
    Rob’s Rhetoric…

    Iron sharpens iron. A weekly Bible Study of the Book of Romans. New Episodes launch on Thursdays at noon. Stay tuned for Season 2 where we'll take an in-depth look at Revelation.
    en-us40 Episodes

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    Episodes (40)

    Season 2 Episode 20: A New Heaven and a New Earth

    Season 2 Episode 20: A New Heaven and a New Earth

    Revelation 21 and 22: A New Heaven and a New Earth

    1) A new Jerusalem will come down out of heaven and God’s dwelling will be among His people.
         a) No more mourning, sorrow, tears or death.
         b) Foursquare city with 12 gates, each gate made from a single pearl with the names of the 12 tribes of Israel. The city will have 12 foundations with the names of the 12 Apostles.
         c) The city is as long as it is high and wide (12,000 stadia = 1,380 miles). Each foundation will be marked by a precious stone. The great street of the city will be made of pure gold as clear as glass.
         d) There is no temple, no moon, no sun.  The Glory of the Lamb (Jesus) will provide the light and the nations will walk under His light.
         e) There will be no more night. Nothing impure will be allowed in the city.
         f) There is a river that flows from the throne of God, as clear as crystal, down the middle of the great street of the city.  
         g) The Tree of Life stands on each side of the river bearing 12 crops of fruit.  The leaves of the tree are for the healing of nations.
         h) We will see Jesus face and His name will be upon our foreheads.

    2) Jesus twice proclaims that He is coming soon (Revelation 22:7 & 22:12).
         a) The book of Revelation is a testimony for the churches.
         b) The Spirit and the Bride say “come!” The offer of salvation is for the thirsty who wish to take the free gift of the water of life.  
         b) Those who add to the Revelation prophecy about Christ or take away from this prophecy will not be allowed to enter the Holy City or partake in the Tree of Life.

    Support the show

    Creator, Researcher and Host: Rob Fell
    Production, Editor and Cover Art: Susan Cofer Fell
    Contact: susan@susancoferfell.com

    Season 2 Episode 19

    Season 2 Episode 19

    We apologize for our unexpected hiatus.  Hopefully things will be back to normal soon!  Happy Holidays!
    The kingdom of Christ: was it established on the earth at His 1st coming or will it actually be established at His 2nd coming?

    John the Baptist declared the Kingdom of heaven is at hand.  This proclamation was declared before Jesus' earthly ministry on earth (Mathew 3:2).  Was it established or simply offered at this time?

    Many dispensational Christians believe it was offered but was rejected by National Israel/religious leaders of the day in Matthew 12:22-48 (assigning Christ’s miracles to the devil) or was it in Matthew 27:16-26…(release of Barabbas instead of Jesus by Pilate) or was it in Acts 7:54 - 60 (Stoning of Stephen).

    The 12 were taught to pray by Jesus: “Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. “Thy kingdom come,” Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.” Matthew 6:9-13

    So the question remains… is God’s will being accomplished upon the earth today… as it is in heaven? It appears through Old Testament prophecy during the millennial reign of Christ that it will be so one day. We cannot speak that same truth with confidence upon the earth in the reality of what we see upon the earth today.  

    Can the kingdom of Christ be established upon the earth… without Jesus ruling as king upon the earth…. only true Biblical scholars know the answer to that question?

    #Revelation #Bible #endtimes #rapture #MillenialReignofChrist #prophecy #tribulation

    Support the show

    Creator, Researcher and Host: Rob Fell
    Production, Editor and Cover Art: Susan Cofer Fell
    Contact: susan@susancoferfell.com

    Season 2 Episode 18

    Season 2 Episode 18

    How should the church view the promises given to the Nation of Israel and the Jewish people promised in scripture through prophecy?

    Option 1: Supersessions/Replacement Theology.  The church has become the new spiritual Israel.  God has transferred His blessings to the church because 1st century Israel rejected its Messiah and had Him killed on a cross by the Romans.  God’s Old Testament spiritual/promises to National Israel in the Old Testament are now being  poured out upon the church today. 

    Option 2: Dispensationalism. God has not abandon his promises to the Jewish people and the nation of Israel but rather they are in a state of postponement until God determines it is time to act.  God is working through the Church today, a spiritual body, not a physical nation. Prophecy is directed at new spiritual Israel that Christ will establish on the earth after the tribulation period for a literal 1,000 years.  From the time of the Mosaic Covenant until the day of Pentecost, National Israel was God’s witness of Himself upon the earth.  Today the Body of Christ/Church/Bride of Christ is God’s witness of Himself upon the earth. At the Rapture of the church, God will shift His focus back to Israel to accomplish all the unfulfilled promises to Israel outlined in scripture.  
    3) God’s eye in scripture has always been upon Spiritual Israel. Gentiles were grafted into Israel through Jesus' finished work upon the cross. Old Testament believers and new Testament believers have never been released from adherence to the laws establish by God to the Nation of Israel. Jesus said he did not come to abolish the law or the prophets (Matthew 5:17). Through faith in Jesus Christ and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, it is now possible to be obedient to laws handed down by God to the nation of Israel. This means Torah observance: Sabbath keeping, celebrating Old Testament feast and festivals, kosher diet. God never released Israel from these regulations as Israel has always been God’s sole witness of Himself upon the earth. All the authors of the Bible were Torah observant, so was Jesus, and so should  we be … if we want to live a life of true obedience before God.

