

    SeongLife is hosted by Christina and Daniel Seong, a married couple with five children. They share their stories and lessons of life and family, discussing their wins, failures, travels and how they are navigating the challenges of raising kids. Listen in to gain insight into their happy marriage and be inspired and entertained by their journey.
    en-usDaniel Seong55 Episodes

    Episodes (55)

    The Big Fight

    The Big Fight

    Welcome back to another exciting episode of SeongLife! On today's episode, Daniel and Christina delve into a moment of tension and frustration that occurred at a recent event. They recount a disagreement with security over the size of their bags, which led to two hours of not talking and added tension between our hosts. Additionally, they discuss the importance of effective communication in parenting and share their approach in setting expectations for their children. Stay tuned as we dive further into these topics, along with stories of resilience, experiences at tennis events, and much more. Let's get started with another insightful episode of SeongLife!

    Seong's Say:

    "Words are huge. You know? You can't take back what you said. That's one thing we are very conscious of towards each other and to our kids is to not say anything that will later. Just always remember you're on the same team. Some day something so small like that yesterday should never get over."
    — Christina Seong

    Controversial Parenting Opinions: "Spanking for me was it's just something I'd never wanted to do for my kids because I just felt like me as a parent, I wanted to have a relationship where words would be enough."
    — Christina Seong 

    Overcommunication and Clear Expectations: "I think what we do is we overcommunicate with our kids. Yes. So there's no gray area. We ask this of you. If you don't do it, then you're either showing disrespect or you didn't quite understand what our expectations are, so we actually take the time to sit down."
    — Christina Seong 

    Show Timeline

    [00:01:59] Excitement over recent tennis matches and experiences.
    [00:06:29] Stay on your feet, go for it.
    [00:08:59] No spanking, effective communication with kids.
    [00:14:20] Laundry, shared responsibility, frequent loads, no towel reuse.
    [00:16:48] Gross, but effective strategy for attention.
    [00:22:36] Kids knew instantly. Bag too big, blame eye contact.
    [00:25:22] Security guard made us argue, no communication.
    [00:29:13] LA, kids, hungry, time, eat, upset.
    [00:34:57] We enjoyed the sun, planned next episode.
    [00:36:40] People approached us, saying hi, giving daps. Buyer loved podcast, son waited eagerly.

    en-usJuly 26, 2023

    Politics & Entrepreneurship

    Politics & Entrepreneurship

    Politics & Entrepreneurship - S1EP14 SeongLife

    In the latest episode of SeongLife, Daniel, and Christina dive into the intriguing world of politics, entrepreneurship, and respecting personal beliefs. Their favorite son, Nathan Seong, shows up in the show to talk about their Phoenix, AZ trip. Plus, they answer their first listener voicemail question covering some powerful insights on respecting differing viewpoints in religion and politics. They express their own beliefs by taking a stand on political and religious views while acknowledging the potential repercussions in business and politics. The hosts believe in the value of open discussions to broaden perspectives and create ‘AHA moments’ for listeners. They also explore the impact of differing beliefs in relationships, particularly on sensitive topics like pro-life and pro-choice. In addition, they discuss the importance of teaching children responsibility and learning from mistakes, using powerful examples to illustrate their points. Throughout the episode, Daniel and Christina provide personal anecdotes and share their own experiences as business owners, highlighting the challenges and rewards of entrepreneurship. They emphasize the need for a strong foundation, prioritization, and determination to succeed in business. It’s an engaging and enlightening conversation you won’t want to miss!


    Key Points and Takeaways

    - The importance of respecting everyone’s beliefs and doing what they believe is the right thing

    - Discussing religion and politics is often considered taboo in business or politics due to potential repercussions

    - Importance of teaching children responsibility and learning from mistakes

    - Discussion on dealbreakers in relationships, including wanting kids and believing in the sanctity of marriage as core dealbreakers for the speaker

    - Views on political views as more changeable compared to core dealbreakers

    - Surprising realization that political views can deeply impact a marriage

    - Importance of teaching children attention to details and responsibility, with examples such as making the bed

    - The misconception that running a business is the same as being a salesperson

    - Importance of prioritizing what is important when starting a business

    - Value placed on education but gravitating more towards the entrepreneurial spirit

    - Importance of having a solid foundation for success in business


    The Seongs Says:

    Religion and Politics in Relationships: 

    “There has to be non negotiables... the longer you stay in a relationship when the beliefs are different, you’re just making it that much more difficult on yourself as far as religion and politics.”

