of-mouth growth is STILL the best way to grow your audience and build your relationships; but, that doesn’t mean that growth has to be slow. My advice today can be a booster shot for your organic growth opportunities and will be a concept I revisit with you for a LOT of various future lessons. So, you will really want to lean in today. Listen in and let's do this...!

    Host, Lead Editor, and Executive Producer: Producer Jaime ("Jemmy") Legagneur | Email Me! (Jaime@FlintStoneMedia.com)

    Link: Podcasting Your Brand Episode 35: Examining Your Ecosystem (Thoughts Before Launching, Part 3: The Who)

    Link: Producer Jaime's Disciples Lesson (Click to get the Downloadable PDF)

    Connect with the Show and Leave a Voice Message: PodcastingYourBrand.com

    Follow me on social media:

    Favorite tools I’m affiliated with: Canva | 1SheetPRO | Monetize Your Expertise with Owwll App (Referral Code: PL954123 for a $10 credit!)

    Already Have a Podcast? Check Out My FREE Tips | Producer Jaime’s Equipment Guide | Take my Podcast Booster Class! | Let me coach you 1 on 1... | Download My Top Tips Pack | Check Out My Other Show FULL of Tips: Podfest Podcast

    Additional Support Provided by: Flint Stone Media and Listeners Like You!!

    Remember: "The only thing more powerful than your voice is your spirit to use it." So, turn that mic on. ~ Producer Jaime


    Production House: Flint Stone Media

    Copyright of Flint Stone Media LLC 2022.

    Flint Stone Media LLC

    Episode 44: Putting Yourself into Your Show (Podcasting 101)

    Episode 44: Putting Yourself into Your Show (Podcasting 101)

    For my next Podcasting 101 topic, I am discussing the conundrum of finding the balance between sharing your life with your listeners and OVERsharing your life with your listeners. First, I’ll cover why it’s especially important to strike this balance when creating content as a podcast. Then, I’ll reveal where the danger lies in oversharing on your show. And, I’ll end with a simple share of my own: my three rules of thumb to help you find the right balance in what to share on YOUR podcast. Listen in and let's do this...!

    Host, Lead Editor, and Executive Producer: Producer Jaime ("Jemmy") Legagneur | Email Me! (Jaime@FlintStoneMedia.com)

    Link: Podcasting Your Brand Episode 33: No Infomercials, Please (Thoughts Before Launching, Part 1: The What)

    Connect with the Show and Leave a Voice Message: PodcastingYourBrand.com

    Follow me on social media:

    Favorite tools I’m affiliated with: Canva | 1SheetPRO | Monetize Your Expertise with Owwll App (Referral Code: PL954123 for a $10 credit!)

    Already Have a Podcast? Check Out My FREE Tips | Producer Jaime’s Equipment Guide | Take my Podcast Booster Class! | Let me coach you 1 on 1... | Download My Top Tips Pack | Check Out My Other Show FULL of Tips: Podfest Podcast

    Additional Support Provided by: Flint Stone Media and Listeners Like You!!

    Remember: "The only thing more powerful than your voice is your spirit to use it." So, turn that mic on. ~ Producer Jaime


    Production House: Flint Stone Media

    Copyright of Flint Stone Media LLC 2022.

    Flint Stone Media LLC

    Episode 43: Co-hosts: How to Find and Work with the Right One (Podcasting 101)

    Episode 43: Co-hosts: How to Find and Work with the Right One (Podcasting 101)

    For our first Podcasting 101 topic after taking you through the launch process, I’ll share my initial thoughts on having a show with co-hosts–whether you are starting a new show and want to find a co-host to work with from day 1 or you already have a show and are interested in bringing a co-host into the mix. First, I’ll go over a few key ingredients that make for a good co-hosting situation and methods for finding the right person to partner with. Then, I’ll review some tips on working with your co-host–both strategic and technical. Listen in and let's do this...!

