
    Relationships with Abby Rodman

    Hey, it's Abby. We're all in relationships of some sort. From our spouses/partners, to our kids, to our coworkers...and beyond. You already know when your relationships aren't up to snuff, life gets a bit more challenging. What do we do when our relationships are causing more heartache than joy? More frustration that peace? Identifying what's wrong (or even right!) isn't always so simple. Join me as I explore relationships from every loving, frustrating, and complicated angle -- enabling and empowering you to make the tweaks, changes, and decisions you need on your quest for your best and healthiest relationships!
    enAbby Rodman28 Episodes

    Episodes (28)

    5 Sure Signs You're Being Emotionally Abused

    5 Sure Signs You're Being Emotionally Abused

    Are you wondering if you're emotionally abused? Do you feel anxious around your partner on a consistent basis? Do you feel you're no longer the person you once were? Is your home life marked more by chaos than peace?

    No, you're not crazy. But if you're being emotionally abused, you may be starting to doubt your sanity. And that's only one of the many damaging byproducts of emotional abuse. 

    You're not alone. Emotional abuse touches women and men from all walks of life. But emotional abuse is invisible until you're able to really acknowledge just what's going on in your relationship. 

    Join psychotherapist Abby Rodman as she discusses the 5 sure signs of emotional abuse. Being able to recognize emotional abuse in your relationship is the first step toward a healthier you.


    6 Ways To Convince Your Partner To Stay

    6 Ways To Convince Your Partner To Stay

    In the history of the world, begging a partner to stay in a relationship has never ended in a good result. Even if — after all your pleading — your partner agrees to hang out in the relationship a while longer, it’s only a matter of time before he’ll grow tired of the charade. Not only that, but begging is demoralizing. There’s no dignity in it. And sometimes, when a relationship is crumbling, self-respect is all you’ve got left.

    Tears and threats won’t move your partner — at least not in any permanent fashion — so save your energy for tactics that will make a difference. 

    Psychotherapist and relationship specialist Abby Rodman offers six conversation starters that just may tilt the relationship — and your partner — back toward togetherness. 

    The One Thing You Must Do To Be Happy

    The One Thing You Must Do To Be Happy

    Are hard decisions really that hard? Or do you already know the answers?

    Join psychotherapist and bestselling author Abby Rodman as she discusses how easy it is to get caught up in the concept of the hard decision...and what you need to do to break free from the questions that keep you trapped in a never-ending cycle of doubt and indecision.

    Stepkids Making You Crazy?

    Stepkids Making You Crazy?

    Did you know the #1 reason second marriages derail is because new spouses can't figure out how to navigate the challenges of step-parenting? 

    If it seems your partner will do almost anything to remain connected to his/her kids -- even allowing themselves to be controlled or manipulated -- you may find yourself in a difficult and frustrating position as their stepparent.

    Psychotherapist Abby Rodman -- a stepparent herself -- discusses six common issues stepparents face, and suggests ways to approach your spouse so he/she will hear your concerns. Together, you can make the necessary changes to ensure step-parenting success and a happy marital future.

    Don't join the ranks of the second marriage divorces. Communication is the key and silence is the enemy. It's time to have the crucial conversations that will keep your marriage and blended family -- on track.

    For more of Abby Rodman's work, visit her website at abbyrodman.com.

    Do This One Thing To Heal Your Marriage After An Affair

    Do This One Thing To Heal Your Marriage After An Affair

    Psychotherapist and #1 Bestselling author Abby Rodman offers a new way to frame an affair which focuses on your personal growth and enlightenment, rather than the heartache and details of the affair itself. Healing from infidelity is challenging at best, but your takeaway from this experience is what will ultimately predict how you process your partner's affair and what the future quality of your marriage -- or next relationship -- will be.

    Can Your Midlife Marriage Go The Distance?

    Can Your Midlife Marriage Go The Distance?

    Marriage -- especially in midlife -- is often more complicated than we anticipate. And making the decision to stay in or leave your marriage can be difficult and crazy-making at best. Do you spend a lot of time wondering where your marriage is going? Do you want to improve your relationship but not sure if it's possible? Are you feeling alone in figuring out what's next?  

    Psychotherapist and bestselling author Abby Rodman will answer these questions and guide you to a better understanding of your midlife marriage -- and where you can take it from here.