
    Right on Time Podcast

    Everything is right on time. Yes, it’s time to start following the dream, the calling, the nudge you have to do something different, right now. The world needs different and the world needs more of you. In this podcast Amber McCue explores the timing of success and growth. It’s the Right on Time life. It is a new way of living that will bring you more joy, less overwhelm, and show you how to get everything you want in both business and life. Your podcast guide, Amber, went from a single mom at the age of 18 to running two successful businesses that allow her the freedom to work from anywhere with her family. Now it’s your turn!
    enAmber McCue142 Episodes

    Episodes (142)

    Reflecting on 2023, Planning for 2024

    Reflecting on 2023, Planning for 2024

    I can’t believe the sentence I’m about to write. Okay. Ready? 


    WELCOME to the last Right on Time podcast of 2023. 


    What? It’s been a year of incredible interviews, eye-opening conversations, and getting to hang out with you here every single week. I’ve loved every second. At the end, I have some big podcast news so be sure to stay tuned. 


    As I was preparing for this episode, I had several ideas and topics that came to mind. However, I’ve decided that I really want to talk with you all about what is happening here, what we are doing, and what I’ve been thinking through and reflecting on. 


    Many of my colleagues and fellow small business owners are reevaluating what exactly they want to do in this next season. 


    We also have a lot of rethinking and redesigning going on here. My team and I are working very closely together to bring back live experiences around How to Clone Yourself. Which is something we haven’t done in a long time, but we are so very excited about. 


    With this redesign we are doing, I’ve been reflecting on what we are doing and how we are doing it. 


    We are digging into that here in this episode. Be sure to grab a pen cause I have some amazing quotes headed your way. 


    Once you listen, be sure to let me know your thoughts, your 2024 plans, and how you’re going to put into action what we talk about here. 



    • Finding YOUR focus 

    • Getting in alignment with yourself and your motivations 

    • Scenario planning to escape the what-ifs 

    • Keeping it simple to get what you want to be 


    Thank you so much for listening and being on this podcast journey with us. We will be back soon. However, we will be taking a short pause to reflect and revamp the Right on Time Podcast. 


    Be sure to send us any topic or guest suggestions you have in the meantime. We would love to hear from you. 

    Right on Time Podcast
    enDecember 20, 2023

    Finding Flow: Lessons in Wellness for Entrepreneurs

    Finding Flow: Lessons in Wellness for Entrepreneurs


    From navigating the intricate dance between entrepreneurship and migraines to redefining her approach to fitness, Amber's narrative is anything but conventional. In this episode, she peels back the layers of her experiences, sharing how a slow-running revolution became a pivotal force in her wellness transformation.

    Amber's wellness story took an unexpected turn during a cross-country road trip, where movement and migraines collided in a symphony of self-discovery. As the miles unfolded, so did the profound realizations about the connection between physical activity, mindfulness, and the demands of entrepreneurial life.

    The “slow running revolution”, a concept that might seem counterintuitive to the hustle-centric world of entrepreneurship, became Amber's gateway to a more mindful approach to fitness. She unpacks how embracing slowness and intentional movement has not only reshaped her physical well-being but has also been a catalyst for a broader transformation in her entrepreneurial mindset.

    In this episode, Amber's journey unfolds like a map, detailing the twists, turns, and unexpected detours that led her to a profound revelation: the power of slow in shaping a healthier entrepreneurial life. From resisting the conventional norms of fitness to embracing resilience, Amber shares the raw, unfiltered account of her wellness revelation.

    Amber McCue's story is an inspiring testament to the idea that sometimes life throws you a curveball to guide you toward a new direction. Her breakdown became a game-changing breakthrough, and now she stands as a beacon of resilience and authenticity for others on their wellness journeys.

    Join us in this episode as Amber shares her story. If you're seeking inspiration and practical advice on navigating the intersections of wellness, entrepreneurship, and personal growth, this episode is a must-listen.


    In This Episode: 

    • Importance of starting slow

    • Mindset shift from “exercise” to “movement”

    • Wellness + entrepreneurship 

    • Consistency is always key


    Mentioned in this Episode: 


    Amber McCue’s Instagram 


    Walk/Run Training Mix


    Nutritionist: I only have Elena's phone number, DM me on insta if you want her info.

    Right on Time Podcast
    enDecember 05, 2023

    Unleashing Productivity Power: NJ Shelsby's Blueprint for Overcoming Overwhelm and Achieving Focus

    Unleashing Productivity Power: NJ Shelsby's Blueprint for Overcoming Overwhelm and Achieving Focus

    Welcome to another episode of the Right on Time Podcast! Today, we have the incredible NJ Shelsby - she helps women gain control, eliminate distractions, and focus on what really matters so they can achieve a new level of success and work fewer hours along the way. 

