

    SeongLife is hosted by Christina and Daniel Seong, a married couple with five children. They share their stories and lessons of life and family, discussing their wins, failures, travels and how they are navigating the challenges of raising kids. Listen in to gain insight into their happy marriage and be inspired and entertained by their journey.
    en-usDaniel Seong55 Episodes

    Episodes (55)

    Merry Christmas from The Seongs

    Merry Christmas from The Seongs

    In this heartwarming Christmas episode of SeongLife, Daniel and Christina Seong share their most memorable Christmas gifts and traditions, reflecting on the joy and gratitude of the holiday season. They offer encouraging words for those facing difficult times during the holidays and remind listeners to live life on their own terms. Join the Seongs as they spread love and cheer in this special festive episode of the SeongLife podcast.

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays From The Seong Family!

    en-usDecember 20, 2023

    To Catch A Sucker

    To Catch A Sucker

    In the latest episode, Daniel shares some exciting experiences, including venturing into new hobbies like going to the firing range with his son Nathan, and overland camping. His enthusiasm for overlanding and his "possible" woodworking endeavors have been inspiring to witness. Meanwhile, Christina and Daniel had a thought-provoking conversation about traditional gender roles, household roles, and working as a marital team in this modern world.

    3 Key Episode Takeaways 

    Embracing New Hobbies: We explored the thrill of diving into new hobbies, from outdoor activities like camping and gun range shooting to skilled crafts like woodworking and sheet metal fabrication. Life is all about trying new things and keeping the passion burning bright!

    Empowerment and Kindness: We delved into the importance of personal interactions, kindness, and respect in our daily lives. It's a reminder of the value of these qualities in every interaction, whether with family, friends, or even unfriendly waitstaff at restaurants!

    Modern Dynamics: We had an engaging conversation about traditional gender roles and modern household dynamics, challenging norms, and discussing the balance between work and home life. It's fascinating to touch on these topics and explore emerging perspectives.

    SeongLife is thrilled to announce the potential for two episodes per week next year and would love to hear your thoughts and feedback on this idea. Your support means the world to us, and we are committed to making SeongLife an engaging and enjoyable experience for all our listeners!

    As we look ahead, we are excited about new opportunities to connect with you, our incredible community. Your continued support has been instrumental in our podcasting journey, and we are grateful for each and every one of you.

    Remember to share the podcast with a friend and leave a review on platforms like iTunes and Spotify to receive a personalized Christmas card from us. Your positive reviews help us reach new audiences and make a meaningful impact!

    In the spirit of the season, we encourage you to connect with loved ones, spread kindness, and cherish those special moments.

    Thank you for being a part of the SeongLife family. We appreciate you more than words can express.


    Show Overview

    04:48 Amazon hack exposed unauthorized addresses, urgent password change.
    07:56 Costco clothes: inexpensive, fashionable and easy to wear.
    14:40 Small acts of kindness can disarm rudeness.
    20:27 Regret over time spent away from family.
    23:40 Chose a tent to enjoy overlanding experience.
    26:37 Interest in gadgets and gear leads to collaboration.
    30:08 Daniel Struggled with traditional jobs, pursued entrepreneurship.
    32:40 Positive reinforcement, not boosting, shapes egos.
    39:20 Financial transparency crucial for preventing infidelity.
    41:31 Self-reflection on listening to own episodes.

    How To Handle Peer Pressure

    How To Handle Peer Pressure

    In this episode, Daniel and Christina share candid stories and insights about the impact of dealing with real-life and online peer pressure, the significance of fostering positive friendships for kids, and the joys and challenges of parenting. Enjoy this engaging and sincere conversation, reminding us of the value of strong relationships, being true to oneself, and prioritizing what truly matters. Enjoy the show!

    Key Episode Takeaways:

    - Family Bonding: The Seongs emphasized the importance of family traditions and shared how simple gestures like holding hands and a special "I love you" squeeze can strengthen family ties.

    - Positive Friend Circles: They discussed the significant impact of friends on our children and how we prioritize fostering positive peer relationships.

    - Positive Parenting Approach: Their conversation shed light on their parenting philosophy and the importance of being there for their kids, especially during challenging times.


    Show Overview

    01:00 Johnny does not contribute to show.
    03:24 Christina quizzes Daniel
    12:13 Peer pressure influences choices, so choose wisely.
    14:48 Relationships need time and shared experiences.
    16:16 Think before sending; nothing disappears online.
    21:18 Encouraging girls through open and informative conversations.
    26:00 Peer pressure: Listen to your heart.
    29:03 Encourage kids in sports for a fulfilling childhood.
    33:16 True intentions will always come out eventually.
    36:23 Opinions vary based on personal circumstances.

    en-usDecember 06, 2023

    Daniel Faces Racism & Thanksgiving

    Daniel Faces Racism & Thanksgiving

    In today's episode, the dynamic Seong duo share their reflections on the importance of family during the holiday season; they encourage listeners to reach out to loved ones beyond a simple text message. From discussing their Thanksgiving experience with family from Korea to Daniel's recent disappointing trip to Mobile, Alabama, there are captivating stories and meaningful conversations. So, get ready to explore topics like Thanksgiving traditions, the changing dynamics of gender roles, and reflections on Southern racism as the Seongs take you on a journey through their SeongLife.

    3 Key Episode Takeaways:

    1. Family Matters: As we reflect on the Thanksgiving holiday, we emphasize the importance of cherishing time spent with loved ones. Instead of sending a quick text, reaching out and connecting on a deeper level can make a difference. Remember, it's the small moments that create lasting memories.

    2. A Tale of Two Cultures: Our recent visit to Korea showcased the beauty of the Korean experience, from the delicious food to the heartwarming time spent with family. We were pleasantly surprised to see our uncle, at 81 years old, taking his first international trip to California! It reminded us of the value of exploring new places and embracing different cultures.

