
    Siegfried, deploy!

    Helping you develop fast websites that scale. We're Steffen & Dominik, developers, friends and agency owners since 2011. Join us for hands-on tools and tactics to build and maintain large scale WordPress websites.

    en-usBleech47 Episodes

    Episodes (47)

    WordPress content synchronization across environments

    WordPress content synchronization across environments

    Join Steffen and Dominik as they dive deep into the world of WordPress content synchronization. Discover the best strategies and techniques to seamlessly migrate and synchronize your WordPress database and uploads across various environments, including local, development, staging, and production.

    00:00 Intro
    01:13 Synch #1: to fix bugs
    01:52 Synch #2: to launch websites
    02:20 Synch #3: to collaborate in development
    03:28 WordPress specialty: URLs in the database
    07:34 Tools to synch content
    10:47 Cloning from the dev server
    18:35 Migrating from dev to production
    22:26 Replacing URLs in the WP database
    28:06 Synching from production to dev
    30:43 Anonymizing personal data
    33:05 How often we synch content
    35:20 Database-less WordPress

    WP Migrate DB Pro: https://deliciousbrains.com/wp-migrate-db-pro/
    Duplicator: https://duplicator.com/
    ManageWP: https://managewp.com/
    rsync: https://rsync.samba.org/
    WP CLI: https://wp-cli.org/
    faker library: https://fakerjs.dev/

    More from Bleech
    Blog Posts (WordPress Development)
    Flynt (WordPress Starter Theme)
    VRTs (Visual Tests for WordPress)
    Siegfried, deploy! (YouTube Channel)

    Add a WordPress Blog to Your Existing Website

    Add a WordPress Blog to Your Existing Website

    In todays episode Steffen and Dominik explore different ways to integrate WordPress into existing websites, particularly for blogs, magazines, and landing pages. You'll learn about methods like integrator templates, reverse proxies and others.

    00:00 Intro
    01:08 Method 1 - Integrator template 
    6:48 Method 2 - Reverse Proxy
    09:46 Challenges with Reverse Proxies
    14:05 Method 3 - Rebuilding
    16:46 Method 4 - Module Federation
    20:44 Method 5 - Content Only
    25:39 Combine multiple approaches

    More from Bleech
    Blog Posts (WordPress Development)
    Flynt (WordPress Starter Theme)
    VRTs (Visual Tests for WordPress)
    Siegfried, deploy! (YouTube Channel)

    Headless WordPress - Should you use it?

    Headless WordPress - Should you use it?

    In this episode Steffen and Dominik are discussing headless and static WordPress, explaining the motivations behind using a static site generator over a traditional PHP server. While they acknowledge the hype around headless systems, they emphasizes that the need for static sites is often more important and that there are tools available, both WordPress-specific and general, to generate static sites.

    00:00 Intro
    01:11 Static WordPress
    03:50 Headless WordPress
    06:16 Making a WordPress website static
    09:46 Concept & advantages of a headless website
    12:40 Data modeling in WordPress
    16:11 Challenges with headless
    18:55 Advantages of headless
    33:38 Should you go headless?

    Simply Static: https://simplystatic.com/
    GraphQL: https://graphql.org/
    Andy Bell - The loud minority: https://andy-bell.co.uk/the-extremely-loud-minority/
    Contentful: https://www.contentful.com/
    Next.js: https://nextjs.org/
    Astro: https://astro.build/
    WP Engine Atlas: https://wpengine.com/headless-wordpress/
    Faust.js: https://faustjs.org/
    Flynt Starter Theme: https://flyntwp.com/

    More from Bleech
    Blog Posts (WordPress Development)
    Flynt (WordPress Starter Theme)
    VRTs (Visual Tests for WordPress)
    Siegfried, deploy! (YouTube Channel)

    Should you use Cloudflare (CDN) on your website?

    Should you use Cloudflare (CDN) on your website?

    In today’s episode Steffen and Dominik are discussing content delivery networks (CDNs), with a focus on Cloudflare. CDNs are used to distribute static content to users more quickly and efficiently. However managing content on a CDN can be complicated, especially when it comes to caching and ensuring that content is consistent across different servers. In this episode you'll learn about some best practices for dealing with these issues.

