
    Sassy Mama And Her Life

    I help you build your self-worth through stories, experiences, and so much more.
    enBritney Johnson66 Episodes

    Episodes (66)

    Doing Our Part To Stop The Bullying

    Doing Our Part To Stop The Bullying

    Have you been bullied before? 

    Bullying has gone on for centuries. But now with social media advancing, comes, even more, higher percentages of Cyber bullying. 

    What are we going to do on our part? What can we do? Have you ever thought about using your God given gift to serve and uplift someone that is experiencing being bullied? Our services and love can uplift others. 

    Come and listen to the new insights I have learned and that I strive to do better at. 

    Being Aware of the Social Dilemma

    Being Aware of the Social Dilemma

    Do you ever wonder what the other side of the coin looks like with social media? 


    I watched a documentary called "The Social Dilemma" and it brought awareness to what the other side of Social Media is like and what it is doing. 

    Don't you ever wonder why there is a gradual change in people just from consuming Social Media? It's a drug. It's addicting. Everything you do, share, how long you're on a certain platform, you're being watched. Doesn't that sound scary? 

    How can we balance this out? There are four corners to balance our life in; physical, social, intellectual, and spiritual. This is a CHOICE from all of us. When we have a balance in all things, we will give attention to what your soul needs and have greater joy. 

    Come and listen to what I learned from this documentary and how it has reshaped my thinking into having a balance in all things. 


    How Do You Keep Going?

    How Do You Keep Going?

    How many times do we fall into the pit of despair, frustration, mind block, confusion, and all in all just want to give up? 

    Too many times right? How do we keep pushing through at work, home, school, and everyday life? 

    Listen to the insight I have to share because I want to hear your thoughts and your feelings on this topic. 



    Talking To Your Ancestors

    Talking To Your Ancestors

    Have you ever thought about talking to your ancestors? 

    This is a thought that doesn't cross many peoples thoughts very often, but it is a MUST DO!! 

    It is a powerful and personal experience. Remember to watch for signs as they try to speak with you. I would love to hear how you were inspired by this podcast and what your thoughts are! 



    2 Girls Choosing To Serve

    2 Girls Choosing To Serve

    Why did two girls, at the age of 19, choose to Serve a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints?

     That is the question I asked these two amazing Sister Missionaries, Sister Isabelle Stringham and Sister Sierra Thompson. These two weren't forced by their parents, they made a choice to serve their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for 18 months. 

    Come and listen to these beautiful women's testimonies on Why they chose to serve, what they have learned and what they plan to do after their missions. 

    I can't wait for you to hear about it. 

    What Is Your Calling?

    What Is Your Calling?

    Do you know what you are called to do? What gift or gifts has God given you as your calling in life? 

    I never imagined becoming a hairdresser, photographer, or even going to school for my Communications degree, but God has a different plan for me. What is it though? Many of us won't find out until later on in life or until we are done finishing our schooling, or a job or internship of some sort. We need to keep one foot in front of the other and remember that it isn't a race. God has his timing for things, even though we have our own timing. 


    This is a short and sweet podcast, but I am curious, "What is your calling?"

    His Journey On Overcoming Being an Alcoholic

    His Journey On Overcoming Being an Alcoholic

    How many of us have our own secret demons that we try to drown out?

    My friend Obie shared his experience of overcoming being an alcoholic. Everyone's story is different. Everyone's journey in overcoming their challenges is different.

    I want to invite you to listen to Obie's story. He faced many experiences in life that led him down the rabbit hole but then figured out a way to pull himself out. It's a phenomenal story and I can't wait for you to hear it. 

    What is the Difference between Seek and Knock

    What is the Difference between Seek and Knock

    Matthew 7:7-8 says; "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you. For every one that seeketh findeth and to him that knocketh it shall be opened."

    Im very curious what peoples views/ thoughts/findings are on the difference between SEEK and KNOCK. I feel that they would be the same thing. 


    But I think I have found a solution to what I am seeking!! Let me know in the comments what you believe or have studied. 

    She's Not Ashamed in Having ADHD

    She's Not Ashamed in Having ADHD

    How many of us learn differently or have to take medication for what we have? Are you ashamed of it? Embarrassed?

    Not McKenna, she's filled with so much light, love, and grace for what she has that she embraces it with such a beautiful heart. 


    Embark on this learning journey with me and take a piece of Mckenna's pure joy as she expresses how grateful she is for who she is and what she has embarked on her journey. 

    Recognizing Her Mental Challenges

    Recognizing Her Mental Challenges

    In recognizing mental awareness for the month of May, it gave me the opportunity to interview my amazing friend Debbie. 

    She shares her story about her mental challenges, and it put me in tears. All she wants to do is to help others through their own mental challenges. This is a podcast you will not want to miss.

    Debbie is raw and real about what she went through, how she felt during the painful process, and how she overcame it. 

    I'd love to hear your own thoughts and stories about how you overcame your mental challenges. You're not alone. We are here to support and help each other.