    Let's dive into the dual challenges of external and internal struggles that often act as productivity roadblocks. NJ sheds light on the critical importance of tackling both fronts. External struggles, from constant distractions to decision fatigue, meet their match in NJ's strategies from this episode. Meanwhile, internal struggles are met with mindset-challenging solutions.

    NJ guides us through the art of identifying internal struggles, encouraging us to recognize resistance to behavior change as the compass pointing to these obstacles. We can’t wait to hear what you think!


    In This Episode: 

    • Address both external and internal struggles that hinder productivity.

    • Challenge the belief that overwhelm is inevitable.

    • Create a vision for a different work life and start taking steps to make it a reality.

    • Overcoming overwhelm leads to clearer thinking and increased productivity.

    • Highlights the importance of eliminating chaos-producing habits, such as keeping to-dos in your head.


    Mentioned in this Episode: 

    Right on Time Podcast
    enNovember 16, 2023

    From $2 Paycheck to Profitability: Strategies for growing your business during difficult times

    From $2 Paycheck to Profitability: Strategies for growing your business during difficult times

    I am so excited to introduce you to Elizabeth Caran, the visionary owner of Outlander Travel, a full-service travel agency that specializes in crafting extraordinary leisure experiences, as we dive into the remarkable growth of her business and the profound significance of being immersed in diverse cultures and ways of life through travel.


    Elizabeth is a client - I am a client of hers - and she is someone I deeply respect for who she is and how she runs her business. If you resonate with Elizabeth’s journey, and her results, book a call with us at ambermccue.com/bookmycall


    In this episode, we explore the world of travel with Elizabeth but are going well beyond destinations. We dive into the heart of travel as a gateway to experiencing global cultures. Elizabeth shares her own awe-inspiring experiences, including the unforgettable safari she embarked on with her children. The memories they created were nothing short of magic, evoking laughter and deep reflection on the moments when their vacations seemed endless.


    The path to success is often punctuated with challenges, and Elizabeth's journey is no exception. As the world grappled with the uncertainties brought on by the pandemic, Elizabeth confronted a series of obstacles. She is a travel agent suddenly in a world where travel was banned. She used this time as an opportunity for introspection, focusing on strategic planning and investing in her business.


    Don't miss this conversation with Elizabeth. As we are in the midst of yet another uncertain time with inflation still on the rise, it’s time to get strategic with your planning just like Elizabeth did.


    Ready to be captivated by her story of growth, resilience, and chasing her dreams? Give this episode a listen then let me know your thoughts. I can’t wait to hear from you. 


    In This Episode: 

    • On a personal mission that drives results: Cultural immersion through travel

    • The key ingredient: Why you need to be strategic in planning for your business

    • It’s inevitable: Navigating highs and lows in business

    • I so get it: Balancing business and family

    Mentioned in this Episode: 


    Focus Forward - a 2-Day Strategic Planning Retreat for Your Business


    Outlander Travel 

    Right on Time Podcast
    enNovember 08, 2023

    Taking Action: How to Transform Your Passion into Purpose

    Taking Action: How to Transform Your Passion into Purpose

    I am so thrilled to have you join us for this episode where Jen and I take a deep dive into our personal journeys of self-discovery and uncovering our true callings. From pursuing passions like singing and acting to taking the stage as speakers, we're here to share how our life purposes unfolded in unexpected ways.


    Jen's journey to becoming a successful jen entrepreneur was far from your typical, run-of-the-mill story.

    Before her company, Super Connector Media came to life, Jen was chasing her acting dreams right in the heart of New York City. Her relentless dedication paid off big time when she snagged a role in the Broadway National Tour of The Wedding Singer. Then she landed a role on a VH-1 TV Series.

    Then her show got axed, and her unfaithful boyfriend made a hasty exit, it was like the universe handed her a hot mess on a silver platter. But Jen, being the resilient soul she is, turned her breakdown into a game-changing breakthrough. She realized that sometimes life throws you a curveball to push you in a new direction. That's when she decided it was time to step into her own spotlight, shine brightly, and let the world see the real her.

    Fast forward to today, Jen has been a guiding light for thousands of business owners, coaches, and experts. She's helped them find the confidence and skills they need to uncover their passions, be their authentic selves, and stand confidently in their own glow.

    If you're in search of inspiration and practical advice on finding your purpose, taking meaningful action, forging connections, and embracing personal growth, then this episode is a must-listen. Join us as we lay bare our own stories and offer insights that will leave you feeling motivated and fully prepared to initiate positive changes in your own life.


    Don't hesitate! Hit that play button right now and let this episode become the catalyst for your own transformation and fulfillment. We promise you won't want to miss it!


