
    Salary Negotiations Made Simple

    Fight for your Worth! We debunk myths, address anxieties, and dispel fear surrounding salary negotiations and give you step-by-step guides so you know exactly how to ask for the compensation you deserve!
    enDorothy Mashburn47 Episodes

    Episodes (47)

    How to Find a Job in a Bad Economy - Top 3 Expert Tips

    How to Find a Job in a Bad Economy - Top 3 Expert Tips

    This simple and easy episode will provide you with critical changes to make in your job search strategies, including:

    • Introduction to Effective Job Searching: Enhance your job search strategies in a competitive environment.
    • Understanding ATS Systems: Uncover the secrets behind Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and how to optimize your resume to pass through these digital gatekeepers.
    • Standing Out in the Crowd: How to rise above the competition.
    • Reaching Decision Makers: How to bypass common barriers and get your resume directly in front of decision-makers.
    • Leveraging Your Network: Use your connections to uncover hidden job opportunities.
    • Customizing Your Application: Tailoring your resume for each job application to increase your chances of success.


    Brand confidently on LinkedIn:

    Free Linkedin Profile Optimization

    Secure an extra $10,000 - $50,000 in yearly compensation with this free training! 

    Salary Negotiation Training (It's Free!)


    Rising from the Bottom: How "Why not Me?" Bolsters Confidence and Fuels Success with Eugina Jordan

    Rising from the Bottom: How "Why not Me?" Bolsters Confidence and Fuels Success with Eugina Jordan

    I have the privilege of speaking with Eugina Jordan, Chief Marketing Officer and author of "Unlimited." Join us as she fearlessly shares her incredible journey, starting from her roots in Communist Russia.

    In this episode we answer questions to multiple issues that women executives face in the workplace including:

    • How to overcome self doubt and escape from societal norms
    • When to use sponsors and when to use mentors
    • Practical strategies to overcome fear and self-limiting beliefs.
    • How to build a powerful network of allies

    Connect with Eugina





    Connect with Dorothy


    Brand confidently on LinkedIn:

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    Secure an extra $10,000 - $50,000 in yearly compensation with this free training! 

    Salary Negotiation Training (It's Free!)


    Can you Negotiate Your Salary After Setting a Salary Range?

    Can you Negotiate Your Salary After Setting a Salary Range?

    Ever found yourself in a spot where, after setting a salary range, you wonder if you've aimed too low?

    During the episode I give you an exact pitch on how to ask for more after you have already set a salary range.

    Finally, can you negotiate your salary after accepting a job offer? Each situation will need a nuanced strategy.

    If you are in this situation, please grab a calendar time-slot for a complimentary mini-coaching session.



    Brand confidently on LinkedIn:

    Free Linkedin Profile Optimization

    Secure an extra $10,000 - $50,000 in yearly compensation with this free training! 

    Salary Negotiation Training (It's Free!)


    How to Master Corporate Etiquette to Command a Promotion or a Pay Raise with Adrienne Barker

    How to Master Corporate Etiquette to Command a Promotion or a Pay Raise with Adrienne Barker

    In this episode, I speak with Adrienne Barker, a Business Consultant and LinkedIn Learning Instructor, who guides professionals on authentic personal branding.

    A key component of executive presence and being recognized as a leader involves your personal appearance and also your capability to engage effectively in professional environments.

    Adrienne shares how she turned her early struggles with navigating corporate dynamics into a mission to master corporate etiquette.

    From the art of introductions to the subtleties of dining etiquette and the strategic use of body language, Adrienne offers actionable advice that can instantly elevate your professional presence. 

    She also discusses the nuances of giving and taking credit for ideas in the workplace, navigating boardroom dynamics, and the essential practice of giving credit where it's due.

    If you're ready to show up as an executive prepared to tackle significant challenges for the organization, listen to this episode to polish your executive presence and ability to navigate the complexities of the professional environment. 

    Connect with Adrienne Barker:
    Ready to accelerate your career?

    Brand confidently on LinkedIn:

    Free Linkedin Profile Optimization

    Secure an extra $10,000 - $50,000 in yearly compensation with this free training! 

    Salary Negotiation Training (It's Free!)


    Unlocking Untapped Job Markets: Conduct Informational Interviews the Right Way!

    Unlocking Untapped Job Markets: Conduct Informational Interviews the Right Way!

    Ready for your next career leap?

