
    Speaking and Communicating Podcast

    This podcast is a platform for sharing expertise on how to improve communication skills, both personally and professionally. Soft skills in the workplace are crucial for job promotions, C-suite and entrepreneurship. Developing and mastering them also improves the quality of your personal relationships. These human-centered skills are not usually the focus of tertiary institutions. Whether you are interviewed for your dream job or climbing the corporate ladder - these skills will be the determining factor between maximizing your success and getting left behind!

    en-usRoberta Ndlela219 Episodes

    Episodes (219)

    The 7 Deadly Sins of Leadership w/ Juan Alvarado

    The 7 Deadly Sins of Leadership w/ Juan Alvarado

    Is your leadership guilty of some or all of the 7 Deadly Sins?

    Meet Juan Alvarado!

    Juan is a keynote speaker who inspires audiences to become better leaders. He speaks to groups ranging from Fortune 500 companies to small businesses. His message is simple: Leaders need to lead with intentionality and purpose. They need to make sure that everyone around them knows how important they are.

    As an expert in Leadership and a Certified Gallup Strengths Coach, Juan is a widely regarded United States Army War Vet who has trained teams of tens of thousands of soldiers in high-stakes situations. His emphasis on Intentional Leadership is a game-changer for many of his clients. He has also helped School Districts increase team efficiency and strengthen communication which resulted in happier and more appreciated employees.

    His "Blueprint to Leadership" Course has created more confidence and respect in personnel who carry supervisory and management roles. Being featured on FOX, NBC, and CBS has helped Juan lead the charge in creating Strength-Based leaders, and teams, giving rise to the culture at work for over 1500 School Administrators.

    On this episode, Juan shares the 7 Deadly Sins of Leadership and how leaders can reflect, take responsibility and create trust, resulting in better performance for them and their teams.

    Key Points:
    - the true meaning of Responsibility
    - Micro-managing due to covid / hybrid work
    - what builds Trust in a team?
    - how do leaders Delegate effectively?
    - Time Management vs Self Management
    - Leaders taking Responsibility for the team dynamics
    - Connection before Correction
    - how to be a Courageous Leader

    ...and so much more!

    Connect with Juan:
    Website: https://weraizethebar.com
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rtb-juan/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/raizethebarceo/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@raizethebar
    Podcast: The Relevant Development Podcast

    Listen to the Podcast, subscribe, leave a rating and a review:
    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-7-deadly-sins-of-leadership-w-juan-alvarado/id1614151066?i=1000640925287
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6qo7bFagTTZTY8EPog1aPG
    YouTube: https://youtu.be/DHgHUc3TSJI

    Master Your Mind, Body and Life w/ Derick Johnson

    Master Your Mind, Body and Life w/ Derick Johnson

    Is your life's soundtrack stuck on the tune of struggle and stagnation? It's time to change the record.

    Meet Derek Johnson, a veteran turned life coach who believes that everyone is undefeated as long as they are still standing. Derek's journey from a 15-year-old business owner to a champion of personal empowerment is nothing short of extraordinary. With over a decade of military experience and a childhood marred by domestic challenges, he has turned adversity into strength, helping over 500 clients redefine their relationship with success and fulfillment.

    In this episode, Derek reveals the transformative power of discernment, the importance of confronting and rewriting your narrative, and why the best leaders are those who understand the unique language of individual potential. He shares his insights on:

    - The impact of childhood trauma on personal development
    - How to cultivate discernment and perspective in life's toughest moments
    - Strategies for breaking free from negative patterns and intrusive thoughts
    - The essential role of gratitude and the powerful mantra "Challenge Accepted"

    Connect with Derek and unlock the secrets to thriving amidst adversity:
    Instagram: @fitwithderek2 (D-E-R-I-C-K)

    Ready to reshape your reality and embrace the undefeated spirit within? Subscribe, leave a rating, and review on Apple and Spotify, and tune in for more life-altering conversations.

    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/master-your-mind-body-and-life-w-derick-johnson/id1614151066?i=1000640448992
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/38YnyS17rQ1mj89850eZ4R
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HaljLQD7kas

    Do you have a communication challenge you'd like to share? Join me for a Virtual Coffee:

    The Speaking and Communicating Podcast is your beacon of light in the fog of life's battles. Let's navigate the journey to success and fulfillment, together.

    đź“‹ Episode Chapters

    (00:00) Communication and soft skills are crucial for career growth and leadership development
    (00:57) Growing up in Florida, there was a lot of negativity toxicity at home
    (04:09) Everybody that goes through trauma is given a gift, Derek says
    (10:28) Derek Johnson credits Tony Robbins with helping him manage stress as a child
    (16:16) Derek says he learned how to stand up to bullies as a teenager
    (20:16) One of the most common challenges people face is their relationship with food
    (27:18) We were Hercules. We were losers in the sports field, and we were fine with that
    (28:22) When your clients have challenges, what are some of the tools you use
    (33:19) When someone has three to five moments of clarity, they thrive
    (35:17) Derek Johnson challenges people to pinpoint their definition of success

    Connect with Derick:
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/derickjohnson1/
    Website: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkDZEbyS5lSRA5o9AKJShsQ/about
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fitwithderick2/?hl=en

    Learning and Development For Your Team w/ Patrick Mullarkey

    Learning and Development For Your Team w/ Patrick Mullarkey

    How do you decide what your team needs to learn?

