
    Recruit & Retain: Trucking Edition

    If you need advice on how to find and keep the right talent in the trucking industry, you have made it to the right place! Recruit and Retain: Trucking Edition is all about developing the best practices and methods for finding talent and keeping it in the trucking industry. Turnover can be almost 100% for many companies over the course of a few years which is ASTOUNDING! Yet the demand for employees in the trucking industry remains at an all time high. What is going wrong? Why is it so hard to find the right employee? And when you do, why is it so hard to keep them? Chad Hendricks will be interviewing experts across the country to help you solve those problems and make your company more profitable and stable than it has ever been!
    enChad Hendricks173 Episodes

    Episodes (173)

    Episode 113: Offshoring Operations to Support Your Office Employees

    Episode 113: Offshoring Operations to Support Your Office Employees

    If you’re looking to support your office employees, offshoring their jobs might seem counterintuitive, but hear us out. You aren’t actually outsourcing their whole job, just those functions that detract from the important stuff they have to do day to day. 

    “We hear in the news about jobs being outsourced overseas and it's usually a negative thing, because we're losing jobs. But I think how you’re [Tim Reyburn] positioning it is not that we're losing jobs, it's that you can't afford, as a trucking company in your margins, to add more headcount.”

    Chad talks to Tim Reyburn, President at Reyburn Transportation Consulting, about his unique approach to helping overstretched operations staff fulfil their roles more efficiently, without bringing extra staff physically into the office, all the while staying within budget. 

    “So the overall idea that we discussed is offshoring part of the staff for a trucking company. The offshoring of staff means that we are going to take certain positions, and we're going to move them overseas, and we're going to set you up in an office overseas.”

    One of the key takeaways Tim is keen to stress is that he won’t come into your office and give you a magic pill to fix all of your problems. What they’ll do is add something into your existing work process that is a low cost solution that will increase your efficiency. You’re still going to have work to do with it. 

    What you’ll learn about in this episode:

    • The lessons learned that led Tim to transportation consultancy
    • How Reyburn Transportation Consulting works
    • How to alleviate stress on your office by offshoring low skill key functions
    • The benefits of a remote workforce
    • How to deal with communications with a remote workforce
    • The positions you should consider offshoring
    • Why everyone in your company needs to gain some perspective of other roles

    How to connect with Tim Reyburn:

    Episode 112: Nothing Will Change If You Don’t Do Something

    Episode 112: Nothing Will Change If You Don’t Do Something

    Do you want to change the way you recruit and retain drivers for your carrier? 

    Chad asks this question as he talks to hundreds of carriers every year and everyone says they need to be different from all other carriers, so that they can attract drivers, maintain those drivers and retain those drivers. But the problem is, out of all those carriers who say they want to change, the vast majority of them do nothing to bring about said change. 

    “Nothing will change if you don't do something to change... So I want to ask you, are you really ready to do something? Are you willing to experiment to try something different? Or is that just something that we say because it's the right thing to say, but not actually do?”

    There are the rare exceptions to this, and those are the carriers who are actually doing things differently, reaping the rewards - their turnover rates are at 10%, 25%, 35% - well below industry average.

    In this solo episode, Chad takes the opportunity to explore some of the top ideas for recruitment incentives that aren’t being shared publicly, as well as popular reasons why carriers just pay lip service to new techniques to recruiting and training drivers (without actually following through on recommended programs). And why if a carrier does try a new recruitment program, they don’t tend to stick with it. 

    Do you recognise yourself in here? Do you hear any familiar excuses? If the answer is yes, then you need to listen to this episode of Recruit and Retain, and actually do something different. You won’t regret it. 

    Key points from this episode:

    • Issues with most recruiter sales training programs
    • The wisdom of sales expert, Phil M. Jones
    • How to deal with common driver complaints
    • Creating a question tree
    • The success of predictive hiring programs
    • Why you need to shake up your driver referral program
    • Don’t dismiss foreign drivers

    How to connect with Chad:

    Episode 111: Rocket Power Your Driver Referral Program with James Robinson

    Episode 111: Rocket Power Your Driver Referral Program with James Robinson

    Are you looking to rocket power your driver referral program? Perhaps your driver referral program has run aground or you haven’t set one up yet. Not to worry, you’ve come to the right place. 