    The Pure Love of Christ

    The Pure Love of Christ

    That one leaf on the tree is symbolic of Christ's love for us. My 15-year-old daughter gave me permission to share the words that she wrote in the talk that she gave on Sunday.  


    Who knew that out of the mouths of babes, I could learn great lessons from that? Many of us go through frustrating times and wonder, "Why?" And yet, God's love has never and will never leave us. 

    Do we have the same love for ourselves as God does for us? Do we share that love with others in return? 

    Dive into this podcast and feel the power of a 15-year-olds words.

    Seasons of Change

    Seasons of Change

    Seasons of Change. 

    Do you like Change?  Does it make you nervous even thinking about change?

    This is your Season to Change and to do great things. It only takes one step at a time. Like Henry Ford said, " When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it." 

    Don't go with the wind, go against it, and make that CHANGE in creating amazing things. 


    Many people like myself like change and thrive on it. Don't give anyone the power to tell you if you can and cannot change. 


    Come and dive into this great learning opportunity on Seasons of Change. Are you ready for it?

    Stop Apologizing

    Stop Apologizing

    "Apologies don't mean anything if you keep doing what you're sorry for." 

    Why do we as a society over-apologize? Especially for our feelings? We need to recognize our feelings as a part of everyday life and stop apologizing for having and using our feelings. There is a difference between hurting someone and apologizing and apologizing for crying. 

    I have suffocated many years of my life by apologizing for many things that I never needed to apologize for. Come and learn when to apologize and when not to apologize. 

    I bet you never thought there was a good and bad time to apologize. Think again!

    Sassy Mama And Her Life
    enApril 18, 2023

    The Power of Music

    The Power of Music

    "Music gives a soul the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything." - Plato 

    Have you ever processed the power music has on our body, mind, and soul? It brings memories, feelings of healing, peace and so much more. Come and hear the memorable experiences I had as a child with music. Life is beautiful when you add music to your day. 

    Sassy Mama And Her Life
    enApril 11, 2023

    You Are A Miracle

    You Are A Miracle

    Have you ever considered yourself a Miracle? Has that thought ever crossed your mind?

    Every second, every moment in our lives, is a miracle. We all are walking miracles. But do you yourself believe that? Take a deep breath with me, look in the mirror, and say; "I am a Miracle!" 

    Come and listen to my experiences and how I viewed them as miracles. 

    Do you have a miracle to share? I'd love to hear about it. Share your experiences in the comments or you can email me to be a part of my show at sassymamaandherlif@gmail.com. We all have stories that can impact, uplift and connect with others. How will you share your story? 


    Be a Miracle, See the Miracle, and Share the Miracle. 


    Hugs to you my friend.

    Sassy Mama And Her Life
    enApril 04, 2023

    Learning about Anxiety Disorders

    Learning about Anxiety Disorders

    Did you know that Anxiety and Anxiety Disorders are two different things? We all struggle with some form of anxiety. Anxiety is a normal emotion, but there is a difference between anxiety and anxiety disorders. 

    There are a group of mental illnesses that cause constant and overwhelming anxiety and fear.

    Come and listen to what I have learned and the experiences I have gone through.


    Sassy Mama And Her Life
    enMarch 28, 2023

    Combining Gifts

    Combining Gifts

    It's Me!!! I've raised this podcast from the dead!! LOL. No, but seriously. It has been WAY too long. I share some POWERFUL NEWS on my new Chapter in my life and I am so excited to share it and embrace it with you all. 

    Sassy Mama And Her Life
    enMarch 21, 2023

    A Fresh Start

    A Fresh Start


    Are you ready to conquer the New Year? I feel as though 2020 put us into a state of Gratitude and not taking things for granted or lightly. 

    So here I am; taking a few steps back and setting a few goals instead of MANY. We tend to get stuck and or stressed in how many; that if we just stuck to at least ONE for the whole year; imagine what we would accomplish. We would probably adding more goals after that ONE is succeeded. 

    Take a step back, come and listen to some of my insights on goals, dreams, balance for a new year. 

    Do You Have A Goal for 2021

    Do You Have  A Goal for 2021

    When someone asks you; "What goals are you going to set for 2021?" Do you give them a blank stare or do you give them a list?

    What if I told you that you don't have to have a list of goals. You can just have at least one goal. BUT the one thing I will tell you is, you need to go in with an open mind to fail in order to succeed and accomplish your goal. 

    This is the time to take a deep breath, fall a couple of times, because its OK TO FAIL in order to succeed. I'm with you every step of the way. 

    So lets make this coming year of 2021 a year that we will WIN and accomplish GREAT THINGS!! WHO'S WITH ME?

    Spiritual and Physical Gifts

    Spiritual and Physical Gifts

    Have you ever thought about what Physical and Spiritual gifts you have? 

    Maybe you should!! These are gifts we need to show gratitude for. We have the blessing and opportunity to ASK GOD for more gifts. There is nothing wrong with asking. 

    But; what you see and what others see are two different things. 

    IF you don't know what gifts you have; ASK GOD. And see where He takes you.