    The secret weapon you need is the Informational Interview session toolkit's laddering exercise.

    Dive into this episode to discover the key players you need to connect with, the critical questions that will mark you as a thoughtful leader, and the strategies to cultivate warm, trusting relationships that turn gatekeepers into guides.

    Embrace the strategy that opens doors, builds bridges, and sets the stage for your entry into your next high-impact role.

    Let's get you where you deserve to be – at the top! With a amazing salary offer. 

    If you need help with crafting a strategy personalized to your unique skill sets, book a complimentary mini-coaching call.



    Brand confidently on LinkedIn:

    Free Linkedin Profile Optimization

    Secure an extra $10,000 - $50,000 in yearly compensation with this free training! 

    Salary Negotiation Training (It's Free!)






    7 Words Which Have the Power to Increase What you get Paid with Dr. Richard Kaye

    7 Words Which Have the Power to Increase What you get Paid with Dr. Richard Kaye

    Learn key negotiation strategies with Dr. Richard Kaye who is sharing his stories and experiences openly. In this episode we discuss:

    • Seven powerful words to enhance negotiation outcomes.
    • Everyday interactions are opportunities to practice and improve negotiation skills.
    • The first step in negotiation is learning to negotiate with oneself.
    • Decisions made with current information are usually correct.
    • Strategies discussed to overcome undervaluing.
    • Employees have leverage - and how to use it!

    Brand confidently on LinkedIn:

    Free Linkedin Profile Optimization

    Secure an extra $10,000 - $50,000 in yearly compensation with this free training! Salary Negotiation Training (It's Free!)

    About Richard

    Dr. Kaye helps accelerate businesses. He is the mastermind behind the program, "The Secrets of Empowering Negotiation." He is a frequent guest on radio and television programs.  And the author of the highly acclaimed book, The Secrets of Creating Customers for Life.





    Expert Approved Answer to, "What are Your Salary Expectations?"

    Expert Approved Answer to, "What are Your Salary Expectations?"

    The absolutely correct way to handle this question is: 'What are your salary expectations?'

    Never agonize over this question again.

    I will explain the pros and cons of providing a single large number versus a range, and the right scenarios for deploying each strategy.

    I will also provide a definitive answer on whether to delay responding when a recruiter asks about your salary expectations.

    Finally, I will give you the exact script for providing a range and framing it in a manner that showcases you as both a professional and a high-caliber executive.


    Book a complimentary discovery calll to deploy the right negotiation strategy for your job offer!


    Find more goodies at my website:



    Build Confidence by Embracing Your Fears with Dr. Srinidhi Desikan

    Build Confidence by Embracing Your Fears with Dr. Srinidhi Desikan

    Negotiation and self-advocacy require confidence. 

    However, self-doubt and fear can sometimes creep in, making us question ourselves.

    I wanted to know: Can you harness your fear to give you the fuel to push through your doubts?

    The answer surprised me! Let's dive in. 

    In this episode, I am talking with Dr. Srinidhi Deskian, a neuroscientist and mindset coach, who shows you how to acknowledge our fears and take the steps to address that fear.

    Topics include:

    • Fear as a natural occurrence
    • Using language to build our self-esteem
    • Recognizing signs of fear
    • Reframing experiences
    • Taking action!

    Ready to acclerate your career?

    Book a complimentary mini-coaching call right now. 

    About Dorothy Mashburn

    Dorothy Mashburn is a interview and salary negotiation coach helping women confidently negotiate their value!

    About Dr. Srinidhi Desikan

    Dr. Srinidhi Desikan is a cognitive and Behavioural Neuroscientist and an integrated mindset coach, dedicated to helping individuals harness the full power of their minds. 





    Elevate your Executive Presence - 4 Dimensions for Best Results

    Elevate your Executive Presence - 4 Dimensions for Best Results

    Executive presence might seem like it belongs to the realm of psychics and mentalists.

    Some magical balancing act of assertive but not aggressive, charming but not odd, strong but also vulnerable.

    While you are shuttling from one extreme to another, it might seem like an ever moving goal line. Mission Impossible. 

    If this is how you are feeling, then I have GOOD NEWS!! 