    — Christina Seong

    Respecting Political Differences:

    “You believe what you believe, and I believe what I believe. And I’ll respect you with your beliefs. As long as you respect me with my beliefs.”

    — Christina Seong


    Want To Be A Part Of SeongLife?

    Call 949-407-9928 and leave your first name, city and state, your question, and your email address. Ask questions like “How do we keep the romance alive in our marriage after being together for so long?”, “What’s the best way to have a balanced personal life while raising kids?” or “How do we break out of the rat race and get ahead as a family financially?” Your email address will not be aired, but we need it to get a hold of you so we can let you know that your question will be aired. We can’t wait to hear from you!
    Again, call 949-407-9928 and leave us a message and question. We so want to hear from you!

    Mommy and Daughter Trips: Tales From Korea

    Mommy and Daughter Trips: Tales From Korea

    Mommy and Daughter Trips: Tales From Korea - SeongLife EP13

    On this episode of SeongLife, Daniel and Christina Seong are joined by their first guest and oldest daughter Nicole Seong to talk about her recent trip with Christina and her Grandmother to Korea. Nicole shares her impression of life in a foreign country and culture and how seeing her Grandmother visit her childhood homeland and family was special. The conversation then takes a reflective turn as they discuss Nicole's experience of growing up as a Korean in America and the initial feelings of embarrassment that came with it. They delve into the importance of raising children to be proud of themselves and their cultural background.

    Throughout the episode, the Seongs highlight the importance of embracing different stages of life and the opportunities they bring. Daniel shares details about their busy travel schedule, staying at the Ritz in Half Moon Bay, and visiting other locations. He reflects on the differences in travel opportunities compared to previous generations and encourages listeners to take risks and start their own businesses. The importance of focusing on one thing at a time rather than striving for a perfect work-life balance is emphasized.

    The conversation takes a personal turn as Daniel reflects on their life and expresses the hope that their children will achieve even more than their parents. The hosts discuss the conversational nature of the podcast and express admiration for those who can do podcasts alone.

    The episode concludes with a discussion of connections and the speaker's excitement about meeting someone who seems nice. Personal experiences and interactions, including an Alaska fishing trip, highlight the importance of maintaining connections even with physical distance. The episode ends with plans to discuss owning a business in the next episode and highlights the speaker's hectic schedule during the summer, which is full of children's activities and household chores.

    Enjoy the show!


    Want To Be A Part Of SeongLife?

    Call 949-407-9928 and leave your first name, city and state, your question, and your email address. Ask questions like “How do we keep the romance alive in our marriage after being together for so long?”, “What’s the best way to have a balanced personal life while raising kids?” or “How do we break out of the rat race and get ahead as a family financially?” Your email address will not be aired, but we need it to get a hold of you so we can let you know that your question will be aired. We can’t wait to hear from you!
    Again, call 949-407-9928 and leave us a message and question. We so want to hear from you!
    en-usJuly 12, 2023

    Keeping the Romance Alive

    Keeping the Romance Alive

    Keeping the Romance Alive - SeongLife ep12

    On this episode of SeongLife, hosts Daniel Seong and Christina Seong dive into various topics that explore the dynamics of their relationship. They start by discussing a heartwarming surprise on their nineteenth-anniversary trip to Vegas, where Daniel surprises Christina with roses that bring her genuine happiness. The couple then delves into the importance of physical attraction in their relationship. Daniel values Christina’s effort to maintain her appearance and finds physical attraction significant, but he also emphasizes that it is not the only aspect of their relationship. They appreciate each other for seeing the value in physically caring for themselves. Intimacy is another vital topic discussed on the podcast. The hosts believe that caring for each other is crucial in a relationship and highlight the significance of small acts of love and thoughtfulness. They explore creating a romantic atmosphere and stress the importance of meaningful conversations and eye contact for fostering intimacy. They also touch upon giving each other breaks and not forcing intimacy. The concept of “letting themselves go” is also explored in the conversation. Christina discusses the dad bod phenomenon and its double standard, as well as the criticism that women often face for changes in their bodies, and both hosts suggest that both men and women can “let themselves go” and remind listeners to be considerate, thoughtful, and put effort into their relationships. In addition to these discussions, the hosts share personal experiences, such as Christina’s discovery of a book that led to a week of intimacy and its impact on Daniel’s self-impression and mental state. They also touch on their struggles with communication and reflect on moments when they knew their partner was “the one.”The episode concludes with more focus on the importance of “booty booty time” in a successful relationship and how Daniel and Christina believe that a healthy sex life is essential and a lack of intimacy can reveal underlying issues in a marriage. They emphasize the need to find a healthy balance between cohabitating and intimacy.