    Meet Patrick Mullarkey!

    Patrick is a Learning and Development Specialist. He is passionate about learning and development in the workplace and commercial benefits for both people and organizations. He creates learning strategies and experiences to help leaders and their teams perform at their best.

    Patrick has worked across the private, public and not-for-profit sectors, including organisations within the FTSE 100/FTSE 250 listing, management consulting, higher education, scientific research, Premier League football and many more. A facilitator, coach and learning designer with other a decade of experience and expertise, he loves the opportunity to work with groups and individual’s alike to realise their potential and higher levels of professional performance.

    An avid comic book geek and tech fan, he is a regular speaker with the L&D/HR conference and learning technologies circuit.

    Listen as Patrick shares how he helps leaders facilitate learning for not only themselves and their teams, in order to achieve the best outcomes and perform at the highest level.

    Key Points:
    - is your team learning solution-focused?
    - deciding on what you team needs to learn
    - measuring learning outcomes and effectiveness
    - what purpose psychometric testing serves
    - how do you influence organizational culture?
    - facilitating learning that is engaging
    - how SNYK benefits you in the digital space
    - self-awareness in learning and professional growth

    ...and so much more!

    Connect with Patrick:
    Website: https://www.byteandbuild.com/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mullarkeypj/?originalSubdomain=uk

    Additional Resources:
    HyperIsland Toolbox: https://toolbox.hyperisland.com

    Listen to the Podcast, subscribe, leave a rating and a review:
    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/learning-and-development-for-your-team-w-patrick-mullarkey/id1614151066?i=1000640251799
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1NDzDZGYZzYdBl9kIFBStu
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqG7hUkaWxE

    The Pressure to Speak Perfect English w/ Marty Green

    The Pressure to Speak Perfect English w/ Marty Green

    Do you feel the pressure to speak English perfectly? Do you feel judged by native English speakers?

    Meet Marty Green!

    Marty is the Founder of Marty Education. She is a Teacher, Coach and Motivator. 

    Cultivating her love for languages since a very young age, Marty is now an educational author and entrepreneur, as well as a teacher, coach and mentor to hundreds of people all around the world. Through her devotion, she has developed her unique and unforgettable coaching style, crafted to not only help others achieve their success in English, but to break out of their comfort zones and become the best versions of themselves.

    Connect with Marty:
    Website: https://marty.education

    Additional Resources:
    20% OFF on Pronunciation Course by Marty Green - Promo Code 'SPECIAL20'
    Podcast - 21st Century Expression with Marty Education

    Listen to the Podcast, subscribe, leave a rating and a review:
    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-pressure-to-speak-perfect-english-w-marty-green/id1614151066?i=1000639828307
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/5KjBvwIh2h0X14SXhLYgG1
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uC7qFDz1A1Q

    Rewrite Your Story w/ Deanna Moffitt

    Rewrite Your Story w/ Deanna Moffitt

    What story are you telling yourself about your life? Do you every question it?

    Meet Deanna Moffitt!

    Deanna is a CEO, KeyNote Speaker, Leadership Consultant, Coach and Author of The Rewrite now available on Amazon. She is a Transformative Storyteller who helps her clients live life on their terms. In her early 30’s, while working as an IT Project Manager and having her soul sucked out of her one drop at a time, she knew something had to change. So, she took an improv comedy class on the suggestion of a friend; a decision that would change her life forever. She started asking herself a different set of questions.

    Deanna now helps people elevate their experience in life and leadership through the power of their conversations, questions, and decisions. She has helped folks at companies including Google, American Express, DocuSign, Microsoft, Viacom, Marriott as well as 100's of individuals outside of the corporate world. 

    Listen as Deanna shares her journey from taking a leap of faith into the unknown, questioning the story she had been telling herself and making the decision to rewrite her own story. The tangible result for her clients is gaining clarity in whom they want to be in this world, having better, more powerful conversations, asking better questions and raising their emotional intelligence to become more persuasive.

    Key Points:
    - how to ask yourself the right questions
    - how to identify which path to pursue
    - taking a leap into the unknown
    - when last did you question your story?
    - are you aware what story you keep telling yourself?
    - how did your life get here?
    - how does improv help with leadership skills?
    - your comfort zone and your belief system

    ...and so much more!

    Connect with Deanna:
    Website: https://deannamoffitt.com

    Additonal Resources:
    "The Rewrite: Change Your Life One Story At A Time" by Deanna Moffitt on Amazon
    FREE 30-Minute Call (https://deannamoffitt.com/book-consult/)

    Listen to the Podcast, subscribe, leave a rating and a review:
    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/rewrite-your-story-w-deanna-moffitt/id1614151066?i=1000639667984
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/725seZZvMKUWIafjwIu7KU
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4Z06QV886I

    The 5-Day Job Search w/ Annie Margarita Yang

    The 5-Day Job Search w/ Annie Margarita Yang

    What makes you stand out from other candidates? Should everyone get into debt to afford a college education?

