
    Polyamory Weekly

    Minx and her listeners discuss loving more and polyamory, the lifestyle of being involved in more than one commited, long-term, loving relationship with the full knowledge and consent of all parties involved. In this community-driven show, each week Minx talks sex, relationships, communication, family, erotica, psychology, orgasms and anything else that comes up in the ins and outs of the daily polyamorous lifestyle.
    enCunning Minx609 Episodes

    Episodes (609)

    585 Poly for the holidays

    585 Poly for the holidays

    Advice from six different therapists, relationship coaches, and body workers on navigating family events as a poly person over the holidays

    0:00 Introduction and host chat

    • If you’re under 18, visit scarleteen.com
    • My Thanksgiving Happy Poly Moment

    5:25 Contact us

    Questions? Comments? Feedback? Email polyweekly@gmail.com and attach an audio comment or call the listener comment line at 802-505-POLY. If you want us to teach a class at your event, want us to coach you, or want to appear on the podcast, email lustyguy@polyweekly.com.

    5:45 Topic: Poly for the holidays

    32:00 Join the conversation

    To join the online conversation around this and other episodes, follow us on Twitter or Facebook. We love when you review us on Apple Podcasts or your favorite podcatcher (including Spotify!) and when you share us with your friends directly.

    32:30 Thank you to our subscribers and contributors

    Thanks to our new PW Playmate, Tom, for his subscription! Also to Pacemaker Jane for letting us use their song Good Suspicions as our intro and outro music and to you for listening and sharing.

    584 Dealing with abandonment issues

    584 Dealing with abandonment issues

    I have abandonment issues, but I don't know what I need when they come up. How do I ask my partners for what I need?

    0:00 Introduction and host chat

    • If you’re under 18, visit scarleteen.com
    • Thanks to the Close In munch in Portland, Oregon!
    • Poly for the Holidays contributions

    1:55 Poly in the news

    5:25 Contact us

    Questions? Comments? Feedback? Email polyweekly@gmail.com and attach an audio comment or call the listener comment line at 802-505-POLY. If you want us to teach a class at your event, want us to coach you, or want to appear on the podcast, email lustyguy@polyweekly.com.

    5:55 Topic: Dealing with abandonment issues

    Katie has abandonment issues and asks how to better cope with them when poly. She knows she has them but doesn’t know what to ask for when they arise.

    • Knowing and identifying is half the battle.
    • Explain to your partners what you shared with me—how it feels. Ask for their help with comfort might you need in the moment. Do the full analysis when you’re not in the midst of the issue.

    17:15 Join the conversation

    To join the online conversation around this and other episodes, follow us on Twitter or Facebook. We love when you review us on Apple Podcasts or your favorite podcatcher (including Spotify!) and when you share us with your friends directly.

    17:30 Feedback

    Joe writes in with additional advice to the listener in episode 567 on how to find poly community near you.

    20:00 Thank you to our subscribers and contributors

    Thanks to our new PW Playmate, Tom, for his subscription! Also to Pacemaker Jane for letting us use their song Good Suspicions as our intro and outro music and to you for listening and sharing.

    583 Poly Weekly live from Portland!

    583 Poly Weekly live from Portland!

    We interview a munch organizer and field audience questions at the Close In munch in Portland, Oregon

    0:00 Introduction and host chat

    • If you’re under 18, visit scarletteen.com
    • We’re at the Close In munch in Portland, Oregon!

    2:00 Interview with Close In munch organizer Hannah

    Lessons learned include:

    • poly and kinky people are everywhere
    • it’s important to destigmatize a stigmatized group
    • “Square up; what you want is fine; fuck ‘em all!”

    9:00 Poly Weekly live!

    • What advice would you give to solo polys?
    • 12:45 How to come out to folks who aren’t familiar with poly?
      • Anticipate questions, be prepared, be calm, don’t take it personally, give them a year to freak out
      • Folks will match your tone, so adopt one of calm, easy compassion
    • 16:00 How has poly changed in the last 14 years?
    • 17:45 And now there are terms for everything!
    • 19:05 How do I bring up the birth control discussion?
      • Be brave and bring it up. Or leave a birth control pamphlet in the toilet for leisure reading! J
      • Use regular relationship check ins as a space to bring up any issues
    • 22:15 What is your take on hierarchies?
      • If it works for everyone involved and it’s transparent, fine. But it doesn’t work for everyone (or me).
      • The challenge with hierarchies is that it sets up a permission model.
      • Be aware if you are talking about power structure or entanglement levels? If the latter, “nesting partner” might be more useful than “primary.”
    • 26:15 My mom thinks my polyamory is a phase. Do you know folks who have lived out their lives as poly?
      • Allena Gabosch, Oberon Zell-Ravenhart, and many others.
      • Just as with child-rearing, having an extended network to help you in your old age is valuable.