    00:00 Intro
    00:15 What is a CDN?
    02:42 How to use a CDN
    05:17 Pros and Cons of Push vs. Pull
    08:16 Prevent inconsistent assets
    14:10 Types of Caching
    17:32 Full-Page Caching
    18:51 What's special about Cloudflare
    21:55 Does every website need a CDN?
    25:12 GDPR compliance
    27:53 Why we use Cloudflare
    31:36 Pro tip

    Cloudflare: https://www.cloudflare.com/
    Cloudflare Plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-cloudflare-page-cache/

    More from Bleech
    Blog Posts (WordPress Development)
    Flynt (WordPress Starter Theme)
    VRTs (Visual Tests for WordPress)
    Siegfried, deploy! (YouTube Channel)

    The Best Hosting for WordPress Professionals: A Comprehensive Comparison

    The Best Hosting for WordPress Professionals: A Comprehensive Comparison

    In this episode Steffen and Dominik discuss different options for WordPress hosting, including dedicated WordPress hosting, managed PHP hosting, VPS or root server hosting. What are the pros and cons of each option? Learn what they recommend for those with high traffic WordPress websites or single instances.

    00:00 Intro
    00:39 Hosting Options Overview
    03:16 Dedicated WordPress Hosting
    11:26 Managed PHP Hosting
    20:19 VPS / Root Server Hosting
    28:38 Docker & Kubernetes Hosting
    37:02 Other Hosting
    42:57 Our Recommendations
    47:35 Your Experiences

    More from Bleech
    Blog Posts (WordPress Development)
    Flynt (WordPress Starter Theme)
    VRTs (Visual Tests for WordPress)
    Siegfried, deploy! (YouTube Channel)

    Improve Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) and Speed up your WordPress Website

    Improve Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) and Speed up your WordPress Website

    Today Steffen and Dominik dive deep into the page speed factor of the Largest Contentful Paint (LCP). You'll learn how to optimize your website to achieve a fast LCP and which strategies work for flexible components. But with all the details, don't forget the basics of page speed optimization...

    00:00 Intro
    00:10 What is LCP?
    02:56 Typical largest elements
    05:51 Reach fast LCP
    09:03 How to handle video?
    13:27 New Blackhat PageSpeed technique?
    14:24 How to optimize LCP?
    17:19 Strategies for flexible components
    22:20 Font display strategy
    28:42 First do the basics
    32:52 Simplicity over Complexity

    Optimize LCP: https://web.dev/optimize-lcp/
    Flynt Starter Theme: https://flyntwp.com/
    lazysizes: https://github.com/aFarkas/lazysizes
    fetchpriority="high": https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2023/01/optimizing-image-element-lcp/
    Best practices for fonts: https://web.dev/font-best-practices/
    LCP font optimization: https://pixelpoint.io/blog/advanced-web-font-optimization-techniques/
    Fontaine (font fallback generator): https://github.com/danielroe/fontaine
    Fontpie (font fallback generator): https://github.com/pixel-point/fontpie

    More from Bleech
    Blog Posts (WordPress Development)
    Flynt (WordPress Starter Theme)
    VRTs (Visual Tests for WordPress)
    Siegfried, deploy! (YouTube Channel)

    How to Secure Your Website from Hackers? (WordPress Security)

    How to Secure Your Website from Hackers? (WordPress Security)

    Is WordPress secure? We get asked this question over and over again. The answer: WordPress websites are just as secure or insecure as any other website. Because most of the time, mistakes in the absolute basics are the reason for a website being hacked. In this podcast episode, Steffen and Dominik discuss what the weak points of a WordPress website are and how you can protect yourself against a hack.

    00:00 Intro
    00:20 Is WordPress secure?
    02:52 Risk: Plugins and themes
    08:14 Growing interest in WP security
    09:54 Risk: Passwords
    12:03 Plugin whitelist
    12:43 Other measures to prevent hacking
    14:22 Security plugins vs. infrastructure security
    16:31 Important basics
    17:19 Why external hosting service?
    18:54 DoS attack of client website
    21:00 „Random“ WordPress hacks
    22:06 Prevent saving private data in WP
    25:31 Security Plugins for WP
    29:11 Monitoring with Visual Regression Tests

    WP Scan: https://wpscan.com/wordpress-security-scanner
    Patchstack: https://patchstack.com/
    VRTs: https://bleech.de/en/products/visual-regression-tests/
    More Security Tips: https://bleech.de/en/blog/protect-website-from-hackers/

    More from Bleech
    Blog Posts (WordPress Development)
    Flynt (WordPress Starter Theme)
    VRTs (Visual Tests for WordPress)
    Siegfried, deploy! (YouTube Channel)

    Deploying code to a Website - What’s the Best Strategy?