    Meet Annie Margarita Yang!

    Annie went against the mold and never went to college, despite being Asian-American and knowing the expectations. She is the go-to finance guru for Millennials refusing to lose in a system stacked against them. A candid, no-fluff YouTube personality and Author, Annie is a part of the group she educates—the demographic most misunderstood because they must overcome finance challenges previous generations didn’t.

    She is skilled at creating easy-to-follow money saving systems, intentional in addressing the unique concerns of Millennials, and relentless about creating financial independence.

    In her book, "The 5-Day Job Search", Finance guru, Annie offers an easy, effective guide to jumpstart your career. Learn to present yourself confidently, master interviews, and secure job offers, even in tough economic times. With Yang's proven strategies, land a fulfilling role in a top company, and pave the way for a brighter future.

    Key Points:
    - is college the only way to a brighter future?
    - the benefits of doing a career inventory
    - how a book makes you wealthy
    - what exactly is The 5-Day Job Search
    - how to become the best version of yourself
    - the Bamboo metaphor
    - polishing up your image 
    - how you are perceived when improving your communication skills 
    - your energy and subconscious mind
    - using AI for your resume and job search

    ...and so much more!

    Connect with Annie:
    Website: https://www.annieyangfinancial.com
    (for a signed copy of the book and 10% DISCOUNT with code 'COMMUNICATION10')
    Website: https://www.anniemargaritayang.com
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@AnnieMargaritaYang

    Additional Resources:
    "The 5-Day Job Search" by Annie Margarita Yang (FREE Audiobook on website)
    "One Thousand Ways To Save Money" by Annie Margarita Yang
    "The Accountant With No Accounting Degree" by Annie Margarita Yang

    Listen to the Podcast, subscribe, leave a rating and a review:
    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-5-day-job-search-w-annie-margarita-yang/id1614151066?i=1000639348341
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/4mjEmtHnC1GrHzE6ExYD9G
    YouTube: https://youtu.be/pSLfgXsQ5ok

    How to Reduce Physician Burnout w/ Dr. Gary Simonds

    How to Reduce Physician Burnout w/ Dr. Gary Simonds

    How do physicians cope with stress and burnout?

    Meet Dr. Gary Simonds!

    Dr. Simonds is a Neurosurgeon, Educator, Author and Public Speaker. He is on a mission to use his experience and expertise to help doctors, especially residents, to cope with stress and burnout. He is a highly experienced neurosurgeon, former Head of an academic Neurosurgery program at Virginia Tech/Carilion Clinic. He is a Professor, and teaches regularly at the Virginia Tech School of Neuroscience and the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine. 

    Dr. Gary has written and spoken widely on the subjects of neuroscience, medical school admissions, medical ethics, burnout, personal wellness, spirituality, death and dying, and the interface between science and religion. Known for his compassion and sense of humor, he also writes fiction and is an accomplished and entertaining storyteller. His books mainly focus on how physicians can thrive under this high-pressure environment.

    On this episode, we explore the different ways in which he helps physicians cope with burnout and stress that comes with the job.

    Key Points:
    - how to cope with burnout
    - listening to your body
    - science and spirituality
    - how the brain communicates with us and vice versa
    - the impact of our experiences on the brain's blood flow
    - how physicians communicate tragic news to families

    Connect with Dr. Gary:
    Website: https://garyrsimonds.com

    Additional Resources - Books by Dr. Gary R Simonds on Amazon:
    'The Thriving Physician'
    'Thriving in Healthcare'
    'Death's Pale Flag'

    Listen to the Podcast, subscribe, leave a rating and a. review:
    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-to-reduce-physician-burnout-w-dr-gary-simonds/id1614151066?i=1000638950090
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/0aPfIhmxsyIoVBgfH72ZHB

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=heR6lOq3Zt0

    Grow Your Leadership Impact w/ Eric Nehrlich

    Grow Your Leadership Impact w/ Eric Nehrlich

    Do you HAVE to work 16-hour days in order to achieve success?

    Meet Eric Ehrlich!

    Eric Nehrlich is an Executive Leadership Coach and former Chief of Staff at Google. He helps empower high performers to become better leaders. He also apportions part of his time to Pro Bono Coaching in order to help previously marginalized communities. 

    Eric is a catalyst for personal growth who helps his clients find the path towards their dream selves. By integrating learnings from across his dozens of clients, he helps identify the pitfalls and opportunities on their path. Before becoming a coach, he advised the leaders of Google for over 10 years, including 6 years leading business strategy and operations for the search ads team as the Chief of Staff to the Product VP of AdWords. Before Google, he was an engineer and product manager at several technology startups.

    Eric is certified as a coach by the International Coach Federation, is a New Ventures West Integral Coach and also certified with the Leadership Circle Profile 360 assessment. Outside of coaching, he mostly spend his time dad-ding his 2 kids. He has always been passionate about connecting people and ideas.

    Eric recently published his bestseller, 'You Have A Choice' on how he redesigned his life to be more meaningful and impactful after burning out. This book will provide you with the tools you need to find a new path with purpose—one where you define what success means to you.

    On this episode, he shares his experiences as he went from being burned out and asking himself the necessary questions that led to a more fulfilling, successful life.

