
    Practicing Human

    Practicing Human is a daily podcast, hosted by Cory Muscara, offering insights and practices into how to live a fulfilling life. Cory pulls on his time living as a Buddhist monk in Burma, his many years as a mindfulness and meditation teacher, and his work in Positive Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania.
    en-usCory Muscara780 Episodes

    Episodes (780)

    Two Ways to Calm Your Mind

    Two Ways to Calm Your Mind

    In this episode, we explore two questions you can ask yourself in moments of stress and overwhelm that will help you re-ground.

    If you'd more support, text the word "Podcast" to 1-631-305-2874 for free text and audio message teachings delivered to your phone.

    Practicing Human
    en-usJune 16, 2023

    Picking Up The Pieces of Yourself

    Picking Up The Pieces of Yourself

    In this episode, we'll discuss why sometimes it's important to look back before you can move forward.

    I send short teachings like this every day in our text community on mindfulness, life design, healing, and personal growth. They’re completely free, go out every day at 11am EST, and you can unsubscribe at any time. To sign up, text the word “Podcast” to 1-631-305-2874 📲 

    Practicing Human
    en-usJune 14, 2023

    The Opposite of Spiritual Bypassing

    The Opposite of Spiritual Bypassing

    In this episode, we discuss why the opposite of spiritual bypassing is not the answer.

    I send short teachings like this every day in our text community on mindfulness, life design, healing, and personal growth. They’re completely free, go out every day at 11am EST, and you can unsubscribe at any time. To sign up, text the word “Podcast” to 1-631-305-2874 📲 

    Practicing Human
    en-usJune 13, 2023

    A Simple Fear Technique

    A Simple Fear Technique

    Do you ever find yourself caught in a loop of anxiety and fear, thinking about something you did wrong, or something that could potentially go wrong? In this episode, I'll share a simple cognitive exercise you can use to settle yourself down and feel more empowered.

    And if you'd like to get daily inspirational text messages to your phone from me, just text the word "podcast" to +1 (631) 305-2874

    Practicing Human
    en-usJune 09, 2023

    How to Pause

    How to Pause

    In this episode, we discuss one of the many (but often undermentioned) benefits of taking a few minutes, every few hours, to stop, drop, and be.

    As always, if you'd like to get free access to my resource library, including guided meditations, book recommendations, app recommendations, and more, text your email address to: +1 (631) 337-8298

    And if you'd like to get daily inspirational text messages to your phone from me, just text the word "podcast" to +1 (631) 305-2874

    Practicing Human
    en-usJune 07, 2023

    Temptation Bundling

    Temptation Bundling

    In this episode, we discuss how to get more things done that you don't always want to do!

    To review the article by James Clear, click here: https://jamesclear.com/temptation-bundling

    Practicing Human
    en-usJune 05, 2023

    How Surrender Leads to Expansion

    How Surrender Leads to Expansion

    In this episode, we discuss a simple equation to think about expansion.

    I send short teachings like this every day in our text community on mindfulness, life design, healing, and personal growth. They’re completely free, go out every day at 11am EST, and you can unsubscribe at any time. To sign up, text the word “Podcast” to 1-631-305-2874 📲 

    Practicing Human
    en-usJune 02, 2023

    How to Use Fear for Guidance

    How to Use Fear for Guidance

    In this episode, we discuss the difference between "safe fear" vs "unsafe fear" and how you can use this to guide your navigation of when to take on pain and discomfort and when to avoid it.

    And if you'd like to get daily inspirational text messages to your phone from me, just text the word "podcast" to +1 (631) 305-2874

    How to Clear Negative Energy

    How to Clear Negative Energy

    In this episode, we'll explore a simple grounding exercise to release excess tension and energy in the mind-body system.

    I send short teachings like this every day in our text community on mindfulness, life design, healing, and personal growth. They’re completely free, go out every day at 11am EST, and you can unsubscribe at any time. To sign up, text the word “Podcast” to 1-631-305-2874 📲 



    In this episode, we explore meeting your mortality with softness.