    In This Episode: 

    • Finding true purpose

    • Embracing vulnerability and being true to oneself

    • Personal transformation and embracing imperfections

    • Taking action and finding clarity

    • Importance of connection and building relationships


    Mentioned in this Episode: 


    Connect with Jen


    Jen’s New Book: BE SEEN: Find Your Voice. Build Your Brand. Live Your Dream 

    Join us inside the Planathon! Happening right now!

    Right on Time Podcast
    enOctober 31, 2023

    Boost Productivity and Reduce Stress with A Few Good Habits

    Boost Productivity and Reduce Stress with A Few Good Habits

    Get ready to dive into an exciting new episode where we chat with Julie, the brilliant author behind the recently released book, A Few Good Habits. This passion project of hers combines her years of research on stress reduction and achieving big goals without burning out. So, if you've been feeling overwhelmed by conflicting advice on habits and high performance, this episode is for you!


    Julie breaks it all down for us, sharing the four simple but powerful habits that can make all the difference in reducing stress and optimizing our lives. And the best part? It doesn't require a massive life makeover. The name of the book, A Few Good Habits, perfectly encapsulates the approach – no overwhelming changes necessary.


    In This Episode: 

    • Julie’s New Book, A Few Good Habits

    • A few science-backed habits to give a try

    • How to fit into these habits when life gets in the way

    • Creating a plan and not relying on willpower to stick to your habits


    So, what are you waiting for? Don't miss out on this transformative (and practical!) episode. Whether you're striving for peak performance or looking to reduce stress in your life, A Few Good Habits is your guide to success. Tune in now and start implementing these game-changing habits. Your future self will thank you!


    Mentioned in this Episode: 


    Read the first Chapter of Julie’s Book FREE


    RSVP for The Planathon

    Right on Time Podcast
    enOctober 25, 2023

    The Planathon: A Behind the Scenes Look at Hosting a Revenue Generating Event Part 2

    The Planathon: A Behind the Scenes Look at Hosting a Revenue Generating Event Part 2

    This is a shift that will enhance focus and clarity for everyone involved.

    The Planathon is an event specifically designed to help entrepreneurs plan for the upcoming year and avoid overwhelm. We know how many choices and options there are in the business world, and it's easy to get stuck in confusion and inaction. That's why strategic planning is essential to reach our goals in a straight line with less distraction.

    Now in its 11th year, the Planathon has become a must-attend event for business owners looking to achieve their desired results. And this year, we've made some incredible changes that will help you get clarity and focus faster. Bye-bye overwhelm! 

    Let's talk about the Planathon itself. It all started as five days with me as your guide, inviting experts to share their knowledge. We focused on current trends and released videos hourly for those five days. It was an incredible experience, but this year, we're taking things to the next level.

    This year's Planathon will be live, interactive, and truly different from previous years. You'll get to experience breakout rooms and connect with fellow entrepreneurs during the event. And if you can't make it live, you can still engage in the comments and be a part of the action.

    So, if you're in a season of change and looking to reevaluate your business or life, this is the perfect opportunity. It's time to refocus on your strategic plan and set yourself up for better results and value. We're already thinking about 2024, so let's plan strategically at the Planathon. Be focused, intentional, and ahead of the game. I'll see you there!


    In This Episode: 

    • Calculating ROI and Marketing an Event

    • What is the Planthon and who is for?

    • Exciting shifts inside The Planathon


    Mentioned in this Episode: 


    RSVP for The Planathon


    For simple opt-in pages!

    Lead Pages


    For building an email list


    Right on Time Podcast
    enOctober 18, 2023

    Behind the Scenes of Hosting a Revenue-Generating Event For Your Business

    Behind the Scenes of Hosting a Revenue-Generating Event For Your Business

    We are talking all about how to set up a revenue-generating event for your business. This is going to be a two-part episode, and today, we're kicking things off by taking you behind the scenes of an event very close to my heart – The Planathon.

    For the past decade (yes, this marks our 11th year), we've been hosting an annual planning event for entrepreneurs known as The Planathon. Maybe you've been part of it; maybe you haven't. If you haven't, now's your chance – head over to theplanathon.com to RSVP; it's just around the corner.

    I'm thrilled to have you here with me as we chat about the ins and outs of this event. Whether you're thinking about hosting your own event or simply curious about what goes on behind the scenes, this conversation is for you.

    In this episode, I'll give you a sneak peek into the backstory and behind-the-scenes details of The Planathon. And in our next episode, I'll reveal where we're headed in the future.


    In This Episode: 

    • Have a clear purpose for your revenue-generating event.

    • Don't be afraid to start small; everyone has to begin somewhere.

    • Choosing tech tools that are simple and user-friendly for you and your team.

    • Craft an experience that allows you to generate revenue immediately.

    • Give people advanced notice – it's a game-changer.


    Mentioned in this Episode: 


    RSVP for The Planathon


    For simple opt-in pages!