    31:15 Contact us

    Questions? Comments? Feedback? Email polyweekly@gmail.com and attach an audio comment or call the listener comment line at 802-505-POLY. If you want us to teach a class at your event, want us to coach you, or want to appear on the podcast, email lustyguy@polyweekly.com.

    32:00 Thank you to our subscribers and contributors

    Thanks to Pacemaker Jane for letting us use their song Good Suspicions as our intro and outro music and to you for listening and sharing.

    581 I'm tired of the restrictions my mono husband puts on me

    581 I'm tired of the restrictions my mono husband puts on me

    After four years, listener Newseeker is tired of asking her husband's permission every time she wants to go on a date with her partner of three years. How long should she accommodate his slow pace?

    0:00 Introduction and host chat

    4:00 Poly in the news

    5:25 Contact us

    Questions? Comments? Feedback? Email polyweekly@gmail.com and attach an audio comment or call the listener comment line at 802-505-POLY. If you want us to teach a class at your event, want us to coach you, or want to appear on the podcast, email lustyguy@polyweekly.com.

    6:10 I’m tired of the restrictions my husband is putting on me

    Newseeker (married 10 years, open for four, with a partner of three years) writes in to say she is tired of the objections her husband has to how she practices poly. He’d prefer she have more random sexual partners and not be in another loving relationship. Even though opening the relationship was her idea, it’s taxing on her to constantly have to ask when she can see her partner and wait until the last minute to make plans to accommodate hubby.

    • The permission model doesn’t work for adults, only with kids
    • No one can maintain an unnatural pace indefinitely
    • The Relationship Bill of Rights refers to agency: you have a say in how many partners to have, which ones, and how often you see them.

    16:50 Join the conversation

    To join the online conversation around this and other episodes, follow us on Twitter or Facebook. We love when you review us on Apple Podcasts or your favorite podcatcher (including Spotify!) and when you share us with your friends directly.

    17:05 Happy Poly Moment

    This week’s HPM is from a gay triad with no one feeling left out!

    19:00 Thank you to our subscribers and contributors

    Thanks to Pacemaker Jane for letting us use their song Good Suspicions as our intro and outro music and to you for listening and sharing.

    580 Should I still marry my now-straight partner?

    580 Should I still marry my now-straight partner?

    A listener is engaged to her fiancée, who just came out as straight. How does she cope with not having sex with her soon-to-be wife?

    0:00 Introduction and host chat

    Content warning and why you can’t find our podcast on Apple Podcasts in India.

    Let’s celebrate Dixie De la Tour, Bawdy Storytelling, and the Bawdy Storytelling podcast that you can subscribe to on Apple Podcasts. There is also a Facebook group of Bawdy fans that is super fun.

    5:30 Poly in the news

    Couple-centric and non-diverse article in Cascadia claiming Portland is the center of Pacific NW poly

    9:45 Contact us

    Questions? Comments? Feedback? Email polyweekly@gmail.com and attach an audio comment or call the listener comment line at 802-505-POLY. If you want us to teach a class at your event, want us to coach you, or want to appear on the podcast, email lustyguy@polyweekly.com.

    10:45 My fiancée now identifies as straight and doesn’t want sex with me

    Emily writes in to say that her fiancée recently identified as straight and will no longer have sex with her. She says they are poly, so it doesn’t mean that there won’t be any sex for her, but she is confused. She says she their love is unconditional, so it shouldn’t matter, but what does this mean for their relationship?

    20:00 Join the conversation

    To join the online conversation around this and other episodes, follow us on Twitter or Facebook. We love when you review us on Apple Podcasts or your favorite podcatcher (including Spotify!) and when you share us with your friends directly.

    21:00 Happy Poly Moment

    This week’s HPM is multinational and tech-assisted!

    22:10 Feedback

    SLT writes in in response to episode 519 on the issue of poly-friendly housing and

    23:30 Thank you to our subscribers and contributors

    Thanks to Pacemaker Jane for letting us use their song Good Suspicions as our intro and outro music and to you for listening and sharing.

