
    Practical Shamanism

    Tap into your intuitive wisdom and unlock the potential for magic in everyday life. Reignite your personal power! With Katie Weatherup, a former engineer-turned-shamanic practitioner with more than 20 years of experience, you can achieve spiritual fulfillment and while upleveling your practical results in health, relationships, and money! Join me each month for a new episode that will help you to discover the most fulfilled version of yourself.
    enKatie Weatherup79 Episodes

    Episodes (79)

    059- Uplevel your Money Mastery

    059- Uplevel your Money Mastery

    Want to make sure you're staying strong, resourceful and focused amidst the current financial changes? Join me in this podcast as I offer wisdom intended to help upgrade your money mastery skills. Learn how to increase manifestation capabilities so that it'll be easier for you get real world results aligned with what best supports your needs!

    Special offer: You can get my Money Mastery Program for just $32 instead of the normal $97 when you sign up for any of my $25 healing offers through the end of 2023.  I generally offer 2 topics per month for the $25 healings, so there are lot’s of options to choose from.

    Check out the current $25 offer here: https://www.handsoverheart.com/5-25/25-healing-special/

    And the Money Mastery Program is here: https://academy.handsoverheart.com/course/details/money-mastery-for-modern-times

    Want to support my work and be supported by my team of guides?  Check out my membership offer: https://www.patreon.com/practicalshamanism

    Want more audio content from me? Check out my online academy at https://academy.handsoverheart.com/ 

    Sound editing by Kevin Young.  You can reach him at kyoung.keviny@gmail.com

    DISCLAIMER: The suggestions and information provided here are intended for personal growth and exploration. The content of this podcast is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or psychological treatment. Please seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition.  

    To learn more about me and my work, please visit my website at https://handsoverheart.com

    058- Hope and Humanity

    058- Hope and Humanity

    I’d like to make a case for optimism and hope about the future of humanity and the planet, even amid the loud, complicated times we’re living in.  I’m not attempting to erase or disregard the gulf between a needs met, balanced, and sustainable world and where we are today.  But I am heartened when I look at the speed at which certain important things are changing for the better.

    Take apart times can be complex and that’s certainly what we’re living in now.  Yet, there are also so many old souls who incarnated with a desire to get in the game of moving the world through its growing pains to a more elegant place.  You may or may not agree, but I’d invite you not to absorb your worldview by osmosis because our brains are good at working with dramatic stories and not so much with statistics.   

    Want to support my work and be supported by my team of guides?  Check out my membership offer: https://www.patreon.com/practicalshamanism

    Want more audio content from me? Check out my online academy at https://academy.handsoverheart.com/ 

    Sound editing by Kevin Young.  You can reach him at kyoung.keviny@gmail.com

    DISCLAIMER: The suggestions and information provided here are intended for personal growth and exploration. The content of this podcast is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or psychological treatment. Please seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition.  

    To learn more about me and my work, please visit my website at https://handsoverheart.com

    057- My Journey from Engineer to Shamanic Practitioner

    057- My Journey from Engineer to Shamanic Practitioner

    I’m often asked how I came to make such a career pivot.  Often due to time constraints of the conversation, I share the short version.  But here’s the longer version.  I share about becoming an entrepreneur, writing my first book, and falling in love with soul retrieval work.  I hope you enjoy it!

    Join my mailing list to learn more and receive additional free content: https://handsoverheart.com/contact-me/mailing-list/

    Want to support my work and be supported by my team of guides?  Check out my Patreon offer: https://www.patreon.com/practicalshamanism

    Check out my online academy at https://academy.handsoverheart.com/ 

    Sound editing by Kevin Young.  You can reach him at kyoung.keviny@gmail.com

    DISCLAIMER: The suggestions and information provided here are intended for personal growth and exploration. The content of this podcast is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or psychological treatment. Please seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition.  

    To learn more about me and my work, please visit my website at https://handsoverheart.com

    056- Moderate Mindfulness

    056- Moderate Mindfulness

    Some of our best mindfulness teachers live mindfulness throughout their waking hours.  It gives them a massive level of mastery and much wisdom to share.  However, I found that when I studied what they offered, my head got loud about how I wasn’t being mindful enough of the day.  In this podcast, I explore the possibility that you could find a level that was enough mindfulness if you have a fundamental level of emotional and mental health combined with a system for getting present with yourself at regular intervals.  I also talk about some of the warning signs that we have dipped below the level of “enough” mindfulness when our minds go down pathways that become problematic and create a stress feedback loop.