    Listen to today’s guest, James Robinson, CEO of RocketCDL talk about how they’re firing up driver referral programs with their easy to use referral program app that is just as simple for drivers to use, as it is for recruiters. 

    Because most carriers unfortunately don’t put a whole lot of effort into their referral program, preferring instead to pay it lip service and then let it fall by the wayside and wonder why their referral stream has dried up. 

    So if you’re unsure about implementing technology to boost your driver referral program, or you’re looking to kickstart your referral program but you aren’t sure if it will fit in with your carrier and your drivers, then take half an hour and listen to James extol the virtues of RocketCDL. It’ll be the best thing you did with 30 minutes today. 

    “Everyone is trying to fish from the same pond right now with job boards, with paid marketing and it works well or else people wouldn't be doing it. But [referral programs] are an underutilized acquisition channel for leads that are much higher quality, and also unique to your own company that requires, you know, definitely a bit of additional time, but most definitely the cost benefit, or the ROI will be very good on it.”

    What you’ll learn about in this episode:

    • What RocketCDL is - how it works for recruiters and drivers
    • Why referral programs are so underutilized for recruiting drivers
    • The power of a great referral program for your carrier 
    • How carriers can experiment with their referral program
    • Why referral programs can be a recruitment pain point
    • The many features and tools of RocketCDL

    How to connect with James Robinson:

    Episode 110: How to Maintain a 10% Driver Turnover Rate (in a large trucking company) with Sam Thudium

    Episode 110: How to Maintain a 10% Driver Turnover Rate (in a large trucking company) with Sam Thudium

    Want to know the secret to maintaining a 10% driver turnover rate while running a large trucking company? This week’s guest on Recruit and Retain is Sam Thudium, and he reveals how Sutton Trucking has a 10% driver turnover rate despite the company running over 100 trucks. 

    The key to Sutton’s success? A small town company culture, great leadership, constant telephone communications and guaranteed weekends off. 

    But Sam hasn’t always been a recruiter, in fact he came into recruitment via sales, starting his career in the trucking industry back in 2012 with MHC Kenworth. Sutton Trucking were his first big customer and he knew, from the minute he met them, that he wanted to work for Sutton. 

    “I guess part of it is they're just my kind of people. They're small town people and they give off that small town vibe. I’m from a small town as well and I could really relate to that. And the way that they treated me whenever I was there, a salesperson, you know, it was amazing. It wasn't something I was used to. They treated me like I was part of their company. And I saw the way that they treated their employees and the way that they treated their drivers and they make everybody feel like they're part of the family. And I just really wanted to be a part of that.”

    It took 7 years for Sutton to come knocking, and when they did in March 2019, Sam accepted his current position as their Director of Recruiting and Retention. 

    What you’ll learn about in this episode:

    • How Sam became Director of Recruiting and Retention at Sutton Trucking 
    • How Sutton ensures all drivers are at home every weekend
    • The low turnover rate for Sutton
    • How Sam has found sales a common ground for his relationship with drivers 
    • How the Sutton workplace culture differs from most trucking companies
    • The biggest surprise for Sam coming into the recruitment side of the industry
    • Sutton’s marketing techniques for recruiting new drivers

    How to connect with Sam Thudium:

    Episode 109: Recruiting, retaining, marketing and mediating with the Dr Phil of Trucking, Charles Gracey

    Episode 109: Recruiting, retaining, marketing and mediating with the Dr Phil of Trucking, Charles Gracey

    Who better to discuss recruiting and retention with than someone who’s worked their way through the trucking ranks and who’s seen a lot of the industry, from all different angles?

    Because that’s who Chad is talking to in this episode. 

    Charles Gracey is a former driver turned Retention, Recruitment and Marketing Manager for Arka Express and has a wealth of knowledge to share on all things recruitment, retention, marketing and mediating. 

    “So yeah, I grew up in the industry. My father worked in the industry, both as a driver and terminal manager for a bigger company. I remember growing up in it as a kid and coming to work with him and being super excited.”

    There are so many takeaways from this episode it’s hard to know where to start… from having a driver manager engage with the recruiter when there’s a driver issue because of the initial rapport they will have built up, through to taking a proactive direct approach with potential drivers on social media, through to the Veteran’s programme Arka Express have in place specifically for Vets, no one else.  

