
    Rebranded Christianity

    Authentic Love, Pure Faith, Powerful Relationships, Effective Living
    en-usNayamka Ward44 Episodes

    Episodes (44)

    Adam's Boys and God's Sons: Souls of Conflicted Men

    Adam's Boys and God's Sons: Souls of Conflicted Men
    Our world, for centuries, has embraced universally beliefs about the nature of men. This belief system is best captured by the phrase: Traditional Masculine Philosophy. Traditional beliefs about manhood cross over national, religious, and generational boundaries because they affirm the rebellious nature humanity has inherited from our fallen father, Adam. This podcast is the foundational teaching for the Adam's Boys series where I discuss the deception that is traditional masculine philosophy by exposing the fact that this philosophy is viewed as Divine truth, when, in fact, there is nothing Divine about it. The purpose of this podcast and the Adam's Boys series overall is to present manhood as patterned after two very different natures: God's divine nature and Adam's fallen nature. The goal is for a man to see that traditional beliefs about manhood affirm him in the rebellious nature he inherited from Adam and to embrace manhood that reflects the image of God as God's son.

    Living in Shades of Grey: An American's Multi-Cultural Experience

    Living in Shades of Grey: An American's Multi-Cultural Experience
    This podcast is about a subject that I am very passionate about: Discrimination and my desire for people to relate to each other through pure eyes and with pure souls just like Jesus. I bring together different elements: Bible verses, historical speech, current events, and personal experiences to show that the heart of God is anti-discrimination and how, as God's children, we can walk away from discrimination and truly reflect God's heart towards other people.

    Freedom and Not Captivity: The Message of Jesus Christ Opposes Slavery

    Freedom and Not Captivity: The Message of Jesus Christ Opposes Slavery
    This is an uncomplicated truth: Jesus Does Not Condone Slavery. The biblical messages of love, freedom, and free will oppose the institution of slavery where people are taken into captivity against their free will and held in bondage. In this teaching, I de-construct the erroneous belief that the Bible condones slavery in four parts to show that, throughout the Bible, there are different messages that present a united front against slavery.

    Escaping Apostasy: From Religion to Relationship

    Escaping Apostasy: From Religion to Relationship
    This is a question I have for you. Why did you turn away from your faith in Jesus Christ? Why did you decide that you no longer wanted to be a Christian? The vices of religion have turned millions of people away from a relationship with Jesus Christ. If you are one of those people who have abandoned your faith because of religion, this podcast is for you. I want to share some principles with you that will hopefully cause you to see that a relationship with Jesus Christ is relevant and vital for your life.

    Living Unhealed

    Living Unhealed
    God created an original product that is you; however, life can wound and bruise our hearts and souls. We enter into this world uniquely pure and innocent, but we allow life's circumstances to rob us of that innocence and purity. We find ourselves damaged, but we do not have to stay in that place. We can fight for our healing and restoration and regain that wholeness that causes us to live the life God intended for us to live. In this podcast, I review the tragedy of living unhealed that so many people are experiencing, and I discuss three major keys from the Bible that I have applied in my life to go from being wounded to being healed and whole.

    Jesus In The Balance: The Philosophy of Love and Truth

    Jesus In The Balance: The Philosophy of Love and Truth
    We are in a cultural climate where people are either committed to love or truth but rarely to both. In the midst of our extreme stances, the philosophy of Jesus Christ has been pulled towards either side, but Jesus is in the middle. He always spoke the truth to people with love in His heart for them. Jesus lived within that balance, and if you say that you are Christian - a disciple of Jesus Christ - you can also live within the balance of love and truth. In this podcast, I want to give you some examples from the Gospel of John that show Jesus helping people within the balance of love and truth, and through His example, hopefully you can see how much Christians need to practice living within the balance of love and truth.

    Perfectly One: The Best Experience with Cupid's Arrow

    Perfectly One: The Best Experience with Cupid's Arrow
    There have been plenty of discussions and books written about waiting for "The One," if the Bible even validates the theory of "The One," and how Christians should approach love, sex, marriage, and relationships. In this podcast, I present a spin on this subject to help those who are desiring a clear biblical framework to guide their choices in these areas.

    Eve's Girls: Deliverance from the Oppression of Women

    Eve's Girls: Deliverance from the Oppression of Women
    What is the real enemy against a woman's confidence and sense of security? The answer is probably not what you would believe. In this teaching, I will review how Eve, the mother of humanity, created a dysfunctional spiritual legacy for her daughters that is at the root of female oppression, how a woman can be freed from this oppression, and walk in true confidence, a healthy self-image, and wholeness.