    In this solo episode, I have broken down executive presence into four dimensions - 

    1. Confidence: 

      • Expertise
      • Proactive Engagement 
    2. Communication: 

      • Assertive Communication
      • Structured Speaking Technique
      • Non-Verbal Cues
    3. Character: 

      • Integrity
      • Cultivating Inclusivity
    4. Composure: 

      • Emotional Intelligence
      • 5-5-6 Breathing Technique 
      • Professional Appearance 

    Executive presence is within our grasp - it's not inherently elusive or difficult to develop. Listen for some actionable tips!

    If you are ready to level up - sign up for a complimentary clarity call. 


    Essential Steps to Your Next Promotion with a Massive Salary Boost with Porschia Parker-Griffin

    Essential Steps to Your Next Promotion with a Massive Salary Boost with Porschia Parker-Griffin

    This episode with the dynamic Porschia Parker-Griffin is chock full of insights to propel your career forward. If you are a high achiever who wants to make a big impact in their career then this is the episode for you! Topics include:

    • The mental resistance we have, and how to overcome it
    • Root causes of low confidence often stemming from erroneous feedback and how to address
    • Value of having advisors, coaches, mentors, and peer mentors to provide objective feedback and guidance.
    • Strategies for getting noticed for promotions
    • Addressing negative brand perceptions
    • Timing career discussions just right
    • The accelerated progress possible with professional coaching

    Brand confidently on LinkedIn:

    Free Linkedin Profile Optimization

    Double your compensation with this audio training! Salary Negotiation Training (It's Free!)


    About Porschia

    Porschia Parker-Griffin is Founder and CEO of Fly High Coaching, where she has helped thousands of clients over 10 years.  She is a Professional Certified Coach, a Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Master Practitioner, and an Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner.  Porschia also has experience as a director and business consultant in the financial industry, helping companies unlock millions of dollars in potential hiding in their organizations. You can find her at:

    Fly High Coaching: https://www.fly-highcoaching.com

    Career 101 Podcast: https://www.fly-highcoaching.com/career-101-podcast/

    Porschia on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/porschiaparker/

    Fly High Coaching on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/64512733/

    Fly High Coaching on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FlyHighCoaching

    Fly High Coaching on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@flyhighcoaching382

    Transform your LinkedIn profile into a Career Accelerator with Portia Obeng

    Transform your LinkedIn profile into a Career Accelerator with Portia Obeng

    Get found on LinkedIn with Portia Obeng's insider tips.

    In this episode you will learn about the untapped potential of LinkedIn, the social media platform that has evolved from an online resume stand to a powerful tool for branding and visibility!  

    Also learn:

    • How to update LinkedIn profiles with clear career narratives and achievements.
    • Asking for informational interviews and network actively.
    • Engaging Freelance or temporary roles during job transitions.

    Active engagement and a strategic approach are vital for those interested in accelerating their careers. Tune in for key insights. 

    Useful links:



    Brand confidently on LinkedIn:

    Free Linkedin Profile Optimization

    Secure an extra $10,000 - $50,000 in yearly compensation with this free training! 

    Salary Negotiation Training (It's Free!)


    About Portia

    Portia Obeng is a social media strategist and LinkedIn coach with over 10 years of experience in social media strategy and content management. She started before Snaps were chatted, Instagram had stories, and Tiks were toked; and her current specialties are Instagram and LinkedIn.

    She works to help people level up on LinkedIn. She also helps organizations turn their employees into LinkedIn superstars who advocate for the company, amplify brand messaging, and attract the best talent.

    Strategic Career Navigation for Women Leaders with Jill Avey

    Strategic Career Navigation for Women Leaders with Jill Avey

    "I have tried everything - and I still don't know what I am doing wrong. My ideas are not being picked up. What's missing?

    If you have wondered this, then this episode is a must. Jill Avey is an extremely talented executive career coach who is on a mission to help women get promoted to the executive ranks! 

    In this episode we talk about: 

    • How to be assertive without being aggressive.
    • Getting your message across as intended.
    • Navigating double standards and double binds.
    • Impacting your audience in the way you want.
    • Why you need a coach.

    Tune in for some actionable wisdom from one of the best!


    Land a job with the Fast Job Search Webinar  How to land interviews and secure a large salary package

    Build an irrestible brand confidently on LinkedIn: Free Linkedin Profile Optimization

    Secure an extra $10,000 - $50,000 in yearly compensation with this free training! Salary Negotiation Training (It's Free!)


