
    Practical Shamanism

    Tap into your intuitive wisdom and unlock the potential for magic in everyday life. Reignite your personal power! With Katie Weatherup, a former engineer-turned-shamanic practitioner with more than 20 years of experience, you can achieve spiritual fulfillment and while upleveling your practical results in health, relationships, and money! Join me each month for a new episode that will help you to discover the most fulfilled version of yourself.
    enKatie Weatherup79 Episodes

    Episodes (79)

    079- How To Raise Your Vibration

    079- How To Raise Your Vibration

    When we raise our vibration (or make our energy brighter), we move through the world more easily.  It improves our direct, in the moment experience as well as helping to manifest things that support us and deflect things that do not.  There are many things we can do to raise our vibration.  Ideally, you want to create a personal list of things that have a high return on investment of results for energy expended.  These things ideally will also be highly accessible on an average Tuesday and be things that you enjoy doing.  I give a number of possible activities and experiences that might support this.

    In addition, I have some potent energetic techniques to help you if you’d like to work with me.

    The Shimmer Rite- https://handsoverheart.com/shamanic-healing/shimmer-rite-and-star-being/

    The Soul Note Illumintion Healing- https://handsoverheart.com/shamanic-healing/soul-note-illumination-healing/

    Connecting to a Star Being Guide- https://handsoverheart.com/2017/01/20/star-beings/

    You can also get detailed instruction in my Energy Body Illumination course- https://academy.handsoverheart.com/

    Want to support my work and be supported by my team of guides?  Check out my membership offer: https://www.patreon.com/practicalshamanism

    Want more audio content from me? Check out my online academy at https://academy.handsoverheart.com/ 

    Sound editing by Kevin Young.  You can reach him at kyoung.keviny@gmail.com

    DISCLAIMER: The suggestions and information provided here are intended for personal growth and exploration. The content of this podcast is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or psychological treatment. Please seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition.  

    To learn more about me and my work, please visit my website at https://handsoverheart.com


    078- Trusting Future You

    078- Trusting Future You

    When we’re stressed, our minds often ruminate on the past and worry about the future.  When it comes to the future, we tend to imagine that we’ll have the same or less (money, support, health, etc.) to deal with hard things.  Meditation and moving our bodies are great medicine for this.  But, for me, I also cultivate the ability to facilitate my mind into shifting away from overthinking the future.  Creating authentic faith in future me to deal with situations as they arise is something that I’ve found helpful.  I share more about that in this episode. 

    Want to support my work and be supported by my team of guides?  Check out my membership offer: https://www.patreon.com/practicalshamanism

    Want more audio content from me? Check out my online academy at https://academy.handsoverheart.com/ 

    Sound editing by Kevin Young.  You can reach him at kyoung.keviny@gmail.com

    DISCLAIMER: The suggestions and information provided here are intended for personal growth and exploration. The content of this podcast is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or psychological treatment. Please seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition.  

    To learn more about me and my work, please visit my website at https://handsoverheart.com

    Practical Shamanism
    enFebruary 10, 2024

    077- Creativity and Musings on the Future of the Podcast

    077- Creativity and Musings on the Future of the Podcast

    In this episode I talk about creativity and money and where those intersect and where they don’t.  I also share that I’m musing on the future of the podcast.  If this podcast has had value for you, I hope you’ll drop me a line at katie@handsoverheart.com and let me know.  Or tag me on Facebook or Instagram with a comment.

    I’m celebrating the milestone of over 40,000 unique downloads, which is wonderful!  But I’m not sure if I’m seeing new growth.  I’d be grateful if you’d leave a 5-star review and/or share this as you feel called.  Also, I’d be grateful if you’d take a moment to visit my website: https://handsoverheart.com or my academy: https://academy.handsoverheart.com/ and see if there’s anything for purchase that is in alignment for you.

    Want to support my work and be supported by my team of guides?  Check out my membership offer: https://www.patreon.com/practicalshamanism

    Want more audio content from me? Check out my online academy at https://academy.handsoverheart.com/ 

    Sound editing by Kevin Young.  You can reach him at kyoung.keviny@gmail.com

    DISCLAIMER: The suggestions and information provided here are intended for personal growth and exploration. The content of this podcast is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or psychological treatment. Please seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition.  