    Faith and Mental Illness

    Faith and Mental Illness
    There is a sense of hopelessness that can set in when we see someone in our lives experience a serious mental illness. This hopelessness ultimately can lead to rejection and relational abandonment. This is a fact about mental illnesses - they are treatable medical conditions; recovery from a mental illness is possible. One of the components of the recovery process is friendships and relationships; therefore, that person in your life whom you might have abandoned because you believed there was no hope for them actually needs a relationship with you to help them recover. In this teaching, I will share how God used a popular story from the Gospels to help restore hope and faith within my heart so that I would have a relationship with a person in my life who is living with a mental illness.

    Unmasking Insecurities

    Unmasking Insecurities
    We live in a world where people are programmed to brag and boast about apsects of their lives. From entertainers boasting about their talent and success to politicians and religious figures who want to make sure everyone knows about their good deeds. Unfortunately, our boisterous words are concealing the insecurities that our plaguing us. In this podcast, I teach about how we can truly eradicate insecurity from within us, walk in a confident, secure self-image, and be authentic people from the inside out.

    When Your Past Haunts You

    When Your Past Haunts You
    This is a fact of life: Life is unfair. We all experience hurtful situations that threaten to shape how we view ourselves and the world around us. It is up to each of us to move past those painful memories and set our faces on the bright future in front of us. In this podcast, I give practical steps from the Bible on how to stop allowing the painful memories from the past from defining you, and how you see people and present situations.

    Organic Christianity

    Organic Christianity
    Organic Christianity is practicing Christianity in its most pure and undiluted form. People are turning away from organized religion, and the concept of faith; however, there is power in a faith in God, a faith in Jesus Christ that is free from man-made traditions. Through principles from the life of Jesus Christ, I will teach about how, through a pure practice of our faith, we can experience the tangible power of God that energizes, enlightens, empowers and heals.

    Judgment 101 - When Our Isms and Skisms Go Too Far

    Judgment 101 - When Our Isms and Skisms Go Too Far
    We all have personal beliefs and perspectives that guide our lifestyles. That is fine in as much as we keep it personal; however, when we take our personal beliefs too far and start to jugde other people by what we believe, we create problems in our relationships as well as our ability to receive from God through other people. In this podcast, I talk about the boundaries we need to place on what we believe.

    Faith Forward

    Faith Forward
    The past is a constant enemy that we must contend with in our thoughts. It is easy to feel trapped by our past regrets, misfortunes, and decisions. It takes faith to move forward, and we all have that faith within us to let go of the past and press forward into the amazing future that still awaits us. In this podcast, I will discuss how to use your faith to move forward.

    Don't Go Past The Red Flags

    Don't Go Past The Red Flags
    Red flags are those early warning signs - indicators - that warn us not to proceed with a relationship. We are able to heed the red flags and pull back before we find ourselves involved in a relational train wreck. In this teaching, I review what are different types of red flags, why we don't heed the warnings, and how to overcome the temptation to go past the red flags.

    The Modesty Dilemma

    The Modesty Dilemma
    Modesty has been a buzzword in the Christian community for centuries. The emphasis on women dressing modestly is truly a perpetual discussion in churches that never ends in a universal conclusion. In our fallen world, sexualized images of immodestly dressed women have always canvassed the landscape from ancient art to modern-day magazines and billboards. The desire within women to be seen as beautiful and within men to see beautiful female bodies puts us in this modesty dilemma. In this teaching, I want to show you how the concept of dressing modestly begins with a philosophy of the heart that transfers over into outward appearance, and I want to point out how the approach of making it a physical dynamic really creates a lot of guilt, self-consciousness, repression, and condemnation in women.

    The Power of Surrender

    The Power of Surrender
    The word surrender usually does not evoke feelings of power. The thought of throwing up the white flag just can stir up thoughts of fear and anxiety. I have always heard this joke in church that the thought of surrendering to God’s plans for our lives, for some people, is met with apprehension because, who knows, He might ask you to go be a missionary in some far away country and live in a grass hut with a dirt floor. In this teaching, I want to turn your perspective away from the negative and fearful thoughts that come with the word surrender and show you the positive aspects of living a life that is surrendered to God.

    The Biblical Secret to Successful Self-Improvement

    The Biblical Secret to Successful Self-Improvement
    As the month of June ends, and we head into July, we are officially at the mid-point of the year. For many of us, we started the year off with goals we desired to accomplish and changes we desired to make. Now, as we are at the second-half of the year, it is review time. Where are you at with accomplishing those goals and making those changes? I would like to share a secret with you. I recently read a study that stated by the middle of the year, over 50% of people abandon their New Year’s resolutions. I also read a story in the Wall Street Journal that stated over 88% of New Year’s resolutions are unsuccessful. In this teaching, I would like to share a biblical secret to help you push pass those internal limitations that cause change to be so elusive.