    Host, Lead Editor, and Executive Producer: Producer Jaime ("Jemmy") Legagneur | Email Me! (Jaime@FlintStoneMedia.com)

    Connect with the Show and Leave a Voice Message: PodcastingYourBrand.com

    Follow me on social media:

    Favorite tools I’m affiliated with: Canva | 1SheetPRO | Monetize Your Expertise with Owwll App (Referral Code: PL954123 for a $10 credit!)

    Already Have a Podcast? Check Out My FREE Tips | Producer Jaime’s Equipment Guide | Take my Podcast Booster Class! | Let me coach you 1 on 1... | Download My Top Tips Pack | Check Out My Other Show FULL of Tips: Podfest Podcast

    Additional Support Provided by: Flint Stone Media and Listeners Like You!!

    Remember: "The only thing more powerful than your voice is your spirit to use it." So, turn that mic on. ~ Producer Jaime


    Production House: Flint Stone Media

    Copyright of Flint Stone Media LLC 2022.

    Flint Stone Media LLC

    Episode 42: Publishing and Submitting to the Platforms (The Technical Side of Launching, Part 4)

    Episode 42: Publishing and Submitting to the Platforms (The Technical Side of Launching, Part 4)

    In Part 4 of this series of episodes, The Technical Side of Launching, I will take you through the final two steps of the process: publishing (creating your podcast’s hosting account) and distribution (submitting your show to the podcast player platforms). First, I’ll explain the purpose of your podcast’s hosting account and cover the basics of setting it up for your show. I’ll include advice on how to optimize your account to maximize your podcast’s discoverability. Then, I’ll break down your podcast’s RSS feed URL (essentially, its address on the internet) and how you submit your RSS feed to the podcast players, so your show can be heard on all the platforms. Break out those fireworks, because it’s launch time!! Listen in and let's do this...

    Host, Lead Editor, and Executive Producer: Producer Jaime ("Jemmy") Legagneur | Email Me! (Jaime@FlintStoneMedia.com)

    Connect with the Show and Leave a Voice Message: PodcastingYourBrand.com

    Follow me on social media:

    Favorite tools I’m affiliated with: Canva | 1SheetPRO | Monetize Your Expertise with Owwll App (Referral Code: PL954123 for a $10 credit!)

    Already Have a Podcast? Check Out My FREE Tips | Producer Jaime’s Equipment Guide | Take my Podcast Booster Class! | Let me coach you 1 on 1... | Download My Top Tips Pack | Check Out My Other Show FULL of Tips: Podfest Podcast

    Additional Support Provided by: Flint Stone Media and Listeners Like You!!

    Remember: "The only thing more powerful than your voice is your spirit to use it." So, turn that mic on. ~ Producer Jaime


    Production House: Flint Stone Media

    Copyright of Flint Stone Media LLC 2022.

    Flint Stone Media LLC

    Episode 41: Your Trailer Track and Show Art (The Technical Side of Launching, Part 3)

    Episode 41: Your Trailer Track and Show Art (The Technical Side of Launching, Part 3)

    In Part 3 of this series of episodes, The Technical Side of Launching, I’ll cover for you the two pieces of content required for you to submit your show to the platforms: your trailer track and your show art. I’ll begin with a bit of history of the trailer episode, so you can understand the purpose behind it. Then, I’ll share the two options people typically consider when deciding on how to introduce their show to the world, along with two other approaches I’ve developed launching dozens of podcasts over the years. Next, I’ll turn towards tips on your show art, beginning with the main specifications required by the podcast platforms, so yours isn’t rejected. Then, I’ll guide you through several considerations for the design of your show art–both what to do and mistakes to avoid. Plus, I’ll share my thoughts on the debate of having your own image as part of your show art or not. When is it important to show your face, and when is it perhaps a waste of your graphic real estate? And, finally, I’ll help you find resources to secure your own show art. It’s another episode chock-FULL of tips to help you podcast your brand in the best way for YOU! Listen in and let's do this...!