    About Jill

    Jill Avey helps women leaders get promoted to the Director and VP levels with the SisterSmart leadership programs. She does this by supporting her clients to develop their strengths, increase their influence, and improve team performance while navigating gender bias.

     She believes that everyone has talents they haven’t yet fully realized. She is inspired to help her clients find deep fulfillment in their careers, both personally and financially. Her approach is grounded in research, applied behavioral science, and her own personal experience as an executive.

     Learn more about women’s leadership by listening to the SisterSmart Leadership podcast or following Jill on LinkedIn or YouTube. 




    How Classroom Teaching Prepares you for Leadership with Dr. Sarah Collins

    How Classroom Teaching Prepares you for Leadership with Dr. Sarah Collins

    In this episode, I'm speaking with the dynamic Dr. Sarah Collins. We discuss Dr. Collins' journey from classroom teacher to principal, and now to her current role as Director of Curriculum. Get inspired and take action with this epsiode! Tips include:


    Career Advancement and Goal Setting

      • Courageously sharing ambitions for career advancement
      • Effective leadership skill building
    1. Hiring Philosophy and Team Building

      • Philosophy behind hiring educators and building a cohesive team.
    2. Skills and Transferability in Teaching

      • Teachers have a wealth of transferable skills; How to recognize and leverage their unique skill sets.
    3. Personal Growth and Overcoming Challenges

      • Sarah's personal journey of growth and resilience 
      • Dedication to service
    4. Advice for Aspiring Leaders and Educators

      • Self-belief, resilience, and not being constrained by societal expectations
      • Tips for preparing effectively for job interviews and career advancement


    Land a job with the Fast Job Search Webinar  How to land interviews and secure a large salary package

    Build an irrestible brand confidently on LinkedIn: Free Linkedin Profile Optimization

    Secure an extra $10,000 - $50,000 in yearly compensation with this free training! Salary Negotiation Training (It's Free!)


    About Dr. Sarah Collins

    Dr. Sarah Collins currently serves as the PK-3rd Grade Director of Academic Equity and Excellence in the Kyrene School District in Tempe, AZ.
    She received her bachelor's degree in Elementary Education, with an English as a Second Language Endorsement from Arizona State University in 1998. She earned a Master of Education in Elementary Education in 2002 from Northern Arizona University and a second master's degree in educational leadership in 2013. She earned her doctorate in K-12 Educational Leadership in 2020. She was in school leadership for 12 years, 8 years as a principal, prior to moving to the central office in her current role.
    She has been an adjunct faculty member for the Rio Salado Community College teacher preparation program, helping individuals obtain their teaching certification, since 2014. She has a passion for educator support, equitable access for learners and promoting a diverse workforce in public education. 

    How to Speak up for Yourself at Work - with Kim Nicol

    How to Speak up for Yourself at Work - with Kim Nicol

    I am talking to the wonderful Kim Nicol in this episode. Kim is a life coach, mindfulness teacher, and host of The New Manager Podcast. We focus on providing practical tips for self-advocacy and speaking up for oneself.

    Speaking up for yourself or self-advocacy is a muscle we must develop in order to negotiate for our worth. So, our call to action is this - use every opportunity to practice this muscle. 

    Need a home office allowance? Ask. 

    Participate in volunteer work? Ask. 

    Want to be part of a high visibility project? Ask.

    Equally important in advocating for yourself is the courage and ability to say "no." While many of us are aware of this, very few of us have the practice of saying 'no.' We often get inundated with to-do lists that end up blockading our progress. 

    Until we master these skills, we will continue to under-earn. Tune into this episode for some actionable tips that can make a real difference. Enjoy!


    If you want to ask for a pay raise, use this script. (It's Free!).

    Don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel. 

    About Kim

    Kim Nicol, JD, PCC is a certified coach with expertise in mindfulness and human-centered leadership development.    

    She created the popular Essential Skills for New Managers workshop at General Assembly in San Francisco, serving over 1,000 students in diverse industries.  She continues to share her unique approach on The New Manager Podcast.  She works with the Cartier Women’s Initiative to support the well-being of women impact entrepreneurs around the world.

    Kim's Links:



    Your Dream Job - Mastering Job Hunting and Salary Negotiations with Caroline Ceniza-Levine

    Your Dream Job - Mastering Job Hunting and Salary Negotiations with Caroline Ceniza-Levine

    I am talking today with Caroline Ceniza-Levine, the founder of Dream Career Club, who is dedicated to helping professionals achieve their dream jobs and compensation.  