    3. Choosing Our Battles: Daniel opens up about a personal experience in Mobile, Alabama, and how it sparked a conversation about racism. We express our viewpoint, acknowledging that it's a sensitive topic, and share our hopes for a more inclusive future. Recognizing our biases and striving for empathy, unity, and understanding is important.

    Show Overview:

    00:10 Appreciate time, prioritize family, and connect personally.
    08:51 Disappointing hotel check-in experience at Mobile, AL hotel.
    11:44 Inconvenience, embarrassing rant at dinner.
    14:14 Busy hosting, extra special with family.
    18:18 Korean pickles, chapchae, jeon, fish, zucchini.
    20:11 Brothers, family, comfortable, dinner, great.
    22:52 Visit to America for family reunion.
    27:49 Value time with family and loved ones.

    Want To Be A Part Of SeongLife?

    Call 949-407-9928 and leave your first name, city and state, your question, and your email address. Ask questions like “How do we keep the romance alive in our marriage after being together for so long?”, “What’s the best way to have a balanced personal life while raising kids?” or “How do we break out of the rat race and get ahead as a family financially?” Your email address will not be aired, but we need it to get a hold of you so we can let you know that your question will be aired. We can’t wait to hear from you!
    Again, call 949-407-9928 and leave us a message and question. We so want to hear from you!
    en-usNovember 29, 2023

    We’ll Teach You How To Podcast

    We’ll Teach You How To Podcast

    In this episode, Christina and Daniel dive into the benefits of podcasting, drinking, hot water, positive thinking, weight loss journeys, and cooking disasters. Join us as we share our unique perspectives, personal anecdotes, and insightful advice on raising kids, marriage, and navigating life's wins and failures. Plus, keep listening for an update from Daniel on his recent cleanse experience that led to some unexpected weight loss. Trust me, you won't want to miss it! So grab your favorite cup of hot water or Diet Coke and get ready to embark on another SeongLife adventure. Let's dive in!

    3 Episode Key Takeaways

    1. Body Cleanses and Hot Water: Did you know that some people find it weird to drink hot water without any additives? Christina and Daniel share our love for hot water and discuss its benefits, like aiding digestion and starting the day on a warm note. 

    2. Positive Thinking: We strongly believe in the power of positive thinking and its impact on our happiness and overall well-being. Hear about our perspective on negativity, how it drains us, and the inspiring ripple effect of being positive. Let's spread positivity!

    3. Starting a Podcast: Are you passionate about a topic or have a unique voice that you want to share with the world? We encourage you to start a podcast! We discuss what makes our podcast unique and offer insights on equipment, tonality, and finding your niche.

    Show Overview

    03:47 Christina weight concerns during summer, peaked at 122.
    10:27 Smoke-filled condo chaos from unexpected culinary mishap.
    17:51 Your thoughts determine your happiness and energy.
    21:17 Encouraging kids to make informative podcasts.
    24:52 Podcast research reveals discomfort; unnatural, low voices.
    26:02 Imagining how others speak, vividly and disliked.

    en-usNovember 15, 2023

    Can Guys & Girls Be just Friends?

    Can Guys & Girls Be just Friends?

    In this episode, Daniel and Christina Seong discuss whether guys and girls can truly be just friends and delve into their personal beliefs and boundaries within their own marriages. The hosts share their experiences with other parents and the importance of trust in relationships. Plus, they give us an inside look into their current cleanse journey, leading up to a family photo shoot. From awkward moments to heartfelt conversations, there's plenty to unpack in this episode. So sit back, relax, and join Daniel and Christina as they explore the complexities of relationships and life on this week's episode of SeongLife.

    Want To Be A Part Of SeongLife?

    Call 949-407-9928 and leave your first name, city and state, your question, and your email address. Ask questions like “How do we keep the romance alive in our marriage after being together for so long?”, “What’s the best way to have a balanced personal life while raising kids?” or “How do we break out of the rat race and get ahead as a family financially?” Your email address will not be aired, but we need it to get a hold of you so we can let you know that your question will be aired. We can’t wait to hear from you!
    Again, call 949-407-9928 and leave us a message and question. We so want to hear from you!
    en-usNovember 08, 2023

    Love After Divorce

    Love After Divorce

    Love After Divorce - EP29 SeongLife

    In this episode, we delve into the fascinating world of reality TV and its portrayal of marriage, divorce, and relationships. Daniel Seong and Christina Seong dissect the staged reality show that has captivated audiences. They'll discuss the intriguing dynamics of the couples like on the show Love After Divorce, and they explore the authenticity of on-screen emotions and romance. Plus, they'll look at how divorce impacts both parents and children, shedding light on the challenges and emotions involved. Stay tuned as we explore the highs, lows, and everything in between in the search for love after divorce in this episode of SeongLife.


    3 Episode Key Takeaways

    1. Love, Divorce and Reality TV: We uncovered how reality shows can be staged to some extent. However, we discussed a specific show where Ricky is portrayed as a sweet and caring person, making his partner feel appreciated and taken care of. This resonated with our guest, Nicole, who found it to be the most authentic reality show she's ever seen. It's amazing how even young viewers like Nicole can relate to the struggles depicted on the show!

    2. Balancing Work and Personal Life: We delved into the challenges faced by working moms, particularly those with young children. We discussed a specific mom who is juggling working from home and taking care of her kids simultaneously. It's a real struggle to maintain professionalism while her children constantly vie for her attention. Our hearts truly went out to her as she tries to handle everything by herself, especially with young kids in the mix.

    3. The Power of Family: We also touched on the importance of family and how it plays a significant role in our lives. As successful individuals, it's easy to focus solely on our careers. However, we must remember that no other success can make up for a failure in the home. Divorce can be extremely challenging for parents, who often feel left in the dark about what's happening during the process. It's crucial to support and understand the struggles they face alongside their children.