    Unfilled prophecy concerning the nation of Israel and the coming kingdom. 
    Deuteronomy: 30:1-10/Daniel 9:24-27/Isaiah 2:1-5/Zechariah 12:10/Ezekiel Chapters: 25-48/Jeremiah 31: 31-40).

    Support the show

    Creator, Researcher and Host: Rob Fell
    Production, Editor and Cover Art: Susan Cofer Fell
    Contact: susan@susancoferfell.com

    Rob’s Rhetoric…
    en-usNovember 10, 2022

    Season 2 Episode 17

    Season 2 Episode 17

    Jesus Christ 2nd coming will establish several purposes:

    1) To establish a righteous rule of Truth, Peace and Justice upon the earth.
    2) To take the throne of King David in Jerusalem and to establish and an everlasting kingdom (Luke 1:32-33). 
    3) To punish and destroy the armies of Satan, the beast and the false prophet.
    4) To establish an everlasting covenant with the Nation of Israel (Jeremiah 31:31-40).
    5)  To fulfill the promises given to Abraham regarding land (Genesis 15:18-21, 17:8, Amos 9:11-15, Ezekiel 47:13-48:29).
    6) To fulfill the promises given to Abraham regarding seed (Genesis 15:1-6, Genesis 17:19-22).
    7) To fulfill the promise given to Israel regarding its Messiah (Mathew 23:37-39, Job 19:25-27, Genesis 3:15, Isaiah 53:1-12).

    Support the show

    Creator, Researcher and Host: Rob Fell
    Production, Editor and Cover Art: Susan Cofer Fell
    Contact: susan@susancoferfell.com

    Rob’s Rhetoric…
    en-usNovember 04, 2022

    Season 2 Episode 16

    Season 2 Episode 16

    Revelation 19: 1-21
    We see celebratory “Hallelujahs” proclaimed in heaven following the fall of Commercial and Religious Babylon in Revelation chapters 17 & 18.
         1) Salvation, glory and power belong to our God.
         2) Condemnation against the great whore (Apostae Church) 
         3) Vindication for the spilled blood of the servants of God.
         4) Destruction of Babylon (Smoke rises from her forever).
         5) The wedding supper of the Lamb has come.
         6) The Bride has made herself ready.
         7) The Lord God Almighty reigns forever.

    Support the show

    Creator, Researcher and Host: Rob Fell
    Production, Editor and Cover Art: Susan Cofer Fell
    Contact: susan@susancoferfell.com

    Rob’s Rhetoric…
    en-usOctober 27, 2022

    Season 2 Episode 15

    Season 2 Episode 15

    Revelation 18 - Fallen Babylon - The epicenter of Satan’s economic and political system during the tribulation period. 

    Revelation 17:17 states that the Anti-Christ will destroy the whore riding on the beast (Apostate Church) during the tribulation period.  Many assume this will take place 3 1/2 years/halfway through the 7 year tribulation period when the Anti-Christ ends the sacrificial system on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and declares himself to be God (Matthew 24:15-21, Daniel 9: 27).   

    Historical Significance of Babylon:
         1) The “Hanging Gardens”, one of the 7 wonders of the world, was located in Babylon under the rule of King Nebuchadnezzar.  It is a city that represents luxury, wealth, power, self indulgence and the self sufficiency of man without God (Tower of Babel, Genesis 11: 1-9). 
         2) Babylon, 60 miles southwest of Baghdad in modern day Iraq is considered the geographical center of 3 continents: Africa, Europe and Asia.
         3) Two famous kings ruled from Babylon, the most powerful city in the ancient world (Hammurabi 1792-1750 B.C. and Nebuchadnezzar 604-562 B.C.)
         4) Iraq has at least 148 billion barrels of proven oil reserves and is the 5th largest oil producer in the world.  Low energy prices are a key to economic prosperity. Revelation 18:11-19 outlines the wealth of Babylon as a major city of commerce.  
         5) The United Nations along with leaders in Iraq are currently trying to develop and promote Babylon as an international tourism center. 
         6) The Garden of Eden, based on limited information in Genesis 2:10-14, was located in southern Mesopotamia, modern day Iraq where the Tigris and Euphrates run into the sea at the head of the Persian Gulf.
         7) Babylon always carries negative connotations in the Bible. It is the 2nd most mentioned city behind Jerusalem.  Babylon appears 287 times in 253 verses in the NKJV version. 
              a) Babylon glorifies the achievement of man and human sufficiency separated from God (Revelation 18:7).
              b) Unregenerate man will be drawn in to covet and worship the wealth and pleasure offered by Babylon (Revelation 18:9-19).
              c) Believers in Christ are called to come out and separate themselves from the allure of Babylon’s deceptive and demonic powers or be destroyed with her (Revelation 18:1-3). 

    Support the show

    Creator, Researcher and Host: Rob Fell
    Production, Editor and Cover Art: Susan Cofer Fell
    Contact: susan@susancoferfell.com

    Rob’s Rhetoric…
    en-usOctober 20, 2022

    Season 2 Episode 14

    Season 2 Episode 14

    The “Great Whore” - symbolizes false religions and apostate Christianity.
         A) The Prostitute will be destroyed by the Anti-Christ.
         B) Political Babylon in Chapter 18 will be destroyed by Jesus Christ at His 2nd Coming.
         C) The Religious system will most likely be a melting pot of many religions, faiths and creeds during the tribulation period.
         D) Tribulation saints are called to come out of this system or be destroyed with it.
         E) The “Whore” is a man-made religious system that will unite mankind with the pleasures and greed of the world.

