

    Reflecting Light is a podcast hosted by Mandy Green that explores myth, ancient texts, scripture, great works of world literature and the works of artists, past and present, for the threads of light and truth they left behind for us to learn from.
    enMandy Green100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    When You Feel "Cumbered About"

    When You Feel "Cumbered About"

    Have you ever felt "cumbered about" with much serving?  Or overwhelemed by the tasks you feel you need to do?  Or left to do all the work alone while someone else is able to just sit back and enjoy the moment?  Then this episode is for YOU!  Join Mandy as she discusses Luke 10 and the change of heart and attitude we can experience when we feel troubled about many things.  

    Come Follow Me EASTER Edition

    Come Follow Me EASTER Edition

     Easter, Through the Eyes of Matthew.  Matt 21-28

    This is the first installment of the new Come Follow Me video cast.  But I found I wanted to share it with the podcast as well, so I doubled down.  And when I say that, I mean to say that I perhaps quadrupled down!  This is by far the LONGEST PODCAST KNOWN to Reflecting LIght. So FAIR WARNING.  It's LOOOONG.  

    Break it up, take it in chapters, or not at all.  Just let me know if you learned something new or if this was a complete bust.  It's an experiment.  

    Above all Happy Easter to each one of you!!!  May you be blessed with heavenly love and light!

    enApril 08, 2023

    Wisdom Speaks in the Silence

    Wisdom Speaks in the Silence

    Fresh back from a Mary Magdalene Pilgrimage in France, Mandy invites us to look at the value of silence.  What does the silence teach us that is distinctly different from the word or logos?  Tune in!

    enApril 01, 2023

    Treasures in the Heavens Part III

    Treasures in the Heavens Part III

    Mandy continues her reading and commentary of the essay, "Treasures in the Heavens" by Hugh Nibley.  Creation is actually organization and is overseen by the Great Sent One, Jesus Christ.  Show artwork is: "God creating the universe, using the compass to measure its dimensions, manuscript illumination from an Old French Bible moralisée "(c. 1208-15), Codex Vindobonensis 2554, fol. lv, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna.


    Treasures in the Heavens Part II

    Treasures in the Heavens Part II

    This week, Mandy continues her discussion of "Treasures in the Heavens" an essay by Hugh Nibley, and introduces a discussion of the Hymn of the Pearl from the Gospel of Thomas.  Show artwork is from The Hymn of the Pearl by Lori Driggs, Illustrated by Tshikamba!  For information on how to access these writings, and to pre-order this beautiful book, please visit: https://www.mandybgreen.com/show-notes.  Happy Studying.


    Your Magnificent Power of Choice!

    Your Magnificent Power of Choice!

    Sitting within your soul and spirit is this magnificent power of choice!  Join Mandy as she discusses "The Grand Inquisitor" a chapter from one of the world's most renouned novels, "The Brothers Karamatzov" and your magnificent ability to choose to follow Jesus the Christ.  Time after time.  Day by day.  Hour by hour.  The gift is in your ability to choose Him--over all else. 

    Feeling Fully

    Feeling Fully

    Have you ever experienced grief fatigue?  Have you bottomed from feeling overload and retreated?  I sure have.  Join me as I talk about the importance of feeling all of our feelings and beauty these darker, richer hues offer to develop us spiritually and teach us compassion.

    enFebruary 04, 2023