
    Redeeming Love Bible Broadcast

    Join us as we explore the Word of God, the need for the Gospel, and its impact on the lives of believers and unbelievers. Music by At The Threshold. Artwork by Jonathan Riddle.
    en-usPastor Phil Duddy99 Episodes

    Episodes (99)

    Prayer and Evangelism (Part 3)

    Prayer and Evangelism (Part 3)

    We look at Ezekiel 22 - God spoke to Ezekiel and God spoke through Ezekiel. He's using Ezekiel to say "Thus saith the Lord," to reveal the sin going on at this point in history, to bring it to light according to God's holiness. This is always going to provoke a response in those that hear. It may provoke anger, it may provoke silence. But our ministry is always to give the Word of God regardless of how people respond. We need some simple, basic, Holy Spirit-given, Gospel preaching. 

    The Redeeming Love Bible Broadcast is a ministry of Grace Baptist Tabernacle. We're excited to be under construction on a brand new building in our hometown of King, NC. Please continue to share these episodes, and please consider coming to visit our church. We are excited and expectant for you to come!

    Prayer and Evangelism (Part 2)

    Prayer and Evangelism (Part 2)

    Evangelistic work is the outflow of relationship with God, the natural outflow of following Jesus and Jesus making you a fisher of men. So prayer is not something to be penciled into our schedule, Scripture commands us to pray without ceasing. This is only really possible if you’re born again, because God is always with you no matter what you do, so prayer naturally arises because you start talking with God.

    The Redeeming Love Bible Broadcast is a ministry of Grace Baptist Tabernacle. We're excited to be under construction on a brand new building in our hometown of King, NC. Please continue to share these episodes, and please consider coming to visit our church. We are excited and expectant for you to come!

    Prayer and Evangelism (Part 1)

    Prayer and Evangelism (Part 1)

    Prayer and evangelism - both go hand in hand, they form a precious relationship because both of them naturally arise from a relationship with God. Scripture calls us to pray without ceasing, and it is near and dear to the heart of God. He instructs us through His Word how to pray and evangelize. Join us in Luke 11 for this first part of our series on these two crucial elements of a Godly life.

    The Redeeming Love Bible Broadcast is a ministry of Grace Baptist Tabernacle. We're excited to be under construction on a brand new building in our hometown of King, NC. Please continue to share these episodes, and please consider coming to visit our church. We are excited and expectant for you to come!

    Stuff You Don't Really Want to Do vs Love For Jesus (Part 2)

    Stuff You Don't Really Want to Do vs Love For Jesus (Part 2)

    Part 2 of our series on stuff you don't really want to do [vs] love for Jesus! If you're born again, walking in Christ and walking in obedience to Christ, being sanctified by Christ, these are all just who you are. There's abundant life, fruitfulness, and growing, that comes out of your love for the Lord. It's not a huge, difficult thing to live your life according to His desires and will. Love is the motivation for obedience, worship, everything.

    All of that is so fundamentally different from just doing stuff because you "have to do stuff" to be seen as a Christian. 

    The Redeeming Love Bible Broadcast is a ministry of Grace Baptist Tabernacle. We're excited to be under construction on a brand new building in our hometown of King, NC. Please continue to share these episodes, and please consider coming to visit our church. We are excited and expectant for you to come!

    Stuff You Don't Really Want to Do vs Love For Jesus (Part 1)

    Stuff You Don't Really Want to Do vs Love For Jesus (Part 1)

    If you're born again, walking in Christ and walking in obedience to Christ, being sanctified by Christ, these are all just who you are. There's abundant life, fruitfulness, and growing, that comes out of your love for the Lord. It's not a huge, difficult thing to live your life according to His desires and will. Love is the motivation for obedience, worship, everything.

    All of that is so fundamentally different from just doing stuff because you "have to do stuff" to be seen as a Christian. 

    The Redeeming Love Bible Broadcast is a ministry of Grace Baptist Tabernacle. We're excited to be under construction on a brand new building in our hometown of King, NC. Please continue to share these episodes, and please consider coming to visit our church. We are excited and expectant for you to come!

    Wanting Jesus, or Wanting Jesus' Stuff (Part 2)

    Wanting Jesus, or Wanting Jesus' Stuff (Part 2)

    We continue to look at the critical difference between wanting Jesus, and wanting Jesus to do stuff for you, to give you things, to benefit you. 

    John 6:35 says that Jesus is the bread of life. Those who come to Jesus, we're not hungry, we're not thirsty. We need Him, not His stuff. You need healing, emotional help, wealth, comfort, those are all temporal things, and eventually this body is going to pass away. We need a Savior. We need the eternal Savior.

    Do you follow Him because you love Him, or because you expect something from Him?

    The Redeeming Love Bible Broadcast is a ministry of Grace Baptist Tabernacle. We're excited to be under construction on a brand new building in our hometown of King, NC. Please continue to share these episodes, and please consider coming to visit our church. We are excited and expectant for you to come!

