

    Reflecting Light is a podcast hosted by Mandy Green that explores myth, ancient texts, scripture, great works of world literature and the works of artists, past and present, for the threads of light and truth they left behind for us to learn from.
    enMandy Green100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    Garbage City

    Garbage City

    We all have garbage in our lives.  What makes the difference is how we view it.  Join Mandy as she shares some of the lesson she learned from her recent visit to Garbage City in Cairo.  There is just something beautiful about Heaven's alchemy--even when it shows up as "garbage."  Love and Light and Happy Holidays my freinds!

    Shabbat and Sneetches

    Shabbat and Sneetches

    Anciently, when you invited someone to break bread with you, it signified admitting someone into your family and life.  Join Mandy as she shares a store of her Shabbat in Jerusalem and a little bit of wisdom about how we can be open up and share our commonalities with others.  

    "Eshet Hayil" and a Happy Mothers Day

    "Eshet Hayil" and a Happy Mothers Day

    Who can find an "Eshet Hayil" or a woman of strength and valor, as recited in Proverbs 31?  Perhaps she is not so far as we think or even WHO we traditionally thought her to be.  Join Mandy as she dives a little deeper into what true, righteous womanhood looks like and the ways we can find HER in the scriptures, in our lives, and in OURSELVES.  Happy Mothers Day! 

    enMay 07, 2022

    The Purpose of LIfe

    The Purpose of LIfe

    Our family has a motto.  It comes from "The Secret LIfe of Walter Mitty as is as follows: 
    "To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, draw closer, to find each other, and to feel. That is the purpose of life."  Listen as Indiana shared what this meant to him as he traveled the world and served others.

    enApril 23, 2022

    Easter! And the Divine Exhale

    Easter!  And the Divine Exhale

    EASTER!  That glorious time of year when we take notice of the path of Christ traveled in the last week of his mortal ministry.  Theres so much to say--too much.  So here are just a few nuggets to savor and think further on.  I'm so grateful for the Lord and for all of the players who helped him accomplish his great mortal work.  HALLELUJIA indeed!

    enApril 16, 2022

    Mary Magdalene and the Christianity We've Never Tried

    Mary Magdalene and the Christianity We've Never Tried

    This podcast contains excerpts of a lecture Mandy presents around Eastertime about the trememdous example and power of Saint Mary Magdalene. If you ever wanted to hear a more accurate translation of the Greek texts that inform us of her, this is the podcast to listen to!  Easter Greetings my friends!

    enApril 09, 2022

    Oh Say What is Truth?

    Oh Say What is Truth?

    What is truth?  How has it been defined anciently?  How does it show up in our world today?  Join Mandy as she pulls threads to look at some of the possibilies!

    enApril 02, 2022


    As Passover approaches quickly, Mandy takes the opportunity to discuss the ancient Hebrew rite, and and some of the Christian parallels.  To be sure, it is a story and ritual full of powerful symbols. Listen and let's discover just a few together.
    enMarch 26, 2022

    Let Hope be your Guide

    Let Hope be your Guide

    Often our lives are measure by the eternal things--goals, achievements, accolades.  But when it really comes down to it, our relationships are the real currency of life.  In this episode, Mandy examines how "hopes"  differ from having "goals" in a relationship and how those hopes wield a greater capacity to shape and beautify the lives of those we love.

    enMarch 12, 2022

    Don't Lose Heart. We Were Made for These Times.

    Don't Lose Heart.  We Were Made for These Times.

    In troubling times, it is important to not lose heart.  Join Mandy as she discusses some of the old and new symbols and associations with the heart, and shares a personal story about the beauty of the human heart.  In a world "turned upside down" it is important to keep our hearts open, discerning and warm.  And not to worry, "we were made for these times!" Now, more than ever, it is important that we have hearts that reflect light and love.  

    enFebruary 24, 2022

    "And the Lord called His people..."

    "And the Lord called His people..."

    There are a lot of ideas about what may consitute "Zion."  Join us this week, Mandy takes a deeper dive into this scripture found in Moses 7, to explore some of the beautiful possilities available to each of us here and now.

    Artwork by Tonya Vistaunet, There is no End to Love, 2019

    enFebruary 19, 2022