    To learn more about me and my work, please visit my website at https://handsoverheart.com

    Practical Shamanism
    enJanuary 10, 2024

    076- Travel Musings

    076- Travel Musings

    I recently enjoyed a magical trip through Yellowstone and Wyoming.  I share about my journey and some reflections along the way in this episode.   

    Want to support my work and be supported by my team of guides?  Check out my membership offer: https://www.patreon.com/practicalshamanism

    Want more audio content from me? Check out my online academy at https://academy.handsoverheart.com/ 

    Sound editing by Kevin Young.  You can reach him at kyoung.keviny@gmail.com

    DISCLAIMER: The suggestions and information provided here are intended for personal growth and exploration. The content of this podcast is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or psychological treatment. Please seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition.  

    To learn more about me and my work, please visit my website at https://handsoverheart.com

    Practical Shamanism
    enDecember 13, 2023

    075- Emotional Set Points

    075- Emotional Set Points

    People often end up limiting their emotional experience to a handful of flavors.  These could be unpleasant ones that they default into and/or favorite ones that they chase.  This approach disconnects us from a lot of the opportunity of the human experience and tends to promote some health challenges along the way.

    In this podcast I share a bit about a client of mine who had a number of lifetimes experiencing a particular flavor of difficult emotions.  The result was that all of the healing she sought out and her own excellent mindfulness practices tended not to move the dial nearly as much as they should have.  I think of it like an old mattress where it takes effort not to roll into the low spot, costing freedom of movement and access to the rest of the bed.

    In this podcast, I hope to help you tune into your default emotions and expand the range of your life experience.

    Want to support my work and be supported by my team of guides?  Check out my membership offer: https://www.patreon.com/practicalshamanism

    Want more audio content from me? Check out my online academy at https://academy.handsoverheart.com/ 

    Sound editing by Kevin Young.  You can reach him at kyoung.keviny@gmail.com

    DISCLAIMER: The suggestions and information provided here are intended for personal growth and exploration. The content of this podcast is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or psychological treatment. Please seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition.  

    To learn more about me and my work, please visit my website at https://handsoverheart.com

    Practical Shamanism
    enNovember 22, 2023

    074- Ignite Your Intuition Using Your Third Eye

    074- Ignite Your Intuition Using Your Third Eye

    Most of us receive little or no training in how to use our psychic and intuitive abilities to effectively support our lives.  The default can be hypervigilance even when we’re enjoying excellent safety.  In this podcast, I talk about how to redirect your third eye to maintain appropriate situation awareness, while mostly scanning for possibilities and ways forward.  This simple redirection will refocus our psychic abilities and help us to create the life we want.

    Want to support my work and be supported by my team of guides?  Check out my membership offer: https://www.patreon.com/practicalshamanism

    Want more audio content from me? Check out my online academy at https://academy.handsoverheart.com/ 

    Sound editing by Kevin Young.  You can reach him at kyoung.keviny@gmail.com

    DISCLAIMER: The suggestions and information provided here are intended for personal growth and exploration. The content of this podcast is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or psychological treatment. Please seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition.  

    To learn more about me and my work, please visit my website at https://handsoverheart.com

    Practical Shamanism
    enNovember 01, 2023

    073- Ramblings about Relating

    073- Ramblings about Relating

    Our best qualities can also, if left unsupervised and allowed to run amok, be the qualities that most damage our relationships.  In this podcast I pull from some recent moments in my own life exploring Destined for Doom ways of relating that we may feel are actually likely to create success, no matter how much evidence we have experienced to the contrary.  I explore unsolicited advice, contribution, and arguing with the other person’s truth if you’re not getting what you want in relationship.  I hope this will help you to see relationship dynamics more clearly and have some language to express and understand what’s going on, whichever side of a dynamic you land upon.

