
    Really Personal Podcast

    The go-to podcast where sugar coatin' and beatin' around the bush isn't allowed! Get ready to set sail on a journey of self-discovery and relationship mastery with Mary Ann Addis! She's here to guide you through the choppy waters of love and help you navigate towards a life of purpose and meaning. Don't let those nagging doubts and fears hold you back any longer! It's time to get real and take the plunge towards your best self. Ready to join the adventure? Tune in to the Really Personal Podcast now!

    en-usMary Ann Addis59 Episodes

    Episodes (59)

    Self-Love Revolution: Relying on Yourself for Healing

    Self-Love Revolution: Relying on Yourself for Healing

    In the Self-Love Revolution, the act of relying on oneself for healing becomes a powerful catalyst for positive change. By cultivating self-reliance and self-love, individuals cultivate resilience, self-compassion, and inner peace. 

    This journey of self-discovery and self-empowerment allows individuals to break free from self-limiting beliefs and embrace their true selves. Through the transformative power of self-love, individuals can heal past wounds, overcome challenges, and create a life filled with purpose, joy, and authenticity.

    Uncover the strength of self-reliance on your path to healing and explore how focusing on self-love can bring about authentic change.

    • Understanding the cycle of dependency
    • Breaking free from seeking validation
    • Embracing self-love and self-care
    • Tools for self-healing
    • Unleashing true transformation

    For detailed show notes, book recommendations, and tools, visit HERE!

    To see more, visit Mary Ann Life

    Order the Life Journals & Self-Care Planners to get it in time for the holidays + gift-giving season! Can’t wait to see how this new daily habit blends into your life!


    Taming the Social Media Beast: Striking Harmony in the Digital Era

    Taming the Social Media Beast: Striking Harmony in the Digital Era

    In today's digital age, navigating the world of social media can be overwhelming. Practicing mindful social media consumption is key to maintaining a healthy relationship with technology and preventing feelings of inadequacy.

    • Understanding the Impact of Social Media on Self-Perception
    • Cultivating Self-Compassion and Self-Acceptance Online
    • Embracing Authenticity and Vulnerability for Genuine Connections
    • Tips for Practicing Mindful Social Media Consumption

    By implementing these strategies for mindful social media consumption, you can proactively improve your well-being and mental health. Remember, finding balance in the digital age is possible with self-compassion, authenticity, and a conscious approach to your online interactions.

    Discover how mindful social media engagement can enhance well-being and mental health in the detailed SHOW NOTES!

    To see more, visit Mary Ann Life

    Order the Life Journals & Self-Care Planners to get it in time for the holidays + gift-giving season! Can’t wait to see how this new daily habit blends into your life!


    The Power of Walking Away and the Clarity It Brings

    The Power of Walking Away and the Clarity It Brings

    When it comes to relationships, sometimes the hardest thing to do is also the most necessary: walking away. In this episode on the Really Personal Podcast, we'll delve into the importance of knowing when to let go and the clarity it can bring.

    • Recognizing the Signs of a Toxic Relationship
    • Setting Boundaries and Prioritizing Self-Care
    • The Healing Process: Embracing Change and Growth
    • Embracing a Mindset of Self-Love and Empowerment

    Knowing when to walk away from a relationship is a powerful act of self-love and self-respect. By recognizing toxic dynamics, setting boundaries, and prioritizing your own well-being, you can find clarity and healing. Trust your instincts and have the courage to let go of what no longer serves you. 

    Get details of the show notes HERE!

    To see more, visit Mary Ann Life

    Order the Life Journals & Self-Care Planners to get it in time for the holidays + gift-giving season! Can’t wait to see how this new daily habit blends into your life!


    Love Redefined: Becoming the Love of Your Life

    Love Redefined: Becoming the Love of Your Life

    Prepare to rethink your perception of love! This captivating podcast episode delves into the belief that love is not about finding the perfect match but rather a transformative journey of self-discovery. Explore why becoming the right person is the key to unlocking true and fulfilling love.

    • Love is a personal journey of self-discovery
    • The misconception of finding the perfect match
    • Becoming the right person: The key to true and fulfilling love
    • The power of self-improvement in attracting the right partner

    In conclusion, love should be seen as a journey of self-transformation rather than a quest for a perfect match. By focusing on becoming the best version of ourselves, we attract the right person into our lives. Take the first step towards redefining love by embracing personal growth and self-improvement.

    See more details and get tips and tools to become the LOVE OF YOUR LIFE!

    To see more, visit Mary Ann Life

    Order the Life Journals & Self-Care Planners to get it in time for the holidays + gift-giving season! Can’t wait to see how this new daily habit blends into your life!


