
    Soul Full of Wellness

    Soul Full of Wellness is a Personal Wellness Evolution Podcast. The Soulfull Community is a space where we embrace living well your way, no trends, diets, or one size fits all advice here. You’re unique, so why would your wellness journey be any different? We’ve been through it, from painful gut health transformations, leaving toxic relationships, healing career burnout, to discovering our truest self, and defining what being well looks like for ourselves. Our personal experiences led us to become certified coaches and ultimately create this podcast. We aim to bring you practical guidance and share our personal experiences- so you too can heal inside & out and experience your own wellness evolution. Join us every Thursday, as we embrace living from the soul: no trends, diets, or one size fits all advice here. Soul full of Wellness is a multi-generational podcast brought to you by two functional im-perfectionists & certified coaches who deliver weekly wellness tips & personal stories to help you live your most authentic and balanced life. Kit & Kaelynn bring something new: a blend of Millennial and Gen X perspectives to create a unique listening experience that motivates you to go after the life you want.
    enSoulfull LLC209 Episodes

    Episodes (209)

    Revitalize and Thrive: Strategies for When You're Mentally Checked Out

    Revitalize and Thrive: Strategies for When You're Mentally Checked Out

    When you're feeling exausted, overworked and burnt out and life feels like one long, continous "go" this is a signal to you that you are in NEED of grounding. And Fall is a time in the wellness space when you’ll hear the term “grounded” a lot. But HOW do we get grounded?

    This week we’re talking about getting grounded to help us stay present, recharge & reconnect. If we have no OFF or PAUSE button, we will become burnt out, clinically. The change of season is the perfect opportunity for us to slow down, take inventory of our life, take a breath, reconnect with our vision, ourself, our relationship, and reassess our habits.

    In this episode we chat about what it may feel like when you’re not grounded… feeling flighty, burntout, going through the motions, moving through the day too quickly, not stopping to smell the roses, and just be.

    We also discuss:

    • Why fall is seductive
    • Why we mentally check out
    • Operating on autopilot
    • Grounding/Earthing
    • Seasonal markers as kids vs. being intentional as adults

    We wrap up with 4 tools for you to try this week.

    We’d love to have you as a regular listener, so if you enjoy this episode, please consider subscribing. You’ll get a new episode of wellness delivered automatically every Thursday morning!

    If you haven’t yet rated & reviewed Soul Full of Wellness, please do that today.

    The Soulfull Community is a space where we embrace living well your way, no trends, diets, or one size fits all advice here. You’re unique, so why would your wellness journey be any different? We’ve been through it, from painful gut health transformation, leaving toxic relationships, healing career burnout, to discovering our truest self, and defining what being well looks like for ourselves. Join us on your personal transformation and healing journey, for a real, relatable, and multi-faceted wellness conversation every Thursday & book your COMPLIMENTARY Coaching session at SFOWpodcast@gmail.com

    Thanks for listening & evolving with us over the last 3½ years!

    We love hearing from you, so please email questions or suggestions for future episodes to SFOWpodcast@gmail.com.

    Don't forget to subscribe, rate & review! :)

    We invite you to visit our website at soulfullofwellness.com

    Find us on Apple Podcasts.

    Find us on Spotify.

    Find us on the Samsung app.

    If you enjoy this episode, please share it with a friend!

    Thank you to Nick Serena for our theme music!

    15% off AG1 + 5 FREE travel packs & FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2

    Start each day with a daily serving of Athletic Greens!

    • 75 vitamins, minerals & whole-food sourced nutrients in one convenient daily serving
    • Aids Digestion
    • Boosts Energy
    • Low-Carb
    • No Artificial Colors
    • Vegan
    • Quick & Easy To Make


    Why Movement is Meditation in Motion

    Why Movement is Meditation in Motion

    Okay, you already know you should exercise most days, but did you also know that it’s really important to sit less too?

    Yep! We’ve recently learned the unfortunate news that a daily hour of exercise doesn't grant you permission to sit on your butt the rest of the day.

    Sitting less can be a challenge - especially if you have a desk job - but it's vital to your health to sit less and move more!

    In this episode:

    • an intimate peek into Kit's living room
    • why Kaelynn hasn't rollerbladed in a year

    GREAT NEWS! You don’t need to be a serious athlete or total fitness fanatic to reap the rewards of dedicated daily movement. Simply put: movement is meditation in motion, and in all its forms can act as a stress reliever. 

    We all know that exercise does your body good, but you may be too busy and overextended to regularly fit it into your busy schedule.

    Bringing more activity into your daily life can boost your feel-good endorphins which will help you keep anxiety under control.

    Today we’re giving you 8 specific ways to help you sneak more exercise into every day! Whatever you do, there’s no need to think of movement as “one more thing” on your daily to-do list.

    Just remember these 8 Soulful Strategies to make more movement work for you!

    Thanks for listening & evolving with us over the last 3½ years!

    We love hearing from you, so please email questions or suggestions for future episodes to SFOWpodcast@gmail.com.

    Don't forget to subscribe, rate & review! :)

    We invite you to visit our website at soulfullofwellness.com

    Find us on Apple Podcasts.

    Find us on Spotify.

    Find us on the Samsung app.

    If you enjoy this episode, please share it with a friend!

    Thank you to Nick Serena for our theme music!


    15% off AG1 + 5 FREE travel packs & FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2

    Start each day with a daily serving of Athletic Greens!

