
    Rebranded Christianity

    Authentic Love, Pure Faith, Powerful Relationships, Effective Living
    en-usNayamka Ward44 Episodes

    Episodes (44)

    Episode 44: Grace Resolutions: Accepting the Failure of Self-Reliance and Embracing God's Grace

    Episode 44: Grace Resolutions: Accepting the Failure of Self-Reliance and Embracing God's Grace

    2022 has been the hardest lesson in self-discovery that I've ever experienced in my life. In this episode of the Rebranded Christianity podcast, I discuss how a text message with a very familiar Bible scripture, Proverbs 3:5,6, would come to both define and confront me during this time, but ultimately bring me to the place God always wants us to be and that is totally dependent upon Him as our loving Father. I pray that sharing this journey with you, will inspire and encourage you to truly ask yourself this question: Am I totally dependent upon God?

    Rebranded Christianity
    en-usDecember 31, 2022

    Episode 43: The One: When Dating Isn't Fun Anymore

    Episode 43: The One: When Dating Isn't Fun Anymore

    Dating can be fun, mysterious, exciting, and filled with new adventures, but what happens when it becomes unfulfilling, limited, and just plain boring. In this episode of the Rebranded Christianity podcast, I explore my evolution on dating and how the concepts of the One and God's perfect will coincide and play an important role in your dating adventures. 

    Angelic Monster: The Church and Christopher Columbus

    Angelic Monster: The Church and Christopher Columbus
    Right now is the time for the church to stop celebrating and justifying Christoper Columbus. This man, who proudly engaged in very evil and immoral behavior, has no place being celebrated by anyone who calls themselves a disciple of Jessus Christ. Using the foundational scripture given to use by Jesus, John 10:10, to distinguish between the works of darkness of the works of Christ, I discuss how conversations I had with Christians last year led me to make this strong appeal to Christians to stop celebrating Christopher Columbus.

    From the Heart: Memorial Day Weekend 2020

    From the Heart: Memorial Day Weekend 2020
    A text I received on Memorial Day troubled my heart about an issue that is very familiar to me. What troubled me even further is how the media covered what happened over Memorial Day Weekend 2020, which is also very familiar, and what motivation is behind that coverage. This episode of the ReBranded Christianity podcast begins a series entitled, From the Heart. I am a speaking on current events and cultural issues that have been deeply within my heart for some time and putting them in a biblical context. This series will be therapeutic, enlightening, revelatory, and cross-corrective.

    The Human Race, That's What The Bible Says

    The Human Race, That's What The Bible Says
    Anger over YouTube comments about the Civil Rights Movement led to an answered prayer that has changed my life. God placed these three words on my heart, "The Human Race." In this episode of the Rebranded Christianity podcast, I discuss this major moment, the Bible verse that confirms it, and how the Body of Christ must break free from cultural norms that promote racism to show the unity Jesus intended for us to exemplify.

    Escapism, When It Ends

    Escapism, When It Ends
    We all need an occasionally escape from reality, but our culture has become addicted to escapism. But what happens when the tools we use to escape reality no longer satisfy the soul's desire for change - for something different? In this episode of the Rebranded Christianity podcast, I give you the tools to stop running from uncomfortable realities, turn to God, and experience breakthrough.
    Rebranded Christianity
    en-usDecember 30, 2018

    The Falling Away: Where Will You Land As Religious Culture Falls in the Western World - Part Three

    The Falling Away: Where Will You Land As Religious Culture Falls in the Western World - Part Three
    In the final segment of this three-part series, I examine true Christian discipleship and distinguish that from a Christianity that is more about the culture then it is about Jesus. I review how only the true disciples of Christ will stand as the Western World turns against Christianity, but those who Christianity is rooted in the culture are in danger of falling away from their faith.
    Rebranded Christianity
    en-usDecember 23, 2016

    The Falling Away: Where Will You Land As Religious Culture Falls in the Western World - Part Two

    The Falling Away: Where Will You Land As Religious Culture Falls in the Western World - Part Two
    In part two of this three part series, I discuss the damage that is being done to the Christian faith by those in the church community who promote the belief that America was founded as a Christian nation and that it needs to get back to its Christian roots. I examine the origin of this belief, its impact on society, and what should be the stance of the church community in an America that is currently growing more indifferent and hostile towards religion.
    Rebranded Christianity
    en-usOctober 27, 2016

