
    Siegfried, deploy!

    Helping you develop fast websites that scale. We're Steffen & Dominik, developers, friends and agency owners since 2011. Join us for hands-on tools and tactics to build and maintain large scale WordPress websites.

    en-usBleech47 Episodes

    Episodes (47)

    Stop using JPGs: use WebP!

    Stop using JPGs: use WebP!

    When you're working with websites, you can't ignore the WebP image format. But what makes this format better than other image formats? And is it really practical and will stay? In this episode, Steffen and Dominik dive deep into image formats and discuss how to use WebP.

    00:00 Intro
    00:48 How do you optimize image loading?
    01:22 The old image formats of the web
    02:55 The newer image format: WebP
    05:35 How to optimize png and jpg for web
    07:13 What’s so cool about WebP?
    09:33 Why didn't we use WebP for a long time?
    12:13 Who should convert images to WebP?
    13:47 Why is it so great to use just one image format?
    17:06 Upload WebP directly
    17:30 Dominik has an idea...
    20:33 Workflow of integrating WebP
    29:09 The image resizing bug (Can somebody fix it, please!)
    30:15 There's no ideal image size to upload
    32:29 Use WebP!

    Squoosh: https://squoosh.app/
    Flynt: https://flyntwp.com/
    WebP Express: https://wordpress.org/plugins/webp-express/
    Blurry images bug report (2015): https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=562162

    More from Bleech
    Blog Posts (WordPress Development)
    Flynt (WordPress Starter Theme)
    VRTs (Visual Tests for WordPress)
    Siegfried, deploy! (YouTube Channel)

    Siegfried, deploy!
    en-usJanuary 05, 2023

    Local, Remote, Dev, Staging, Live: Our WordPress environments

    Local, Remote, Dev, Staging, Live: Our WordPress environments

    How do you make sure every developer on a website project sees the same content across environments? How do we maintain stable development environments for very old websites? And on which environments do we present code changes to our clients? In this episode Dominik and Steffen give insights how they set up the deployment and cloning process and architecture at Bleech.

    00:00 Intro
    00:31 Why care about the development server setup?
    01:44 How we deployed back in the days
    05:24 How we synch database and assets across development environments
    07:05 Local environments on a remote server
    10:33 The challenge with maintaining build processes
    15:07 How we set up environments, cloning and deployments
    21:21 When we split development and staging
    22:41 More environments increase complexity
    24:34 Dominik's favourite stack and process
    31:10 Beware of data privacy!
    32:47 A typical workflow for new projects
    37:26 The future of dev environments

    StackBlitz: https://stackblitz.com/
    CodeSandbox: https://codesandbox.io/
    InstaWP: https://instawp.com/

    More from Bleech
    Blog Posts (WordPress Development)
    Flynt (WordPress Starter Theme)
    VRTs (Visual Tests for WordPress)
    Siegfried, deploy! (YouTube Channel)

    Siegfried, deploy!
    en-usDecember 29, 2022

    Don't trust your WordPress optimization plugin

    Don't trust your WordPress optimization plugin

    With caching you can speed up the loading time of your website. In this episode Steffen and Dominik dig into types of caching and discuss different WordPress plugins. It seems popular caching plugins turn into huge optimization plugins, but they might not necessarily be the right choice.

    00:00 Intro
    00:29 What is caching?
    01:32 Three big types of caching
    06:57 It's not the browser cache!
    07:35 How to achieve the biggest impact with low effort?
    10:44 Looking at different WordPress caching plugins
    16:20 Think twice before choosing a complex plugin
    17:45 How we cache browser assets indefinitely
    23:23 Our advice on WordPress caching
    32:38 Conclusion

    Cache Enabler: https://de.wordpress.org/plugins/cache-enabler/
    WP Super Cache: https://de.wordpress.org/plugins/wp-super-cache/
    W3 Total Cache: https://wordpress.org/plugins/w3-total-cache/
    Enable Media Replace: https://de.wordpress.org/plugins/enable-media-replace/
    WP Fastest Cache: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-fastest-cache/
    Autoptimize: https://de.wordpress.org/plugins/autoptimize/
    WP Rocket: https://wp-rocket.me/

    More from Bleech
    Blog Posts (WordPress Development)
    Flynt (WordPress Starter Theme)
    VRTs (Visual Tests for WordPress)
    Siegfried, deploy! (YouTube Channel)

    Google Fonts Case: Impact on the Future of Web

    Google Fonts Case: Impact on the Future of Web

    In this episode, Steffen and Dominik discuss why the verdict on the use of Google Fonts is so absurd. Does this mean that for all other services that work similarly, a ruling has to happen first? Will courts decide on designs in the future? And what could the ruling mean for free and paid fonts?

