

    The purpose of the progress-not-perfection podcast is to discover the habits of highly successful people so that listeners can apply those same techniques to reach their own life goals. I will interview guests who are "masters of their craft" to understand their stories of how they became successful, the challenges they faced, and the things they continually did to remain motivated. I'll be interviewing everyone from freelance journalists to financial advisors and everything in between. Join me at www.progress-not-perfection.com for recaps of every interview, blog posts, book recommendations and more.
    enZaid Arafat36 Episodes

    Episodes (36)

    35: COVID-19 Lockdown | The Lives We Have Not Considered

    35: COVID-19 Lockdown | The Lives We Have Not Considered

    In this special episode, Zaid talks with Brian Finn, founder of FIN Capital, a hedge fund that employs behavioral psychology to analyze investment opportunities.


    Utilizing a new framework he developed, Brian explains the behavioral biases that are influencing our thinking on COVID-19, causing us to make a massive decision making error by instituting the lockdown.


    Topics discussed:

    • Brian Finn's Background [00:57]
    • Yrs of Life Lost Framework [3:08]
    • Neil Ferguson's COVID-19 Study [4:28]
    • Global Lockdown Policies [7:17]
    • Lockdown Lives Not Considered [16:44]
    • Yrs of Life Lost Analysis [19:27]
    • Herd Immunity [28:57]
    • Dr. Fauci's Directive [33:15]




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    If you want to provide show feedback, or guest recommendations, email me at zaid.arafat@gmail.com.

    34: Julian Marchese | The 20-yr old Hedge Fund Manager

    34: Julian Marchese | The 20-yr old Hedge Fund Manager

    Julian Marchese is the Founder, CEO & Portfolio Manager of Marchese Investments. The 20-year-old who recently dropped out of New York University to start his own hedge fund has already raised $5 million.

    Born in 1996, Julian Marchese has been interested in the global financial marketplace since he was 8 years old. He educated himself in investing, speculation, technical analysis, fundamental analysis, and economics.

    Developing his first quantitative trading system at the age of 14, Julian has recognized the preeminence and dominance of quantitative systems trading, and the statistical advantages of alternative beta strategies.

    In 2014, at age 18, while a freshman at NYU, Julian founded Marchese Investments to capitalize on these strategies by generating consistent risk-adjusted returns for his investors.

    At age 20, he dropped out of school to focus on his hedge fund, and currently manages upwards of $5 million.

    He is a contributor to CNBC, BloombergTV, & Fox Business. He has also been named one of the most powerful people in finance by Business Insider.

    Website: www.marchesefinancial.com

    Email: julian.marchese@marcheseinvest.com



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    If you want to bounce any ideas off me, provide show feedback, or guest recommendations, email me at zaid.arafat@gmail.com.

    enDecember 08, 2016

    33: John Lee Dumas | Take the Entrepreneurial Leap

    33: John Lee Dumas | Take the Entrepreneurial Leap

    John Lee Dumas is the Founder and Host of EntrepreneurOnFire, an award winning Podcast revealing the journey of today's most inspiring Entrepreneurs 7-days a week.

    EntrepreneurOnFire generates over $250,000 a month in revenue & offers a free 15-day course on Podcasting at FreePodcastCourse.com. With over 1 million unique listens a month, EntrepreneurOnFire has inspired Fire Nation to take control of their life and take the Entrepreneurial leap.

    EOFire was awarded Best Of iTunes because of its commitment to help guide listeners on their Entrepreneurial journey by sharing insights from today’s most successful Entrepreneurs.

    In this interview, I ask John about his biggest FAILURE, what he LEARNED, as well as his HABITS for SUCCESS. We also discuss the IMPOSTER SYNDROME and how the FEAR of FAILURE holds us back from unleashing our true potential.

    Website: http://www.eofire.com/

    Podcast: http://www.eofire.com/podcast/

    Guests have included:

    • Jack Canfield
    • Barbara Corcoran
    • Tim Ferris
    • Pat Flynn
    • Seth Godin
    • Guy Kawasaki
    • Gary Vaynerchuk



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    If you want to bounce any ideas off me, provide show feedback, or guest recommendations, email me at zaid@progress-not-perfection.com.

    enNovember 23, 2015

    32: Shawn Stevenson | How to Sleep Smarter

    32: Shawn Stevenson | How to Sleep Smarter

    Shawn Stevenson is a bestselling author and creator of The Model Health Show, featured as the #1 Nutrition and Fitness podcast in the world on iTunes. 