    Deploying code to a Website - What’s the Best Strategy?

    In today's episode, Steffen and Dominik explore the pros and cons of deployment strategies for websites. What's the difference between continuous deployment and continuous integration? Which strategy is worth trying and which one should you consider leaving alone?

    00:00 Intro
    00:13 What is continuous deployment
    06:42 Buddy.works
    08:46 Github Actions
    10:50 Speed of Buddy
    15:18 Docker
    19:42 Managed Hosting
    20:34 AWS
    22:07 All-Inkl
    25:39 Github Repo
    27:58 Versioning website releases

    Continuous Deployments w/ GitHub Actions: https://css-tricks.com/continuous-deployments-for-wordpress-using-github-actions/
    Buddy: https://buddy.works/
    Github Actions: https://github.com/features/actions
    all-inkl Hosting: https://all-inkl.com/PA4A94BC2F49CD0 (Affiliate Link)

    More from Bleech
    Blog Posts (WordPress Development)
    Flynt (WordPress Starter Theme)
    VRTs (Visual Tests for WordPress)
    Siegfried, deploy! (YouTube Channel)

    Global & Translatable Options with ACF Pro

    Global & Translatable Options with ACF Pro

    In this episode, Steffen and Dominik discuss the concept of global and translatable options for WordPress websites. Components can have options that are either limited to where they are inserted, or that apply to all components of a certain type on the site, even for different languages. This concept makes it easier for developers and editors to maintain and manage websites.

    00:00 Intro
    00:10 How global & translatable options work?
    04:18 ACF Option pages
    06:25 Use Cases
    08:14 Standardize option pages
    11:39 Downside of global options
    13:00 Structuring options
    14:14 Manage multiple languages with WPML
    17:17 Translatable options
    20:50 Going without ACF Pro
    22:18 WP translation functionality
    26:11 Localisation Feature of WordPress
    31:37 More flexibility with Global and Translatable options

    Flynt Starter Theme: https://flyntwp.com/
    ACF Option Pages: https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/options-page/
    WordPress Internationalization Functions: https://developer.wordpress.org/apis/internationalization/internationalization-functions/

    More from Bleech
    Blog Posts (WordPress Development)
    Flynt (WordPress Starter Theme)
    VRTs (Visual Tests for WordPress)
    Siegfried, deploy! (YouTube Channel)

    The secret change in Lighthouse 10

    The secret change in Lighthouse 10

    In today's episode, we discuss the latest update to Google's Lighthouse tool. Version 10 introduces significant changes to the way Page Speed scores are calculated. We discuss the key features of the update and how they might affect website owners and developers.

    Upon closer inspection, we spotted an important change that hasn't been announced. So stay tuned for the episode!

    00:00 Intro
    00:10 What is Lighthouse?
    01:26 What is new?
    03:10 CLS metric
    07:09 Why some scores will decrease
    08:40 Using custom fonts
    12:29 FOUC and FOUT
    15:38 Rendering issues / Loading CSS
    17:48 Back/forward Cache
    20:43 Paste-preventing input
    22:50 Scoring Calculator
    25:34 Mobile device size
    29:14 Mobile layout
    30:50 Responsive images

    PageSpeed test: https://pagespeed.web.dev/
    Announcement Blog Post: https://developer.chrome.com/blog/lighthouse-10-0/
    GitHub Release: https://github.com/GoogleChrome/lighthouse/releases/tag/v10.0.0
    Scoring Calculator: https://googlechrome.github.io/lighthouse/scorecalc/
    Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS): https://web.dev/cls/
    Flynt Starter Theme: https://flyntwp.com/

    More from Bleech
    Blog Posts (WordPress Development)
    Flynt (WordPress Starter Theme)
    VRTs (Visual Tests for WordPress)
    Siegfried, deploy! (YouTube Channel)

    Why you should code custom designs

    Why you should code custom designs

    This time Steffen and Dominik reflect on coding custom designs and the challenges faced with writing CSS. To create a solid base stylesheet in combination with minimal styles for a website is an important starting point. However, it is challenging to create things by hand, interlinking layout and design, and maintaining components. Frameworks could be a solution, but they have a big disadvantage.