    Show Overview

    00:03:01 Exhaustion from traveling leads to back pain.
    00:06:49 Chiropractic care helped with back issues.
    00:11:27 "Fearful salespeople, love after divorce in Korean show."
    00:15:46 We connected, watched and related.
    00:22:05 Could I have done things differently in my relationship?
    00:23:07 Parental agony: divorced or left in dark.
    00:28:12 Chemistry, smitten couple plans future together.
    00:30:05 Working mom juggles kids and work.
    00:38:55 Not the right moment for self-praise.
    00:44:13 Connection made, love blossoms despite parents.
    00:46:18 Mom on phone, father ill, marriage fails.
    00:49:16 Very successful man shares family-focused advice.


    Want To Be A Part Of SeongLife?

    Call 949-407-9928 and leave your first name, city and state, your question, and your email address. Ask questions like “How do we keep the romance alive in our marriage after being together for so long?”, “What’s the best way to have a balanced personal life while raising kids?” or “How do we break out of the rat race and get ahead as a family financially?” Your email address will not be aired, but we need it to get a hold of you so we can let you know that your question will be aired. We can’t wait to hear from you!
    Again, call 949-407-9928 and leave us a message and question. We so want to hear from you!
    en-usNovember 01, 2023

    Don't Mess With My Car Seats

    Don't Mess With My Car Seats

    Don't Mess With My Car Seats - S7L EP28

    Welcome to another episode of SeongLife! In today's episode, Daniel and Christina dive deep into the nitty-gritty of everyday life and the little things that make a big impact. From emptying bathroom trash bins to wiping down countertops, no detail is too small to escape our attention. They'll also discuss the importance of car memory seats and their upcoming date outing to a restaurant with a captivating cheese wheel show. So stay tuned as we delve into the intricacies of life and relationships, all with a sprinkle of Seong family charm. Let's get started!

    3 Key Episode Takeaways

    1. The Power of Observation:
    The hosts discuss how everything in their household is exposed, indicating their moods and attention to detail. Even a few unorganized items in a drawer or crumbs on the counter can reveal their state of mind, as their children are quick to notice and comment. This emphasizes the importance of paying attention to our surroundings and the signals we unintentionally give off.

    2. The Significance of Memory Seats:
    While driving other people's cars, Daniel and Christina usually refrain from adjusting the seats. However, they acknowledge the importance of making adjustments in vehicles equipped with memory seats for safety reasons. They highlight the convenience and safety of memory settings, particularly in their 2017 Sequoia, enabling them to set presets for two different individuals.

    3. The Perks of Training Early:
    Daniel shares his experience training their dog to signal when she needs to go outside to use the bathroom. By teaching the dog to ring a bell at the back door, they successfully established a communication system. This emphasizes the importance of putting effort into early stages of parenting, whether with children or pets, to ensure long-term success.


    Show Overview:

    00:06:16 Valet issues, memory seats are convenient.
    00:07:27 Conscious of settings in others' cars.
    00:11:55 Minimal possessions, rarely keeping items long-term.
    00:14:55 No hiding, everything exposed, mom's in mood.
    00:16:32 Cleaners get why empty trash, some care.
    00:20:26 Forgot to wipe counter, kids noticed dirt.
    00:24:15 Effortful dog training: bell rings for potty.
    00:30:52 Menopause approaching? Feeling old.
    00:35:08 Excited for tomorrow's cheese wheel pasta show.



    Want To Be A Part Of SeongLife?

    Call 949-407-9928 and leave your first name, city and state, your question, and your email address. Ask questions like “How do we keep the romance alive in our marriage after being together for so long?”, “What’s the best way to have a balanced personal life while raising kids?” or “How do we break out of the rat race and get ahead as a family financially?” Your email address will not be aired, but we need it to get a hold of you so we can let you know that your question will be aired. We can’t wait to hear from you!
    Again, call 949-407-9928 and leave us a message and question. We so want to hear from you!

    Sugar Daddy

    Sugar Daddy

    Sugar Daddy - SeongLife EP27

    Welcome back to another episode of SeongLife! Today, we dive into a fascinating topic that explores relationships, expectations, and perspectives. In our episode titled "Sugar Daddy," join hosts Daniel Seong and Christina Seong as they navigate the complexities of age gaps and societal norms in dating and relationships. From discussing the impact of age on friendships to examining the influence of stereotypes on their daughters, the Seongs tackle these thought-provoking subjects with their signature wit and wisdom. Prepare to be entertained and enlightened as they share personal anecdotes, explore the parallels between sports and life, and challenge preconceived notions. So grab your headphones and join us for another incredible episode of SeongLife!

    3 Key Takeaways

    1. Age isn't the only measure of compatibility: Our hosts share their personal experiences, highlighting how their relationships are based on who they are as individuals rather than age. Age should not be a daily consideration in our relationships, emphasizing the importance of emotional connection and shared values.

    2. Embracing resilience and determination: The podcast gives us a glimpse into the world of sports, using tennis as a metaphor for life. The inspiring story of daughter Lauren Seong, who turned her tennis match around, reminds us of the valuable life lessons we can learn from sports. Through perseverance and resilience, we can overcome challenges and succeed, even in adversity.