    That’s not all though, that’s just scratching the surface. So if you want a whole heap of best practice advice on recruitment, retention and marketing in the trucking industry, from an expert, then don’t miss this episode. 

    What you’ll learn about in this episode:

    • The most popular reasons drivers give for leaving a job
    • The importance of being personable when recruiting drivers
    • How Charles vets potential drivers
    • Don’t look to recruit drivers, look to recruit team mates
    • How Charles splits his day between his recruitment, retention and marketing efforts
    • Charles’ process for driver retention 
    • What it takes to be a top recruiter
    • Using social media in your recruitment marketing efforts
    • Arka’s Veteran driver programme
    • Cultivating Arka Express company culture

    How to connect with Charles Gracey:

    Episode 108: The Power of Bold Branding On Recruitment with Matt Bowerman

    Episode 108: The Power of Bold Branding On Recruitment with Matt Bowerman

    If you think branding and marketing is something that happens with a few Facebook adverts, then you might be surprised to hear about the positive impact of bold branding and marketing on driver recruitment. 

    So if you’re wondering how to switch up your recruitment and retention efforts in the trucking industry, why don’t you listen to Matt Bowerman from Bowerman Trucking, Arkansas, talking about the bold moves that he’s made to his Grandfather’s company in the last year. 

    Just head on over to the Bowerman Trucking website and you’ll instantly get a sense of the type of carrier they are. And this isn’t accidental. Matt’s put a lot of time into creating the right branding and marketing message, with his strategy for the rebrand all about attracting and retaining drivers from day one.  

    “I wanted to create something that I would want to drive, that would be attractive to drivers, that drivers would be comfortable in, they’d want to stick around at our company because of and are designed to stand out, but specifically something that would garner compliments from other drivers on the road, something they would be proud of, but also to take care of and treat as though it was their own.”

    What you’ll learn about in this episode:

    • History of Bowerman Trucking
    • The power of branding on recruitment
    • The financial impact of owning newer trucks
    • The strategy behind his branding decision
    • The benefit of wrapping the trailers
    • How he chose his company tagline
    • Technology he’s trying out now he’s got new trucks and how his drivers are reacting to it
    • Modernizing the company without alienating existing drivers

    Episode 107: How technology can power recruitment and reduce driver turnover

    Episode 107: How technology can power recruitment and reduce driver turnover

    Does your trucking company struggle to retain drivers? Perhaps you are thinking about introducing technology to aid your recruitment efforts. Then you should listen to this week’s episode with Jeremy Lamph, VP of Operations at JLE Industries. 

    JLE Industries have increased the number of trucks they run in the last 5 years from 50 to 350, and they’re set to hit 371 by the end of the year. This is a phenomenal achievement all possible thanks to finding and recruiting drivers. 

    So just how has technology helped JLE industries grow to become number 742 on the Inc 5000 fastest growing companies list, and number 8 on the Pittsburgh 50 fastest growing companies list? Jeremy says the company is constantly asking: 

    “What does the driver want? And how can we make that work with what we're trying to get done?”

    Credit has to go to the company’s decision to be a media company first. Through the regular creation and dissemination of content that engages drivers and would be drivers, the media they create talks to the potential drivers ahead of time, shaving off valuable application time and moving drivers through the application process as quickly as possible. 

    Because ultimately that is what the driver wants, and what the company needs. 

    What you’ll learn in this episode:

    • How tech has helped them grow
    • Why they make their own tech rather than buy someone else’s
    • How the app is going to help the driver
    • The advantages of an in-house media team
    • What makes their recruiting process so successful
    • How they attract so many driver applications
    • Why the quick hire mentality doesn’t always work, but is worth it every time
    • What’s been happening inside the company that reduces their driver turnover

    How to connect with Jeremy Lamph:

    Episode 106: The Future of Technology in the Trucking Industry with Gilbert Aspeitia

    Episode 106: The Future of Technology in the Trucking Industry with Gilbert Aspeitia

    Retaining drivers has become the single biggest challenge for the trucking industry. According to ATA estimates, the industry is currently at 100% driver turnover, and the average cost of recruiting a single driver is approximately $6,000.

