
    Right on Time Podcast

    Everything is right on time. Yes, it’s time to start following the dream, the calling, the nudge you have to do something different, right now. The world needs different and the world needs more of you. In this podcast Amber McCue explores the timing of success and growth. It’s the Right on Time life. It is a new way of living that will bring you more joy, less overwhelm, and show you how to get everything you want in both business and life. Your podcast guide, Amber, went from a single mom at the age of 18 to running two successful businesses that allow her the freedom to work from anywhere with her family. Now it’s your turn!
    enAmber McCue142 Episodes

    Episodes (142)

    Finding Balance between Weight Loss and Wellness

    Finding Balance between Weight Loss and Wellness

    You’ve got a lot to do! I know this. I also know that taking care of yourself sometimes falls to the bottom of the list.


    No guilt or shame in that! 


    Lauren, the incredible registered dietitian and weight loss expert behind The Sorority Nutritionist is sharing her unique approach to helping women achieve wellness and sustainable fat loss, should that be your goal.


     Lauren's philosophy centers around understanding what it truly means to be "on track" and creating personalized nutrition plans tailored to individual needs. She firmly believes in starting with the basics, like keeping an eye on calorie intake and ensuring adequate protein consumption, before even considering supplements or specialized diets. 


    Lauren's approach goes beyond just food – she encourages a balanced and enjoyable approach to healthy eating and weight loss, while also addressing the importance of mindset and emotional well-being on this incredible journey. 


    With Lauren by your side, you'll be on your way to achieving your goals with a smile!


    In this Episode, we chat about:

    • Understanding "on track" is crucial for sustainable weight loss.

    • Foster resilience and finding balance

    • Consistency and body awareness are vital for weight loss goals.

    Mentioned in this episode: 


    Take Lauren’s Quiz!

    Right on Time Podcast
    enJuly 12, 2023

    Unveiling the Illusion of Perfection: Embracing Joy and Alignment in Business

    Unveiling the Illusion of Perfection: Embracing Joy and Alignment in Business

    The “perfect business” has us hustling and overwhelmed. - Jessica Lackey


    Joy. That is what came up for me while Jessica and I spoke. Finding joy and fulfillment in and outside of the work you do is important for your health and well-being. 


    Jessica Lackey is a strategy and operations advisor with a background in corporate leadership and a Harvard Business degree. Jessica knows a thing or two about hustle culture and what it feels like to judge success by the bottom line…at all costs. Now, she combines her deep experience in consulting, Fortune 500 operations leadership, and coaching to help businesses grow without sacrificing the well-being of their clients, team, and community. 


    So you can see why I was so excited to have her on the Podcast with me. Today’s conversation is on the journey of being a business owner and the high expectations that come with it. Helloooo, the idea of creating the “perfect” business. Plus how we need to let those expectations go so we can align our business with our true goals so we can, ultimately, live a life that will fill us with joy. 

    Jessica believes in finding balance and making time for activities that bring us pure joy and fulfillment outside of the digital space. She shares how getting hands-on with crafts has been her secret recipe for her disconnecting from the constant demands of entrepreneurship. 


    As Jessica continues to grow her business, she remains committed to helping other business owners navigate the challenges and seasons of change while staying aligned with their true mission and objectives. 


    Be sure to leave a review or comment letting us know your thoughts as we dive in. 


    In this episode, we chat about:

    • The pressure to create a “perfect” business 

    • The allure of the 7-figure lifestyle

    • Social media standards vs. Reality 

    • Should you scale your business? 

    • Finding alignment with your business

    • The importance of finding fulfillment outside your business

    Mentioned in this episode: 


    Connect with Jessica

    Linked In



    Stay Goaldone

    Right on Time Podcast
    enJuly 05, 2023

    Grounded, Grit, and Growth: Embracing the Power of Resilience

    Grounded, Grit, and Growth: Embracing the Power of Resilience

    Quit is not a dirty word. 


    Whitney Sullivan is a leadership coach, enneagram practitioner, keynote speaker, and team building. Her professional training and  coaching business is designed to help rising leaders breakthrough barriers to thrive, help professionals increase purpose, peace, and performance at work and help teams thrive at work with more bravery, belonging, and ability to increase the bottom line.


