
    Redeeming Love Bible Broadcast

    Join us as we explore the Word of God, the need for the Gospel, and its impact on the lives of believers and unbelievers. Music by At The Threshold. Artwork by Jonathan Riddle.
    en-usPastor Phil Duddy99 Episodes

    Episodes (99)

    Author and Finisher

    Author and Finisher

    Today, we look at a simple but eternally important point - Salvation by any other way besides what Jesus says is not salvation. Jesus himself is the Author and Finisher of our faith, according to Hebrews. If we want to know what salvation is, we need to look at Jesus alone.

    We would love to hear from you! Please reach out to us at https://redeeminglovenc.com/contact to let us know who you are, where you're listening from, and what we can be praying for you.

    The Redeeming Love Bible Broadcast is a ministry of Grace Baptist Tabernacle. We're excited to be under construction on a brand new building in our hometown of King, NC. Please continue to share these episodes, and please consider coming to visit our church. We are excited and expectant for you to come!

    Salvation & Judgment (Part 3)

    Salvation & Judgment (Part 3)

    We finish our series on personal salvation and judgment back in the book of Romans.

    "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."

    We have looked at how salvation and judgment are intertwined, and we continue here with this one crucial verse.

    We would love to hear from you!
    Reach out through our website and let us know how we can be praying for you!

    The Redeeming Love Bible Broadcast is a ministry of Grace Baptist Tabernacle. We're excited to be under construction on a brand new building in our hometown of King, NC. Please continue to share these episodes, and please consider coming to visit our church. We are excited and expectant for you to come!

    Salvation & Judgment (Part 1)

    Salvation & Judgment (Part 1)

    Judgment and salvation are described, taught, and demonstrated through historical accounts in Scripture, oftentimes side-by-side. We begin this series by looking at this in Romans 1.

    The Redeeming Love Bible Broadcast is a ministry of Grace Baptist Tabernacle. We're excited to be under construction on a brand new building in our hometown of King, NC. Please continue to share these episodes, and please consider coming to visit our church. We are excited and expectant for you to come!

    Salvation & Judgment (Part 2)

    Salvation & Judgment (Part 2)

    We continue our series about the proximity of personal judgment and personal salvation through God. Today we'll begin in Romans 3.

    We would love for you to contact us to let us know how we can be praying for you. You can visit us on our website and reach out

    The Redeeming Love Bible Broadcast is a ministry of Grace Baptist Tabernacle. We're excited to be under construction on a brand new building in our hometown of King, NC. Please continue to share these episodes, and please consider coming to visit our church. We are excited and expectant for you to come!

    Politics & Jesus Christ Part 2 (feat. The Liberty Belle)

    Politics & Jesus Christ Part 2 (feat. The Liberty Belle)

    We bring back Christin McMasters, a blogger who goes by the name "The Liberty Belle" to talk about politics, Christianity, and Jesus Christ. We also look at the reason we have government and how man's natural fallen state is actually one of the causes of this need.

    Learn more about Christin and The Liberty Belle at www.thelibertybellenc.com or facebook.com/thelibertybellenc

    The Redeeming Love Bible Broadcast is a ministry of Grace Baptist Tabernacle. We're excited to be under construction on a brand new building in our hometown of King, NC. Please continue to share these episodes, and please consider coming to visit our church. We are excited and expectant for you to come!

    Christianity is Not Torment

    Christianity is Not Torment

    As we continue in Proverbs, we look at chapter 3 -

    "My son, forget not my law; but let thine heart keep my commandments:
    For length of days, and long life, and peace, shall they add to thee."

    The Bible is not just a work of literature or a work of history, it proceeded directly from the Holy God. It's a product from God's desire to interact with individual people and creation at large. 

    Do you take this for granted?

    It's not a set of principles, a set of guidelines, good advice, a piece of culture... It is a Word from God and God Himself reveals who He is through this Word. 

    The Redeeming Love Bible Broadcast is a ministry of Grace Baptist Tabernacle. We're excited to be under construction on a brand new building in our hometown of King, NC. Please continue to share these episodes, and please consider coming to visit our church. We are excited and expectant for you to come!

    Evil Men, Strange Women, and God's Wisdom

    Evil Men, Strange Women, and God's Wisdom

    From Proverbs 2, we continue to look at the wisdom of God. Wisdom can be defined as "the correct application of knowledge." Both knowledge and wisdom proceed from the affectionate authority of God. God is interactive, He speaks, He reveals who He is, what creation is, who we are. He doesn't keep it to Himself or make it some big mystery. Rather, He speaks and gives the Bible, proceeding from God Himself, that contains truth and wisdom.