    Host, Lead Editor, and Executive Producer: Producer Jaime ("Jemmy") Legagneur | Email Me! (Jaime@FlintStoneMedia.com)

    Connect with the Show and Leave a Voice Message: PodcastingYourBrand.com

    Link: People of Florida Episode 1 - Mystic Michaela from Boynton Beach and Guest Storyteller Kevin Wiatrowski from Visit Tampa Bay

    Link: Podcasting Your Brand Episode 32: Leaning into Podcasting Your Brand

    Link: Podfest Podcast Episode 6: Writing a Book to Grow Your Audience, Marketing with Instagram Stories, and Show Art the Right Way, brought to you by Buzzsprout

    Strong Show Art Samples:

    Link: Additional Show Art Samples

    Follow me on social media:

    Favorite tools I’m affiliated with: Canva | 1SheetPRO | Monetize Your Expertise with Owwll App (Referral Code: PL954123 for a $10 credit!)

    Already Have a Podcast? Check Out My FREE Tips | Producer Jaime’s Equipment Guide | Take my Podcast Booster Class! | Let me coach you 1 on 1... | Download My Top Tips Pack | Check Out My Other Show FULL of Tips: Podfest Podcast

    Additional Support Provided by: Flint Stone Media and Listeners Like You!!

    Remember: "The only thing more powerful than your voice is your spirit to use it." So, turn that mic on. ~ Producer Jaime


    Production House: Flint Stone Media

    Copyright of Flint Stone Media LLC 2022.

    Flint Stone Media LLC

    Episode 40: Recording Your Audio and Prepping Your Space (The Technical Side of Launching, Part 2)

    Episode 40: Recording Your Audio and Prepping Your Space (The Technical Side of Launching, Part 2)

    In Part 2 of this next series of episodes, The Technical Side of Launching, I’ll cover for you both various methods of recording AND how to prep your space for optimal sound. I’ll begin by explaining how your recording options split into two basic categories: hardware versus software. And, in terms of the software, I’ll run through the three different types of software options: your editing program, your connection software, and standalone recording program–also touching on the pros and cons of single track versus a multi-track recording. And then, yes, in this episode, I will FINALLY be covering the “Where” side of your setup with tips on choosing the best space and then how to optimize it for your sound. Plus, I’ll reveal my most critical point about the recording process and share tips for handling sound issues in real time while recording. This episode is chock-full of recording session know-how. So, listen in and let's do this...!

    Host, Lead Editor, and Executive Producer: Producer Jaime ("Jemmy") Legagneur | Email Me! (Jaime@FlintStoneMedia.com)

    Connect with the Show and Leave a Voice Message: PodcastingYourBrand.com

    Link: Producer Jaime’s Equipment Guide

    Link: Producer Jaime’s Tips for Handling Audio Issues During Remote Recordings

    Link: Producer Jaime’s Tips for Choosing a Microphone and Prepping Your Space

    Link: Podfest Podcast Episode 12: Women in Podcasting, Leaning Into Being Yourself, and Optimizing Mobile Recording Quality, brought to you by Buzzsprout

    Follow me on social media:

    Favorite tools I’m affiliated with: Canva | 1SheetPRO | Monetize Your Expertise with Owwll App (Referral Code: PL954123 for a $10 credit!)

    Already Have a Podcast? Check Out My FREE TipsTake my Podcast Booster Class! | Let me coach you 1 on 1... | Download My Top Tips Pack | Check Out My Other Show FULL of Tips: Podfest Podcast

    Additional Support Provided by: Flint Stone Media and Listeners Like You!!

    Remember: "The only thing more powerful than your voice is your spirit to use it." So, turn that mic on. ~ Producer Jaime


    Production House: Flint Stone Media

    Copyright of Flint Stone Media LLC 2022.

    Flint Stone Media LLC

    Episode 39: Equipment and Connecting Remotely (The Technical Side of Launching, Part 1)

    Episode 39: Equipment and Connecting Remotely (The Technical Side of Launching, Part 1)

    In Part 1 of this next series of episodes, The Technical Side of Launching, I’ll be diving deeper into the first two parts of my roadmap of 8 steps involved in the technical side of launching your podcast: Equipment and Getting Connected for Remote Recordings. I’m sharing with you details on the equipment you’ll need to launch your podcast (the HARDWARE side) and providing suggestions on how you can connect for remote recordings (the SOFTWARE side). I’m going  to explain how to get yourself set up technically for various typical recording scenarios: solo, remote, and in-person. Check the show notes for the link to my Equipment Guide and follow along with this episode, so you can make the most informed decision for your show’s format and yourself (including based on your budget.) Listen in and let's do this...!

