
    Safe Money Radio with Brad Pistole

    Safe Money Radio host Brad Pistole is a nationally recognized Financial Professional who specializes in planning that protects principal from stock market volatility and creates guaranteed lifetime income. Listen here to receive insights from Brad and hear what he has to say regarding your retirement income planning. 

    en-usBrad Pistole48 Episodes

    Episodes (48)



    Brad addresses the concerns of many retirees involving banking and bank products. Some of the things discussed today include CD's, FDIC coverage, insurance products, annuities, and how they stack up compared to bank products. 

    If something in this episode has peaked your interest, please feel free to call Safe Money Radio at 866-780-SAFE OR call Brad's office directly at 417-581-9222 if you would like an appointment to review your current retirement accounts.

    WHAT TO DO at age 59.5

    WHAT TO DO at age 59.5

    Brad talks about the ability for those age 59.5 and above to take an "in service withdrawal" from eligible 401(k), 403(b), 457 and TSP's. This episode covers the options and characteristics of in service withdrawals. If you are age 59.5 and above, this episode is for you!

    If something in this episode has peaked your interest, please feel free to call Safe Money Radio at 866-780-SAFE OR call Brad's office directly at 417-581-9222 if you would like an appointment to review your current retirement accounts.

    3 Phases of Retirement with Tom Hegna

    3 Phases of Retirement with Tom Hegna

    Brad talks about the 3 Phases of Retirement coined by world renowned economist, Tom Hegna. 

    Stage 1: GO GO YEARS - Early retirement, still healthy, doing lots of activities and participating in hobbies. You spend more money in these years.

    Stage 2: SLOW GO YEARS - Mid retirement, health issues maybe start to lurk in, not as active. Spend less money than in go go years. 

    Stage 3: NO GO YEARS - End of retirement. You are getting closer to the end of life, health will determine your daily lifestyle. Health expenses can add up, and you may spend more money than you did in the slow go years, but less than in your go go years. 

    If something in this episode has peaked your interest, please feel free to call Safe Money Radio at 866-780-SAFE OR call Brad's office directly at 417-581-9222 if you would like an appointment to review your current retirement accounts.

    Tax Deductions NOW or Tax Free Later?

    Tax Deductions NOW or Tax Free Later?

    Brad talks about why some large investment institutions refuse to use annuities with their clients, what happened to his Dad in 2001 and 2008, and spends ample time talking about the pros and cons of making deductible IRA contributions now vs. having tax free money LATER in retirement. 

    What Golf and your Retirement Plan Have in Common!

    What Golf and your Retirement Plan Have in Common!

    Brad talks about how the game of GOLF and your retirement plan have a LOT in common! Featured on today will be a snippet from world renowned economist Tom Hegna, also speaking on the commonalities of golf and a healthy retirement plan, in detail. 

    Topics discussed will be: 

    - Using all the clubs in your bag
    -Focusing on income rather than asset size
    -The importance of a diverse approach to retirement 

    If something in this episode has peaked your interest, please feel free to call Safe Money Radio at 866-780-SAFE OR call Brad's office directly at 417-581-9222 if you would like an appointment to review your current retirement accounts.

    DO NOT Make These Tax Mistakes

    DO NOT Make These Tax Mistakes

    In todays episode, Brad talks about the one thing we all seem to dread; taxes. 
    There are several key decisions that those who are nearing retirement face, and decisions to be made that can end up saving you tens of thousands of dollars in tax liability in the future. 

    If something in this episode has peaked your interest, please feel free to call Safe Money Radio at 866-780-SAFE OR call Brad's office directly at 417-581-9222 if you would like an appointment to review your current retirement accounts.

    Interviewing Safe Money Radio's Creator - Anthony Owen

    Interviewing Safe Money Radio's Creator - Anthony Owen

    One of the brilliant minds behind Safe Money Radio, Anthony Owen, sits down to have a chat with The Ozarks' Host of Safe Money Radio, Brad Pistole. Anthony and Brad talk about how the Radio program began, the importance of insuring your retirement accounts, and the peace of mind that comes from 'income flooring' in retirement.

    SPECIAL GUEST - Dr. Wade Pfau joins SMR

    SPECIAL GUEST - Dr. Wade Pfau joins SMR

    Wade D. Pfau, PhD, is Professor of Retirement Income in the PhD in Financial and Retirement Planning program, Co-Director of the American College Center for Retirement Income, and RICP® program director at The American College of Financial Services. 

    Wade joins today's show to talk about 'Safety First Retirement Planning', the different ways to create an income plan for retirement, and the RISA™ (Retirement Income Style Awareness) assessment for those who are nearing retirement. 

    If something in this episode has peaked your interest, please feel free to call Safe Money Radio at 866-780-SAFE OR call Brad's office directly at 417-581-9222 if you would like an appointment to review your current retirement accounts.