    Take the Path of More Resistance

    Take the Path of More Resistance

    In a world where fast and easy is king, we gotta remember to put in the elbow grease before pulling the trigger on big decisions. By taking the tougher path, we can make choices that give us lasting feelings of joy and satisfaction. It's like baking a cake from scratch instead of microwaving a muffin!

    By choosing to take the path of more resistance, we empower ourselves to make informed decisions that align with our values and goals. Whether it's in online dating or any other aspect of life, investing time and energy into research can save us from disappointment and ensure that we forge meaningful connections.

    • The Importance of Research in Decision-Making
    • Investing Time and Energy in Online Dating
    • Vetting Potential Matches for a Successful Experience
    • The Benefits of Thorough Research

    Let's embrace the mindset that just because others take the path of least resistance doesn't mean we need to do the same. Start putting in the necessary work and effort today to create a future of conscious choices and long-term satisfaction. Get detail show notes HERE!

    To see more, visit Mary Ann Life

    Order the Life Journals & Self-Care Planners to get it in time for the holidays + gift-giving season! Can’t wait to see how this new daily habit blends into your life!


    It's Not About Just "Being Yourself." It's About Raising Your Hand and Choosing to Be YOU!

    It's Not About Just "Being Yourself." It's About Raising Your Hand and Choosing to Be YOU!

    Forget the old cliché of "just be yourself" - it's time to take charge and choose yourself! With a little self-love and prioritizing your own needs, you can unlock your inner superpowers and soar to new levels of happiness and success. 

    Join us on the Really Personal Podcast as we explore the transformative power of self-love, self-talk, and mindset. Learn how aligning your goals and dreams can maximize your well-being and lead to new heights of happiness and success.

    • Unleash the Superpower of Self-Love!
    • The Mind-Blowing Magic of Self-Talk and Mindset
    • Choose Your Own Adventure: How Self-Choice Sparks Strong Relationships
    • Goals and Dreams United: How to Live Life to the Fullest!

    Choosing yourself is the key to living a fulfilling and authentic life. Embrace self-love, nurture a positive mindset, prioritize your own needs, and align your desires with your life goals. It's time to take charge and choose yourself! Read and learn more HERE!

    To see more, visit Mary Ann Life

    Order the Life Journals & Self-Care Planners to get it in time for the holidays + gift-giving season! Can’t wait to see how this new daily habit blends into your life!


    The Art of Sweet Illusion: Mastering Grace and Elegance in the Face of Internal Conflicts

    The Art of Sweet Illusion: Mastering Grace and Elegance in the Face of Internal Conflicts

    Experience the art of sweet illusion as we delve into the mastery of grace and elegance amidst internal conflicts. The upcoming episode on the Really Personal Podcast will guide you through the complexities of projecting a powerful image, even when facing turmoil within. You'll gain valuable insights, techniques, and strategies to navigate internal conflicts while still earning the recognition you deserve.

    Discover the secrets of captivating others with your poise and confidence, allowing sweet illusions to enhance your presence and achieve new heights of success.

    • Understanding the Power of Mindset
    • Harnessing the Impact of Self-Talk
    • Navigating Relationships in the Workplace and Beyond
    • Confronting Inner Demons: How to Overcome Inner Conflicts
    • The Natural Nature of Inner Conflict: Embracing and Growing from It
    • Achieving New Heights of Success with Confidence and Poise

    To see more, visit Mary Ann Life

    Order the Life Journals & Self-Care Planners to get it in time for the holidays + gift-giving season! Can’t wait to see how this new daily habit blends into your life!


    Overcoming the "It Will Happen When You Least Expect It" Misconception

    Overcoming the "It Will Happen When You Least Expect It" Misconception

    Are you tired of swiping left and right, hoping that love will magically find its way into your life? Well, I've got news for you: waiting for love to 'just happen' is the worst advice you could ever receive. In this episode on the Really Personal Podcast, we're going to debunk the myth that love is something that will effortlessly fall into your lap. 

    We'll explore the frustrations of waiting for love, and more importantly, we'll equip you with practical tips to take control of your love life. Get ready to actively seek out and create meaningful connections, because it's time to break free from the shackles of terrible dating advice. So, buckle up, and let's dive into why waiting for love to 'just happen' is nothing but a fairy tale, and how you can start taking action today to find the love you deserve.

    • The Myth of Love 'Just Happening'
    • The Frustration of Waiting for Love
    • Taking Control: Ways to Be an Active Dater
    • Finding Happiness in Your Own Goals and Pursuits
    • Breaking Free from Horrible Dating Advice
    • Embracing a Proactive Approach to Love
    • The Art of Being An Active Dater

    Time to take the bull by the horns and be the master of your romantic destiny! 