    The Falling Away: Where Will You Land As Religious Culture Falls In The Western World - Part One

    The Falling Away: Where Will You Land As Religious Culture Falls In The Western World - Part One
    In part one of this three part series, I examine why, after being intertwined for centuries, a separation process started between the Western World and its religious culture. I distinguish religious culture from authentic Christianity. I also begin a discussion about how elements in the church community today unnecessarily keep division going between religion and the secular society.
    Rebranded Christianity
    en-usAugust 10, 2016

    Gandhi's Rejection: Divorcing the Legacy of Racism Among White Christians - Part One

    Gandhi's Rejection: Divorcing the Legacy of Racism Among White Christians - Part One
    Racism and the Church have been married for centuries. This relationship undermines the great love commandments of Christianity and The Golden Rule. The hypocrisy of The Western Church has tremendously affected modern world history and culture in different ways. A divorce needs to occur between racism and the church, and the time is right now. The purpose of this series is to provide a historical and current context, my personal experiences with racism in churches, the tragedy this legacy has created, and how to individually disengage racism, and by doing so, divorce this legacy. In Part One of a four part series, I give a background and provide framework for this series.

    The Pope Let The Cat Out of The Bag

    The Pope Let The Cat Out of The Bag
    This statement from Pope Francis struck a chord within me: The church is obsessed with abortion, gay marriage and contraception. I was so happy to have a prominent leader in the church speak out about, what I refer to as, an obsessive fear of sex and sexuality that has existed in the Christian community for centuries. In this podcast, I personalize my experience growing up in the church as an adolescent through adulthood and how I was made to view sex, and how I have developed a balanced perspective about it now that helps me steer clear of stumbling over the extremes that exist in the church and in the society regarding human sexuality.

    Draw A Fine Line With A Steady Hand: Navigating the Mingled Waters of Beauty, Captivation, and Objectification

    Draw A Fine Line With A Steady Hand: Navigating the Mingled Waters of Beauty, Captivation, and Objectification
    Women are more liberated now than they have ever been before, but yet, there is one oppressor that women struggle to get unshackled from - beauty. God created beauty, our desire to see beautiful things, and a woman's desire to be considered beautiful. Society's perspective on a woman's physical beauty is far out-of-balance with God's viewpoint and because of that, women have to get free from the oppression of beauty to authentically be confident women. In this podcast, I provide you balanced, biblical solutions to escaping the oppression of beauty and being a confident woman.

    The Sad Souls of Slain Civil Rights Leaders: The Un-justification of Black Discrimination, Racism, and Hatred

    The Sad Souls of Slain Civil Rights Leaders: The Un-justification of Black Discrimination, Racism, and Hatred
    Is racism, discrimination, and hatred ever justified? As a Christian are you ever justified to repay evil with evil? The answer to both of these question is no; however, I have observed over the years many Black American Christians who believe that they are justified to carry racism, anger, offense, and even hatred towards white people because of what has happened in the United States. In this podcast, I discuss what I believe caused this and the problems it has created in Black American communities, and I review scriptures that show God's stance on discrimination and dealing with injustices as well as the Devil's plan in luring people into the trap of offense with the hope that my Black American brothers and sister in Christ will see that by emptying our hearts of racism, discrimination and resentment and allowing God's love to flow through us, we can be the change that is so desperately needed in Black American communities.

    Everyday Witches and Warlocks: Overcoming, Resisting, and Recovering From A Controlling Personality

    Everyday Witches and Warlocks: Overcoming, Resisting, and Recovering From A Controlling Personality
    Control is an addictive and tempting mechanism people use to pacify deeper issues within themselves. It is a faulty remedy that violates one of humanity's foundational God-given rights - free will. In this podcast, I review God's commitment to respect a person's free will, the root of a controlling personality, how to get delivered from it, and how to walk in healing and wholeness if you have been hurt by a controlling person.

    Adam's Boys - Emotional Discrimination

    Adam's Boys - Emotional Discrimination
    Traditional Masculine Philosophy has determined that there are emotions that are masculine and those that are feminine. There are three emotions that are manly to express and the rest are for women, but the Bible does not agree with this description of manhood. In this second installment of the Adam's Boys series, I discuss how emotional suppression among men undermines how God created them and is at the root of many violent acts in current events and has wounded many people. I hope that this teaching shines light into a dark place and gives men a godly understanding of emotions and emotional expression.