    CEO Casey Marx on Income Flooring

    CEO Casey Marx on Income Flooring

    CEO of Crown Haven Wealth Advisors, Casey Marx, joins Brad Pistole for a special episode of Safe Money Radio. Casey and Brad dive into the importance of creating a guaranteed floor of income, and how retirees benefit from having this key structure in their retirement plan. 

    To contact Casey Marx and Crown Haven Wealth Advisors, please visit their website at https://crownhaven.com or call them at 903-437-7233. 

    To contact Brad Pistole and Safe Money Radio, please call 417-581-9222, or visit https://guaranteedsafemoney.com

    ED SLOTT: Retirement Freedom & SECURE 2.0

    ED SLOTT: Retirement Freedom & SECURE 2.0

    America's IRA Expert, Ed Slott, joins Brad Pistole on Safe Money Radio to talk about the updated tax laws that were signed into law with the Secure Act 2.0 on December 29, 2022. 

    If something in this episode has peaked your interest, please feel free to call Safe Money Radio at 866-780-SAFE OR call Brad's office directly at 417-581-9222 if you would like an appointment to review your current retirement accounts.

    Tax Law Updates You Must Know for 2023

    Tax Law Updates You Must Know for 2023

    While we were all enjoying the holidays, Congress slipped one by us by signing Secure Act 2.0 into law on December 29th, 2022. In todays episode, Brad will give us a snapshot of some of the most important changes which include: 

    • Required Minimum Distribution age changes
    • Qualified Charitable Distribution amount changes
    • Changes to ROTH accounts held in employer retirement plans
    • Contribution limits for IRA's, ROTH IRA's, 401(k)'s, etc.
    • Changes to 529 (college savings) plans

    If something in this episode has peaked your interest, please feel free to call Safe Money Radio at 866-780-SAFE OR call Brad's office directly at 417-581-9222 if you would like an appointment to review your current retirement accounts.

    Things to Consider for 2023

    Things to Consider for 2023

    In today's episode, Brad gives a quick recap of 2022's year end results in the stock market, and overall economy. We also will hear snippets from Tom Hegna throughout the episode. 

    Topics covered today consist of:

    • 2022's Year End Review
    • When the Riskiest Time to Invest is 
    • A Horrible Year for Bonds
    • Key Takeaways and Things to Consider for 2023

    If something in this episode has peaked your interest, please feel free to call Safe Money Radio at 866-780-SAFE OR call Brad's office directly at 417-581-9222 if you would like an appointment to review your current retirement accounts.

    Economist Tom Hegna on Steps to Retirement Freedom

    Economist Tom Hegna on Steps to Retirement Freedom

    World renowned economist, CLU®, ChFC®, CASL®, Tom Hegna joins Brad to speak about his key steps to retirement freedom! In this episode Brad asks Tom 18 key questions about retirement, and they will speak briefly on topics including: 

    The Importance of Guaranteed Income
    Finding the Right Mixture of Exposure to Risk/Safety
    How to have built in Guaranteed Inflation Protection
    Why Tom owns 11 Annuities
    What Social Security, Pensions, and Annuities have in common 
    Life Expectancy Projections for those Near Retirement 

    If something in this episode has peaked your interest, please feel free to call Safe Money Radio at 866-780-SAFE OR call Brad's office directly at 417-581-9222 if you would like an appointment to review your current retirement accounts.

    Chasing BIG BUCKS

    Chasing BIG BUCKS

    In this episode, Brad dives into the fun comparisons between chasing big bucks (retirement dollars) and chasing BIG BUCKS (deer). 

    Intricate areas of focus in this episode include: 

    • Making purposeful withdrawals from the correct accounts
    • Paying attention to the tax-status of your retirement accounts
    • Creating a safety valve for your 10 year retirement red-zone window
    • Avoiding the stress of ups and downs of the market 

    Who Are You Working With?

    Who Are You Working With?

    In todays episode, Brad talks about the importance of ongoing education, and why it is critical that the advisor managing your retirement plan stays up to date on the latest developments in the financial industry, as well as changes to regulations, tax laws, and compliance. 

    Brad also speaks about: 

    • What a Fiduciary REALLY is
    • The Importance of Tax-Free Buckets 
    • Why You Should Work With a Retirement Income Certified Professional

    If something in this episode has peaked your interest, please feel free to call Safe Money Radio at 866-780-SAFE OR call Brad's office directly at 417-581-9222 if you would like an appointment to review your current retirement accounts. 

    Deal or No Deal?

    Deal or No Deal?

    Brad shares about the wild episode of Deal or No Deal that reminded him of what pre-retirees experience with stock market losses, as well as dialogue with Ed Slott regarding: 

    • The Dreaded Triple Whammy
    • The Effects of Fee's and Market Losses
    • Our Current National Debt Crisis
    • The "Always" Rule

    If something in this episode has peaked your interest, please feel free to call Safe Money Radio at 866-780-SAFE OR call Brad's office directly at 417-581-9222 if you would like an appointment to review your current retirement accounts.