    After spending 10 years in higher education as a health and wellness instructor, Whitney experienced a significant shift during the pandemic. She faced unique challenges when her workplace crises coincided with the global crisis, prompting major professional and personal changes.


    Whitney had always identified herself as someone who never quits and thought she needed to stick things out. However, the events of 2020 made her consider the possibility of quitting her job. Before seeking guidance from her sister, also a leadership coach, she wrote down what she was feeling: high fatigue, low morale, and feelings of discouragement and doubt. These emotions did not align with how she wanted to feel about her career. She left that call with her sister, realizing her attachment to the "I'm not a quitter" identity was hindering her.


    In January 2021, she started her side hustle, and by October 2021, she transitioned to full-time in her business. The journey was not without its challenges, and a touch of culture shock. Throughout her process of transformation, Whitney discovered the three G's that helped maintain resilience and create a life she loves which is what she teaches today. 



    In this Episode, we chat about:

    • Quit is not a dirty word

    • Quit vs. Grit

    • The Three G’s of Resilience

    • What to ask yourself to stay in the game and continue to grow

    • What is a truth diary? And the power it holds!

    Mentioned in this episode: 


    The Atlas of the Heart by Brene Brown


    Stay Goaldone


    Connect with Whitney





    Right on Time Podcast
    enJune 28, 2023

    3 Strategies to Simplify your Marketing

    3 Strategies to Simplify your Marketing

    Amanda Warfield is a marketing expert who specializes in helping her clients streamline their marketing efforts and achieve big results. Amanda also has a fun side hustle as a Disney-specialized travel agent! She uses her simplified marketing strategies for her clients and students, but also in marketing her travel agent business.


    In this Episode, we chat about:

    • What consistency actually is - and why it’s important

    • The 3 strategies to simplify your marketing 

    • Nurture versus Growth Strategy - and why you need both

    • Amanda’s new book: Chasing Simple Marketing


    Amanda's journey began with a simple living blog, which eventually led to content marketing. As her clients started seeking advice on marketing strategies, Amanda shifted her focus to simplifying their approaches so they had more time and energy to focus on their actual business.


    Amanda and I dig right in - she breaks down the 3 strategies she uses and teaches for simplifying marketing. She also gives us this reminder: you don't need to chase algorithms or adhere to best practices. Simplifying your marketing and consistently delivering high-quality content will yield growth and success.


    You don’t want to miss Amanda’s insight in this episode. Amanda will change the way you look at content marketing forever - in a great way! She wrote the book on simple, effective marketing. Literally! Grab her new book: Chasing Simple Marketing. This is a crash course in content marketing for saving time and growing your business. 


    Give this episode a listen and let us know what you think! Leave a comment on Youtube or send me a note on Instagram. If you enjoy this episode, please consider leaving a review - it really helps us out. 


    Mentioned in this episode: 


    Get Amanda’s Book!


    Follow Amanda on Instagram


    Stay Goaldone

    Right on Time Podcast
    enJune 21, 2023

    Productivity Redefined: The Key to Efficient Entrepreneurship

    Productivity Redefined: The Key to Efficient Entrepreneurship

    If you’ve been in the entrepreneurship space for any length of time then you know how much comes at you on the topic of productivity. 


    There are so many articles and influencers and businesses that are all about teaching you their perfect methods of productivity. Chelsey Newmyer has a different approach. She is all about personalized productivity! 


    She knows that everyone is different and therefore productivity looks different for everyone. She had enough of the generic one size fits all advice that didn’t really fit anyone at all. She created her business to help other entrepreneurs to be efficient rather than busy.


    This conversation is filled with Chelsey’s practical advice to get you on your path to personalized productivity. 

    In this Episode, we chat about:

    • Personalized Productivity

    • Why it’s important to work on the right things at the right time

    • Time Blocking and how most people get it wrong

    • How self-care works with your productivity

    Right on Time Podcast
    enJune 14, 2023

    Official 100th Episode!

    Official 100th Episode!

    🍾Welcome to the 100th episode of The Right on Time Podcast 🍾

    It's a time to celebrate the journey we've embarked on together! And what a journey it has been!

    Back in 2017, I launched this podcast with a vision of creating a platform for meaningful conversations. Over time, I’ve honed my communication skills and discovered a rhythm, deepening the connection with listeners. It's been an exhilarating feeling to witness the progress we've made on the Right on Time Podcast, and see the impact our episodes have had.