    [00:01:24] “Booty booty time important in relationships; frequency?”
    [00:04:55] Spontaneous intimacy during book reading, inconsistent initiation.
    [00:09:16] Showing love through small gestures and care.
    [00:11:25] Anniversary surprise in Vegas with roses.
    [00:13:58] Some guys may not be into extreme cosmetics. My OB GYN advised gaining 20-25 pounds. Media overemphasizes eating for two. Baby takes what it needs from mom’s body. I gained 23 pounds and lost 5 after birth. Walking helped me bounce back.
    [00:18:08] Dad bod defended, body changes with age.
    [00:22:23] Importance of intimacy in relationships, effort required.
    [00:25:44] Good communication leads to mature relationships.
    [00:27:26] Car accident leads to realization of love.
    [00:32:22] I didn’t want you to feel bad.

    Want To Be A Part Of SeongLife?

    Call 949-407-9928 and leave your first name, city and state, your question, and your email address. Ask questions like “How do we keep the romance alive in our marriage after being together for so long?”, “What’s the best way to have a balanced personal life while raising kids?” or “How do we break out of the rat race and get ahead as a family financially?” Your email address will not be aired, but we need it to get a hold of you so we can let you know that your question will be aired. We can’t wait to hear from you!
    Again, call 949-407-9928 and leave us a message and question. We so want to hear from you!

    Interracial Marriage

    Interracial Marriage

    Interracial Marriage - SeongLife EP11

    On this episode of SeongLife, husband and wife hosts, Daniel and Christina Seong, discuss interracial marriage and parenting. They share personal experiences and reflections on raising children, cultural traditions, and language barriers. They emphasize the importance of communication and treating children with respect, allowing them to make their own decisions. They also touch on their busy schedule, the benefits of being multilingual, and the challenge of blending different cultural backgrounds. The hosts also encourage listener engagement through voicemail and tease a surprise guest in an upcoming episode. Overall, they provide a thoughtful and honest perspective on the joys and challenges of marriage and parenting.


    Topics Covered:

    - Perspective on interracial marriage

    - Parenting and sharing culture and traditions

    - Children’s use of technology

    - Busy schedule on weekends

    - Understanding and communicating in partner’s culture and language

    - Difficulty in communicating with partner’s parents

    - The importance of remembering why one got married

    Want To Be A Part Of SeongLife?

    Call 949-407-9928 and leave your first name, city and state, your question, and your email address. Ask questions like “How do we keep the romance alive in our marriage after being together for so long?”, “What’s the best way to have a balanced personal life while raising kids?” or “How do we break out of the rat race and get ahead as a family financially?” Your email address will not be aired, but we need it to get a hold of you so we can let you know that your question will be aired. We can’t wait to hear from you!
    Again, call 949-407-9928 and leave us a message and question. We so want to hear from you!



    Monster - SeongLife S1EP10

    In this episode of the SeongLife Podcast, Daniel talks about how he discovered the song Monster by James Blunt and reads the lyrics of the song, reflecting on how music has been an important part of his life and the evolving relationship with his father and with his son Nathan. He talks about how songs can hold a special place in our hearts and minds, evokes strong memories, and how parenting can be both difficult and rewarding. He encourages listeners to take a break and listen to Monster, which follows the story of a son cherishing his father on his deathbed and trying to make him proud. Plus, Christina and Daniel discuss sharing household chores and duties, the power of nostalgia, and the challenges and experiences of a bilingual relationship.

    Key Takeaways

    The Power of Nostalgia: “Watch it even if it’s on TV, just regular TV. And it doesn’t matter beginning, middle, or end. Wherever I land on it, I will watch it. I have watched Goodfellas probably hundreds of times, and I never get sick of it.” — Daniel Seong

    The Importance of Father-Child Relationships: “There’s something so special about a father-son relationship that you just don’t have with a father-daughter, vice versa. There’s something special about a father-daughter.” — Daniel Seong

    Fatherhood and Imperfection: And then you get to a point where you grow up a little bit and maybe you realize, hey, my daddy isn’t perfect.” — Daniel Seong

    Bilingual Relationships:
    “I explain to them what our relationship is; they’re probably thinking it’s very odd because I remember a friend coming to me and saying he was asking me if I knew Korean. And I told him, well, I can’t speak it fluently, but I understand it.” — Daniel Seong

    Prenup: Yes or No?