    00:00 Why do people get sued over Google Fonts?
    03:44 How to load fonts from a local server?
    08:01 Why is the verdict absurd?
    09:46 What's the problem with Google Fonts?
    13:41 Loading Google Fonts via other services (reCaptcha)
    22:43 Accomplish GDPR privacy = impact on competitiveness
    29:10 Why is it so easy to load Google Fonts?
    33:18 Future of paid and free fonts

    GDPR: https://gdpr.eu/
    Google reCAPTCHA: https://www.google.com/recaptcha/about/
    Plausible: https://plausible.io/

    More from Bleech
    Blog Posts (WordPress Development)
    Flynt (WordPress Starter Theme)
    VRTs (Visual Tests for WordPress)
    Siegfried, deploy! (YouTube Channel)

    Track Website Changes With Visual Regression Tests - Try this WordPress plugin

    Track Website Changes With Visual Regression Tests - Try this WordPress plugin

    In this episode, you'll learn how to use visual regression tests in WordPress to track website changes. We explain the benefits of visual tests, how they'll help you detect critical issues and how you can set up visual regression tests with software libraries or WordPress plugins.

    VRTs WordPress Plugin

    00:00 Intro
    00:22 What are visual regression tests (VRTs)?
    01:39 Why we build a VRTs plugin for WordPress
    04:54 Experience with BackstopJS
    11:40 Questions to consider before building a tool
    14:22 Why don't we use an existing tool?
    18:02 Why did we need visual regression tests for our websites?
    19:00 Reason 1: Automatic Plugin-Updates
    24:45 Reason 2: Code-Changes
    25:28 Reason 3: Unnoticed Changes
    30:31 How does our plugin work?
    33:47 The technical structure
    37:35 Don't miss the promo code and get 50% off :)
    38:58 Why VRTs is so simple

    VRTs WordPress Plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/visual-regression-tests/
    BackstopJS: http://garris.github.io/BackstopJS/
    Selenium: https://www.selenium.dev/
    PhantomJS: https://phantomjs.org/
    Puppeteer: https://pptr.dev/
    Playwright: https://playwright.dev/
    Storybook: https://storybook.js.org/
    Flynt Starter Theme: https://flyntwp.com/

    More from Bleech
    Blog Posts (WordPress Development)
    Flynt (WordPress Starter Theme)
    VRTs (Visual Tests for WordPress)
    Siegfried, deploy! (YouTube Channel)

    Consent Management Gone Wrong: Does Your Cookie Banner Work as Expected?

    Consent Management Gone Wrong: Does Your Cookie Banner Work as Expected?

    We've seen it many times: a cookie banner pops up on a website, but it's clearly not working as expected. External scripts are loaded right away and cookies are set without consent. What's okay to load, what isn't? How are necessary cookies defined? Who's responsible? And what would we like to of see consent management in the future?

    00:00 Intro
    00:48 What is consent management?
    02:48 How we use the cookie banner
    04:59 Accept all cookies or pay?
    08:44 Goal of the GDPR failed
    10:28 What's the problem with cookie banners?
    11:50 Example: Saving a language / country
    13:13 What does the German law TTDSG §25 say?
    15:25 Handling embedded YouTube Video on your website
    17:58 How do you check, if a cookie banner is wrongly implemented?
    22:57 Can you rely on consent management tools?
    27:16 Become more aware of the right way doing consent management
    34:24 Solution: Go privacy by design

    Borlabs Cookie: https://de.borlabs.io/borlabs-cookie/
    TTDSG §25: https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/ttdsg/__25.html
    Chrome DevTools: https://developer.chrome.com/docs/devtools/open/

    More from Bleech
    Blog Posts (WordPress Development)
    Flynt (WordPress Starter Theme)
    VRTs (Visual Tests for WordPress)
    Siegfried, deploy! (YouTube Channel)

    Revealing Blackhat PageSpeed Optimization Techniques

    Revealing Blackhat PageSpeed Optimization Techniques

    To start off the podcast, Dominik and Steffen dive deeper into the question: for what or for whom should PageSpeed be optimized?

    The user should be in the main focus of PageSpeed optimization, because a fast website contributes to a good UX. But should you consider users who come for the first time to the homepage or should you look at returning visitors?

    On the other hand a high PageSpeed score is one of the most important numbers for website clients these days. Does increasing the score - without the user in mind - force developers to think of techniques to trick the measurement tool?

    00:00 Intro / Understanding Core Web Vitals
    01:06 What did Dominik do to optimize the Bleech website?
    02:16 What is Blackhat PageSpeed Optimization?
    04:36 Should you consider Core Web Vitals or page speed ranking?
    17:15 How did we optimize the page speed of bleech.de?
    22:52 Why is this way blackhat?
    26:57 The problem with Third-Party Scripts
    29:08 What's the future of website optimization?
    39:27 Wrap up

    Our website: https://bleech.de
    PageSpeed Insights: https://pagespeed.web.dev/
    Core Web Vitals: https://web.dev/vitals/
    Plausible: https://plausible.io/
    Borlabs Cookie: https://borlabs.io/borlabs-cookie/
    Flynt WordPress Starter Theme: https://flyntwp.com/
    Partytown: https://partytown.builder.io/
    web-vitals JavaScript Library: https://github.com/GoogleChrome/web-vitals

    More from Bleech
    Blog Posts (WordPress Development)
    Flynt (WordPress Starter Theme)
    VRTs (Visual Tests for WordPress)
    Siegfried, deploy! (YouTube Channel)