    The Redeeming Love Bible Broadcast is a ministry of Grace Baptist Tabernacle. We're excited to be under construction on a brand new building in our hometown of King, NC. Please continue to share these episodes, and please consider coming to visit our church. We are excited and expectant for you to come!

    The Affectionate Authority of God

    The Affectionate Authority of God

    We look at Proverbs 1 and the affectionate authority of God the Father. His desire was not to create everyone and then sit back and watch it unfold, but rather to speak to that which He created and to have relationship with them. He was and is an involved Father.

    To see the video version of this podcast, visit here!

    The Redeeming Love Bible Broadcast is a ministry of Grace Baptist Tabernacle. We're excited to be under construction on a brand new building in our hometown of King, NC. Please continue to share these episodes, and please consider coming to visit our church. We are excited and expectant for you to come!

    Tradition! (Part 2)

    Tradition! (Part 2)

    We look at tradition and Scripture, and the real problems when Christians elevate tradition to the level of Scripture or even place it above Scripture. In this episode, we continue to study this dichotomy in Matthew 15.

    The Redeeming Love Bible Broadcast is a ministry of Grace Baptist Tabernacle. We're excited to be under construction on a brand new building in our hometown of King, NC. Please continue to share these episodes, and please consider coming to visit our church. We are excited and expectant for you to come!

    Tradition! (Part 1)

    Tradition! (Part 1)

    It's a common theme in the New Testament: The scribes or Pharisees often came to Jesus with "questions" that weren't really even questions. They came to try to trap Jesus, challenging His "transgression" of the tradition of the elders. They're not wanting to know anything. They're not trying to get closer to God. Rather, they come from a position of pride, not approaching Jesus as LORD, but as someone to investigate or criticize. 

    We take a look at Matthew 15 and the difference between tradition and Scripture. 

    The Redeeming Love Bible Broadcast is a ministry of Grace Baptist Tabernacle. We're excited to be under construction on a brand new building in our hometown of King, NC. Please continue to share these episodes, and please consider coming to visit our church. We are excited and expectant for you to come!

    Physical Affliction & Walking with Jesus - Part 2 (feat. Julius Sitterlee)

    Physical Affliction & Walking with Jesus - Part 2 (feat. Julius Sitterlee)

    Back in October of 2019, we interviewed a good friend Julius Sitterlee, whose life was dramatically changed after a doctor prescribed a medicine that had an extremely adverse affect on him. Since then, Julius has been through countless tests, studies, and through it all has had the privilege of walking with Jesus and seeing His hand guide Julius and his family.

    Listen as we talk again with Julius about these past few years.

    (To listen to our first interview with Julius, click here).

    The Redeeming Love Bible Broadcast is a ministry of Grace Baptist Tabernacle. We're excited to be under construction on a brand new building in our hometown of King, NC. Please continue to share these episodes, and please consider coming to visit our church. We are excited and expectant for you to come!

    The Belief of a Devil in Perilous Times

    The Belief of a Devil in Perilous Times

    Often, those who "have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof" do say they believe in Jesus. And yet, they stay in their sin, they are not saved. There is a difference between the belief of a humble, broken, lost sinner, and the belief of a devil.

    Listen here for the first part of this two-part series...

    The Redeeming Love Bible Broadcast is a ministry of Grace Baptist Tabernacle. We're excited to be under construction on a brand new building in our hometown of King, NC. Please continue to share these episodes, and please consider coming to visit our church. We are excited and expectant for you to come!

    The Heart (feat. Jonathan McMasters)

    The Heart (feat. Jonathan McMasters)

    Scripture speaks a great deal about the heart. It is "deceitful" and "desperately wicked" (Jer. 17:9), it is the source of our sin and defilement (Matthew 15:18-20), but a "broken and contrite heart" God won't despise (Ps. 51:17).  
    Today we talk with Jonathan McMasters, a young man who is quite familiar with the heart, both physically and spiritually. Jonathan has also undergone four open-heart surgeries throughout his life and speaks to us about how the Lord was with him through it all, even as an unbeliever, and how the Lord gave him a new spiritual heart through salvation.

