
    Talking Apes

    A primate podcast examining the world of great apes - chimps, gorillas, orangutans, bonobos, and humans. Our remarkable guests are at the forefront of science and conservation, exploring our brains, evolution, anatomy, disease, wildlife, biodiversity, and the ecosystems we all depend on for survival. Visit our official website: talkingapes.org

    Talking Apes is a program of the nonprofit GLOBIO. 

    en-usGLOBIO54 Episodes

    Episodes (54)

    Saving Half the Planet with Carl Safina | S2E32

    Saving Half the Planet with Carl Safina | S2E32

    Carl Safina is an American ecologist and author. He writes about our relationship with the natural world and the other beings that share it.

    ‘In my writing I explore our relationship with the living world—and how it could be better. My more recent work also probes how free-living animals experience life. What drives my work is a devotion to free-living things and wild places. And what drives that devotion is my deep love and wonder for the living world. ’  (from Carlsafina.org).

    During our conversation, Carl expressed his deep concerns with overpopulation, pollution, climate change, habitat destruction,  and the cruelty we inflict on other species. He attributes these issues to a fundamental failure of the education system:

    “What do we learn by the time we’re out of high school? We learn to buy things. We’re equipped to just be consumers, not human beings. We don’t really learn ethics, we don’t learn how to take care of each other, how to take care of the world. We don’t learn any kind of perspective that would give us wisdom, let alone some of the humility that you would see in indigenous cultures who revere the world. 

    And what do we all do in the way that we live? We use stuff up. We use things that we don’t understand the consequences of. We don’t understand their origins. We don’t really know anything.”

    Carl's books include Becoming Wild: How Animal Cultures Raise Families, Create Beauty, and Achieve Peace; Beyond Words: What Animals Think and Feel; The View From Lazy Point, and others.

    He is the founding president of the Safina Center which explores how humans are changing the living world and its ecosystems.

    Click here to visit Carl's Website

    Click here to visit The Safina Center Website

    Click here to read Carl's article on protecting half of Earth

    Support the show

    Talking Apes is an initiative of the nonprofit GLOBIO.
    Official website: talkingapes.org
    Instagram: @talkingapes_podcast
    Twitter: @talking_apes

    Illuminating the Dark World of Animal Exploitation with Jo-Anne McArthur | S2E31

    Illuminating the Dark World of Animal Exploitation with Jo-Anne McArthur | S2E31

    Jo-Anne McArthur is a multiple award winning photojournalist who has spent over two decades travelling the world to document and bring to light the disturbing truth about our relationship with the other sentient beings that share our planet. Her unflinching photography has been acknowledged with multiple awards including Wildlife Photographer of the Year and The Global Peace Award.

    She is the author of  three books: We Animals (2014), Captive (2017), and HIDDEN: Animals in the Anthropocene (2020), and is the subject of Canadian filmmaker Liz Marshall's acclaimed Canadian documentary, The Ghosts in Our Machine.

    Jo-Anne is founder of  We Animals Media, an organisation dedicated to bringing visibility to 'hidden' animals through compelling photo and videojournalism.  The comprehensive archive of work depicting the animals we trap, wear, eat, and experiment on is freely available  to anyone wishing to change the status-quo and work towards a more compassionate world where we co-exist peacefully alongside animals.

    Jo-Anne and WAM's dedicated team of journalists regularly put themselves in compromising and dangerous situations in the hopes of inspiring others to share their want of a better world for animals. They often have to break the law to obtain the stories they believe will shift our attitudes towards the 80 billion land animals we use and kill every year. 

    In this episode of Talking Apes, Jo-Anne opens up about suffering PTSD as a result of the cruelty and bloodshed she has witnessed throughout her career. She tells us about the time her entire team ended up in hospital, and explains how she maintains her incredibly positive and warm demeaner despite the dark worlds she documents. 

    READ OUR BLOG HERE to learn more and see some of Jo-Anne's work, including the photos discussed in the podcast. 

    Visit Jo-Anne McArthur's Website

    Warning: discusses animal cruelty, animal suffering, animal abuse.

    Themes: animal rights, animal liberation, animal welfare, vegetarianism, veganism, animal law, animal protection, cruelty free living,  journalism, photography.

    GLOBIO is a global awareness nonprofit that creates environmental films and provides visual support to wildlife conservation organizations around the world, and tells their stories globally while educating the public about our shared environmental challenges. GLOBIO’s mission is to inspire a positive relationship with our environment by connecting species, people and planet.

    Support the show

    Talking Apes is an initiative of the nonprofit GLOBIO.
    Official website: talkingapes.org
    Instagram: @talkingapes_podcast
    Twitter: @talking_apes

    Behind the Mic of Talking Apes with Host Gerry Ellis | S2E30

    Behind the Mic of Talking Apes with Host Gerry Ellis | S2E30

    Great apes — gorillas, chimps, orangutans and bonobos — have been Talking Apes host Gerry Ellis's life long passion. Discover where it started and how it's evolved as guest host Eric Cain explores the world of Talking Apes with photographer, film-maker and podcast host, Gerry Ellis.

