
    Software Engineering Radio - the podcast for professional software developers

    Software Engineering Radio is a podcast targeted at the professional software developer. The goal is to be a lasting educational resource, not a newscast. SE Radio covers all topics software engineering. Episodes are either tutorials on a specific topic, or an interview with a well-known character from the software engineering world. All SE Radio episodes are original content — we do not record conferences or talks given in other venues. Each episode comprises two speakers to ensure a lively listening experience. SE Radio is brought to you by the IEEE Computer Society and IEEE Software magazine.
    en-usSE-Radio Team612 Episodes

    Episodes (612)

    Episode 547: Nicholas Manson on Identity Management for Cloud Applications

    Episode 547: Nicholas Manson on Identity Management for Cloud Applications
    Nicholas Manson, a SaaS Architect with more than 2 decades of experience building cloud applications, speaks with host Kanchan Shringi about identity and access management requirements for cloud applications. They begin by examining what a digital...

    Episode 543: Jon Smart on Patterns and Anti-Patterns for Successful Software Delivery in Enterprises

    Episode 543: Jon Smart on Patterns and Anti-Patterns for Successful Software Delivery in Enterprises
    Jon Smart, author of the book Sooner Safer Happier: Patterns and Antipatterns for Business Agility, discusses patterns and anti-patterns for the success of enterprise software projects. Host Brijesh Ammanath speaks with him about the various common...

    Episode 541: Jordan Harband and Donald Fischer on Securing the Supply Chain

    Episode 541: Jordan Harband and Donald Fischer on Securing the Supply Chain

    Open source developers Jordan Harband and Donald Fischer join host Robert Blumen for a conversation about securing the software supply chain, especially open source. They start by reviewing supply chain security concepts, particularly as related to open..

    Episode 539: Adam Dymitruk on Event Modeling

    Episode 539: Adam Dymitruk on Event Modeling

    Adam Dymitruk, CEO and founder of Adaptech Group, joins host Jeff Doolittle for an exploration of the event modeling approach to discovering requirements and designing software systems. Adam explains how the structured approach eliminates the specifics of implementation details and technology decisions, enabling clearer communication for all stakeholders while keeping conversations focused on the business opportunity. Using concrete examples of event modeling in practice, they examine event modeling in the context of other related approaches and methodologies, including event sourcing, event storming, CQRS, and domain-driven design.


    Episode 538: Roberto Di Cosmo on Archiving Public Software at Massive Scale

    Episode 538: Roberto Di Cosmo on Archiving Public Software at Massive Scale
    Roberto Di Cosmo, Computer Science professor at University Paris Diderot and founder of the Software Heritage initiative, discusses how to protect against sudden loss from the collapse of a "free" source code repository provider, how to protect...

    Episode 537: Adam Warski on Scala and Tapir

    Episode 537: Adam Warski on Scala and Tapir

    Adam Warski, the co-founder and CTO of SoftwareMill, discusses Scala programming and the Tapir library. Scala is a general-purpose JVM language, and Tapir is a back-end library used to describe HTTP API endpoints as immutable Scala values. Host Philip Winston speaks with Warski about the implications of Scala being a JVM language, the Scala type system, the Scala community's view of functional vs. object-oriented programming, and the transition of the ecosystem from Scala 2 to Scala 3. The Tapir discussion explores why Tapir is a library and not a framework, how server interpreters work in Tapir, how interceptors work, and what observability features are included with Tapir.