    10 horns: 10 kings, 10 confederacy of states that will rule during the tribulation period, yielding power to the anti-Christ (Daniel 7:23-25, Revelation 17:12-13).  They wage war against the lamb (Jesus).

    Mother Child-Cult originated in Babylon (Modern Day Iraq), location of the Tower of Babel.

    Support the show

    Creator, Researcher and Host: Rob Fell
    Production, Editor and Cover Art: Susan Cofer Fell
    Contact: susan@susancoferfell.com

    Rob’s Rhetoric…
    en-usOctober 13, 2022

    Season 2 Episode 13

    Season 2 Episode 13

    1) The bowls of God’s Wrath (God’s final judgments upon the wicked of the earth)
         a) Festering sores upon those who take the mark of the beast and worship his image. 
         b) Every living creature in the sea dies, turning the salt water to blood.
         c) River and springs turn to blood (fresh water).
         d) Scorching heat from the sun causing mankind to blaspheme the name of God.
         e) The world is flooded with darkness. Mankind will gnaw their tongues in agony and curse God because of the pain of their sores (They refuse to repent).
         f) The great river Euphrates is dried up preparing the way for the kings of the East to advance upon Israel.  3 frogs (impure spirits) go out to gather the nations of the world to fight in the battle of Armageddon (Lower Galilee, Megiddo, Northern Israel).
         g) The greatest earthquake in the history of the world will take place, dividing Jerusalem into 3 parts, the cities of the nations collapse, every island will disappear, every mountain is flattened, and hailstones weighing around 100lbs fall from the sky.

    2) The people of the earth refuse to repent and curse God (Revelation 16:21, Revelation 16:11, Revelation 9:20-21)
         a) The wrath of God is an unchanging expression of His holiness and His hatred towards towards sin (Romans 1:18)
         b) God’s wrath is not intended to be God’s final action towards the human race.  He has provided a way of escape through the atoning work of his Son Jesus Christ who has already paid the sin debt of the world (John 14:6).
         c) God’s wrath establishes His character of truth, justice and righteousness upon the earth.  

    3) The church always needs to guard against false teachers and prophets who introduce destructive heresies (II Peter 2:1-22).
         a) Many false teachers will arise in the last days and will twist the Truth of God’s word to promote affluent lifestyles geared towards self gratification and the love of money (I Timothy 6:10, II Timothy 3:1-7, Matthew 24:11).
         b) Everyone who is on the side of Truth is able hear the voice of Jesus (John 18:37).
         c) Key ingredients of false teaching will include denying the deity of Jesus as God, diminishing His final work on the cross and promoting human ability, logic and effort over the “Word of God”. 

    Support the show

    Creator, Researcher and Host: Rob Fell
    Production, Editor and Cover Art: Susan Cofer Fell
    Contact: susan@susancoferfell.com

    Rob’s Rhetoric…
    en-usOctober 06, 2022

    Season 2 Episode 12

    Season 2 Episode 12

    1) The Lamb (Jesus) and the 144,000 (12,000 men from each tribe of Israel) standing on Mount Zion (God’s Holy City).
         a) They have the name of Jesus and His Father on their foreheads.  It is a mark of consecration and ownership.
         b) They are virgins.
         c) They are morally blameless.
         d) They are offered to God and the Lamb as first fruits.
         e) They sing a new song before the throne, the four living creatures and the elders that no one knows but them.
         f) They are redeemed from the earth.
         g) They follow the Lamb wherever He goes.

    2) The Church, the Body of Christ, the Bride of Christ is not mentioned in Revelation Chapters 4-18.  If the church is raptured before the tribulation period (7 years) who will preach the gospel during the tribulation period?
         a) The spreading of the Gospel is performed by 144,000 spirit filled Jewish witnesses (Revelation 7: 4-10 & Revelation 14: 1-5).
         b) The Gospel is preached by the two witnesses (most likely: Moses and Elijah) for 1,260 days (42 months or 3 1/2 years) (Revelation 11: 1-12).
         c) After the 144,000 have been redeemed (possibly martyred by the Anti-Christ) and the two witnesses are raptured into heaven, God will send 3 Angels to proclaim the Gospel message (Revelation 14: 6-13).

    3) Harvesting the earth and trampling the winepress.
         a) It appears from this passage, that Jesus himself will initiate the harvest (Revelation 14:14).
         b) The treading of grapes in the Old Testament was symbolism for the wrath of God against the ungodly.
         c) At the end of the tribulation period we will see unbelievers judged in the valley of Jehoshaphat prophesied by the prophet Joel.  Joel 3: 1-16 mentions the grapes, winepress, sickle and harvest (Mathew 13: 36-43, Daniel 12: 5-13, Matthew 25: 31-33).