    So what can carriers do about the issue? In today’s episode of Recruit and Retain, Chad talks to Gilbert Aspeitia, President and Founder of DriverSync. DriverSync is a cutting-edge tool that provides immediate visibility to driver retention issues in real time. It puts carriers in sync with their driver work force and helps eliminate retention barriers, leading to better communication and a more engaged driver.

    Because this is one topic we can’t have too much communication on - there's this idea that drivers are the most important part of a carrier, but in reality that isn’t high up on their priority list. 

    So if you want to improve your driver retention by taking heed of their feedback, you don’t want to miss out on this episode. 

    What you’ll learn about in this episode:

    • Gilbert’s journey through transportation
    • How relationships caused him to move into the technology side of the trucking industry
    • The biggest issue in transportation
    • Is the future of trucking autonomous?
    • Everything starts and ends with leadership
    • How can you feel a part of an organization if you don’t know what the company vision is?
    • His strategy for getting the whole carrier fleet on board
    • Making Driver Sync part of your company culture

    How to connect with Gilbert Aspeitia:

    Episode 105: Change Company Culture to Create a Point of Difference with John Waid

    Episode 105: Change Company Culture to Create a Point of Difference with John Waid

    What do Southwest Airlines, Chick-fil-A and Trader Joes all have in common? They’ve all invested in their company culture and as a result they not only provide an outstanding service to their customers, they also run really great businesses.

    “If you change the way you do things at your company, you will stand out, you'll be different, you'll be unique, and you won't look like every other trucking company”. This is the advice today’s guest, John Waid, shares with listeners.

    John knows what he’s talking about when it comes to company culture. He’s the founder and CEO of Corporate Culture Consulting, a company specializing in aligning an organization's culture with its strategic goals. John is also an author, a speaker, a facilitator, and a thought leader in the area of corporate culture, and how it positively impacts people and companies.

    John follows the Colin Powell method of knowledge when it comes to understanding company culture, and that is: “if it doesn't fit on an index card it’s too complicated. If it's too complicated, it won't get executed. If it doesn't get executed, then why are we here?”

    So if you want to change your company culture then you need to implement three unique values at your company and use those three values to drive three functional areas: 

    1. Results
    2. Growth
    3. Aspiration

    But deciding that you want to change the company culture is the easy part, the 2%, the hard part, the other 98%, is the doing part, and that’s what Chad and John discuss in this episode. 

    What you’ll learn about in this episode:

    • How company culture can set you apart from the other carriers
    • The benefits, both soft and hard, of investing in company culture
    • How to change your mindset
    • Why company culture is far reaching
    • How company values inspire growth
    • Training employees in company values
    • Company culture reduces risk

    How to connect with John Waid:

    Episode 104: S.H.E. Trucking - Breaking Down Barriers with Sharae Moore

    Episode 104: S.H.E. Trucking - Breaking Down Barriers with Sharae Moore

    The trucking industry is being shaken up by the powerhouse that is Sharae Moore. Founder and owner of S.H.E Trucking, Sharae is all about empowering women in trucking and her chat with Chad provides a view of trucking from a whole other perspective. 

    Just 7-8% of truckers are female, and so to have this movement of women empowering women in such a non-traditional career, is something that needs to be lauded and supported.  

    Sharae’s mission to empower women in trucking began when she couldn’t find any apparel for women truckers, after traveling the length and breadth of the United States, and she decided to bring about that change. 

    From trucking apparel to training and mentoring the next generation of women drivers, Sharae is determined to encourage more women into the trucking industry. 

    “Women come into trucking because they want a life change. You know, trucking is a lifestyle, it changes your life. I love the environment at times. And I hear stories where drivers have been on government assistance, and through trucking, through having a successful career has helped them buy a house of their own and get off those assistance. They're no longer struggling on welfare, they’re able to take care of their families. And I think that's very attractive for women drivers.”

    What you’ll learn about in this episode:

    • The attractions of the trucking industry for women
    • Issues that women in trucking face on a daily basis
    • Balancing trucking with family life
    • What women look for in carriers
    • How recruiters can improve their recruitment of women drivers 
    • importance of training to retain women drivers

    How to connect with Sharae Moore:

    Episode 103: Analyzing Trucking Data with Dean Croke

    Episode 103: Analyzing Trucking Data with Dean Croke

    Recruit & Retain is thrilled to have someone on the show whose insights are based on actual trucking data. 