    Join my mailing list to learn more and receive additional free content: https://handsoverheart.com/contact-me/mailing-list/

    Want to support my work and be supported by my team of guides?  Check out my Patreon offer: https://www.patreon.com/practicalshamanism

    Check out my online academy at https://academy.handsoverheart.com/ 

    Sound editing by Kevin Young.  You can reach him at kyoung.keviny@gmail.com

    DISCLAIMER: The suggestions and information provided here are intended for personal growth and exploration. The content of this podcast is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or psychological treatment. Please seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition.  

    To learn more about me and my work, please visit my website at https://handsoverheart.com

    055- Pregnancy, Childbirth, Soul Contracts, and Choice

    055- Pregnancy, Childbirth, Soul Contracts, and Choice

    In this podcast I share some of the stories about women I’ve witnessed and supported in calling in their baby in a way that aligns for them, both on a human level as well as a soul level.  I also talk about working on the soul level with women who’ve chosen not to have a baby at a given moment.  Spoiler: free choice is sacred and choosing not to complete a pregnancy doesn’t cause harm to the soul that was considering coming in.  And, for those who want to have babies, I share how shamanic work can help.  Clearing past life trauma proactively will make for an easier pregnancy, for example.

    Join my mailing list to learn more and receive additional free content: https://handsoverheart.com/contact-me/mailing-list/

    Want to support my work and be supported by my team of guides?  Check out my Patreon offer: https://www.patreon.com/practicalshamanism

    Check out my online academy at https://academy.handsoverheart.com/ 

    Sound editing by Kevin Young.  You can reach him at kyoung.keviny@gmail.com

    DISCLAIMER: The suggestions and information provided here are intended for personal growth and exploration. The content of this podcast is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or psychological treatment. Please seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition.  

    To learn more about me and my work, please visit my website at https://handsoverheart.com

    054- The Power of Initiating Connection

    054- The Power of Initiating Connection

    Initiation of connection is something that is both a tendency and a skill.  Sadly, people sometimes keep score of initiation directed towards them.  They make the receiving of phone calls, text messages, or invitations mean something about whether they are loved, valued, and respected.  I would offer that it’s useful to recognize whether you are someone who is more likely to initiate or respond to someone else’s invitation to engage.  Furthermore, once you see where you stand, it can be valuable to override your default to create a wider range of experiences.  If you initiate and plan a lot, it could be fun to see what it’s like to just enjoy someone else’s vision.  Or, if you don’t initiate, you might find doing so allows you to enjoy relating with someone who is also not apt to invite but who responds happily when invited.  Likewise, when it comes to getting messages from spirit, when you initiate by engaging, the richness of what you receive increases exponentially.   

    Join my mailing list to learn more and receive additional free content: https://handsoverheart.com/contact-me/mailing-list/

    Want to support my work and be supported by my team of guides?  Check out my Patreon offer: https://www.patreon.com/practicalshamanism

    Check out my online academy at https://academy.handsoverheart.com/ 

    Sound editing by Kevin Young.  You can reach him at kyoung.keviny@gmail.com

    DISCLAIMER: The suggestions and information provided here are intended for personal growth and exploration. The content of this podcast is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or psychological treatment. Please seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition.  

    To learn more about me and my work, please visit my website at https://handsoverheart.com

    053- Clear Learned Helplessness and Restore Your Power

    053- Clear Learned Helplessness and Restore Your Power

    My guides gave me a very cool and powerful sequence of energetic interventions to support the participants in my eight-month chakra program (https://handsoverheart.com/shamanic-training/chakra-journey/).  Step one was to clear learned helplessness, followed by a power retrieval, and lastly bringing this energy to the expression of their throat chakra so they could feel able to speak up and with their personal power behind their words. 

    In this podcast I talk about how you can do this for yourself or get my help with it.  Join my mailing list to find out when I offer it as a stand alone $25 healing or book a session with me to receive this work.

    Join my mailing list to learn more and receive additional free content: https://handsoverheart.com/contact-me/mailing-list/

    Want to support my work and be supported by my team of guides?  Check out my Patreon offer: https://www.patreon.com/practicalshamanism

    Check out my online academy at https://academy.handsoverheart.com/ 

    Sound editing by Kevin Young.  You can reach him at kyoung.keviny@gmail.com

    DISCLAIMER: The suggestions and information provided here are intended for personal growth and exploration. The content of this podcast is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or psychological treatment. Please seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition.  