    Lead Pages


    For building an email list


    Right on Time Podcast
    enOctober 11, 2023

    Destiny, Mindfulness, Empowerment, and Cosmic Insights

    Destiny, Mindfulness, Empowerment, and Cosmic Insights

    Get ready for an incredible journey through JJ's life – from missing out on her dream college to a serendipitous blind date that led her to Ohio, where fate had something remarkable in store. But that's just the beginning.

    JJ's childhood trips to Lake Erie became the foundation of her amazing wellness sanctuary. Her path to Ohio may not have been planned, but destiny had a grand design all along.

    Here's the real kicker: JJ shares her life-changing experience with mindfulness training, breaking free from ceaseless future planning to embrace the magic of the present moment.

    We'll dive into JJ's impressive achievements, including her women's group and mission to empower women navigating multiple roles. There's palpable empowerment as women open up about their struggles and offer unwavering support.

    But wait, there's more! JJ authored three remarkable books – "The Working Woman's GPS," "Accelerate Your Impact," and "Seeking" – invaluable guides for modern women.

    JJ and Amber explore soul alignment, divine timing, and the importance of following what feels right, not predetermined outcomes.

    And let's not forget the enlightening chat about birth charts! JJ's passion for astrology and its insights into life's purpose is eye-opening.

    Get ready to be uplifted, inspired, and empowered. Grab your favorite drink, hit that "play" button, and join us on a journey that'll stay with you. Happy listening, folks! 🎧🌟


    In This Episode: 


    • How to stop continuously planning for the future and get into action

    • JJ’s journey to wellness and creating her business

    • Transformation through Mindfulness - What it is and why you want it!

    • Soul alignment, divine timing, astrology, and birth charts, and following what feels right


    Head over to my Instagram to connect and share your thoughts on this mind-expanding episode. 


    And if you're craving even more from JJ, don't forget to explore her book, "Seeking," a deeply personal exploration of her remarkable journey. Plus, discover the incredible community she's cultivated at Togetherwiseek Online, where kindred spirits gather to support one another on their paths of self-discovery.

    Right on Time Podcast
    enOctober 04, 2023

    The Power of Transformation: Overcoming Failure, Finding Inspiration, and Transforming Your Life

    The Power of Transformation: Overcoming Failure, Finding Inspiration, and Transforming Your Life

    Before we get into this powerful podcast episode, it is important I include a brief warning. We discuss mental health and suicide in this episode. Please skip this episode if this is too close to home.  We’ll see you back here next week for a brand-new episode. 


    I am beyond thrilled to introduce Suzanne Peters. This conversation is filled with raw emotions, unexpected twists, and most importantly, a story of resilience that will leave you inspired and motivated.


    In This Episode: 

    • Find purpose and move toward your goals even when life won’t stop living

    • How Suzanne lost everything, hit rock bottom, and recovered (and you can too)

    • Discover your own personal motivation to transform your life

    • Getting in connection is key, here’s how Suzanne stays connected and grows in the community


    From the moment Suzanne starts speaking, you can feel her passion and authenticity through the screen. We let the conversation flow naturally, allowing unexpected moments to arise. Suzanne shares her journey of overcoming unimaginable challenges and how she found the courage to turn her life around.


    As you listen to Suzanne's journey unfold, you'll witness her rise from rock bottom to the pinnacle of success. Through trial and error, Suzanne developed her own coaching frameworks and invested in herself. She emphasizes the power of finding the right guidance and being in the right environment to transform your life. Trust me, she definitely knows all about transformation. 


    I was personally moved by Suzanne's story and her unwavering belief in the power of storytelling. She reminds us that we all have a unique story worth sharing, whether it's a transformative experience or pursuing our dreams.


    So, what are you waiting for? Join us now on this incredible journey of resilience, transformation, and the power of sharing your story. Just click play and prepare to be inspired.


    Mentioned in this Episode: 

    Woman to Woman Network


    Suzanne on LinkedIn


    Right on Time Podcast
    enSeptember 27, 2023

    Reclaiming Time and Ditching Overwhelm: A Guide to Doing Less Better

    Reclaiming Time and Ditching Overwhelm: A Guide to Doing Less Better

    You have exactly the time you need to focus.


    If you’re an entrepreneur, you’re probably familiar with hustle culture. You’ve probably even been sucked into that place of hustle - doing all the things all at once with little to no rest, hoping for extraordinary results. Oftentimes, only find fatigue, burnout, and wondering where we’ve gone wrong. 


    What if instead of hustling harder, we focused more?


    What if it's not about getting more done?


    What if we actually did less, but did it better?


    These are the questions posed by Megan Flatt in her new book,  Focused: Reclaim Your Time, Ditch Overwhelm, and Do Less Better


    Megan is a dear friend, client, and collaborator of mine that I’m thrilled to introduce you to. She is a business growth strategist who's on a mission to make the entrepreneurial journey a whole lot easier! Megan firmly believes in having it all—a thriving business, a tight-knit community, and a well-rounded life. And guess what? She knows that the secret isn't about having more time; it's about having more focus


    Her book is all about showing you how to be more impactful in your work, relationships, and day-to-day actions while celebrating your wins. 