    And I don’t plan on stopping any time soon! 

    I am so excited to bring you more engaging conversations and insightful interviews with remarkable guests. We're constantly seeking out thought leaders, industry experts, and individuals with inspiring stories to share. 

    The opportunity to learn from diverse perspectives and uncover new insights excites me, and I can't wait to share them with you.

    Thank you so much for being a part of this amazing journey - whether this is the first episode you’ve listened to or the 100th - I am so happy you’re here!

    In this episode: 

    • Life and Business update!

    • Aligning your actions with your dreams. 

    • And how sometimes we get knocked off course.

    Right on Time Podcast
    enJune 07, 2023

    The Power of People Operations, Delegation, and Avoiding Burnout

    The Power of People Operations, Delegation, and Avoiding Burnout

    “There has to be a way to communicate and to offer support. There also has to be a way to actually assign the tasks and assign the work. And usually, that's not the same place.”


    Kira La Forgia shares her passion for empowering women to recognize the support available to them, and the potential for their impact to expand through delegation and teamwork. Drawing from her own experience in small and online businesses, she has transformed her expertise into a unique approach called "people operations" within HR consulting. Rather than just focusing on legal matters, people operations take a holistic view of the business, amplifying its effectiveness.

    Whatever stage of business you are at, Kira has some amazing insight that you can apply to your business now. 


    In this Episode, we chat about:

    • What do before you hire your team (or go back and do if you skipped this step)

    • When "flexibility" can be a bad thing for a team

    • How Kira threw meeting agendas out the window and what she does instead

    • The Ai Kira and her team use to capture meeting notes and action items in meetings

    • Pitfalls in virtual working and how to set your virtual team up for success


    Mentioned in this Episode:


    Business Brilliant by Louis Schiff

    Right on Time Podcast
    enMay 31, 2023

    From Pinball to Empowered Entrepreneur: Taking Charge of Your Life and Business

    From Pinball to Empowered Entrepreneur: Taking Charge of Your Life and Business

    Erin Marcus used to call herself The World's Number 1 pinball, constantly bouncing around, trying to score points and trying to avoid falling into the void. She used to take pride in her ability to thrive in the chaos.


    Then she learned that this was actually the problem, not the solution. She also noticed that this does seem to be the human default; to be stuck in this place of reaction. 


    Erin’s mission is to show people that it does not have to be that way. You can (and need) to take charge of your life and your business. Erin shares her personal experience of transitioning from being that pinball with little focus (and little money) to building the multi-six-figure business she has now. 


    Erin has such an infectious, bubbly personality that will have you smiling right along with her. This conversation was so good and so inspirational. I can’t wait to hear what you think!

    In this Episode, we chat about:

    • The human default and how we are being reprogrammed

    • How to be proactive of your life (and business)

    • The mindset difference between the corporate world and the entrepreneurial world

    • Instatactics - what they are and why they probably won’t work for you (yet)

    • Erin’s unique pricing strategy


    Mentioned in this Episode:


    Connect with Erin!


    Right on Time Podcast
    enMay 24, 2023

    Millionaire Morning Routine: Will the perfect morning routine make you more successful?

    Millionaire Morning Routine: Will the perfect morning routine make you more successful?

    Morning routines are all the rage these days. Whether it’s the 5-9 before the 9-5 routines that have been going viral on Tiktok or the ever popular google searches for “how to be a morning person” or “how to force yourself to wake up early” or “how to wake up early, even if you’re not a morning person”. 


    Samantha and Meagan, two incredible women that I get to work with over at my company, Three Boudoir, challenged themselves to take on morning routines inspired by millionaires. They added in steps such as skincare, exercising, journaling, and meditation while putting off work related tasks until their typical clock-in time. This was all in an effort to be more productive, but that’s not necessarily what the results were. 


    You may actually be shocked by what Samantha and Meagan concluded during this challenge. 

    In this Episode, we chat about:

    • Are the benefits of waking up so early in the morning worth all the hype

    • Seasonality of early wakeups 

    • If waking up earlier increases productivity, efficiency, and joy

    • The scientific research that highlights the benefits of being a night owl


    Mentioned in this Episode: 


    When by Daniel Pink

    Right on Time Podcast
    enMay 17, 2023

    How to Become Rich: Investing for Beginners

    How to Become Rich: Investing for Beginners

    Radical results require radical change. What are you willing to do to get what you want? 