    We touch on non-stop actionable insights including:

    1. Navigating Job Applications and Interviews

      • Dealing with the uncertainty and challenges in the job application process.
      • The role of multiple job leads and maintaining forward momentum.
    2. Effective Job Search Techniques

      • Power of networking and direct contact over blind resume submissions.
      • Importance of research and tailoring applications to specific job roles.
    3. Negotiation Skills in Job Searches

      • Guidance on negotiating job offers and understanding one's value.
      • Caroline's seven-step process for negotiation preparation.
    4. How to handle Employment Gaps

      • Advice on addressing employment gaps, focusing on what was achieved during these periods.
    5. Career Advancement Strategies

      • Importance of consistent effort, self-awareness, and troubleshooting during the job search process.




    About Caroline Ceniza-Levine

    Caroline Ceniza-Levine is a recruiter, career expert, founder of the Dream Career Club, and a media personality who provides career advice, explains current hiring trends for the US job market, and speaks on all aspects of landing one’s dream career, including how to change careers, how to build a strong personal brand, how to cultivate a supportive network and how to effectively negotiate.

    With her insider knowledge of how companies decide who to hire, promote or let go, Caroline helps clients advance their careers from middle management to the executive level, make more money or make a big career pivot. She has also coached executives from Amazon, Goldman Sachs, Google, McKinsey, Tesla, and other leading firms. 

    Caroline's contacts: 



    Break Free From Feeling Stuck in Your Career With Michael Stinnett

    Break Free From Feeling Stuck in Your Career With Michael Stinnett

    We're in conversation with Michael Stinnett, also known as the Unstuck Coach.

    Many individuals turn to coaching when they're feeling trapped, believing they can achieve more but are constrained by a ceiling at their current job. This not only hampers their growth but also their potential earnings. Through this episode, I hope to offer those who are feeling stuck the wisdom and inspiration they need to liberate themselves from that stagnation.

    Dive into this episode for some actionable wisdom including:

    • The importance of recognizing that anything worth having requires hard work and effort.
    • The challenge of defining how hard "hard" is in the context of career transitions.
    • Overcoming the fear of discomfort and making methodical career decisions.
    • Examples of helping overwhelmed and spinning-their-wheels clients get unstuck.
    • Identifying transferable skills from the field of education to other industries.
    • The value of asking for more and not settling for less in terms of job offers.
    • Dealing with rejection and understanding that it's not a rejection of one's self.
    • The need for self-reflection and continuous learning about one's skills and value.
    • The importance of taking small steps and not limiting oneself based on past experiences.






    Find Michael here:




    Unstoppable Career Transformation with Courtney Page

    Unstoppable Career Transformation with Courtney Page

    I am talking to executive recruiter, Courtney Page, about the relevance of career exploration, mindset, and setting flexible goals. 

    Key Takeaways:

    1. Explore and experiment with career goals to maxmize fulfillment 
    2. Set flexible, feeling-based goals can lead to more opportunities and satisfaction.
    3. Examine your interests and skills, even if they seem unrelated to your career.
    4. Secrets to handling ATS.
    5. Know your desired salary.
    6. Women should aim higher when it makes sense.
    7. The importance of being open to exploration and having a holistic approach to your career journey.

    Workshop Details: 

    Sign up for the FREE Workshop - Fast Job Search - Land Interviews and Secure a Large Salary Package


    In this FREE workshop, learn insider tips on:

    Crafting a Personal Brand That Resonates
    Designing a Targeted Resume That Captures Attention
    Smart Job Search Strategies that Return Results
    Building Genuine Connections That Last
    Investing in Yourself for Long-term Growth

    Courtney's Links



    About Courtney Page

    I am a seasoned executive recruiter turned career coach as well as a podcast host. With over a decade of experience recruiting top tier, executive level talent for a variety of industries, I made a natural pivot towards career and executive coaching.
    Through tailored coaching, I create ambitious and attainable action plans that support my clients in rewriting their futures, relaunching their lives, and resuming their path.
    I read your resume as the story of your life. Using my recruiting expertise, I find the root of the reason behind each career decision, how those decisions inform the next step of your journey, and how to leverage your existing skills and experience in your favor to clear a path towards career (and life) happiness.