    Prenup: Yes or No?

    Prenups: Yes or No? - SeongLife

    On the episode of the SeongLife Podcast, Daniel and Christina Seong talk about Daniel's recent outdoor adventure in Utah. They fondly remember an anniversary surprise and buying a special gold chain for their son Nathan. Additionally, they discussed the importance of prenups and provided insight into why they believe one might make sense for couples in different stages of life and marriage. They discussed scenarios where couples without possessions may not need a prenup. Still, when substantial assets or children are involved, they argued that protecting both parties in the marriage could be beneficial. Furthermore, the importance of communication is a significant theme in this episode, and the couple emphasizes how both parties in the relationship should work together to find a mutual agreement regarding prenups.


    "You have to get out and explore." -Daniel Seong

    "If I were to get remarried, something happened to you, and if I were to get remarried, I would also want a prenup. It's mainly to protect the kids." - Christina Seong

    Key Takeaways

    Take safety precautions and be aware of your surroundings when hiking.

    Utah is secluded and also modern, with friendly people.

    Thoughtfulness is more important than extravagant gifts.

    Honest communication and striving for understanding are essential in all relationships.

    Dreams can come true with hard work and creativity.

    Prenups can be beneficial for protecting the assets and well-being of the married couple and their children.

    Different stages of life and marriage can influence the necessity of a prenup.

    en-usJune 14, 2023

    Daniel's Car Wreck and Turns 44

    Daniel's Car Wreck and Turns 44

    Daniel's Car Wreck and Turns 44 - SeongLife EP8

    In this episode of the SeongLife Podcast, Christina and Daniel Seong celebrate Daniel's 44th birthday and discuss the fact that Christina calls Daniel "Daddy," even in public, other family nicknames, and why they have adopted this use of titles to replace each other's names. Additionally, they talk about the surprise of Daniel turning 44 and the praises that come with celebrating such a milestone. They share the importance of having car dash video cams and how one saved Daniel when an unreasonable woman who reversed into him refused to take responsibility for an accident. Lastly, they discuss their "meh" approach to Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, and the family importance of celebrating birthdays and anniversaries. Finally, Daniel talks about his fashion preference for Ferragamo ties and why these are his preferred ties for most occasions. Spend this celebratory episode with Christina and Daniel Seong to learn more about this couple's adorably unique dynamic!

    Celebrating AAPI and 19th Anniversary

    Celebrating AAPI and 19th Anniversary

    Seonglife - Celebrating AAPI and 19th Anniversary - EP7

    In this special episode of the SeongLife Podcast, Daniel and Christina Seong discussed their 19th marriage anniversary, their respective childhood experiences growing up Asian, and revealed their personal travel, vacation, everyday casual clothes, and food and drink preferences. They also shared tips for tackling anxiety while flying and discussed their particular choices for activities for vacations with each other and the whole Seong family. Plus, Daniel and Christina discuss celebrating their Anniversary in Las Vegas and the many more local "off the Strip" activities available. Lastly, they talk about celebrating and observing Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. Enjoy the show.

    Schoolwork, College and Marrying A Doctor?

    Schoolwork, College and Marrying A Doctor?

    Schoolwork, College and Marrying A Doctor? - SeongLife EP6

    In this episode of the SeongLife podcast, Daniel and Christina Seong discuss the importance of giving their children the freedom to make their own decisions and mistakes. They share the story of their daughter Nicole, who took it upon herself to learn math equations on her own and later tested early out of high school. The Seongs emphasize that a piece of paper does not make you successful and that you must work hard to succeed. Christina additionally shares her experience of learning the piano, as her mother wanted her to learn the instrument and become a great player to marry a doctor. They talk about how it's not the end of the world if you don't get into the college you want and that there are many different paths to success. They also remind parents not to put unnecessary pressure on their children to succeed in a traditional way and to show them a little grace as they are also learning as they go along.

    en-usMay 24, 2023

    In-Laws, TikTok and The Perfect Bite

    In-Laws, TikTok and The Perfect Bite

    Inlaws, TikTok and The Perfect Bite - SeongLife EP5

    In this episode of the SeongLife podcast, hosts Daniel and Christina Seong discuss the passing of their grandmother and Christina's brother, the growth of their popular TikTok account, and the importance of moderation in parenting. They also share the podcast's purpose: to reach out to their audience on a deeper level. They explain how they use moderation in their parenting style to ensure their children have balance in their life, how they started their TikTok account, and how it has grown over time. 