    To learn more about me and my work, please visit my website at https://handsoverheart.com

    052- Clearing Past Life Pain with Shamanism

    052- Clearing Past Life Pain with Shamanism

    Despite many traditional cultures not having the concept of past lives, modern people interested in soul healing have found this to be a potent sort of work for health and freedom.  In this podcast, I share an overview of how past lives impact us and some tips for working with them on their own.

    I also explore this concept in my book, “Practical Shamanism: A Guide for Walking in Both Worlds”.  https://handsoverheart.com/store/books/

    Ready to give Fire Ceremony at try for clearing past life pain?  Check it out here:  https://handsoverheart.com/2017/01/20/fire-ceremony/

    Join my mailing list to learn more and receive additional free content: https://handsoverheart.com/contact-me/mailing-list/

    Want to support my work and be supported by my team of guides?  Check out my Patreon offer: https://www.patreon.com/practicalshamanism

    Check out my online academy at https://academy.handsoverheart.com/ 

    Sound editing by Kevin Young.  You can reach him at kyoung.keviny@gmail.com

    DISCLAIMER: The suggestions and information provided here are intended for personal growth and exploration. The content of this podcast is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or psychological treatment. Please seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition.  

    To learn more about me and my work, please visit my website at https://handsoverheart.com

    051- Dismantle Credit Card Debt with Shamanism

    051- Dismantle Credit Card Debt with Shamanism

    Let’s apply traditional means- shamanism- to a modern problem- that of credit card debt!  Or to whatever kind of debt is causing you grief.

    If you’re like me, owing money on credit cards and seeing that amount remain stubbornly present or continue to rise evokes a lot of stress, frustration, and helplessness.  Or it may be student loans or a personal loan you just can’t seem to clear.  It certainly was a major pain point for me for a number of years.  Then, in 2018, it occurred to me that I wasn’t leveraging my tools.  I was treating credit card debt as a financial problem alone instead of something that had an energetic structure as well.

    By dismantling the organized energy (and cleaning up energy created and sustained with persistent uncomfortable emotions related to the debt), it makes it harder for the debt to persist in the physical realm.  It’s not a substitute for right action. But just as treating the energetic aspect of illness often causes the body to respond better to physical treatment, and this seems to work with debt- be it student loans or credit cards or something else.

    It certainly has had great results in my own life.  Prior to engaging shamanic work with this problem, I believe I was working uphill in my actions in the physical world, by trying to shift something that has a chronic and consistent structure on the energetic level.  Now my credit cards have zero balances more often than not and I don’t have any other financial debt. 

    Ready to give Fire Ceremony at try for clearing debt?  Check it out here:  https://handsoverheart.com/2017/01/20/fire-ceremony/

    Join my mailing list to learn more and receive additional free content: https://handsoverheart.com/contact-me/mailing-list/

    Want to support my work and be supported by my team of guides?  Check out my Patreon offer: https://www.patreon.com/practicalshamanism

    Check out my online academy at https://academy.handsoverheart.com/ 

    Sound editing by Kevin Young.  You can reach him at kyoung.keviny@gmail.com

    DISCLAIMER: The suggestions and information provided here are intended for personal growth and exploration. The content of this podcast is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or psychological treatment. Please seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition.  

    To learn more about me and my work, please visit my website at https://handsoverheart.com

    050- Dating Woes, Opinion Culture, and Other Musings

    050- Dating Woes, Opinion Culture, and Other Musings

    In this podcast I open up about a date that reminded me how much harm opinion culture can do.  In this somewhat rambling and candid podcast, I talk about race and gender issues and some upgraded ways to navigate the world if you’re not called to geek out about these issues, which is totally okay.

    Join my mailing list to learn more and receive additional free content: https://handsoverheart.com/contact-me/mailing-list/

    Want to support my work and be supported by my team of guides?  Check out my Patreon offer: https://www.patreon.com/practicalshamanism

    Check out my online academy at https://academy.handsoverheart.com/ 

    Sound editing by Kevin Young.  You can reach him at kyoung.keviny@gmail.com

    DISCLAIMER: The suggestions and information provided here are intended for personal growth and exploration. The content of this podcast is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or psychological treatment. Please seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition.  