    3. Challenging societal norms: The episode invites us to question the stereotypes and societal expectations surrounding relationship age gaps. Our hosts emphasize that what works for them may not work for everyone, and true love knows no boundaries. Love and family can be found in relationships with age gaps of 10, 15, or even 20 years, challenging the traditional notions of compatibility and happiness.

    en-usOctober 18, 2023

    Our Epic Beverage Fridge Review

    Our Epic Beverage Fridge Review

    Welcome back to another episode of The SeongLife Podcast. On this episode, Christina and Daniel dive into the wonders of their well-stocked stand-alone kitchen beverage fridge, precise soda location, reviews of the drinks, and the unexpected impact of fans noticing the refrigerator in their TikTok and Instagram videos. Plus, they'll be delving into the joys of "well-picked" fruit and their thoughts on the beloved beverage, White Claw. Stay tuned as they share their experiences, insights, and humorous moments in the Seong household. So grab your favorite drink, settle in, and let's jump right into this episode. 


    3 Key Episode Takeaways:

    Variety is the Spice of Life: Having a well-stocked pantry and a fridge filled with a wide selection of fruits can be a game-changer, especially with having a large family with lots of preferences and tastes.

    Cultural Influences On Beverage Preferences: The speaker discusses their experiences with different beverage options, highlighting the influence of culture on drink choices. Growing up, they had less exposure to soda compared to their white friend's house, associating it more with their childhood friend's home. They also share their preferences for Asian-inspired flavors like Nektar and Korean-flavored milk, emphasizing the cultural diversity in beverage choices.

    Healthy Diet and Kids: Christina believes that the Seong kids' healthy condition is a result of their fruit-rich diet. They share that their kids have never been to the emergency room for common reasons such as ear infections or broken bones. The speaker's mom, who rarely eats fruit, enjoys the speaker's fruit and receives a container to take home.

    Seong's Say:

    Healthy Eating Benefits: "I have never been to the emergency room for an ear infection, or a high fever or just a lot of the reasons why parents take their kids to emergency rooms... Our kids have never had an ear infection, and I think it's because they eat a lot of fruit."
    — Christina Seong

    Show Overview

    [00:07:29] Regular drinks, love Asian-inspired Nektar.
    [00:11:14] Positive review of coconut water for athletes.
    [00:12:52] Health improves as rows get lower.
    [00:16:38] Yogurt drink is a popular addition.
    [00:20:06] Variety of drinks in our fridge, convenient.
    [00:21:24] Healthy kids never had ear infections, fruit diet.
    [00:25:43] Kids have erratic eating and sleeping patterns.

    en-usOctober 11, 2023

    Mick & Marcey's Wedding

    Mick & Marcey's Wedding

    Mick & Marcey's Wedding

    In this episode of SeongLife, hosts Daniel and Christina Seong dive into the recent adventures and special moments they've experienced. They start by discussing a memorable trip with close friends, declaring it the best trip of the year. Congratulating Mick and Marcey on their wedding, the hosts reflect on the importance of attending significant life events and the value it holds for both the hosts and the invitees. 

    The conversation continues as the Seongs touch upon how to become European royalty, highlighting a website where anyone can become a royal family for a small price. They also explore the parallels between starting a podcast and writing a book, emphasizing how podcasting can become integral to your life while providing a more engaging and timeless platform. Plus, it's like a form of couple's therapy.

    As the hosts share their experiences from the recent wedding, they recount the surprise proposal that took place during a Zoom call and the honor of being asked to emcee the ceremony. They discuss their stay at the Carolina Inn, expressing dissatisfaction with the room arrangements and bathroom privacy.

    Throughout the episode, the hosts express love and well-wishes for Mick and Marcey, emphasizing their familial bond and celebrating the strong relationships within the couple's lives. The episode concludes with Christina expressing pride in Daniel's public speaking abilities and that the wedding was fun, lovely, and memorable.


    Seong's Say:

    "The Power of Love: If you have love, you know, everything is fixable."
    — Christina Seong 

    "Why Attending Weddings and Funerals Matters: If people think enough of you to invite you to something, especially if it's a wedding or a funeral. You go."
    — Daniel Seong

    Show Overview

    [00:01:42] "Unforgettable trip. Congrats Mick & Marcey!"
    [00:04:25] Magic happens at 50 in podcasting
    [00:09:28] Proposal on Zoom with surprise reaction.
    [00:12:59] "Can you emcee and announce wedding ceremony?"
    [00:15:33] "He wanted me to lead, say good words."
    [00:19:26] Uncomfortable going to bathroom due to noise.
    [00:22:29] Cute kids, gave money in Korean culture.
    [00:25:03] Drank wine with Christina, she finished both.
    [00:28:52] Never refuse invitations, especially for important events.
    [00:32:50] Shocking bathroom experience: concert-style urinal, vomit.
    [00:33:44] Wedding guest warns of flooded bar bathroom.
    [00:36:21] Sibling speech on Mick and Marcey's bond.

    Want To Be A Part Of SeongLife?

    Call 949-407-9928 and leave your first name, city and state, your question, and your email address. Ask questions like “How do we keep the romance alive in our marriage after being together for so long?”, “What’s the best way to have a balanced personal life while raising kids?” or “How do we break out of the rat race and get ahead as a family financially?” Your email address will not be aired, but we need it to get a hold of you so we can let you know that your question will be aired. We can’t wait to hear from you!
    Again, call 949-407-9928 and leave us a message and question. We so want to hear from you!
    en-usOctober 04, 2023

    How We Became "The Royal Seong Family"

    How We Became "The Royal Seong Family"

    In this episode, Daniel and Christina make a monumental Seong Family announcement. Trust us,  the anticipation builds, leaving you, the audience, in shock and awe as you eagerly await the big reveal. But before the announcement, Daniel expounds on a secret tipping hack discussed in a previous episode. He then ventures into his recent travel in Utah, attending a motivational conference called "Lions Not Sheep," featuring remarkable speakers such as Dr. Jordan Peterson and a retired Green Beret. Daniel emphasizes the importance of attending events for personal and professional motivation and inspiration.

    Become Royalty Like The Seong Royals >>>

    Check out the rich history of the Principality of Sealand and all that they have to offer.