    • 75 vitamins, minerals & whole-food sourced nutrients in one convenient daily serving
    • Aids Digestion
    • Boosts Energy
    • Low-Carb
    • No Artificial Colors
    • Vegan
    • Quick & Easy To Make


    Elevate Your Vibe: Wellness Strategies for a Stylish Life

    Elevate Your Vibe: Wellness Strategies for a Stylish Life

    In the spirit of last week’s episode, we are continuing the confidence theme this week **inspired by and dedicated to Kae's FABULOUS MOM, VEE**. In today’s episode we’re exploring the theme of developing your own personal style and how this relates to your wellbeing. We cover trends vs. embracing authenticity, power dressing, and visioning for your future self. We share a snippet of wardrobe stylist VEEFAB's wisdom AND author Allison Bornstein's 3 Word Method for nailing your unique flair so you can feel confident in your own skin and express your badass self. 

    ~Speaking of personal ~ Personal style is a passion Kae and her mom both shared. Before she got sick with Parkinson's disease, Vee was utilizing her skills to empower women to feel their best, inside and out. She had a fashion and lifestyle blog that connected thousands of women of all ages across the globe. "I created VeeFabulous to celebrate women, like us, who enjoy getting their fashion fix and are in their forty’s and beyond. I want to inspire you to create your own fresh, chic and stylish look and to realize that a woman is beautiful at any age. Look at it this way; we are like a fine wine and we get better with age. So let’s put our Spanx on, forget about our lines and bumps and have some fun.  Here’s to the NEW YOU!" - Vilma. Her legacy spans so far beyond fashion but she certainly knew how to show up in style, radiating authenticity & confidence from the inside out, always making you feel like the most special person, and buliding community wherever she went.. So this episode is dedicated to Vilma Serena. Adored Mother, Wife, Sister, Aunt, and Friend. 

    Personal style is a representation of our authenticity. Playing with our clothes can spark joy, instill confidence, and positively impact our view of self. So let's have some fun with this, Soulfulls! 

    In today's episode:

    • Kaelynn shares a snippet from her mom's blog, VeeFabulous
    • 5 Step Closet-Editing-System

    Love you all, 

    Kaelynn & Kit

    Soul Full Wellness is a Personal Wellness Evolution Podcast and community that embraces living well your way, no trends, diets, or one size fits all advice here. 

    We aim to bring you practical guidance and share our personal experiences- so you too can heal inside & out and experience your own wellness evolution. 

    Join us every Thursday, as we embrace living from the soul.


    Thanks for listening & evolving with us over the last 3½ years!

    We love hearing from you, so please email questions or suggestions for future episodes to SFOWpodcast@gmail.com.

    Don't forget to subscribe, rate & review! :)

    We invite you to visit our website at soulfullofwellness.com

    Find us on Apple Podcasts.

    Find us on Spotify.

    Find us on the Samsung app.

    If you enjoy this episode, please share it with a friend!

    Thank you to Nick Serena for our theme music!


    15% off AG1 + 5 FREE travel packs & FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2

    Start each day with a daily serving of Athletic Greens!

    75 vitamins, minerals & whole-food sourced nutrients in one convenient daily serving


    6 Tips For More Body Confidence

    6 Tips For More Body Confidence

    Soulfull of Wellness: Wellness simplified.


    Welcome to Soulfull of Wellness! We’re Kit & Kaelynn, certified wellness coaches who know firsthand what it’s like to feel perpetually unwell - in body, mind, and relationships. Since then, we’ve experienced holistic health transformations that have changed our lives. That’s why we felt inspired to become certified coaches and ultimately create this podcast, to bring you practical guidance and share our personal experiences- so you too can heal inside & out and experience your own wellness evolution. Join us every Thursday, as we embrace living from the soul: no trends, diets, or one size fits all advice here.


    In this episode, we share 6 actionable steps we can take to heal our relationship with our bodies. We’ll explore the factors that shape our body image, its impact on our mental and physical wellbeing, and most importantly how we can cultivate self love and appreciation. 


    Our relationship to our bodies plays a significant role in our overall wellness. The (unfortunate) reality is that most of us have been influenced negatively during our upbringing by societal and cultural beauty standards. But the upside is that we have the power to nurture and heal ourselves! Here are 6 actionable steps to strengthen your relationship and build true inner confidence! 


    In today’s episode:

    • Kaelynn & Kit get PERSONAL and disclose their body relationship highs and lows
    • Learn what body part Kit’s most proud of (this one will surprise you!)  
    • Kaelynn sets a Confidence Building Affirmation Challenge


    15% off AG1 + 5 FREE travel packs & FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2

    Start each day with a daily serving of Athletic Greens!

    • 75 vitamins, minerals & whole-food sourced nutrients in one convenient daily serving
    • Aids Digestion
    • Boosts Energy
    • Low-Carb
    • No Artificial Colors
    • Vegan
    • Quick & Easy To Make


    Thanks for listening & evolving with us over the last 3½ years!

    We love hearing from you, so please email questions or suggestions for future episodes to SFOWpodcast@gmail.com.

    Don't forget to subscribe, rate & review! :)

    We invite you to visit our website at soulfullofwellness.com

    Find us on Apple Podcasts.

    Find us on Spotify.

    Find us on the Samsung app.

    If you enjoy this episode, please share it with a friend!

    Thank you to Nick Serena for our theme music!


    How Your Personality Impacts Your Health

    How Your Personality Impacts Your Health

    SoulFull Wellness is a personal wellness evolution podcast and community that embrace living well your way, no trends, diets, or one-size-fits-all advice here. 