    Link to Sound File for Sight Impaired: Click Here

    Host, Lead Editor, and Executive Producer: Producer Jaime ("Jemmy") Legagneur | Email Me! (Jaime@FlintStoneMedia.com)

    Connect with the Show and Leave a Voice Message: PodcastingYourBrand.com

    Link: Producer Jaime’s Equipment Guide

    Link: Producer Jaime’s Tips for Handling Audio Issues During Remote Recordings

    Follow me on social media:

    Favorite tools I’m affiliated with: Canva | 1SheetPRO | Monetize Your Expertise with Owwll App (Referral Code: PL954123 for a $10 credit!)

    Already Have a Podcast? Check Out My FREE TipsTake my Podcast Booster Class! | Let me coach you 1 on 1... | Download My Top Tips Pack | Check Out My Other Show FULL of Tips: Podfest Podcast

    Additional Support Provided by: Flint Stone Media and Listeners Like You!!

    Remember: "The only thing more powerful than your voice is your spirit to use it." So, turn that mic on. ~ Producer Jaime


    Production House: Flint Stone Media

    Copyright of Flint Stone Media LLC 2022.

    Flint Stone Media LLC

    Episode 38: The A to Z of Launching a Podcast (The Technical Side of Launching, The Prelude)

    Episode 38: The A to Z of Launching a Podcast (The Technical Side of Launching, The Prelude)

    Now that we have fully explored the conceptual side of your launch, we are getting into our next series of episodes: the Technical Side of Launching. And, in this Prelude episode, I’ll give you a top-to-bottom run through of the process, so that you have a clear idea of how it all works from start to finish. I’ll start with a review of the equipment you need and methods for recording your show and take you all the way through getting your podcast launched and distributed on the major platforms–covering 8 main steps in all. And, if you’ve already launched your podcast, let this episode be a double-check of whether you missed anything important. Then, in the episodes to follow, I’ll take you into a deep dive on each of these steps as we complete the technical side of your launch. Listen in and let's do this...!

    Host, Lead Editor, and Executive Producer: Producer Jaime ("Jemmy") Legagneur | Email Me! (Jaime@FlintStoneMedia.com)

    Connect with the Show and Leave a Voice Message: PodcastingYourBrand.com

    Link: Producer Jaime’s Equipment Guide

    Follow me on social media:

    Favorite tools I’m affiliated with: Canva | 1SheetPRO | Monetize Your Expertise with Owwll App (Referral Code: PL954123 for a $10 credit!)

    Already Have a Podcast? Check Out My FREE TipsTake my Podcast Booster Class! | Let me coach you 1 on 1... | Download My Top Tips Pack | Check Out My Other Show FULL of Tips: Podfest Podcast

    Additional Support Provided by: Flint Stone Media and Listeners Like You!!

    Remember: "The only thing more powerful than your voice is your spirit to use it." So, turn that mic on. ~ Producer Jaime


    Production House: Flint Stone Media

    Copyright of Flint Stone Media LLC 2022.

    Flint Stone Media LLC

    Episode 37: Deciding on a Format (Thoughts Before Launching, Part 5: The How)

    Episode 37: Deciding on a Format (Thoughts Before Launching, Part 5: The How)

    In Part 5 of my initial series of episodes, Thoughts Before Launching: The How, I begin with describing the two most common types of show formats. But, we won’t stop there! I’ll then share with you several other options beyond just those two most popular ones. And, I’ll present the possibilities to you by shedding light on which formats work really well as full episodes versus those that lend themselves more to being used as segments. Plus, I’ll include a BUNCH of examples (also linked in the show notes for you), so you can hear how others have brought these formats to life. Listen in and let's do this...!