    Finally, in a surprising twist, Daniel reveals that he and the whole Seong Family have been recently bestowed with noble titles by Prince Michael of The Principality of Sealand. The granting of this noble titles, acknowledged through an authenticated certificate, recognizes the Seong's philanthropic efforts in supporting the welfare and development of The Principality of Sealand. With the certificate adorned with a golden stamp, Daniel and Christina proudly assert their real estate ownership in Sealand and celebrate their new titles with all their listeners.

    Join us on this captivating episode of SeongLife as we delve deep into the thrilling adventures and surprising revelations of Lord Daniel and Lady Christina Seong's journey to royalty living, tipping advice, and more SeonLife game show quizzing; this week is Daniel's turn on the hot seat.

    Show Overview:

    00:01:39 Big announcement coming. Plus, secret tipping hack.
    00:07:01 Credit card machine down, used cash.
    00:10:41 "Noble title awarded by Prince Michael's family."
    00:11:49 Official number: 945-2645. Address me as Lord Daniel Song. Knightsman for protection. Lady Christina. Children's names?
    00:15:26 Utah: weird, funky, boring, successful, impressive, nice, beautiful.
    00:20:51 Brother fishing, unaware of my presence.
    00:24:59 Marriage, laughter, video, friends, texting, pastor
    00:28:24 Business meetings, lions not sheep conference, Jordan Peterson.

    Want To Be A Part Of SeongLife?

    Call 949-407-9928 and leave your first name, city and state, your question, and your email address. Ask questions like “How do we keep the romance alive in our marriage after being together for so long?”, “What’s the best way to have a balanced personal life while raising kids?” or “How do we break out of the rat race and get ahead as a family financially?” Your email address will not be aired, but we need it to get a hold of you so we can let you know that your question will be aired. We can’t wait to hear from you!
    Again, call 949-407-9928 and leave us a message and question. We so want to hear from you!
    en-usSeptember 27, 2023

    Why The Kardashians

    Why The Kardashians

    Why The Kardashians - SeongLife EP23

    In this episode of SeongLife, hosts Daniel and Christina Seong dive into a range of intriguing topics, not to mention a deep dive game show quiz into the inner thoughts of Christina. They begin by discussing their role as their house as the go-to hangout spot for their kids' friends, with the kitchen being a central hub for engaging conversations. The hosts emphasize their genuine interest in their children's friends' family lives, highlighting the open communication that often leads to friends sharing personal details.

    Moving on, they address some behind-the-scenes aspects of podcast production, acknowledging the challenge of creating fresh content each week while maintaining consistency. They also touch on the fascinating role of imagination in audio content, as listeners often wonder about visual details.

    The hosts share personal anecdotes, including Christina's decision to part ways with her Porsche, and their experiences with their cars, the Defender and the Sequoia. They express their desire for additional children, particularly a sibling for their youngest, Nathan, envisioning a vibrant household full of twins.

    Musical aspirations also come up, as Christina expresses his long-held desire to play the cello, contrasting it with his upbringing playing the piano. They delve into the unique way they communicate with their children individually through random texts, keeping up with important events in their lives.

    Lastly, the hosts reflect on their preference for having their children's friends over at their home, emphasizing the comfort and control it provides. In this episode, SeongLife delivers an engaging mix of personal anecdotes, podcasting insights, and parenting conversations about the lives of the Seong family.

    The Key Takeaways From This Episode:

    1. Having a favorite child: The Seong's do not. We love our children all the same but in different ways. Favorite child awareness status to other siblings could be detrimental to their current life and development.

    2. Imagination is Powerful: We discuss how imagination plays a significant role in how we interpret and engage with audio content. Listeners often wonder about visual details, and we explore the impact of imagination on the listening experience.

     3. Random Acts of Texting: Discover how we stay connected with our children through individual thoughts and random text messages. We'll share heartwarming stories of cheerleading competitions, tennis tournaments, and those "just because" messages that keep our family bonds strong.

    Show Overview

    00:02:27 Different stages, love differently, no favorites.
    00:06:44 Juggling thoughts of loved ones, mostly sports.
    00:09:25 Stocking up on every supply, gone in days.
    00:10:26 Our house is the popular hangout, and kids share their family life with me.
    00:15:39 We don't have a favorite child.
    00:16:48 Questions about organization and repetition in episodes.
    00:20:50 Desire to play cello, discouraged by mother.
    00:24:01 Christina sold her Porsche. I kept the Defender and Sequoia, but having two cars isn't practical. The Defender is more expensive but hardly used. We might keep the Defender as Daniel's daily car.
    00:28:18 Johnny explains podcast's audio with imagination insight.
    00:31:12 Costco Arrowhead Water has an unusual taste residue.
    00:34:35 Max 20% tip for parties of 8+.


    Want To Be A Part Of SeongLife?

    Call 949-407-9928 and leave your first name, city and state, your question, and your email address. Ask questions like “How do we keep the romance alive in our marriage after being together for so long?”, “What’s the best way to have a balanced personal life while raising kids?” or “How do we break out of the rat race and get ahead as a family financially?” Your email address will not be aired, but we need it to get a hold of you so we can let you know that your question will be aired. We can’t wait to hear from you!
    Again, call 949-407-9928 and leave us a message and question. We so want to hear from you!
    en-usSeptember 20, 2023

    Christina Flips Tables

    Christina Flips Tables

    Welcome back to SeongLife, the podcast where Christina and Daniel Seong dive deep into the ups and downs of their daily life. In today’s episode, “Christina Flips Tables,” the Seongs explore the importance of not getting involved in negative activities. We’ll discuss how gossiping can lead to trust issues and misunderstandings, especially in the context of our children’s friendships. But that’s not all we’ll cover! Join me as I share a memorable family gathering where tensions arise from an unexpected encounter. Plus, we’ll talk about the different sides of Christina and how she navigates the world with her assertive personality. As always, we’ll weave in sports updates, including Leah’s journey in volleyball and Leo’s phenomenal transition to playing volleyball. So sit back, relax, and get ready for an episode packed with relatable stories and valuable life lessons on SeongLife. 

