
    Social Takeout

    Hosts Sarai Cole and Jeremie Johnson talk about their personal experiences with provocative social topics...sometimes with guests. www.hellosocialtakeout.com
    enSarai Freerick and Jeremie Varughese79 Episodes

    Episodes (79)

    Season 2! Episode 1: Personality Tests

    Summer Letters 9: "Your Anger is Righteous"

    Summer Letters 9: "Your Anger is Righteous"

    Mark Bautista 

    Social Takeout






    Dear Jeremie,

    Hi from Copenhagen!

    I finally left Berlin for a little while, but for work, and without markus.

    So far, I hate this city. It is the middle of August and it’s 60/14 degrees, torrential rain, and hella expensive. I literally had to go find the one plus size shop here and buy all new clothes for two days because the weather app said sunny and 70/21 so I brought sun dresses and thin billowy pants and blouses. 

    But there is a dog where I’m staying and she's super sweet. So that almost makes up for everything. 

    This trip really helps me appreciate Berlin a bit more again. 

    Fleeing back to Berlin soon! 

    My god, 3 weeks with children in the woods...sounds either really fun or horrible. I will be happy to babysit when you have one. 

    Re the diet I’m trying to only eat whole unprocessed foods, and not eat a cake a day. 

    I love your idea for the tattoo. 

    Letter from Mark:

    I know I promised you this letter awhile ago, but I’ve been processing a lot, and I really just needed some time to think. You’re at camp right now, and I hope it’s going well. I hope these kids are not driving you crazy… haha. 

    At the moment, I am sitting in my kitchen, making a little progress on my knitting, and thinking about the last few weeks. 

    We went to a concert a little while back, and it was the first one I’ve been to in a long time. Life is beginning to feel a little normal again. Anyway, at some point during the night we all started talking about many different things and someone mentioned the words, “your anger is righteous.” 

    That phrase hasn’t left me since that night, and I’ve been processing it since. 

    You see, since moving to Germany, I’ve felt A LOT of anger… more than I’ve felt in my life previously. Despite feeling like the ‘other’ back in the States, this is a whole different level in Germany. I’ve always been aware of my brown-ness, but this is a whole different game.

    Just the other day, I was told by a German that I should leave the country, after asking how I could help them, while I was at work.  I guess there's a first time for everything.

    The everyday racism, the othering, the exoticizing — I was feeling anxious and depressed for a long time. 

    When those words came out, it struck me hard. I was angry, but I wasn't allowing myself to express it. All the anxiety and depression was stemming from all of this. 

    Those words made me feel seen. The universe was like, "here's some medicine for you." 

    Later in the night we started talking about levels of awakening, and levels of healing. 

    I guess there’s still a lot of unpacking and healing to do, because those words both validated and opened something I’ve never liked to address, which is any and all personal racial trauma. 

    In the last year, I’ve lost two jobs and definitely some friends due to others’ fragility, gaslighting, verbal abuse, doubling down on their ignorance, and just plain racism.

    I’m not writing this for sympathy, but for context. 

    Being angry is righteous because it is part of the path of healing. To be honest, that’s where I’m at and that’s where I might be for a while, and I've got to be okay with that. 

    What I want to ask you is how you have navigated your journey, how you channel this energy, and maybe you could share where you are at in your journey. 

    Big (corona-safe) hugs,


    Summer Letters 8: First Tattoo

    Summer Letters 8: First Tattoo

    Sippin Tea with Joey & Marie

    Apple Podcast



    Social Takeout







    Dear Sarai,

    I am FINALLY back from 3 weeks of camping in the woods teaching English to kids. Everything feels a bit odd at the moment. The level of appreciation I have for simple things like a tub where I can have a relaxing bath in, or a large TV I can use to binge my favourite shows on, or just the lack of noise produced by children, is just so overwhelming right now. But I have to say that I did have a lot of fun at this camp and it was very emotional at times… A good emotion. I kinda miss it. I really miss the kids a lot… And I may be having some serious baby fever.

