
    Rocket Motivation

    Rocket Motivation inspires others to overcome life-changing events, obstacles, and adversity to live your best life through the life experiences of the author of Get Back Up, Rod Cate, and his guests' stories.
    enRod Cate84 Episodes

    Episodes (84)

    Overcoming Uncertainty and Living with CF with Emily Schreiber Pendley

    Overcoming Uncertainty and Living with CF with Emily Schreiber Pendley

    Overcoming Uncertainty and Living with CF with Emily Schreiber Pendley - Rod Cate

    In this week’s episode, we learn the story of Emily Schreiber Pendley. At age nine, Emily was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis. Cystic fibrosis can dramatically shorten life expectancy. Emily has not allowed cystic fibrosis to slow her down. She is now 29 years old, a lawyer and recently got married. She tells her story of living a full life with cystic fibrosis.

    Key takeaways

    - Uncertainty can be hard. Don’t dwell on uncertainty. Live in the present.

    - Focus on the joy in life in during unknown or hard times. Even in darkness, there can be joy.

    - Don’t wait. Seize your opportunities. 

    - When facing adversity, take a minute. It’s okay to realize there are going to be tough times in life. Be resilient. Face reality and move on.


    This episode was made possible by:
    Hand Arendall Harrison Sale 

    Buy Rod's Book "Get Back Up" >>> Buy Here

    Learn more about & contact Rod Cate:
    Rod Cate Website

    Pardoned From Your Past with Stephanie Nodd

    Pardoned From Your Past with Stephanie Nodd

    Pardoned From Your Past with Stephanie Nodd

    In this week's episode, we learn the story of Stephanie Nodd. At age 23, Stephanie was convicted for her role in a drug conspiracy. She was sentenced to 30 years in federal prison. At age 44, she was released after serving 21 years. She tells her story of what it was like to spend a large portion of her life behind bars. She speaks to young adults about how making one bad decision can change your life. Stephanie's story provides inspiration and also provides a glimpse in to what it's like to spend such a long time in prison. This is a great episode.  


    Key Takeaways 

    - Don't let your past determine your future. 

    - As bad as things get, never give up hope. Hope will get you through the bad times.

    - Surround yourself with positive people. 

    - Take responsibility for your own actions. 

    - You need to earn what you get. 

    - Making a bad mistake does not make you a bad person. 

    Buy Rod's Book "Get Back Up" >>> Buy Here

    Learn more about & contact Rod Cate:
    Rod Cate Website

    From Fentanyl Poisoning to Action with Mike Bailey

    From Fentanyl Poisoning to Action with Mike Bailey

    In this week’s episode, we learn the story of Mike Bailey and his son Brandon. Brandon lost his life to fentanyl poisoning. Mike tells his story of losing his only child and how it has affected him. The worst part of this story is that Brandon’s death, like so many fentanyl deaths, was accidental and preventable. Mike’s story could not be more timely.

    Key Takeaways

    - You never get over losing a child. You can get through it but not over it. 

    - Don’t hold it inside. Go talk to someone. 

    - If you know your child has addiction problems, fight for your child. 

    - When friends or family lose a child, reach out and be supportive. 

    - There are no rules on mourning. Mourn the loss of a child in whatever way helps get you through it. 

    - No matter what problems you have, someone has bigger ones.

    Check Out Mike's Radio Show - Sip and Chew with Mike & Stu >>>

    Buy Rod's Book "Get Back Up" >>> Buy Here

    Learn more about & contact Rod Cate:
    Rod Cate Website

    Helen Bender : Dangerously Optimistic Cancer Warrior

    Helen Bender : Dangerously Optimistic Cancer Warrior

    Helen Bender - Dangerously Optimistic Cancer Warrior - Rocket Motivation with ROD CATE
    In this week’s episode, we learn the story of Helen Bender, who within the last year at age 26 was unexpectedly diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma. She tells her story of fighting this cancer and continuing to live her fullest life. It’s immunotherapy in the morning and back to work showing houses in the afternoon. She has not let this cancer slow her down. Her story is what Rocket Motivation Podcast is all about.

