
    Serenity Now

    Ever wonder how you can... get more out of life? ... find more richness, fulfillment, and purpose in what you do and how you live? Do you have big dreams, visions, and goals and know that it's more fun to create them with others? Well, I've got you covered! Step into my office, relax for a while, and join me on this audio journey into living our best lives!
    enAmanda Little19 Episodes

    Episodes (19)

    Don't Deny the Happy - Blake Crossley

    Don't Deny the Happy - Blake Crossley

    Some people just know how to spread joy wherever they go! That's what Blake Crossley strives to do, sometimes with the assistance of his alter ego.
    Our conversation covers many different aspects of Blakes life, his struggles as well as his natural ability and desire to be a positive influence and change maker in his community.

    Follow Along With Blake:
    IG - Boston4Kids
    IG - TheCanadianTinMan
    IG - TheRealBuddyTheElfHobbs


    It's Gettin' Hot in Here!

    It's Gettin' Hot in Here!

    Anybody having hot flashes?!

    I believe there's valuable messages for our own transformation contained in these fiery, sweaty flashes.
    Here are some ways that I've learned not only to not hate them but to embrace them as gifts of my own inner wisdom.

    I'd love to hear if you find any of these ways of looking at the experience of hot flashes helpful for you. Or if you have any of your own strategies, share those too.

    If you'd like to explore other ways to transform your life that aren't so hot and sweaty, reach out, let's chat and see how we can get it done!

    Email - Amanda@SerenityNow.ca


    Holy S#!T, You won't believe what's happened!

    Holy S#!T, You won't believe what's happened!

    Imagine what you could create and achieve in your life in three years with a vision and some help!

    There's power in casting a vision of what you are creating,  seeing it, living into it, and being it.
    Here's my "what's happening in the next three years" based on my life and business vision.

    What would you like to create in your life, how and where would you like to be, what does your dream life vision look like three years from now?

    Want help seeing and visioning into all that could be possible for you?  Want to share your vision with me?
    Book a call, I'd love to connect and hear about your dreams!!!

    Email - Amanda@SerenityNow.ca

    Choose Your Friends Wisely

    Choose Your Friends Wisely

    You know that quote, "You're the average of the five people you spend the most time with."?Well that's not exactly right!

    In this episode I share with you the importance of being deliberate and selective with the company you keep and how they can impact your life.

    I also share a bit about my circle of friends and an exciting announcement coming soon!


    Mentioned in the episode:
    Article by David Burkus


    Connect with me:
    Email - Amanda@SerenityNow.ca

    Have the Courage to Suck at Something New

    Have the Courage to Suck at Something New

    In this episode I share with you about a challenge I've been facing, and putting off, and why I feel it is so important for me to do it even though I may suck at it.

    I'll share some reasons for stepping outside your comfort zone and the value in doing that thing that feels scary because it's new. After all, if you're not willing to be a beginner you'll never get to being great!

    If this episode resonates with you, send me an email, subject line "I had the courage to suck at something new" and tell me about it. I'd love to hear your story.

    Or, if you're still struggling to find the courage to do the thing that you'd love to do, that will bring more fulfillment to your life, and you'd like help, message me and let's talk about what it would be like to work with me.

    Connect with me:

    Season 2 Trailer

    Season 2 Trailer

    Welcome to Season 2 of the Serenity Now podcast!

    The show, like its host, has experienced some personal transformation. This season you'll be hearing more from me sharing insights, lessons, experiences, and contemplations that have helped me pursue greater purpose, meaning, ease, and profits in my life. Because, you may be in a similar boat as I was and if I can serve as an example or inspiration, then, awesome!

    I'll still be including interviews with some of the amazing and inspiring people I know and meet because variety is the spice of life!

    I hope you enjoy this season and that I can help you find your Serenity Now!

    Creating with the Universal Laws

    Creating with the Universal Laws

    #11: Universal Laws - Want to create the life of your dreams? My guest, Tracy Montgomery shares how being aware of your energy and understanding the Universal Laws can help you do that!

    Tracy and I talk about what the 7 Universal Laws are, how she's seen them operate in her own life, and ways that we can work with them in our own. She shares the story of how her life has changed since learning about the laws and how to work with them. 