    We aim to bring you practical guidance and share our personal experiences so that you too can heal inside and out to experience your own wellness evolution. 

    Join us every Thursday, as we embrace living from the soul!

    In today’s episode we talk about personality profiles and ways your characteristics might be getting in the way of improving your wellness.

    We’re covering the top 5 personality types our listeners use to describe themselves and pointing out important things to watch out for with each so you can avoid the pitfalls.

    In this episode:

    • success in “life” vs. in wellness
    • Kae’s recent experience creating intentionally ugly art
    • Kit’s personal struggle with the linen closet

    Thanks for listening & evolving with us over the last 3½ years!

    We love hearing from you, so please email questions or suggestions for future episodes to SFOWpodcast@gmail.com.

    Don't forget to subscribe, rate & review! :)

    We invite you to visit our website at soulfullofwellness.com

    Find us on Apple Podcasts.

    Find us on Spotify.

    Find us on the Samsung app.

    If you enjoy this episode, please share it with a friend!

    Thank you to Nick Serena for our theme music!


    15% off AG1 + 5 FREE travel packs & FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2

    Start each day with a daily serving of Athletic Greens!

    • 75 vitamins, minerals & whole-food sourced nutrients in one convenient daily serving
    • Aids Digestion
    • Boosts Energy
    • Low-Carb
    • No Artificial Colors
    • Vegan
    • Quick & Easy To Make


    When Laziness Is a Path to Wellness

    When Laziness Is a Path to Wellness

    Today we’re diving into Sloth Philosophy for those times when the going gets tough, like really tough. Sometimes life calls for taking a step back from the rat race in order to tune into ourselves and our truest desires - to take us out of the monotony & the trance and begin to nurture ourselves again. 

    As with everything, there’s a time and a place. Life’s about achieving balance. So we’re embracing sloth philosophy to help you be able to listen and trust yourself again.

    In today’s episode:

    • Kaelynn shares when her therapist gave her permission to disassociate
    • Kit admits why TV is her self-care (hint: escapism)
    • the SLOTH acronym for wellness

    Welcome to Soulfull Wellness! The Soulfull Community is a space where we embrace living well your way, no trends, diets, or one size fits all advice here. You’re unique, so why would your wellness journey be any different? We’ve been through it, from painful gut health transformation, leaving toxic relationships, healing career burnout, to discovering our truest self, and defining what being well looks like for ourselves. Our personal experiences led us to become certified coaches and ultimately create this podcast. We aim to bring you practical guidance and share our personal experiences- so you too can heal inside & out and experience your own wellness evolution. Join us every Thursday, as we embrace living from the soul: no trends, diets, or one size fits all advice here.


    Thanks for listening & evolving with us over the last 3½ years!

    We love hearing from you, so please email questions or suggestions for future episodes to SFOWpodcast@gmail.com.

    Don't forget to subscribe, rate & review! :)

    We invite you to visit our website at soulfullofwellness.com

    Find us on Apple Podcasts.

    Find us on Spotify.

    Find us on the Samsung app.

    If you enjoy this episode, please share it with a friend!

    Thank you to Nick Serena for our theme music!


    15% off AG1 + 5 FREE travel packs & FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2

    Start each day with a daily serving of Athletic Greens!

    • 75 vitamins, minerals & whole-food sourced nutrients in one convenient daily serving
    • Aids Digestion
    • Boosts Energy
    • Low-Carb
    • No Artificial Colors
    • Vegan
    • Quick & Easy To Make


    Chaos to Calm: Reset Your Brain in Just 3 Minutes

    Chaos to Calm: Reset Your Brain in Just 3 Minutes

    Developing a regular meditation practice can help:

    • improve physical health
    • relieve stress
    • treat heart disease
    • lower blood pressure
    • reduce chronic pain
    • improve sleep
    • alleviate gastrointestinal difficulties
    • other health ailments

    So why don't we all mediate daily?!

    Kit & Kae dig into this paradox in today's episode and help us all overcome our mediatation inertia with the perfect 3 minute fix!


    Thanks for listening & evolving with us over the last 3½ years!

    We love hearing from you, so please email questions or suggestions for future episodes to SFOWpodcast@gmail.com.

    Don't forget to subscribe, rate & review! :)

    We invite you to visit our website at soulfullofwellness.com

    Find us on Apple Podcasts.

    Find us on Spotify.

    Find us on the Samsung app.

    If you enjoy this episode, please share it with a friend!

    Thank you to Nick Serena for our theme music!


    15% off AG1 + 5 FREE travel packs & FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2

    Start each day with a daily serving of Athletic Greens!

    • 75 vitamins, minerals & whole-food sourced nutrients in one convenient daily serving
    • Aids Digestion
    • Boosts Energy
    • Low-Carb
    • No Artificial Colors
    • Vegan
    • Quick & Easy To Make

    Empowering Your Essence: Protecting Your Energy & Staying Rooted

    Empowering Your Essence: Protecting Your Energy & Staying Rooted

    Today we’re talking about why you need to protect your energy and how to stay rooted in your personal power. Self care is not selfish, it's essential. In today's episode, you'll learn how to build your impenetrable protection bubble, neutralize your space, and dismantle the energy vampires who are wrecking your vibe, which will leave you feeling both powerful and peaceful!

    Soul Full of Wellness is a Personal Wellness Evolution Podcast. 