    3 Key Episode Takeaways

    1. Gossiping: The Seongs explored the impact of gossiping on relationships and the importance of avoiding it. Gossip can lead to trust issues and misunderstandings. Let’s remember to practice self-control and resist the urge to engage in negative conversations.

    2. Sports Parenting: The Seongs delved into the exciting world of youth sports and the role of parents in supporting their children’s athletic endeavors. Whether it’s tennis, volleyball, or jujitsu, cheering our kids on and providing them with constructive feedback can have a positive impact on their performance and overall experience.

    3. Handling Confrontations: Daniel and Christina discussed how they handle confrontations and the different sides of our personalities that may emerge in certain situations. While it’s important to avoid unnecessary conflicts, sometimes standing up for ourselves becomes necessary. Be confident and assertive when the situation calls for it.

    Show Overview

    00:01:39 Memorizing vs using GPS for navigation.
    00:06:34 Busy day: volleyball, jujitsu, pancakes, tennis.
    00:09:39 Leo excels in volleyball with enthusiasm and skill.
    00:12:46 Parents engage differently based on children’s sports.
    00:16:11 Cabana mix-up leads to tense confrontation.
    00:18:00 Friends arrived, confusion over reservation resolved.
    00:22:34 Teach kids to avoid gossip and drama.


    Want To Be A Part Of SeongLife?

    Call 949-407-9928 and leave your first name, city and state, your question, and your email address. Ask questions like “How do we keep the romance alive in our marriage after being together for so long?”, “What’s the best way to have a balanced personal life while raising kids?” or “How do we break out of the rat race and get ahead as a family financially?” Your email address will not be aired, but we need it to get a hold of you so we can let you know that your question will be aired. We can’t wait to hear from you!
    Again, call 949-407-9928 and leave us a message and question. We so want to hear from you!

    Christina's Heartbreaking PTSD Moment

    Christina's Heartbreaking PTSD Moment

    Christina's Heartbreaking PTSD Moment

    In today's episode, Christina and Daniel explore the issue of curfews and the importance of effective communication and treatment of children. Tune in as they share their experiences and strategies for raising kids with respect and dignity, even in moments of distress and anger.

    During this episode, Christina opens up and reflects on a touching conversation with her daughter, emphasizing the significance of addressing children like young adults and assigning them responsibilities. While Christina's eyes well with tears, it becomes clear that this episode holds a special place in her heart.

    In addition to the engaging listener interaction, Daniel shares his exhilarating experience attending the US Open with his daughter, where they had the chance to witness tennis legends up close. While last year's trip focused on chasing autographs, this year's visit had a different twist. Curious to know what happened? You'll have to tune in to find out.

    But that's not all! Christina and Daniel delve into various parenting situations and the importance of being present and responsible for their children's safety and well-being. From staying up until their kids come home to ensure they are safe on adventurous vacations, this engaging conversation will leave you with practical insights and heartfelt moments.

    So grab your favorite beverage, cozy up, and join us on this deeply insightful and emotionally charged episode of SeongLife. Let's dive in!


    Seong's Say:

    Hurt Feelings and Motherhood: "I'm a mom. You know, I'm a mom of 5 kids, and I think I'm doing a pretty damn job, you know, raising our kids."
    — Christina Seong

    "Importance of Treating Kids with Respect and Dignity: 'Our goal from the very beginning is we want to treat the kids right, no matter how angry we were, that would treat them in 20 years, when they look back, they're gonna say, wow, mommy and daddy's treated us with respect. They really did treat us with dignity and not like a child.'"
    — Daniel Seong


    Show Overview

    00:04:26 Exciting trip to US Open for autographs.
    00:06:35 US Open players leave, Carlos Alcaraz appears.
    00:09:33 Disappointing nostalgia trip with lackluster performance.
    00:15:53 Ensuring belongings, rides, communication for success.
    00:18:53 Parents should not handle situations like this.
    00:22:22 Christina takes kids to Korea.
    00:26:38 Mom yells on call from hotel.
    00:28:49 Hurt by unnecessary phone call.
    00:34:07 Friends' fun shows us life isn't perfect.
    00:37:40 Be careful communicating and treating kids right.


    Want To Be A Part Of SeongLife?

    Call 949-407-9928 and leave your first name, city and state, your question, and your email address. Ask questions like “How do we keep the romance alive in our marriage after being together for so long?”, “What’s the best way to have a balanced personal life while raising kids?” or “How do we break out of the rat race and get ahead as a family financially?” Your email address will not be aired, but we need it to get a hold of you so we can let you know that your question will be aired. We can’t wait to hear from you!
    Again, call 949-407-9928 and leave us a message and question. We so want to hear from you!
    en-usSeptember 06, 2023

    Daniel In Alaska and Dating Apps

    Daniel In Alaska and Dating Apps

    Daniel In Alaska and Dating Apps - SeongLife S1EP20

    On this SeongLife episode, Daniel and Christina have a lot to cover as they dive into Daniel's Alaskan fishing adventure and discuss the ever-evolving world of dating.

    Daniel begins by recounting his experience renting a car with his travel companions in Anchorage. They find themselves in a predicament with a Jeep Cherokee SUV that couldn't accommodate everyone and their luggage. After returning to the rental office, they end up with a truck, leading to some entertaining struggles as they try to leave the airport.

    But wait, that's not all! We also get a glimpse into Daniel and Christina's love story. They take us back to when they first met in San Diego's Miramar, sharing the serendipitous encounter that sparked their relationship. They reflect on the difference between traditional meeting methods and the modern era of online dating, discussing the value of in-person connections and chemistry.