    I am so glad you and Markus got to indulge on your birthdays. What is this diet you are talking about? What does it consist of? 

    I think most people are a little afraid of growing older… I am on the same boat as you in the sense that I feel like a child just playing dress up as an adult version of me sometimes. I just do things that make sense to me at the moment and try to have fun doing it. That being said, I’ve had a recent realization. The older I get, I start to realize why I do things the way I do, or why I feel certain emotions stronger than others. It has a lot to do with trauma and triggers but also happy and positive moments I have collected in my life. Infact, to remind me of this I am getting my first tattoo as a birthday gift to myself this weekend.  It is a love letter to myself and it goes like this - “The more I know you, the more I love you”. 

    Isn’t that a beautiful line? I think if we start to think of aging as time to get to know ourselves better, it adds a certain amount of excitement, self-romance and adventure to the mix. What do you think? Let me know.


    Dear Social Takeout!

    Heyyyyy. I just want to say, I am all for your summer letters! I remember growing up in school we had pen pals and that was some of the best times. So yes, writing letters is my fave! This summer  has been nonstop chaotic for me. Believe me, I love it because I am making my goals left to right but it’s one of those feelings of BREATH!!!! I will be able to fully breath when I take vacation time next month to go to Pennsylvania and visit my uncle for the week. Of course I am excited to see him and my aunt, but more so this will be my first girl trip with my sister and first airplane ride! Am I scared? Hell yes. Heights are not in my vocabulary so you best believe I will be squeezing the living hell outta someone’s hand. But, finally taking a trip with my sister is so exciting. She is my best friend and I am blessed to experience this time with her. Also, more excited for the fact that I am going to see Weezer once again while I’m out there!  Not only that, but as well as Fall Out Boys and Green Day. This is my alternative rock fan mode activating. So yes, even though my summer has been completely filled with WORK WORK WORK, it’ll be nice to breathe for a bit. Since COVID hit, I really lost myself physically and mentally. Before COVID hit, I was working out 4 times a week, and yes I know it shouldn't be an excuse as to why I don’t work out now but it really got my mental health top notch. I’ve been doing manifestation sessions before bed in order to realign my spiritual, mental and physical health and I have to say, it’s working wonders. I’ve received many opportunities in my community and just my life changing for the better. IT’S EXHILARATING . Least to say, this summer will end with a bang and I cannot wait to see what Summer 2022 has to hold

    Summer Letters 7: Happy Birthday to Me

    Summer Letters 7: Happy Birthday to Me

    Johannes' social media links









    Dear Jeremie,

    Happy Birthday to me! And to Markus. We have been celebrating eating cake, all the pasta, and good cheeses. My diet, yes I am going on a diet, starts next week.

    I am terrified about getting older. Sometimes I feel like I’m a kid playing grownup and that I’m actually still a kid. Does anyone know how being an adult works?

    Do you ever feel like you're trying so hard but it just feels like your life is passing you by and you’re just standing in the same place. I feel desperate to move forward after this year plus of the world stopping. But am at the same time terrified of taking a step in the wrong direction. 



    Hi Sarai,


    Greetings from Lipari, which is a small island near the island of sicily.

    Yes…we are cooking pasta a lot…

    And sit on the terrace outside…

    I really waited long for this holiday…and finally we are here…

    What a year…i mean…years almost…its not just one…

    Not only the world has changed…also my whole work life…

    Suddenly we are filming stuff instead of doing life shows…

    or make podcasts…a radio-play…two films…a website…so much new stuff to do and learn…who knew, we could do all that…

    I think the uncertainty in planning stuff was or is the hardest part of the pandemic…never knowing if a thing will happen or not and how…in which format…live or on tape…with audiences…without audiences…will the finances work out…

    No wonder I (and everyone around me) needed a vacation…

    All the planning there is to do at moment is:

    which pasta to cook,

    which ice cream to buy (all of it duhhhhh), which beach to go to…


    The ice cream here…is beyond…since a few years I have a serious addiction to pistacchio ice cream…seriously…

    And here in sicily they sometimes have three or four different versions of pistacchio ice cream…heaven.