    To see more, visit Mary Ann Life

    Order the Life Journals & Self-Care Planners to get it in time for the holidays + gift-giving season! Can’t wait to see how this new daily habit blends into your life!


    Soul Traveling: Adapt to the Unexpected and Embark On Life’s Adventures

    Soul Traveling: Adapt to the Unexpected and Embark On Life’s Adventures

    Unleash your inner adventurer and take risks that push you out of your comfort zone. Embrace the unexpected and open yourself up to new experiences that will leave a lasting impact. Start your journey today and let the spirit of wanderlust guide you towards a life filled with extraordinary experiences.

    Marcel Proust once said, "The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes." Allow these words to resonate with you as you embark on your soul-stirring journey, for it's only with a fresh perspective that we can truly appreciate the world around us. So, go ahead, dear traveler, and let the spirit of wanderlust light up your path.

    Detail show notes, solo trip tips, and book recommendations HERE!

    • Embrace the Call of the Unknown
    • Immerse Yourself in New Cultures
    • Embrace Unforeseen Adventures
    • The Mindset Shift for Soul Traveling

    To see more, visit Mary Ann Life

    Order the Life Journals & Self-Care Planners to get it in time for the holidays + gift-giving season! Can’t wait to see how this new daily habit blends into your life!


    The Untapped Power of Starting Before You're Ready

    The Untapped Power of Starting Before You're Ready

    Ready, steady, go! On this episode of the Really Personal Podcast, we're revealing the secret sauce to unlocking your true potential: starting before you're ready. Say goodbye to procrastination and fear of failure and hello to a world of endless possibilities. From psychology hacks to real-life hero stories, we'll teach you how to kick self-doubt to the curb, adopt a growth mindset, and blaze your path to success. So, grab a notebook, tune in, and let's dive into the adventurous world of pre-crastination!

    Embrace the adventure, believe in your capabilities, and take that first step toward your dreams:

    • Why waiting for the 'perfect' moment is holding you back
    • The psychology behind taking action before you feel ready
    • How embracing a growth mindset propels you forward
    • Real-life success stories of starting before you're ready
    • Practical tips to overcome self-doubt and take the leap
    • Taking action: Your roadmap to unlocking your true potential

    Be a winner: Let's celebrate small wins together! One of the best ways to increase the ranking of the Really Personal Podcast and to get the word out there is by reviews. By leaving a short text response with your rating, you’ll automatically be included in a draw to receive a free copy of the Life Planners. Five lucky winners will receive a free edition of the Life Planner or Life Journal. Leave a review, and you could be a winner of the Life Planner! 

    To see more, visit Mary Ann Life

    Order the Life Journals & Self-Care Planners to get it in time for the holidays + gift-giving season! Can’t wait to see how this new daily habit blends into your life!


    Unleash Your Creativity: How Crafting Community Can Transform Your Artistic Journey

    Unleash Your Creativity: How Crafting Community Can Transform Your Artistic Journey

    Joining a crafting community is like adding jet fuel to your artistic growth and giving a massive boost to your creative energy! 

    One of the key components of unleashing your creativity and embarking on a transformative artistic journey is finding the right community to surround yourself with. It's not just about a group of people who share a common interest; it's about finding your tribe, a collective of individuals who inspire, support, and fuel your artistic growth.

    It's time to unlock your true potential and explore the amazing possibilities that await you.

    • The Importance of Community in Artistic Growth
    • Discovering Your Artistic Community: A Key to Unleashing Your Creativity
    • The Benefits of Joining a Crafting Community
    • The Power of Feedback: The Importance of Support and Encouragement in the Crafting Community
    • The Power of Community: Embracing Collaboration and Taking Action in Your Craft
    • The Transformative Power of Crafting Communities in Fueling Artistic Growth

    To see more, visit Mary Ann Life

    Order the Life Journals & Self-Care Planners to get it in time for the holidays + gift-giving season! Can’t wait to see how this new daily habit blends into your life!


    Unveiling the Dark Side: The Hidden Dangers of Trying to Be the 'Cool Girl' in Dating

    Unveiling the Dark Side: The Hidden Dangers of Trying to Be the 'Cool Girl' in Dating

    Are you tired of pretending to be someone you're not in your dating life? Do you feel the pressure to be the 'cool girl' who is carefree, low-maintenance, and uninterested in relationships? It's time to reconsider this approach. 