    Key Takeaways

    Accept help from family and friends when going through tough times.

    Go through life with optimism. Be proactively optimistic. Make the choice that the glass is ½ full. 

    Humor can get you through tough times.

    In dealing with adversity, go with your feelings. Don’t push them aside. Let your feelings take you to the other side.

    Everything happens for a reason. Stay positive. “Why me” moments are normal. Let them soak in and process them so you can come out stronger on the other side. 

    This episode has been made possible by Hand Arendall Harrison Sale - Attorneys At Law - check them out at handfirm.com


    Buy Rod's Book "Get Back Up" >>> Buy Here

    Learn more about & contact Rod Cate:
    Rod Cate Website

    Sea5on Rocket Recap with Rod and Producer Johnny Gwin

    Sea5on Rocket Recap with Rod and Producer Johnny Gwin

    In this week's 60th episode, we bring on special guest and show producer Johnny Gwin, who helps me recap Rocket Motivation Podcast's prior seasons and shows. We talk about the journey we've been on and where we're going. We talk about some of our past guests and their stories and how they make Rocket Motivation what it is. Of course, we throw a little motivation and inspiration your way.

    This episode is made possible by Empowered Family Law >>>

    Some of the Core Advice Given by Multiple Rocket Motivation Guests:

    1). You have to have hope.
    2). When going through tough times, ask for help and lean on your friends and family.
    3). Tough times don't last
    4). What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. 

    Episode Key Takeaways

    - Don't be a victim. No one says life is fair. Play with the hand you're dealt.

    - Adversity is an inherent part of life. Be able to adjust.

    - You only get one life; make it great. Figure out what you want to do and do it.

    - Life is a participation sport. Don't sit it out.

    - Life is short. Have some fun!

    Success Is Not Promised with Zac Wolfe

    Success Is Not Promised with Zac Wolfe
    Success Is Not Promised with Zac Wolfe - Rocket Motivation with Rod Cate
    In this week's episode we learn the Zac Wolfe. Eleven years ago at the age of 19 Zac fractured his cervical spine in a vehicle accident causing spinal cord damage leaving him paralyzed from the neck down. He has relentlessly worked to improve his condition and after several years, can walk with the aide of leg braces and a walker. Most importantly, he lives a full and rewarding life and hasn't let his condition stop him. Everything about his story is inspirational. 

    This episode is made possible by Empowered Family Law >>>

    Episode Takeaways 
    - A positive mindset can conquer anything. You can determine your future. Visualize what you want to accomplish and do it. 
    - Figure out how to attack your problems and practice until successful. 
    - Giving up is easy. Not quitting is the hard part. Success takes time. Be persistent. 
    - Struggles are guaranteed. Success is not. 
    - Keep a mindset of accomplishment and hard work but life is also meant to be fun. 
    - Bad times don't last. Don't quit. Work hard and put the time in to overcome. 
    - Life can change in the blink of an eye. Don't take life for granted.



    Buy Rod's Book "Get Back Up" >>> Buy Here

    Learn more about & contact Rod Cate:
    Rod Cate Website

    Make Your Own Pink Lemonade with Stephanie Goolsby Savage

    Make Your Own Pink Lemonade with Stephanie Goolsby Savage

    Make Your Own Pink Lemonade with Stephanie Goolsby Savage

    In this week’s episode, we learn the story of Stephanie Goolsby Savage. Stephanie is a survivor of abuse. She is a businesswoman who has the drive and perseverance to succeed. Her 30 plus year salon business was shut down by Covid. Stephanie pivoted from her salon business to becoming an award winning Mary Kay consultant. She keeps moving forward and deals with whatever life throws her way. She is an inspiration for women and for everyone.

    This episode is made possible by Empowered Family Law >>>

    Stephanie's Rocket Motivation Takeaways

    - Don’t let your circumstances dictate who you are. Don’t let a bad situation hold you back in your life.

    - Stepping out on your own takes courage. Don’t be afraid to follow your dreams.

    - When a door closes, you might have to pivot to survive. Be nimble.