    Key Points
    - How he suffered Burnout
    - Are you questioning your Choices and Outlook?
    - What Belief Systems have you adopted?
    - What boxes are you keeping yourself in as a Leader?
    - What creates a High-performing Team
    - The Cost of not Communicating clearly
    - How to present to Non-Technical Audiences
    - What does Success mean to you?
    - The power of NO

    ...and so much more!

    Connect with Eric:
    Website: https://www.toomanytrees.com
    Website: https://www.toomanytrees.com/book
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nehrlich/

    Additional Resources:
    "You Have A Choice" by Eric Nehrlich on Amazon

    Listen to the Podcast, subscribe, leave a rating and a review:
    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/you-have-a-choice-w-eric-nehrlich/id1614151066?i=1000638453276
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1zpkv2lMYwhj4IU2sFFFKA
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wG6GznJQ08

    Public Relations and Branding in K-12 Education w/ Molly McGowan Gorsuch

    Public Relations and Branding in K-12 Education w/ Molly McGowan Gorsuch

    How to explore effective PR Strategies in the Education Sector:

    Meet Molly McGowan Gorsuch!

    Get ready to unravel the complexities of public relations in the education sector with our esteemed guest, Molly McGowan Gorsuch, a seasoned PR specialist and Director of Client Engagement at Rhodes Brands. Molly enlightens us about her fascinating journey from being a reporter to mastering the art of school public relations. She brings to light the various functions of PR, such as internal and external communications, media relations, and crisis management, underscoring the importance of having a strong PR strategy for managing brand reputation and effective communication with stakeholders. Listen in as we delve into the crucial role of media relations in disseminating transparent and accurate messages to the public.

    The episode takes a dramatic turn as we shift gears to address the formidable challenges faced by communicators during the pandemic. This conversation throws light on the importance of understanding your audience, adapting to ever-changing information and guidelines, and the need for timely, accurate communication while maintaining credibility. Molly reflects on the difficulties faced by districts in implementing changes, and the frustrations of parents seeking more information. You'll also get to learn about the significance of trust and credibility in communication, and the potential repercussions of backtracking and apologies.

    Finally, we explore the crucial role of branding in the competitive K-12 education landscape. Find out how Rhodes Branding, a full-service agency for K-12 schools, assists schools in defining their unique brand to attract educators, improve enrollment numbers, and build alumni bases. You'll also gain insights into the challenges schools face in recruiting and retaining teachers, and how Rhodes Branding uses journey modeling to comprehend the needs and motivations of potential educators. Join us as we wrap up with a preview of the upcoming American Association of School Personnel Administrators Conference. Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and review! Stay tuned for more.

    Key Points:
    - School Public Relations importance
    - Media and community relations
    - Communicating during a pandemic challenges
    - Branding's importance in K-12 Education
    - Passionate communication and Public Relations interviews
    - Credibility and trust in public relations
    - Accurate communication with the public
    - The importance of branding and marketing for schools
    - How to start a career in public relations

    ...and so much more!

    Connect with Molly:
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mollymcgowangorsuch/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/MollyMGorsuch
    Website: https://www.rhodesbranding.com/author/molly/

    Listen to the Podcast, subscribe, leave a rating and a review:
    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/public-relations-and-communications-for-school/id1614151066?i=1000638197379
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2ENTNTvYIoCwu1QY2qnQwg
    YouTube: https://youtu.be/ARDnQtehZp8

    Navigating Health and Technology: A Conversation with Darlene Greene

    Navigating Health and Technology: A Conversation with Darlene Greene

    From Military Leadership to Tech Mastery...

    Meet Darlene Greene!

    Join us as we journey through the gift of health with our guest, Darlene Green, a retired United States Navy commander turned health technology consultant. Darlene introduces us to GHKCU cover peptides stem cell research and its transformative effects on our well-being. We also examine the value of effective communication and leadership skills, not just in the military or tech sector, but in everyday life.

    Get ready to be inspired by the story of a woman who managed to land a high-level technology job, despite not having a background in software. Through her determination and strong leadership skills, she managed to impress her superiors and prove that soft skills can be just as important as technical knowledge. Furthermore, we look into the cutting-edge world of Alzheimer's treatments, from stem cell therapy to copper peptide technology. This conversation is a testament to the power of perseverance and adaptability.

    Finally, we explore the wonders of light therapy and copper peptide patches, and how they can help combat various health conditions. We share heartwarming success stories and discuss a groundbreaking study that shows the incredible benefits of this therapy. In addition, we express our appreciation for the Be Podcast Network and their work in helping people become better leaders and creators of positive change. Tune in to learn more about these fascinating topics, and discover how they can positively impact your life.

    Key Points:
    - Job Interview and Soft Skills
    - Strong leadership and effective communication skills
    - Why adaptability is becoming a more crucial skill
    - Stem Cell research
    - Copper Peptide Therapy
    - Copper Peptide Patch Benefits for Health
    - Why athletes and celebrities use GHK-CU patches
    - How nature's light therapy patch activates stem cells

    ...and so much more!

