
    Talaera Talks - Business English Communication

    Presenting in a meeting, networking at an event, or selling a product, they all have one thing in common - you need effective communication to succeed. 

    Join business communication specialists Simon and Paola as they discuss real-world challenges for non-native speakers and how to solve them. 

    How do I get my point across in meetings? How do I introduce myself? How do I explain complex information? Learn best practices, vocabulary, and tools to help you communicate more effectively in today’s global workplace.

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    Episodes (103)

    81. Overcome Cultural Barriers at Work: 3 Steps

    81. Overcome Cultural Barriers at Work: 3 Steps

    Are you aware of the cultural differences within your team? This episode will help you keep communication open and effective with your global remote team.

    Read the full post: How To Overcome The Top 4 Communication Barriers In The Workplace

    Business English training for career success.

    .📩 hello@talaera.com

    79. How to Ask for Help Professionally

    79. How to Ask for Help Professionally

    Asking for help at work can be very scary. And yet, the vast majority of people who do great work (and get awarded for it) ask for advice and help from others. In this episode, Simon walks us through the different steps one should take to ask for help professionally.

    Get the summary on this LinkedIn post: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7019224405096509440

    Business English training for career success.

    .📩 hello@talaera.com

    78. How to Stick to New Habits

    78. How to Stick to New Habits

    Many of us set New Year’s resolutions yearly, but only 9% successfully keep those resolutions. In this episode, we discuss goal-setting and research-backed strategies to stick to new habits.

    Check out the episode notes here: https://blog.talaera.com/stick-to-new-habits

    Business English training for career success.

    .📩 hello@talaera.com

    77. Other Ways to Say Thank You - Talaera Bits

    77. Other Ways to Say Thank You - Talaera Bits

    Saying "thank you" more often at work can have a very powerful impact. But are there other ways of expressing appreciation? How do we say 'thank you' in a professional way?

    Read all the notes and additional ways to say "thank you" on our blog: https://blog.talaera.com/other-ways-to-say-thank-you

    Business English training for career success.

    .📩 hello@talaera.com

    76. Giving Effective Peer Feedback - Talaera Bits

    76. Giving Effective Peer Feedback - Talaera Bits

    Peer feedback, or the art of evaluating your colleague's performance, has vast potential for change and improvement, but only if done correctly. In this short episode, you will learn effective tips and examples to give effective peer feedback.

    Expand your knowledge with these 14 Effective Tips to Give And Receive Peer Feedback: https://blog.talaera.com/peer-feedback

    Business English training for career success.

    .📩 hello@talaera.com

    75. Top Strategies to Become a Better Communicator - Talaera Talks

    75. Top Strategies to Become a Better Communicator - Talaera Talks

    Effective communication is important in almost every aspect of life. To get that job, to enjoy more stimulating interpersonal relationships, or to close that deal. Communication makes the world go round!

    In this episode, our hosts pick their top three strategies that make you a better communicator. Grab all the other tips in this post: 14 Simple Rules that will Make you a Better Communicator.

    Business English training for career success.

    .📩 hello@talaera.com

    73. Cultural Differences in the Workplace - Talaera Bits

    73. Cultural Differences in the Workplace - Talaera Bits

    If you work in a multicultural workplace, there may be situations where you think you understand something in one way and later realize that a colleague from a different culture understood it in a completely different way. In some cases, you may only find this out when a project isn't completed on time. Or it is completed in a totally different way than you had originally thought. 

    In this post, Simon shows us some examples of cultural differences in the workplace and shares some actionable tips that will help you work more effectively across cultures.

    Read the full post on our blog: https://blog.talaera.com/examples-cultural-differences

    Business English training for career success.

    .📩 hello@talaera.com

    72. Self-Directed Learning - Talaera Talks with Lavinia Mehedintu

    72. Self-Directed Learning - Talaera Talks with Lavinia Mehedintu

    Is self-directed learning for everybody? What can organizations do to nurture learning autonomy? What can you do to implement successful self-study programs in your organizations?

    In this episode, we have a very special guest - L&D expert Lavinia Mehedintu. She's the mastermind behind Offbeat and she shared invaluable insights into self-directed learning with us.

    🤩 Read the full post: https://blog.talaera.com/self-directed-learning

    Business English training for career success.