    With a university background in biology and kinesiology, Shawn went on to be the founder of Advanced Integrative Health Alliance, a successful company that provides wellness services for both individuals and organizations worldwide. 

    He is the author of the best-selling book "How to Sleep Smarter."

    Shawn is also a dynamic keynote speaker who has spoken for TEDx, universities, and numerous organizations with outstanding reviews. 

    To learn more about Shawn, visit TheShawnStevensonModel.com





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    If you want to bounce any ideas off me, provide show feedback, or guest recommendations, email me at zaid@progress-not-perfection.com.   

    31: David Hamilton | Letting Go of Meaning

    31: David Hamilton | Letting Go of Meaning

    David Hamilton is the founder and CEO of Everlution, a premiere coaching program designed to help you take your life to the next level. David focuses on manipulating your perception and thinking patterns to live a more fulfilling, connected and present life.

    A key realization in every man’s life is that his reality is based almost entirely out of his thoughts and his state of “being.” Nothing that happens to you, good or bad, truly affects you until you make it so in your mind.

    One of the traps many people fall into is associating too strongly with anyone one group, idea or characteristic. It is very easy to base our identity out of our experiences, religious and political beliefs and goals, instead of realizing that our identity is us, and we are evolving constantly.

    The truth is, fulfillment comes from within, nothing external will give it to you. Learn to accept and embrace this and work on building an inner world that can flow and adapt with the changing environment yet remain completely fulfilled.

    David struggled with shyness and social anxiety to the point where it interfered his life and self-confidence so much that it was a constant source of pain and frustration.

    Now that David has cracked the code and overcome it to create the life he wants, he has since become a “social introvert” and has learned from the inside-out how to be confident and connect with people in many different types of social situations. David now helps others do the same, so they can have more success in their profession, make more money, have better relationships with friends, family and the opposite sex.

    Website: everlution.co





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    If you want to bounce any ideas off me, provide show feedback, or guest recommendations, email me at zaid@progress-not-perfection.com.   

    30: Jake Nawrocki | Operation Self Reset

    30: Jake Nawrocki | Operation Self Reset

    Jake Nawrocki is a motivational keynote presentations speaker who captivates audiences and helps audiences overcome fears, excuses, an overwhelmed life, and teaches people to make life-changing actions in their life.

    Some difficult people believe that motivation wears off after a few hours. Jake agrees but so does deodorant that is why he suggests you use it daily and sometimes you should reapply it. 

    Jake has spoken to and helped over 800,000 people reach greatness in there personal lives.  He accomplished this with presenting his message through his highly ranked podcast, Operation Self Reset. Operation Self Reset was ranked #1 in iTunes in self-help and #3 in Health. This podcast is designed to help anyone wanting to change the person they are to the person they know they should become.

    Jake speaks on the subjects of 

    • Self Confidence
    • Goal Setting
    • Self-esteem
    • Accountability
    • Reaching Success in personal and business life (Soon to be released book called, "Handful of Success")
    • Developing Leadership within
    • Staying inspired and motivated when you just don't feel like it

    Most importantly he is a father of two children, lieutenant for a full time fire department, real-estate owner, Inventor, Author, and on a mission to build self-confidence in 100 million people. 

    Jake believes that the only person who is holding you back from success is yourself. Once you get out of your own way unbelievable things will happen.

    Email: jake@operationselfreset.com

    Website: www.operationselfreset.com





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    If you want to bounce any ideas off me, provide show feedback, or guest recommendations, email me at zaid@progress-not-perfection.com.   

    29: Candice Coke | Making it as a Hollywood Actress

    29: Candice Coke | Making it as a Hollywood Actress

    Candice Coke always wanted to be challenged. Her friends are the greatest people and inspirations in her world. She is an Actor and an Artist, but first a human being.  