    And hold on tight because this episode takes us on the rest of Daniel's exciting fishing excursion. The adventure includes an accidental hooking of a drone while fishing, resulting in a chaotic scene with a fishing partner falling into the water and tipping over a boat. The SeongLife crew always knows how to keep things interesting!

    So, settle in and get ready for a laugh-filled episode as we navigate the ups and downs of dating, share personal stories, and provide insightful advice on relationships and family on SeongLife!

    Timestamp Overview

    [00:05:49] Anchorage. Jam-packed SUV. Lost luggage
    [00:07:13] Car stuck, blocking exit, waited an hour.
    [00:10:43] Staying at Anglers Lodge; fishing adventure.
    [00:14:50] Sick guy on boat, waves were rough.
    [00:21:59] Dave's drone falls into water, chaos ensues.
    [00:25:22] Meeting in San Diego, started dating casually.
    [00:28:46] Online dating: skip dinner, meet in public.
    [00:32:00] Online dating apps. Be cautious.
    [00:35:55] Cost of shipping catch, makes sense, worth it.
    [00:36:52] Misleading data plan; extra charges required.
    [00:39:52] Toiletries, clothes, and luggage in Anglers Lodge.
    [00:43:00] Fun outing with close friends fishing.


    Want To Be A Part Of SeongLife?

    Call 949-407-9928 and leave your first name, city and state, your question, and your email address. Ask questions like “How do we keep the romance alive in our marriage after being together for so long?”, “What’s the best way to have a balanced personal life while raising kids?” or “How do we break out of the rat race and get ahead as a family financially?” Your email address will not be aired, but we need it to get a hold of you so we can let you know that your question will be aired. We can’t wait to hear from you!
    Again, call 949-407-9928 and leave us a message and question. We so want to hear from you!
    en-usAugust 30, 2023

    Leah's Volleyball Voyage & Nicole's High School Early Exit

    Leah's Volleyball Voyage & Nicole's High School Early Exit

    Leah's Volleyball Voyage & Nicole's High School Early Exit - SeongLife EP19

    Welcome back to another episode of SeongLife! I'm your host, Christina Seong, and today we have an action-packed show lined up for you without Daniel; he's on a big fishing trip, so joining us as our special guests are my daughters, Nicole Seong, and Leah Seong. 

    In this episode, we'll dive into Leah's volleyball journey and discuss Nicole's testing out with an early exit from high school. But before we get into that, let's catch up on some recent milestones. Nicole just passed her driving test on the very first try! Although Nicole doesn't have her own car yet, being able to drive her parents' cars is a significant milestone. Speaking of driving, Nicole is now the third driver in our group, and she's been showing incredible responsibility and maturity as she navigates this new chapter of adulthood.

    But driving is not the only thing keeping our family busy. As many of you know, our girls are incredibly active, with schedules filled with activities like cheerleading, volleyball, tennis, golf, e-gaming, and even jiu-jitsu! And let's remember their vibrant social lives.

    However, life isn't always a smooth ride. As a mother currently and temporarily (on a fishing trip) without my partner, Daniel, I have my hands complete with our kids, and I must admit, I'm feeling a little nervous. The sleepless nights are starting to catch up to me, as I've been running on very little sleep for the past four nights. I've been consistently waking up at 4:14 in the morning, and it feels like there's a deeper meaning or sign behind it. But getting back to sleep has become a struggle, leading to increased coffee consumption just to cope with the lack of rest.

    Open communication has always been the foundation of our family, and it was no different when Leah came to us in February with a decision. She expressed her desire to shift her focus from tennis to volleyball, and we fully supported her choice. It has been a remarkable journey so far, with her successfully making both the club and high school volleyball teams. Today, we'll be delving into Leah's experience as she embraces the world of volleyball and all its challenges.

    But before we bring Leah on, let's not forget to acknowledge another incredible individual in our lives. Nicole's growth and confidence have been extraordinary, thanks to her father's encouragement from a young age. She discusses her thoughts and reasons for testing out of high school during her sophomore year to enter a Junior College accelerated education program. We couldn't be prouder of her.

    So sit back, relax, and get ready for another insightful and entertaining episode of SeongLife. Get ready because it's going to be a fantastic ride!

    Want To Be A Part Of SeongLife?

    Call 949-407-9928 and leave your first name, city and state, your question, and your email address. Ask questions like “How do we keep the romance alive in our marriage after being together for so long?”, “What’s the best way to have a balanced personal life while raising kids?” or “How do we break out of the rat race and get ahead as a family financially?” Your email address will not be aired, but we need it to get a hold of you so we can let you know that your question will be aired. We can’t wait to hear from you!
    Again, call 949-407-9928 and leave us a message and question. We so want to hear from you!

    Daniel Tricks Christina

    Daniel Tricks Christina

    Welcome to another episode of SeongLife, the podcast where we dive
    into the complexities of relationships and explore the dynamics that shape our lives. In today's episode, we'll be delving into the topic of family connections, discussing how blood ties don't always guarantee closeness and how non-blood family friends can become the most cherished individuals in our lives. We'll also touch on the fascinating world of reality TV, examining how it can impact relationships and family dynamics. But before we get into all that, we'll catch you up on some personal updates, including an intriguing dinner story and an exciting upcoming fishing adventure. Plus, we give our reaction and review of a production of Les MiserablesSo sit back, turn up the volume, and join us as we explore the complexities of family relationships and the importance of fostering meaningful connections.



    Want To Be A Part Of SeongLife?