    - There is power in helping others.

    - In your dealings with others, leave them better than you found them.



    Buy Rod's Book "Get Back Up" >>> Buy Here

    Learn more about & contact Rod Cate:
    Rod Cate Website

    Turning Rage Into Good with Jo Holcombe

    Turning Rage Into Good with Jo Holcombe

    Turning Rage Into Good with Jo Holcombe - Rocket Motivation with Rod Cate EP57

    In this week’s episode, we learn the story of Jo Holcombe and her mother Shirley, who suffered from elder abuse by a caregiver. Following Shirley’s death, Jo turned her anger and rage into a positive. She worked tirelessly to have a law enacted in Alabama that requires individuals convicted of felony elder abuse to register (somewhat like a sex offender registry) in an attempt to stop elder abuse. Jo’s perseverance in not stopping until “Shirley’s Law” was enacted provides a great story of inspiration.

    Read More About Shirley's Law 


    Jo Holcombe's Rocket Motivation Takeaways

    - In life, we will encounter pivotal moments that can alter or change the direction of our lives. Choose to embrace these moments and act.

    - It’s better to do something and fail instead of doing nothing at all.

    - Don’t let the complacency of others stop you from acting. Don’t let others discourage you.

    - Channel negative emotions in to something positive.

    - In dealing with tough times, take each day at a time and look for one positive out of each day. Small positives add up.

    - If you suspect elder abuse of a loved one, trust your gut. It’s better to investigate and be wrong than to not investigate at all


    This episode is made possible by Empowered Family Law >>>



    Buy Rod's Book "Get Back Up" >>> Buy Here

    Learn more about & contact Rod Cate:
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    Lessons From The Detour with Command Sergeant Major Brad Jones

    Lessons From The Detour with Command Sergeant Major Brad Jones

    Lessons From The Detour with Command Sergeant Major Brad Jones - Rocket Motivation with Rod Cate

    In this week’s episode, we learn the story of Command Sergeant Major Brad Jones. Brad tells his story about dealing with obstacles and detours he’s faced in his military career and personal life. He talks about studying a full year to be a radar specialist in the Army, only to have that assignment disappear before it started. He talks about dealing with the death of his wife of 11 years and raising his young children without his life partner. He’s written a book entitled Treading The Deep in which he details his dealing with life’s detours and curveballs and how he has pushed through them to become the best version of himself. Brad’s story is one of inspiration and perseverance.

    Get Treading the Deep: Inspirational Lessons on Life and Leadership by Command Sergeant Major Bradley P. Jones 

    Brad Jones' Rocket Motivation Takeaways

    - Life will place detours and throw curveballs that we have to deal with. These obstacles can be blessings and benefits. Make the best of them. They will help you to grow as a person.

    - Life can drastically change in the blink of an eye. Keep moving forward no matter what life throws at you.

    - In dealing with adversity, lean on friends and family to ease the burden.

    - Life is not comfortable. Success typically does not come easy or early.

    - Find out what you are passionate about in life and follow your passion.

    This episode is made possible by Empowered Family Law >>>



    Buy Rod's Book "Get Back Up" >>> Buy Here

    Learn more about & contact Rod Cate:
    Rod Cate Website

    Surviving Divorce with Krissy McCulloch

    Surviving Divorce with Krissy McCulloch

    Surviving Divorce with Krissy McCulloch - Rocket Motivation with Rod Cate EP55

    In this week’s episode, we learn the story of Krissy McCulloch. Krissy survived a tough divorce and has taken what she learned and went through to turn it into her passion of representing clients in divorce and family law proceedings. Divorce is a tough thing for everyone who goes through it. This topic and Krissy’s story and advice fit in perfectly with overcoming adversity.

    Learn More About Krissy McCulloch >>>

    This episode is made possible by Empowered Family Law >>>

    Episode Takeaways

    - During tough times, stick to a system or routine. Exercise. Use your support system.

    - Emotionally, divorce is not a linear process. Clients typically go through cycles of grief, denial, sadness and anger. Somedays you will feel good and other days feel bad again. It is a process to go through.