    Connect with Darlene:
    Website: https://iamreverseaging.com

    Additional Resources:
    'How to Reverse Aging' by Dr. Jon Harmon on Amazon

    Listen to the Podcast, subscribe, leave a rating and a review:
    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-to-heal-using-technology-w-darlene-greene/id1614151066?i=1000637700032
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/17J7p89ydmyvzVhOkMzjUO
    YouTube: https://youtu.be/X2nroMaOnWE

    Exploring Metaphors and the Power of Language with Alison Smith

    Exploring Metaphors and the Power of Language with Alison Smith

    Have you ever felt like you’ve hit a brick wall, unable to find solutions to life’s problems?

    Meet Alison Smith!

    Prepare to be challenged as renowned trainer, coach, and author, Alison Smith, lends her wisdom on how the seemingly simple elements of language and metaphor can drastically shape our lives. Step into a world where gardening isn't just about nurturing plants, but a metaphor for personal growth, where the phrase 'talking to a brick wall' is not defeat, but an invitation to find hidden solutions cloaked within our language choices. 

    This conversation with Alison promises to bring light to the darkest corners of your mind, breaking down the walls of your beliefs and paving the way for you to step out of the shadows. Be ready to set your logical mind aside for a while, giving it a well-deserved "coffee break" to make room for more creative, solution-oriented thinking. Alison’s book, "Landscaping Your Life," becomes our guide, offering fresh perspectives on personal growth and how to navigate life's inevitable ups and downs.

    Lastly, we touch base on where to find "Landscaping Your Life" and how it has directly influenced the growth of our podcast. We also introduce the Be Podcast Network, a platform committed to nurturing personal development and leadership. This episode promises not just to educate you but to inspire and empower you to become the change you want to see in your life. So sit back, tune in, and prepare for a journey that will shift your perspective, shake your beliefs, and shape your future.

    Key Points:

    - Metaphors for overcoming stuckness
    - Decision-making and nature's metaphors
    - Exploring Language and Metaphors
    - Promoting "Landscaping Your Life" on Platforms
    - Nature's role in finding solutions, overcoming fears, and embracing change
    - How nature inspires creativity
    - How stories help us remember important lessons
    - Overcoming feelings of being stuck in life
    - Language on our perceptions and problem-solving abilities

    Alison Smith authored the book "Landscaping your Life." You can find the book on Amazon.

    Connect with Alison:
    Website: https://www.alisonsmith.co

    Additional Resources:
    "Can't See the Wood for the Trees" by Alison Smith on Amazon

    Listen to the Podcast, subscribe, leave a rating and a review:
    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/landscaping-your-life-w-alison-smith/id1614151066?i=1000637446569
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/5bg7Ss3avopMhLqoPxMwuj
    YouTube: https://youtu.be/0QVUB0yScSQ

    Navigating Successful Career Transitions w/ Michael Glassock

    Navigating Successful Career Transitions w/ Michael Glassock

    How do you find personal fulfillment when switching careers?

    Meet Michael Glassock!

    Join us on this engaging episode as we navigate the realm of career transitions with our guest, Michael Glassock, a seasoned career transition coach from Great Britain. Michael generously shares his personal journey, marked by his father's Alzheimer's diagnosis, that led him to reassess his life and career aspirations. Listen in as he discusses his passion for coaching, the significance of self-awareness, and the importance of aligning personal values with career decisions. Michael's parting reminder? Don't delay making a career change and always prioritize personal fulfillment over purely monetary pursuits.

    In the next chapter of this episode, we tackle the all-important topic of job applications - particularly for students and recent graduates. We bust the common misconception that teaching experience doesn't translate into corporate roles, and instead, highlight the transferable skills that teachers possess. Tune in as we discuss the need for tailoring cover letters and resumes to the specific job you're applying for and share tips on how to do so effectively. We underscore the importance of showcasing relevant skills and experiences from previous roles, even if they may not seem directly related to the role you're pursuing.

    Finally, we move on to exploring the concept of self-confidence and its role in the job application process. This chapter provides practical advice on standing out from the crowd, personalizing cover letters and resumes, and communicating your passion for the organization you're applying to. Listen as we stress the importance of reaching out to the company prior to an interview and share insights on how confidence can be built through hard work and proactivity. We also touch on career transitioning, which may involve a shift in organizations rather than just roles, as illustrated by a success story from one of Michael's clients. Listen in to discover the significance of self-awareness and taking small steps to build self-confidence in personal and professional contexts.

    Key Points:
    - Teachers transitioning careers
    - Applying for the right Jobs
    - Confidence in Job Applications
    - Building Self-Confidence and Career Transition
    - Nature's transferable skills for job interviews
    - Tailoring cover letters and resumes
    - Showcasing relevant experiences
    - Standing out in the competitive job market
    - The importance of self-awareness and self-confidence
    - Transitioning to a different organization while still loving your job

    ...and so much more!

    Connect with Michael:
    Website: https://www.michaelglassockcoaching.com

    Additional Resources:
    FREE Resources: https://www.michaelglassockcoaching.com/resources

    Listen to the Podcast, subscribe, leave a rating and a review:
    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-to-change-careers-successfully-w-michael-glassock/id1614151066?i=1000636929156
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/0w2sY9m66nTrJbavlE9wyH

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsTdXahguG4

    How to Present Technical Ideas to Non-Technical Audiences w/ Dr. Michael Gerharz

    How to Present Technical Ideas to Non-Technical Audiences w/ Dr. Michael Gerharz

    How do you effectively communicate technical concepts to non-technical audiences?
    How do you find the right words?