    Call 949-407-9928 and leave your first name, city and state, your question, and your email address. Ask questions like “How do we keep the romance alive in our marriage after being together for so long?”, “What’s the best way to have a balanced personal life while raising kids?” or “How do we break out of the rat race and get ahead as a family financially?” Your email address will not be aired, but we need it to get a hold of you so we can let you know that your question will be aired. We can’t wait to hear from you!
    Again, call 949-407-9928 and leave us a message and question. We so want to hear from you!

    Daniel's Major Anxiety Crisis

    Daniel's Major Anxiety Crisis

    On this episode of The SeongLife Podcast, Christina and Daniel dive deep into Daniel's real-world anxieties. But first, they share a heartwarming encounter with one of their fans; while out, a friend approached them and expressed appreciation for the show's content.

    In another instance, a listener was inspired by an episode on prenups and shared a photo of beautiful flowers they had put on their dining table. It's always a joy to hear how these episodes inspire their community to do something nice for themselves or others.

    Speaking of outings, Daniel and Christina recently dropped off his daughter and her friends at SoFi Stadium in Inglewood, LA. Instead of heading back home right away, they decided to make it a night out. They explored the Grove, enjoyed a delicious meal at a local restaurant, and made the most of their time before heading back to the stadium. Unfortunately, their plans to attend a Weekend concert were cut short when the concert was canceled after three and a half hours. It just goes to show that unexpected twists can happen, even during a night out.

    One thing that Daniel openly shares is his anxiety around parking. He always prefers backing into parking spots for safety, especially since he drives a Toyota SUV that he loves, despite its sometimes uncomfortable ride. Daniel has an unspoken agreement with his neighbors living in a gated community with limited parking. Still, new neighbors can cause some anxiety as he trains them on the unofficial parking rules. For a lighter topic, Daniel praises Ferragamo ties for their incredible texture, feel, thickness, and width. He says tying a Ferragamo tie is like tying a cloud, an enjoyable experience.

    During his day-to-day routine, Daniel often tries to maximize his time, such as filling up on gas in the morning before heading to the office. In this episode, he shares his deliberation in deciding whether to fill up the tank before or after a trip. Gas mileage and potential safety concerns played a role in his decision-making process.

    As always, your messages mean the world to Daniel and Christina. They're grateful that the podcast has become a source of inspiration and comfort for many listeners. It's uplifting to hear stories like Lee and his partner enjoying an episode on their date night and considering themselves fans. Your support and feedback motivate Daniel and Christina to keep doing what they're doing.

    Lastly, thank you for being part of the SeongLife community. Remember, if you have any suggestions or topics you'd like us to cover in future episodes, feel free to reach out. Also, connect with us on our social media platforms and share the podcast with your friends and family.

    Want To Be A Part Of SeongLife?

    Call 949-407-9928 and leave your first name, city and state, your question, and your email address. Ask questions like “How do we keep the romance alive in our marriage after being together for so long?”, “What’s the best way to have a balanced personal life while raising kids?” or “How do we break out of the rat race and get ahead as a family financially?” Your email address will not be aired, but we need it to get a hold of you so we can let you know that your question will be aired. We can’t wait to hear from you!
    Again, call 949-407-9928 and leave us a message and question. We so want to hear from you!
    en-usAugust 09, 2023

    Food Stamps Saved Us

    Food Stamps Saved Us

    Food Stamps Saved Us - SeongLife S1EP16

    In this episode, we dive into an extraordinary dining experience at The RitzCarlton Half Moon Bay Resort that took us on a journey down memory lane. But before we delve into that, let's take a moment to reflect on where we've been and how we got here.

    From a difficult past where we once relied on food stamps and welfare, we've built a life that now allows us to enjoy luxury and create magical memories. Today, we'll share our journey from struggling to provide for our family to finding success and happiness. But even now, as we sit down for one of the most expensive dinners we've ever paid for, we want to remind you that our journey is not one of privilege but of hard work, determination, and the willingness to overcome challenges.

    Join us as we recount the road we traveled to arrive at this extraordinary dining experience. From the moment we arrived at a breathtaking location in Half Moon Bay to witnessing a fairytale proposal, every detail reminded us of how far we've come. We'll share the enchanting atmosphere, mouthwatering dishes, and price tag that shocked us (mostly Daniel). But more importantly, we'll reflect on the emotional significance of this meal and the lessons we've learned along the way.

    So buckle up and get ready for a captivating episode filled with stories of resilience, sacrifices, and the belief that no matter where you come from, you have the power to create a better future. Because, as we've experienced firsthand, sometimes the most remarkable journeys begin from the humblest of beginnings. So let's dive into this unforgettable dining experience and the powerful lessons it revealed. 

    Seong's Say:

    Overcoming Hard Times: "God will never give you more than you can handle." — Christina Seong 

    "Feeling Magical at the Ritz Carlton: This resort truly, truly makes me feel that way."— Daniel Seong

    The Strength of Commitment: "One of the best things about us is we stay committed to each other. Like, you never made me feel bad about not providing. You never complain, never yelled at me, never made me just feel like as if I wasn't a man, you know, but we stayed up together."— Daniel Seong

    The Importance of Struggle: "Know that it will get better... It's your price of admission... There's a barrier, and that barrier is called work commitment, discipline, consistency, belief, because you and I could have quit at any given point... All the fruits of your labor is gonna come to fruition."— Daniel Seong

    Show Timeline

    [00:02:51] Magical trip to Half Moon Bay Resort.

    [00:07:38] Hotel check-in, special dinner, polite conversation, recognized online.

    [00:13:07] Expensive dinner includes free dishes and wine.

    [00:16:13] Expensive meal with amazing view and proposal.

    [00:24:07] Financial struggle, limited socializing due to expenses.

    [00:27:23] Emotional journey of sacrifice, commitment, and love.

    [00:32:25] Embarrassment over food stamps led to change.

    [00:38:22] Struggle is the price of a better life.

    [00:40:49] Live life on your terms, ignore opinions.