    - In divorce, as with problems in life, you will get through it. It gets worse before it gets better and then it gets so much better.

    - You may not have the ability to control your emotions, but you have the ability to choose how to deal with them.

    - Tough times make tough people.



    Buy Rod's Book "Get Back Up" >>> Buy Here

    Learn more about & contact Rod Cate:
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    Embracing Obstacles with Jason Darley

    Embracing Obstacles with Jason Darley

    Embracing Obstacles with Jason Darley - Rocket Motivation with Rod Cate EP54

    In this week’s episode, we learn the story of Jason Darley. Jason had an obstacle filled childhood, witnessing abuse by his father of his mother, and going from a fairly affluent upbringing to not knowing where his next meal was coming from. He’s dealt with the death of his younger brother from cancer. He put himself through college and law school, and most impressively, started a criminal law defense practice from scratch that has become most successful. His gives us some great advice, life lessons and inspiration.

    Learn More About Jason Darley >>>

    Key Takeaways

    - Everything you experience in your life is put there for you to learn, grow and develop as a person.

    - Human beings are resilient. We have to go through tough times to see what we are capable of dealing with.

    - Life is about getting up each day and putting on foot in front of the other. A large part of success is just showing up and being dependable.

    - The key to life – What impact can you make on your small circle of friends and family.

    - Life can be tough on the good days. If you can say at the end of the day, “I helped someone today.” That’s enormous.

    - To get out of tough times, reach out to friends and family to help get you through.

    This episode is made possible by Empowered Family Law >>>


    Buy Rod's Book "Get Back Up" >>> Buy Here

    Learn more about & contact Rod Cate:
    Rod Cate Website

    Get Off The Sidelines with Steve Serio - Paralympics Gold Medalist

    Get Off The Sidelines with Steve Serio - Paralympics Gold Medalist

    Get Off The Sidelines with Paralympics Gold Medalist Steve Serio

    In this week’s episode, we learn the story of Steve Serio. Steve is a four time Paralympic medalist for the USA Men’s National Wheelchair Basketball Team. He tells his story of how his life improved and completely changed by accepting and embracing his disability instead of conforming to society’s expectations of striving to become able-bodied. He talks about the thrill of representing the USA on the world stage and provides great life lessons.

    Get To Know More About Steve Serio
    Steve Serio Wins Third Paralympic Medal
    Steve Serio Inspires Others To Go Further

    Key Takeaways

    - Overcoming a physical disability does not mean becoming more like able-bodied counterparts.

    - In dealing with disabilities, there is no one size fits all approach.

    - Focus on the things you can do, not on what you can’t do.

    - Learn from your mistakes and your losses.

    - Don’t shy away from difficult moments or challenges. Embrace the difficult moments.

    This episode is made possible by Empowered Family Law >>>


    Buy Rod's Book "Get Back Up" >>> Buy Here

    Learn more about & contact Rod Cate:
    Rod Cate Website

    Finding Joy In Surrender with Sydney Bennett

    Finding Joy In Surrender with Sydney Bennett

    Finding Joy In Surrender with Sydney Bennett

    In this week’s episode, we learn the story of Sydney Bennett. Sydney is 23 years old and suffers from a condition known as Functional Neurological Disorder with symptoms of debilitating/chronic pain, numbness, paralysis and seizures. She discusses how she lives with and navigates her condition and how she deals with skepticism about her condition, i.e., it’s all in your head. Sydney provides insight and advice that are transferrable to all of life’s adversity and struggles.

    Follow Sydney on Instagram >>> @the.annegirl 

    Key Takeaways From Sydney Bennett

    - For anyone diagnosed with Functional Neurological Disorder, it gets better. Don’t give up. There is hope with grief. Accomplish what you can. Keep moving forward.

    - When things change in your life that are beyond your control, change your expectations/direction on how to reach your goals.

    - When you are having struggles mentally/emotionally, don’t make decisions at night. Wait until the morning when things become clearer.

    - Find joy in the small things. Go over in your mind what you are thankful of.