    .📩 hello@talaera.com

    70. Agreeing And Disagreeing Effectively Across Cultures - Talaera Talks

    70. Agreeing And Disagreeing Effectively Across Cultures - Talaera Talks

    Agreeing and disagreeing are a fundamental part of collaboration. Learning how to do it effectively without offending anyone gets more difficult when you interact across cultures. In this episode, you will get a wide range of tools –phrases, frameworks, strategies, and tips– to agree and disagree effectively across cultures.

    Get more phrases and tips: https://blog.talaera.com/agreeing-disagreeing

    Business English training for career success.

    .📩 hello@talaera.com

    69. Useful Transition Words for Emails - Talaera Bits

    69. Useful Transition Words for Emails - Talaera Bits

    Simon brings us some excellent transition words for your professional emails. Avoid choppy messages and make sure your emails flow with these tips.

    Get additional transition words here: https://blog.talaera.com/transition-words-emails

    Business English training for career success.

    .📩 hello@talaera.com

    68. High-Context Culture, What Is It Like? - Talaera Talks

    68. High-Context Culture, What Is It Like? - Talaera Talks

    Not understanding the differences between high- and low-context cultures can lead to serious misunderstandings at work. Learn the different communication styles and get some (super!) easy-to-apply tips to make sure collaboration across cultures is smooth as silk.

    Check out the notes and transcript on the blog: https://blog.talaera.com/high-context-culture

    Business English training for career success.

    .📩 hello@talaera.com

    67. Most Common Business Abbreviations - Talaera Bits

    67. Most Common Business Abbreviations - Talaera Bits

    Learn 15 of the most common abbreviations for business. Today's challenge - guess the abbreviation Paola is describing before she says the solution!

    Visit the list with +100 business acronyms: https://blog.talaera.com/business-acronyms

    Business English training for career success.

    .📩 hello@talaera.com

    66. Idioms to Describe our First In-Person Gathering - Talaera Talks Special

    66. Idioms to Describe our First In-Person Gathering - Talaera Talks Special

    We met in person for the very first time! Simon and Paola recorded this special episode with video. Check it out on YouTube: https://youtu.be/5VPyiATnwjs

    The Talaera team is fully remote. Many of us had never met in person... until this September. We got together in Park City, Utah, to get to know each other better, bond, and discuss strategy. 

    In this episode, you will learn the 6 idioms that best described this team retreat. We hope you enjoy it! 💙

    Business English training for career success.

    .📩 hello@talaera.com

    65. Effective Small Talk: Get Past "How Are You?" - Talaera Bits

    65. Effective Small Talk: Get Past "How Are You?" - Talaera Bits

    Small talk is a fundamental part of human relationships. It's how we test the waters and check if we can trust the other person. It's how we develop relationships in most parts of the world. But how do you get past the typical first question, "How are you?" In this quick episode, Simon shares three quick but very effective tips to engage in small talk effectively.

    Got any feedback or suggestions? Email us at hello@talaera.com.

    Business English training for career success.

    .📩 hello@talaera.com

    64. Cultural Intelligence (CQ) - Talaera Talks

    64. Cultural Intelligence (CQ) - Talaera Talks

    What is cultural intelligence (CQ) and how can it help you work more effectively across cultures? Learn how to develop your cultural intelligence and why it is important to do it. Read more here: https://blog.talaera.com/cultural-intelligence

    Business English training for career success.

    .📩 hello@talaera.com

    63. Most Common American Idioms - Talaera Bits

    63. Most Common American Idioms - Talaera Bits

    Idioms are a fascinating and colorful part of the English language. Learning idioms goes beyond learning vocabulary. It is about learning the culture, as they reflect social norms, beliefs, attitudes, and emotions. They highly affect fluency, but they are quite difficult to teach and learn.

    One of the reasons why idioms are tricky is because there are so many! So where should you start? With the most common ones! According to a corpus-based study, where they analyzed the frequency of different idioms in today’s American English among over 520 million words, these 10 idioms are among the most frequent ones in today's American English.

    Visit an extended list here: https://blog.talaera.com/american-idioms

    Visit our business English programs here: Business English Training (https://bit.ly/3vQpgyl).

    Join a free webinar: Free Webinars (https://bit.ly/3BSySZB)

    Business English training for career success.

    .📩 hello@talaera.com