    00:00 Intro
    02:53 Best way of coding custom designs
    07:07 Challenges
    12:50 Component Frameworks
    14:39 Is writing HTML & CSS programming?
    15:42 Design of interfaces (today)
    18:42 Great Design = ruleset
    20:45 Skillset of a frontend developer
    26:29 Pros & Cons of CSS frameworks
    30:34 Building up confidence
    31:54 A good Schlusswort

    Tailwind CSS: https://tailwindcss.com/
    Cube CSS: https://cube.fyi/
    Andy Bell: https://buildexcellentwebsit.es/
    Flynt Starter Theme: https://flyntwp.com/

    More from Bleech
    Blog Posts (WordPress Development)
    Flynt (WordPress Starter Theme)
    VRTs (Visual Tests for WordPress)
    Siegfried, deploy! (YouTube Channel)

    Create a better UI with data modeling in WordPress

    Create a better UI with data modeling in WordPress

    Data modeling is the process of creating a conceptual representation of your data. It's a crucial step in building effective databases and applications. In this episode we discuss why it is important to look at both aspects of data modeling: how data is structured and how it is presented in the user interface for those who work on the website.

    00:00 Intro
    00:10 What is data modeling? 
    03:09 Two perspectives on data modeling
    04:11 From Waterfall to Agile
    05:31 Challenge: Open Source Starter Theme + ACF Pro (paid)
    09:03 ACF Pro is not easy to replace
    10:40 The Fields API
    14:50 Clone Field
    17:40 Atlas Content Modeler
    18:50 WP custom fields UX fails
    19:55 Free alternatives to ACF Pro
    22:13 Plugin Comparison for custom fields
    25:25 Carbon fields
    26:40 Custom fields and Gutenberg
    27:36 Improve UI with data modeling

    Gutenberg: https://wordpress.org/gutenberg/
    Flynt: https://flyntwp.com/
    ACF Pro: https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/pro/
    Atlas Content Modeler: https://github.com/wpengine/atlas-content-modeler
    Compare WP: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mSqienVYxLopTFGLPK0lGCJst2knKzXDtLQRgwjeBN8/edit#gid=3
    Carbon fields: https://carbonfields.net/

    More from Bleech
    Blog Posts (WordPress Development)
    Flynt (WordPress Starter Theme)
    VRTs (Visual Tests for WordPress)
    Siegfried, deploy! (YouTube Channel)

    Will web components revolutionize the web?

    Will web components revolutionize the web?

    In this episode we discuss web components and their potential to revolutionize the web. Web components have been around for a while and aim to provide a standardized way of authoring front-end JavaScript, but they never really took off due to the missing parts of the spec. We explore various types of web components, the issues with JavaScript, and the challenges in picking the right approach to create a web component.

    00:00 Intro
    00:10 Revolutionary or dead?
    04:30 Why it's not popular yet
    06:15 61 ways - What's the difference?
    07:37 What to do with custom elements?
    10:10 Extending built-in elements
    12:01 Browser Support
    16:36 Example: relative-time
    20:08 Benefits
    25:13 Front-end JavaScript
    26:52 Customize an element
    27:47 Can you expose APIs?
    30:44 A step to bring Frontend and Backend together

    Flynt: https://flyntwp.com/
    webcomponents.org: https://www.webcomponents.org/
    Browser support: https://caniuse.com/?search=custom%20elements
    Relative-time element: https://github.com/github/relative-time-element

    More from Bleech
    Blog Posts (WordPress Development)
    Flynt (WordPress Starter Theme)
    VRTs (Visual Tests for WordPress)
    Siegfried, deploy! (YouTube Channel)

    Understanding WordPress Starter Themes

    Understanding WordPress Starter Themes

    WordPress Starter Themes are important for custom WordPress web development. Above all, they put developer experience first and challenge the status quo of best practices. We discuss the differences between a developer starter theme and a multi-purpose theme, and why using a starter theme can give you a big head start in your custom theme development to achieve better results.

    0:00 Intro
    2:44 Multipurpose vs. Starter Themes
    5:21 Benefits of Starter Themes
    8:34 Approaches to Starter Themes
    16:03 Popular Starter Themes
    17:44 What makes a good Starter Theme?
    20:40 The future of themes
    24:13 Why we build Flynt
    26:52 Gutenberg redefined themes
    31:06 Challenging the status quo
    33:37 Better developer experiences

    Flynt: https://flyntwp.com/
    underscores: https://underscores.me/
    Sage: https://roots.io/sage/
    Episode w/ Jared Novack (Timber): https://youtu.be/c3GlhhwpKRo
    Popular Starter Themes: https://github.com/topics/wordpress-starter-theme
    Episode about Gutenberg: https://youtu.be/m-nLuvchssg
    WordPress block hydration experiments: https://github.com/WordPress/block-hydration-experiments/discussions/131

    More from Bleech
    Blog Posts (WordPress Development)
    Flynt (WordPress Starter Theme)
    VRTs (Visual Tests for WordPress)
    Siegfried, deploy! (YouTube Channel)

    Techniques for perfect responsive images

    Techniques for perfect responsive images

    It's still a complicated task to optimize images for different devices, screen sizes, and pixel densities. In this episode we discuss the challenges of creating perfect responsive images and explore various techniques that can help optimize images.