    “ELD (electronic logging device) data stream has been arguably one of the most important things that has happened in this industry, not from a compliance safety perspective, but more from a data analytics perspective.”

    Dean Croke is the Chief Insight Officer at FreightWaves, and he is brimming with a whole host of knowledge. Plus, he drove trucks and he’s owned his own trucking company. So who better to talk to than someone who’s driven trucks, who’s in the industry, who owns their own company and who understands trucking data?

    In this episode, Chad talks to Dean about where carriers should be looking to make a difference for their drivers, making them unique in the market. They also discuss the importance of sleep - “sleep is the one thing that makes the most difference in terms of safety outcomes, because a driver can feel much better after just one night”, how sleep relates to higher retention rates and extra miles, as well as why carriers should ensure they’re working with a vendor that can take their ELD data and really dive into it, providing insights that other carriers don't have.

    What you’ll learn about in this episode:

    • Why sleep and driver data are the top things carriers should be analysing
    • What a carrier can do to help a driver with their sleep
    • Why managers should be measuring quality, not quantity, of drivers’ sleep
    • The problems of sleep and night shifts on drivers’ ability to function long term
    • Teach drivers how to sleep and they run 10% more miles per truck, per week
    • The link between sleep and nutrition and health
    • The important data trucking firms should be looking at
    • Why a clean bill of health is enough to make drivers quit
    • You don’t need to be a large carrier to take advantage of data analytics
    • What carriers can do to counter the driver pay increases with lower freights

    How to connect with Dean Croke:

    Episode 102: The Power of Intention with Captain David Marquet

    Episode 102: The Power of Intention with Captain David Marquet

    On today’s episode of Recruit and Retain, Chad welcomes Captain David Marquet, former submarine commander of the nuclear submarine Santa Fe, and author of the book ‘Turn Your Ship Around’. 

    Captain David and Chad discuss the similarities between running a submarine and the trucking industry. In particular, how to get your people to trust you. How can you get them to feel like they are part of the process? How can you make them want to help the whole organization and not just be a follower?

    Captain David realized during a simple drill that having one point of command was not only limiting to the efficiency of operations of the sub, it was downright dangerous. 

    “If you're the captain, you're responsible. So the problem is, if you're responsible, you say, well, it's going to be my head on the chopping block. I know who to blame when I go down in flames. And that mindset holds us back from building a system where we can trust our people. Because for me, trust is a big thing.” 

    What you’ll learn about in this episode:

    • People performance isn’t a measure of leadership
    • The difference between leadership, responsibility and ownership
    • Language engineering
    • How intention allows you to decouple ownership from decision making
    • The key to getting someone committed to following procedure in the most dedicated way possible, is to incentivize them.
    • How to get your people competent enough to empower them
    • Trust is transparency, and transparency is a two way street

    How to connect with Captain David Marquet:

    Episode 101: Rethinking Driver Orientation and Training, with Gina Anderson

    Episode 101: Rethinking Driver Orientation and Training, with Gina Anderson

    Chad welcomes Dr. Gina Anderson, CEO of Luma, an instructional design and learning company with a focus on higher education and the trucking industry. Gina and Chad discuss the frustration that managers report that tends to go something like: “We’ve told the drivers this over and over and they’re just not getting it.” Gina discusses several ways to think about and structure the orientation process to better help drivers learn and retain the information their companies need them to understand in order to succeed.

    What you’ll learn about in this episode:

    • The shortcomings of the way many orientation classes are structured
    • What is instructional design and how does it apply to trucking operations?
    • Distinguishing the delivery, medium and tools you use for giving information
    • The kinds of content that drivers tend to prefer
    • How gamification applies to the trucking industry
    • How to determine what individual drivers and managers need and want out of training
    • How to share the same message in different mediums without being tuned out
    • How to adjust content based on driver engagement with the training materials
    • Using the promise of individualized orientation as a recruiting tool
    • The advantage of providing orientation materials in the driver’s native language

    How to connect with Gina:

    Episode 100: Using and Reviewing Processes to Increase Profitability, with Tim Almack

    Episode 100: Using and Reviewing Processes to Increase Profitability, with Tim Almack

    Chad welcomes Tim Almack, CPA and the partner in charge of the Transportation Group at Katz, Sapper & Miller, an accounting firm that works with more than 100 trucking and logistics clients across the United States. Tim talks about some of the ways in which trucking companies can review their processes to make themselves more profitable in a marketplace of rate pressures and shrinking margins.