    The Redeeming Love Bible Broadcast is a ministry of Grace Baptist Tabernacle. We're excited to be under construction on a brand new building in our hometown of King, NC. Please continue to share these episodes, and please consider coming to visit our church. We are excited and expectant for you to come!

    A Form of Godliness in Perilous Times

    A Form of Godliness in Perilous Times

    Today we look at the difference between interacting with Jesus as He is and interacting with morality, or theology, or social norms. There is an eternal difference between the two.

    If you're always learning, always getting your theology right, always attempting to follow goodness or social correctness, it's just going to inflame pride and keep you from Jesus. 

    The Redeeming Love Bible Broadcast is a ministry of Grace Baptist Tabernacle. We're excited to be under construction on a brand new building in our hometown of King, NC. Please continue to share these episodes, and please consider coming to visit our church. We are excited and expectant for you to come!

    Who Convinced You?

    Who Convinced You?

    We spend some time in Acts 2 and the preaching and response during Pentecost. Scripture says "they were pricked in their hearts" upon hearing the preaching during this time. Who did this pricking?

    The Redeeming Love Bible Broadcast is a ministry of Grace Baptist Tabernacle. We're excited to be under construction on a brand new building in our hometown of King, NC. Please continue to share these episodes, and please consider coming to visit our church. We are excited and expectant for you to come!

    Politics & Jesus Christ (feat. The Liberty Belle)

    Politics & Jesus Christ (feat. The Liberty Belle)

    If you've been listening to the podcast for a while, you might be curious as to why we would discuss politics on this show. Take a step outside the box with us as we talk with Christin McMasters, a blogger who goes by the name "The Liberty Belle." 

    Learn more about Christin and The Liberty Belle at www.thelibertybellenc.com

    The Redeeming Love Bible Broadcast is a ministry of Grace Baptist Tabernacle. We're excited to be under construction on a brand new building in our hometown of King, NC. Please continue to share these episodes, and please consider coming to visit our church. We are excited and expectant for you to come!

    Salvation (Part 3)

    Salvation (Part 3)

    God initiated salvation. His response to sin is judgement and He judges between that which is sin and not sin. There's a difference between goodness and wickedness. God's response is to express truth, act according to truth, and to interact with you whether you're saved or lost. 

    The Redeeming Love Bible Broadcast is a ministry of Grace Baptist Tabernacle. We're excited to be under construction on a brand new building in our hometown of King, NC. Please continue to share these episodes, and please consider coming to visit our church. We are excited and expectant for you to come!

    Salvation (Part 2)

    Salvation (Part 2)

    We continue this incredibly important series on salvation - preservation from destruction, from an eternity in hell according to Scripture. 
    Whether you are a believer in Christ and have known salvation personally, or have never even heard of it at all, the reality is that Jesus is real, God is real, His wrath upon sin is real, and opportunity for salvation is real. Join us as we look at this throughout the Bible!

    The Redeeming Love Bible Broadcast is a ministry of Grace Baptist Tabernacle. We're excited to be under construction on a brand new building in our hometown of King, NC. Please continue to share these episodes, and please consider coming to visit our church. We are excited and expectant for you to come!

    Salvation (Part 1)

    Salvation (Part 1)

    Salvation is not just a theological concept that varies from denomination to denomination. It cannot be separated from God. So in this episode, we begin by looking at the reality that God is alive, and that this living God gave us Scripture. 

    The Redeeming Love Bible Broadcast is a ministry of Grace Baptist Tabernacle. We're excited to be under construction on a brand new building in our hometown of King, NC. Please continue to share these episodes, and please consider coming to visit our church. We are excited and expectant for you to come!

    Prayer and Evangelism (Part 4)

    Prayer and Evangelism (Part 4)

    The final part of our look at the relationship between prayer and evangelism. We've looked at the need to declare the Word of God as it is, without concern for how people respond or how they may be offended. We must preach, teach, minister the Word of God. 

    Today we look at 1 Thessalonians 1. We may have different cultures, and different experiences, but we still heard the same Gospel and believe the same Jesus from this time in Thessalonica. This church experienced affliction, just as any Bible-preaching, Jesus-loving church will. They had particular needs, just as we do. Prayer is just as necessary in these times as evangelism. 

    The Redeeming Love Bible Broadcast is a ministry of Grace Baptist Tabernacle. We're excited to be under construction on a brand new building in our hometown of King, NC. Please continue to share these episodes, and please consider coming to visit our church. We are excited and expectant for you to come!