
    Startups' Roundtable

    Join me at the Startups' Roundtable, where I interview inspiring entrepreneurs, startup founders and innovators. Hear their stories and get insights into the world of startups, entrepreneurship and tech. Learn the strategies, tactics and tips they used to develop their businesses and get inspired to build something great. I hope you can join me.
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    Episodes (100)

    Social Selling Framework: Building Relationships & Creating Value

    Social Selling Framework: Building Relationships & Creating Value
    Welcome to this podcast episode, where we delve into social selling. Building relationships and providing value to potential customers is crucial to creating a successful business in today's highly competitive environment. In this podcast episode, we will look at the social selling framework and explore proven strategies for building strong relationships and creating value that translates into increased revenue for your business. Whether you're just starting social selling or looking to take your efforts to the next level, this podcast episode has everything you need to know about understanding the social selling framework. So sit back, relax, and prepare for a discussion on one of today's digital age's most effective sales strategies. #b2b #sales #socialselling #relationshipbuilding #valuecreation #salesstrategy #digitalmarketing

    Social Selling: Unleashing the Power of an Engaged Sales Rep

    Social Selling: Unleashing the Power of an Engaged Sales Rep
    In this episode, we'll discuss how social selling's creative discipline requires more than AI tools and techniques. To be truly effective, it depends on having an engaged sales rep who understands how to build authentic connections with prospects and customers online. Tune in as we explore the importance of combining technology and human expertise for successful social selling results. #socialselling #salesrep #creativediscipline #AI #engagement #marketing #salesstrategy #digitalmarketing

    Integrating Social Selling with Sales Strategy

    Integrating Social Selling with Sales Strategy
    In this episode, we explore companies' challenges when integrating social selling into their sales strategies. Despite its growing importance, many companies still struggle with making social selling a seamless part of their overall approach. Tune in to learn how to overcome obstacles and succeed in the dynamic world of social selling. #socialselling #salesstrategy #digitalmarketing #leadgeneration #socialmediastrategy #inboundmarketing #contentmarketing

    Why the good is the enemy of the great

    Why the good is the enemy of the great
    Welcome to our latest podcast episode, where we delve into why the good is often the enemy of the great in the business world. As entrepreneurs and business leaders, it's easy to settle for mediocrity and become complacent with our current achievements rather than strive for greatness. This episode explores how this mindset can hold us back from reaching our full potential and achieving genuine success. By embracing a growth mindset and pushing beyond what's comfortable or "good enough," you can unlock unlimited potential in yourself and your team. #goodvsgreat #striveforgreatness #excellence #motivation #leadership

    Digital transformation of B2B sales  -  what needs to be unlearned?

    Digital transformation of B2B sales  -  what needs to be unlearned?
    The digital transformation of B2B sales has been a game-changer in the business world. It has made it easier for companies to reach out to new markets and expand their customer base. However, this transformation has also highlighted the need to unlearn some traditional sales strategies. In the digital age, customers have become more informed and empowered. They no longer rely on salespeople to provide them with all the information they need. Instead, they go online to research products and services before making a purchase. This means sales teams need to unlearn the traditional approach of pitching their products and services to customers. Instead, they need to adopt a customer-centric approach that focuses on building relationships and providing value. This involves listening to the customer's needs and offering solutions instead of just pushing products. Sales teams need to unlearn the idea of a linear sales process. The digital age has made it possible for customers to engage with companies through multiple channels, and the sales process needs to reflect this. #digitaltransformation #B2Bsales #unlearn #salesstrategy #innovation #disruption #technology #salesprocess #salesautomation #salesenablement

    B2B social selling framework for account managers

    B2B social selling framework for account managers
    As the world becomes increasingly digital, how businesses engage with their customers has drastically shifted. For example, in the B2B space, account managers are tasked with building and maintaining solid client relationships. And one of the most effective ways of doing this is through social selling. Social selling uses social media to build meaningful relationships with potential customers and drive sales. However, social selling is not a one-size-fits-all strategy. Instead, it requires a carefully crafted framework tailored to your business's unique needs and goals. This is where a B2B social selling framework for account managers comes in. #B2Bsales #socialselling #accountmanagement #salesstrategy #salesprocess #digitalmarketing #leadgeneration #contentmarketing

    The Impact of Digital Strategies on B2B Sales

    The Impact of Digital Strategies on B2B Sales
    The adoption of digital strategies in B2B sales is not without challenges. Companies must invest in the right technology and tools to fully leverage these strategies. Additionally, sellers must be trained to use these tools effectively, and businesses must continuously expand their reach and streamline processes #B2Bsales #digitalmarketing #leadgeneration #customeracquisition #salesfunnel #conversionrate #ROI #salesstrategy #businessgrowth #onlinemarketing