    Want to support my work and be supported by my team of guides?  Check out my membership offer: https://www.patreon.com/practicalshamanism

    Want more audio content from me? Check out my online academy at https://academy.handsoverheart.com/ 

    Sound editing by Kevin Young.  You can reach him at kyoung.keviny@gmail.com

    DISCLAIMER: The suggestions and information provided here are intended for personal growth and exploration. The content of this podcast is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or psychological treatment. Please seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition.  

    To learn more about me and my work, please visit my website at https://handsoverheart.com

    072- Weightloss without Struggle

    072- Weightloss without Struggle

    I’d like to offer some insight on navigating weight loss with self-compassion.  The less struggle we can bring to lifestyle changes, the more sustainable they become.  As it happens, I wrote up some really cool show notes when I first recorded this, but I’m in the Yellowstone area when this is due for release and my cloud drive didn’t agree with me about making them available as I roam.   So, I’ll let the title and episode mostly speak for themselves.

    You can get a 35% discount on my full shamanic weight loss program.  Just email me at katie@handsoverheart.com and I’ll set that up for you.  You can check out the program here: https://academy.handsoverheart.com/detail/VIDEO/testing

    Want to support my work and be supported by my team of guides?  Check out my membership offer: https://www.patreon.com/practicalshamanism

    Want more audio content from me? Check out my online academy at https://academy.handsoverheart.com/ 

    Sound editing by Kevin Young.  You can reach him at kyoung.keviny@gmail.com

    DISCLAIMER: The suggestions and information provided here are intended for personal growth and exploration. The content of this podcast is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or psychological treatment. Please seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition.  

    To learn more about me and my work, please visit my website at https://handsoverheart.com

    Practical Shamanism
    enSeptember 20, 2023

    071- Ease and Sustainability for Lifestyle Changes

    071- Ease and Sustainability for Lifestyle Changes

    Lifestyle changes can be incredibly complicated to implement and sustain.  Giving yourself grace with this complexity and implementing a plan to address this aspect will improve your results.  I talk about lining up the energy around the change we want.  And also, about overcoming the aversion chemistry that seeks to get us to avoid implement things that we know are good for us but our inner cave person thinks threaten our survival.  I hope this helps you find a graceful path forward to a lifestyle that yields enough health and wellbeing and is something that’s sustainable over the long-term.

    Want to support my work and be supported by my team of guides?  Check out my membership offer: https://www.patreon.com/practicalshamanism

    Want more audio content from me? Check out my online academy at https://academy.handsoverheart.com/ 

    Sound editing by Kevin Young.  You can reach him at kyoung.keviny@gmail.com

    DISCLAIMER: The suggestions and information provided here are intended for personal growth and exploration. The content of this podcast is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or psychological treatment. Please seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition.  

    To learn more about me and my work, please visit my website at https://handsoverheart.com

    070- Connect to Your Inner Wise One

    070- Connect to Your Inner Wise One

    We have an aspect of our soul that is the bridge between the human experience and the soul journey.  It’s connected both to the now and the eternal.  We can learn to use our mind to direct our psychic abilities to take counsel with our inner wise one!  

    For a variety of reasons, sometimes doing something like shamanic journey may not be the optimal way to send our awareness out to talk with our guides. If we’re highly emotional (which we all are at times), we may not have the clarity and focus.  For people who have some fear around psychic abilities, they may find an internal journey feels safer and more comfortable.  And finally, people who have certain mental health situations, such as what is diagnosed as schizophrenia, or entity issues, sending awareness outside of your auric field can be contraindicated as it can make things worse.

    Thus, learning to connect with your inner wise one is a great way to safely access your psychic abilities and access your deepest wisdom!

    Want to support my work and be supported by my team of guides?  Check out my membership offer: https://www.patreon.com/practicalshamanism

    Want more audio content from me? Check out my online academy at https://academy.handsoverheart.com/ 

    Sound editing by Kevin Young.  You can reach him at kyoung.keviny@gmail.com

    DISCLAIMER: The suggestions and information provided here are intended for personal growth and exploration. The content of this podcast is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or psychological treatment. Please seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition.  