    This episode is full of strategies and practical tips to apply today to deepen your focus to make a bigger impact by doing less. As always, I want to know your thoughts on everything we’re talking about in this episode. Be sure to leave a comment or head over to Instagram to let me know. 


    In this Episode: 

    • What leads to burnout

    • Time vs. To-do list: impact > busy

    • What actually belongs on your to-do list?

    • Strategies to find your focus


    Connect with Megan




    Right on Time Podcast
    enSeptember 20, 2023

    Balancing Business and Wellness

    Balancing Business and Wellness

    I’m so excited to introduce you to Elizabeth King, a powerhouse entrepreneur who's not just chasing dreams but catching them! As a 6-figure CEO and the brains behind Elizabeth King Coaching, she's on a mission to empower women to build thriving, heart-centered businesses.


    It all started when countless women sought her guidance on turning their home-based business dreams into reality. Elizabeth didn't just give advice; she took action. That's how she birthed the Nationally Accredited Fertility Coach Academy (FCA), a platform where she's already coached and mentored over 35,000 women across 20+ countries, helping them become Certified Coaches themselves. She's also the charismatic host of the podcast "Creation Innovation" and the co-author of best-selling books, "Naturally Conceived" and "The Creative Lifebook."


    Elizabeth King isn't just a CEO; she's a game-changer, helping women worldwide turn their passion into profit and make their dreams come true. 


    Of course, our conversation doesn’t stop at the entrepreneur-talk. Elizabeth is an expert on women’s health and is giving us so much insight into how we, as women, can support our health by understanding our cycles a bit better. 


    Taking care of you is so important. Improving your overall wellness will allow you to better show up in all areas of your life, including your business. 


    Pop on this episode to be inspired and get the inside scoop on your wellness, and feel free to connect with me in the comments here, on YouTube, or over on Instagram.


    In this episode, we chat about:

    • How Elizabeth stepped into life coaching and you can too

    • How to balance multiple businesses at once and still have time left over

    • Use seed cycling to get more energy! 

    • The Four Phases of a Woman’s cycle and why it Matters for your Business


    In this episode, Elizabeth shares the secrets to balancing multiple businesses and finding harmony in the chaos. Trust me, balancing two businesses is no easy feat. Elizabeth has great insights on how to shift your focus and energy as needed. 


    And speaking of secrets, cycle synching seems to be a well-kept one. We'll dive deep into cycle synching and understanding the four phases of a woman's cycle. By acknowledging and utilizing these phases, you can optimize your creativity, networking, and self-care. Plus, Elizabeth lets us in on some incredible natural methods to address hormonal imbalances and painful periods.


    But it doesn't stop there. Elizabeth also introduces the concept of seed cycling, where specific seeds can help balance your hormones naturally. And for those of you concerned about privacy, we've got you covered with reliable options for tracking your cycle, including basal body temperature.


    And here's a little secret for you – tracking your cycle is not just for fertility purposes. It's vital for overall health and well-being, no matter where you are in your journey. Understanding your hormones can help make sense of your emotions and productivity patterns.


    Ready to take control of your body and your business? Tune in now and be inspired to start seed cycling, track your cycles, and implement strategies that align with your feelings and needs. Don't miss out on this incredible conversation with someone who has truly made a difference in the world of fertility

    Right on Time Podcast
    enSeptember 13, 2023

    Fractional CMOs & The Best Marketing Strategy You Can Use Now

    Fractional CMOs & The Best Marketing Strategy You Can Use Now

    In the ever-evolving realm of marketing, finding the right strategies to fuel growth can be a challenge, whether you're a small business owner or part of a larger organization. Aimee Schuster is an expert at marketing the invisible. This means services over products. 


    She has spent the last 25 years helping B2B organizations to build, advance, and energize their lead generation. She is all about getting leads into their business so they can continue to grow. Aimee also founded Bandwidth Strategy: A fractional CMO and COO consultancy to help growth-stage organizations drive the right leads into their funnel.  


    Aimee began her career in legal marketing. She saw this wave of digital marketing coming and knew that lawyers were not going to be the first to adapt. She was going to be an early adapter though. This propelled her to start her first business, which she grew and sold before moving into her next career phase. She then stuck to helping business-to-business companies with marketing and growth. Which eventually turned into owning her company: Bandwidth Strategy. She has learned so much over her incredible 25-year career in this industry. And she is sharing them with us today. 


    The strategies we talk about in this episode just might help you prioritize where you want to spend your marketing time, sales time, branding time, and dollars in various marketing activities. This is such a fun conversation that you don’t want to miss it. 


