
    Pushback with Dr. Jonny

    We are not helpless victims of our culture. In fact, as Christian families we have been given a mandate to set and shape the culture! Through his experience with his own family, his medical practice, and in family ministry, Dr. Jonny will give you the language to engage this world with honor and compassion that will bring about restoration to family, education, government, religion, and every aspect of society. If you are concerned about the direction our culture is headed, then maybe it’s time for you to Pushback!
    en-usDr. Jonathan Claussen219 Episodes

    Episodes (219)

    The Rise of Pseudoscience

    The Rise of Pseudoscience

    True science is built on the backbone of the scientific method which is characterized by systematic observation, measurement and experimentation. Pseudoscience does not comply with the scientific method and yet presents its findings as scientific knowledge.  Dr. Jonny explains in detail why this is so dangerous to our families, society and culture. We all need to be scientifically discerning and hold the scientific community accountable.

    Scrutinizers, Skeptics and Cynics

    Scrutinizers, Skeptics and Cynics

    Scrutiny describes examination, searching or closely watching. Skepticism, on the other hand, is rooted in doubt, mistrust and suspicion and, like Thomas, implies an unwillingness to believe without conclusive evidence. A cynic believes people always act selfishly so they should be  outright rejected. Dr. Jonny explains that as Christians we have to delicately balance absolute belief, even in things we can’t see or understand, with the relentless pursuit of truth.

    Rough Climate

    Rough Climate

    More than 1600 scientists, including two Nobel laureates, have signed a declaration saying, “There is no climate emergency.” Dr. Jonny explains that scientists, especially climate scientists, have become compromised. They are driven by competition, notoriety, grant funding, and political pressure rather that pursuing objective truth. We can no longer blindly accept what scientists say, but need to critically appraise what is released or re-released in search of what really is true.

    Yada, Yada, Yada

    Yada, Yada, Yada

    Many use the expression, “Yada, Yada” to describe boring or empty talk. However, the Hebrew word Yada is the exact opposite. It means to know or acknowledge and is a word of deep meaning and intimacy. Dr. Jonny explains that Yada was central to the Father’s culture from the beginning. When we lean not on our own understanding, but in all our ways (culture) acknowledge (Yada) Him, He will make straight our paths.

    The Bigot Spigot

    The Bigot Spigot

    People use angry and inflammatory language in an attempt to silence and disempower those in opposition. When something isn’t rational, reasonable or true, it is OK to voice your concern without being bigoted, intolerant or phobic. Dr. Jonny explains that disagreement doesn’t mean hate and we need to be careful to not slowly slip into the narrative of an immoral mindset.

    Crossing the Rubicon

    Crossing the Rubicon

    The Rubicon River has become an idiom for a point of no return.  The Lord arms us with His love and identity, but then positions us on the bank of the river to make a decision. He not only saves us, but calls us to the front lines to take territory and save souls for His kingdom.  The front lines are not comfortable or easy, but following His voice, even unto death, is the safest place to live!

    Dancing at the Door

    Dancing at the Door

    Jesus not only came on a salvation mission but a restoration mission. The Bible claims He was the Door and the Way, but to what? He was the way to the Father and to the adventure of His glorious kingdom. However, the Church has been dancing at the Door but not going through, and we are losing focus on the opportunity of our lifetime to impact the world as Sons and Daughters!

    Life Support

    Life Support

    A recent study revealed a sad, yet encouraging statistic. A staggering sixty percent of women that had abortions would have carried their child to term if they had greater emotional or financial support, or both! Dr. Jonny frames this finding as an incredible opportunity to save lives by filling the “bucket” of resources with time, money, encouragement, and to consider opening our homes by fostering or adopting a child.

    Trumped Up Charges

    Trumped Up Charges

    After former president Donald Trump’s latest federal indictment this week, Dr. Jonny discusses the key cultural pieces at stake. There are layers of concern in regard to this case such as a sitting president using his own Justice Department to indict a former president, his main rival and the clear-cut leader for the GOP nomination. However, the by far greater concern at stake, in this case, is the disregard for our protected 1st amendment rights and free speech!

    The White Powder

    The White Powder

    When we consume sugar and refined flour our brain releases dopamine which creates a pleasurable feeling and desire for more. It is the same addictive response when given cocaine. Dr Jonny explains that these highly addictive food choices creates an energy mismatch and the excess energy is stored as fat. He gives strategy to identify healthy choices and to establish a culture of fuel control, hunger control, and waist control.

    Crisis Dieting

    Crisis Dieting

    Dr. Jonny continues his series on health and weight loss by discussing emotional eating and the futility of crisis dieting. He emphasizes the importance of pursuing health for what you can gain, not for what you need to lose. In addition to advocating for emotional and spiritual healing, he recommends setting personal priorities and a family culture that creates a structure for a healthy lifestyle to be built.