    To learn more about me and my work, please visit my website at https://handsoverheart.com

    049- Honoring Endings

    049- Honoring Endings

    In twenty-one years of professional practice, I’ve yet to work with a client who didn’t have energy to recover from the past resulting from endings that failed to create a full, clean closure.  Part of this is lack of training of drawing our energy and soul parts out of a relationship, situation, or endeavor when something is complete.  But, much of it is a culture that puts way more focus on beginnings that conscious endings.  In this podcast, I share from my own experience and from my work with others about the merits of being present to honor time and experiences shared even as you step away deliberately. 

    Join my mailing list to learn more and receive additional free content: https://handsoverheart.com/contact-me/mailing-list/

    Want to support my work and be supported by my team of guides?  Check out my Patreon offer: https://www.patreon.com/practicalshamanism

    Check out my online academy at https://academy.handsoverheart.com/ 

    Sound editing by Kevin Young.  You can reach him at kyoung.keviny@gmail.com

    DISCLAIMER: The suggestions and information provided here are intended for personal growth and exploration. The content of this podcast is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or psychological treatment. Please seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition.  

    To learn more about me and my work, please visit my website at https://handsoverheart.com

    048- Shifting Social Anxiety

    048- Shifting Social Anxiety
    As someone who was painfully shy and socially awkward who has become a person who mostly feels ease and confidence in interacting with strangers and friends alike, I’d like to share about that journey.  I hope that if you’re feeling the pain and isolation of social anxiety or shyness, that this will give you hope that this doesn’t have to be something that you always endure.  I break down some of the key game changers that were part of my journey in the hopes that it will give you some guideposts in navigating this issue.  Or perhaps this will support you in holding kind space for someone you care about who is less than socially graceful.

    Join my mailing list to learn more and receive additional free content: https://handsoverheart.com/contact-me/mailing-list/

    Want to support my work and be supported by my team of guides?  Check out my Patreon offer: https://www.patreon.com/practicalshamanism

    Check out my online academy at https://academy.handsoverheart.com/ 

    Sound editing by Kevin Young.  You can reach him at kyoung.keviny@gmail.com

    DISCLAIMER: The suggestions and information provided here are intended for personal growth and exploration. The content of this podcast is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or psychological treatment. Please seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition.  

    To learn more about me and my work, please visit my website at https://handsoverheart.com

    047- Delicious Yin Is an Antidote to Perfectionism and Emotional Reactivity

    047- Delicious Yin Is an Antidote to Perfectionism and Emotional Reactivity
    Often, we don’t experience the deliciousness of time to just be rather than do.  For me, this was because I didn’t go to stillness and release of “shoulds” until I was exhausted.  And, in the stillness, I often was overwhelmed with a lot of emotions I’d been numbing and avoiding.  It made me bounce back into the perfectionism and overachieving that were getting me external validation.

    Over the years, my relationship to the balance of yin and yang has become much heathier.  I want to offer that within this stillness that isn’t the result of exhaustion or filled with difficult emotions, there is rich territory.  It is a great way to access your creativity and to connect to your spirit guides.  It offers more connected relationships and is rejuvenating for the physical body.  I would even offer it’s foundational for maximizing our sustained happiness.

    Join my mailing list to learn more and receive additional free content: https://handsoverheart.com/contact-me/mailing-list/

    Want to support my work and be supported by my team of guides?  Check out my Patreon offer: https://www.patreon.com/practicalshamanism

    Check out my online academy at https://academy.handsoverheart.com/ 

    Sound editing by Kevin Young.  You can reach him at kyoung.keviny@gmail.com

    DISCLAIMER: The suggestions and information provided here are intended for personal growth and exploration. The content of this podcast is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or psychological treatment. Please seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition.  

    To learn more about me and my work, please visit my website at https://handsoverheart.com

    046- Navigating Vaccines Choices Amid Us versus Them Culture

    046- Navigating Vaccines Choices Amid Us versus Them Culture

    In this episode I eventually share my choices about the COVID vaccine, but more than that, I invite people to see if they have tension around my agreeing with their truth in the matter.  I find that that both science and intuitive information are trusted sources in taking counsel before making my life choices.

    I recorded this on the same day as I experience a lot of grief over a long standing, hitherto successful friendship shifting due to ideology conflicts.  If polarization doesn’t feel good to you, you may enjoy my ramblings about navigating this issue. 