    If you ask her, she will tell you the truth. Lazy doesn't exist in her vocabulary. Dyslexia is a curse and a blessing. Candice Coke hails from New York, where she studied Educational Theater at NYU while on a scholarship for spring board diving. She started her career dancing for icons like Michael Jackson, Prince, and many others in the States and internationally. Eventually she made the transition to Los Angeles where she has been successfully working in Film and Television. She is also studying with Debra Aquila in her Master Scene Study program.   

    IMDb: Candice Coke

    Website: http://www.candicecoke326.com/

    Instagram: @candycoke





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    If you want to bounce any ideas off me, provide show feedback, or guest recommendations, email me at zaid@progress-not-perfection.com.   


    28: Sean Russell | Free Yourself from Anxiety

    28: Sean Russell | Free Yourself from Anxiety

    Early on in life Sean struggled with panic attacks, anxiety and depression all stemming from an unhealthy lifestyle and a marijuana brownie gone wrong. For months, Sean couldn’t even bring himself to get out of bed, and common activities like grocery shopping lead to severe anxiety attacks. Sean decided to defeat take back control of his life and delved heavily into personal growth.

    Now, 3 years later, Sean is a totally different person free from anxiety, depression and panic. Sean is the founder and CEO of the menprovement blog and podcast, a platform that allows him to help thousands of men become their best selves.

    Website: www.menprovement.com





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    If you want to bounce any ideas off me, provide show feedback, or guest recommendations, email me at zaid@progress-not-perfection.com.  

    27: Geoff Woods | Tell Them What You Want

    27: Geoff Woods | Tell Them What You Want

    At the beginning of 2014, Geoff heard Jim Rohns quote, “you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with." This was a quote that would transform his life!

    Since then, Geoff has focused on surrounding himself with people who are where he wants to be in 10-15 years, and what a difference it has made!

    Geoff is so grateful for the inspiring mentors that are guiding him and he wanted to “pay it forward” by exposing other like-minded people to their message.  That's why he launched The Mentee Podcast…to document his journey From Employee to Entrepreneur and the mentors who are guiding him. 

    Website: The Mentee Podcast





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    If you want to bounce any ideas off me, provide show feedback, or guest recommendations, email me at zaid@progress-not-perfection.com.   

    26: Sean Stephenson | How to End Self-Sabotage

    26: Sean Stephenson | How to End Self-Sabotage

    When Sean Stephenson was born doctors predicted he would not to survive past birth because of a rare bone disorder that stunted his growth and caused his bones to be extremely fragile. Despite these challenges, Sean has taken a stand for a quality of life that has reached millions of people around the world, including Sir Richard Branson, President Clinton, and his Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama.

    Sean has appeared on everything from The Oprah Show to Youtube videos with millions of views. The Biography Channel did an hour feature on his life called, “Three Foot Giant.”

    Sean's message has been heard at live events in over 15 countries and 47 states over the past 16 years. His latest book, “Get Off Your But” has swept the US and been released in over a half dozen languages around the world.

    As a board certified therapist, Sean uses humor and compassion to develop a fun environment where individuals open their hearts and minds for lasting empowerment to occur.

    Sean married the woman of his dreams, Mindie Kniss, on a beautiful Autumn day in Chicago, IL.  When they're not traveling the globe sharing our messages, they can be found reading their Kindles in the sun-kissed city of Scottsdale, AZ.

    Website: http://seanstephenson.com/





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    If you want to bounce any ideas off me, provide show feedback, or guest recommendations, email me at zaid@progress-not-perfection.com.  

    25: Nanci Kavich | Writing Online Dating Profiles

    25: Nanci Kavich | Writing Online Dating Profiles

    Nanci Kavich is co-founder of ProfileWingman.com, a website that assists people with writing their online dating profiles.  She is an expert in helping online daters who struggle with the writing of profiles and emails, the main focus always being honesty.  She also offers endless tips and advice, knowing the dos and don’ts of the online dating world.  Her clients include people from all walks of life and from all over the world, all with a common goal of finding love online.  

    Nanci has always had a passion for communicating truths and sincerity through the written word.  This began with a degree in Communications and a minor in French from the University of Kansas.  It was there that the groundwork for romantic language and loving prose was created.

    She has taken that passion for sincere correspondence and translated it into helping people find love.  Numerous blog posts, speaking engagements and radio interviews all over the country including a spot on a panel of experts for an NPR dating program have helped to spread the word that online dating help exists.  