    The Soulfull Community is a space where we embrace living well your way, no trends, diets, or one size fits all advice here. You’re unique, so why would your wellness journey be any different? We’ve been through it, from painful gut health transformations, leaving toxic relationships, healing career burnout, to discovering our truest self, and defining what being well looks like for ourselves. Our personal experiences led us to become certified coaches and ultimately create this podcast. We aim to bring you practical guidance and share our personal experiences- so you too can heal inside & out and experience your own wellness evolution. Join us every Thursday, as we embrace living from the soul: no trends, diets, or one size fits all advice here.

    In today's episode:

    • Kaelynn shares how to clear stagnant energy in your home
    • Kaelynn shares her visualization energy protection bubble & how you can create your own

    Soul full of Wellness is a multi-generational podcast brought to you by two functional im-perfectionists & certified coaches who deliver weekly wellness tips & personal stories to help you live your most authentic and balanced life. Kit & Kaelynn bring something new: a blend of Millennial and Gen X perspectives to create a unique listening experience that motivates you to go after the life you want.


    Thanks for listening & evolving with us over the last 3½ years!

    We love hearing from you, so please email questions or suggestions for future episodes to SFOWpodcast@gmail.com.

    Don't forget to subscribe, rate & review! :)

    We invite you to visit our website at soulfullofwellness.com

    Find us on Apple Podcasts.

    Find us on Spotify.

    Find us on the Samsung app.

    If you enjoy this episode, please share it with a friend!

    Thank you to Nick Serena for our theme music!

    15% off AG1 + 5 FREE travel packs & FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2

    Start each day with a daily serving of Athletic Greens!

    75 vitamins, minerals & whole-food sourced nutrients in one convenient daily serving

    • Aids Digestion
    • Boosts Energy
    • Low-Carb
    • No Artificial Colors
    • Vegan
    • Quick & Easy To Make


    8 Calming Hacks For When You're Feeling Triggered & Reactive

    8 Calming Hacks For When You're Feeling Triggered & Reactive

    * Today's episode is a SFW favorite from the vault! Although Anxiety is ~unfortunately~ necessary for human survival, that doesn’t mean we're powerless against it. It CAN be managed. The good news is that YOU are in the driver’s seat. 

    Grounding techniques are exercises that help us stay in the present moment and are designed to return our bodies back to our baseline. A grounding technique is a natural coping strategy that tells your brain you're safe and okay. 

    Just as your body knows how to activate panic, it also knows how to return to a state of calm, using your parasympathetic nervous system.

    Following up on last week’s episode on hidden signs of stress and anxiety, this week we help you build from the awareness of your triggers and reactions with 8 grounding techniques to calm your anxious mind when you're feeling out of whack, triggered by stress, or just plain ol' anxious. 

    In today’s episode: 

      • The coaches guide you through their favorite, quick breathwork practice.
      • Kit shares her health update post-shoulder operation.

      • Kaelynn share’s her personal journey with “hanger” and what she’s learned from a nutritionist on blood sugar regulation & mood.

    The Soulfull Community is A space where we embrace living well your way, no trends, diets, or one size fits all advice here. You’re unique, so why would your wellness journey be any different? We’ve been through it, from painful gut health transformation, leaving toxic relationships, healing career burnout, to discovering our truest self, and defining what being well looks like for ourselves. Join us on your personal transformation and healing journey, for a real, relatable, and multi-faceted wellness conversation every Thursday & book your COMPLIMENTARY Coaching session at SFOWpodcast@gmail.com

    Thanks for listening and evolving with us over the last 3½ years! 

    Don't forget to follow, rate & review! :)

    We invite you to visit our website at https://www.soulfullofwellness.com/

    We love hearing from you, so if you have questions or suggestions for future episodes, email us at SFOWpodcast@gmail.com

    Thank you to Nick Serena for our theme music!



    15% off AG1 + 5 FREE travel packs & FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2

    Start each day with a daily serving of Athletic Greens!

    75 vitamins, minerals & whole-food sourced nutrients in one convenient daily serving

    • Aids Digestion
    • Boosts Energy
    • Low-Carb
    • No Artificial Colors
    • Vegan
    • Quick & Easy To Make

    Find us on Apple Podcasts.

    Find us on Spotify.

    Find us on the Samsung app.

    If you enjoy this episode, please share it with a friend!


    Soulfull Wellness: Wellness simplified. 

    How To Prevent Panic Attacks & Recognize Hidden Stress Signals

    How To Prevent Panic Attacks & Recognize Hidden Stress Signals

    **Before today's episode begins, Kaelynn & Kit give a personal update.**

    Welcome to Soulfull Wellness. We’re Kit & Kaelynn, certified wellness coaches who know firsthand what it’s like to feel perpetually unwell - in body, mind, and relationships. Since then, we’ve experienced holistic health transformations that have changed our lives. That’s why we created this podcast to bring you practical guidance and share our deep dark secrets - so you too can heal inside & out. Join us every Thursday, as we embrace living from the soul: no trends, diets, or one size fits all advice here.

    Stress is pervasive. Unfortunately, it's not going anywhere. Certainly the majority of us are not liokely to drop out of the rat race to become monks, meditate all day, and find inner peace. Sounds ideal - but a tad farfetched, right? Well, worry not, because simply paying attention to your mind-body connection can do a wonder of good for your health and wellbeing.

    Keeping both the mind and body strong is key to living a happier, healthier life. It's important to take into account that mental and physical health are interconnected and can impact everything from how we feel to how we show up in the world. Today we’re talking about ways your mind, body and behavior tell you when you’re stressed and what you can do about it.