    We will explore the negative consequences of adopting this persona, including attracting the wrong partners and losing your true self in the process. But don't worry, we will also discuss the importance of authenticity and confidence in communication to build a healthy and fulfilling relationship. If you're ready to break free from the 'cool girl' image and embrace your true self, read on. Your love life will thank you. 

    Discover why trying too hard to appear "cool" can ultimately hurt your love life.

    • The Pitfalls of Sacrificing Your True Self
    • The Poster Child of Nice, Cool Girls
    • Attracting the Wrong Partners: The Cool Girl Magnet
    • The Illusion of Low-Maintenance: The Mask of the Cool Girl
    • The Power of Authenticity and Confidence in Communication

    To see more, visit Mary Ann Life

    Order the Life Journals & Self-Care Planners to get it in time for the holidays + gift-giving season! Can’t wait to see how this new daily habit blends into your life!


    How Putting Yourself First is Self-full And Not Self-ish

    How Putting Yourself First is Self-full And Not Self-ish

    Had enough of putting yourself last in line, while everyone else cuts ahead? Ready to bust out of the mold and be the real you? It's time to unveil the power of self-fullness and get real with what you need!

    In this episode, we'll show you how to tap into your self-fullness superpowers and live a life that's truly authentic. We'll talk differences between self-fullness and selfishness, the unmissable importance of putting your needs first, practical ways to sprinkle self-fullness into your daily routine, and the art of balancing yourself and others. By embracing self-fullness, you'll uncover the secret to a balanced and fulfilling life. Get ready to rock your needs and embrace your desires, like a boss! It's time to get real and unleash the authentic and fulfilled you!

    It's time to unapologetically prioritize your needs and desires, taking the first step towards a more balanced and self-fulfilled life. 

    • Understanding the Difference: Self-Fullness vs Selfishness
    • The Power of Prioritizing Your Needs
    • Ways to Practice Self-Fullness in Everyday Life
    • Finding Balance: Nurturing Others While Nurturing Yourself

    To see more, visit Mary Ann Life

    Order the Life Journals & Self-Care Planners to get it in time for the holidays + gift-giving season! Can’t wait to see how this new daily habit blends into your life!


    Being the Bigger Person Doesn’t Mean Accepting the Disrespect

    Being the Bigger Person Doesn’t Mean Accepting the Disrespect

    Do you ever feel like your voice is being drowned out by the constant noise of the world? It can be difficult to assert yourself in the face of others' demands and expectations. But it's time to take charge and recognize your self-worth. Join us on the Really Personal Podcast for an eye-opening episode on personal growth and happiness.

    Challenge traditional notions of being the bigger person and discover a refreshing perspective. This episode explores the misconceptions surrounding accepting disrespect and empowers you to assert yourself while maintaining integrity and respect for others. Learn how to set healthy boundaries, cultivate positive relationships, and stand up against disrespect. Let's inspire others and make a positive impact on our own lives and those around us.

    • Setting Healthy Boundaries
    • Fostering Positive Relationships
    • The Importance of Maintaining Inner Peace in Our Lives
    • Being the Bigger Person Doesn’t Mean Accepting the Disrespect
    • Embracing Our Self-Worth and Rejecting Disrespect for a Fulfilling Life and Healthy Relationships

    To see more, visit Mary Ann Life

    Order the Life Journals & Self-Care Planners to get it in time for the holidays + gift-giving season! Can’t wait to see how this new daily habit blends into your life!


    Are You Looking For A Love Story or A Life Story?

    Are You Looking For A Love Story or A Life Story?

    Is it really impossible to have a love story and a life story simultaneously? In this eye-opening podcast episode, we dismantle the misconceptions surrounding the idea that these two narratives cannot coexist. Prepare to challenge your beliefs as we delve deep into understanding the profound connection between love and life, and how they beautifully complement each other.

    We will cover:
    The Power of Love Stories
    The Depth of Life Stories
    Common Misconceptions
    Finding Balance: Love and Life Stories as Complementary Forces

    Guess what? Love and life are not rivals after all but a tag-team duo that can skyrocket our happiness levels! It's like they were meant to be BFFs, enhancing our journey and making it all the more beautiful.

    To see more, visit Mary Ann Life

    Order the Life Journals & Self-Care Planners to get it in time for the holidays + gift-giving season! Can’t wait to see how this new daily habit blends into your life!


    It’s Not About Trying Harder. It’s About Showing Up More

    It’s Not About Trying Harder. It’s About Showing Up More

    Unlock the mystical recipe for success by putting your energy into being present and consistent, rather than just pushing harder. This episode spills the tea on why consistency is the name of the game and gives you handy tips on how to be front and center more often, leading to long-lasting accomplishments.