    The ice cream is super dense here and with no ice crystals in it,

    it is just perfectly creamy…

    I have no idea how they do it…i guess it is a mixture of the kind of cream they use (100000% fat)  and the temperature they freeze this stuff? Lipari is also famous for its capers…I will bring some to berlin---

    What else is there food wise…we didnt find good tomatoes yet…

    super strange…usually the ugly ones are super good here…

    the italians are sending the beautiful but tasteless tomatoes to germany…and keep the good ones for themselves…bless their heart…but since two years the tomatoes here lack the wow-factor---


    hauke cooked a pasta a few days ago, yelling and screaming at the pasta pot, which had a sieve inside for the spagetthi, which got super hot, cooked over…it seemed to be a whole opera production going on in the kitchen …but nevertheless…although it was seasoned with alot of shrill screaming and yelling the sauce was just okay…

    we called it pasta dramatica…and blamed it on the tomatoes




    What are you cooking tonight?



    Summer Letters 6: Camping with kids?

    Summer Letters 6: Camping with kids?

    More Than Tracy Turnblad

    HST Social Media:





    Dear Sarai and Jeremie,

    I adore you both and I’m so glad you asked me to write this letter! I’ve been feeling very jarred by this sudden COVID reopening and I’m super curious to hear what things are like in Germany right now. Am I alone in feeling like it’s way too soon to unmask? What’s the prevailing idea in Germany and what are your personal feelings on it? With theatre beginning to reopen in NYC, I’m particularly curious what is happening for you guys with your music.

    Hope you guys are doing well! Can’t wait to hear what you’ve been up to.

    All the best,



    Summer Letters 5: HGS - Hot Girl Summer

    Summer Letters 5: HGS - Hot Girl Summer

    Brenda Marie Turner:




    HST Social Media:





    Dear Jeremie,

     Sorry not sorry for putting all your business out there last week. I think you need to open up more and let more people get to know you.

    This week I’m back to work cleaning and its really hard. I miss my time being my own, I have so much I want to accomplish. Other than that, the house construction is ongoing. 

    Last week you asked me for dating tips. As everyone knows I’m married,  but when I first moved to Berlin, I came to party and not be serious about anyone for a while. That didn't work out so well obviously, but I loved dating. And the biggest tip I can give you is, confidence is key. Whether you are dating to find true love, a husband, a friend with benefits, a sugar daddy, whatever, the best thing you can do to attract a great person is love yourself. Know with every fiber of your being that you are fantastic. When you really feel it, when you really think you're awesome, other people want to be around that energy. 

    I think you’re camping at the moment. Why? And with children! Lol explain yourself. 

    Talk soon.



    Dear HST,

    I decided to take a little vacation to the States to visit family and friends, because I told The Universe that I expect to be BOOKED as soon as Germany opens back up. I wanted to go now, because I anticipate my calendar being so full that I won't have time to visit for a while. Anyway, I meticulously planned a 14-day stay, during which I visit seven cities in six states. I have four more days of this trip, and I'm EXHAUSTED! 

    I'm currently sitting at my parents' house, penning this letter, and exhaling after a full day of fellowship. I'm not complaining. After 18 months of practical solitude, I'm so grateful for this opportunity to spend time with these loved ones. To hug necks and to kiss cheeks, to sit in the air conditioning and don warm clothes, fresh from the electric dryer, to laugh and to eat delicious food (I have paused my typical diet and totally eaten salmon, cream-laden sauces, and a variety of desserts - the contents of which matter not to me). I regret nothing. 