    Nanci grew up in St. Louis, Missouri and though has lived throughout the Midwest for 23 years, still calls St. Louis home.  In addition to being a big baseball Cardinal’s fan, she enjoys running, bicycling, yoga, and most importantly, being a mom. 

    Website: Profile Wingman





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    If you want to bounce any ideas off me, provide show feedback, or guest recommendations, email me at zaid@progress-not-perfection.com.  

    24: Eran Dror | The Book of Hard Truths

    24: Eran Dror | The Book of Hard Truths

    Eran Dror is an Israeli-born writer, journalist, and designer who spent 9 years in NYC. In his work, he is fascinated by how new ideas and design solutions can transform seemingly insoluble problems.

    Eran’s first book, The Book of Hard Truths, is an illustrated guide to the most universally resisted aspects of life.

    A long-time Atheist and skeptic, Eran took a course of Buddhist meditating in 2011, and it changed his life. Since then, he became interested in finding other pearls of ancient wisdom and bringing them into the secular world, all while maintaining a scientific mindset. He is now working on a Masters degree in Religious Studies.

    Website: erandror.com

    Amazon: Book of Hard Truths





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    If you want to bounce any ideas off me, provide show feedback, or guest recommendations, email me at zaid@progress-not-perfection.com.   

    23: Mike Michalowicz | Profit First

    23: Mike Michalowicz | Profit First

    By his 35th birthday Mike Michalowicz had founded and sold two multi-million dollar companies. Confident that he had the formula to success, he became an angel investor… and proceeded to lose his entire fortune.

    Then he started all over again, driven to find better ways to grow healthy, strong companies. Among other innovative strategies, Mike created the “Profit First Formula”, a way for businesses to ensure profitability from their very next deposit forward.

    Mike is now running his third million dollar venture, is a former small business columnist for The Wall Street Journal; is the former MSNBC business make-over expert; is a popular keynote speaker on innovative entrepreneurial topics; and is the author of Profit First, The Pumpkin Plan and The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur, which BusinessWeek deemed “the entrepreneur’s cult classic.”

    Email: mike@mikemichalowicz.com

    Website: www.mikemichalowicz.com





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    If you want to bounce any ideas off me, provide show feedback, or guest recommendations, email me at zaid@progress-not-perfection.com.   

    22: Susan Kuchinskas | Oxytocin and our Relationships

    22: Susan Kuchinskas | Oxytocin and our Relationships

    In this episode Susan Kuchinskas discusses Oxytocin, aka “the cuddle hormone.” Why we have to learn to love, the power of the “cuddle hormone” in relationships, how to naturally raise your oxytocin and bond better with others both in your personal and professional lives.

    Susan Kuchinskas specializes in explaining the arcana of science and technology. She turns corporate jargon into lucid prose, finds the business case behind marketspeak, and uncovers the connections between business, technology and culture.

    Susan is a highly experienced journalist, business writer and author with a focus on technology and science. Her freelance articles have appeared in Scientific American, MIT Technology Review Online, WebMD and AMEX OpenForum. She reports on digital media for ClickZ and Portada, and cover connected-car tech for Telematics Update. She's done brand journalism for SAP, SunGard, Workspot and Adecco, and written brand content for Microsoft, Revinate and PowerbyProxi.

    She's been a senior writer at Adweek and Business 2.0, covering online marketing and media, and was a founding editor of M-Business, a magazine about the mobile industry.

    She's the author of Going Mobile: Building the Real-Time Enterprise with Mobile Applications that Work (CMP 2003); The Chemistry of Connection: How the Oxytocin Response Can Help You Find Trust, Intimacy and Love (New Harbinger 2009); and Oxytocin Parenting: From the Womb Through the Terrible Twos (e-book).

    Her specialties include: digital media; digital advertising; ecommerce; mobile media; mobile advertising; m-commerce; social media analytics and best practices for businesses; content strategy; content marketing; and neuroscience.

    Website: www.chemistryofconnection.com

    Email: susan@kuchinskas.com

    Twitter: @susankuchinskas





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    21: Dan Waldschmidt | Edgy Conversations

    21: Dan Waldschmidt | Edgy Conversations

    Since birth Dan Waldschmidt has been refusing to accept business as usual.