    Ange Matthews created the life she has by investing. Investing can feel scary especially when you are just starting out, which is why I love Ange’s origin story. 


    I’m sure you can relate to this in some way. Ange was working 12 hours a day and not being paid for her time all while, as a recruiter, cutting checks that were much bigger than her own. She turned down a job at Goldman Sachs and began questioning if she made the right decision. One day, at her desk, while surrounded by the work she needed to be doing she googled “How to become rich”. 


    She found that all the advice was either learn to invest or become an entrepreneur, ideally both. AND don’t start investing until you’re debt free. 


    That last piece of advice didn’t sit well with Ange. She said that even if she paid off her debt, she’d still be at $0.00. Her debt was her past. What was she going to do in the present to make her future better? She did not want to stay at job just because the need for an income made it necessary. She didn’t want to have to live like that. As she said, it usually only takes one bad relationship to change your entire life. The relationship with her not-so-great job was the catalyst for major change in her life. 


    Ange began with no investment knowledge, and a fractured relationship with money that came from a place of lack. But boy did she change her story! Wait to you hear about her investment journey. Plus, you are going to love her heart - She makes money very joyful.


    In this Episode, we chat about:


    • What to invest in for beginners

    • Should you invest when you have debt?

    • Overcoming fears in investing 

    • Why Ange doesn’t use social media?!


    Mentioned in this Episode: 

    The Happy Investor Method 

    Right on Time Podcast
    enMay 10, 2023

    The Art of Badassery: Jenn Cassetta’s Journey to her Dream Life

    The Art of Badassery: Jenn Cassetta’s Journey to her Dream Life

    This conversation was incredible. Jenn talks us through personal safety (and many other types of safety) and how we are responsible (and able) to enhance our safety for ourselves. We also dive into what got her to this point - it all started on 9/11 with fear and uncertainty entering Jenn’s life quickly and at full force. It was what came after that made the difference. Jenn journeyed through life saying yes to many different opportunities and running her own business. 


    Jenn is a mentor, coach, and public speaker on a mission to help women feel strong, safe, and powerful from the streets to the boardroom. In her book, The Art of Badassery: Unleash Your Mojo with Wisdom of the Dojo, Jenn uses the dojo as a metaphor for life. She teaches readers “how to flex their mental muscle, how to rise above fears, and how to turn setbacks into superpowers.

    In this Episode, we chat about:

    • How your subconscious might be blocking you from getting what you want (and what to do about that!!)

    • The power of feeling SAFE (and how to build that feeling when things are uncertain)

    • The ultimate "bounceback" strategy - i.e., what to do when things are not going your way

    • How Jenn went from managing an event space to speaking on stages and keeping women safe around the world.


    Mentioned in this Episode: 


    Jenn’s Book

    The Art of Badassery: Unleash Your Mojo with Wisdom of the Dojo


    Connect with Jenn





    Right on Time Podcast
    enMay 03, 2023

    Membership 101: Building a Successful Membership with 15 Hours a Week (Part 2)

    Membership 101: Building a Successful Membership with 15 Hours a Week (Part 2)

    This episode is a quick follow up to last episode where I spoke with Lisa Pricinic - an expert on creating profitable memberships. 


    If you haven’t listened to part one of this mini-series then you might want to listen HERE. This episode, I’m walking you through my notes from my conversation with Lisa and telling you how this applies to my membership, Modern CEO. 


    Modern CEO is a comprehensive, high touch program that teaches business owners to be CEOs while being part of a community of like minded people that act as mentors, advisors, and colleagues. Plus, I’m only a voice message away to offer insight and guidance on any issue that may arise. 


    Get notified when we open for enrollment at ambermccue.com/moderceo


    This episode is a great case study on how to apply Lisa’s advice to a real membership program AND a behind-the-scenes peek at Modern CEO.