    Meet Dr. Michael Gerharz!

    Dr. Gerharz is a Communications Specialist from Germany, who helps leaders globally find the right words to communicate their messages. Whether it’s in a keynote, an important meeting or a personal conversation, Dr. Michael knows that the way you communicate makes or breaks your influence. Therefore, he helps his clients find the right words inspire and inform, engage and motivate. Those who work with him unite a whole business behind a common vision, intrigue customers and partners and light us the path.

    ***Communicate with irresistible clarity and your messages become impossible to ignore***

    Whenever you are communicating a complex concept or using technical terminology, make sure to provide sufficient context and background information. This will help your audience connect the dots and better understand the subject matter.

    Key Points:
    - streamlining technical language for enhanced communication
    - how to break down technical concepts into smaller, manageable parts
    - being impossible to ignore
    - why technical experts struggle with presentations
    - what is the 'curse of knowledge'?
    - should you persuade harder?
    - how to convince investors to fund you
    - how to work with your audience's curiosity
    - how screen writers effectively craft storytelling
    - WOW vs AHA

    ...and so much more!

    Connect with Dr. Michael:
    Website: https://michaelgerharz.com

    Additional Resources:
    "Der Aha Effekt" - The A-Ha Effect by Dr. Michael Gerharz on Amazon
    "The Irresistible Communication Podcast" by Dr. Michael Gerharz

    Listen to the Podcast, subscribe, leave a rating and a review:
    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-to-present-technical-ideas-to-non-technical-audiences/id1614151066?i=1000636674200
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/0lTNfTVAp4VYV2HiYFv2Dr
    YouTube: https://youtu.be/vzFJG9tPtJA

    Is There Leadership in the Military? w/ Walt Morgan

    Is There Leadership in the Military? w/ Walt Morgan

    Is there leadership in the military?

    Meet Walt Morgan!

    Walt Morgan is a Leadership Coach and Instructor of Leadership at the University of Colorado. He has been involved with CU's Leadership Minor since its inception, working as an advisor on its founding committee beginning in 2014; he currently serves as an instructor for multiple sections of the Leadership Minor's introductory course "Becoming a Leader". He is a Developmental Coach and Leadership Consultant who has supported companies and individual clients nationally through executive coaching and team facilitation.

    Walt is a retired Navy Commander and flew helicopters throughout his 23 years on active duty. He earned his Bachelor of Science from CU's School of Journalism and his Master's in National Security and Strategic Studies from the Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island.

    Listen to this episode on how serving his country prepared him for the leadership coaching work that helps his clients today.

    Key Points:
    - is there leadership in the military?
    - veterans adapting to corporate culture
    - the relationship between leadership and communication
    - how communication skills help you find your voice
    - the way we communicate vs our sense of worthiness
    - how to be intentional in your leadership
    - how to align your values with your communication

    ...and so much more!

    Connect with Walt:
    Website: https://tliftcoaching.com/about-me/

    Additional Resources:
    "Solitude and Leadership" - Speech by William Deresiewicz

    Listen to the Podcast, subscribe, leave a rating and a review:
    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/is-there-leadership-in-the-military-w-walt-morgan/id1614151066?i=1000635669356
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/77fART3Iq0cPW7cRv8gP2P
    YouTube: https://youtu.be/nEZQH-eontY

    Trust Building Through Communication w/ Regina Huber

    Trust Building Through Communication w/ Regina Huber

    How do you build trust through communication? How is a message received when there is no trust?

    Meet Regina Huber!

    Regina is a Transformational Leadership Coach who also specializes in Conversational Intelligence. She is the Founder of Transform Your Performance and helps leaders enhance their presence & skills, and get recognition & promotions, while living a freakin' amazing life. She coaches & trains in English, German, Portuguese, Spanish.

    Regina worked with the Boston Consulting Group and led global teams. She works with value-driven leaders who are ready to step into the next level of their leadership. This will result in them increasing their influence and impact while reducing their stress and enhancing their personal fulfillment.

    Listen as Regina shares how to build trust and how to remove barriers to it.

    Key Points:
    - how to create more engaged and happier teams
    - who is a coach within a corporate environment
    - how communication skills get you the credit you deserve
    - strategies for asking for what you want at work
    - positioning your value in an organization
    - what goes into building trust
    - the relationship between authenticity and trust
    - how to engage your team to build trust
    - how conversational intelligence helps you in your leadership
    - how trust transforms our listening skills

    ...and so much more!