    Sure, he had a lawn mowing business at 12, but he turned his into a money-making machine (though he opted not to tell his mom about his increased profits).

    He ran track like plenty of other kids, but he pushed himself to break his high school’s mile record. He got the usual entry-level job right out of college, but then he changed the sales process, earned millions of dollars for the company, and became CEO by the time he was 25.

    These days, Dan is a business strategist. A popular speaker. And an ultra-runner.

    Dan and his team help companies all over the world arrive at business-changing breakthrough ideas by moving past outdated conventional wisdom, social peer pressure, and the selfish behaviors that stop them from being high performers.

    The Wall Street Journal calls his blog, Edgy Conversations, one of the Top 7 sales blogs anywhere on the internet. He’s been profiled in Business Week, INC Magazine, Business Insider, and on dozens of radio programs. Hundreds of his articles on unconventional business strategy have been published.

    If you want to catch up with Dan, you’ll probably need to lace up some running shoes and hit the road. He’s the crazy dude running against traffic. In the meanwhile, read his blog, send him an email, ask him for help.

    Whatever you do, don’t just do nothing.

    Website: http://danwaldschmidt.com/

    Email: Dan@danwaldschmidt.com

    Facebook: Edgy Conversations

    Twitter: @GetEdgy





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    If you want to bounce any ideas off me, provide show feedback, or guest recommendations, email me at zaid@progress-not-perfection.com.   

    20: Linda Rottenberg | Crazy is a Compliment

    20: Linda Rottenberg | Crazy is a Compliment

    Named one of “America’s Best Leaders” by U.S. News and one of TIME’s 100 “Innovators for the 21st century,” Linda Rottenberg is considered one of the world’s most dynamic experts on entrepreneurship, innovation, emerging markets, and leadership. A frequent lecturer at Fortune 500 companies, Rottenberg has been the subject of four case studies by Harvard Business School and the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

    Dell featured her in its “Take Your Own Path” advertising campaign; Veuve Clicquot named her Businesswoman of the Year; and Tom Friedman dubbed her the world’s “mentor capitalist” in The World Is Flat.

    Linda is the CEO and co-founder of Endeavor, the first organization focusing on the “scale-up” not “start-up” phase of entrepreneurship, which people are now recognizing is the key to job creation. Headquartered in New York with 20 affiliates around the world, Endeavor selects, mentors, and co-invests in business innovators demonstrating the greatest potential to go big. Since 1997, Endeavor has screened 39,000 candidates and handpicked 1,000 entrepreneurs who’ve created 400,000 jobs and generate over $6 billion annually.

    A graduate of Harvard University and Yale Law School, Rottenberg is a member of YPO, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the World Economic Forum. She also serves on the board of Zayo Group, a global provider of bandwidth infrastructure. Rottenberg has been profiled in the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, USA Today, The Economist, Strategy + Business, People, MORE, and the Financial Times, and has appeared on The Today Show, Good Morning America, NPR, CNBC, CNN, Fox News, and Bloomberg. In 2011, Business Insider dubbed her “Ms. Davos.”

    A native of Newton, MA, Rottenberg lives in Brooklyn with her husband, bestselling author and New York Times columnist Bruce Feiler, and their identical twin daughters.

    Her book, "Crazy Is A Compliment", was published by Penguin Random House in October 2014.

    Website: www.lindarottenberg.com and www.endeavor.org

    Linked In: Linda Rottenberg

    Twitter: @lindarottenberg





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    If you want to bounce any ideas off me, provide show feedback, or guest recommendations, email me at zaid@progress-not-perfection.com.   

    enApril 27, 2015

    19: Nathan Lawver | Be Your Own Boss

    19: Nathan Lawver | Be Your Own Boss

    Nathan Lawver is a self-employed consultant who specializes in IT Risk Management and Compliance. 

    He began his career working for a large, well-known consulting company, and after four years, transitioned to a full time job on the industry side. After gaining more experience in his field, Nathan decided to quit his corporate job and become a full-time independent consultant, working solely for himself. For the last two years, Nathan has consulted for many high profile / Fortune 500 clients in both the private and public sectors.