    In this episode, we chat about: 

    • How to build custom paths for individuals inside GROUP programs

    • What we do to FAST TRACK results with our clients

    • How I got started with live launching

    • A few ways to test hooks and messaging

    • My quick thoughts on Heartbeat as a community platform


    Mentioned in this episode:


    Modern CEO



    Right on Time Podcast
    enApril 26, 2023

    Membership 101: Building a Successful Membership with 15 Hours a Week (Part 1)

    Membership 101: Building a Successful Membership with 15 Hours a Week (Part 1)

    It takes courage to build a business you believe in ... and not just do what everyone else is doing


    Memberships 90% are lurking (just observing what is going on), 9% are moderate engagers, and 1% or less are super engagers. This stat can actually cause membership owners to want to do more and more to get more engagement.


    Memberships actually don’t need to take that much time to love up and give value to. Lisa Pricinic is all about creating and running a money-making membership with 15 hours (or less) of work per week! Lisa’s mission is to help business owners build a business helps them do more of the work they do while expanding, and growing to live out their dream.


    Memberships really come down to a few things: differentiation, good structure, profitable pricing, and choosing the right marketing strategy. 


    Lisa is talking us through it all. We even have a bit of a live case study about my own membership program: Stay Goaldone.


    In this episode, we chat about: 

    • Members in a membership are lurking (and that is not a bad thing) - this shocked me!

    • Structure your Membership Effectively

    • Price Your Membership Correctly

    • The pros and cons of always open, limited evergreen, and live launching


    Mentioned In this episode: 

    Stay Goaldone


    Connect with Lisa

    Scaling Deep



    Right on Time Podcast
    enApril 26, 2023

    Mastering Your Money Mindset

    Mastering Your Money Mindset

    “Trust your gut.”


    It’s been a popular saying for years, but how often do you actually follow that advice?


    Your intuition is a powerful guide that helps you tune in to the decisions in your life that align with your most authentic self. 


    In this episode of the Right on Time podcast, my guest Abi Levine shares how to utilize the power of your intuition to help you manifest what you want to bring into your life. 


    Abi is an expert in money mindset and manifestation, with her clients earning 1 billion dollars (!!) in revenue over the last 3 years. 


    When excuses are preventing you from moving forward and finding new levels of success in your business, it’s time to try a new approach. Abi’s approach blends Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), Reiki, Hypnosis and other healing modalities and her clients have had incredible success when working with her. 


    If you’re asking yourself if you have a purpose, the answer is: yes! And Abi is able to help you determine exactly what it is.


    In this episode, we discuss:


    • The common excuses that are holding you back

    • How to connect with your intuition

    • Active vs. passive manifestation

    • Aligning your heart and mind to achieve big transformations in your life

    • Abi’s signature Wealth Alchemy formula 


    If you’re interested in becoming a magnet for growth, success and impact in your business and your life, this is an episode you’ll want to hear. 


    Mentioned in this episode:


    Abi’s Live 3 Day Clarity Workshop 


    From Unfocused to Thriving: An Attorney's Journey to Finding Her Place

    From Unfocused to Thriving: An Attorney's Journey to Finding Her Place

    Does my website need a privacy policy? How to write a contract? What is a trademark? Is AI plagiarism? 


    These are just a few of the most searched legal questions when it comes to owning a business. Have you ever googled them? 


    As Sarah Waldbuesser was living as a digital nomad and working on building an online business, she was surrounded by others also building businesses. 


    And they had questions. 


    She started out at a law firm in Washington DC - and learned quickly this was not the path for her. She started looking for a way to live her life the way that she wanted. 


    In 2015, she really stepped in with Destination Legal. 


    She started as unfocused, trying to do legal and coaching. It wasn’t working. She was out of money and was brushing up her resume to start applying for 9-5s again. 


    She created new offers for only legal related services, and started seeing some success. It was like the universe was telling her to really go all in on this. 


    We are really covering it all here. We are starting with travel and ending with pricing, client services, and what you need to think about legally when it comes to using AI.


    You’re going to want to check out her contracts and trademark services over on her website and don’t miss her recent blog post on AI.


    In this episode: 

    • Sarah’s journey to live a life she loves

    • Pricing your offers for what you are worth

    • The upside (and dangers) of people pleasing 

    • The legal perspective on AI


    Mentioned In this Episode

    Destination Legal 

    Top 5 Legal Issues to Think About When Creating Content Using ChatGPT

    Follow Sarah on Instagram


    Creating an Aligned Business: A Framework for Entrepreneurial Joy

    Creating an Aligned Business: A Framework for Entrepreneurial Joy

    It all started with “ohh cool. I think it would be really cool to start a business.” 