    Globalising apprenticeship experiences through remote learning

    Globalising apprenticeship experiences through remote learning
    In today's globalized world, remote learning has become an essential tool to provide apprenticeship experiences to students worldwide. With technology, apprenticeship programs can now be accessed from anywhere worldwide, allowing students to gain skills and knowledge unavailable in their local communities. Remote learning also enables apprentices to interact with experts in their fields of interest and learn from the best. This way, apprenticeship experiences can be globalized, allowing students to learn from diverse perspectives and cultures. Using online platforms and video conferencing tools has allowed apprentices to receive mentorship and guidance from professionals without needing to travel to remote locations. This approach also reduces the cost associated with traditional apprenticeship programs, making it more affordable for students from all backgrounds. The benefits of globalized apprenticeship experiences are many, from expanding students' skill sets to building their confidence and cultural awareness. #remotetraining #virtuallearning #globalapprenticeships #apprenticeshiptech #skillstraining

    The Art of Recruiting in the Age of Skills Development

    The Art of Recruiting in the Age of Skills Development
    In the current dynamic and fast-paced job market, the recruitment process has evolved into a more complex and challenging endeavour. Employers are seeking candidates that surpass traditional qualifications and possess a broad range of skills, as well as a commitment to continual self-improvement. Recruiters must adopt a nuanced and adaptable approach to hiring, ensuring that they attract the most fitting talent. One of the principal practices for successful recruitment in the era of skill development is to prioritize candidate potential over past achievements, evaluating not only their gained abilities but also their aptitude for learning and expansion. Recruiters must recognize areas where skill gaps exist and tailor their recruitment methods, such as targeted outreach to specific demographics or sectors, investment in training and development initiatives, and the application of technology to optimize the hiring process. #recruiting #skilldevelopment #talentmanagement #hiringstrategy #humanresources

    How to use collaboration tools to improve apprenticeship training outcomes

    How to use collaboration tools to improve apprenticeship training outcomes
    Collaboration tools are becoming increasingly popular in apprenticeship training, and for a good reason. These tools can significantly enhance the learning experience and improve outcomes for both apprentices and trainers. One of the key benefits of collaboration tools is their ability to facilitate communication between apprentices and trainers, regardless of their physical location. This can be especially helpful for apprentices who cannot attend in-person training sessions due to distance or scheduling conflicts. By using collaboration tools such as video-conferencing, messaging apps, and shared online workspaces, trainers can provide their apprentices more personalized guidance and support, ultimately leading to better outcomes. Another advantage of collaboration tools is their ability to foster a sense of community among apprentices. By providing a platform for apprentices to connect and collaborate, these tools can help build relationships and encourage the sharing of ideas and insights. This not only enhances the learning experience, but also helps to create a supportive learning environment. #collaborationtools #apprenticeship #training #elearning #education #skillsdevelopment #onlinelearning #virtualtraining #teamwork #learningoutcomes

    Girls in Quantum: Elisa Torres Durney driving diversity in STEM

    Girls in Quantum: Elisa Torres Durney driving diversity in STEM
    In this episode of our podcast, we had the pleasure of speaking with Elisa Torres Durney - the founder of Girls in Quantum - about her journey and work towards diversifying quantum computing. During this conversation, we learned about her journey, her work, and diversifying the field of quantum computing. Girls in Quantum is an organization that aims to empower women interested in quantum computing by providing resources and mentorship opportunities. As someone passionate about promoting equity in tech, it's an honor to have Elisa on the show. For more information: - Elisa is on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/elisa-torres-durney-73724a21b/ - Girls in Quantum: https://girlsinquantum.com/ #STEM #womeninscience #quantumcomputing #girlsinquantum #womenintech #girlsInSTEM #diversity #biotechnology, #stemeducation #youthempowerment

    Expanding Possibilities: Overcoming Geographical Constraints for Apprenticeships

    Expanding Possibilities: Overcoming Geographical Constraints for Apprenticeships
    Geographical constraints have limited the traditional approach to apprenticeships. Apprenticeships were often only available to those within a certain distance from the employer or training institution. However, with the advancement of technology and the increasing availability of online resources, the possibilities for apprenticeship have expanded. Remote work and virtual learning environments have opened up new opportunities for apprenticeships, making it possible for people to learn from and work with employers or institutions anywhere in the world. This expansion of possibilities is relevant for individuals living in rural or remote areas with limited access to traditional apprenticeship programs. With the ability to connect with employers and trainers virtually, these individuals could now pursue previously out-of-reach apprenticeships. #apprenticeship #skilldevelopment #geographicalconstraints #remotelearning #workforcedevelopment