    We Discuss:
     * What SRT is
     * The 7 Universal Laws
     * Importance of alignment and energy
     * Role of beliefs
     * The 4 steps to manifesting
     * How to be specific and leave room for possibility 


    How to Connect with Tracy:
    Website: Root To Rise Integrative Healing
    Facebook: RootToRiseHealing 
    Instagram: RootToRiseHealing
    Offerings: Linktree

    I'd like to keep listening!
    Episode #9 - Transformational Cellular Healing
    Episode #10 - Ayurveda

    Ayurveda and the Art of Dynamic Harmony

    Ayurveda and the Art of Dynamic Harmony

    #10: Translated as the "science of life", ayurveda is the ancient science of how to live life well and aligned with the rhythms of the day and the seasons. My guest, Kate Towell, practices ayurveda to help her keep healthy, happy, and life in balance and she coaches others on how to do the same.
    Kate shares her knowledge of ayurveda in a scientific way and is also skilled at making the information easy to understand and digest. Our conversation is chock full of interesting and helpful  tips, wisdom, and practices.

    We discuss:
    * How these practices can help in stressful situations
    * The principle of accumulation
    * The 5 elements and the doshas
    * Her journey to better health through ayurveda
    * Nature as medicine
    * The value of routines
    * Can watching Dirty Dancing be medicine?
    * Dynamic Harmony
    * Reading the tongue and the tongue map

    Want to work with Kate?:
    1:1 coaching
    Rock Your Daily Rhythm
    10 day Ayurveda challenge
    Ayurveda and Yoga trainings

    How to connect with Kate:
    Website: Infinite You Wellness
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kate_towell/
    Facebook: Kate Towell - Infinite You Wellness
    Email: KateTowell@gmail.com


    Keep the episodes coming!
    Episode #9 - To Our Greater Becoming
    Episode #8 - Living a Yogic Lifestyle


    To Our Greater Becoming

    To Our Greater Becoming

    #9: Keeping the magic alive with ancient wisdom for modern times. While navigating through the struggles of life and searching for more, answers, and ease, Christine Fraser found her way to this ancient healing practice. She shares her journey and wisdom in this episode.

    We Discuss:
    * What is Transformational Cellular Healing
    * Her journey to and healing through the practice
    * Archetypes, angels, teachers, and guides
    * Intuition
    * Creating a sacred space
    * Asking for help and calling in assistance
    * Wisdom and messages of nature

    Christine's offerings and practices:
    Rocky Mountain Fall Retreat 2020
    Scotland 2021: Castles and Clans - Transformational Journey & Retreat
    Meet Your Guides Workshops

    How to connect with Christine:
    Website: Christine Fraser
    Facebook: Christine Fraser Intuitive Medium
    Instagram: LighthouseChristine


    I'd like to listen to more episodes!
    Episode # 8 - Living a Yogic Lifestyle
    Episode # 7 - Pre&Postnatal Yoga

    Yoga With a Capital "Y"

    Yoga With a Capital "Y"

    #8: Living a Yogic Lifestyle - My guest, Neil Gresham, believes that "if you're practicing yoga with a capital 'Y', that permeates everything you do". He shares how that looks for him in his life and how he shares the yogic lifestyle with others.

    Neil and I talk about the multitude of practices that Neil incorporates into his life and his teaching. The importance of practices that help us cultivate peace and calm in our lives. Reconnecting with ourselves, nature, and our homes as a sanctuary can aid in navigating our world and the stresses that we encounter on a daily basis.


    We Discuss:
    * His path to yoga
    * How teachers "showed up" once he was ready to learn
    * Yoga as a tool for understanding the Self
    * Thai Yoga
    * Tai Chi
    * What is an Ombulance
    * Sound healing
    * Pole dancing
    * Helping others as a way of being


    Neil's practices and services also include:
    * Sound Healing
    * Tai Chi
    * Thai Yoga Massage
    * Professional Cuddling


    How to connect with Neil:
    Website: OmBalance Yoga
    Instagram: OmBalanceYoga
    Instagram: MushroomDaddy_
    Facebook: OmBalance Yoga
    YouTube: Neil Gresham


    I need more Serenity Now!
    Episode #7 - Pre&Postnatal Yoga
    Episode #6 - Therapeutic Yoga

    The Importance of Nourishing the Mama in All of Us

    The Importance of Nourishing the Mama in All of Us

    #7: Pre&Postnatal Yoga - My guest Suki Kermes talks with me about yoga before and after pregnancy, how a prenatal program can set you up with a support system, and the importance of nourishing ourselves.