    Host, Lead Editor, and Executive Producer: Producer Jaime ("Jemmy") Legagneur | Email Me! (Jaime@FlintStoneMedia.com)

    Connect with the Show and Leave a Voice Message: PodcastingYourBrand.com

    Link: Scene on Radio by NPR

    Link: A Boat A Voyage: A Haitian Refugee Story by Wilkine Brutus

    Link: The Newsworthy by Erica Mandy

    Link: Trivial Warfare by Jonathan Oakes

    Link: Horses in the Morning by Horse Radio Network

    Link: Florida Man News on Florida Podcast Network

    Link: Finding Florida Podcast on Florida Podcast Network

    Link: The Wedding Biz on the Wedding Biz Network

    Follow me on social media:

    Favorite tools I’m affiliated with: Canva | 1SheetPRO | Monetize Your Expertise with Owwll App (Referral Code: PL954123 for a $10 credit!)

    Already Have a Podcast? Check Out My FREE TipsTake my Podcast Booster Class! | Let me coach you 1 on 1... | Download My Top Tips Pack | Check Out My Other Show FULL of Tips: Podfest Podcast

    Additional Support Provided by: Flint Stone Media and Listeners Like You!!

    Remember: "The only thing more powerful than your voice is your spirit to use it." So, turn that mic on. ~ Producer Jaime


    Production House: Flint Stone Media

    Copyright of Flint Stone Media LLC 2022.

    Flint Stone Media LLC

    Episode 36: What’s On Your Plate? (Thoughts Before Launching, Part 4: The When)

    Episode 36: What’s On Your Plate? (Thoughts Before Launching, Part 4: The When)

    In Part 4 of my initial series of episodes, Thoughts Before Launching: The When, we’ll talk about how often you should plan on releasing your episodes–starting first with one of the most common misconceptions. Then, I’ll shed some light on what goes into the craft of podcasting, when it makes sense to increase your frequency, what you need to anticipate and prepare your podcasting process for, and balancing your own plate with your audience’s expectations. Listen in and let's do this...!

    Host, Lead Editor, and Executive Producer: Producer Jaime ("Jemmy") Legagneur | Email Me! (Jaime@FlintStoneMedia.com)

    Connect with the Show and Leave a Voice Message: PodcastingYourBrand.com

    Link: Podfest Expo Info | Podfest Expo Tickets (Use Promo Code "IGNITE" for a 20% discount!)

    Follow me on social media:

    Favorite tools I’m affiliated with: Canva | 1SheetPRO | Monetize Your Expertise with Owwll App (Referral Code: PL954123 for a $10 credit!)

    Already Have a Podcast? Check Out My FREE TipsTake my Podcast Booster Class! | Let me coach you 1 on 1... | Download My Top Tips Pack | Check Out My Other Show FULL of Tips: Podfest Podcast

    Additional Support Provided by: Flint Stone Media and Listeners Like You!!

    Remember: "The only thing more powerful than your voice is your spirit to use it." So, turn that mic on. ~ Producer Jaime


    Production House: Flint Stone Media

    Copyright of Flint Stone Media LLC 2022.

    Flint Stone Media LLC

    Episode 35: Examining Your Ecosystem (Thoughts Before Launching, Part 3: The Who)

    Episode 35: Examining Your Ecosystem (Thoughts Before Launching, Part 3: The Who)

    In Part 3 of my initial series of episodes, Thoughts Before Launching: The Who, I guide you through taking a close look at your relationships and connections to figure out who can best help you establish your podcast as you’re getting off the ground and who can help grow your show over time and how. I’ll break down the 5 categories of your ecosystem, helping you think through who belongs to yours, while you make some lists as you listen along. Then, I’ll shed light on how to mine those lists to discover the opportunities that might exist for you, your show, and your brand. Listen in and let's do this...!

    Host, Lead Editor, and Executive Producer: Producer Jaime ("Jemmy") Legagneur | Email Me! (Jaime@FlintStoneMedia.com)

    Connect with the Show and Leave a Voice Message: PodcastingYourBrand.com

    Link: Podfest Expo Info | Podfest Expo Tickets (Use Promo Code "IGNITE" for a 20% discount!)