    Redeeming Love Bible Broadcast
    en-usDecember 01, 2020

    Wanting Jesus, or Wanting Jesus' Stuff (Part 1)

    Wanting Jesus, or Wanting Jesus' Stuff (Part 1)

    We look at John 6, and the all-too-common trend of seeking Jesus' stuff rather than Jesus Himself. Do you walk in the will of God? Do you seek Jesus because you want something He can offer, or because you desire Jesus?

    It's a sobering reality that, even in our churches, this often occurs today. 

    The Redeeming Love Bible Broadcast is a ministry of Grace Baptist Tabernacle. We're excited to be under construction on a brand new building in our hometown of King, NC. Please continue to share these episodes, and please consider coming to visit our church. We are excited and expectant for you to come!

    Influenced (Part 3)

    Influenced (Part 3)

    God is real whether you believe in Him or not. He is alive, He has moved, and He continues to move in this world. He uses people to reach people, but it's not the people talking about their ideas, it's the people who are preaching the Word of God, living according to the Word of God, and giving you the Word of God. 

    The Redeeming Love Bible Broadcast is a ministry of Grace Baptist Tabernacle. We're excited to be under construction on a brand new building in our hometown of King, NC. Please continue to share these episodes, and please consider coming to visit our church. We are excited and expectant for you to come!

    Influenced (Part 2)

    Influenced (Part 2)

    It is not God's will for the church to start adopting the world's philosophies, its political battles, but rather to lean upon God. It is His design to lean on Him, to walk with Him, to be the beautiful picture of a bride leaning on her husband. 

    The Redeeming Love Bible Broadcast is a ministry of Grace Baptist Tabernacle. We're excited to be under construction on a brand new building in our hometown of King, NC. Please continue to share these episodes, and please consider coming to visit our church. We are excited and expectant for you to come!

    Influenced (Part 1)

    Influenced (Part 1)

    Is the church preaching to the world or is the world preaching to the church?

    The simple question of whether the church is active in influencing the world or the world is active in influencing the church.

    The Redeeming Love Bible Broadcast is a ministry of Grace Baptist Tabernacle. We're excited to be under construction on a brand new building in our hometown of King, NC. Please continue to share these episodes, and please consider coming to visit our church. We are excited and expectant for you to come!

    Strange Things Today (Part 2)

    Strange Things Today (Part 2)

    We continue with part two of this series on the "strange things" described by Luke 5:26.
    The men described in this passage go to some extraordinary means to get close to Jesus. They don't come to Him to criticize, to use Him, with a selfish desire. They come with faith, and He responds based on their faith. 

    Why then must so many Christians be constantly poked, prodded, pushed to simply pick up a Bible, follow preaching, and walk according to the Lord?

    The Redeeming Love Bible Broadcast is a ministry of Grace Baptist Tabernacle. We're excited to be under construction on a brand new building in our hometown of King, NC. Please continue to share these episodes, and please consider coming to visit our church. We are excited and expectant for you to come!

    Strange Things Today (Part 1)

    Strange Things Today (Part 1)

    As we look at Luke 5:17-26 we see that Jesus has come not to condemn, but to heal. To become our sins, die on the cross, and make a way for lost and dying sinners to be reconciled to God. 

    There are many who have a great deal of religious knowledge, who have done a great deal of religious work. But this work does not earn us standing before God. 

    Whether or not you have religious knowledge or not... Whether you have religious experience or not... Whether you've stepped into a church or not... Whether your parents forced you to go to church or not... Whether you're part of some other religion besides Christianity... Jesus has a redeeming love for the world and He desires to save your soul.

    The Redeeming Love Bible Broadcast is a ministry of Grace Baptist Tabernacle. We're excited to be under construction on a brand new building in our hometown of King, NC. Please continue to share these episodes, and please consider coming to visit our church. We are excited and expectant for you to come!

    Preaching Christ in the Chaos - Revelation 1 (Part 2)

    Preaching Christ in the Chaos - Revelation 1 (Part 2)

    When we say that Jesus is the answer for everything, we're not being hokey, we're not being corny, it's not wishful thinking. In times of turmoil, Jesus Christ gives real peace, real physical, emotional, psychological healing like the world is never able to give. He is the Prince of Peace, the almighty God.

    He gives peace, and the way He does that is by dealing with sin. As a church, we need to stand up and, in compassion, preach Christ to this chaotic world!

    The Redeeming Love Bible Broadcast is a ministry of Grace Baptist Tabernacle. We're excited to be under construction on a brand new building in our hometown of King, NC. Please continue to share these episodes, and please consider coming to visit our church. We are excited and expectant for you to come!

    Preaching Christ in the Chaos - Revelation 1 (Part 1)

    Preaching Christ in the Chaos - Revelation 1 (Part 1)

    In today's America, there's so much upheaval. So much shaking. Socially, politically, physically, so much is changing. But the Word of God does not change. The God who gave that Word does not change.

    We are instructed to worship Christ no matter what is going on on the outside, no matter the tribulation. We're called, not to take sides, but to worship Christ and go out and preach the Gospel and minister in the midst of it all.