    Don’t forget to let me know what you think by leaving a comment, tagging me on Instagram (@ ambermccue), or even leaving a review wherever you listen to the Podcast.

    In this episode, we chat about:

    • The power of SEO

    • How long does it take for SEO to work

    • What is a fractional CMO?

    • Where to focus to see an ROI?

    • How Improv just might improve your business


    Mentioned in this episode: 


    Aimee’s Business


    Connect with Aimee on LinkedIn


    Right on Time Episode with Amanda Warfield

    Right on Time Podcast
    enSeptember 06, 2023

    Embracing Adversity and Choosing Yourself

    Embracing Adversity and Choosing Yourself

    In a world where stories shape our lives, you need to know Nicole Christie – a true storyteller extraordinaire. She's the mastermind behind Tulla Productions, a storytelling studio that weaves connections between big brands, amazing individuals, and all of us in the audience. But hold up, Nicole's journey isn't just business; it's a rollercoaster of self-discovery, bouncing back, and the radical act of putting yourself first.


    Nicole learned the art of choosing herself during a seriously tough time. It was like a trial by fire, but guess what? She emerged from the flames shining brighter than ever. I had the best chat with Nicole, and you're in for a treat when you hear her story.


    She faced medical curveballs that could've knocked anyone flat – a crazy side effect of hand-foot-mouth disease and a curveball with a cancer diagnosis right smack in the middle of a pandemic. Most folks would've waved the white flag, but not Nicole. She saw these hurdles as messages, little nudges from her own body telling her she wasn't on the right path. So, what did she do? She built her business as she healed. Talk about a powerhouse move!


    But wait, there's more. Life threw some unexpected plot twists Nicole's way. She realized something she never saw coming: her marriage might be emotionally abusive. Wrap your head around that. She went from thinking, "Maybe things aren't quite right" to standing tall and saying, "I deserve better." Nicole took the bravest step and sought help for the toxic situation, crafted a plan, and took back control of her life.


    Be sure to let me know what you think by leaving a comment, tagging me on Instagram (@ ambermccue), or even leaving a review wherever you listen to the Podcast.


    In this episode, we chat about:

    • Nicole’s survival story

    • Resilience in the face of adversity:

    • Rewriting life's script

    • How to recognize, survive, and thrive after narcissistic abuse

    • The art of choosing oneself


    Right on Time Podcast
    enAugust 30, 2023

    Cultivating True Happiness through Meaningful Connections

    Cultivating True Happiness through Meaningful Connections

    Only 14% of all Americans report being very happy 


    This stat comes from a study that Tamika, relationship expert extraordinaire shared with me from The University of Chicago. Tamika says that she isn’t very surprised by that stat given the rollercoaster life has been taking us all on with the pandemic and big shifts in other areas. We all want that happiness boost, but let's face it, sometimes we don’t even quite know what that means to us. 


    Tamika is here to let us know the secret to happiness. Are you ready to hear it? The secret is relationships. 


    She's not just saying this out of the blue. There's this legendary Harvard study that goes back decades, and guess what? It backs her up. Even some go-getter entrepreneurs participating in the study thought their biz was the key to their joy, only to find out that real happiness was hanging out with their peeps – family, friends, colleagues, and other wonderful people they’ve met along the way. This is very real science that supports that personal connection and relationships (both platonic and romantic) are what bring true happiness into our lives. 


    But what lights up Tamika's passion for connections like a neon sign? It's a story that starts with loss but blooms into self-discovery and meaningful friendships.. Losing her dad at the age of 13 was like a cosmic nudge. She understood that life is short and sweet, so she set out to make those bonds in her relationships count.


    The universe will test you in what you teach.


    Tamika's all about taking life's pop quizzes. She's been through her share of relationship riddles, and that's where she sharpened her relationship toolbox. It's like she's cracked the code on what makes a bond tick. Her mission: build rock-solid connections that light up lives and help others do the exact same. 


    Stay tuned, because we're just scratching the surface of Tamika's insights. You won't believe the gems she's got to share about setting boundaries, dealing with ego, and finding your happiness groove through connections. It's like a masterclass in relationship wisdom.


    Be sure to let me know what you think by leaving a comment, tagging me on Instagram (@ ambermccue), or even leaving a review wherever you listen to the Podcast.


    In this episode, we chat about:

    • What actually makes you happy

    • Creating and cultivating relationships

    • Communication in relationships

    • How your relationships affect you 


    Mentioned in this episode: 


    Tamika’s Company

    Couple’s Experience


    Harvard Study of Adult Development


    Wonderful Article to dive into this study!


    Right on Time Podcast
    enAugust 23, 2023

    Beyond Beauty: Planning for Success and Business in the Metaverse

    Beyond Beauty: Planning for Success and Business in the Metaverse

    Ever feel like your offers are getting stale in our fast changing world? 