    Follow me on social media:

    Favorite tools I’m affiliated with: Canva | 1SheetPRO | Monetize Your Expertise with Owwll App (Referral Code: PL954123 for a $10 credit!)

    Already Have a Podcast? Check Out My FREE TipsTake my Podcast Booster Class! | Let me coach you 1 on 1... | Download My Top Tips Pack | Check Out My Other Show FULL of Tips: Podfest Podcast

    Additional Support Provided by: Flint Stone Media and Listeners Like You!!

    Remember: "The only thing more powerful than your voice is your spirit to use it." So, turn that mic on. ~ Producer Jaime


    Production House: Flint Stone Media

    Copyright of Flint Stone Media LLC 2022.

    Flint Stone Media LLC

    Episode 34 - My Mirror Exercise (Thoughts Before Launching, Part 2: The Why)

    Episode 34 - My Mirror Exercise (Thoughts Before Launching, Part 2: The Why)

    In Part 2 of my initial series of episodes, Thoughts Before Launching: The Why, I’m going to take you through one of my very first exercises I do with new clients when developing their shows: My Mirror Exercise. We all should know why we are podcasting; but, did you know there are actually TWO  sides to that very important question? Listen in and let's do this...!

    Host, Lead Editor, and Executive Producer: Producer Jaime ("Jemmy") Legagneur | Email Me! (Jaime@FlintStoneMedia.com)

    Connect with the Show and Leave a Voice Message: PodcastingYourBrand.com

    Link: Producer Jaime Invited as a Guest on the “Creating Daily” Podcast! | DIRECT LINK TO BILLY’S EPISODE | Follow Creating Daily with Billy Thorpe

    Link: Podfest Expo Info | Podfest Expo Tickets (Use Promo Code "IGNITE" for a 20% discount!)

    Follow me on social media:

    Favorite tools I’m affiliated with: Canva | 1SheetPRO | Monetize Your Expertise with Owwll App (Referral Code: PL954123 for a $10 credit!)

    Already Have a Podcast? Check Out My FREE TipsTake my Podcast Booster Class! | Let me coach you 1 on 1... | Download My Top Tips Pack | Check Out My Other Show FULL of Tips: Podfest Podcast

    Additional Support Provided by: Flint Stone Media and Listeners Like You!!

    Remember: "The only thing more powerful than your voice is your spirit to use it." So, turn that mic on. ~ Producer Jaime


    Production House: Flint Stone Media

    Copyright of Flint Stone Media LLC 2022.

    Flint Stone Media LLC

    Episode 33: No Infomercials, Please (Thoughts Before Launching, Part 1: The What)

    Episode 33: No Infomercials, Please (Thoughts Before Launching, Part 1: The What)

    In Part 1 of my initial series of episodes, Thoughts Before Launching: The What, I wanted to start you off with my #1 piece of advice when going into podcasting your brand: do NOT make your show one long sales pitch. In other words, no infomercials, please. Listen in and let's do this...!

    Host, Lead Editor, and Executive Producer: Producer Jaime ("Jemmy") Legagneur | Email Me! (Jaime@FlintStoneMedia.com)

    Connect with the Show and Leave a Voice Message: PodcastingYourBrand.com

    Link: Podfest Expo Info | Podfest Expo Tickets (Use Promo Code "IGNITE" for a 20% discount!)

    Follow me on social media:

    Favorite tools I’m affiliated with: Canva | 1SheetPRO | Monetize Your Expertise with Owwll App (Referral Code: PL954123 for a $10 credit!)

    Already Have a Podcast? Check Out My FREE TipsTake my Podcast Booster Class! | Let me coach you 1 on 1... | Download My Top Tips Pack | Check Out My Other Show FULL of Tips: Podfest Podcast

    Additional Support Provided by: Flint Stone Media and Listeners Like You!!

    Remember: "The only thing more powerful than your voice is your spirit to use it." So, turn that mic on. ~ Producer Jaime


    Production House: Flint Stone Media

    Copyright of Flint Stone Media LLC 2022.