    This discussion goes far beyond the physical aspects of a yoga program for those having a child. Suki shares her perspectives on being a mama, how the experience of birthing can relate to more than childbirth, and the incredible impact that a yoga practice and community can have on our ability to care for and nourish ourselves.


    We Discuss:
    *Her journey to a passion for pre&postnatal yoga
    *Aspects of transformation that occur through experience of pregnancy
    *Community/village of support that can be seeded in a prenatal group
    *The importance of self-care for all of us
    *Considerations for finding a class
    *Do we fully embody ourselves?


    How to connect with Suki:
    Website: PracticeWithSuki
    Instagram: n.o.u.r.i.s.h.e.d.mama
    Facebook: Suki Kermes
    Catch Suki's online offering Poem and a Pose on her IG or FB page.


    Mentioned in the show:
    Restorative yoga - description
    Yoga nidra - description
    Parayoga (YogaRupa - Rod Stryker)
    Himalayan Institute


    I'd like to listen to more!
    Episode #6 - Therapeutic Yoga
    Episode #5 - Yoga for Youth

    Living with Greater Freedom and Ease through Therapeutic Yoga

    Living with Greater Freedom and Ease through Therapeutic Yoga

    #6: Therapeutic Yoga - We'll learn about how this practice can help us reconnect with ourselves, move better, and experience less pain. From athletes to those with mobility issues, Darcy Neumann will discuss how yoga therapy can be a beneficial practice. Plus hear about a special upcoming event!

    Darcy and I discuss her journey from the medical field to teaching different movement practices. She talks about why she loves sharing therapeutic yoga and the profound experiences people have from it.


    We Discuss:
    * What is therapeutic yoga
    * Somatic yoga
    * Sensory motor amnesia
    * Benefits of listening to your body
    * Practices that take us within


    How to Connect with Darcy:
    Website: DarcyNeumann.com
    Facebook: Darcy Neumann
    Instagram: TheRooted_Yogi


    Mentioned in the show:
    * Somatics Institute
    * Away to Within Retreat: Website / Facebook Page
    * Jillian Schecher, Joy Coach and Photographer


    More Serenity please!
    Episode #5 - Yoga for Youth
    Episode #4 - Ayurveda

    Yoga with Youth - How to make magic happen in your community.

    Yoga with Youth - How to make magic happen in your community.

    #5: In this episode I'm speaking with Ana Oliveira about her passion for sharing yoga with the youth of her community and the impact that has on their lives.

    Ana and I talk about the different ways that yoga can be shared with young people of all ages from infants all the way up to teens. She shares how her own yoga began as a gift from her mother drawing her to the practice as a child and now she sees the yoga she leads in her community drawing the parents to the practice through the children. 


    We Discuss:
    *The different ways various age groups can participate in yoga
    * How a yoga practice can benefit children and youth
    * What is the "yoga high"
    * Yoga for children with special needs
    * Yoga is not about the pose, what it actually is about


    Mentioned in the show:
    * Curumim Yoga and Wellness for the Evolving Youth
    * Happy Hearts Healthy Kids Foundation
    * Shine Kids Yoga


    How to connect with Ana:
    Facebook: Ana Acacia Oliveira
    Instagram: AnaOliveira70


    I'm not done listening!
    Episode #4 - Ayurveda
    Episode #3 - Light Language

    Ayurveda - Living in Tune with Nature

    Ayurveda - Living in Tune with Nature

    #4: Ayurveda - Today I'm discussing the ancient practice of Ayurveda. My guest, Berni Waldron, shares information with us about this ancient practice and how it can help us find balance and better health. 

    Berni is a nurse turned yoga, meditation, and Ayurveda teacher. She recently was on a six-week immersive Ayurvedic training in India. She shares with us how the practice of Ayurveda is all about a return to and connecting with living in tune with nature. 