    Connect with Regina:
    Website: https://www.transformyourperformance.com
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/reginahuber/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@reginahuber

    Additional Resources:
    "Speak Up, Stand Up and Shine" by Regina Huber on Amazon
    Subscribe to Regina's LinkedIn Newsletter for Career Growth Strategy
    FREE 30-minute Leadership Uplevel Session

    Listen to the Podcast, subscribe, leave a rating and a review:
    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/trust-building-through-communication-w-regina-huber/id1614151066?i=1000635434636
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/0Dxxg0tQ7G4c9mHqCCC0S8
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNKBSBMtfcU

    Connect with me / FREE Consultation:
    Email: roberta4sk@gmail.com

    Become a Compelling Speaker:
    Use the code ROBERTA to get 20% off

    Persuasive Storytelling from a Former Prosecutor w/ Laurie Gilbertson

    Persuasive Storytelling from a Former Prosecutor w/ Laurie Gilbertson

    How do you become persuasive and creative in your presentations?

    Meet Laurie Gilbertson!

    Laurie is a former prosecutor, television legal analyst and legal educator who formed Tribeca Blue Consulting to bring her unique skills and passion for teaching to help professionals communicate better.  She achieves this by combining her lawyer’s attention to detail, the insider’s tips and tricks she learned during a decade spent in New York City courtrooms and the expertise she gained while helping the nation’s top attorneys and judges develop and present compelling material. She helps her individual and group clients with presentations, sales calls, pitch meetings…

    Laurie is a dynamic, passionate and poised communicator, whether in the courtroom, the classroom or on television. She brings her unique brand of enthusiasm, dedication and skill to teaching people how to use powerful and creative presentations, public speaking and on-camera appearances to connect with their clients and their audiences. She loves the intellectual challenge of persuasion, advocacy and education.

    Key Points:
    - how to develop persuasive and compelling narratives
    - the success that comes from being a better communicator
    - why crafting a story convinces the jury / your audience
    - how to set up your story framework
    - why it's good to be nervous just before speaking
    - why being yourself trumps everything
    - how to create curiosity in your audience
    - how to open and close strongly

    ...and so much more!

    Connect with Laurie:
    Website: https://www.tribecablueconsulting.com
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lauriegilbertson/

    Additional Resources:
    Daveed Diggs Tony Awards Acceptance Speech on YouTube

    Listen to the Podcast, subscribe, leave a rating and a review:
    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/persuasive-storytelling-from-a-former-prosecutor-w/id1614151066?i=1000634919968
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6ItcZ4n1J91HCunXo3PS2C
    YouTube: https://youtu.be/llc5KYRHH-0

    Connect with me / FREE Consultation:
    Email: roberta4sk@gmail.com

    Become a Compelling Speaker:
    Use the code ROBERTA to get 20% off

    The COVID-19 Recovery Program w/ Mark V. Smith

    The COVID-19 Recovery Program w/ Mark V. Smith

    How do we recover from the challenges we faced during the COVID-19 pandemic? Especially with regards to job losses?

    Meet Mark V. Smith!

    Mark is the Co-ordinator of Workforce Development Economic Recovery Program in Prince George's County in Maryland State. 'Employ Prince George' is the bridge between the job seeker and the potential employer. He is also a TEDx Speaker, a former Admissions Manager since the 90s, helping students chart their career course. He has been an award-winning STRIVE Trainer at the Center for Urban Families.

    Mark is also the Host of "The Process" podcast outlines trials and tribulations that we all go through, and offers insight on methods to weather the storms in life. The clever use of acronyms within his messages, offer a way for us to remember key points as we GROW FORWARD. His vision statement of “Your Why is Greater Than Your Situation Which is Part of Your PROCESS,” gives us the perspective that we are always GROWING. He is also host of a weekly Radio show on a network that has thousands of listeners.

    Key Points:
    - the importance of active listening
    - the impact of comfort on your growth
    - why serving helps YOU grow
    - 'passion' vs 'purpose'
    - Federal Government funding as part of COVID recovery
    - how being bilingual is an asset to employers
    - the price you pay for winning vs the bill for regret
    - your circle vs your cage
    - how to effectively use social media to grow your brand
    - why stories change us

    ...and so much more!

    Connect with Mark:
    Website: https://www.theprocessmarksmith.com
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mark-smith-0988a020/
    Email: mark@theprocessmarksmith.com

    Listen to the Podcast, subscribe, leave a rating and a review:
    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-covid-19-recovery-program-w-mark-v-smith/id1614151066?i=1000634658092
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/4IzqSjJjl0kK2VsnVFT7K3
    YouTube: https://youtu.be/WEia_VrqeaE

    Connect with me / FREE Consultation:
    Email: roberta4sk@gmail.com

    Become a Compelling Speaker:
    Use the code ROBERTA to get 20% off

    How to Be a Servant Leader w/ Marten Niner

    How to Be a Servant Leader w/ Marten Niner

    Why is it crucial to become a servant leader?

    Meet Marten Niner!

    Marten is an Accomplished Executive, Serial Entrepreneur and Executive Life & Leadership Coach. He is also a Team Builder, Board Member, Speaker, Improvisationalist, and Musician. His motto is #yesismorefun.

    Marten is gifted with a natural aptitude for servant leadership born out of his deep care for others. Now an ICF certified professional coach, Marten brings a background as diverse as his interests. On this episode, he takes us through his transformational journey of how a leader influenced him through his actions, which then encouraged him to enlist the help of coaches himself. 

    Listen as Marten shares the experiences he had and how it led to the servant leadership work that he does today.