    Diversity, inclusion and apprenticeships

    Diversity, inclusion and apprenticeships
    In today's world, companies emphasize diversity and inclusion more than ever. They recognize that a diverse workforce enhances their bottom line and creates a more dynamic and innovative work environment. The key to this is attracting and keeping apprentices from diverse backgrounds. Apprenticeships offer a fantastic opportunity for young people to gain valuable skills and experience, and they must be accessible to everyone, regardless of their environment. Employers who commit to diversity and inclusion in their apprenticeship programs can help to break down barriers and provide opportunities for individuals who may not have had them otherwise. Creating an inclusive apprenticeship program requires a proactive approach. Employers should actively seek candidates from different backgrounds and make sure that their recruitment processes are free from bias. They should also provide support and training that caters to the needs of all apprentices. By doing so, employers can help to create a culture where everyone feels valued. #diversityandinclusion #apprenticeships #careerdevelopment #skillstraining #equalopportunity

    Establishing Your Social Selling Persona

    Establishing Your Social Selling Persona
    Social selling has become a crucial business development component in today's digital age. It's no longer enough to advertise your product or service; consumers want to engage with relatable, authentic, and trustworthy brands. This is where establishing a social selling persona comes in. By crafting a compelling online persona, you can connect with your audience on a deeper level and build strong, lasting relationships with potential customers. However, creating a social selling persona is more complex than posting pictures on Instagram or tweeting about your latest promotion. It requires a strategic approach considering your target audience, industry trends, and unique brand voice. In this blog post, we'll explore the critical elements of a successful social selling persona and provide tips on creating one that resonates with your audience. From developing your brand to curating engaging content, we'll cover everything you need to know to establish a solid online presence and boost your sales. #socialselling #personalbranding #digitalmarketing #onlinereputation #socialmediamarketing

    Strategic content creation for B2B social selling

    Strategic content creation for B2B social selling
    In the fast-paced world of B2B social selling, standing out among the competition and generating leads can be a daunting task. Developing a solid content creation strategy is becoming increasingly important as businesses shift towards digital marketing strategies. The right content can help establish credibility, create engagement, and drive sales. However, not all content is created equal. Creating content that aligns with your business objectives and resonates with your target audience is essential. This is where strategic content creation comes in. Strategic content creation involves: - Understanding your target audience - Identifying their pain points and needs - Creating content that addresses these concerns It also involves identifying the platforms where your audience is most active and tailoring your content to suit. Then, by creating content that provides value to your target audience, you can establish yourself as an industry leader and build trust with potential customers. #B2Bsocialselling #socialmediamarketing #leadgeneration #digitalmarketing #salesenablement #contentmarketing #relationshipbuilding #influencermarketing

    How Jedsy's Drone Technology Transforms Medical Deliveries

    How Jedsy's Drone Technology Transforms Medical Deliveries
    Jedsy’s drone technology transports medical items directly from any window or balcony, making moving sensitive and time-critical deliveries more efficient and streamlined. They have already secured one of the biggest labs in Switzerland as a client and are operational in Malawi for the Ministry of Health. Also, their innovative approach to delivery services has already secured funding from early-stage investors.

    Lead generation working with bus dev for B2B sales

    Lead generation working with bus dev for B2B sales
    Generating leads is essential for effective B2B sales. It involves locating prospective customers that meet the business's target profile and persuading them to purchase the organization's products and services. In addition, collaborating with business development for B2B sales can significantly expand a company's clientele and create growth opportunities. #leadgen #B2Bsales #businessdevelopment #salesenablement #marketingstrategy #businessgrowth

    The social selling edge for B2B sales reps

    The social selling edge for B2B sales reps
    Business-to-business sales representatives have an extraordinary chance to utilize social selling to gain a competitive advantage. Through social selling, they can capitalize on their industry expertise, contacts, and comprehension of the customer's objectives to construct an efficient prospecting campaign. This allows them to build relationships and generate leads, as well as gain greater insight into the customer's needs. #salesstrategy #socialselling #b2brepresentative #competitivesales #customerneeds #industryexpertise #socialsellingadvantage

    Five things sales reps can learn from kids

    Five things sales reps can learn from kids
    Have you ever thought of how much sales reps could learn from kids? Many things come to mind, from creativity to optimism, resilience, communication and enthusiasm! Creativity is essential for any successful sales rep, and observing kids can be a great source of inspiration. Not only do they come up with ideas that are truly outside the box, but they also have an infectious enthusiasm! #salesreps #kids #communication #persistance #negotiation #learningfromkids #salesstrategy

    Ground rules for collaborative writing

    Ground rules for collaborative writing
    Have you ever thought about what it takes to collaborate successfully on a writing project? Establishing ground rules is crucial! Everyone involved must reach a consensus regarding expectations and guidelines before getting started. Indeed, it is paramount to agree on the overall objectives and aims of the venture. #collaborativewriting #teamwork #groundrules #writingtips #collaboration