    It turned out to be a long, winding road down the entrepreneurial journey that includes a solid strategy and an easier way to market and launch.


    Today’s guest, AnnMarie, noticed that some of her clients were going through the motions and doing what the industry was saying was “the right thing,” but there was no joy. They were not being intentional with their marketing, nor were they getting the results they wanted. 


    Maybe you can relate? 


    AnnMarie stepped in to help. 


    She said, “The core of who I am couldn’t function knowing I was helping people build businesses that felt like a prison [to them].”


    Now, AnnMarie Rose is a business strategist helping service providers leverage their genius to reach the right audience with the right message and to make money online. She is all about helping you make an impact without the overwhelm 


    In this conversation, AnnMarie shares so many amazing insights with us including her three steps to make sure your business is aligned with who you are as the CEO, her concept of lowkey launching, and how she is testing out new strategies. 


    This episode is for you if you have been feeling called to make some shifts to your business or if you are just getting started! AnnMarie’s insight is going to help you create an aligned offer. 


    In this week’s episode, we chat about: 

    • How to get aligned with your offer

    • How to shift your offer to keep it aligned

    • AnnMarie’s concept of Lowkey Launching 

    • Testing new marketing strategies (don’t be scared to try something new!)

    Mentioned in this Episode: 


    Connect with AnnMarie on Instagram and TikTok


    Take the Business Breakthrough Quiz


    Right on Time Podcast
    enApril 05, 2023

    Unlocking Healing and Growth: Navigating the Changing World with Dr. Tiffany Johnson

    Unlocking Healing and Growth: Navigating the Changing World with Dr. Tiffany Johnson

    Dr. Tiffany Johnson is a feeler and a healer with an innate intuition who will make you feel like she knows you better than you know yourself. 


    No kidding, this convo gave me literal goosebumps. 


    I know you can feel the world changing. We are all feeling it in different ways right now. 


    Dr. Tiffany shares how this changing world can and is affecting our bodies. She says that she has seen more people with brains being stuck in that fight or flight response. This can cause dysregulation, which can lead to overwhelm, anxiety, and physical symptoms.


    What dream did God put in you that you are required to bring to life?


    This question will ground you, bring in some hope, and get you back to bringing back responsibility for your own life. Tiffany has such an amazing take on why we need hope, our purpose, and how we unlock that space within ourselves. 


    I can’t tell you how good this conversation is. You are going to learn so much about yourself and how to get your brain and body ready for the next level of your life – even if things are feeling too heavy right now. 

    In this week’s episode, we chat about: 

    • How to identify what's off in life right now and get realigned

    • How to know what you are being called to do something different/more

    • Identify your gateway to success and healing

    • The importance of nervous system regulation

    • What not to do in a crisis

    • The 3 things to identify to unlock your healing and growth

    • How to open the field of possibility if everything feels heavy right now


    Mentioned in this Episode: 


    Catch up with Tiffany on social media!



    Right on Time Podcast
    enMarch 29, 2023

    The Power of a Belief Mindset

    The Power of a Belief Mindset

    Miriam Shulman started in 2019 to write a book. Her goal was to write her book in 2019. She realized that your goal to write a book can always be there. You can always continue to write a book. She did some research and learned that for a traditionally published non-fiction book then you only need to write a proposal to get a contract. 


    So her goal for 2021 was to get a publishing contract. And she did just that. 


    I have to tell you, her book is truly amazing. I am in love with her ability to tell her story in such a good, powerful, and fun way. 


    Miriam and I discuss some amazing things in this episode. You are going to be as obsessed with her as I am. She has such a powerful story from how she left her career in hedge funds to building her creative career as an artist. 


    This is the episode for you if you’re wanting to start a creative project or ramp up a creative project. Especially if you are feeling some imposter syndrome. 


    In this episode: 

    • The power of belief

    • Behind the scenes on book publishing

    • Your "Marching Orders" for overcoming imposter syndrome and getting to your personal next level

    • Miriam's incredible story of how she stepped away

    • How to stop undercharging and earn what you deserve

    • The key to a successful business (it's not talent)

    Mentioned in this Episode: 


    Miriam’s Book:

    Artpreneur: The Step-by-Step Guide to Making Sustainable Living from Your Creativity 

    Get Chapter 1 for free!