    570 On writing inclusive fiction with Kevin Patterson and Alana Phelan

    570 On writing inclusive fiction with Kevin Patterson and Alana Phelan

    Kevin Patterson and Alana Phelan, coauthors of For Hire: Operator and the soon-to-be-released For Hire: Audition, talk about why they write a queer poly superhero universe.

    0:00 Introduction and host chat

    Thanks to Anita Wagner for introducing me to the term “petamour

    1:30 Poly in the news

    Vice has a great new article about poly families and poly parenting

    3:05 Contact us

    Questions? Comments? Feedback? Email polyweekly@gmail.com and attach an audio comment or call the listener comment line at 802-505-POLY. If you want us to teach a class at your event, want us to coach you, or want to appear on the podcast, email lustyguy@polyweekly.com.

    3:35 Interview: Kevin Patterson and Alana Phelan on writing inclusive fiction

    Kevin Patterson and Alana Phelan join us to talk about their next soon-to-be-released queer superhero book, For Hire: Audition. You may remember their last interview with us on episode 563 around For Hire: Operator or Kevin’s interview around his book, Love’s Not Color Blind.

    26:30 Join the conversation

    To join the online conversation around this and other episodes, follow us on Twitter or Facebook. We love when you review us on Apple Podcasts or your favorite podcatcher (including Spotify!) and when you share us with your friends directly.

    27:00 Thank you to our subscribers and contributors

    Thanks to Pacemaker Jane for letting us use their song Good Suspicions as our intro and outro music and to you for listening and sharing.


    577 When love IS a zero sum game

    577 When love IS a zero sum game

    A listener asks what to do when love does feel like a zero sum game; his wife took a lover, and our listener felt like he got even less sex than before.

    0:00 Introduction and host chat

    Under 18? Stop listening now and visit http://www.scarleteen.com

    1:00 Intro and host chat

    • Minx recorded an episode of D&D Dads podcast with J.R. Blackwell, but the podcast hasn’t yet launched. Stay tuned!
    • We had fun in Copenhagen!

    3:00 Poly in the news

    9:00 When love IS a zero-sum game

    Listener Micah writes in to ask what to do now that his wife brought up the idea of poly, started dating someone half her age, and is now having much less sex with Micah.

    • If we are painting a rosy, easy picture of poly, we need to change, because the emotional development required for polyamory (or any relationship) takes time and effort.
    • Lusty Guy wonders about the use of the word “affair”—is this a reflection of your jealousy, or do you feel she wasn’t being honest?
    • The issue is likely some preexisting issue in your relationship (perhaps the libido difference, perhaps something else). This sounds like “relationship broken, add more people.”
    • To strengthen your relationship, have an honest conversation with your wife. Stop comparing before and after the metamour and start talking about the behaviors you want to see to feel better in your relationship. And ask for the same of her.

    19:00 Happy poly moment

    A monogamous listener writes in to share a happy not-poly moment about not panicking when her fiancé shared that he was attracted to a colleague, and our listener could accept it without jealousy or drama!

    20:45 Feedback

    • Soft Shell Crabby wrote in a follow up after we address her question in episode 574 Is it OK to ask to meet my metamour (spoiler: it helped, and they are better now!)
    • Reama says some really nice things about the quality of our content.

    23:40 Thank you!

    Thanks to our new Poly Weekly Playmates, Mirjam, Syncione, Quinlan, and Melvin!

    24:10 How to make this podcast better

    Questions? Comments? Feedback? Email polyweekly@gmail.com and attach an audio comment or call the listener comment line at 802-505-POLY. If you want us to teach a class at your event, want us to coach you, or want to appear on the podcast, email lustyguy@polyweekly.com.

    Friend us on Twitter or Facebook, leave a comment here. Check out Poly Weekly podcasts at polyweekly.libsyn.com. Share this with a friend or write a review on Apple Podcasts!  Our intro and outro music is courtesy of Pacemaker Jane, “Good Suspicions.”

    576 Will poly help emotionally unavailable partners

    576 Will poly help emotionally unavailable partners

    A listener asks if her new boyfriend is emotionally unavailable, will poly help?

    0:00 Introduction and host chat

    Under 18? Stop listening now and visit http://www.scarleteen.com

    2:10 Poly in the news

    7:50 Is poly a solution for emotionally unavailable partners?