    00:00 Intro
    00:50 Why is it so hard?
    03:56 What do you need?
    05:04 The sizes attribute explained
    09:39 Library: lazysizes
    13:22 Couldn't browsers do better?
    16:13 Idea: better progressive images
    19:19 Computing power and bandwidth
    20:55 Focus on mobile PageSpeed
    23:13 WordPress default sizes attribute
    27:00 The Shrinkening
    28:08 Fluid layouts & clamp
    29:28 WordPress max image size
    31:43 Good enough vs. perfect
    32:50 Fetchpriority=high
    34:41 The picture element
    37:09 Background images

    Lazy Sizes: https://github.com/aFarkas/lazysizes
    Flynt Starter Theme: https://flyntwp.com/
    PageSpeed Module: https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/module
    Add "auto sizes" for lazy-loaded images: https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/4654
    Optimizing The Image Element LCP: https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2023/01/optimizing-image-element-lcp/
    WordPress max image size: https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/hooks/big_image_size_threshold/
    WordPress default sizes: https://developer.wordpress.org/apis/responsive-images/#browser-side

    More from Bleech
    Blog Posts (WordPress Development)
    Flynt (WordPress Starter Theme)
    VRTs (Visual Tests for WordPress)
    Siegfried, deploy! (YouTube Channel)

    Enterprise-level WordPress interfaces with Jared Novack

    Enterprise-level WordPress interfaces with Jared Novack

    Jared is the author of Timber, a powerful development library for WordPress with more than 1 million downloads. Jared started his career working at newspapers. He and his partners saw the importance of the backend user experience in digital publications and started using WordPress to develop custom built WordPress interfaces for large-scale websites. What does such an interface look like? And where does he see the future of content management and WordPress? Find out in our conversation.

    0:00 Intro
    1:09 WordPress is great, but the loop isn't
    2:23 Timber's origins
    3:57 Jared's background
    8:43 Editor empathy × developer experience
    15:06 WordPress usability studies
    17:36 Gutenberg revolution vs. evolution
    25:09 Timber 2.0
    27:51 Getting out of the way
    32:59 Consistency of WordPress
    35:49 Building platforms that last
    40:18 Structured data in WordPress
    47:20 Large scale CMS interfaces

    Timber: https://upstatement.com/timber/
    Upstatement: https://upstatement.com/
    Flynt: https://flyntwp.com/
    Heroku: https://www.heroku.com/
    Roots: https://roots.io/
    ACF: https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/
    Lumberjack: https://lumberjack.rareloop.com/
    make: https://www.make.com/
    Zapier: https://zapier.com/
    Airtable: https://www.airtable.com/

    More from Bleech
    Blog Posts (WordPress Development)
    Flynt (WordPress Starter Theme)
    VRTs (Visual Tests for WordPress)
    Siegfried, deploy! (YouTube Channel)

    Container Queries are here! Can we use them now?

    Container Queries are here! Can we use them now?

    Let's dive into the hotly-anticipated arrival of container queries! We’ll discuss whether it’s worth jumping on them now, what strategies you can follow, and the potential pitfalls to watch out for, including limited browser support, increased design and development complexity, and the potential performance issues. That said, let’s not be afraid, but embrace the future!