    • Consistency is Key
    • Fueling Success with Discipline
    • Tips to Stay Disciplined
    • Overcoming Couch Potato Mode

    Success is like a secret code, and the key is ditching the effort and embracing consistent action. While motivation is like a fickle friend, discipline is like a ride-or-die buddy that'll take you where you want to go. With these tips on your side, you can show up every day and unlock achievements that'll last a lifetime. So, what do you say? Ready to crack the success code and show up like a boss? Let's do this!

    To see more, visit Mary Ann Life

    Order the Life Journals & Self-Care Planners to get it in time for the holidays + gift-giving season! Can’t wait to see how this new daily habit blends into your life!


    Energy Shift: Transforming Your Life with Positive Vibes

    Energy Shift: Transforming Your Life with Positive Vibes

    Do you feel like something is missing in your life? Do you find yourself unmotivated and looking for something to reignite your passion? If so, don't worry. You're not alone. Thousands of people around the world are feeling the same way. But, don't give up yet. It's time to reclaim your power by shifting your energy and connecting with your inner self. In this episode, you'll learn how to transform your life with positive vibes that will leave you feeling empowered and fulfilled. You'll discover how to reprogram your mindset and create a new path to success. So, if you're ready to start creating the life you want and deserve, join us as we explore the secrets of energy shifting and positive transformation.

    Learn powerful techniques to attract abundance and manifest your desires.

    • Understanding the Power of Energy
    • Be the energy you want to attract
    • Transforming Your Perspectives and Outlook
    • Identifying and Detoxifying Energy Drainers
    • Attracting Positive Experiences with Positive Energy
    • Your Energy is Currency: Spend It Wisely

    To see more, visit Mary Ann Life

    Order the Life Journals & Self-Care Planners to get it in time for the holidays + gift-giving season! Can’t wait to see how this new daily habit blends into your life!


    What We Want May Not Be What We Need

    What We Want May Not Be What We Need

    Do you ever find yourself torn between what you want and what you truly need? It's a common struggle in our fast-paced, consumer-driven society. We're constantly bombarded with messages telling us what we should desire, and what we should prioritize. But how do we differentiate between our wants and our needs? How do we determine what truly matters in life?

    In this episode, we will dive deep into effective techniques that will help you navigate this dilemma. From understanding the difference between wants and needs to mastering self-control and taking decisive action, we will provide you with a roadmap to prioritize what truly matters. So, if you're ready to unlock a greater sense of fulfillment and contentment, let's get started!

    To see more, visit Mary Ann Life

    Order the Life Journals & Self-Care Planners to get it in time for the holidays + gift-giving season! Can’t wait to see how this new daily habit blends into your life!


    To Live a Creative Life, We Must Choose Curiosity Rather Than Fear

    To Live a Creative Life, We Must Choose Curiosity Rather Than Fear

    Living a creative life is all about choosing curiosity over fear. It's about seeking truth in our fears, finding the courage to overcome them, and using that energy to fuel our pursuits. 🎨

    Our guest, Beth Robinson, an embodiment of artistry, proves that we're all creatives at heart. Sometimes, all it takes is a pivot in the right direction to align ourselves with the true creative life we're destined to lead. 

    If you've ever wondered what it takes to truly live a life of artistry and creativity, this is your sign. Tune into the latest episode on the Really Personal Podcast to embark on an insightful journey of curiosity, fearlessness, and creativity. ✨ Let's pivot together towards a creative life.

    Lifestyle changes that help with being more creative and fulfilled

    Book Recommendations

    To see more, visit Mary Ann Life

    Order the Life Journals & Self-Care Planners to get it in time for the holidays + gift-giving season! Can’t wait to see how this new daily habit blends into your life!


    Not Everything is Your Parents' Fault

    Not Everything is Your Parents' Fault

    Are you ready to break the cycle of childhood trauma and start healing? It's time to realize that not everything is your parents' fault, but if you don't take the right steps toward healing, you're only prolonging the pain.

    We dive deep into understanding how not everything is your parents' fault. It's a journey through childhood trauma, healing, and the process of breaking free from generational cycles. Discover how to grow from healing and how your mindset plays an integral part in your journey. It's time to realize your troubles today are not solely the result of your upbringing. Join us on this transformative journey as we unravel the complexities of the healing process and how it's not always linear. Don't miss out on this insightful discussion on the Really Personal Podcast!

    Learn How to Heal Childhood Trauma

    Book Recommendation: The Origins of You by Vienna Pharaon,

    To see more, visit Mary Ann Life

    Order the Life Journals & Self-Care Planners to get it in time for the holidays + gift-giving season! Can’t wait to see how this new daily habit blends into your life!