    Email: nlawver@gmail.com

    Linked In: Nathan Lawver





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    If you want to bounce any ideas off me, provide show feedback, or guest recommendations, email me at zaid@progress-not-perfection.com.   

    enApril 20, 2015

    18: R. Scott Gornto | The Stories We Tell Ourselves

    18: R. Scott Gornto | The Stories We Tell Ourselves

    R. Scott Gornto is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Certified Sex Therapist and Expert on Relationships and Personal Development. Scott works with Individuals, Couples, Families, Groups and Businesses.  

    He is the founder and owner at Auxano Counseling and the creator of the Auxano Approach® to relationships: a developmental approach to therapy which highlights how marriage and relationship(s) invite us to grow ourselves up emotionally.

    Scott is the creator of the Truth About Marriage® Workshops which assist couples in cultivating friendship, deepening intimacy, and improving partnership.

    He is also the creator of the RQ Relational Intelligence program for C-level executives and leaders.

    Scott is the author of The Stories We Tell Ourselves and a frequent contributor to the Healthy Living section of the Huffington Post.

    Facebook: R. Scott Gornto

    Website: http://rscottgornto.com/

    Email: info@rscottgornto.com

    Twitter: @gornto





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    If you want to bounce any ideas off me, provide show feedback, or guest recommendations, email me at zaid@progress-not-perfection.com.   

    enApril 13, 2015

    17: Carrie Birgbauer | SF Money Coach

    17: Carrie Birgbauer | SF Money Coach

    Carrie Birgbauer, MA, has been an educator for 20 years and is also a certified money coach. As a former kindergarten master teacher, chief of staff, college tennis player and yoga instructor, she’s one of the most worldly people you’ll ever meet.

    Carrie is an authority on the law of attraction, multiple intelligences, learning styles and personality types. At the age of 30, Carrie realized she had never balanced a checkbook, stuck to a budget or been able to sustain savings.

    She thought that financial freedom meant “swiping the card!” So began her quest for a financial education. She read innumerable books, tried Quicken, Mint, traditional financial therapy and even designed her own financial tracking software to no avail.

    At a friend’s suggestion, Carrie hired a money coach and, finally, found what she had been looking for. For the first time in her life, Carrie had access to essential financial tools, distinctions and awareness as well as an accountability partner to help her look at the emotional side and psychology of money.

    The effects were so profound and inspiring that Carrie completed the intensive financial counselor training program at the Financial Recovery Institute and started her own holistic money coaching practice.

    Email: carrie@sfmoneycoach.com 

    Website: SF Money Coach

    Facebook: SF Money Coach

    Linked In: Carrie Birgbauer

    Twitter: Carrie Birgbauer





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    If you want to bounce any ideas off me, provide show feedback, or guest recommendations, email me at zaid@progress-not-perfection.com.   

    enApril 06, 2015

    16: Tom Corley | Rich Habits

    16: Tom Corley | Rich Habits

    Tom Corley understands the difference between being rich and poor: at age nine, his family went from being multi-millionaires to broke in just one night.

    For five years, Tom observed and documented the daily activities of 233 wealthy people and 128 people living in poverty. He discovered there is an immense difference between the habits of the wealthy and the poor. During his research he identified over 200 daily activities that separated the “haves” from the “have nots.” The culmination of his research can be found in his #1 bestselling book, Rich Habits – The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals.

    A dynamic and empowering speaker, Tom motivates audiences at industry conferences, corporate events, universities, multi-level marketing groups and global sales organizations. Participants leave fortified and ready to excel both personally and professionally.

    Tom has shared his insights on various national and international network and cable television programs such as CBS Nightly News, Yahoo Financially Fit T.V., India T.V., News.com Australia and a host of others. He has wowed listeners on many prestigious nationally syndicated radio shows including the Dave Ramsey Show, Marketplace Money and WABC.

    Featured in numerous print magazines, such as Money, Entrepreneur, and Kiplinger’s, and various online publications including CNN, MSN Money, SUCCESS.com and the Huffington Post. Tom is also a frequent contributor to Business Insider and has been profiled in SUCCESS Magazine.

    Email: tom@richhabits.net

    Website: richhabits.net





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    If you want to bounce any ideas off me, provide show feedback, or guest recommendations, email me at zaid@progress-not-perfection.com.   

    enMarch 30, 2015