    Support the show

    Creator, Researcher and Host: Rob Fell
    Production, Editor and Cover Art: Susan Cofer Fell
    Contact: susan@susancoferfell.com

    Rob’s Rhetoric…
    en-usSeptember 29, 2022

    Season 2 Episode 11

    Season 2 Episode 11

    The Apostle John describes the dragon (Satan) standing on the shore of the sea. Satan is denied access to heaven and the only dominion he has left to operate is upon the earth.
    A) 10 horns: represents a 10 kingdom confederacy under the leadership of the anti-Christ. 
    B) 7 heads: are seven hills on which the woman sits (Revelation 17: 9-14). Some believe this is symbolic for the 7 kingdoms or world empires that have subdued Israel over time. 
         1) Egypt (400 years led out by Moses) Passover 1446 B.C.
         2) Assyria (scatted the 10 Northern tribes - Northern Kingdom - in 722 B.C.)
         3) Babylonia (Daniel - Israel led into 70 years into exile - 606 B.C.)
         4) Medo-Persia (Haman/Queen Esther - 473 B.C.) Purim
         5) Grecian Empire - (Alexander the Great conquered Israel in 332 B.C)
         6) Antiochus Epiphanes desecrated the temple in Jerusalem in 168 B.C.) Hanukkah, Daniel 11: 31-32.
         7) Roman Empire (Titus destroyed the city and the temple in 70 A.D.)
    Daniel 7:3-7 describes 4 Gentile Kingdoms from the time of Daniel going forward that would trample down Israel. Four beasts that came up from the sea.
         1) The Lion represents the Neo-Babylonian Empire. Eagle’s wings may represent Nebuchadnezzar’s rule. The clipping of the wings may represent when God turned him into a beast of the field (Daniel 4: 33-37).
         2) A 2nd beast represents the Medo-Persian Empire. It was like that of a bear, raised itself up on one side and had 3 ribs in the mouth between the teeth of it. It will arise and devour much flesh.
         3)The 3rd beast was like a Leopard.  It represents Alexander the Great. He was undefeated in battle and created one of the largest empires from Greece to Northwest India.  He died at the age of 32.  His empire was divided among his 4 generals (4 heads). Antiochus Epiphanes was a descendant of one of 4 generals of Alexander the Great.
         4) The 4th beast is dreadful and terrible. Iron teeth represent Rome along with the 10 toes and iron teeth.  The little horn represents the antichrist that will arise from the 10 horns.  3 of the horns were uprooted before the little horn.  It appears the antichrist will have to subdue 3 of the kingdoms who do not go along with his Satanic Program.  10 minus 3 equals 7.  This may be where the 7 heads with 10 crowns come from?  This little horn had the eyes of human and spoke boastfully.
    In Revelation 13: 1-4 John gives similar description of the 4th beast in Daniel 7.
         1) For 42 months, the beast of the sea (anti-Christ) will wage a world war with the saints of God and have power to conquer them.
         2) The world will be filled with wonder regarding the beast and will follow him (Satanic deception, signs and wonders).
         3) The beast will suffer a fatal wound and will be healed, possibly raising from the dead to mimic the resurrection of Christ.
         4) A decree will be issued to worship the world leader and his images that are erected around the world.
         5) The antichrist will gain economic control of the world. Earthly inhabitants will have to take his mark on their hands or foreheads to purchase food and supplies. Those who refuse allegiance to the beast with the mark will be hunted down and killed.
         6) The other beast from the earth will design and promote an ecumenical and centralized religion that will worship the antichrist.  The world can expect his ministry to mimic the gifts of the Holy Spirit with signs and wonders to support the lie.  The two horns represent the gentleness of a lamb but his mouth speaks like the dragon (Satan).

    Support the show

    Creator, Researcher and Host: Rob Fell
    Production, Editor and Cover Art: Susan Cofer Fell
    Contact: susan@susancoferfell.com

    Rob’s Rhetoric…
    en-usSeptember 15, 2022

    Season 2 Episode 10

    Season 2 Episode 10

    1) The Woman (Israel) clothed with the Sun and Moon under her feet and upon her head a crown of 12 stars (12 tribes of Israel).
         A) Joseph has a similar description in a dream in Genesis 37:9-11 where the 11 stars, the sun and moon were bowing down to him (Joseph being the 12th star).
         B) Jeremiah 31:35-36, God’s covenant with Israel is tied to the Sun and the moon.  As long as the sun shines by day, the moon by night, the waves of the sea roar, Israel will never cease to be a nation before Him.
         C) Israel gave birth to the child Jesus Christ. 

    1) For generations the Jews have been looking for their Messiah (Micah 5:2)… ruler of Israel will come from Bethlehem.

    2) Isaiah 9:6-7 "…for unto us a child is born and the government will be upon his shoulders… to his government there will be no end."

    3) Zechariah 9:9-13… daughter Zion, your king comes riding on a donkey.

    4) Red Dragon with 7 heads, 10 horns and seven crowns on its head.
         A) The dragon’s tail swept 1/3 of the angels from heaven (Isaiah 14:11-15) (Revelation 12:4).
         B) Satan tried to destroy Jesus as a child (Matthew 2:16-18).
         C) The woman fled to the wilderness where she would be taken care of for 3 1/2 years out of the Dragon’s reach (Matthew 24:16).  God provides supernatural protection for Israel for the 2nd half of the tribulation period.  Many scholars suggest this will take place in Petra, Jordan - 150 miles south of Jerusalem.
         D) Satan goes out to wage war against those who hold fast to their testimony of Jesus Christ.  Spiritual warfare is taking place both on earth and in heaven.  Michael is an archangel who stands guard over Israel (Daniel 10:21 & Revelation 12:7).