    To learn more about me and my work, please visit my website at https://handsoverheart.com


    Practical Shamanism
    enAugust 11, 2023

    069- What You Really, Really Want

    069- What You Really, Really Want

    As a former engineer turned shamanic practitioner, I’m incredibly interested in efficiency and elegance in addressing the question of what will create the most holistically fulfilling life.  In this podcast, I explore some ways to get to clarity on what you want, to screen out the ways our minds lie to us, and to find a sustainable path forward toward that outcome.

    Want to support my work and be supported by my team of guides?  Check out my membership offer: https://www.patreon.com/practicalshamanism

    Want more audio content from me? Check out my online academy at https://academy.handsoverheart.com/ 

    Sound editing by Kevin Young.  You can reach him at kyoung.keviny@gmail.com

    DISCLAIMER: The suggestions and information provided here are intended for personal growth and exploration. The content of this podcast is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or psychological treatment. Please seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition.  

    To learn more about me and my work, please visit my website at https://handsoverheart.com

    068- Increase your Life Wish

    068- Increase your Life Wish

    A powerful way to sustain health, vitality and personal happiness is by keeping the fire of your passion for living vibrant and bright. I often work with people who don’t have a death wish, but neither do they have a particular life wish. The lack of a strong vision and intention in this area can create vulnerability to illness and accidents.  Learn about tending and amplifying your life wish!

    Want to support my work and be supported by my team of guides?  Check out my membership offer: https://www.patreon.com/practicalshamanism

    Want more audio content from me? Check out my online academy at https://academy.handsoverheart.com/ 

    Sound editing by Kevin Young.  You can reach him at kyoung.keviny@gmail.com

    DISCLAIMER: The suggestions and information provided here are intended for personal growth and exploration. The content of this podcast is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or psychological treatment. Please seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition.  

    To learn more about me and my work, please visit my website at https://handsoverheart.com

    067- Sometimes It’s Still Hard- Even When You’re Mentally, Emotionally, and Spiritually Healthy

    067- Sometimes It’s Still Hard- Even When You’re Mentally, Emotionally, and Spiritually Healthy

    In this episode I share about a couple of months that were hard for me.  Sometimes it’s one big thing and other times a number of small things that undermine our well-being and emotional centeredness.  I hope this episode helps you to have compassion for yourself and others when things get tough.  Also, to have a realistic idea about what mindset and meditation can and can’t do to help.  And I hope it gives you some ideas to move yourself along the journey of restoring your well-being when its been diminished by life experiences.  And, just so you know, as I release this episode several weeks after it was recorded, I’m enjoying things feeling much better in my personal circumstances.

    Want to support my work and be supported by my team of guides?  Check out my membership offer: https://www.patreon.com/practicalshamanism

    Want more audio content from me? Check out my online academy at https://academy.handsoverheart.com/ 

    Sound editing by Kevin Young.  You can reach him at kyoung.keviny@gmail.com

    DISCLAIMER: The suggestions and information provided here are intended for personal growth and exploration. The content of this podcast is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or psychological treatment. Please seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition.  

    To learn more about me and my work, please visit my website at https://handsoverheart.com

    Practical Shamanism
    enJune 07, 2023

    066- Sacred Travel Tips

    066- Sacred Travel Tips

    I adore traveling and connecting with land magic!  I even wrote a short book with all my best knowledge:  https://www.amazon.com/Sacred-Travel-Practical-Shamanism-Vacations-ebook/dp/B00C2LKZE6

    In this episode, I share about some of my top travel tips for working with energy and connecting with the land.  Also, some specifics about places like Ireland, Peru, Iceland, New Mexico, Death Valley and more!

    Want to support my work and be supported by my team of guides?  Check out my membership offer: https://www.patreon.com/practicalshamanism

    Want more audio content from me? Check out my online academy at https://academy.handsoverheart.com/ 

    Sound editing by Kevin Young.  You can reach him at kyoung.keviny@gmail.com

    DISCLAIMER: The suggestions and information provided here are intended for personal growth and exploration. The content of this podcast is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or psychological treatment. Please seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition.  