    Revelation 1:9 - "I John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ."

    The Redeeming Love Bible Broadcast is a ministry of Grace Baptist Tabernacle. We're excited to be under construction on a brand new building in our hometown of King, NC. Please continue to share these episodes, and please consider coming to visit our church. We are excited and expectant for you to come!

    Everyone's a Theologian (Part 2)

    Everyone's a Theologian (Part 2)

    Part 2 of our series on the trend toward being willing to discuss broad theological topics, but never willing to actually talk about how they specifically apply in our lives.

    What about you before God?"

    "Where are you before God?"

    When we start to get specific, the walls often start to come up, and everyone becomes a theologian. 

    The Redeeming Love Bible Broadcast is a ministry of Grace Baptist Tabernacle. We're excited to be under construction on a brand new building in our hometown of King, NC. Please continue to share these episodes, and please consider coming to visit our church. We are excited and expectant for you to come!

    Everyone's a Theologian (Part 1)

    Everyone's a Theologian (Part 1)

    Most people will be fine talking with you about the love of God, about creation, about the "broad-brush" theological concepts. But when you start talking about sin, the holiness of God, how the love of God is manifest in Jesus dying on the cross for our sin, things start to shift.
    "What about you before God?"
    "Where are you before God?" 
    When we start to get specific, the walls often start to come up, and everyone becomes a theologian. 

    Especially for those of you who are ministers of the Gospel, preachers, born again believers who are sharing Jesus with others, don't be surprised if this is the way people respond. Don't be discouraged! 

    Romans 1:16
    For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.

    The Redeeming Love Bible Broadcast is a ministry of Grace Baptist Tabernacle. We're excited to be under construction on a brand new building in our hometown of King, NC. Please continue to share these episodes, and please consider coming to visit our church. We are excited and expectant for you to come!

    Crucified with Christ - Part 2 (Galatians 5)

    Crucified with Christ - Part 2 (Galatians 5)

    There's a difference between the works of the flesh and the fruits of the Spirit. 
    For those who are not in Christ, the natural result of our lives is sin. For those who are born again, who have had the blood of Jesus applied, the Holy Spirit is alive within us.
    You plant watermelons, you get watermelons. You plant pumpkins, you get pumpkins. You plant tomatoes, you get tomatoes. If the Holy Spirit is in you, what do you get? The fruit of the Spirit. 

    Join us as we continue our series in Galatians 5.

    The Redeeming Love Bible Broadcast is a ministry of Grace Baptist Tabernacle. We're excited to be under construction on a brand new building in our hometown of King, NC. Please continue to share these episodes, and please consider coming to visit our church. We are excited and expectant for you to come!

    Crucified with Christ - Part 1 (Galatians 5)

    Crucified with Christ - Part 1 (Galatians 5)

    When Christ became your sin, your flesh (spiritually speaking) was crucified with Him. He took the sin of the world, and in doing so, He took your personal sin. That sacrifice was applied to you if you are in Christ. We are therefore no longer slaves to that sin, we have been given conviction to show us when we are in sin. In that conviction, He treats us like sons and daughters, and He wants to raise us up, no longer belonging to sin.

    The Redeeming Love Bible Broadcast is a ministry of Grace Baptist Tabernacle. We're excited to be under construction on a brand new building in our hometown of King, NC. Please continue to share these episodes, and please consider coming to visit our church. We are excited and expectant for you to come!

    Jesus is Holy, Jesus is God & Jesus Deals with Sin (John 8:58 Part 2)

    Jesus is Holy, Jesus is God & Jesus Deals with Sin (John 8:58 Part 2)

    Jesus is not a created being. Not the brother of lucifer. Not just a prophet or teacher. Not a rabbi. Not a pretender, not delusional, not a charlatan. Jesus is God. 

    In this episode, we expand further on who Jesus is, according to John 8:58.

    The Redeeming Love Bible Broadcast is a ministry of Grace Baptist Tabernacle. We're excited to be under construction on a brand new building in our hometown of King, NC. Please continue to share these episodes, and please consider coming to visit our church. We are excited and expectant for you to come!

    Who is the Real Jesus? (John 8:58 Part 1)

    Who is the Real Jesus? (John 8:58 Part 1)

    There's a Catholic "jesus," a Jehovah's Witness "jesus", an Islam "jesus," a protestant "jesus." But there's a fundamental difference between knowing "a" jesus and knowing "the" Jesus. 
    Today, we study John 8:58, and look at who THE Jesus really is.
    Idol worship may seem like a foreign idea, something practiced in ancient times and not seen today. Maybe you don't know many people who have created physical idols or worship Zeus or Thor, but idolatry is actually one of the most common sins in America and around the world.

    The Redeeming Love Bible Broadcast is a ministry of Grace Baptist Tabernacle. We're excited to be under construction on a brand new building in our hometown of King, NC. Please continue to share these episodes, and please consider coming to visit our church. We are excited and expectant for you to come!