    Key Points:
    - how Marten was influenced by a leader
    - curiosity and the quality of questions 
    - leader vs manager
    - how improv improved Marten's leadership skills
    - mentorship vs coaching relationship
    - how to encourage innovation in your team
    - the benefits of hyper listening
    - the mark of a true servant leader

    ...and much more!

    Connect with Marten:
    Email: marten9r@outlook.com (FREE Consultation)
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marten9r/

    Additional Resources:
    "The Untethered Soul" by Michael Alan Singer on Amazon

    Become a Compelling Speaker:
    Use the code ROBERTA to get 20% off

    Connect with me / FREE Consultation:
    Email: roberta4sk@gmail.com

    Listen to the Podcast, subscribe, leave a rating and a review:
    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-to-be-a-servant-leader-w-marten-niner/id1614151066?i=1000634131716
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/7sD6InWQM33X6GFFPQ2XDB
    YouTube: https://youtu.be/818gVa-57vM

    How to Sell Without Selling w/ Valeria Grunbaum

    How to Sell Without Selling w/ Valeria Grunbaum

    How do you sell without selling? Why do so many dislike the sales process?

    Meet Valeria Grunbaum!

    Valeria is the Founder of the International Business Academy in Miami. She is a Speaker, Trainer and Coach who helps organizations with Sales, Leadership and Communication Skills. She has been in Sales for over 30 years.

    Valeria believes that without sales, there is no business. Yet, over the years she has met countless business owners who don’t consider themselves salespeople. Some might even say they dislike it, or weren’t born to do sales. However, the real problem is not often a true distaste for it—it’s a lack of knowhow. She had been stuck in the same mindset. When she embraced the importance of sales and developed her own process with some outside help, she started closing the multi-million-dollar deals that have shaped her success. 

    On this episode, Valeria shares with us how to sell while creating long-term customer loyalty, build relationships and not be "salesy".

    Key Points:
    - lessons from her first Sales job
    - the benefits of knowing how to sell
    - why some of us avoid sales
    - the relationship between Sales and Communication
    - how to create lifelong customer loyalty
    - why people make the choice to buy
    - The Platinum Rule in Sales

    ...and so much more!

    Connect with Valeria:
    Website: https://valeriagrunbaum.com
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/valeriagrunbaum/

    Become a Compelling Speaker:
    Use the code ROBERTA to get 20% off

    Connect with me / FREE Consultation:
    Email: roberta4sk@gmail.com

    Listen to the Podcast, subscribe, leave a rating and a review:
    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-to-sell-without-selling-w-valeria-grunbaum/id1614151066?i=1000633870735
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/5dI58GpL3zubR2Kan7L38x
    YouTube: https://youtu.be/-ceS_h9MCfk

    How to Work for NASA w/ Donald G. James

    How to Work for NASA w/ Donald G. James

    Does being the smartest astronaut make you successful at NASA?

    Meet Donald G. James!

    Donald developed an early interest in aviation and international affairs due to his frequent travels with his parents to Africa, Southeast Asia, and Europe. The experience of living in developing countries and a desire to solve problems of destitution inspired him to pursue International Relations and Economic Development academically, though he never lost his interest in aerospace.

    After graduate school, Donald applied to and was accepted into the Presidential Management Intern program at NASA, beginning at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in 1982. He decided to make a career at NASA after the tragic Challenger accident in 1986. Working at the Agency that led America and the world to human exploration of the moon is an honor and a privilege for him.

    In August of 2014, NASA Administrator Charlie Bolden selected Donald to serve as the Agency’s Associate Administrator for Education. Donald retired after 35 years—all with NASA—on March 31, 2017. He enjoys speaking to groups, especially young people interested in aerospace careers and about the themes in his new book.

    Donald’s bestselling book (in collaboration with his brother Dennis) "Manners Will Take You Where Brains and Money Won’t: Wisdom from Momma and 35 years at NASA" is available on his website and Amazon. He lives with his wife Tanya in Pleasanton, California. They have two children.

    On this episode, Donald shares how lessons from his mother were the reason he achieved great success in his career at NASA.

    Key Points:
    - why being smart isn't good enough
    - how Donald went from intern to top NASA leadership
    - qualities needed to thrive at NASA
    - why NASA hires more non-STEM professionals
    - different facets of mentorship
    - the power of active listening
    - your mindset when charting a career path
    - the professional benefits of exposure to different cultures
    - how leaders can actively include introverted team members

    ...and so much more!

    Connect with Donald:
    Website: https://donaldgregoryjames.com
    Email: mannerswilltakeyou@gmail.com

    Additional Resources:
    "Manners Will Take You Where Brains and Money Won’t: Wisdom from Momma and 35 years at NASA" by Donald G. James

    Become a Compelling Speaker:
    Use the code ROBERTA to get 20% off

    Connect with me / FREE Consultation:
    Email: roberta4sk@gmail.com

    Listen to the Podcast, subscribe, leave a rating and a review:
    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/why-being-smart-is-not-good-enough-at-nasa-w-donald-g-james/id1614151066?i=1000633354887
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1iPzMcj7Mm2VZy94d9zKP5
    YouTube: https://youtu.be/PZciXJwdWvo