
    Pushback with Dr. Jonny

    We are not helpless victims of our culture. In fact, as Christian families we have been given a mandate to set and shape the culture! Through his experience with his own family, his medical practice, and in family ministry, Dr. Jonny will give you the language to engage this world with honor and compassion that will bring about restoration to family, education, government, religion, and every aspect of society. If you are concerned about the direction our culture is headed, then maybe it’s time for you to Pushback!
    en-usDr. Jonathan Claussen219 Episodes

    Episodes (219)

    You Only Die Twice

    You Only Die Twice

    We as believers do not sorrow or grieve as those who have no hope. Dr. Jonny shares his heart following the memorial service for his granddaughter. We all have a first death, a resurrection and a second death. The first death and resurrection can be taken care of in our lifetime by accepting the fullness of Jesus Christ, then the second death (our natural death) is of no effect!

    I Love Lucy

    I Love Lucy

    Dr, Jonny briefly shares his heart after the passing of his precious grand-daughter Lucille Rose. Comfort is found in the truth and the reality in which we live as Christians. We all have died and have been crucified and resurrected with Christ. Death no longer has any sting. Our current reality is that we are already living eternal life and our Spirit is seated in heavenly places (same as Lucy) in Christ Jesus! 

    Here Comes the Sun

    Here Comes the Sun

    Dr. Jonny puts on his medical hat and discusses the dangers of the upcoming summer season and the simple precautionary measures we can implement to avoid too much sun exposure. Especially in northern climates, the long anticipated warm weather results in too many jumping recklessly into the long awaited sun-filled days. This risky behavior is actually increasing in our culture and greater awareness is needed.

    Wanted: Dead or Alive

    Wanted: Dead or Alive

    Parental discretion advised. Dr. Jonny describes the medical miracle that took place this week when doctors performed groundbreaking surgery on a baby still the womb. The only difference between a miracle and murder is whether or not the baby was wanted.  In this country we allow a child to be destroyed solely by the selfish determination of a mother that the child is unwanted. History has proven that if enough people in power determine that another group of people are unwanted, then anything is justified.



    As Minnesota continues to position itself as a sanctuary for abortion and gender-affirming care, there is something more sinister at play. The progressive left sees this as an opportunity to erode away parental rights and advocacy for their own children. Dr. Jonny explains the obvious danger of this recent legislation but also the danger of government control and the inaccurate representation of the people.



    When you are on the right side of a moral issue, it is difficult to compromise. Truth in the heavenly realm should not be compromised because we answer to only One. However, sometimes in the political realm compromise is necessary to move the needle in the direction of truth even if full truth is not achieved yet. Dr. Jonny describes the difficult discussion of abortion in politics and how we need to engage and celebrate incremental victories.

    Tough Pill to Swallow

    Tough Pill to Swallow

    Federal Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk’s decision this week to freeze the FDA’s approval of the abortion-pill combination was a significant victory not only for the pro-life cause but also for the  entire narrative surrounding the life of the “unborn humans.”  His 67 page decision was scientific, accurate, respectful, and used language that helped frame the pro-life position and exposed the danger and suspect motive of the anti-life position. Dr. Jonny stresses the importance of an informed citizenry and encourages the unrelenting fight for life.

    Banana Split

    Banana Split

    The indictment of former president Donald Trump this week signals a new low in the political realm as the claim “no one is above the law” battles the claim “weaponization of the law.” Many see this new attack as the start of a Banana Republic, where one seeks to imprison their political foes. However, Dr.Jonny explains there is a greater concern at the core of this controversy. We have lost our ability to honorably disagree. Disagreement has equalled hate, and if we hate each other, then we can justify slander, lying and even imprisonment, because our enemy is just getting what they deserve. 

    Consumerism vs Compassionism

    Consumerism vs Compassionism

    Consumerism is about giving the customer what they want. Compassionism is about giving someone what is best. When consumerism moves into realms such as medicine, schools or even the church, we become more focused on avoiding offense, favorable surveys, and especially money! Dr. Jonny explains that Jesus was “moved by compassion.” He was internally and spiritually motivated to serve others and transform them into their best and healthiest lives.



    When Steve Jobs released the iPhone in 2007 it rapidly become one of the most rapidly popular and important inventions of all time.  However, when he promised unprecedented connectivity, did he deliver? Are we more or less connected as a society? Dr. Jonny warns of a culture that has lost focus and is distracted from living a life truly connected to each to other and to the Spirit.

    Plato Politics

    Plato Politics

    Thousands of years ago the philosopher Plato gave a prediction of how a democracy could “ripen” to a point that it would be susceptible to a would-be tyrant. His description was eerily similar to our culture today, and serves as a warning to “we the people.” Dr. Jonny explains that the answer is not just electing the right politicians, but becoming a loud voice to change the hearts of the people and reverse the wave of tyranny.

    Why Do We Marvel At This?

    Why Do We Marvel At This?

    After the lame man was healed in Acts 3, Peter wondered why anyone would marvel at this expected manifestation of the resurrection power of Christ.  In the same vain, why would we marvel when an anti-christ culture manifests in an evil way? When Sam Smith, a pop singer, performed his hit single “Unholy” at the Grammy Awards, dressed in a Satan costume, and glorifying a dangerous and destructive sexual culture, he was simply acting out of his pain. Dr. Jonny is hoping we can see through all of the perversion, and be moved by compassion.

    Marriage, Rainbows and My Daddy

    Marriage, Rainbows and My Daddy

    In our society and even in our heavenly culture, people are free to live the lifestyle they choose, even though we might not all agree on what is healthy, beneficial or moral.  However, when some in society want to transpose their views on others, they should not be allowed to take or redefine what belongs to us or what we call sacred. Dr. Jonny gives specific examples, explains where we don’t need to compromise and calls for us to pushback!

    Heavenly Nepotism

    Heavenly Nepotism

    Our Heavenly Father loves His kids and loves to use and promote them for His purposes on the earth. We often make the mistake of separating heaven and earth, when in fact we are one in our heavenly mission. We are actually heavenly beings having an earthly visitation and we should expect to be the human in a heavenly story. Dr. Jonny shares some of these stories from the past right up to current events.

    Revival of the Fittest?

    Revival of the Fittest?

    Revival has broken out at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky. What started as a usual chapel meeting has continued non-stop for over one week. Dr. Jonny reviews the history of awakenings and revivals throughout American history, but also drills deeper into the definition, cause and purpose of revival. God doesn’t need to be revived, rather revival happens when we recognize His ever moving river of Glory, are fueled with desperation and hunger, and boldly jump in!

    Woke Supremacists

    Woke Supremacists

    Dr. Jonny breaks down a twitter war regarding a comment made by singer Harry Styles and a facial expression by singer Taylor Swift this week. They were both pre-judged without any knowledge of their real intention. The woke mob can ironically take a supremacist position by rashly judging others as inferior or broken. The Bible teaches against the culture of bearing false witness. Our words, even in social media, need to be pure, verified, honoring and accurate.

    Keep Your Shirt On!

    Keep Your Shirt On!

    Dr. Jonny recaps the recent story of a man at the Mall of America being asked to remove his “Jesus Saves” shirt or to leave. This outrageous story exemplifies the hostility and offense by those toward Jesus and His gospel message. The claim that Jesus is the only way and that He requires us to be accountable for our sin, is the source of the anger. The result of the gospel and repentance is true freedom and the truth that all people are seeking!