    What you’ll learn about in this episode:

    • Why margins are being squeezed in the trucking industry
    • Understanding your freight network to maximize profitability
    • Analyzing the “invisible” processes in your company
    • Why employees should be brought into the process of improving profitability
    • The owner’s ideal role in process improvement projects
    • Using the Knowing/Doing survey to bridge the gap between knowing about a problem and doing something to fix it 
    • The importance of a formal process for employee evaluations
    • The opportunity for leadership training and incentives for managers based on driver retention

    How to connect with Tim:

    Episode 99: Maintaining a Healthy Family Company Culture, with Mark Mabry

    Episode 99: Maintaining a Healthy Family Company Culture, with Mark Mabry

    Chad welcomes Mark Mabry, Recruiting and Retention Manager at Four Star Transportation in Michigan, to talk about his experience in the industry and his company’s efforts to boost driver retention. Mark was kind enough to talk at the tactical level to suggest actionable steps companies can take to improve drivers’ experience at transportation companies, recruitment tools to try, and how to differentiate your company during the recruitment process to appeal to prospective drivers.

    What you’ll learn about in this episode:

    • Mark’s take on how they’ve created a healthy family culture, and why sometimes a “family culture” can resemble a dysfunctional family.
    • The importance of dispatchers and the ratio of dispatchers to drivers
    • The small things a company can do to boost retention and help drivers have a good experience
    • Recruitment tools to try to reach prospective drivers
    • How to differentiate your company from other carriers when recruiting a candidate
    • Paying drivers as a percentage of load 
    • Best practices for getting driver feedback
    • The battle against high turnover in the industry

    How to connect with Mark:

    Episode 98: Understanding and Building Trucking Business Value, with Spencer Tenney

    Episode 98: Understanding and Building Trucking Business Value, with Spencer Tenney

    Chad welcomes Spencer Tenney, managing partner with the Tenney Group, which helps transportation industry business owners to buy, sell and value their companies.

    Chad and Spencer discuss how trucking companies can navigate the often treacherous transition process when the founder of a trucking company retires or sells the business to a successor.

    With so many transportation companies being family-owned business, and with many founders nearing retirement age, Spencer talks about how to prepare companies to thrive when they’re turned over to the next generation.

    What you’ll learn about in this episode:

    • Why so many trucking company owners who are nearing their exits don’t have a plan for their succession.
    • How Spencer gets involved in situations where a transportation business is changing ownership
    • How expectations and assumptions about the future of a business can create miscommunication and strife
    • How generational differences can create a disconnect over questions of work/life balance, purpose and impact derived from owning the family company.
    • What factors are key to driving a transportation company’s value.
    • The relationship between a company’s value and the owner’s direct involvement.
    • Why owners should focus on important areas where they can add the most value.
    • Three ways transportation business owners can create independence for themselves and reduce their companies’ dependence on their input.
    • How to prepare the next generation of leaders for long-term success

    How to connect with Spencer Tenney:

    Episode 97: Lessons on Recruiting from the Military, with Ryan Spor

    Episode 97: Lessons on Recruiting from the Military, with Ryan Spor

    Chad welcomes Ryan Spor from Meiborg Brothers Inc. in Rockford Illinois to discuss opportunities to improve recruiter training and recruiting practices among carriers vying for the best driving talent. Ryan spent 3 of his 7 years in the US Army as a military recruiter in the suburbs of Chicago before translating his skills to recruiting drivers in the trucking industry.