    I've also determined to have what the kids are calling a "Hot Girl Summer." I'm not entirely sure what it means, but I think I'm achieving it. I'm having an absolute blast flirting (sometimes more), wearing whatever TF I want to wear, and basically just being my whole self, giving ZERO FUCKS about what anyone thinks. It's amazing. And, even though I'm looking forward to these next few days with my family, I'm excited to get back to Berlin to continue this summer of mine. 

    I suppose that's about it for now. I hope y'all are doing well and enjoying the summer.



    Summer Letters 4: Stevia Daddy

    Summer Letters 4: Stevia Daddy






    Dear Sarai,

    How are you feeling? Being sick sucks…. Did you know that I used to want to get sick when I was in school. I hated going to school so I would do things like wet my hair and sleep in front of the air conditioner at night so I would get a cold and then can skip school. It never worked.

    What are your plans for your birthday? Looks like I will not be in town on that day as I am teaching English at a summer camp. Do you need my apartment again to do your birthday party?

    Of course you asked me about my dating life over podcast. Why am I not surprised?

    So I have been chatting online with some guys. I don't really meet anyone in person for a date. I guess I am still in a pandemic rut. But I am meeting someone this evening for a proper date at one of my favourite bars in Berlin called Roses. He is a full-time musician… Let’s see how this will go.

    The sugar daddy situation…. I think he is more of a stevia daddy. He bought me groceries for some weird reason…. I’m not sure if that is a German way of impressing someone? We met each a couple of times and he definitely wants it to go somewhere.. But I know my heart is not in it. I also think he is a little frustrated because i have not given him the good good yet. So that may be the end of a chapter.

    Do you have any dating tips for me? I feel like I forgot how to date confidently.

    Let me know.


    Dear Jeremie,

    Up north at my Cottage this weekend, the weather is beautiful! I am currently sitting on the dock with a cup of coffee in hand. I can't believe you have never been up here! Next time you are in Canada we will plan a trip. Can't wait to travel to Berlin to see you post covid. I am keeping positive that it will be sooner rather  than later.  I truly believe we are moving in the right direction. 

    Miss you like crazy 



    Summer Letters 3: Hi from Home

    Summer Letters 3: Hi from Home

    Holden Madagame  Insta





    Dear Jeremie 

    Amsterdam sounds like a fun time. I’ve never been.  I was supposed to go for a concert tour but it was canceled. Can’t wait to visit some time. 

    I on the other hand am on the couch in the construction zone that is my apartment with a summer cold. Everything is terrible. 

    It’s mostly fine just I don’t like being sick. 

    I am looking forward to a few concerts in the next couple of weeks and then my birthday! 

    How is dating going? Tell us all your business! 

    Dear friends,

    Currently I'm sitting in a castle in Baden-Württemberg writing to you. I have a multi-vitamin juice next to me, and there is a dead bug on the window sill. I want to move it but I'm a little grossed out by bugs. In the other room there is a musical theater rehearsal happening and they sounds really good. The choreographer is a total babe. 

    The show I'm doing right now was postponed due to the pandemic, and I feel extremely lucky to be able to do it again. I had a lot of social anxiety the first few weeks, and thought everyone hated me and thought I was weird, but at some point I figured out that we all had our shit going on. I'm doing Dr. Blind in 'Die Fledermaus', which is normally a very small role, but the director has me doing an 'alter ego' Blind where I party like a big ole Berlin gay in the second act. I'm LIVING for it. 

    About my pandemic though. 

    I've made decisions for my happiness before, but somehow have never understood that making those decisions is a continuous effort. There is no backlog of happiness big enough that does not require me to continue making stoic and responsible choices for myself. 

    I'm not only talking about small gestures of love for myself like buying the nice coffee from the third-wave queer coffee shop, or buying the not-on-sale fruit, but those are also included. I'm talking about the general mentality that I am worth feeding, clothing, keeping dry from the weather, sharing time with, having sex with, paying fairly, and putting a roof over. 