    Support the show

    Creator, Researcher and Host: Rob Fell
    Production, Editor and Cover Art: Susan Cofer Fell
    Contact: susan@susancoferfell.com

    Rob’s Rhetoric…
    en-usSeptember 08, 2022

    Season 2 Episode 9

    Season 2 Episode 9

    1) The Woman (Israel) clothed with the Sun and Moon under her feet and upon her head a crown of 12 stars (12 tribes of Israel).
         A) Joseph has a similar description in a dream in Genesis 37:9-11 where the 11 stars, the sun and moon were bowing down to him (Joseph being the 12th star).
         B) Jeremiah 31:35-36, God’s covenant with Israel is tied to the Sun and the moon.  As long as the sun shines by day, the moon by night, the waves of the sea roar, Israel will never cease to be a nation before Him.
         C) Israel gave birth to the child Jesus Christ. 

    1) For generations the Jews have been looking for their Messiah (Micah 5:2)… ruler of Israel will come from Bethlehem.

    2) Isaiah 9:6-7 "…for unto us a child is born and the government will be upon his shoulders… to his government there will be no end."

    3) Zechariah 9:9-13… daughter Zion, your king comes riding on a donkey.

    4) Red Dragon with 7 heads, 10 horns and seven crowns on its head.
         A) The dragon’s tail swept 1/3 of the angels from heaven (Isaiah 14:11-15) (Revelation 12:4).
         B) Satan tried to destroy Jesus as a child (Matthew 2:16-18).
         C) The woman fled to the wilderness where she would be taken care of for 3 1/2 years out of the Dragon’s reach (Matthew 24:16).  God provides supernatural protection for Israel for the 2nd half of the tribulation period.  Many scholars suggest this will take place in Petra, Jordan - 150 miles south of Jerusalem.
         D) Satan goes out to wage war against those who hold fast to their testimony of Jesus Christ.  Spiritual warfare is taking place both on earth and in heaven.  Michael is an archangel who stands guard over Israel (Daniel 10:21 & Revelation 12:7).

    Support the show

    Creator, Researcher and Host: Rob Fell
    Production, Editor and Cover Art: Susan Cofer Fell
    Contact: susan@susancoferfell.com

    Rob’s Rhetoric…
    en-usSeptember 01, 2022

    Season 2 Episode 8

    Season 2 Episode 8

    When Jesus opens the Seventh Seal there is silence in heaven for 1/2 an hour. Then the seven angels with seven trumpets are revealed.  

    *** Seven Seals (impacts 1/4 of the world) Seven Trumpets (impacts 1/3 of the world) 7 Bowls  of Wrath (impacts all the world).  The intensity of God’s wrath increases with each of the 3 phases of judgment.

    1st Trumpet: Wind, hail and fire mixed with blood is hurled upon the earth from heaven. 1/3 of the earth is burned up including all the grass.

    2nd Trumpet: Something like a huge mountain (meteor) ablaze is thrown into the sea.  1/3 of the sea is turned to blood, 1/3 of the sea creatures die, and 1/3 of the ships are destroyed. 

    3rd Trumpet: A blazing torch falls from the sky (Wormwood).  1/3 of the springs, rivers, and fresh water turn bitter and many people die.

    4th Trumpet: 1/3 of the sun, moon, stars, and day goes dark.

    5th Trumpet: The shaft of the Abyss is opened and demonic locust descend upon the earth. They torture the inhabitants of the earth for five months but are not allowed to kill them. People will seek to die, but death will elude them. The leading angel/king is called Destroyer (Earthly locust have no king like these mentioned in Revelation - Proverbs 30:27, "locust have no king, yet they advance together in ranks…”)

    6th Trumpet: The four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates are released to kill a 1/3 of mankind. Two hundred million troops are gathered, most likely demonic. The heads of the horses resemble lions and their tails are like snakes which inflict injury.  Fire, smoke, and sulfur comes out of their mouths.

    ***The rest of mankind who are not killed by the plagues are hardened in their sin. They continue to worship demons, and do not repent of their murders, magic arts, thefts and sexual immorality.
    Those hear the message of truth about Jesus Christ and reject it are given over to deceptive spirit.

    I Thessalonians 2:9-12, “The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works.  He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.”

    Support the show

    Creator, Researcher and Host: Rob Fell
    Production, Editor and Cover Art: Susan Cofer Fell
    Contact: susan@susancoferfell.com

    Rob’s Rhetoric…
    en-usAugust 25, 2022

    Season 2 Episode 7

    Season 2 Episode 7

    Daniel 9:24-27 (seventy ‘sevens’) 490 year prophecy (given in 539 B.C.)

    “Seventy ‘Sevens’ are decreed for you people (Israel/Jews) and your holy city (Jerusalem) to (1) finish transgression, (2) put an end to sin, (3) to atone for wickedness, (4) to bring in everlasting righteousness, (5) to seal up vision and prophecy and (6) to anoint the most Holy Place.

    Know and understand this: from the time the word goes out to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the Anointed One, the ruler (Jesus) comes, there will be 7 sevens (49 years), and 62 sevens’ (434 years).  It will be rebuilt with streets and a trench, but in times of trouble.

    After the sixteenth-two 'sevens’ the Anointed One will be put to death and will have nothing  (49 years + 483 years).

    (UNFULFILLED PROPHECY) The final 7 years (Tribulation Period)

    The people of the ruler will come and destroy the city and the sanctuary. The end will come like a flood; War will continue until the end and desolations have been decreed.  He (Anti-Christ) will confirm a covenant for one seven. In the middle of the ‘seven’ he will put an end to sacrifice and offering.  And at the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him.