    Thanks for listening! Don't forget to follow, rate & review! :)

    Find us on Apple Podcasts.

    Find us on Spotify.

    Find us on the Samsung app.

    If you enjoy this episode, please share it with a friend.

    Soul Full of Wellness embraces living from the soul, your spirit, how to stay lovingly connected to your true self - learning tools from certified health & wellness coaches to help you successfully navigate the ups and downs of life.

    Kit & Kaelynn bring something new: a blend of Millennial & Gen X perspectives to create a unique listening experience that motivates you to go after the life you want.

    We invite you to visit our website. soulfullofwellness.com

    Email questions & suggestions to SFOWpodcast@gmail.com


    15% off AG1 + 5 FREE travel packs & FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2

    Start each day with a daily serving of Athletic Greens!

    75 vitamins, minerals & whole-food sourced nutrients in one convenient daily serving

    • Aids Digestion
    • Boosts Energy
    • Low-Carb
    • No Artificial Colors
    • Vegan
    • Quick & Easy To Make


    Creating Calm: How Organizing Your Environment Boosts Mental Health

    Creating Calm: How Organizing Your Environment Boosts Mental Health

    Clutter can lead to decreased focus, confusion or tension, ultimately making it more difficult to relax, both physically and mentally.  A disorganized space signals to your brain that your work is never done. Physical clutter bombards your brain with excessive stimulation. Taking the time to streamline your space and organize your life is practicing a very important form of self-care. 

    Today we’re talking about getting organized, because clutter and mess are linked to negative emotions like confusion, tension, and irritability while an organized environment tends to produce positive emotions like calmness and a sense of well-being. An organized space helps you have an organized mind and helps keep anxiety at bay.

    Episode highlights:

    • The coaches dive into how physical clutter impacts our mental wellbeing. 
    • Why self care looks different for everyone and can include changing or organzing our environment 

    Welcome to Soulfull Wellness! The Soulfull Community is a space where we embrace living well your way, no trends, diets, or one size fits all advice here. You’re unique, so why would your wellness journey be any different? We’ve been through it, from painful gut health transformation, leaving toxic relationships, healing career burnout, to discovering our truest self, and defining what being well looks like for ourselves. That’s why we felt inspired to become certified coaches and ultimately create this podcast, to bring you practical guidance and share our personal experiences- so you too can heal inside & out and experience your own wellness evolution. Join us every Thursday, as we embrace living from the soul: no trends, diets, or one size fits all advice here.

    We invite you to book your COMPLIMENTARY Coaching session at SFOWpodcast@gmail.com

    Join us every Thursday for an honest, entertaining, & approachable conversation about what wellness looks like for you!

    Thanks for listening! Don't forget to subscribe, rate & review! :)

    We invite you to visit our website.

    Email questions & suggestions to SFOWpodcast@gmail.com

    Thank you to Nick Serena for our theme music!

    15% off AG1 + 5 FREE travel packs & FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2

    Start each day with a daily serving of Athletic Greens!

    75 vitamins, minerals & whole-food sourced nutrients in one convenient daily serving

    • Aids Digestion
    • Boosts Energy
    • Low-Carb
    • No Artificial Colors
    • Vegan
    • Quick & Easy To Make

    1 Simple Tool to Soothe Your Generalized Anxiety

    1 Simple Tool to Soothe Your Generalized Anxiety

    Welcome to Soulfull Wellness! We’re Kit & Kaelynn, certified wellness coaches who know firsthand what it’s like to feel perpetually unwell - in body, mind, and relationships. Since then, we’ve experienced holistic health transformations that have changed our lives. That’s why we created this podcast to bring you practical guidance and share our deep dark secrets - so you too can heal inside & out. Join us every Thursday, as we embrace living from the soul: no trends, diets, or one size fits all advice here.


    In today’s episode:

    Today’s episode focuses on one simple master tool to revolutionize the way you control your own anxiety.

    Do you over-plan, over-think, and give waaaayy too much energy to things that really don’t matter all that much? Does your perfectionism prevent you from finishing (or even starting!) tasks? Do you identify as someone who struggles with anxiety? This episode is for you!

    In this episode we’re gifting a very special coaching master tool that will truly change your ability to process and contain your anxiety, leaving your feeling powerful and in control.

    Thanks for listening! Don't forget to subscribe, rate & review! :)


    We invite you to visit our website.

    Email questions & suggestions to SFOWpodcast@gmail.com

    Thank you to Nick Serena for our theme music!

    15% off AG1 + 5 FREE travel packs & FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2

    Start each day with a daily serving of Athletic Greens!

    75 vitamins, minerals & whole-food sourced nutrients in one convenient daily serving

    • Aids Digestion
    • Boosts Energy
    • Low-Carb
    • No Artificial Colors
    • Vegan
    • Quick & Easy To Make

    The Going Got Tough... Now What?! How To Cope

    The Going Got Tough... Now What?! How To Cope

    How’s your wellness journey going? More to the point, how are YOU? 

    We know that you, dear listener, are on a personal growth journey, that’s how you found us in the first place. We’re right there with you! As im-perfectionists, we’re always striving to do better, to be better, so we focus on progress, oftentimes not leaving room for life’s little surprises. And as we all know, life happens… often without warning. Sometimes we don’t need to add more to our plate, including self-growth, sometimes we simply need to survive. 

    Wellness is not always about bettering ourselves, but about meeting yourself just where you are.

    There are times in your life when all is well (we love these times!) and then there are the tough times (the “no way out but through” times). Today we’re talking about the latter because… life happens.

    Today we’re talking about what to do to care for yourself during tough times.

    Included in this episode:

    • Kit’s surgery announcement

    • When someone asks: How are you? (how do you answer)

    • If you’re not honest with yourself → Numbing behaviors

    • Accidental manifestation

    • Denial, Acceptance & Taking it too far

    • Living a paradox


    Thanks for listening! Don't forget to subscribe, rate & review! :)

    We invite you to visit our website.

    Email questions & suggestions to SFOWpodcast@gmail.com

    Thank you to Nick Serena for our theme music!

    15% off AG1 + 5 FREE travel packs & FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2

    Start each day with a daily serving of Athletic Greens!

    75 vitamins, minerals & whole-food sourced nutrients in one convenient daily serving

    • Aids Digestion
    • Boosts Energy
    • Low-Carb
    • No Artificial Colors
    • Vegan
    • Quick & Easy To Make

    5 Habits To Overcome Shame & Regret To Love Yourself Again

    5 Habits To Overcome Shame & Regret To Love Yourself Again

    Welcome to Soulfull Wellness!

    We’re Kit & Kaelynn, certified wellness coaches who know firsthand what it’s like to feel perpetually unwell - in body, mind, and relationships. Since then, we’ve experienced holistic health transformations that have changed our lives. That’s why we created this podcast to bring you practical guidance and share our deep dark secrets - so you too can heal inside & out.

    Join us every Thursday, as we embrace living from the soul: no trends, diets, or one size fits all advice here.


    In today’s episode:

    What is self-love? This phrase has been receiving a lot of buzz on self-help and wellness social media posts & blog articles, but what does it really mean and how can it affect your mental health?


    Episode highlights:

    • how to appreciate yourself & treat yourself with kindness in thoughts & actions 

    • 5 habits to improve your physical & psychological well-being

    • how to boost your confidence, self-esteem & tune into your strengths

    • Kit enters the confessional & shares a shameful secret from her past

    • Kaelynn reveals her biggest summertime weakness


    As with all habits, practice makes perfect & self-love is something worth practicing for good mental health. If you want help with today’s 5 self-love habits, speaking with a coach could help. If you’re struggling with mental health, we’re here to help. Please email us at SFOWpodcast@gmail.com to book a complimentary consultation. 


    Thanks for listening and evolving with us over the last 3½ years! 

    Don't forget to follow, rate & review! :)

    We invite you to visit our website at soulfullofwellness.com

    We love hearing from you, so if you have questions or suggestions for future episodes, email us.

    Welcome to Soulfull Wellness! We’re Kit & Kaelynn, certified wellness coaches who know firsthand what it’s like to feel perpetually unwell - in body, mind, and relationships. Since then, we’ve experienced holistic health transformations that have changed our lives. That’s why we created this podcast to bring you practical guidance and share our deep dark secrets - so you too can heal inside & out. Join us every Thursday, as we embrace living from the soul: no trends, diets, or one size fits all advice here.

    15% off AG1 Start each day with a daily serving of Athletic Greens!

    • 75 vitamins, minerals & whole-food sourced nutrients in one convenient daily serving
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    • Quick & Easy To Make


    In today’s episode:

    What is self-love? This phrase has been receiving a lot of buzz on self-help and wellness social media posts & blog articles, but what does it really mean and how can it affect your mental health?


    Episode highlights:

    • how to appreciate yourself & treat yourself with kindness in thoughts & actions 

    • 5 habits to improve your physical & psychological well-being

    • how to boost your confidence, self-esteem & tune into your strengths

    • Kit enters the confessional & shares a shameful secret from her past

    • Kaelynn reveals her biggest summertime weakness


    As with all habits, practice makes perfect & self-love is something worth practicing for good mental health. If you want help with today’s 5 self-love habits, speaking with a coach could help. If you’re struggling with mental health, we’re here to help. Please email us at SFOWpodcast@gmail.com to book a complimentary consultation. 


    Thanks for listening and evolving with us over the last 3½ years! 

    Don't forget to follow, rate & review! :)

    We invite you to visit our website at soulfullofwellness.com

    We love hearing from you, so if you have questions or suggestions for future episodes, email us.

    Thank you to Nick Serena for our theme music!


    15% off AG1 + 5 FREE travel packs & FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2

    Start each day with a daily serving of Athletic Greens!

    75 vitamins, minerals & whole-food sourced nutrients in one convenient daily serving

    • Aids Digestion
    • Boosts Energy
    • Low-Carb
    • No Artificial Colors
    • Vegan
    • Quick & Easy To Make


    How To Let Go of Fear: Spiritual Life Hacks For Learning How to Trust The Universe

    How To Let Go of Fear: Spiritual Life Hacks For Learning How to Trust The Universe

    Welcome to Soulfull Wellness. We’re Kit & Kaelynn, certified wellness coaches who know firsthand what it’s like to feel perpetually unwell - in body, mind, and relationships. Since then, we’ve experienced holistic health transformations that have changed our lives. That’s why we created this podcast to bring you practical guidance and share our deep dark secrets - so you too can heal inside & out. Join us every Thursday, as we embrace living from the soul: no trends, diets, or one size fits all advice here.

    This episode is for you... if you have that intuitive sense that something’s missing, or if you’ve been experiencing significant anxiety for a while now.. Is something missing in your life? You’re doing all this work to change your habits and behavior, and you feel this nagging of unfulfillment or doubt about your journey? A boost to your spiritual self may be in order. 

    Spiritual wellness explores your sense of meaning and existence in life to then fulfill your purpose. Through intentional practices you can begin to develop your spiritual self and as a result, can closer to your Higher Self. 

    Episode Highlights:

    • Kae shares her favorite, simple manifestation step-by-step template to attract all your desires.
    • Kit shares her growth out of spiritual skeptisism and into trusting the Universe.
    • The coaches discuss real life examples on how you can cultivate your intuition and let go of fear that is holding you back.

    Journal Prompts we promised:

    Developing your spiritual self looks different for everyone. Take a moment to assess your own spiritual wellness by pondering the following questions:

    1. What gives your life meaning and purpose?

    2. What gives you hope?

    3. How do you get through tough times? Where do you find comfort?

    4. How can you learn more about other people’s views about life issues, especially when they differ from yours?

    5. How can you attempt to expand your awareness of different ethnic, racial and religious groups?

    6. When can you make time in your day dedicated specifically to relaxation?

    7. How do your values guide your decisions and actions?


    Thanks for listening! Don't forget to follow, rate & review! :)

    We invite you to visit our website. https://www.soulfullofwellness.com/

    Email questions & suggestions to SFOWpodcast@gmail.com

    Thank you to Nick Serena for our theme music!


    15% off AG1 + 5 FREE travel packs & FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2

    Start each day with a daily serving of Athletic Greens!

    75 vitamins, minerals & whole-food sourced nutrients in one convenient daily serving

    • Aids Digestion
    • Boosts Energy
    • Low-Carb
    • No Artificial Colors
    • Vegan
    • Quick & Easy To Make

    Addicted to Your Phone? Our Digital Detox Assessment

    Addicted to Your Phone? Our Digital Detox Assessment

    We all know that too much technology is bad for our health. So today we’re advocating for conscious use of your phone. So that you’re in control, not it.  We’re giving you the SoulFull Digital Detox Assessment so you can decide for yourself: when it’s time to put down your devices to reclaim your soul.

    The coaches share the sceince behind the vicious cycle of dopamine addiction and social reinforcements that keep us checking our phones. We’re often “interrupting ourselves”, for a quick digital hit, meaning we rarely concentrate on taxing tasks for long or get into a creative flow. So the coaches illustrate how we can take our power back and put intention into our attention. 

    Episode highlights:

    • Kit and Kaelynn share their 5 most embarassing stories that illustrate their phone addiction.
    • How unplugging from time to time can even have positive on our physical health. 

    Welcome to soulfull wellness. We’re Kit & Kaelynn, certified wellness coaches who know firsthand what it’s like to feel perpetually unwell - in body, mind, and relationships. 

    That’s why we created this weekly podcast to bring you practical guidance and share our deep dark secrets - so you too can heal inside & out. Join us every Thursday, as we embrace living from the soul: no trends, diets, or one size fits all advice here.

    15% off AG1 + 5 FREE travel packs & FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2

    Start each day with a daily serving of Athletic Greens!

    75 vitamins, minerals & whole-food sourced nutrients in one convenient daily serving

    • Aids Digestion
    • Boosts Energy
    • Low-Carb
    • No Artificial Colors
    • Vegan
    • Quick & Easy To Make


    The Truth About Gaslighting & 6 Ways To Free Yourself

    The Truth About Gaslighting & 6 Ways To Free Yourself

    This week’s episode is inspired by a June 2nd Washington Post article by Robin Stern and Marc Brackett titled Gaslighting is emotional abuse. Here’s how to recognize and stop it.

    The term gaslighting gets tossed around a lot these days, not always correctly.

    Episode Highlights:

    • Kit gets personal and share her experience with gaslighting
    • Kit shares her recovery and how she recultivated her relationship with herself
    • Why asking yourself "what is your bottom line?" can lead to your healing

    In this episode we’ll share personal anecdotes and experiences as we discuss the essential questions: What is gaslighting? What are the red flags? How do you know if it’s happening? What does a gaslighting relationship look like?  We’re going over examples of gaslighting, how to spot the sometimes not so obvious red flags, and most importantly what you can do to set necessary personal boundaries.

    15% off AG1 + 5 FREE travel packs & FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2

    Start each day with a daily serving of Athletic Greens!

    75 vitamins, minerals & whole-food sourced nutrients in one convenient daily serving

    • Aids Digestion
    • Boosts Energy
    • Low-Carb
    • No Artificial Colors
    • Vegan
    • Quick & Easy To Make

    5 Signs You're Ready For A Big Life Change

    5 Signs You're Ready For A Big Life Change

    Are you staying in a less-than-ideal situation for too long because it seems easier than making a change? Do you find yourself saying, “I really need to…” about your job, your relationship, your diet, your sleep habits, your workout routine, your self-care practices… about any area of your wellness wheel? This episode is for you!

    Kit & Kaelynn, certified wellness coaches and functional imperfectionists, show up every week to debunk the latest wellness myth and share scientifically proven coaching tools, to help tackle the anxiety that keeps high-achieving women stuck, overwhelmed & burned out. With a fun blend of millennial & Generation X perspectives, This multigenerational podcast dishes out simple, practical and fun tips, tricks & strategies for living the life you want. Everything from surviving anxiety spirals at work to setting better boundaries with your partner, to detoxifying your schedule, new habits gone wrong, does the most recent wellness trend actually work?!

    Join us for an honest, hilarious, & approachable conversation about what wellness looks like for you!

    In this episode:

    • Kit explains her Push/Pull theory. How a “pull” can feel stronger than a “push” when it’s time to move on.
    • The coaches go over reasons why getting started is hard & what to do about it
    • Kaelynn shares her manifestation technique for getting clear on the details of your desires

    Questions to ask yourself:

    • If you knew the answer would be yes - what  would you do with your life?
    • How do you show up for yourself?

    The Soulfull® Community is A space where we embrace living well your way, no trends, diets, or one size fits all advice here. You’re unique, so why would your wellness journey be any different? We’ve been through it, from painful gut health transformation, leaving toxic relationships, healing career burnout, to discovering our truest self, and defining what being well looks like for ourselves. Join us on your personal transformation and healing journey, for a real, relatable, and multi-faceted wellness conversation every Thursday & book your COMPLIMENTARY Coaching session at www.soulfullofwellness.com

    15% off AG1 + 5 FREE travel packs & FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2

    Start each day with a daily serving of Athletic Greens!

    75 vitamins, minerals & whole-food sourced nutrients in one convenient daily serving

    • Aids Digestion
    • Boosts Energy
    • Low-Carb
    • No Artificial Colors
    • Vegan
    • Quick & Easy To Make

    Stop Playing Small: How To Be Confidently Assertive

    Stop Playing Small: How To Be Confidently Assertive

    The Soulfull® Community is a space to embrace living well your way, no trends, diets, or one size fits all advice here. You’re unique, so why would your wellness journey be any different? For those of you who are new, welcome! We’re Kit & Kaelynn, certified health and wellness coaches and bffs who met at Georgetown University. We’ve seen some things: a painful gut health transformation, leaving toxic relationships, healing career burnout, to name a few. Through discovering & reconnecting with our authentic selves we’re finally living WELL. Now we’re here to support your personal transformation.

    In this episode...

    - Kit shares about her divorce, how her confidence took a big hit, and what it took to build back her relationship with self

    - Kaelynn shares a recent story on self advocacy & how advocating for her puppy at the vet built her confidence

    - Kit & Kae share 6 confidence building tools

    A key component of our wellness journey is our relationship with self. If we feel like we are showing up in the world not taking up space, our confidence is going to take a hit. It’s important that we continually nurture our relationship with ourselves by showing up for ourselves daily. And no, this does not mean we have to spend thousands of dollars on that self help retreat in Bali, we can start today, by celebrating the small wins that build up our confidence. 


    Kit & Kaelynn, certified wellness coaches and functional imperfectionists, show up every week to debunk the latest wellness myth and share scientifically proven coaching tools, to help tackle the anxiety that keeps high-achieving women stuck, overwhelmed & burned out. With a hot blend of millennial & Generation X perspectives - we bring the vibes and the chill pills! This multigenerational podcast dishes out simple, practical and fun tips, tricks & strategies for living the life you want. Everything from surviving anxiety spirals at work to setting better boundaries with your partner, to detoxifying your schedule, new habits gone wrong, does the most recent wellness trend actually work?! Join us for an honest, hilarious, & approachable conversation about what wellness looks like for you!

    15% off AG1 + 5 FREE travel packs & FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2

    Start each day with a daily serving of Athletic Greens!

    75 vitamins, minerals & whole-food sourced nutrients in one convenient daily serving

    • Aids Digestion
    • Boosts Energy
    • Low-Carb
    • No Artificial Colors
    • Vegan
    • Quick & Easy To Make

    When Anxiety Is Driving Your Life

    When Anxiety Is Driving Your Life

    Kit & Kaelynn, certified wellness coaches and functional imperfectionists, show up every week to debunk the latest wellness myth and share scientifically proven coaching tools, to help tackle the anxiety that keeps high-achieving women stuck, overwhelmed & burned out. With a fun blend of millennial & Generation X perspectives, This multigenerational podcast dishes out simple, practical and fun tips, tricks & strategies for living the life you want. Everything from surviving anxiety spirals at work to setting better boundaries with your partner, to detoxifying your schedule, new habits gone wrong, does the most recent wellness trend actually work?! Join us for an honest, hilarious, & approachable conversation about what wellness looks like for you!

    What’s consuming you with worry right now? What’s driving your anxious thoughts?

    People who struggle with anxiety issues tend to have one theme driving most of their anxious thoughts. So in today’s episode we’re putting you back in the driver’s seat by giving you a 2-pronged approach for tackling your biggest, most dominant source of anxiety.

    In this episode:

    • learn how to identify your #1 trigger

    • Kit’s biggest fear

    • Kaelynn shares her wedding woes 

    Thanks for listening! Remember to subscribe, rate & review! :)

    The Soulfull® Community is a space where we embrace living well your way, no trends, diets, or one size fits all advice here. You’re unique, so why would your wellness journey be any different? We’ve been through it, from painful gut health transformation, leaving toxic relationships, healing career burnout, to discovering our truest self, and defining what being well looks like for ourselves. Join us on your personal transformation and healing journey, for a real, relatable, and multi-faceted wellness conversation every Thursday!

    15% off AG1 + 5 FREE travel packs & FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2

    Start each day with a daily serving of Athletic Greens!

    75 vitamins, minerals & whole-food sourced nutrients in one convenient daily serving

    • Aids Digestion
    • Boosts Energy
    • Low-Carb
    • No Artificial Colors
    • Vegan
    • Quick & Easy To Make