    To learn more about me and my work, please visit my website at https://handsoverheart.com

    065- Heal Disappointment, Betrayal, and Relationship Trauma

    065- Heal Disappointment, Betrayal, and Relationship Trauma

    Sometimes we get so wounded by other people’s messiness and unskillful relating or outright bad behavior that we don’t want to engage our hearts with other people going forward.  We can unconsciously (or consciously) create heart armor to avoid future connection.  We can even distort and disrupt our natural, healthy ability to run energetic connection with other humans.

    I invite you to treat healing heartache and loss as a learnable skill.  Often new possibilities flow into empty spaces created by relationships that are complete.  Before we ask how to I find friends or a romantic relationship, it’s good to ask what’s in the way of these things coming to in.

    Self-trust in our ability to heal and in our discernment often helps us be willing to be fully open to new connection.  Relationship discernment can be complicated.  In this podcast, I share some of the things I look for that make me believe I’d be successful with someone.  And, I allow myself to be in the fan club of someone for whom I have huge affinity and appreciation but who isn’t aligned to be a friend or in a deeper relationship.

    Want to support my work and be supported by my team of guides?  Check out my membership offer: https://www.patreon.com/practicalshamanism

    Want more audio content from me? Check out my online academy at https://academy.handsoverheart.com/ 

    Sound editing by Kevin Young.  You can reach him at kyoung.keviny@gmail.com

    DISCLAIMER: The suggestions and information provided here are intended for personal growth and exploration. The content of this podcast is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or psychological treatment. Please seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition.  

    To learn more about me and my work, please visit my website at https://handsoverheart.com

    Practical Shamanism
    enApril 28, 2023

    064- Navigating Accidental Misdirection of Magic

    064- Navigating Accidental Misdirection of Magic

    I had a journey some years ago wherein my guides talked to me about ways I was using my will and magic to stabilize things in my life that had run their course out of a fear of and resistance to change.  They shared ways it was limiting the life I would live and asked me to make a choice about this aspect.

    In this podcast, I talk about ways to catch when we’re doing this and how our instincts can cause our mind to rationalize remaining committed to an unstainable course of action.  I give some advice about making choices and getting present with when to choose again.  I share a lot about my own self-inflicted pain when I haven’t done a good job with this.  I also talk about using our intention to ask our guides to help things to come out well on the other side when we travel through take apart times.

    Want to support my work and be supported by my team of guides?  Check out my membership offer: https://www.patreon.com/practicalshamanism

    Want more audio content from me? Check out my online academy at https://academy.handsoverheart.com/ 

    Sound editing by Kevin Young.  You can reach him at kyoung.keviny@gmail.com

    DISCLAIMER: The suggestions and information provided here are intended for personal growth and exploration. The content of this podcast is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or psychological treatment. Please seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition.  

    To learn more about me and my work, please visit my website at https://handsoverheart.com

    063- Being Vilified and Vilifying Others

    063- Being Vilified and Vilifying Others

    I received an email from a former client I haven’t interacted with in years that went into detail about how terrible I was for holding a boundary about being paid in the standard way before working with her.  It included expressions of pity that I was such a terrible, money motivated person that I would do such a hurtful, obviously awful thing to her. 

    It was, among other things, a trip down memory lane of a lot of failures in my early attempts at relating to friends and lovers.  When I got hurt, rather than introspection, compassion (for them or me), or working through the emotions before trying to address the misalignment, I would spin a story of how wrong and bad the other person was and why I was entitled to whatever I had desired from them.  Then, I’d write a really long email explaining this.  Happily, with the  help of therapy, among other things, I have more functional ways of relating.

    Yet, I can still find that subroutine of ruminating on another person’s way of being in the world as invalid when I feel hurt.  This messy, vital, complex business of relating to other humans has such levels of risk and reward.  In this long episode, I share about my personal journey with mental loops of vilifying other people and how I navigate it when someone vilifies me and wants to tell me about it. I hope it helps you have a functional map for navigating this highly charged, complicated energy, whether it's showing up internally or focused outwards.