    - Believe in the good things in life and your brain will look for ways to confirm them. 

    - Find people to support you and talk to so you are not isolated. 


    This episode is made possible by Empowered Family Law >>>


    Buy Rod's Book "Get Back Up" >>> Buy Here

    Learn more about & contact Rod Cate:
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    Be An Artist of Inspiration with Ricky Trione

    Be An Artist of Inspiration with Ricky Trione

    Be An Artist of Inspiration with Ricky Trione - Rocket Motivation with Rod Cate - EP51

    In this week’s episode we learn the story of Ricky Trione. On two separate occasions Ricky lost his sight in one eye and then the other leaving himself totally blind. He has become an artist, painting with acrylics, and uses his sense of touch to feel his canvases after the paint dries to create his paintings. His story is one of inspiration and never quit attitude.

    Check Out Ricky Trione's Art >>>

    Key Takeaways

    - There is truth in the saying, “No pain. No gain.” You just have to push through the hardest parts of your life.

    - Once you push through life’s tough times, you wind up with a blessing.

    - Don’t be so prideful that you refuse to allow others help you through difficult times.

    - Surround yourself with positive people.

    - Never quit. We all will fall in life. Always get back up.

    - Learn to trust and depend on God. Walk with faith, not by sight.

    This episode is made possible by Empowered Family Law >>>


    Buy Rod's Book "Get Back Up" >>> Buy Here

    Learn more about & contact Rod Cate:
    Rod Cate Website

    Keep On Keeping On with Matt Newsom

    Keep On Keeping On with Matt Newsom

    Keep On Keeping On with Matt Newsom - EP50 with Rocket Motivation with Matt Newsom

    In this week’s episode, we learn the story of Matt Newsom. At age 43, 13 years ago, Matt was diagnosed with Hairy Cell Leukemia. He jumped on treatment right away and his leukemia has been in remission ever since. Matt has become a major fundraiser for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and was the Charlotte, North Carolina Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s Man of the Year. Last year he personally raised over $537,000. He’s got a great story!


    Key Takeaways

    - An unfortunate event can change your life in a good way.

    - To overcome tough times, lean on your friends and family.

    - Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

    - To make the most out of your life, “keep hustling.”


    Buy Rod's Book "Get Back Up" >>> Buy Here

    Learn more about & contact Rod Cate:
    Rod Cate Website

    Be An Enabler of Good with Haley Beason

    Be An Enabler of Good with Haley Beason

    Be An Enabler of Good with Haley Beason - Rocket Motivation with Rod Cate

    In this episode, we learn the story of Haley Beason. At age 15, Haley became addicted to pain medication and by her late 20s was a full blown addict. She chose rehab over prison and has completely turned her life around and now is the co-founder and director of The Landing, a drug and alcohol rehabilitation facility for women. Her story is amazing and she gives great life advice.

    Key Takeaways

    Practice good principles each day to be prepared to handle life's downturns.

    When faced with problems, stop and think of the solution and implement it.

    To overcome adversity, you have to take the first step.

    To pull yourself out of a funk, do something each day to help someone else.

    We only have one life. Don't be afraid to take chances.


    Buy Rod's Book "Get Back Up" >>> Buy Here

    Learn more about & contact Rod Cate:
    Rod Cate Website

    Exercising Forgiveness with Rosshiki Leatherwood

    Exercising Forgiveness with Rosshiki Leatherwood

    In this week’s episode, we learn the story of Rosshiki Leatherwood and his wife Claudia. Rosshiki lost his wife of 13 years when the vehicle she was driving was struck by another vehicle driven by a teenager. His two children were in the vehicle and badly injured. Rosshiki tells his story of forgiveness, how he has dealt with the loss of Claudia, and he provides his take on life and the lessons he’s learned.

    Read Claudia Leatherwood's Story >>> Wife's Family Remembers Life of Woman Killed in Lloyds Lane Crash in Mobile

    Check Out Rosshikki's Gym >>> Next Level Fitness and Performance

    Key Takeaways

    - Life is the result of the choices we make.

    - We get out of life what we put in to it. Success doesn’t happen all at once. Be prepared before you make your life choices.