    How to Make Recruiters See you: Wisdom from Justine Beirne, Executive Recruiter

    How to Make Recruiters See you: Wisdom from Justine Beirne, Executive Recruiter

    We are speaking with Justine Beirne, an Executive Recruiter and Career Coach, who  shares significant insights that can help job hunters secure their dream jobs and dream salaries. Get ready to gain valuable insights on:

    1. Navigating the Job Market:

      • Offers advice to job seekers on how to get noticed by recruiters, emphasizing the need to understand recruiters' workload and treating them with empathy.
      • Discusses the significance of not only beating the Applicant Tracking System (ATS) but also understanding it and being patient in the job search process.
    2. The "Say Gap":

      • Introduces the concept of the "say gap," where individuals, especially women, tend to downplay their achievements and qualifications, hindering their career progression.
    3. Secret Sauce for Career Success:

      • Shares the secret sauce for overcoming career obstacles, which involves connecting with oneself on a deeper level, building self-worth, and having a clear vision for career goals.
    4. Manifesting Your Dream Career:

      • Highlights the importance of mindset in manifesting one's dream career, combining inner work, vision, practical steps, and networking to achieve it.
    5. Manifestation Program:

      • Offers a program to help individuals manifest their dream careers, providing a mix of group interaction and personalized attention.

    Get started on intentionally steering your career and salary package. Swipe the Ultimate LinkedIn Profile Checklist (it's Free!): 



    Justine's Links:


    Set Boundaries to Take Back Your Power in Careers and Life with Bhavna Raithatha.

    Set Boundaries to Take Back Your Power in Careers and Life with Bhavna Raithatha.

    Is societal programming holding you back? Are past traumas dimming your inner light? This episode is for you! We are talking to Psychotherapist and Mindset Ninja, Bhavna Raithatha.

    Bhavna consistently delivers authenticity in her words. Her candidness, vulnerability, and uplifting spirit shine through every conversation. Brace yourself to be profoundly touched, tested, and unmistakably inspired!



    1. Healing from Past Wounds

      • Bhavna's insights on addressing trauma.
      • "Rewiring" our mindset.
    2. The Power of Knowing Yourself

      • The need for self-awareness in the workplace.
      • How understanding our past can shape our future.
    3. Drawing the Line: Boundaries in Work

      • The dangers of overextending and seeking too much validation.
    4. Get What You're Worth

      • The message against settling for less pay.
      • Why women should always review and negotiate contracts.
    5. Real DEI in Workplaces

      • Beyond the buzzwords: making everyone feel valued.
    6. Tackling Hyper-vigilance

      • How trauma can lead to communication barriers.
      • Steps to recognize and manage it.
    7. Raising the LGBTQ+ Flag in Corporates

      • Bhavna's personal experiences as an Indian gay woman.
      • The need to advocate for and support the LGBTQ+ community.
    8. Childhood's Echo in Corporate Halls

      • How our early life shapes our work life.
      • Stories of strong female figures and their influence.
    9. Building Genuine Connections

    • The importance of true human connections at work.
    • Overcoming judgments and finding your tribe.

    Bhavna's links




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    5-Days to a New Job - Not Your Grandmother's Job Hunt - With Annie Margarita Yang

    5-Days to a New Job - Not Your Grandmother's Job Hunt - With Annie Margarita Yang

    We are talking today to Annie Margarita Yang, best-selling author of "The 5-Day Job Search." This one is an action packed episode. Don't forget to take notes!

    1. Annie’s New Book & Inspiration Behind It

      • "The Five Day Job Search." Job search the smart way. 
      • The reasons for writing the book, focusing on helping people land jobs quickly, especially with the looming recession
    2. Job Search Strategies & Tips

      • Intentionally revamping resumes
      • Using ChatGPT the right way 
      • Mindset shifts necessary to get to your goals
    3. Branding & Perception

      • Simple tips for maximizing personal branding
      • Building the perception you want
      • Don't wait for recognition
    4. Reframing Mindset

      • The power of positive affirmations.
      • Catching negative thoughts and replacing them with empowering belief

    Brand yourself confidently on LinkedIn:

    Free Linkedin Profile Optimization

    Secure an extra $10,000 - $50,000 in yearly compensation with this training! Salary Negotiation Training (It's Free!)

     Annie's Links:


    Secure the The 5-Day Job Search book with the discount code: salary