    Right on Time Podcast
    enMarch 22, 2023

    How to Break Perfectionism and Avoid Burnout

    How to Break Perfectionism and Avoid Burnout

    At the time of leading up to this recording with Dr. Morgan Levy, I was going through an uncomfortable situation. I was working through it with meditation and leaning on others to help me navigate this time of discomfort. 




    I was judging myself and having to pull myself back into the present moment. 


    That judgment feeds into perfectionism, which can lead to burnout. 


    Perfectionism: when we have too high of expectations for ourselves and others - standards that are impossible to meet. 


    Burnout: a chronic syndrome that we get from the burden of working too hard without any rest


    You might already see how perfectionism could lead us into burnout!


    Perfectionism can stick us into a loop of constantly trying to be better and do more because we are never meeting our own (way too high) expectations. This can lead to judging ourselves and sending us to a mental spiral that could be difficult to pull ourselves out of. 


    Dr. Morgan Levy is here to talk us through that mental spiral and how to combat our perfectionism through different techniques. (You are going to love her STOP technique.)


    Morgan holds a PhD in Clinical Psychology. She is all about teaching high-achieving professionals the skills they need to optimize their work performance without sacrificing their lives outside of work! 


    In this episode: 

    • What is perfectionism and burnout?

    • Spiraling and Judging ourselves

    • STOP technique, Journaling, and Mindfulness

    • The benefits of Mindfulness


    Mentioned in this episode: 


    The book I mention:

    The Art of Impossible by Steven Kolter


    Another great book:

    Stealing Fire by Steven Kolter


    Morgan’s Bundle

    The Mindful Professional Bundle


    Morgan’s Reddit AMA

    Right on Time Podcast
    enMarch 15, 2023

    How To Rewire Your Brain And Manifest Faster

    How To Rewire Your Brain And Manifest Faster

    Have you ever wanted to feel open and in charge of your emotions? 


    To think faster, easier, with less confusion from mental overloads? 


    If I told you that all this was achievable by simply rewiring the brain - would you believe me? 


    Well, it's true!


    After putting Eye-Motional Processes developed by Amanda Lynne into practice for more than a year now, I can attest: the results are incredible. 


    In fact, if there were a secret advantage I had to share with you that I use almost daily in my life right now, this is it.


    These processes, rooted in science from kinesiology, help us tap into our powerful brains and unleash the potential within. We have the ability to rewire our mindsets toward more productive outcomes.


    Are you ready to make a big shift in your brain and open up new possibilities for yourself?


    Then you’ll love this episode of The Right on Time Podcast! 


    Amanda is breaking down for us how to use brain rewiring processes to achieve all our goals and live your dream life.


    She is absolutely brilliant and loving. And you are going to love learning how to rewire your brain to achieve all your goals


    As background, Amanda and I met when she came into a workshop in The 2022 Planathon. She immediately blew me (and the group away) with her ability to tap in, intuitively and through the processes she's gonna talk about in this episode, to what was happening in each individual person's life. She also helped us identify how to unlock things that were keeping us stuck and manifest what we wanted faster. 


    We'll break down how all of this works in this episode!


    Amanda and I are discussing how to rewire your brain, and shift your emotions. What is energy and how do we harness that to step further into what we want? The episode is practical, productive, and it is based in science and research


    In this latest podcast episode, you’ll discover:

    • How to manifest faster

    • Why living a process life is the way to go

    • The science behind the processes

    • What is energy and how harness it to get what you want


    Listen below …and discover how to rewire your brain to unblock yourself and get what you really want.


    Plus, Amanda will exclusively be working with clients on brain rewiring inside Stay Goaldone for the rest of this year.


    Yes, this is breaking news!!! 

    If you are keen to get Amanda’s personal guidance you’ll want to join us inside Stay Goaldone to bring your goals to life. Then, once inside Stay Goaldone, join a Vision Chair with Amanda, to make the path easier and clearer from here forward. 


    Prepare to be impressed! 

    Remember to subscribe on iTunes and Stitcher


    Mentioned in this Episode: 


    Right on Time Podcast
    enMarch 08, 2023