    - If you don’t like the direction of your life, assess your situation. Don’t blame others for your failures. You can’t change your life without personal accountability.

    - We are only on the earth for a short period of time. Strive to build a good legacy.

    - We grow from dealing with adversity. To overcome adversity, get comfortable with being uncomfortable.


    This Episode is Sponsored By: 
    Alliance Mechanical Solutions, LLC
    Alliance Mechanical Solutions Utilities



    Buy Rod's Book "Get Back Up" >>> Buy Here

    Learn more about & contact Rod Cate:
    Rod Cate Website


    Capture The Moment with Austin Luke

    Capture The Moment with Austin Luke

    In this week’s episode we learn the story of Austin Luke. Austin got Covid that caused him to go to a coma for 2 months and rely upon a ventilator and other machines to keep him alive. He required a double lung transplant to survive. He tells his story of overcoming Covid and what it’s like lying in a hospital bed being kept alive by machines as he was waiting on a lung donor. He also tells the story of his recovery from only being able to walk a few steps before becoming winded to running a 5k. Austin tells a great story of inspiration.


    Key Takeaways

    The life we make is a choice of how we react to adversity.

    Examine your relationships. Surround yourself with people who care about you.

    God blesses you with challenges you can handle.

    Life is finite and can be taken from you in an instant. Be happy with your life and content with experiencing life.

    Never give up. It sounds cliché because it is true. 

    When you get a second chance in life, take advantage of everything you can.


    This Episode is Sponsored By: 
    Alliance Mechanical Solutions, LLC
    Alliance Mechanical Solutions Utilities



    Buy Rod's Book "Get Back Up" >>> Buy Here

    Learn more about & contact Rod Cate:
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    Blessed and Unbreakable with Chris "Champ" Napier

    Blessed and Unbreakable with Chris "Champ" Napier

    Blessed and Unbreakable with Chris

    In this week's episode, we learn the story of Chris "Champ" Napier. Champ was 3 years old when he saw his father murdered. He grew up in poverty, surrounded by drugs and crime, and at age 18 was sentenced to life in prison for murder. He had an epiphany while in prison and changed his life around. After serving 14 years, he was paroled. He now works as a Client Advocate for the Mobile County Public Defender's office. He has written two books and is an advocate for change in the criminal justice system. His story is one of redemption and second chances.

    Get Champ Napier's First Book >>> 
    Poverty and Prison: Frustrations Of My Past


    Key Takeaways

    - Hard times are necessary to establish your truth.

    - Hard times don't last forever.

    - Think about your situation and consider how you can improve your life.

    - Learn from your mistakes.

    - In dealing with adversity, find people to help you out. Surround yourself with good people.

    This Episode is Sponsored By: 
    Alliance Mechanical Solutions, LLC
    Alliance Mechanical Solutions Utilities



    Buy Rod's Book "Get Back Up" >>> Buy Here

    Learn more about & contact Rod Cate:
    Rod Cate Website


    You're Stronger Than You Know with Rob Holbert

    You're Stronger Than You Know with Rob Holbert

    You're Stronger Than You Know with Rob Holbert - EP45 Rocket Motivation with Rod Cate

    In this week's episode, we learn the story of Rob Holbert who started a print newspaper in Mobile, Alabama at the time when newspapers were going digital. Rob talks about his personal and professional challenges and his recipe for success not only in print media but in life.

    Subscribe To Lagniappe >>>

    Key Takeaways

    - There is no substitute for hard work.

    - When things get tough, do more.

    - In dealing with adversity, we are all stronger than we know. Dig deep.

    - Stick to what you do. Don't waver.

    - It takes time to build something good.

    - Don't feel sorry for yourself when things go bad. Other people have gone through worse.

    This Episode is Sponsored By: 
    Alliance Mechanical Solutions, LLC
    Alliance Mechanical Solutions Utilities
    Stokes County Arts Council



    Buy Rod's Book "Get Back Up" >>> Buy Here

    Learn more about & contact Rod Cate:
    Rod Cate Website