    It’s true, it’s essential that we - as business owners - adapt to changes in the market and to our client/customer needs. 


    Prepare to be captivated by the incredible Nikia Londy, founder and CEO of Intriguing Hair, a groundbreaking solution for women of all ethnicities experiencing hair loss or seeking hair augmentation. Nikia is not only an exceptional business owner but also an amazing human being, and I have a feeling you're going to adore her just as much as I do.


    Nikia takes us on a remarkable journey, sharing how her passion for hair led her to create a well-established organization catering specifically to African American women. From experimenting with hair to importing it and attending cosmetology school, Nikia's dedication and enthusiasm shine through every step of her story.


    But the story gets even more fascinating. Nikia's willingness to adapt and notice market patterns allowed her to expand her clientele to include trans women, individuals with medical hair loss, and more. She emphasizes the importance of finding your true customer and serving them diligently, even if it seems daunting at first.


    This episode is a transformative journey filled with inspiration, practical advice, and a sneak peek into the extraordinary things that lie ahead in the ever-evolving world of beauty and technology. Don't wait another second. Tune in now to hear Nikia's incredible story and get ready to be blown away by her visionary brilliance. You can find Nikia and Intriguing Hair on their website, intriguinghair.com, as well as on various social media platforms.


    And hey, once you've listened to the episode, I'd love to hear your thoughts. Reach out to me on Instagram or YouTube. Let's keep the conversation going and embrace the exciting possibilities of the future together.


    Get ready to be inspired, motivated, and captivated by the brilliance of Nikia Londy and her extraordinary journey. Trust me, this is an episode you won't want to miss.


    In this Episode, we chat about:

    • Why you need to work in your business - not just on your business

    • How to spot trends and watch for changes in the market that you need to adapt to

    • How to build an incredible team

    • How sticking to her plan made Nikia’s business a success (and her happier)

    • All about building a business in the metaverse to bring her business into the future


    Mentioned in this episode:


    Intriguing Hair Website





    Nikia’s LinkedIn


    Stay Goaldone

    Right on Time Podcast
    enAugust 16, 2023

    From Business Breakdown to Breakthrough: The Journey to Building Your Happier Self

    From Business Breakdown to Breakthrough: The Journey to Building Your Happier Self

    Are you ready for this? It really doesn’t get more inspiring than this conversation with Ruth Kudzi. She has been on an incredible journey that is sure to resonate with a lot of us as entrepreneurs. 


    Ruth Kudzi is such a courageous business owner. Recently, she very bravely paused her business for a period of time. Can you imagine just how scary that likely was? I know that it sends a shiver down my spine.


    However, I’m sure you’ve heard me say it - sometimes you have to slow down to speed up. This is exactly what Ruth did. She felt as if she wasn’t able to show up and serve in the way she wanted. So she took a step back. Taking a break from coaching revealed the incredible support and trust of her clients, even during tough times. 


    Now she is back at her coaching business and is celebrating the recent launch of her new book, How to Feel Better: 4 Steps to Self-Coach Your Way to a Happier, More Authentic You. You can just tell that she poured her heart and soul into this book as she speaks about it.


    Ruth combines evidence-based research to help readers actually integrate personal development work into their lives. Her book focuses on 4 questions that will actually spark transformation in your life. Ruth's self-coaching model is packed with invaluable tools for enhancing awareness and gaining perspective when you need it most.


    We talk even more about her book, her journey of rapid growth in her business, and the valuable lessons she learned along the way. As well as what she has learned about overcoming self-doubt and so much more. This is really the episode for you if you have found yourself struggling with motivation to keep going in your business, have imposter syndrome, or have just felt a little off lately. 


    Ruth's story and coaching methodology will empower you to address challenges, find your authentic self, and step into the life you've always wanted.


    Remember, you have the power to transform yourself and your business. Dive into this episode and be sure to let me know what you think by leaving a comment, tagging me on Instagram (@ ambermccue), or even leaving a review wherever you listen to Podcast. 

    In this episode, we chat about:

    • How sharing the real you will create a connection with others

    • Ruth’s writing journey for How to Feel Better: 4 Steps to Self-Coach Your Way to a Happier, More Authentic You

    • The lessons that came with rapid growth in her coaching business

    • Overcoming self-doubt and learning to rely on the support of others

    • Why do you need to stop chasing the next big goal all the time

    Mentioned in this episode: 


    Ruth’s New Book

    How to Feel Better: 4 Steps to Self-Coach Your Way to a Happier, More Authentic You


    Connect with Ruth



    Right on Time Podcast
    enAugust 09, 2023

    How to build your best life

    How to build your best life

    🎙️ Get ready for an extraordinary episode with the unstoppable force that is Marla J. Albertie. She has a burning passion for personal growth and creating a positive impact. This episode is an absolute must-listen!