    A listener writes in to ask if polyamory is possible when her partner seems to be currently emotionally unavailable. Our listener  met a guy five months ago, when she was a newly-single mom not looking for commitment. They never talked about what their relationship was, but our listener knew she wanted something casual and honest. Then he planned an all-day romantic date, felt relationshippy, which followed up by not reading her text messages, which led her to feel insecure and question her own behavior. They talked, and he mentioned he didn’t want to replicate a previous codependent relationship, and things were fin for a while. Then polyamory came up in a dinner with friends, and he mentioned it might work if she was his primary, but he wasn’t involved with any others.

    • Good for you for realizing both you and he have boundaries and needs that need to be considered
    • Short answer is no, a relationship can't be healthy if both you and he are more concerned about enforcing boundaries than letting the relationship develop organically
    • This falls into the "relationship broken; add more people" paradigm, which typically does not work out well
    • This is a great opportunity for both of you to negotiate the relationship you each need. Ask for what you want (not to negatively affect your daughter but to still feel appreciated) and listen to what he wants (to have good quality time and lots of space). 
    • Both of you should ask for specific behaviors--what specific things can he do make you feel appreciated? what specific things can you do to make sure he has "space"? 
    • And one last thing--relationship conversations are best in person. Avoid having these discussions over text if at all possible.

    15:30 Feedback

    Laura from episode 588 When to give up on polyamory wrote in to give us a happy update, a year later!

    19:30 Happy poly moment

    • Laura ends up her feedback by sharing a generous happy poly moment on the part of her husband
    • A poly newbie in Germany shares a happy poly moment about her partner and metamour providing a bathroom shelf and toothbrush for her!

    24:00 How to make this podcast better

    Questions? Comments? Feedback? Email polyweekly@gmail.com and attach an audio comment or call the listener comment line at 802-505-POLY. If you want us to teach a class at your event, want us to coach you, or want to appear on the podcast, email lustyguy@polyweekly.com.

    Friend us on Twitter or Facebook, leave a comment here. Check out Poly Weekly podcasts at polyweekly.libsyn.com. Share this with a friend or write a review on Apple Podcasts!  Our intro and outro music is courtesy of Pacemaker Jane, “Good Suspicions.”

    575 We love Allena Gabosch

    575 We love Allena Gabosch

    Celebrating the amazing sex-positive activist Allena Gabosch, who gave us a big scare last week.

    0:00 Introduction and host chat

    Under 18? Stop listening now and visit http://www.scarleteen.com

    Last week, we nearly lost an amazing sex-positive educator to cancer. Allena Gabosch has pulled through, so this week’s episode is a replay of my 2010 interview with Allena.

    In Bawdy Storyelling podcast episode 78, Dixie de la Tour shares her feelings about nearly losing Allena Gabosch.

    4:30 Interview: Allena Gabosch

    The lovely and talented Allena Gabosch, director of Seattle’s Center for Sex Positive Culture, shares the origin story of the Center in its current state and her own experiences with polyamory. Recorded in 2010 from Paradise Unbound!

    50:25 Poly in the news

    55:30 Thank you!

    Welcome Camilla to the Poly Weekly Playmates!

    56:00 How to make this podcast better

    Questions? Comments? Feedback? Email polyweekly@gmail.com and attach an audio comment or call the listener comment line at 802-505-POLY. If you want us to teach a class at your event, want us to coach you, or want to appear on the podcast, email lustyguy@polyweekly.com.

    Friend us on Twitter or Facebook, leave a comment here. Check out Poly Weekly podcasts at polyweekly.libsyn.com. Share this with a friend or write a review on Apple Podcasts!  Our intro and outro music is courtesy of Pacemaker Jane, “Good Suspicions.”

    574 Is it OK to ask to meet my metamour?

    574 Is it OK to ask to meet my metamour?

    My boyfriend and I transitioned from a don't-ask-don't-tell relationship to full honest, transparent polyamory. Now I want to meet my formerly DADT metamour when she comes to visit him next month. Is that OK?

    0:00 Introduction and host chat

    Under 18? Stop listening now and visit http://www.scarleteen.com

    We’ll be in Copenhagen next month; let us know what we should do/see!

    1:50 Poly in the news

    6:10 Is it OK to ask to meet my metamour?

    Soft Shell Crabby writes in to say she’s 43 and her boyfriend is 42, and they’ve been together for four years. They did a don’t-ask-don’t-tell (DADT) style of nonmonogamy for a while, but they ended up becoming so deeply involved that they talked about being more open, honest, and transparent with each other. He confessed that he’d been poly before but had avoided bringing it up to avoid the tough conversations that would inevitably follow.

