
    SheTaxi Podcast

    With SheTaxi, you will learn how to strengthen your inner self, take better care of you and improve your overall wellbeing. Get ready to focus on YOU, learn from and be inspired by other women and ultimately, move yourself forward. Peggy focuses on the inner-self and moving her audience to higher self-acceptance. From your own self-talk, to making better food choices, to addressing emotional lows and assessing your relationships, Peggy and her guests tackle all aspects to a person's well-being. Laugh. Learn. Relate. Connect. Be inspired to take better care of you. Authentic conversations headed your way - hop in!
    enPeggy Paul47 Episodes

    Episodes (47)

    Ep 32 5 Minute Fuel –Forgiving Someone For a Past Mistake

    Ep 32 5 Minute Fuel –Forgiving Someone For a Past Mistake

    In this week's 5-Minute Fuel, Peggy continues the forgiveness journey by focusing on forgiving someone else who has hurt you. Holding onto grudges can keep you stuck and impact your overall well-being. Peggy shares with you simple steps on how to get started to forgive someone else for a past mistake. Listen in. 


    Forgiveness: Letting Go of Grudges and Bitterness

    Ep 31 5 Minute Fuel – Forgiving Yourself for Past Mistakes - Part Two

    Ep 31 5 Minute Fuel – Forgiving Yourself for Past Mistakes - Part Two

    In this week's 5-Minute Fuel, Peggy encourages you take more steps toward forgiving yourself for a past mistake. Listen in and refer to the steps below to rid yourself of that shame, guilt or regret. 
    1. Identify something that you feel regret over and write it down.

    2. Write how not forgiving yourself for this mistake holds you back? How has it impacted your life?
    3. Write what you have learned from this mistake.

    4. Lastly, write "I forgive myself for ________. I have learned from this mistake and it no longer controls me. I have let it go and am not defined by my past regrets."

    5. If you like, take symbolic action to get rid of it: burn the paper, send it to someone or give it a good rip and dump it in the trash. 

    SheTaxi Podcast
    enMay 04, 2021

    Ep 29 5 Minute Fuel – Moving During the Day

    Ep 29 5 Minute Fuel – Moving During the Day

    In the 5-Minute Fuel, Peggy talks about giving you one action to practice that will improve your overall well-being. This week’s topic is how to incorporate more movement in your day. It’s become quite common to be sedentary due to the impact from the pandemic, as well as spending a lot time on a computer. In this 5-Minute Fuel, you will receive tips on how to add some motion to your day for better health down the road. Fuel up!


    Ep 28 5 Minute Fuel – Adding One More Veggie To Your Day

    Ep 28 5 Minute Fuel – Adding One More Veggie To Your Day

    In the 5-Minute Fuel, Peggy talks about giving you one action to practice that will improve your overall well-being. This week’s topic is about adding more veggies to you plate. Listen in and be reminded the value of how eating more vegetables is great for your health.


    Ep 27 5 Minute Fuel – Social Media Detoxing

    Ep 27 5 Minute Fuel – Social Media Detoxing

    In this week’s Five (5) Minute Fuel, Peggy will talk about how social media, despite it’s benefits in bringing people together, can have a negative side that will affect your mental health. This week, commit to reducing your social media use. Whether it is for a day, a few days or the week - give your mind, body and spirit a break from the noise and instead focus on something that nourishes and keeps moving you forward. 



    5 useful apps for your next digital detox - Cygnus Systems, Inc. 

    How to Take a Social Media Detox and Improve Your Mental Health - Declutter The Mind 

    How to Do a Social Media Detox (and Why You Should Right Away) - Medium 


    Ep 26 5 Minute Fuel – How To Reduce Sodium in Your Diet

    Ep 26 5 Minute Fuel – How To Reduce Sodium in Your Diet

    This week’s topic is about reducing sodium from your diet. Sodium, which is common in most foods in America, can be harmful to your health. Eating too much sodium can cause high blood pressure, which can lead to a higher risk in stroke and heart disease. In this 5-Minute Fuel, you will receive tips on how to reduce salt from your diet and lead you to better health down the road. Fuel up!


    Shaking the Salt Habit to Lower High Blood Pressure | The American Heart Association
    Sodium | Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention
    Eat Less Sodium: Quick tips | The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services   

    Ep 25 5 Minute Fuel – Job Assessment

    Ep 25 5 Minute Fuel – Job Assessment

    5-Minute Fuel, Peggy offers you one action to practice this week that will improve the wellbeing. This week, Peggy talks about reevaluating your career when you are second guessing where your job is taking you in life or are feeling dread or unfulfilled each day when your alarm goes off. This goes the same for full-time, at-home, moms. How is that going for you? Listen in.

    Resources: Reassessing your career game plan: is it time for a change? - The Telegram   

    SheTaxi Podcast - Money Can’t Buy You Happiness

    SheTaxi Podcast - Money Can’t Buy You Happiness

    Peggy Paul, founder and visionary of SheTaxi.com alongside members of the Team Taxi, Susan Bonne and Beth Mary, discuss one of Susan’s blogs that references that money can’t buy you happiness, but its management can. Throughout the podcast they weight on their personal experiences and they exchange pieces of advice for a smarter future and finally, they respond to the question, “does money buy you happiness?” and the three panelists and Peggy agreed that it is relative, it depends on how much you need the money at that time.

    SheTaxi Podcast - Experiencing Your Dance

    SheTaxi Podcast - Experiencing Your Dance

    Peggy Paul, visionary and founder of SheTaxi.com, alongside LaChelle Williams, discuss what it means to embrace your joy, motivate yourself, inspire yourself and be the best version of yourself you can be. She shares a story from a birthday of her middle son in an arcade and she describe how much fun she had by being there and she attributes it to fear nothing and just embrace joy. LaChelle expresses What it is that bring us joy? Once you identify it, we have to protect it.


    SheTaxi Podcast - Bring It With You

    SheTaxi Podcast - Bring It With You

    Peggy Paul, founder and visionary of SheTaxi.com alongside LaChelle Williams, tackles the idea of “Bringing with you”, meaning what do we bring with us as we move forward from experience to experience and what valueless parts of your body you leave behind. When we are in transitions, what are we doing in order to bring the essential “us” with us, and what is about the emotional part of us that we leave behind, where does that go? Is it beneficial to shut it down? LaChelle also talks about the healthy part of leaving things behind that will help you grow and become the best version of yourself once we learn how to reflect and own ourselves.

    SheTaxi Podcast - A Mess in Progress

    SheTaxi Podcast - A Mess in Progress

    Peggy Paul, founder and visionary of SheTaxi.com alongside LaChelle Williams, explain how she never claim to be a mess, but she said to be a “mess in progress”. Peggy did not like that because according to Peggy, she recognized what is going on and she decides to set it aside and not doing anything about it. However, LaChelle after acknowledging Peggy’s standpoint expresses how the motivation to set it aside without letting her tear it down is also impressive in order to allow her to move forward and take care of herself despite her situation. Williams also talks about how the perspective you decide to take upon certain issue is really the deal breaker.