    A Jewish prophetic calendar year is based on a 360 day cycle (Revelation 12:6). “The woman (Israel) fled into the wilderness to a place prepared for her by God, where she might be taken care of for 1,260 days (1,260 divided by 360 = 3.5 years - 2nd half of the 7 years of tribulation when God’s wrath intensifies (Mathew 24: 15-22).

    1) The decree to rebuild the city (Jerusalem) was issued March 5th, 444 B.C (Nehemiah 2: 1-20)
    2) The Triumphal entry of Jesus into the city riding a donkey (Palm Sunday - March 30, 33 A.D.)

    69 ‘Sevens’ (69 X 7 x 360 days) = 173,880 days
    Gentiles use a 365.24219879 day calendar. The time it takes for the earth to go around the sun.

    1) The difference between March 5th and March 30th is 25 days.
    2) 476 years x 365.24219879 days  = 173,855.286 days
    3) Add 25 days to 173,855.286 = 173,880.286

    Did God literally fulfill the first 483 years of Daniel’s prophecy to the exact date?
    Should we expect him not to fulfill the last seven years in a literal 7 year period?
    According to Daniel’s prophecy the 7 years of tribulation begin with a covenant between the Anti-Christ and Daniel’s people (Israel).

    The 490 year prophecy should have been fulfilled 7 years after Palm Sunday chronologically speaking.  Why was it not?
    1) A temple needs to be in place and Jerusalem returned to the Jewish people.
    The 2nd temple was destroyed in 70 A.D.

    Israel is back in 1948 but they have not been able to build a new temple and restore the priesthood and sacrificial system.

    1) Solomon’s temple destroyed in 586 B.C.
    2) 2nd Temple under Ezra destroyed in 70 A.D by the Romans (built in 515 B.C.)

    Two future Temples in Jerusalem are coming in prophecy:
    3) Anti-Christ Temple (Daniel 9:27, Mathew 24:15; II Thessalonians 2:4, Revelation 11: 1-2)
    4) Jesus’ 2nd coming temple during his 1,000 year rule on earth following the 7 years of tribulation  (Ezekiel chapters 40-48).
    Paul implies that Israel is under judgment from God, it has experienced a hardening in part because of its unbelief and the crucifixion of its Messiah in 33 A.D. (Romans 11: 11 -27).

    The Church concept, Body of Christ, is a mystery that was not prophesied about in the Old Testament, revealed mostly to and by Paul (Ephesians 3: 1-6).
    The church age is the prophetic gap between the 483 years and the final 7

    Support the show

    Creator, Researcher and Host: Rob Fell
    Production, Editor and Cover Art: Susan Cofer Fell
    Contact: susan@susancoferfell.com

    Rob’s Rhetoric…
    en-usAugust 18, 2022

    Season 2 Episode 6

    Season 2 Episode 6

    Revelation 6 & 7

    There are 7 Seal Judgements coming from God upon the earth
         1) White Horse: represents the arrival of the Anti-Christ, a world leader that will usher in Satanic Deception under the false pretense of world peace.
         2) Red Horse: represents war, murder and violence. The human race/nations will be filled with intense hatred toward each other, attacking and killing each other.
         3) Back Horse: represents famine and the shortage of food. People will labor and struggle all day just to buy enough food for that day.
         4) Pale Horse: represents death as its rider. An intensity of poverty, disease, famine, plagues, and an evil beast attacking mankind.
    *** 1/4 of the world’s population is eliminated at the end of the 4th Seal Judgment (Example: 8 billion people reduced to 6 billion).
         5) Souls of martyrs: represents a multitude of believers that will be killed for the sake of Christ during the tribulation period.
         6) Great earthquake, Sun turning black, Moon to the color of blood, stars falling from heaven.  The whole world will know at this point that God is judging the world and the human race will be gripped with fear and terror.

    Anti-Christ references in the Bible: (1 John 2:18) (II John 1:7) (Mark 13: 6) (I John 4:3)
         “The man of lawlessness” - II Thessalonians 2: 1-12
         “The little horn rising from the 10 horns” - Daniel 7: 1-28 (Fourth Beast is a picture of the Roman Empire… anti-Christ will come from there and subdue the Holy people (Israel) for a time, times and a half times)
          “The beast out of the sea” - Revelation 13: 1-13
         “Two Shepherds - (foolish shepherd)” Zechariah 11: 4-17

    Support the show

    Creator, Researcher and Host: Rob Fell
    Production, Editor and Cover Art: Susan Cofer Fell
    Contact: susan@susancoferfell.com

    Rob’s Rhetoric…
    en-usAugust 11, 2022

    Season 2 Episode 5

    Season 2 Episode 5

    “The Book and the Lamb” Revelation 5

    Jesus is the only One worthy to open the Scroll and the 7 Seals.
         1) “The Lamb that was slain" is a symbol for Christ (this reference for Christ is used more in Revelation than any other book in the Bible).
         2) The Scroll/Book represents God’s predetermined judgement for the world at the end of the age.
         3) Jesus takes the book from the right hand of He who sits upon the throne. No one knows the date or the hour of Christ’s return (Mathew 24:36).