    Want to support my work and be supported by my team of guides?  Check out my membership offer: https://www.patreon.com/practicalshamanism

    Want more audio content from me? Check out my online academy at https://academy.handsoverheart.com/ 

    Sound editing by Kevin Young.  You can reach him at kyoung.keviny@gmail.com

    DISCLAIMER: The suggestions and information provided here are intended for personal growth and exploration. The content of this podcast is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or psychological treatment. Please seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition.  

    To learn more about me and my work, please visit my website at https://handsoverheart.com

    Practical Shamanism
    enMarch 15, 2023

    062- Sabbatical for the Soul

    062- Sabbatical for the Soul

    I find myself in a season where my deepest longings are for time freedom and less external stimulation.  I’m taking a break from many of the things I normally engaging in, like travel and dating.  I’m also taking a break from my personal improvement goals and settling for sustaining what’s already in place for supporting my body, mind, and spirit.

    I’m quilting, engaging with my business and clients, and watching movies.  The net effect of some romantic disappointments and a tough financial situation have left me a bit depleted, and it feels good to allow myself the space and time to replenish.  I want to offer this map of restoring oneself without it becoming a crisis or even a miserable time.

    Want to support my work and be supported by my team of guides?  Check out my membership offer: https://www.patreon.com/practicalshamanism

    Want more audio content from me? Check out my online academy at https://academy.handsoverheart.com/ 

    Sound editing by Kevin Young.  You can reach him at kyoung.keviny@gmail.com

    DISCLAIMER: The suggestions and information provided here are intended for personal growth and exploration. The content of this podcast is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or psychological treatment. Please seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition.  

    To learn more about me and my work, please visit my website at https://handsoverheart.com

    061- Alleviate Chronic Pain with a Shamanic Approach

    061- Alleviate Chronic Pain with a Shamanic Approach

    One of the best uses of our psychic abilities isn’t so much about seeing the world around us, but navigating the world within.  We can use our gifts to track what’s going on with ourselves on the subtle levels.  I often find for myself and my clients that unfavorable results are the result of an adversarial relationship between different parts of the self.  We can learn to be a wise mediator such that we come into a collaboration between our various aspects.  In the modern era, we need all of our chakras at full functionality and playing for the same team.

    I’ve long applied this work to keeping my fight or flight system baseline in a calm place.  More recently, I’ve started using this approach to have a talk with my brain about re-wiring chronic pain circuits that are related to a long-ago injury from which the tissue damage has healed. 

    Want to support my work and be supported by my team of guides?  Check out my membership offer: https://www.patreon.com/practicalshamanism

    Want more audio content from me? Check out my online academy at https://academy.handsoverheart.com/ 

    Sound editing by Kevin Young.  You can reach him at kyoung.keviny@gmail.com

    DISCLAIMER: The suggestions and information provided here are intended for personal growth and exploration. The content of this podcast is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or psychological treatment. Please seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition.  

    To learn more about me and my work, please visit my website at https://handsoverheart.com

    060- Authentic Pleasure

    060- Authentic Pleasure

    Having our lives bring experiences of pleasure and delight is utterly necessary to feeling like life is a gift instead of something heavy to be gotten through.  Yet, often we are distracted and derailed from things that would bring authentic pleasure at a human level, to our unique soul, or to both.  I talk vulnerably about ways I activate biological pleasure with thinking and with the things I consume and my journey to wrangle that gently into more moderation to free up space for the kinds of pleasure that leave me fulfilled.  Whether this is a new concept or something you’re ready to dive deeper into, I hope there’s something meaningful here for you.

    Want to support my work and be supported by my team of guides?  Check out my membership offer: https://www.patreon.com/practicalshamanism

    Want more audio content from me? Check out my online academy at https://academy.handsoverheart.com/ 

    Sound editing by Kevin Young.  You can reach him at kyoung.keviny@gmail.com

    DISCLAIMER: The suggestions and information provided here are intended for personal growth and exploration. The content of this podcast is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or psychological treatment. Please seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition.  

    To learn more about me and my work, please visit my website at https://handsoverheart.com