    Happiness is relative, and a completely other complex, but I also deserve to have the best chance at happiness, which wears prioritizing myself in ways that are terrifying to me. 

    During the the pandemic I had to make a lot of small and large choices. One of them was doing a coding course on loaned money, one of them was moving back to Berlin, one was buying furniture for my empty balcony, and a new washing machine with help from my mother. 

    Growing up Catholic (with a capital C) really makes you think you're not worth any of that, and when you realize your queer and trans, it has always made me feel like I need to play moral and emotional catchup. Like, I know that my charm, friendliness, and actual favors for people can make up for my existence, but I need to keep that at a Virgo level of perfection to make sure that I have the right to all of those basic necessities (food, water, etc.). If I make a petty comment, if I find myself judging someone else, or if I'm just in a fucking cranky mood, then it docks points off of my imaginary ex-Catholic game of 'Earn Your Existence'. 

    Anyway, the pandemic was actually a good time to reflect on a lot of this behavior in a meaningful and healthy way. Before the pandemic I would constantly let people walk over my boundaries, but when the boundary is tied directly into the World Health Organization standards in a pandemic, I have a bit of help. 

    Now that things are starting to open up, I feel like I can make decisions for myself. I'm not always confident, but my intuition is just a hairline better than it was before. I have a stable programming job which is giving financial security (something I haven't had since I was a teenager). This in and of itself gives me a huge amount of freedom (which also makes me angry at capitalism, but we're not going into that right now). It also allows me to orientate myself around certain standards. It sounds strange for people who haven't been artists, but having a 'normal' job requires me to raise my standards for myself. 30,000€ a year is suddenly very little in the capitalist world, but something I've literally never earned. I'm ecstatic to have so much money, but I also know it's on the low side for my job. Also having a job that pays this much when I've only just started doing it really turns my sense of self worth around. Like, I'm apparently worth AT LEAST this much money. In singing, I'm worth more, but because I know how the system works I won't expect that much, but to know that I'm worth more is powerful. To know that my literal time is worth anything at all actually is powerful. 

    I know I should know all of this, and I tell my friends this all the time, but somehow I'm only just understanding. 

    The pandemic has also given me a huge amount of clarity for what I want my short-term future to look like. I've always been terrible at imagining my future, but I had enough time that I could think, "If I could get a programming job to support myself while I do auditions and gigs for awhile, that would be fucking great." And that's what looks like is going to happen (or is already happening). 

    Even the basic fact that I love singing is something that surprised me. I shouldn't have been surprised, but after a few months of not singing at all (what I felt was a well deserved rest from auditions and hustling) I realized that I do in fact like singing. Not just hopping around on stage and screaming which is normally what my roles are like, but the actual singing. For the first time in awhile I had the desire to sing things beautifully and with meaning, rather than purely comedically and as a vessel for laughter. I really want to sing. 

    That's all for now. Love y'all, hope you're healthy and happy as one can be in a system which prioritizes money over happiness! 



    Summer Letters 2: Amsterdam!

    Summer Letters 2: Amsterdam!

    The Brownstone Podcast 






    Dear Sarai,

    Thank you for your letter. Even though you blow up my phone every day with your text messages. LOL!

    So I have some travel news… I am in Amsterdam! So I randomly on a whim decided to take a 6-hour train ride to Amsterdam… I just really needed a break and that meant getting the F out of Germany.

    I have to say I have only been here for 2 days now and I am already in love with this city! And no, it is not because I am flying high through the amnesia haze…. ... It is because this place is so quaint, diverse and freakin’ happy….

    Today I visited the Anne Frank House…I highly recommend checking it out. I was a puddle! Trigger warning: Nazi stuff.

    Have you been to Amsterdam? What did you like about it? If you have not visited, would it be a place you would like to visit and what would you see/do?



    Letter from Jara!

