
    Sassy Mama And Her Life

    I help you build your self-worth through stories, experiences, and so much more.
    enBritney Johnson66 Episodes

    Episodes (66)

    Power of Music

    Power of Music

    Music is so powerful!! It brings joy, excitement, memories, and even sadness. This is something I love using in my photography. I love using music to help people relax, to be at a neutral ground to feel comfortable. 

    Music can even pop into our heads from our ancestors and loved ones. Almost like a message that they are with us. Music speaks to my soul and I hope this podcast gives you a beautiful insight as it did for me. 

    If you are looking to schedule some spring and summer photo shoots you can email me at sassymamaphotography@gmail.com or you can go to www.sassymamaandherlife.com/photography 


    I look forward to you hearing this. 

    Sassy Mama And Her Life
    enMarch 12, 2024

    Embracing Change

    Embracing Change

    Many of us do not embrace change very well. But many of us want and look for growth. 

    For us to grow, we need to embrace change. Yes, and when we embrace change, you are embracing the factor of failure, which will bring you growth and success. 

    There is a beautiful circle of tasks that we are to embrace when wanting change.  


    Come and be a part of how I Embraced Change for me to grow in all that I desire to succeed in. 


    You can follow and learn more about what I do at www.sassymamaandherlife.com 

    Hugs to you my friend. 


    Sassy Mama And Her Life
    enMarch 04, 2024

    The Balanced Triangle

    The Balanced Triangle

    I took the exposure triangle and made it into an analogy about life. 

    If we don't have a balance in our triangle, whether we are trying to succeed in our work, home life, personal life, creativity, etc. we will fail to get that "perfect" balance.

    We don't need to share the details with others of how we are striving to succeed in what we are trying to accomplish. We need to work hard, and once we get a perfect balanced triangle, then we can deliver our product, and our tasks in what we want to achieve in. 

    Come and listen to the analogy in using the photography exposure triangle as a part of life. 

    Sassy Mama And Her Life
    enFebruary 13, 2024

    Does God Hear Me?

    Does God Hear Me?

    How many times have you prayed and you don't feel like you're being heard or you feel like your prayers are being answered? 


    No matter where you are or how low you are, God is always listening. You don't even have to get on your knees. You can say a prayer in your head. 


    But we need to remember to be patient to wait for His answer. Come and listen to this short and sweet message I have to share. 

    Sassy Mama And Her Life
    enFebruary 06, 2024

    Keep Your Ancestors Alive

    Keep Your Ancestors Alive

    Did you grow up listening to stories about your ancestors?  Do people share those stories anymore?

    I am here to encourage us all to keep our ancestors alive.


    This is a time to remember what they sacrificed, how hard they worked, and maybe you have similar talents and likes that you didn't know about from a loved one? Share your stories. 


    I share a sliver of a story of my great grandmother. ( My grandma's mom; on my dad's side). Its a fascinating story to say the least. 

    Sassy Mama And Her Life
    enJanuary 22, 2024

    Finding Your Word to Build Relationships

    Finding Your Word to Build Relationships

    Pick a word or words that describes what YOU need in a relationship. 

    For me my word is TIME.

    I want more time to recharge, more time with Aaron, more couple trips, more time for Family trips, and more time to take photos. 

    I also am working on having more ORDER in my life to get things accomplished. 

    What is your word? What do you need to build and strengthen your relationships? Think about it. 

    Share your word with me. 

    Sassy Mama And Her Life
    enJanuary 16, 2024

    I Give You A Permission Slip

    I Give You A Permission Slip

    Rememeber that time when you needed that break in school and you asked your teacher for a permission slip to go to the library or even the bathroom?

    Well, I am here to give you a "Permission Slip" to take a moment for yourself. To unwind, to stop and think and reconnect to who you are and who you want to become. 

    This is a powerful podcast that I absolutley love myself. Dive in with me to all the ways we can give ourselves a "Permission Slip" and give ourselves time to reset and recharge. 

    Sassy Mama And Her Life
    enJanuary 08, 2024

    Don't Forget Them

    Don't Forget Them

    Have you ever thought how lonely many experienced individuals at the Assisted Living Homes are?

    I had a Senior Photo Shoot a couple days ago and I had to PEE!! When I pulled up to the location, I was drawn to this house, but it looked like no one was home. 

    I listened to my gut and went up to the house and knocked on the door. 

    Who knew what was about to happen was going to be the best gift I could ever receive? 

    Life is full of experiences but if we step back and remember the ones that have to be placed into assisted living homes, we could really make an impact in their lives. 


    Sassy Mama And Her Life
    enDecember 12, 2023

    The Power of Words and Significance of Portraiture

    The Power of Words and Significance of Portraiture

    Words and Visuals possess a unique ability to communicate and influence human emotions. 

    Have you ever thought about the importance of both? As we dive into celebrating Thanksgiving this week, ponder the importance of words and portraits. 

    Communicate to your loved ones this week how much they mean to you. Capture the memories of being together. Listen to the laughter, and hold onto what you can pass down for generations to come. 