    He also has a pre-arranged sexy-time visit set up with a girlfriend who was flying in from New York, and Soft Shell Crabby now wants to meet that metamour. She asks if it’s unreasonable to ask for to meet her formerly DADT metamour, and by the way what should she do about the fact that the metamour is cheating on her husband with SSC’s boyfriend? SSC feels like her boyfriend gets to call all the shots.

    • Everything you feel is reasonable and OK.
    • He isn’t getting to call all the shots. You get to call your shots; your boyfriend gets to call his shot; your metamour gets to call her shots.
    • It’s not a good idea to ask a partner to deliver a message to another partner. Direct communication is better.
    • It IS a good idea to ask for what you want (to meet her), with the understanding that she has the right to say no.
    • Is there something within the power of your partner to give that would alleviate your feelings? Do YOU want a threesome/group sex like he’s having with her? Ask him to arrange it for you!
    • How do you forgive your boyfriend for this unethical behavior? First, focus on your limits, not his behavior. Can you be in a relationship with someone who facilitates cheating? If not, you have the right to leave. Second, the way you “forgive your man for conducting his relationships in an unethical manner” is to exercise understanding of the pattern of behavior (he also hid his desire for poly from you) and to exercise compassion. Third, most people have cheated at some point. Consider exercising more compassion and less judgment.
    • This is a good time to decide what you need at the very minimum in terms of contact from your metamours. You may need a higher or lower level of contact, but this is a good time to explore that and figure out what you need to be happy.

    19:15 Happy Poly Moment

    Johnny shared a moment in which he picked out his girlfriend’s birthday gift with his wife. And his girlfriend’s husband reached out to Johnny as a poly newbie to see if Johnny needed anything for the big birthday get together!

    20:30 Feedback

    Jessica gives feedback on episode 573 about using the term “nerd blackface.” We address two concerns: (1) that by using the term “blackface” to refer to nerds, we devalue the power of the original term, which we agree with and (2) that the term doesn’t apply to The Big Bang Theory, which we disagree with. The latter is based on a large group of people who self-identify as nerds and do find the term applies, and we are not comfortable dismissing the critique of that group of people.

    25:25 Thank you!

    Welcome Camilla to the Poly Weekly Playmates!

    25:45 How to make this podcast better

    Questions? Comments? Feedback? Email polyweekly@gmail.com and attach an audio comment or call the listener comment line at 802-505-POLY. If you want us to teach a class at your event, want us to coach you, or want to appear on the podcast, email lustyguy@polyweekly.com.

    Friend us on Twitter or Facebook, leave a comment here. Check out Poly Weekly podcasts at polyweekly.libsyn.com. Share this with a friend or write a review on Apple Podcasts!  Our intro and outro music is courtesy of Pacemaker Jane, “Good Suspicions.”

    573 Should I live with my metamour

    573 Should I live with my metamour

    My metamour and I get along great, and I need a roommate. Will it muck things up if I ask them to move in?

    0:00 Introduction and host chat

    Under 18? Stop listening now and visit http://www.scarleteen.com

    2:10 Poly in the news

    9:55 Topic: Should I live with my metamour?

    Olipoly writes in about the possibility of living with her metamour; she doesn’t want to live with her partner and gets along with them great. She’s considering asking her metamour to move in to the room that her roommate is moving out of.

    • Don’t ask us; ask them!
    • Ask them all the questions you just asked us and think through the possibilities to discover hard limits.
    • Practice by spending a weekend together.
    • Treat them professionally, like a client you need to keep happy.
    • Get a dishwasher.

    16:15 Happy Poly Moment

    Bunz in Knoxville originally had a negative impression of polyamory. But she and her husband read, talked out it, did exercises, and even started a meetup group in Knoxville!

    18:00 Feedback

    Mike gives feedback on episode 572 about one person not taking responsibility for someone else’s emotions.

    23:35 Thank you!

    Welcome Susan to the Poly Weekly Playmates!

    23:45 How to make this podcast better

    Questions? Comments? Feedback? Email polyweekly@gmail.com and attach an audio comment or call the listener comment line at 802-505-POLY. If you want us to teach a class at your event, want us to coach you, or want to appear on the podcast, email lustyguy@polyweekly.com.

    Friend us on Twitter or Facebook, leave a comment here. Check out Poly Weekly podcasts at polyweekly.libsyn.com. Share this with a friend or write a review on Apple Podcasts!  Our intro and outro music is courtesy of Pacemaker Jane, “Good Suspicions.”