    Marla's wisdom shines as she shares her perspective on work-life harmonization, moving beyond the traditional work-life balance. She emphasizes the power of coaching the whole person and encourages you to prioritize what truly matters to you, discover their passions, and set clear goals.


    You also don’t want to miss out on Marla’s new book, "The Ultimate Brag Book About Yourself," designed to ignite self-reflection and heightened self-awareness.  It is sure to inspire a transformational journey for anyone who picks it up. 


    This episode serves as a powerful reminder to make every moment count, and find true happiness in life's journey. The dash between your birth and death years should be nothing short of extraordinary, and Marla J. Albertie will show you how to make it happen! 🚀


    Be sure to connect with Marla on socials and via her websites. I have all the links for you below. If you enjoy this episode, please consider leaving a 5 star review! If you have thoughts on this episode, I would love to hear them - tag me over on Instagram (@ ambermccue) or head to the Youtube video of this episode and leave a comment. I can’t wait to connect with you. 


    In this Episode, we chat about:

    • Finding work-life balance

    • The power of believing in yourself

    • The importance of care and engagement in leadership

    • How to “keep it moving”

    • Marla’s book, “The Ultimate Brag Book About Yourself”


    Mentioned in this episode: 


    Marla’s Coaching Business

    Truth Speaks Coaching


    Marla’s Non-profit 

    I/O for Teens


    Marla’s Book

    The Ultimate Brag Book About Yourself

    Right on Time Podcast
    enAugust 02, 2023

    From Live Launches to Circuit Selling: A Game-Changing Marketing Strategy

    From Live Launches to Circuit Selling: A Game-Changing Marketing Strategy

    It’s complicated!


    That is how I describe my relationship with online marketing at the beginning of this episode. There are so many strategies and tactics and “you have to do it this way!” mindsets in online marketing. It can actually be really difficult to create the correct strategy for your business. 


    I’m sure you’ve heard me say it before: one size does not fit all. Nicki is here to talk us through the psychology of our customers, how to find the right marketing strategies for your business, and how to escape the echo chamber of sometimes bad advice when it comes to online marketing. 


    Nicki Krawczyk is revolutionizing online marketing with her approach of the Circuit Sales System. Toward the end of 2018 - after struggling in business for 6 years - Nicki created a sales and messaging system that provides all of the excitement and high conversions of live launching, without the stress. She also gained the scalability and predictability of an evergreen model minus the low conversions. With this system, she 40x-ed her business within two years.


    Give this episode a listen, consider the strategies discussed, and tag me (@ ambermccue) on Instagram to share your thoughts on Nicki’s approach. Let's revolutionize your sales together!


    In this Episode, we chat about:

    • Common marketing tactics that just might be bad advice

    • Uncovering the real motivations behind customer purchases

    • Introducing the Circuit Sale System and its automated sales cycles

    • How to maximize the effectiveness of the system through continuous optimization

    • The dynamic and effective nature of circuit selling

    Mentioned in this episode: 


    Nicki K Media

    The Circuit Sales System

    Filthy Rich Writer

    Right on Time Podcast
    enJuly 26, 2023

    Unleash Your True Potential: Embracing Strengths and Navigating Challenges

    Unleash Your True Potential: Embracing Strengths and Navigating Challenges

    This must-listen episode is a jewel in the crown of the Right on Time Podcast! 


    Julia Wolfendale, a vibrant businesswoman and executive coach is joining me in a great conversation on this episode. She is truly joy personified! if you need a pick-me-up right now - this is the episode to listen to.


    Julia sheds light on her journey, her love for sharing knowledge and making a difference, and the unique principles guiding her business. We discuss the impactful concept of ‘strength blindness’ and its pivotal role in our lives. Her approach to using your strengths is a bit different than what you might be used to, and wait until you hear how many people are NOT using their strengths to get ahead! It just might blow your mind while opening your eyes to what you want to change up in your life


    And we do deep - both Julia and I share personal anecdotes about challenging situations we've encountered and the strategies we employed to navigate them effectively.


    This podcast episode is more than just a discussion; it's your wake-up call, your nudge towards your true potential, and your reminder that you're right on time. Embark on this transformative journey with Julia Wolfendale today. You don't want to miss it!

    In this Episode, we chat about:

    • Julia’s Journey to Entrepreneurship

    • Strength-Based Coaching

    • Importance of Knowing One's Strengths

    • Five Ways to Focus

    Mentioned in this episode: 


    Grab Julia’s Book!

    Five Ways to Focus: Deal with overwhelm, gain clarity and perspective to get things on the up!


    Julia’s Course on Udemy

    Five Ways To Focus- a self-led coaching programme


    Julia’s Business:

    On The Up Consulting

    Right on Time Podcast
    enJuly 19, 2023