    Jesus taught his disciples to pray this request first (Matthew 6: 9-10): “Our Father which are in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.” Golden bowls full of incense are the prayers of God’s people (Revelation 5: 8).
    Why is it so important to see Christ as the lamb who was slain, who is the only one worthy to open the book? 
         1) God’s eternal judgement towards sin is forever and we are in desperate need of  purification. Jesus paid a price for our sin we could not pay (I John 1: 5-10).
         2) Atonement was the primary mission of Christ upon the earth at His first coming.
              a) To do the will of His Father (John 6:38)
              b) To save sinners (I Timothy 1:15)
              c) To bring the light and hope of heaven to a dark and dying world (Hebrews 9: 23-28).
         3) Jesus established access (a narrow gate) back to the Father. He is the way, the Truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but by Him (John 14:6, Matthew 7:13-14).
         4) To fulfill the office of High priest and to be the mediator of a new covenant (Hebrews 9: 11-15).
         5) To fulfill the demands of the old covenant that could not be achieved by the blood of animal sacrifices. The law requires almost everything to be cleansed with blood.  Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin.
         6) Israel will recognize their Messiah as one who was crucified at His 2nd coming. This will be a fulfillment of prophecy (Isaiah 53).
         7) To demonstrate victory over sin, death and the grave. He is alive forevermore. He grants us fullness of life in the Spirit (Colossians 2: 6-15, Galatians 5:22-25). 

    Support the show

    Creator, Researcher and Host: Rob Fell
    Production, Editor and Cover Art: Susan Cofer Fell
    Contact: susan@susancoferfell.com

    Rob’s Rhetoric…
    en-usAugust 04, 2022

    Season 2 Episode 4

    Season 2 Episode 4

    Revelation 4 “Throne Room in Heaven”

    24 Elders: (Who are they? No one knows for sure)
         Option A - 12 apostles called by Christ and 12 tribes of Israel. These names will be written on the gates and the foundation of the new Jerusalem (Revelation 21: 9-14).
         Option B - They represent the entire church in heaven (Tribulation is about to take place, these elders are in heaven, dressed in white , seated on thrones with crowns on their heads (Revelation 4:4) (II Timothy 4:8).  
         Option C - Ruling angels that circle the throne of God like the four living creatures (Revelation 7: 11 & Revelation 5: 8-14).
         Option D - Symbolism representing both the church (New Covenant) and Israel (old Covenant).
         Option E - Represents the 24 courses/divisions of the Priesthood in the Old Testament created by King David (I Chronicles 24)

    Seven Spirits of God: Represents the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. His perfect ministry on earth described with 7 characteristics (Isaiah 11: 1-3).
         1) The Spirit of the Lord
         2) The Spirit of wisdom
         3) The Spirit of Counsel
         4) The Spirit of Knowledge
         5) The Spirit of power, strength and might
         6) The Spirit of reverence (Fear of the Lord)
         7) The Spirit of understanding

    Four Living Creatures (Revelation 4: 6-8, Isaiah 6: 1-3, Ezekiel 1: 3-14, Ezekiel 10:1-22)
         1) They have four faces each (a man, an ox, a lion and an eagle)
         2) They have 6 wings each
         3) They have eyes all around, front and back and within
         4) They never rest day or night calling out Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty
         5) They are always found before the throne of God
         6) There is not enough information in the Bible to draw definite conclusions about these heavenly creatures.  Ezekiel refers to them as “Cherubim”.  Isaiah refers to them as “Seraphim”. 

    The biggest difference between these passages is the 24 elders being present in the throne room of heaven in the book of Revelation.  No mention of them in the Old Testament passages.  This is where some speculate the 24 elders represent the church in heaven before the tribulation. Plus the 24 elders sing a new song of redemption (Revelation 5: 9-14).

    Angels do not completely understand salvation but long fully see what it is all about (I Peter 1: 10-12).

    Support the show

    Creator, Researcher and Host: Rob Fell
    Production, Editor and Cover Art: Susan Cofer Fell
    Contact: susan@susancoferfell.com

    Rob’s Rhetoric…
    en-usJuly 28, 2022

    Season 2 Episode 3

    Season 2 Episode 3

    Jesus Christ’s report card of the 7 churches in Modern Day Turkey.  (This is my attempt to put this in a report card form: From the Good Teacher Jesus for everyone to see the spiritual condition of the class members). (continued from Episode 2)

    Good News: I am aware of your difficult position in life.  I know you live where Satan has his throne but you have remained true to my name.
    Bad News: You allow false teachers to remain among you. You follow and tolerate their teaching which promotes ungodliness and sexual immorality.
    Warning: Repent of your sin or I will come and fight against you myself with the sword of my mouth.
    Promise: Those who persevere in the faith and remain true to my name I will give them some hidden manna from heaven and give them a stone with a new name on it known only to the one who receives it.

    Good News: I know your deeds, your love and faith, your service and perseverance. You continue to mature in your spiritual walk with me.  You are doing more now than when you started.
    Bad News: You tolerate that woman Jezebel and sexual immorality. I have asked her to repent but she has refused. I will make those who are faithful to her suffer intensely. I will kill her children.
    Warning: I search hearts and minds. I will repay each of you according to your deeds.
    Promise: Hold on to what you know is true until I come.  I will give you authority over the nations.  I will also give you the morning star (unfading glory or brilliance).    