    I send short teachings like this every day in our text community on mindfulness, life design, healing, and personal growth. They’re completely free, go out every day at 11am EST, and you can unsubscribe at any time. To sign up, text the word “Podcast” to 1-631-305-2874 📲  

    The Power of "I Don't Know"

    The Power of "I Don't Know"

    In this episode, we discuss why embodying your "I don't know" is one of the most powerful things on your spiritual and growth journey.

    If you want more support on your intuitive guidance, visit: www.corymuscara.com/intuition

    How to Develop More Positive Influences in Your Life

    How to Develop More Positive Influences in Your Life

    In this episode, we discuss how the thoughts and ideas we most see in our newsfeed impacts how we think about and perceive the world, and also how we can reimagine our relationship to this information intake so that it's a positive force in our life.

    As always, if you'd like to get free access to my resource library, including guided meditations, book recommendations, app recommendations, and more, text your email address to: +1 (631) 337-8298

    And if you'd like to get daily inspirational text messages to your phone from me, just text the word "podcast" to +1 (631) 305-2874

    The 4 F's: Fight, Flight, Freeze, & Fawn

    The 4 F's: Fight, Flight, Freeze, & Fawn

    In this episode, we discuss the various "defense systems" we have access to when we feeling unsafe and threatened. We look at these through an evolutionary lens, but more specifically, how they show can show up in an unhealthy way in our day-to-day life. Most of us are familiar with the fight, flight, and freeze, but fewer of us are aware of the fourth, fawn. We go into detail about the fawn response and how to bring awareness to these patterns.

    You can learn more about the fawn response, coined by Peter Walker, at this link.

    As always, if you'd like to get free access to my resource library, including guided meditations, book recommendations, app recommendations, and more, text your email address to: +1 (631) 337-8298

    And if you'd like to get daily inspirational text messages to your phone from me, just text the word "podcast" to +1 (631) 305-2874

    Working With Pain

    Working With Pain

    As humans, it's inevitable that we will encounter pain in our life. Much of this pain is out of our control, but some of it we can influence and soothe. This is true in our meditation practice, as well. When pain arises in meditation--an itch, knee pain, etc--should we alleviate it if we can, or should we practice being with it? Listen on to find out.

    If you’d like more support and guidance, text the word “Instagram” to 1-631-305-2874 to receive free, daily text and audio message teachings, quotes, and insights delivered to your phone 📲

    Relaxed Productivity

    Relaxed Productivity

    In this episode, we'll discuss how to get things done without turning into a ball of stress.

    If you’d like more support and guidance, text the word “Podcast” to 1-631-305-2874 to receive free, daily text message teachings and practices delivered to your phone 📲   

    Identifying Your Soul's Purpose

    Identifying Your Soul's Purpose

    In this episode, I share a simple heuristic for parsing the mind's ideas from your soul's truth.

    I send short teachings like this every day in our text community on mindfulness, life design, healing, and personal growth. They’re completely free, go out every day at 11am EST, and you can unsubscribe at any time. To sign up, text the word “Podcast” to 1-631-305-2874 📲 

    Practicing Human
    en-usMay 11, 2023

    Thoughts on Wholeness, Simplicity, and Meaning

    Thoughts on Wholeness, Simplicity, and Meaning

    In this episode, we discuss a quote by Dr. Scott Barry Kaufman about finding wholeness through more simplicity, minimalism, and meaning, rather than the chase for more goals. The quote is: "In the rush to feel whole, people will often add more and more goals to their plate when in reality what people often need is to add more simplicity and minimalism to their lives so they can energetically put their entire being into deepening something that is already meaningful." You can follow Scott on Twitter at this link and Instagram at this link.

    Growth, Death, and Birth

    Growth, Death, and Birth

    In this episode, we talk about the tragic and beautiful nature of growth.

    I send short teachings like this every day in our text community on mindfulness, life design, healing, and personal growth. They’re completely free, go out every day at 11am EST, and you can unsubscribe at any time. To sign up, text the word “Podcast” to 1-631-305-2874 📲 

    How to Take Mini Retreats

    How to Take Mini Retreats

    In this episode, we discuss the value of taking time off and how to incorporate small retreats into your day and life.

    To join the upcoming in-person retreat at Omega, June 30-July 2nd, visit this link: https://www.eomega.org/workshops/start-fresh?utm_source=muscara&utm_medium=banner&utm_campaign=muscara_OC_2023