    We Discuss:
    *What Ayurveda is
    *How it can help us with our health and life in general
    *The constitutions or doshas
    *The 5 energies
    *Impact meditation has on our health

    Mentioned on the show:
    *Yoga, Meditation, Ayurveda workshops and online course 
    *Majorca retreat


    Dr. Vasant Lad - Ayurveda: The Science of Self Healing: A Practical Guide
    The Chopra Centre - Dosha Quiz

    How to connect with Berni:
    Website: www.healthhealingandyoga.co.uk
    Facebook: Rearsby Yoga
    Instagram: HealthHealingAndYoga


    Let me hear more!

    Episode #2 - Meditation

    Episode #3 - Light Language

    Speaking of Light and Love - How life's challenges can be blessings in disguise.

    Speaking of Light and Love - How life's challenges can be blessings in disguise.

    #3: This is the real life story of how learning to listen to your inner wisdom during life's challenges can lead to course corrections and ultimately following your passions.

    I'm joined by Heidi Mason as she shares her personal story of navigating persistent pain, switching careers, finding and following new passions, and the "discovery" (maybe allowing and receiving is a better description) of Light Language.

    We Discuss:

    • Challenges as blessings in disguise
    •  What is Light Language
    •  How can Light Language benefit you
    •  The importance of listening to yourself and life's messages


    Mentioned on the Show:


    How to connect with Heidi

    Facebook: Healing Through Light Language with Heidi Mason

    Instagram: Heidi.Mason.3


    Want more?

    Welcome to Serenity Now

    Episode #2 - Meditation

    Meditation as a tool for connecting your mind, body, and spirit to access your inner wisdom.

    Meditation as a tool for connecting your mind, body, and spirit to access your inner wisdom.

    Meditation as a tool for connecting your mind, body, and spirit to access your inner wisdom.

    #2: Meditation - If you’ve ever thought about starting a meditation practice, today’s guest is here with lots of information on the physical and physiological benefits of meditation as well as the ways it can help you navigate through your daily life, become more “you”, and connect with your spiritual side.

    Meditation teacher and intuitive guide, Laurel Sabur, is with us today to discuss the power of meditation. Having experienced the impact of meditation on her own life, she now shares her knowledge and passion with others to give support in accessing their own power and inner wisdom.

    Laurel is a truly multifaceted business woman, incorporating wellness, travel, and fashion. Be sure to check out her website!

    In this episode we cover:

    • The health benefits of meditation
    • The importance of having a teacher/guide
    • How a meditation practice can help you connect with yourself
    • How Laurel helps people learn to and develop their own practice
    • Why the breath is so important

    Mentioned on the show:

    Where to connect with Laurel online:

    Website: www.nayaa.ca

    Facebook: @oluchinayaalifestyleswithlaurelsabur

    Instagram: @lsabur 


    Want more?

    Intro episode

    Episode #1

    A love story and journey of self exploration and awareness with…Flowers?

    A love story and journey of self exploration and awareness with…Flowers?

    A love story and journey of self exploration and awareness with…Flowers?

    #1: Flower Essences - This episode is a love story of sorts, bleeding hearts and all. One that involves finding love and understanding for yourself, your children, and beautiful moments of expanded awareness. Join me and learn all about Flower Essences with Roberta Shepherd.

    Have you ever wondered if there’s magic in fields of flowers? Roberta Shepherd, Holistic Health Practitioner shares with us the ways she harnesses the magic in flowers.

    We discuss:

    *What flower essences are and how they work
    *How she came to discover flower essences
    *The impact they’ve had on her life
    *How flower essences might impact your life
    *What happens in a flower essences session
    *Love and freedom

    Mentioned on the show:

    Roberta’s practices and services also include:

    *Foot Reflexology
    *Reiki Way: School of Reiki (with her colleague Susanne Lerohl)

    Where to connect with Roberta online:

    Website: www.rawberta.com

    Facebook: @rawbertashepherdhhp

    Instagram: @rawberta_hhp


    Bonus track: For a quirky story about the beginnings of flower essences!


    More episodes! 

    Intro episode

    Episode #2