    Flint Stone Media LLC

    Episode 32: Leaning into Podcasting Your Brand

    Episode 32: Leaning into Podcasting Your Brand

    Producer Jaime hones in the theme of this show, transitioning to Podcasting Your Brand–a show that will provide you with the learning lessons to podcast YOUR brand. And, she starts with some quick, but seriously powerful tips on how to build the foundation of a successful podcast. This sizzle reel of clips are from some of Producer Jaime’s various recent guest appearances on shows where she was invited to discuss podcasting and the journey of her career. Take notes on her quick run through of tips, as she touches on the correct order of a podcast launch, naming a podcast, the two technical pieces you need to submit your show to all the podcast players, and common mistakes that cause people to quit. Come learn from Producer Jaime’s extensive experience building brands through the power of podcasting! Remember: "The only thing more powerful than your voice is your spirit to use it." So, turn that mic on…

    Host, Lead Editor, and Executive Producer: Producer Jaime ("Jemmy") Legagneur | Email Me! (Jaime@FlintStoneMedia.com)

    Connect with the Show and Leave a Voice Message: PodcastingYourBrand.com

    Link: Producer Jaime Invited as a Guest on the “Creating Daily” Podcast! | DIRECT LINK TO BILLY’S EPISODE | Follow Creating Daily with Billy Thorpe

    Link: Cat Corchado Welcomes Producer Jaime Legagneur to Live, Love, Laugh (and Zombies?) on Sisters in Service | DIRECT LINK TO CAT’S EPISODE | Follow Sisters in Service with Cat Corchado

    Link: Brand Consistency, Top 3 Transcription Services for Podcasters, and the Technical Basics of Launching a Show, brought to you by Buzzsprout | DIRECT LINK TO THE PODFEST EPISODE | Follow the Podfest Podcast, presented by Podfest Multimedia Expo

    Link: Producer Jaime Invited as a Guest on “The Late Bloomer Living” Podcast! | DIRECT LINK TO YVONNE'S EPISODE | Follow Late Bloomer Living with Yvonne Marchese

    Link: Producer Jaime Invited as a Guest on the “WinHers” Podcast! | DIRECT LINK TO NICOLE'S EPISODE | Follow WinHers United with Nicole Walker

    Link: Producer Jaime Invited to Revisit The Shrimp Tank for a Live Shrimp Bite! | DIRECT LINK TO JASON'S EPISODE | Follow Shrimp Tank Boca with Jason Hill

    Link: Join the Owwll App and Monetize Your Expertise!

    Follow me on social media:

    Favorite tools I’m affiliated with: Canva | 1SheetPRO

    Already Have a Podcast? Check Out My FREE TipsTake my Podcast Booster Class! | Let me coach you 1 on 1... | Download My Top Tips Pack | Check Out My Other Show FULL of Tips: Podfest Podcast

    Additional Support Provided by: Flint Stone Media and Listeners Like You!!

    Remember: "The only thing more powerful than your voice is your spirit to use it." So, turn that mic on. ~ Producer Jaime


    Production House: Flint Stone Media

    Copyright of Flint Stone Media LLC 2022.

    Flint Stone Media LLC

    Episode 31: My Key Note Address for National Entrepreneurs Day

    Episode 31: My Key Note Address for National Entrepreneurs Day

    Today, I'm going to open up the curtain once again on my own entrepreneurial journey and share my recent Key Note Address! The Palm Beach County School District recently asked me to be the key note speaker for their virtual National Entrepreneur's Day event on November 16th. Well, with that key note, I was walking the walk that I talked about in the last episode--that when people see you, STEP UP. So, I'll let you be the judge on how I did! You'll hear me trying to tackle two intentions with this key note address: 1) getting young entrepreneurs jazzed about the journey and the experiece of building your own business by sharing my own journey, and 2) giving a quick course on launching a podcast. And, I'm sharing this also so that you can imagine all the potential impact that my doing this particular presentation in front of that audience of small business owners had for MY business. And, THAT's why I'm such a proponent of getting out there. Listen in, and let's do this...!