    Good News: Nothing to report
    Bad News: You have a reputation of being righteous but are not. I know who you are on the inside: your motives, character, desires and spiritual condition.  You are mostly dead. I find your work unfinished and you are about to fail.
    Warning: Wake up! Repent! Strengthen what you have in me before it dies! Finish what you have started. Hold fast to what is true. You must change your ways because I am about to test you like a thief in the night and you are not prepared.
    Promise: Those who have not soiled their clothes with this world will eventually get to walk with me dressed in new clothing from heaven.  I will acknowledge your name before the angels and my Father in heaven.

    Good News:  I approve of your good works and character. I am about to place before you an open door that no one can shut. You have been found loyal and faithful. 
    Bad News: Nothing to report.
    Warning: Hold on patiently to what you are doing so that no one can take your reward that you are destined to receive.
    Promise: I am coming soon. I will give you a crown of honor. You will be a pillar in the temple of God.  I will write upon you the name of my God and my new name.  I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is coming on the whole world. You have earned the right to skip the final exam.

    Good News: Nothing to report.
    Bad News: I know your behavior and work ethic. You are superficial and average at best. I would rather you put forth a strong effort or quit. You think you are special but do not realize how tragic you have become.  You lack the proper understanding of me and what I expect.   
    Warning: You are about to fail because of your subpar effort.  You are pathetic, poor, blind and naked.  I council you to transform your spiritual condition before it is too late.
    Promise: I can help you purchase clothes to cover your shame and nakedness.  I can heal the wounds you have suffered.  Those I love I rebuke and discipline.  Be earnest and repent and I will give you a place by my side to rule with me. 

    Support the show

    Creator, Researcher and Host: Rob Fell
    Production, Editor and Cover Art: Susan Cofer Fell
    Contact: susan@susancoferfell.com

    Rob’s Rhetoric…
    en-usJuly 21, 2022

    Season 2 Episode 2

    Season 2 Episode 2

    Jesus Christ’s report card of the 7 churches in Modern Day Turkey.  (This is my attempt to put this in a report card form: From the Good Teacher Jesus for everyone to see the spiritual condition of the class members).

    Ephesus (Episode 2): 
    Good News: You are hard working, persevering and endure hardships.  You cannot tolerate wicked people and are willing to call out false doctrine and teachers.
    Bad News: You have forsaken your relationship with me, first love, and you do not realize how far you have separated yourself from me.
    Warning: If you do not repent of your sin and rekindle your first love, I will remove your lamp stand from its place (destiny in heaven).
    Promise: If you hear what the Spirit says, I will give you the right to eat from the tree of life.

    Smyrna (Episode 2):
    Good News: You are rich spiritually even though you are poor materially in this world.
    Bad News: Nothing to report.
    Warning/Promise: If you persevere in the faith, despite your worldly afflictions, you will not be hurt by the second death.

    To be continued in Episode 3...

    Support the show

    Creator, Researcher and Host: Rob Fell
    Production, Editor and Cover Art: Susan Cofer Fell
    Contact: susan@susancoferfell.com

    Rob’s Rhetoric…
    en-usJuly 14, 2022

    Season 2 Episode 1

    Season 2 Episode 1

    1) The Rapture of the Church and the 2nd coming of Christ are separate events.
         A) The rapture of the church (Bride of Christ) is where believers will meet Jesus in the air and will be taken into heaven (I Thessalonians 4:13 - 5:11, Revelation 3:10, Philippians 3:20-21, I Corinthians 15: 51-53, Luke 17: 34-37).
         B) The 2nd coming of Christ is when Jesus will set up his earthly rule in Jerusalem, Israel for a 1,000 years following the tribulation period. Jesus will take his place on the throne of David as Israel’s Messiah after the nation cries out for their Messiah (Matthew 23:37-39, Revelation 19:11 - 20:6, Zechariah 12:1 -14:20, Romans 9:1 - 11:27, Matthew 24: 36-46).
         C) The Anti-Christ, the man of lawlessness, the man of deception, the beast out of the sea, will rule the nations of the earth during the tribulation period for 42 months but will be destroyed during Christ’s 2nd coming (II Thessalonians 2: 1-12, Daniel 9: 20-27, Daniel 12:1-13, Mathew 24:15-35, Revelation 13:1-18).
         D) Seven characters of symbolism in the book of Revelation to keep in mind as you read through this book.
              1) The Red Dragon/Ancient serpent - Satan (Revelation 12).
              2) The Beast of the Sea - Anti-Christ - Satan possessed world leader (Revelation 13).
              3) The Beast of the Earth - A false prophet, religious world leader that deceives the nations to worship the beast of the Sea (Revelation 13).
              4) The Woman (crowned with 12 stars- 12 tribes) - Israel (Revelation 12).
              5) The Child/ The Lamb/ The root of David/ The Lion of the tribe of Judah - Jesus (Revelation 5).
              6) Babylon the Great/ The mother of prostitutes/ The woman on the beast - The realm of demonic activity and deception (Revelation 17).
              7) Two witnesses/ Two Prophets: They are prophets of God who have the power to call down fire, kill their enemies,  and turn the water into blood (Many Theologians believe this to be Moses and Elijah - Revelation 11).  Jesus met with Moses and Elijah on the mountain of transfiguration which symbolizes Christ’s fulfillment of the old covenant and the establishment of a new covenant. (Mathew 17:1-13).

    Support the show

    Creator, Researcher and Host: Rob Fell
    Production, Editor and Cover Art: Susan Cofer Fell
    Contact: susan@susancoferfell.com

    Rob’s Rhetoric…
    en-usJuly 07, 2022

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