    What you’ll learn about in this episode:

    • The correlation between military recruiting and trucking recruitment
    • How the military trains its recruiters, and the lessons carriers can learn
    • The use of role-playing as a recruiter training tool
    • How the military uses experienced recruiters to train new recruiters
    • How Ryan has succeeded finding leads for and recruiting younger drivers
    • The 8 functions behind the process of recruiting operations
    • Prospecting in the trucking industry
    • How to build rapport and trust during interviews with recruits
    • The importance of recruiter follow-up to ensure that recruited drivers follow through
    • The transition from army recruiting to trucking carrier recruiting

    How to connect with Ryan Spor:

    Episode 96: Recruiting and Retaining Top Drivers Consistently Despite a Driver Shortage, with Wade Palmer and Melanie Ness [Rebroadcast]

    Episode 96: Recruiting and Retaining Top Drivers Consistently Despite a Driver Shortage, with Wade Palmer and Melanie Ness [Rebroadcast]

    Even in a market where the supply of experienced truckers far outweighs the demand for their services, there are companies, like Kool Pak that are able to constantly recruit top drivers for their teams. Melanie Ness and Wade Palmer of Kool Pak join Recruit and Retain: Trucking Edition to discuss their unique style and why it is working for them.

    What you’ll learn about in this episode:

    • The strengths and weaknesses of recruiting and keeping top local drivers in large metropolitan areas.
    • The unique challenges that local drivers may face that sometimes negate the benefit of being home every night.
    • Struggles trucking companies, like Kool Pak face, when attempting to recruit drivers for less than optimal driving conditions.
    • How Kool Pak is addressing these challenges in the midst of a driver shortage to recruit and keep top drivers.
    • The unique position Kool Pak takes on driver recruitment and retention that sets them apart from other trucking companies.
    • Areas where Kool Pak is winning by keeping drivers engaged and active within their organizations.
    • The Richard Kelly Leadership Award. What it is and why it is so coveted among Kool Pak Drivers.
    • How Kool Pak rewards drivers who meet their high standards for safety.
    • Which award Kool Pak offers that is the most coveted award among drivers and why it is so valuable to the drivers.
    • The importance of making drivers FEEL appreciated and how Kool Pak goes out of their way to make sure their drivers understand their value.

    Episode 95 - Driver Recruiter Services and Training, with Josh Hicks

    Episode 95 - Driver Recruiter Services and Training, with Josh Hicks

    Chad welcomes Josh Hicks, founder of Simba 7 Companies and author of How to Build an Amazing Career as a Truck Driver Recruiter, to share his knowledge and discuss what he’s doing in the industry. Josh’s agency has built a service program for recruiting drivers and a recruiter training program from the ground up. Josh and Chad discuss recruiter training, tips on using social media to connect with potential drivers, and driver retention strategies.

    What you’ll learn about in this episode:

    • Josh’s unconventional entry into recruiting for the transportation industry 
    • Why and how to train driver recruiters
    • Why successful driver recruiters need both sales and customer service skills
    • What driver recruiters can learn from a formal recruiter training program
    • The importance of a recruiter building relationships with prospective drivers
    • How to generate leads on potential drivers
    • How to generate useful, timely feedback from drivers
    • How to use driver feedback to enable proactive driver retention efforts 
    • How to use social media to add value for drivers beyond simply posting job offers

    How to connect with Josh Hicks:

    Episode 94 - Is Driver Loyalty a Thing of the Past? Chad Hendricks solocast

    Episode 94 - Is Driver Loyalty a Thing of the Past? Chad Hendricks solocast

    In today’s solo episode, Chad discusses the challenge of high turnover among drivers in the trucking industry, and asks whether driver loyalty really is a thing of the past. Chad asserts that the “currency” of retention and loyalty is trust, and how trust can be earned in a culture that lives up to its values and beliefs.

    What you’ll learn about in this episode:

    • A look into the past to explore how we got to the present situation
    • How trust is built by sharing common values and beliefs
    • How drivers have historically not been rewarded for sticking with an employer long-term
    • How to structure benefits as rewards for staying loyal instead of punishments
    • Earning loyalty without having to buy it
    • How the ease of changing jobs raises the “cost” of loyalty
    • The tools recruiters can use to identify—or create—loyal drivers
    • External and internal forces that threaten the values and beliefs of our companies and employees
    • The message sent to employees when leaders fails to address challenges 
    • Programs that can be used to get feedback from drivers that would otherwise never be heard
    • How leadership can—and must—build a culture of trust and loyalty

    How to connect with Chad: