
    Soul Full of Wellness

    Soul Full of Wellness is a Personal Wellness Evolution Podcast. The Soulfull Community is a space where we embrace living well your way, no trends, diets, or one size fits all advice here. You’re unique, so why would your wellness journey be any different? We’ve been through it, from painful gut health transformations, leaving toxic relationships, healing career burnout, to discovering our truest self, and defining what being well looks like for ourselves. Our personal experiences led us to become certified coaches and ultimately create this podcast. We aim to bring you practical guidance and share our personal experiences- so you too can heal inside & out and experience your own wellness evolution. Join us every Thursday, as we embrace living from the soul: no trends, diets, or one size fits all advice here. Soul full of Wellness is a multi-generational podcast brought to you by two functional im-perfectionists & certified coaches who deliver weekly wellness tips & personal stories to help you live your most authentic and balanced life. Kit & Kaelynn bring something new: a blend of Millennial and Gen X perspectives to create a unique listening experience that motivates you to go after the life you want.
    enSoulfull LLC209 Episodes

    Episodes (209)

    How To Heal Your Gut, Food Anxiety & Restore Your Health

    How To Heal Your Gut, Food Anxiety & Restore Your Health

    Kit & Kaelynn, certified wellness coaches and functional imperfectionists, show up every week to debunk the latest wellness myth and share scientifically proven coaching tools, to help tackle the anxiety that keeps high-achieving women stuck, overwhelmed & burned out. With a fun blend of millennial & Generation X perspectives, This multigenerational podcast dishes out simple, practical and fun tips, tricks & strategies for living the life you want. Everything from surviving anxiety spirals at work to setting better boundaries with your partner, to detoxifying your schedule, new habits gone wrong, does the most recent wellness trend actually work?! Join us for an honest, hilarious, & approachable conversation about what wellness looks like for you!


    How To Heal Your Gut, Food Anxiety & Restore Your Relationship With Your Body


    In this episode:

    • New twist: Kit interviews Kae
    • Kaelynn shares her story, living as an unwell college student, headed out for a jog but landing in the ER, face swollen, getting epinephrine injections.

    If  you’re living with an invisible illness and feel frustrated and hopeless, know that you’re not alone. In this episode, Kaelynn shares her personal health journey for those suffering; for those who feel isolated or alone; and for those who have a loved one, friend, or colleague they wish to better understand and empathize with. Kaelynn opens up in the hope that, by hearing her story, you’ll restore the relationship between you and your body, learn to be able to trust yourself again, and know that you WILL heal over time. Even if no one can give you answers at first, keep going, you will find healing.

    This is a story of health struggles, but also a powerful message for your relationship with your body, inner knowing, self advocacy, and perseverance.

    Thanks for listening! Remember to subscribe, rate & review! :)


    The Soulfull Community is A space where we embrace living well your way, no trends, diets, or one size fits all advice here. You’re unique, so why would your wellness journey be any different? We’ve been through it, from painful gut health transformation, leaving toxic relationships, healing career burnout, to discovering our truest self, and defining what being well looks like for ourselves. Join us on your personal transformation and healing journey, for a real, relatable, and multi-faceted wellness conversation every Thursday!

    15% off AG1 + 5 FREE travel packs & FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2

    Start each day with a daily serving of Athletic Greens!

    75 vitamins, minerals & whole-food sourced nutrients in one convenient daily serving

    • Aids Digestion
    • Boosts Energy
    • Low-Carb
    • No Artificial Colors
    • Vegan
    • Quick & Easy To Make

    Stressed? Here's How to Truly Disconnect

    Stressed? Here's How to Truly Disconnect

    Kit & Kaelynn, certified wellness coaches and functional imperfectionists, show up every week to debunk the latest wellness myth and share scientifically proven coaching tools, to help tackle the anxiety that keeps high-achieving women stuck, overwhelmed & burned out. With a fun blend of millennial & Generation X perspectives, This multigenerational podcast dishes out simple, practical and fun tips, tricks & strategies for living the life you want. Everything from surviving anxiety spirals at work to setting better boundaries with your partner, to detoxifying your schedule, new habits gone wrong, does the most recent wellness trend actually work?!

    Join us for an honest, hilarious, & approachable conversation about what wellness looks like for you!

    Have you paused lately to reflect on the JOY section of your wellness wheel? Have you intentionally taken time to do something fun, just for you? How much of your current life is filled with obligations, and how much is reserved for cultivating joy? How long has it been since your last vacation? Since you’ve last experienced something nuanced? Since you’ve genuinely felt a creative spark?

    When you feel like you’re missing your own life, it can feel stressful, overwhelming and plain ol’ not good! Since it’s our mission at Soulfull Wellness to feel well, it’s important that we take time to evaluate how much joy we’re experiencing. Yes, joy, awe, and wonder are, believe it or not, just as important as eating right and getting quality sleep. I’m sure we don’t need to remind you that stress is the number one cause of all illness and disease. Which is why today we’re going to talk about cultivating joy, by changing your environment. 

    When you change your environment, such as surrounding yourself with different people, your thoughts and emotions change for the better. Sometimes, we just need to shake things up just a bit, in order to let go of stress, and move into the present moment.

    In This Episode:

    • Kit shares her pros, cons, and wellness lessons learned from taking a week off and vactioning with family
    • Kaelynn talks about the healthy side effects of taking a break from adulting once and a while


    15% off AG1 + 5 FREE travel packs & FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2

    Start each day with a daily serving of Athletic Greens!

    75 vitamins, minerals & whole-food sourced nutrients in one convenient daily serving

    • Aids Digestion
    • Boosts Energy
    • Low-Carb
    • No Artificial Colors
    • Vegan
    • Quick & Easy To Make

    6 Simple Ways to Break Out Of Your Wellness Rut Today

    6 Simple Ways to Break Out Of Your Wellness Rut Today
    The Soulfull® Community is a space to embrace living well your way, no trends, diets, or one size fits all advice here. You’re unique, so why would your wellness journey be any different?
    For those of you who are new, welcome! We’re Kit & Kaelynn, certified health and wellness coaches and bffs who met at Georgetown University.
    We’ve seen some things: a painful gut health transformation, leaving toxic relationships, healing career burnout, to name a few. Through discovering & reconnecting with our authentic selves we’re finally living WELL.
    Now we’re here to support your personal transformation.
    Join us every Thursday, for a real, relatable, and multi-generational wellness conversation!
    We’re in awe of the personal transformations we’ve witnessed in the soulfull® society and can’t wait to see where this takes us all next.
    In today's episode:
    + Kaelynn reveals her solo-strategy for recentering by singing & dancing to Disney
    + learn the genius of Kaelynn's mom's mindset reframe to dispel students' anxiety (hint: Bs are above average!)
    + Kit shares personal success for increasing life satisfaction with wellness hacks #3 & 6

    15% off AG1 + 5 FREE travel packs & FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2

    Start each day with a daily serving of Athletic Greens!

    75 vitamins, minerals & whole-food sourced nutrients in one convenient daily serving

    • Aids Digestion
    • Boosts Energy
    • Low-Carb
    • No Artificial Colors
    • Vegan
    • Quick & Easy To Make

    Jealousy: The Unconventional Wellness Tool

    Jealousy: The Unconventional Wellness Tool

    The Soulfull® Community is a space to embrace living well your way, no trends, diets, or one size fits all advice here. You’re unique, so why would your wellness journey be any different? For those of you who are new, welcome! We’re Kit & Kaelynn, certified health and wellness coaches and bffs who met at Georgetown University. We’ve seen some things: a painful gut health transformation, leaving toxic relationships, healing career burnout, to name a few. Through discovering & reconnecting with our authentic selves we’re finally living WELL. Now we’re here to support your personal transformation.

    Join us every Thursday, for a real, relatable, and multi-generational wellness conversation! We’re in awe of the personal transformations we’ve witnessed in the soulfull® society and can’t wait to see where this takes us all next. Welcome!

    In Today's episode:

    • Kit & Kae get vulnerable & share what/who they’re jealous of (True stories!)


    • Kae talks about how to identify your sneaky inner critic (Yes, your gremlin strikes again!)


    • Kit shares how to identify lack mindset vs. living in abundance

    Today we’re getting REAAL and talking about one rather unconventional but sure-fire way to know if something is for you or not. This might sound a little crazy at first, but stick with us. We promise it’ll make perfect sense. What makes you feel jealous?


    15% off AG1 + 5 FREE travel packs & FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2

    Start each day with a daily serving of Athletic Greens!

    75 vitamins, minerals & whole-food sourced nutrients in one convenient daily serving

    • Aids Digestion
    • Boosts Energy
    • Low-Carb
    • No Artificial Colors
    • Vegan
    • Quick & Easy To Make

    What To Do When Your Friend Is Positively Toxic

    What To Do When Your Friend Is Positively Toxic

    Kit & Kaelynn, certified wellness coaches and functional imperfectionists, show up every week to debunk the latest wellness myth and share scientifically proven coaching tools, to help tackle the anxiety that keeps high-achieving women stuck, overwhelmed & burned out. With a hot blend of millennial & Generation X perspectives - we bring the vibes and the chill pills! This multigenerational podcast dishes out simple, practical and fun tips, tricks & strategies for living the life you want. Everything from surviving anxiety spirals at work to setting better boundaries with your partner, to detoxifying your schedule, new habits gone wrong, does the most recent wellness trend actually work?! Join us for an honest, hilarious, & approachable conversation about what wellness looks like for you!

    What do people actually want when they are upset? Not someone minimizing your feelings, that's for sure. Join your soulfull coaches for a conversation about toxic positivity. 

    We all know that having a positive outlook on life is good for your mental well-being. The problem is that life isn't always positive. We all deal with painful emotions and experiences. Those emotions, while often unpleasant, are important and need to be felt and dealt with openly and honestly! Today’s episode is about becoming comfortable with negative emotions. The coaches will share what to do to promote your personal well-being and the well-being of the people you love, in the healthiest, most effective way possible. 

    This week:

    • Kaelynn admits her "fixer" tendency and shares how she keeps it in check.
    • Kit & Kae debunk "Good vibes Only" mentality
    • Kit shares here Eeyore analogy 

    The Soulfull Community is A space where we embrace living well your way, no trends, diets, or one size fits all advice here. You’re unique, so why would your wellness journey be any different? We’ve been through it, from painful gut health transformation, leaving toxic relationships, healing career burnout, to discovering our truest self, and defining what being well looks like for ourselves. Join us on your personal transformation and healing journey, for a real, relatable, and multi-faceted wellness conversation every Thursday & book your COMPLIMENTARY Coaching session at www.soulfullofwellness.com

    15% off AG1 + 5 FREE travel packs & FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2

    Start each day with a daily serving of Athletic Greens!

    75 vitamins, minerals & whole-food sourced nutrients in one convenient daily serving

    • Aids Digestion
    • Boosts Energy
    • Low-Carb
    • No Artificial Colors
    • Vegan
    • Quick & Easy To Make

    6 Ways to Stop Being Forgettable

    6 Ways to Stop Being Forgettable

    Kit & Kaelynn, certified wellness coaches and functional imperfectionists, show up every week to debunk the latest wellness myth and share scientifically proven coaching tools, to help tackle the anxiety that keeps high-achieving women stuck, overwhelmed & burned out. With a hot blend of millennial & Generation X perspectives - we bring the vibes and the chill pills! This multigenerational podcast dishes out simple, practical and fun tips, tricks & strategies for living the life you want. Everything from surviving anxiety spirals at work to setting better boundaries with your partner, to detoxifying your schedule, new habits gone wrong, does the most recent wellness trend actually work?! Join us for an honest, hilarious, & approachable conversation about what wellness looks like for you!

    The Soulfull Community is a space where we embrace living well your way, no trends, diets, or one size fits all advice here. You’re unique, so why would your wellness journey be any different? We’ve been through it, from painful gut health transformation, leaving toxic relationships, healing career burnout, to discovering our truest self, and re-defining what being well looks like for ourselves. Join us on your personal transformation and healing journey, for a real, relatable, and multi-faceted wellness conversation every Thursday. 

    In today's episode:

    • Kit shares her cocktail party conversation template
    • Kaelynn and Kit reveal 2 coaching secrets when it comes to listening
    • Kaelynn & Kit reveal 6 ways to become a better listener and, in turn, a better friend, spouse, parent, boss, employee, co-worker… you get the idea!

    15% off AG1 + 5 FREE travel packs & FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2

    Start each day with a daily serving of Athletic Greens!

    75 vitamins, minerals & whole-food sourced nutrients in one convenient daily serving

    • Aids Digestion
    • Boosts Energy
    • Low-Carb
    • No Artificial Colors
    • Vegan
    • Quick & Easy To Make

    4 Relationship Lessons From Our Favorite Reality TV Shows

    4 Relationship Lessons From Our Favorite Reality TV Shows

    Kit & Kaelynn, certified wellness coaches and functional imperfectionists, show up every week to debunk the latest wellness myth or trend to tackle the anxiety that keeps high-achieving humans stuck, overwhelmed & burned out. With a hot blend of millennial & Generation X perspectives - we bring the vibes and the chill pills! This multigenerational podcast dishes out simple, practical and fun tips, tricks & strategies for living the life you want. Everything from surviving anxiety spirals at work to setting better boundaries with your partner, to detoxifying your schedule, new habits gone wrong, do essential oils actually work?! Join us for an honest, hilarious, & approachable conversation about what wellness looks like for you!

    4 Essential Life Lessons Learned From Reality TV. Today we are combining two great things that don’t typically go great together: wellness and reality tv! We are pulling from 4 Wellness & Personal Growth Lessons from 4 of our favorite Netflix shows:

    • Love is Blind (Season 4)
    • Next In Fashion (Season 2)
    • Vanderpump Rules (Season 10)
    • The Great British Bake Off

    In today's episode:

    • Kae reveals the biggest incompatability between she and Kit.
    • Kae shares her intuitive process and how she gets in alignment with her desires. 
    • Kit discusses the signs and red flags of a covert narcissist.

    The Soulfull Community is A space where we embrace living well your way, no trends, diets, or one size fits all advice here. You’re unique, so why would your wellness journey be any different? We’ve been through it, from painful gut health transformation, leaving toxic relationships, healing career burnout, to discovering our truest self, and defining what being well looks like for ourselves. Join us on your personal transformation and healing journey, for a real, relatable, and multi-faceted wellness conversation every Thursday. 

    15% off AG1 + 5 FREE travel packs & FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2

    Start each day with a daily serving of Athletic Greens!

    75 vitamins, minerals & whole-food sourced nutrients in one convenient daily serving

    • Aids Digestion
    • Boosts Energy
    • Low-Carb
    • No Artificial Colors
    • Vegan
    • Quick & Easy To Make

    4 “Healthy” Habits That Are Actually Sabotaging Your Wellness

    4 “Healthy” Habits That Are Actually Sabotaging Your Wellness

    In today’s episode we reveal four “healthy” habits that are actually sabotaging your wellness; give you examples of each, talk about what they look like, why you might be doing them AND, most importantly, how you can fix them and what you can do instead, to be healthier, happier, and more successful!

    Some highlights from today's episode:

    • Kaelynn unveils a dark time in her life while on her gut healing journey
    • Kit share's her personal experience with brain health 
    • We talk about the notion of "control" when it comes to our wellness routines and how to strike a balance for your mind, body, and spirit.

    See if you recognize yourself in any of these behaviors as we reveal 4 major ways that, while trying to be healthy, you’re actually undermining your own wellness and personal transformation.


    Thanks for listening & evolving with us over the last 3½ years!

    We love hearing from you, so please email questions or suggestions for future episodes to SFOWpodcast@gmail.com.

    Don't forget to subscribe, rate & review! :)

    We invite you to visit our website at soulfullofwellness.com

    Find us on Apple Podcasts.

    Find us on Spotify.

    Find us on the Samsung app.

    If you enjoy this episode, please share it with a friend!

    Thank you to Nick Serena for our theme music!


    15% off AG1 + 5 FREE travel packs & FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2

    Start each day with a daily serving of Athletic Greens!

    75 vitamins, minerals & whole-food sourced nutrients in one convenient daily serving

    • Aids Digestion
    • Boosts Energy
    • Low-Carb
    • No Artificial Colors
    • Vegan
    • Quick & Easy To Make

    Too Many Tabs Open? How To Trick Your Brain Into Healthy Coping Mechanisms

    Too Many Tabs Open? How To Trick Your Brain Into Healthy Coping Mechanisms

    Today’s episode, per usual came about from our personal lives. Today’s episode is centered around tools to become aware of your stress coping mechanisms so you can lower your daily anxiety and boost your ability to cope healthily! 

    Today’s episode is going to start with us discussing why we need this episode right now, then we’ll share some things we’ve noticed ourselves doing in response to increased anxiety lately, then the final two sections will have 12 different tools that allow us to actually handle - not just distract ourselves from - stress.

    Thanks for listening! Don't forget to subscribe, rate & review! :)


    Email questions & suggestions to sfowpodcast@gmail.com

    Thank you to Nick Serena for our theme music!


    15% off AG1 + 5 FREE travel packs & FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2

    Start each day with a daily serving of Athletic Greens!

    75 vitamins, minerals & whole-food sourced nutrients in one convenient daily serving

    • Aids Digestion
    • Boosts Energy
    • Low-Carb
    • No Artificial Colors
    • Vegan
    • Quick & Easy To Make

    6 Survival Strategies for When You're Feeling Burnout at Work

    6 Survival Strategies for When You're Feeling Burnout at Work

    Today we’re talking about burnout… as in how to heal burnout or - better yet - how to prevent it in the first place.

    Today’s episode came about as a result of the workplace wellness workshop, part of Soullfull Inc’s corporate wellness offerings, that we led just this morning. This was a truly enlightening experience.

    We had two dozen over-extended sales professionals each creating a personal wellness wheel, to allow them to see which area to focus on next, to achieve the most wellness gains in the next 3 months. It became evident that we’re all struggling with some degree of overwhelm right now.

    So today we’re giving you six concrete tools to get you through the tough times.

    These Soufull tips & shortcuts will allow you to honor yourself during the busy or stressful seasons in your life.

    Fellow im-perfectionists, you don’t have to strive to be the best version of yourself at all times. We all go through seasons when we need to take some shortcuts, do the minimum, heal, recharge, and move forward.

    Thanks for listening! Please follow, rate & review! :)


    We invite you to visit our website.

    Email questions & suggestions to SFOWpodcast@gmail.com

    Follow us on Instagram @soul_full_of_wellness


    Follow us on Twitter @SFOWpod

    Follow Kaelynn on Instagram @coaching_with_kae

    Follow Kit on Instagram @breathe.relax.trust

    Thank you to Nick Serena, from Astro Inn, for our theme music!

    Soul Full of Wellness embraces living from the soul, your spirit, how to stay lovingly connected to your true self - learning tools from certified health & wellness coaches to help you successfully navigate the ups and downs of life. Kit & Kaelynn bring something new: a blend of Millennial & Gen X perspectives to create a unique listening experience that motivates you to go after the life you want.

    15% off AG1 + 5 FREE travel packs & FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2

    Start each day with a daily serving of Athletic Greens!

    75 vitamins, minerals & whole-food sourced nutrients in one convenient daily serving

    • Aids Digestion
    • Boosts Energy
    • Low-Carb
    • No Artificial Colors
    • Vegan
    • Quick & Easy To Make

    How To Create A Daily Wellness Routine that Actually Sticks

    How To Create A Daily Wellness Routine that Actually Sticks

    Humans are creatures of habit. We thrive on routine.

    Today we’re diving into all things habits. This episode is about how you can establish the exact personalized wellness routine to bring success on your wellness journey by conducting a habit audit, which Kit & Kae will demonstrate. And, of course, we finish the episode with 2 powerful coaching tools you can implement immediately.

    Fun fact:

    A habit is something you do on repeat 40% of the time = about 6½  hours a day!

    Yes, you read that right. More than 40% of the things you do each day are habits.

    Today we’ll be talking about what a habit is, how we build them, identifying common habit drainers, and how to put habit builders into place to support your growth and create the sustainable, healthy lifestyle of your dreams.

    A quality self-care routine that becomes habitual can help you stay healthier and happier, perform better at work, take better care of family members, and accomplish more every day.

    Today we’ll be talking about what a habit is, how we build them, identifying common habit drainers, and how to put habit builders into place to support your growth.

     “You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success and happiness is found in your daily routine.” 

    - John Maxwell (renowned leadership author) 


    Thanks for listening! Don't forget to follow, rate & review! :)

    We invite you to visit our website. https://www.soulfullofwellness.com/

    Email questions & suggestions to SFOWpodcast@gmail.com

    Follow us on Instagram @soul_full_of_wellness 


    Follow us on Twitter @SFOWpod

    Follow Kaelynn on Instagram @coaching_with_kae

    Follow Kit on Instagram @breathe.relax.trust

    Thank you to Nick Serena for our theme music!


    15% off AG1 + 5 FREE travel packs & FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2

    Start each day with a daily serving of Athletic Greens!

    75 vitamins, minerals & whole-food sourced nutrients in one convenient daily serving

    • Aids Digestion
    • Boosts Energy
    • Low-Carb
    • No Artificial Colors
    • Vegan
    • Quick & Easy To Make

    Thank you to Steve, our sound engineer.

    Thank you to Zoe, our Gen Z intern.

    Soul Full of Wellness embraces living from the soul, your spirit, how to stay lovingly connected to your true self - learning tools from certified health & wellness coaches to help you successfully navigate the ups and downs of life. 

    Kit & Kaelynn bring something new: a blend of Millennial & Gen X perspectives to create a unique listening experience that motivates you to go after the life you want.

    Keeping both the mind and body strong is key to living a happier, healthier life. Mental and physical health are interconnected and can impact everything from how we feel to how we navigate life. To support you in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, we invite you to listen.


    Goodbye Anxiety: 1 Master Tool For The Worried Mind

    Goodbye Anxiety: 1 Master Tool For The Worried Mind

    Today’s episode focuses on one simple master tool to revolutionize the way you control your own anxiety.

    Do you identify as someone who struggles with anxiety regularly? Do you find that your thought cycles are consistently filled with worry? We feel you and this episode is for you!

    In this episode we’re discussing our expert anxiety crushing mechanism: The Triple AAA Method = Action is the Anxiety Antidote. AND we're gifting a very special coaching master tool that will truly change your ability to process and contain your anxiety, leaving you feeling powerful and in control.

    Thanks for listening! Don't forget to follow, rate & review! :)

    We invite you to visit our website. https://www.soulfullofwellness.com/

    Email questions & suggestions to SFOWpodcast@gmail.com

    Follow us on Instagram @soul_full_of_wellness 


    Follow us on Twitter @SFOWpod

    Follow Kaelynn on Instagram @coaching_with_kae

    Follow Kit on Instagram @breathe.relax.trust

    Thank you to Nick Serena for our theme music!

    Thank you to Steve, our sound engineer.

    Thank you to Zoe, our Gen Z intern.


    15% off AG1 + 5 FREE travel packs & FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2

    Start each day with a daily serving of Athletic Greens!

    75 vitamins, minerals & whole-food sourced nutrients in one convenient daily serving

    • Aids Digestion
    • Boosts Energy
    • Low-Carb
    • No Artificial Colors
    • Vegan
    • Quick & Easy To Make

    Need A Confidence Boost? 10 Instant Self-Esteem Builders

    Need A Confidence Boost? 10 Instant Self-Esteem Builders

    A theme that seems to be coming up a lot lately is the idea of taking up space, or - more to the point - NOT taking up space. Taking up space means recognizing your right to exist, have opinions, speak without apologizing, pursue your own goals, and have a body. Taking up the space you deserve, and having your voice heard, is particularly a problem for women.

    But men - don’t change the channel - it’s important for you to hear this content! 

    As women, even when we believe we deserve to have a voice, to have support, to be in the room, to have a seat at the table, we don’t always claim it. We make ourselves smaller, we apologize for our opinions, we sacrifice self to make others more comfortable.

    But we’re not doing that any more! Today’s episode has the 10 tools you need to claim the space you deserve.

    The amount of space you take up in all aspects of your life has an impact on people’s perceptions - but more importantly, it has an impact on how you feel and how you own your voice. 

    When you practice taking up space, you’re telling the world you matter. You’re showing people what you deserve and how you expect to be treated. If you aren’t sure where to start, or if the whole idea of taking up more space feels scary, here are 10 small acts of space-taking, for you to practice in daily life.

    Ask yourself:

    Where are you not taking up space in your life, but you need to?

    What is one thing you hate doing that you could outsource, and then have time to do something where your presence would really make an impact?

    Step out, play big, advocate for yourself! 

    It might feel uncomfortable at times, but do it anyway.

    Thanks for listening! Don't forget to subscribe, rate & review! :)

    Thanks for listening! Don't forget to follow, rate & review! :)


    We invite you to visit our website. https://www.soulfullofwellness.com/

    Email questions & suggestions to SFOWpodcast@gmail.com

    Follow us on Instagram @soul_full_of_wellness 


    Follow us on Twitter @SFOWpod

    Follow Kaelynn on Instagram @coaching_with_kae

    Follow Kit on Instagram @breathe.relax.trust

    Thank you to Nick Serena for our theme music!

    Thank you to Steve, our sound engineer.

    Thank you to Zoe, our Gen Z intern.

    Soul Full of Wellness embraces living from the soul, your spirit, how to stay lovingly connected to your true self - learning tools from certified health & wellness coaches to help you successfully navigate the ups and downs of life. 

    Kit & Kaelynn bring something new: a blend of Millennial & Gen X perspectives to create a unique listening experience that motivates you to go after the life you want.

    Keeping both the mind and body strong is key to living a happier, healthier life. Mental and physical health are interconnected and can impact everything from how we feel to how we navigate life. To support you in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, we invite you to listen.


    15% off AG1 + 5 FREE travel packs & FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2

    Start each day with a daily serving of Athletic Greens!

    75 vitamins, minerals & whole-food sourced nutrients in one convenient daily serving

    • Aids Digestion
    • Boosts Energy
    • Low-Carb
    • No Artificial Colors
    • Vegan
    • Quick & Easy To Make

    The 4 Primary Ways We Unknowingly Allow Toxins Into Our Bodies

    The 4 Primary Ways We Unknowingly Allow Toxins Into Our Bodies

    Ditch The Detox, Try This Instead! Today we’re talking about toxins and the four primary ways we unknowingly allow hazardous substances into our precious bodies. 

    Toxins, we can’t always avoid them. But we CAN reduce them and their harmful side effects. Toxins are pervasive, and in many of the daily products we use, unfortunately impacting our brain health, our hormones, our skin health, our nervous system and our daily functioning. And while we want to live a 100% toxin free life, hello fellow perfectionists, it’s simply not possible in this day and age. 

    The good news is, we at Soul Full of Wellness have composed for you a list of 4 areas where you can reduce your toxic load, what you can watch out for, and different non-toxic or less-toxic products you can switch to, so you can be more in control of your health! DItch the detox - instead, make these simple adjustments to prevent toxin buildup in the first place!

    Life is toxic, from the food we eat to the air we breathe. So in today’s episode we’re discussing lifestyle changes that’ll bring big-impact health improvements from small daily changes.

    So much of coaching is about helping clients create lasting behavior changes to live healthier and happier. Making new habits is always a challenge, but it’s the best way to make sure that your new lifestyle choices stick.

    Thanks for listening! Don't forget to follow, rate & review! :)


    We invite you to visit our website. https://www.soulfullofwellness.com/

    Email questions & suggestions to SFOWpodcast@gmail.com

    Follow us on Instagram @soul_full_of_wellness 


    Follow us on Twitter @SFOWpod

    Follow Kaelynn on Instagram @coaching_with_kae

    Follow Kit on Instagram @breathe.relax.trust

    Thank you to Nick Serena for our theme music!

    Thank you to Steve, our sound engineer.

    Thank you to Zoe, our Gen Z intern.

    Soul Full of Wellness embraces living from the soul, your spirit, how to stay lovingly connected to your true self - learning tools from certified health & wellness coaches to help you successfully navigate the ups and downs of life. 

    Kit & Kaelynn bring something new: a blend of Millennial & Gen X perspectives to create a unique listening experience that motivates you to go after the life you want.

    Keeping both the mind and body strong is key to living a happier, healthier life. Mental and physical health are interconnected and can impact everything from how we feel to how we navigate life. To support you in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, we invite you to listen.


    15% off AG1 + 5 FREE travel packs & FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2

    Start each day with a daily serving of Athletic Greens!

    75 vitamins, minerals & whole-food sourced nutrients in one convenient daily serving

    • Aids Digestion
    • Boosts Energy
    • Low-Carb
    • No Artificial Colors
    • Vegan
    • Quick & Easy To Make

    You Are 1 Choice Away From Living a Fuller, Richer Life

    You Are 1 Choice Away From Living a Fuller, Richer Life

    One of our important roles as coaches is to help clients celebrate success along their journeys. This applies to even very small wins. So in the spirit of celebration, today we’re each sharing a personal story from this past weekend. You’ll see what we mean by “no win is too small to honor.

    This leads into a conversation about how to live a fuller, richer life. Whether it’s a small step outside your comfort zone to try a new activity or a literal dive into uncharted water, today’s episode will help you enrich your daily experience and feel more excited about life!

    We always ask you to reach out with podcast episode topics and ideas, thank you to everyone who’s reached out. Just recently a few listeners have written that they don’t have a specific request - as nothing’s identifiably wrong at the moment, but also something’s not quite right, because lately they feel just kinda BLAH, unmotivated, or less connected to their wellness journey. 

    When it comes to exploring your interests, it’s all about going deep to discover - or rediscover - what lights you up inside. We think the key to having a fulfilled life is finding activities that challenge you, teach you about yourself, and enrich your everyday experiences.

    Pushing yourself outside your comfort zone, increasing the level of difficulty, and going deeper in your exploration of hobbies will give you the sense of accomplishment that comes only when you’ve really challenged yourself. When you test the limits, you’ll discover something great - and maybe even something you didn’t know was possible.

    Thanks for listening! Don't forget to follow, rate & review! :)

    We invite you to visit our website. https://www.soulfullofwellness.com/

    Email questions & suggestions to SFOWpodcast@gmail.com

    Follow us on Instagram @soul_full_of_wellness 


    Follow us on Twitter @SFOWpod

    Follow Kaelynn on Instagram @coaching_with_kae

    Follow Kit on Instagram @breathe.relax.trust

    Thank you to Nick Serena for our theme music!

    Thank you to Steve, our sound engineer.

    Thank you to Zoe, our Gen Z intern.


    15% off AG1 + 5 FREE travel packs & FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2

    Start each day with a daily serving of Athletic Greens!

    75 vitamins, minerals & whole-food sourced nutrients in one convenient daily serving

    • Aids Digestion
    • Boosts Energy
    • Low-Carb
    • No Artificial Colors
    • Vegan
    • Quick & Easy To Make

    8 Simple Grounding Techniques to Calm Your Anxious Mind

    8 Simple Grounding Techniques to Calm Your Anxious Mind

    Although Anxiety is *unfortunately* necessary for human survival, that doesn’t mean we're powerless against it. It CAN be managed. The good news is that YOU are in the driver’s seat. 

    Grounding techniques are exercises that help us stay in the present moment and are designed to return our bodies back to our baseline. A grounding technique is a natural coping strategy that tells your brain you're safe and okay. 

    Just as your body knows how to activate panic, it also knows how to return to a state of calm, using your parasympathetic nervous system.

    Following up on last week’s episode on hidden signs of stress and anxiety, this week we help you build from the awareness of your triggers and reactions with 8 grounding techniques to calm your anxious mind.

    Thanks for listening! Don't forget to follow, rate & review! :)

    We invite you to visit our website. https://www.soulfullofwellness.com/

    Email questions & suggestions to SFOWpodcast@gmail.com

    Follow us on Instagram @soul_full_of_wellness 


    Follow us on Twitter @SFOWpod

    Follow Kaelynn on Instagram @coaching_with_kae

    Follow Kit on Instagram @breathe.relax.trust

    Thank you to Nick Serena for our theme music!

    Thank you to Steve, our sound engineer.

    Thank you to Zoe, our Gen Z intern.


    15% off AG1 + 5 FREE travel packs & FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2

    Start each day with a daily serving of Athletic Greens!

    75 vitamins, minerals & whole-food sourced nutrients in one convenient daily serving

    • Aids Digestion
    • Boosts Energy
    • Low-Carb
    • No Artificial Colors
    • Vegan
    • Quick & Easy To Make

    How To Listen To Your Body: Addressing Stress & Preventing Disease

    How To Listen To Your Body: Addressing Stress & Preventing Disease

    Stress is pervasive. Unfortunately, it's not going anywhere. Certainly the majority of us are not liokely to drop out of the rat race to become monks, meditate all day, and find inner peace.

    Sounds ideal - but a tad farfetched, right?

    Well, worry not, because simply paying attention to your mind-body connection can do a wonder of good for your health and wellbeing. 

    Keeping both the mind and body strong is key to living a happier, healthier life. It's important to take into account that mental and physical health are interconnected and can impact everything from how we feel to how we show up in the world. Today we’re talking about ways your mind, body and behavior tell you when you’re stressed and what you can do about it.

    Thanks for listening! Don't forget to follow, rate & review! :)

    If you enjoy this episode, please share it with a friend.


    Soul Full of Wellness embraces living from the soul, your spirit, how to stay lovingly connected to your true self - learning tools from certified health & wellness coaches to help you successfully navigate the ups and downs of life. 

    Kit & Kaelynn bring something new: a blend of Millennial & Gen X perspectives to create a unique listening experience that motivates you to go after the life you want.


    We invite you to visit our website. https://www.soulfullofwellness.com/

    Email questions & suggestions to SFOWpodcast@gmail.com

    Follow us on Instagram @soul_full_of_wellness 


    Follow us on Twitter @SFOWpod

    Follow Kaelynn on Instagram @coaching_with_kae

    Follow Kit on Instagram @breathe.relax.trust

    Thank you to Nick Serena for our theme music!

    Thank you to Steve, our sound engineer.

    Thank you to Zoe, our Gen Z intern.


    15% off AG1 + 5 FREE travel packs & FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2

    Start each day with a daily serving of Athletic Greens!

    75 vitamins, minerals & whole-food sourced nutrients in one convenient daily serving

    • Aids Digestion
    • Boosts Energy
    • Low-Carb
    • No Artificial Colors
    • Vegan
    • Quick & Easy To Make

    How To Truly Silence Your Inner Critic to Find Liberation & Self Confidence

    How To Truly Silence Your Inner Critic to Find Liberation & Self Confidence

    Often, the thing getting in the way of us living in our highest form of our authentic expression, is our self protection habits like perfectionsim. The quest for perfection often lives within our inner critic and has the potential stop us from taking small yet gratifying (and often necessary) risks.

    As Brene Brown found through her research, "Perfectionism is how we self protect from shame or judgment." While we may think we are helping ourselves grow, we are actually holding ourselves back from achieving our optimal wellness vision, when we let overthinking, indecision, and doubt cloud our judgement and the way we see ourselves.

    Today we’re here to help you, our fellow im-perfectionists (aka perfectionists on a healing journey) identify when you’re overthinking, learn how to become more confident in your choices, and we’ll of course discuss coaching tips to help you let go of old, unhelpful patterns so you can liberate your soul and live your life to the fullest!


    Thanks for listening! Don't forget to follow, rate & review! :)

    Email questions & suggestions to SFOWpodcast@gmail.com

    Follow us on Instagram @soul_full_of_wellness

    Follow us on Twitter @SFOWpod

    Follow Kaelynn on Instagram @coaching_with_kae & @kaebaybay

    Follow Kit on Instagram @breathe.relax.trust

    Thank you to Nick Serena for our theme music!

    The 6 Secrets To Longevity and Anti-Aging

    The 6 Secrets To Longevity and Anti-Aging

    This week we’re talking about Limitless with Chris Hemsworth.

    We both recently binged National Geographic’s Limitless with Chris Hemsworth on Disney Plus which is broken down into 6 hour-long episodes about how we can live better for longer.

    Doctors, scientists, and other industry experts teach Chris, and us viewers, how to regenerate damage, maximize strength, build resilience, shock our bodies, supercharge memory, and even confront mortality. 

    So in this week’s podcast we’re talking about what we learned and what we’re willing to do so that we can live better for longer.


    From the Limitless website:

    Chris Hemsworth explores the different ways humans can live better for longer by taking on physical challenges from diving in ice to scaling skyscrapers.

    1. Stress-Proof Chris learns to tame his stress response while attempting a terrifying crane walk.
    2. Shock Chris heads to the icy Arctic in his search for health and longevity with the help of scientists.
    3. Fasting Chris goes without food for four days to explore whether fasting can make him live longer.
    4. Strength Chris discovers how his muscles can help him live longer with an epic rope climb.
    5. Memory Chris has always worked to keep his body healthy; now, it's time to challenge his brain.
    6. Acceptance Chris' quest for youth fast forwards him to the end of his life as he visits a retirement home.


    Keeping both the mind and body strong is key to living a happier, healthier life. Mental and physical health are interconnected and can impact everything from how we feel to how we navigate life. To support you in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, we invite you to follow, rate, and review.


    Thanks for listening! Don't forget to subscribe, rate & review! :)

    We invite you to visit our website. https://www.soulfullofwellness.com/


    Email questions & suggestions to SFOWpodcast@gmail.com

    Follow us on Instagram @soul_full_of_wellness 


    Follow us on Twitter @SFOWpod

    Follow Kaelynn on Instagram @coaching_with_kae

    Follow Kit on Instagram @breathe.relax.trust

    Thank you to Nick Serena for our theme music!

    Thank you to Steve, our sound engineer.

    Thank you to Zoe, our Gen Z intern.

    8 Important Wellness Lessons We've Learned From Our Dogs

    8 Important Wellness Lessons We've Learned From Our Dogs

    What Our Dogs Teach Us About WellnessThis week we’re combining two things we love: wellness and dogs!

    Listen to this joyful episode now for 8 important life lessons we learned from our canine loves.


    Thanks for listening! Don't forget to follow, rate & review! :)


    We invite you to visit our website.


    Email questions & suggestions to SFOWpodcast@gmail.com

    Follow us on Instagram @soul_full_of_wellness 


    Follow us on Twitter @SFOWpod

    Follow Kaelynn on Instagram @coaching_with_kae

    Follow Kit on Instagram @breathe.relax.trust

    Thank you to Nick Serena for our theme music!

    Thank you to Steve, our sound engineer.

    Thank you to Zoe, our Gen Z intern.


    Soul Full of Wellness embraces living from the soul, your spirit, how to stay lovingly connected to your true self - learning tools from certified health & wellness coaches to help you successfully navigate the ups and downs of life.