    572 When your partner's jealousy precludes your polyamory

    572 When your partner's jealousy precludes your polyamory

    What do you do when your partner gets so jealous that you feel compelled to give up your boyfriend, while your hubby happily dates away?

    0:00 Introduction and host chat

    Under 18? Stop listening now and visit http://www.scarleteen.com

    1:25 Poly in the news

    Study could explain why people choose to have multiple relationships

    3:25 Topic: what do I do when my partner agrees to be poly but gets jealous when I date?

    Debby writes in to ask what to do when polyamory doesn’t work for a couple. She and her husband are in their 50s, four years into their second marriage, and did the research before opening up 18 months into their relationship. He was into no-strings-attached sex but got very jealous when Debby would date. She finally had to dump her boyfriend (in a poly marriage of 15 years) due to her husband’s inability to cope with his jealousy. She asks what to do when polyamory doesn’t work for a couple.

    • We both think it DID work—he liked the sex, and you loved your boyfriend. The question is, does monogamy work for you?
    • Debby might be confusing behaviors with relationship labels. You’re still having to deal with all the risks and tasks of polyamory—jealousy, scheduling, emotional issues—but you somehow don’t get to date and experience the benefits.
    • What steps did he take to address his jealousy? It was a mistake to stop giving him the opportunity to practicing his jealousy coping mechanisms.
    • There must be a middle ground between “I must live half a life” and “we get a divorce.”
    • Someone else’s emotions require for them to change behaviors, not yours. It’s not for Debby to take responsibility for her husband’s jealousy. His emotions are his and require action from him, not from her. Don’t let your partner’s emotional reactions control your actions.
    • So now it seems that Debby feels forced to give up a perfectly healthy relationship due to her husband’s inability to deal with his jealousy. If they do revert to monogamy, how will she take steps to avoid resentment?

    18:15 Feedback

    Katie gives feedback on scheduling from episode 565—no one with kids has that kind of availability!

    21:00 Happy Poly Moment

    Heather wrote in to share when one of her partner's besties said to her about Heather (who is happily married) today, "can't you two just be together forever? She is so perfect for you!" Good validation!

    23:00 How to make this podcast better

    Questions? Comments? Feedback? Email polyweekly@gmail.com and attach an audio comment or call the listener comment line at 802-505-POLY. If you want us to teach a class at your event, want us to coach you, or want to appear on the podcast, email lustyguy@polyweekly.com.

    Friend us on Twitter or Facebook, leave a comment here. Check out Poly Weekly podcasts at polyweekly.libsyn.com. Share this with a friend or write a review on Apple Podcasts!  Our intro and outro music is courtesy of Pacemaker Jane, “Good Suspicions.”

    571 Growing up poly

    571 Growing up poly

    On the launch of their new book, Koe Creation shares what it was like growing up in a polyamorous household. 

    0:00 Introduction and host chat

    Under 18? Stop listening now and visit http://www.scarleteen.com

    We had fun at It’s Complicated in Tulsa, OK!

    3:00 Poly in the news

    On the opposite site of the earth, is poly on the rise? Collection of media coverage in NZ over the last few years

    5:15 Interview: Koe Creation, author of This Heart Holds Many

    We talk about Koe’s new book, This Heart Holds Many, and the challenge of writing a semiautobiographical book about growing up in a poly family. Find them online at their website, Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram as @koecreate.

    23:00 Happy Poly Moment

    • Kim writes in to share TWO happy poly moments about her metamour getting married (One Family Podcast)
    • Olivia writes in to share a Thanksgiving happy poly moment with her asexual partners

    26:35 Thank you!

    Welcome to our new Poly Weekly Playmates, Chris and Alisha!

    27:00 How to make this podcast better

    Questions? Comments? Feedback? Email polyweekly@gmail.com and attach an audio comment or call the listener comment line at 802-505-POLY. If you want us to teach a class at your event, want us to coach you, or want to appear on the podcast, email lustyguy@polyweekly.com.

    Friend us on Twitter or Facebook, leave a comment here. Check out Poly Weekly podcasts at polyweekly.libsyn.com. Share this with a friend or write a review on Apple Podcasts!  Our intro and outro music is courtesy of Pacemaker Jane, “Good Suspicions.”