    00:00 Intro
    05:00 Defining a container query
    07:18 Use cases
    09:20 Built-in fallback
    12:09 ACF Blocks in Gutenberg
    14:04 New length units
    17:11 Naming and nesting
    25:55 Should we use them now?
    32:58 Progressive enhancement ftw

    Browser support: https://caniuse.com/css-container-queries
    Polyfill: https://github.com/GoogleChromeLabs/container-query-polyfill
    WP Podcasts: https://wppodcasts.com/
    Nested container queries: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@container#nested_container_queries
    Gutenberg: https://wordpress.org/gutenberg/
    Flynt: https://flyntwp.com/
    Planning Poker: https://www.planningpoker.net/ 

    More from Bleech
    Blog Posts (WordPress Development)
    Flynt (WordPress Starter Theme)
    VRTs (Visual Tests for WordPress)
    Siegfried, deploy! (YouTube Channel)

    PageSpeed 100 with JavaScript Hydration and Islands

    PageSpeed 100 with JavaScript Hydration and Islands

    JavaScript can add significant weight to a website and is hard to optimize. JavaScript hydration concepts can significantly optimize JavaScript loading, parsing, and execution. We talk about the various techniques and how we implemented a custom islands architecture into Flynt, our WordPress Starter Theme for developers.

    00:00 Intro
    00:38 What is JavaScript Hydration?
    02:58 Strategies of Hydration
    04:41 What is so interesting about it?
    06:56 Making JavaScript execution effective
    11:32 Full hydration
    12:57 Biggest improvement with islands
    18:18 Load JS on current viewport
    22:25 Three approaches + 1
    23:38 Inspiration from libraries
    25:43 Cut down JS as much as possible
    30:22 You need a wrapper
    31:32 Amazing results

    Flynt: https://flyntwp.com/
    webpack: https://webpack.js.org/
    astro: https://astro.build/
    is-land: https://is-land.11ty.dev/
    qsa-observer: https://github.com/WebReflection/qsa-observer

    More from Bleech
    Blog Posts (WordPress Development)
    Flynt (WordPress Starter Theme)
    VRTs (Visual Tests for WordPress)
    Siegfried, deploy! (YouTube Channel)

    Gutenberg's fatal flaws - why it's not for agencies

    Gutenberg's fatal flaws - why it's not for agencies

    As a WordPress agency, we have decided not to use Gutenberg, the block editor for WordPress. When it was first introduced, we were excited about the potential improvements it offered over the classic editor, but after trying it out, we found that it had several major issues that prevent us from using it for our clients’ websites.

    The user interface is less intuitive and the development experience is more difficult and less efficient than our current approach. We believe that there are better options available for our clients and for our development process.

    00:00 Intro
    00:28 Potential of Gutenberg
    03:11 Fundamental issues of Gutenberg
    04:14 Issue 1: User Interface is not made for end users
    19:15 Comeback of the webmaster?
    22:13 Issue 2: Breaking design is too easy / HTML rendering
    30:14 Experience with Gutenberg blocks based on ACF
    34:07 Is Gutenberg worth using it?
    34:36 Gutenberg works well for long copy editing
    38:15 Issue 3: Fast development without central documentation
    42:21 Should we use it? Not yet

    Gutenberg: https://wordpress.org/gutenberg/
    Flynt: https://flyntwp.com/
    ACF Pro: https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/pro/
    Elementor: https://elementor.com/
    Beaver Builder: https://www.wpbeaverbuilder.com/
    CSS Container Queries: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Container_Queries
    Content-only editing in Gutenberg: https://richtabor.com/content-only-editing/
    10up Gutenberg Best Practices: https://gutenberg.10up.com/

    More from Bleech
    Blog Posts (WordPress Development)
    Flynt (WordPress Starter Theme)
    VRTs (Visual Tests for WordPress)
    Siegfried, deploy! (YouTube Channel)

    Siegfried, deploy!
    en-usJanuary 19, 2023

    How ChatGPT will make you a better developer

    How ChatGPT will make you a better developer

    Everyone is talking about ChatGPT right now, just like us. What are our first experiences with the AI tool? How will it affect coding challenges in the developer application process? And how do we evaluate the relevance of AI tools for the future of coding?

    00:00 Intro
    00:38 First experiences
    03:30 Where does ChatGPT get the data from?
    04:50 AI tools transform essential skills
    08:02 Evaluating given information
    11:05 Are specialized AI tools better?
    17:20 Impact of AI on job interviews for developers
    20:31 Will Copilot or ChatGPT become the new Stack Overflow?
    23:43 Should you use ChatGPT in coding challenges?
    27:50 Future meaning for coding?

    ChatGPT: https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt/
    Github Copilot: https://github.com/features/copilot

    More from Bleech
    Blog Posts (WordPress Development)
    Flynt (WordPress Starter Theme)
    VRTs (Visual Tests for WordPress)
    Siegfried, deploy! (YouTube Channel)

    Siegfried, deploy!
    en-usJanuary 12, 2023