    The conversation also covers Daniel's experiences as an immigrant and how Christina has been a great support system for his parents. She speaks Korean and has been helping to translate and assist with doctor's appointments and other tasks they need help with. Daniel expresses immense gratitude for Christina's support. They emphasize the importance of living life on one's own terms and raising children the best way one knows how and how their family has adapted to their kids' busy schedules.

    Dogs, Kids Sports and Date Nights

    Dogs, Kids Sports and Date Nights

    Dogs, Kids Sports and Date Nights

    In this episode of SeongLife, Daniel and Christina Seong talk about the difficulties and joys of raising kids, being married and striving for success. They share the story of how their dog, Bella, has helped their kids overcome their fear of dogs and how they have trained her to be part of the family. They emphasize the importance of being intentional with time and communication to make things work with a big family and a business. Plus, there is a discussion on how sports have been a considerable benefit in the lives and life lessons of each of the kids. 

    Finally, Daniel and Christina emphasize the importance of being aware of each child's individual characteristics and how they are not trying to force the same relationship on each child. They also discuss how they spend personal time with each of their children and how their relationships with each child differ. To wrap up, they encourage their listeners to be mindful of each child's unique characteristics and to be intentional with their relationships. Enjoy the show!

    Being Intentional and Creating Bonds

    Being Intentional and Creating Bonds

    In this episode of the Seong Family Podcast, Daniel and Christina Seong discussed the importance of being intentional when spending time with their family. They talked about their recent trip to New York City with their four daughters, where they spent time dancing, going shopping, and getting to know each other better. Christina mentioned how the girls had planned their outfits ahead of time and were even giving her advice on what to wear. They also discussed how important it is to be intentional about investing in relationships, both monetarily and with time.

    The Seongs also shared how they have a consistent and organized home, which helps maintain stability for their children. This was evident when the Seongs mentioned how their house looks like a model home and that their kids know to put their towels in the hamper after they take a shower. The episode is a great reminder for everyone to be intentional about spending time with family and to invest in relationships. Enjoy the show!

    Butts, Beauty and Bankruptcy

    Butts, Beauty and Bankruptcy

    On this episode of the SeongLife Podcast, hosts Daniel and Christina chatted about how they keep up their professional appearances. Daniel shared his daily morning routine for styling his hair, and why he chose to grow a beard. Christina gave listeners a peek into her beauty routine, including her haircare, manicures, facials, and even Botox injections. They both emphasized the importance of feeling confident and encouraged husbands to support their wives in their beauty and self-care.

    The couple also discussed how they stayed afloat financially during tough times, such as Christina’s focus group studies for diapers and Daniel’s graveyard shift job. They reminded listeners that maintaining a marriage requires commitment and communication and encouraged couples to show each other grace. Finally, the Seongs talked about their plans to discuss Christina’s trip to New York with their four girls in a future episode, so stay tuned for that! Tune in to learn more about the Seongs and their inspiring journey. Enjoy the show!

    en-usApril 30, 2023

    The Beginning

    The Beginning

    In this episode of the SeongLife podcast, Daniel and Christina Seong introduce themselves and share their story of life and family. They’ve been married for 19 years and have five children aged 8 to 17. Daniel and Christina candidly discuss their travels and business successes, as well as how they are navigating the challenges of parenting teenagers. They recount how they met at a fast food restaurant, the struggles they faced in the first five years of their marriage, and the joys of raising their four teenage daughters and their young son. They emphasize the importance of date nights, both with each other and with their children, and the positive impact that taking action and making memories can have on a family.

    The couple also share the story of how they got married and started their first business. They explain how, on a whim, they decided to get married over the phone and bought a ring the next day, and how their first business venture led to bankruptcy but eventually to success. On their podcast, the Seongs invite listeners to join them on their journey of striving to become the best version of themselves. They emphasize the importance of taking action, being intentional and living life on one’s own terms. They also encourage listeners to show their parents a little bit of grace, as they are also doing their best and are learning as they go.