    Link to Sound File for Sight Impaired: Click Here

    Host, Lead Editor, and Executive Producer: Jaime ("Jemmy") Legagneur

    Connect with the Show and Leave a Voice Message: BizInTheBedroom.com

    Mentioned in this Episode: Watch My Key Note Address on Video YouTube | Facebook

    Mentioned in this Episode: PBCSD Entrepreneur's Day - Key Note - Ignite YOUR Voice! Ignite YOUR Podcast Platform! Presentation Slides | More Info

    Listen to BITB on Producer Jaime's Favorite Podcast Player: "Goodpods is GREAT!!" ~Producer Jaime

    Join the Dreamers Become Doers Community Across the Web: GoodpodsClubhouse | Facebook| Patreon

    Follow me on social media:

    Or, feel free to email me: Jaime@FlintStoneMedia.com

    Favorite tools I’m affiliated with: Canva

    Interested in podcasting? Take my Podcasting 101 Launch Course!

    Already Have a Podcast? Take my Podcast Booster Class! | Let me coach you 1 on 1... | Download My Top Tips Pack | Check Out My Other Show FULL of Tips: Podfest Podcast

    Additional Support Provided by: Flint Stone Media and Listeners Like You!!

    "Hit it hard. Keep the lights on." ~Jaime


    Production House: Flint Stone Media

    Copyright of Flint Stone Media LLC 2021.

    Flint Stone Media LLC

    Episode 30: Using Conferences to Your Advantage

    Episode 30: Using Conferences to Your Advantage

    I'm going to share with you my NUMBER ONE branding and business growth strategy that was an absolute gamechanger for me--attending conferences. And, there are different strategies and benefits you can utilize, depending on how you are going to that conference--as an attendee, a speaker, or with a media pass. I've packed this episode with lots of tips to help you find the right conferences to go to, decide how you want to show up, and to maximize your time while you're there. Plus, I'll mention examples of how attending conferences has boosted my own entrepreneurial career, providing links to several examples in the show notes. And, I'll end the episode by including a clip from Episode 3 of my other show--the Podfest Podcast. My co-host, Glenn, and I discussed this strategy and how we have (both individually and through projects together) attended conferences over and over again to keep leveling up, and it has proven to simply be revolutionary. Listen in, and let's do this...!

    Link to Sound File for Sight Impaired: Click Here

    Host, Lead Editor, and Executive Producer: Jaime ("Jemmy") Legagneur

    Vocal Editor: Amber Amortegui

    Connect with the Show and Leave a Voice Message: BizInTheBedroom.com

    Listen to BITB on Producer Jaime's Favorite Podcast Player: "Goodpods is GREAT!!" ~Producer Jaime

    Mentioned in this Episode: The Feed, Libsyn's Podcast to keep you podcasting

    Mentioned in this Episode: Podfest Podcast Episode 3: Live from Podfest Origins: 3 Building Community, Cultural Microniches, and Using Conferences to Your Advantage, brought to you by Buzzsprout

    Mentioned in this Episode: Producer Jaime's Podcasting 101 Launch Workshop

    Mentioned in this Episode: Jaime Presents Podcasting to the Mystery Writers of America

    Mentioned in this Episode: Palm Beach County School District's Entrepreneur Day

    Mentioned in this Episode: Jeni Wren's Gritty Birds Media | Gritty Birds on Facebook

    Past Podcast Episodes Resulting from this Strategy:

    Join the Dreamers Become Doers Community Across the Web: GoodpodsClubhouse | Facebook| Patreon

    Follow me on social media:

    Or, feel free to email me: Jaime@FlintStoneMedia.com

    Favorite tools I’m affiliated with: Canva

    Interested in podcasting? Take my Podcasting 101 Launch Course!

    Already Have a Podcast? Take my Podcast Booster Class! | Let me coach you 1 on 1... | Download My Top Tips Pack | Check Out My Other Show FULL of Tips: Podfest Podcast

    Additional Support Provided by: Flint Stone Media and Listeners Like You!!

    "Hit it hard. Keep the lights on." ~Jaime



    Production House: Flint Stone Media

    Copyright of Flint Stone Media LLC 2021.

    Flint Stone Media LLC