    Join my mailing list to learn more and receive additional free content: https://handsoverheart.com/contact-me/mailing-list/

    Want to support my work and be supported by my team of guides?  Check out my Patreon offer: https://www.patreon.com/practicalshamanism

    Check out my online academy at https://academy.handsoverheart.com/ 

    Sound editing by Kevin Young.  You can reach him at kyoung.keviny@gmail.com

    DISCLAIMER: The suggestions and information provided here are intended for personal growth and exploration. The content of this podcast is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or psychological treatment. Please seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition.  

    To learn more about me and my work, please visit my website at https://handsoverheart.com

    045- Thriving in Your Relationship to Yourself

    045- Thriving in Your Relationship to Yourself

    Having a good relationship with yourself is complex because of the depth of shared experience.  The fewer conflicting needs and less complexity in a relationship, the easier it is for an average emotionally intelligent person to be successful with another person, given a similar baseline level of harmony.  I feel like certain words like “self-esteem” and “gratitude” can mislead us to an oversimplification of a complex relationship when it comes to our internal experience and make us feel like we’re failing in some way.

    I love witnessing friendships, romantic relationships, business partnerships, parent/child relationships that are joyful and successful over the long-term.  I see markers of success as relationships with high levels of affinity and mutual respect with resilience in the face of difficult external circumstances.  If you ask these people about their relationships, they will often speak to the merits of the other person and go on to say they’ve had ups and downs and that it takes a lot of work.  But somehow, we don’t seem to apply this wisdom to the relationship to ourselves- that we’re nifty people, but being us has ups and downs and takes a lot of presence to the relationship for it to thrive. 

    In this rather rambling episode, I speak into some of my wisdom about reframing concepts like self-esteem, gratitude, and self-sabotage.  I hope to support you in implementing unconditional friendliness towards yourself as well as a willingness to be in the complexity of balancing the needs and desires that go alone with being you.

    Join my mailing list to learn more and receive additional free content: https://handsoverheart.com/contact-me/mailing-list/

    Want to support my work and be supported by my team of guides?  Check out my Patreon offer: https://www.patreon.com/practicalshamanism

    Check out my online academy at https://academy.handsoverheart.com/ 

    Sound editing by Kevin Young.  You can reach him at kyoung.keviny@gmail.com

    DISCLAIMER: The suggestions and information provided here are intended for personal growth and exploration. The content of this podcast is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or psychological treatment. Please seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition.  

    To learn more about me and my work, please visit my website at https://handsoverheart.com

    044- Navigating Empathy and Activism while Doing You

    044- Navigating Empathy and Activism while Doing You

    The majority of people I work with are deeply moved by the desire of “may we all be well” with “we” being inclusive of humans, animals, and the planet.  How do we balance our empathy and desire for social and environmental change plus care for the vulnerable with being effectively engaged in our own lives?  All too often we leak emotional energy and suffer over the suffering of others in a way that doesn’t have good for ourselves or anyone else in the equation.  I share a number of thoughts for shifting this equation to have peace with not suffering over the suffering of others while empowering yourself first for self-care and then for aligned contribution. 

    Join my mailing list to learn more and receive additional free content: https://handsoverheart.com/contact-me/mailing-list/

    Want to support my work and be supported by my team of guides?  Check out my Patreon offer: https://www.patreon.com/practicalshamanism

    Check out my online academy at https://academy.handsoverheart.com/ 

    Sound editing by Kevin Young.  You can reach him at kyoung.keviny@gmail.com

    DISCLAIMER: The suggestions and information provided here are intended for personal growth and exploration. The content of this podcast is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or psychological treatment. Please seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition.  

    To learn more about me and my work, please visit my website at https://handsoverheart.com

    043- Soul Purpose and the Chakras

    043- Soul Purpose and the Chakras

    Ideally, you’ll find a way to feel like you can have critical needs met in other areas, while actively and dynamically engaging with the things that your soul thinks makes incarnating worth it. If you’re creating tension by going without enough of certain things, like safety or connection, soul purpose expression can become a tug-a-war with other parts of yourself. I want to support you in a both/and rather than either/or approach. Looking to the wisdom of each chakra about what it needs to be on board with soul purpose expression is a great way to approach to this goal.