    Dear Jeremie & Sarai, 

    How are you both doing?!? Let me start this letter by saying thank you so much for inviting me to be a part of your summer letter series! This is such a wonderful idea that I may just co-opt (j/k) as I’ve always wanted penpals and this feels like a modern equivalent. 

    So I’ve been pondering for a few weeks on what to write, ask, & share, and although we recorded an episode on intimacy which was quite revealing and everyone should listen to, there’s something incredibly vulnerable I find about writing letters (even ones that are typed). 

    But all of this has brought me back to our first conversations on the nature of intimacy and I was wondering, since we last spoke, has your guys’ relationship with intimacy changed? 

    I find for myself that this prolonged pandemic “state” has in many ways opened me up to shared intimacy and connection with folks (mainly strangers on the internet/ social media) that I hadn’t really let myself encounter before. But on the other hand it’s also made me weary of being in and sharing physical space with people. Like literally just being around people again (masks or no masks) has made me uncomfortable. 


    I know we’ll be unpacking the mental ramifications of this period in time for a while to come, but I’ve always been someone who was more at ease with shared physical space & intimacy vs. emotional intimacy and now I find that this has flipped for me and it’s very intriguing. Can intimacy exist in just an emotional realm without the physical? Is both necessary for “true” intimacy? I don’t really have an answer but I imagine it’s a yes. I’ve to now figure out what that looks like for me going forward. But I’m curious to hear what you both think!!

    Sending love & hugs from the States!! 


    Jara (The Brownstone w/ Jara Monique podcast) 

    Summer Letters 1: When I'm 104

    Summer Letters 1: When I'm 104







    Dear Jeremie,

    Today is my grandmother’s 104th birthday. I’m of course thinking about her and all of the times we spent together but also thinking about when I’m 104 what will the world look like? I wonder if she could have ever imagined any aspect of daily life today. She says the best invention she’s seen so far is the TV but admits she doesn’t know anything about the internet.

    Do you thinking you’ll get to 104? Who’s the oldest person in your family history? What do you think life will be like when we’re that age? I’m really sad that I cant be in California with her celebrating.

    Letter from Walidh:

    Hey guys! Love what you're doing with the podcast, a big shout out from a gay, black/arab, muslim lol! Have a great summer, looking forward to more takeout next season!

    My favourite episode was race within the lgbtq community. I personally relate to this. My ex recently transitioned from male to female. I would love to hear you talk more about everything trans. 


    Episode 40: Conspiracy Theories

    Bonus: Pride Facts

    Episode 39: Immigrant Vs. Expat

    Episode 37: Cultural Appropriation

    Episode 37: Cultural Appropriation








    What is cultural appropriation 

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    The 'caucasity': How a viral TikTok video is laying bare cultural appropriation through slang

    white Girl With Box Braids RANT

    On TikTok, Black Girls Find Visibility—And Racist Hate

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    Justin Trudeau Wore Brownface at 2001 ‘Arabian Nights’ Party While He Taught at a Private School

    Outdated cultural imagery https://eu.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/tv/2019/11/13/disney-outdated-cultural-depictions-warning-classic-films/4183705002/

    Does Justin Timberlake Have a Permanent Seat at the Cultural Appropriation Table?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCTGOtH3B4Q

    Does fashion have a cultural appropriation problem?

    Appropriation Vs. Appreciation

    White K-pop group

    How 6 Indigenous Designers Are Using Fashion to Reclaim Their Culture

    Apu from 'The Simpsons' was the bane of my life while growing up: Priyanka Chopra - The Economic Times

    BTS donates 1million$ to BLM

    Lionel Richie 



    Dua Lipa

    A Hairstyle Is Not A Civil Right: The City’s Commission On Civil Rights is Taking The Wrong 

    Approach To A Real Problem

    Nail Art Is Bigger Than Ever — So Why Aren't Black Women Getting Any Credit?
    As intricate nail art enters the mainstream, Black women are being left out of a conversation they started.

    Episode 34: Prenup/Postnup