    570 Poly erotica

    570 Poly erotica

    We chat with Laura Zielinsky, author of a new poly erotic novel

    0:00 Introduction and host chat

    Under 18? Stop listening now and visit http://www.scarleteen.com

    1:15 Host chat

    3:30 Interview: Laura Zielinsky, author of We Are Three

    We interview Laura Zielinksy, author of new poly erotic novel We Three: One and One and One Makes Three.

    Book summary: Eric and Elena Tanner have been enjoying their lifestyle membership at the Club Caliente for years. Swinging fulfills their desire to meet new people and engage in group sex.

    When the new bartender, Jess, flirts with them and agrees to play in a threesome, Eric and Elena make plans for a single night of pleasure. All three are satisfied, so Jess is invited to come again. And again.

    For months Elena, Jess, and Eric meet up for lots of sex, and dinners. There are casual nights in Netflix and chilling. It's heady, addictive and no one wants it to end.

    However, they all know that's the deal in the lifestyle. Swingers move out of each other's lives all the time. Complication is the enemy. So what happens when they start to fall in love?

    18:25 How to make this podcast better

    Questions? Comments? Feedback? Email polyweekly@gmail.com and attach an audio comment or call the listener comment line at 802-505-POLY. If you want us to teach a class at your event, want us to coach you, or want to appear on the podcast, email lustyguy@polyweekly.com.

    Friend us on Twitter or Facebook, leave a comment here. Check out Poly Weekly podcasts at polyweekly.libsyn.com. Share this with a friend or write a review on Apple Podcasts!  Our intro and outro music is courtesy of Pacemaker Jane, “Good Suspicions.”

    569 Building open relationships with Dr. Liz Powell

    569 Building open relationships with Dr. Liz Powell

    Sex therapist Dr. Liz Powell rejoins us to talk about how she became a sex therapist and why she wrote her new book, Building Open Relationships.

    0:00 Introduction and host chat

    Under 18? Stop listening now and visit http://www.scarleteen.com

    1:15 Host chat

    We’ll be speaking at It’s Complicated in Tulsa, OK, April 6th.

    2:45 Poly in the news

    Non-monogamous relationships are normal, and the stigma needs to end

    7:35 Interview: Building open relationships with Dr. Liz Powell

    Dr. Liz Powell shares how and why she got into sex therapy, including her stint and internship in the army dealing with combat stress and families, moonlighting in private practice in Savannah, GA serving the LGBTQIA community, and continuing to do sex therapy work afterwards.

    Misconceptions about sex therapy: it’s not all about the sex. It’s about the relationship people have with their own bodies, with their partners, and to the stories of sexuality and pleasure. Many therapists only get two days of training on sexuality issues, if at all.

    What is the most common communication issue that you see? Expectations of mind-reading and letting things go unsaid rather than communicating your wants and needs openly and honestly.  

    Why Building Open Relationships? It’s less about theory and more nuts and bolts of how to make a relationship successful with full respect for individual autonomy and consent. For example, think about how your message will land or be perceived rather than just the way you want to say it.

    Find it at www.buildingopenrelationships.com or www.sexpositivepsych.com or www.drlizpowell.com. Find her on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Her previous episode on this podcast was 554 Grief and loss in relationships.

    31:50 Happy poly moment

    Geoff and Sylvie share happy poly moments.

    34:45 How to make this podcast better

    Questions? Comments? Feedback? Email polyweekly@gmail.com and attach an audio comment or call the listener comment line at 802-505-POLY. If you want us to teach a class at your event, want us to coach you, or want to appear on the podcast, email lustyguy@polyweekly.com.

    Friend us on Twitter or Facebook, leave a comment here. Check out Poly Weekly podcasts at polyweekly.libsyn.com. Share this with a friend or write a review on Apple Podcasts!  Our intro and outro music is courtesy of Pacemaker Jane, “Good Suspicions.”

    568 A framework for consent

    568 A framework for consent

    Joseph Pred shares the Consent Framework, a tool for community organizers to get and enforce consent at events.

    0:00 Introduction and host chat

    Under 18? Stop listening now and visit http://www.scarleteen.com

    1:15 Host chat

    2:30 Poly in the news

    11:30 Interview: consent framework with Joseph Pred

    32:45 How to make this podcast better

    Questions? Comments? Feedback? Email polyweekly@gmail.com and attach an audio comment or call the listener comment line at 802-505-POLY. If you want us to teach a class at your event, want us to coach you, or want to appear on the podcast, email lustyguy@polyweekly.com.