    Let me know in the comments how this podcast impacted you. 

    A New Life Experience

    A New Life Experience

    Never have I ever experienced having an exchange student stay with us. 

    This has been a life changing experience and it hasn't been that long. Like Rosa Parks says: "Each Person must live their life as a model for others." 

    I feel like our family is a model for sweet Louise. How are you a model for others? What are you striving to learn and grow in?

    Refocus on Self Value

    Refocus on Self Value

    How much of our focus is on ourselves and not on others? I'm not saying focusing on yourself is bad, but when we become too self-absorbed into ourselves, success seems to slip.

    I share how much I have learned in focusing my value on using what God has given me to bless others, and then success follows. 

    Where does your Self Value lay? Come and hear some insights on growth and how our focus on others can build our own value in ourselves. 

    What Does Photography Mean To You

    What Does Photography Mean To You

    Being surrounded with all things digital, everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, is at our fingertips. 

    But what is worth investing in? You have a camera in your phone and can take selfies to your hearts content. We are all little photographers running around and taking millions of pictures. But where are those pictures going? 

    Are you putting them in books and frames or are they staying in your phone? Is there a time where you feel the importance in investing in a photographer?

    As a photographer for 21 years and being in business for 15 years, I have a huge love for professional photography. The images are different from a DSLR than a phone. 


    But what are YOUR thoughts on photography? What does it mean to you? 

    A Valuable Lesson From An Ugly Encounter

    A Valuable Lesson From An Ugly Encounter

    I was standing right next to her when she called my son a bully. 

    Luke wasn't touching anyone, he was playing pretend; "Do you have your ticket" and the lady that owned the bouncy house didn't like it. 


    What started as a heated debate and arguement turned into a calm lesson of humility. Life comes with so many lessons, but it is up to us if we are open to LEARN from them. 


    Come and embark the experience that I encountered with my son and I went from wanting to cremate this lady's face to apologizing for my behavior. 

    The Things Unsaid

    The Things Unsaid

    "The Things Unsaid Stay With Us Forever. When That Love One Is Gone Forever, It's Too Late." - Kate Winslet.


    How many of us have things unsaid that we need to say? Is it too late? I don't think so. I believe that whether that individual is with us or on the other side, they can still hear your words. So SPEAK THEM!! 

    Don't build resentment, a wall of fear, pain, frustration, so you never speak about how you feel. Write your thoughts down. Build the courage and strength to share them. 


    I'm curious to hear how this makes you feel. What did you take from this podcast? What do you agree with? What do you not agree with? This is a time to learn together.

    Dig The Happiness Out Of Your Purse

    Dig The Happiness Out Of Your Purse

    Pull all of that Happiness out from the bottom of your purse!!

    We have too many heavy burdens, fear of rejections, doubt, lack of faith, lack of trust and so much more on top of our happiness.  How can we pull our Happiness from the bottom of the pit in our Purse? 


    We tend to forget to reach to God. Ask Him to send our ancestors, but also make a list of what makes YOU happy!!


    Dive into this Podcast, Share, and leave a comment!! 


    Creating Our Own System

    Creating Our Own System

    Do You have a system to accomplish your goals?  Did it ever cross your mind, that if you ever focus on your goal, you will never achieve it? 


    Creating our System means we are creating new habits to reach and obtain our goal(s) and creating even bigger systems once we have surpassed our goals. These insights are profound and I have learned all of this in a Master Class by James Clear.


    This is a time to create new habits, New Systems, so that it seems easier in reaching our goals.


    Thoughts? I'd love to learn from you as well. Leave and comment and share all the love. 

    Free Agency To Choose

    Free Agency To Choose

    What are your thoughts on Free Agency to Choose?  

    I dive into some thoughts about the freedom to choose, Choose our body, choose our life, our direction in where we want to go!


    Jump into the Sassy Mama and Her Life Facebook group to dive into deep discussion on this topic. Im not looking for a debate, I am looking to learn from others' insights. 


    Leave a comment and tell me what your thoughts are on the podcast. 

    Hugs to you my friend

    One Topic At A Time

    One Topic At A Time

    Why not combine many topics in one? BUT, with the little help from others and their reels, this can go really far. 

    I share reels about Confidence, Gratitude, Balance, Some Days Hurt, How life is Hard, Remembering to enjoy the moment, listening to music, and so much more. 


    I encourage you to follow:









    I am grateful to use the information that they shared and talk about here on my podcast. 


    May you be uplifted, motivated, blessed and guided to what you need to do for yourself.

    Be a Leader

    Be a Leader

    Have you ever thought that in order to be a leader, you need to show up for yourself first?

    When we start within ourselves, we will make a rippling effect to help our loved ones, and those around us. This isn't about gaining more followers, likes, and comments. This shows that when you start within yourselves, and then serve and be that leader to others, how much God will bring it back to you in a great reward.

    Try it. See how it works. And let me know in the comments!


    Don't forget to share the love.