    Join my mailing list to learn more and receive additional free content: https://handsoverheart.com/contact-me/mailing-list/

    Want to support my work and be supported by my team of guides?  Check out my Patreon offer: https://www.patreon.com/practicalshamanism

    Check out my online academy at https://academy.handsoverheart.com/ 

    Sound editing by Kevin Young.  You can reach him at kyoung.keviny@gmail.com

    DISCLAIMER: The suggestions and information provided here are intended for personal growth and exploration. The content of this podcast is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or psychological treatment. Please seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition.  

    To learn more about me and my work, please visit my website at https://handsoverheart.com

    042- If You Can’t Find an Off-the-Shelf Life Map, Make Your Own

    042- If You Can’t Find an Off-the-Shelf Life Map, Make Your Own

    For much of my life I had such a longing for a single teacher, mentor, belief system or facilitator that, if followed religiously, would lead to freedom from the confusion and pain that I was experiencing.  In the end, I found that I am complex and dynamic enough that I needed to draw from many sources for wisdom.  I got a lot out of talk therapy, but it doesn’t address past life influences or my psychic abilities which are such a fundamental part of my moment-to-moment experience.  Likewise, Reiki wasn’t a great match for addressing unhealthy relating strategies that I was able to see and dismantle with the help of a good therapist.  And so it went across many modalities and with a number of gifted mentors and teachers.

    This episode is designed to give you support in creating your own life map and compass when it comes to blending wisdom from many sources. 

    Join my mailing list to learn more and receive additional free content: https://handsoverheart.com/contact-me/mailing-list/

    Want to support my work and be supported by my team of guides?  Check out my Patreon offer: https://www.patreon.com/practicalshamanism

    Check out my online academy at https://academy.handsoverheart.com/ 

    Sound editing by Kevin Young.  You can reach him at kyoung.keviny@gmail.com

    DISCLAIMER: The suggestions and information provided here are intended for personal growth and exploration. The content of this podcast is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or psychological treatment. Please seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition.  

    To learn more about me and my work, please visit my website at https://handsoverheart.com

    041- Increase your Self-Efficacy

    041- Increase your Self-Efficacy

    Get some tips to enhance your self-efficacy.  In other words, finding a graceful way to get yourself to do the things you’re committed to without undue struggle.  If you are committed to doing something and find you’re not taking action, it’s valuable to ask what’s in the way.  Sometimes we are too tired to take on a new endeavor.  Other times our instincts object to change.  And often a given path is a good match for one part of ourselves while another would struggle with the chosen destination, like a trip that meets a soul longing for adventure but isn’t as kind to the budget.  While we can make ourselves do things with a part of ourselves kicking and screaming in resistance, I’m a fan of a more easeful approach. 

    Join my mailing list to learn more and receive additional free content: https://handsoverheart.com/contact-me/mailing-list/

    Want to support my work and be supported by my team of guides?  Check out my Patreon offer: https://www.patreon.com/practicalshamanism

    Check out my online academy at https://academy.handsoverheart.com/ 

    Sound editing by Kevin Young.  You can reach him at kyoung.keviny@gmail.com

    DISCLAIMER: The suggestions and information provided here are intended for personal growth and exploration. The content of this podcast is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or psychological treatment. Please seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition.  

    To learn more about me and my work, please visit my website at https://handsoverheart.com

    040- Over and Under Tolerance for Discomfort

    040- Over and Under Tolerance for Discomfort

    When working to upgrade your life experience, one of the great introspective questions to ask is about where you tolerance for discomfort is too high and where it could be higher.  If your tolerance is high, you’ll endure something that ideally would be actionable for change.  If your tolerance is low, you’ll be apt to avoid important and necessary things.  Understanding this about yourself can help you adjust your course as needed to compensate for these tendencies. 

    Join my mailing list to learn more and receive additional free content: https://handsoverheart.com/contact-me/mailing-list/

    Want to support my work and be supported by my team of guides?  Check out my Patreon offer: https://www.patreon.com/practicalshamanism

    Check out my online academy at https://academy.handsoverheart.com/ 

    Sound editing by Kevin Young.  You can reach him at kyoung.keviny@gmail.com

    DISCLAIMER: The suggestions and information provided here are intended for personal growth and exploration. The content of this podcast is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or psychological treatment. Please seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition.  

    To learn more about me and my work, please visit my website at https://handsoverheart.com