    Friend us on Twitter or Facebook, leave a comment here. Check out Poly Weekly podcasts at polyweekly.libsyn.com. Share this with a friend or write a review on Apple Podcasts!  Our intro and outro music is courtesy of Pacemaker Jane, “Good Suspicions.”

    567 Do families have to live together

    567 Do families have to live together

    Do families have to live together? My partners and I agreed to live together and have kids, but now I'm not so sure.

    0:00 Introduction and host chat

    Under 18? Stop listening now and visit http://www.scarleteen.com

    1:15 Host chat

    5:45 Poly in the news

    Is there such a thing as poly-dar? Do poly folks have certain recognizable traits?

    8:00 Topic: Do families need to live together?

    Lewis has a male partner and a woman partner, Sally, and the three of them have discussed living together as a family and fathering kids with Sally. However, Lewis says their communication has not been great and their relationship was pretty dysfunctional until recently. He also values his own space and privacy. Is it OK to father kids if you don’t intend to live together as a family?

    • Good instinct to get counseling when the relationship isn’t already pretty healthy
    • You decide what’s good for you, not what’s good for anyone else

    17:30 Feedback

    A listener calls in to ask how to find poly folks rural Pennsylvania.

    22:45 Happy Poly Moment

    • Danielle shares a snow day happy poly moment.
    • Lusty Guy shares a surprise happy poly moment!

    25:30 Thank you

    Thanks to Shelly for the donation, and welcome Laurel and Terra to the Poly Weekly Playmates!

    32:00 How to make this podcast better

    Questions? Comments? Feedback? Email polyweekly@gmail.com and attach an audio comment or call the listener comment line at 802-505-POLY. If you want us to teach a class at your event, want us to coach you, or want to appear on the podcast, email lustyguy@polyweekly.com.

    Friend us on Twitter or Facebook, leave a comment here. Check out Poly Weekly podcasts at polyweekly.libsyn.com. Share this with a friend or write a review on Apple Podcasts!  Our intro and outro music is courtesy of Pacemaker Jane, “Good Suspicions.”

    566 Toxic masculinity

    566 Toxic masculinity

    Kevin Patterson, Chris Smith, Lusty Guy, and Minx discuss what we mean by "toxic masculinity" and how we should respond to both the term and the thing itself.

    0:00 Introduction and host chat

    Under 18? Stop listening now and visit http://www.scarleteen.com

    1:15 Host chat

    1:30 Topic: Toxic masculinity

    Kevin Patterson, creator of the Poly Role Models blog and author of Love’s Not Color Blind and For Hire: Operator, Chris Smith, a doctoral student at Howard University, author of Open to Love: Polyamory and the Black American and relationship researcher, and Lusty Guy, our cohost and producer.

    What is toxic masculinity? Setting absolutes on how gender can present and act. What makes it toxic? Anything in too great a quantity can be toxic. How toxic masculinity really relates to sports: if emotions are so key to teamwork, how can masculinity?

    What do we want “masculine” to be? It’s not inherent. Why is there a negative reaction to the idea of “toxic masculinity,” as in any other instance where too much of something is toxic? First response should be to do a self-assessment.

    How does this relate to polyamory? We need to beware of harem fantasies driving all the media representation of polyamory and of societal scripts of jealousy meaning love and other men being enemies. Everyone’s a little bit toxic.

    Find Kevin Patterson on email at PolyRoleModels@gmail.com, online at PolyRoleModels.tumblr.com, on Twitter at @PolyRoleModels, on facebook.com/PolyRoleModels. Oon Instagram at @PolyRoleModels, and his new fiction work For Hire: Operator is on facebook.com/ForHIreMag or on the web here: tinyurl.com/ForHireMag1 We talked with Kevin and Alana about this new work on episode 563 and about Love’s Not Color Blind: Race and Representation in Polyamory and Other Alternative Communities on episode 545.

    Chris Smith in on Instagram at @SmithChristopherN or via email at Tenabilitymovement@gmail.com. We talked with Chris about Poly and the Black American on episode 528.

    32:00 How to make this podcast better

    Questions? Comments? Feedback? Email polyweekly@gmail.com and attach an audio comment or call the listener comment line at 802-505-POLY. If you want us to teach a class at your event, want us to coach you, or want to appear on the podcast, email lustyguy@polyweekly.com.

    Friend us on Twitter or Facebook, leave a comment here. Check out Poly Weekly podcasts at polyweekly.libsyn.com. Share this with a friend or write a review on Apple Podcasts!  Our intro and outro music is courtesy of Pacemaker Jane, “Good Suspicions.”