    Long before creating the Talking Apes podcast, Gerry had built an award-winning career as an international wildlife film-maker, photographer, and writer spans three-decades and features work appearing in National Geographic, BBC Wildlife, the New York Times, Ranger Rick, and more. He is the author and/or photographer of more than a dozen books, including two in the highly acclaimed National Geographic Kids Book series.

    Gerry’s filming project in 2001, Wild Orphans, inspired the founding of GLOBIO.

    GLOBIO is a global awareness nonprofit that creates environmental films and provides visual support to wildlife conservation organizations around the world, and tells their stories globally while educating the public about our shared environmental challenges. GLOBIO’s mission is to inspire a positive relationship with our environment by connecting species, people and planet.

    Support our work by becoming a Patreon subscriber: Click here

    Make a one off donation to GLOBIO: Click here 

    Talking Apes is a GLOBIO initiative. Learn more:

    Official website: talkingapes.org

    Instagram: @talkingapes_podcast

    Support our work by making a small donation here, or for access to exclusive content and rewards, click here to become a Patreon member.

    Support the show

    Talking Apes is an initiative of the nonprofit GLOBIO.
    Official website: talkingapes.org
    Instagram: @talkingapes_podcast
    Twitter: @talking_apes

    The Tiny Gorilla Who Changed My Life Forever, With Rachel Hogan | S2E29

    The Tiny Gorilla Who Changed My Life Forever, With Rachel Hogan | S2E29

    At 22 years old, Rachel Hogan never dreamed that a three month volunteering trip to Africa would result in her becoming the director of one of the world's largest and most well known primate sanctuaries.

    Over two decades later, Rachel remains on the edge of Cameroon's rainforests overseeing fifty human residents and 300 non-human residents - a growing hoard of gorillas, chimps, and monkeys now living in Ape Action Africa's 17 ginormous forest enclosures.

    The sanctuary is a lifeline for endangered baby chimpanzees and gorillas that have been illegally stolen from the wild, victims of the bushmeat trade - their parents killed and the babies sold on as pets.

    Ape Action Africa supports the government by making confiscations of these animals possible, and providing lifelong care to the orphaned apes and monkeys that show up at their gates.

    Listen to Rachel tell us about the unpredictable and sometimes chaotic day to day life at the sanctuary, the tiny baby gorilla that persuaded her to stay forever, and the recent events that have given her a greater hope for the future of great apes in Africa.

    To learn more about Ape Action Africa visit: apeactionafrica.org

    Support their work: here

    Support our work by becoming a Patreon subscriber: Click here

    Support the show

    Talking Apes is an initiative of the nonprofit GLOBIO.
    Official website: talkingapes.org
    Instagram: @talkingapes_podcast
    Twitter: @talking_apes

    Primate Portraits with Photographer Anne Berry | S2E28

    Primate Portraits with Photographer Anne Berry | S2E28

    Primate portraits from some of the most unlikely habitats — tiny, century-old, forgotten places. BEHIND GLASS by Anne Berry is an intimate very personal look at the lives of primates nearly forgotten.

    Visit our BLOG to see the photos from our conversation on Talking Apes.

    Visit anneberrystudio.com to learn more. 

    Support the show

    Talking Apes is an initiative of the nonprofit GLOBIO.
    Official website: talkingapes.org
    Instagram: @talkingapes_podcast
    Twitter: @talking_apes

    Into the Dja with Conservation Scientist Nikki Tagg | S2E27

    Into the Dja with Conservation Scientist Nikki Tagg | S2E27

    On the western edge of the vast Congo basin lies one of the world's most remote rainforests - the Dja. It is one of the last strongholds of a rich biodiversity that includes gorillas, chimps, forest elephants, and a breath-taking range of flora and fauna. 

    Dr Nikki Tagg - conservation scientist and Head of Conservation for the Born Free Foundation is one of those rare researchers who has ventured into this spectacular rainforest in the hopes of understanding the causes of biodiversity loss and the mechanisms of co-existence between people and nature to conserve threatened species. 

    Her work explores the effect of human activities like hunting and logging on great ape abundance.

    Support the show

    Talking Apes is an initiative of the nonprofit GLOBIO.
    Official website: talkingapes.org
    Instagram: @talkingapes_podcast
    Twitter: @talking_apes

    Rockstars of the Rainforest with Dr Cat Hobaiter | S2E26

    Rockstars of the Rainforest with Dr Cat Hobaiter | S2E26

    We often hear about how we humans are 98% chimpanzee. In fact, biologically, humans are more closely related to chimpanzees than chimps are to gorillas! 

    But when we look past the biological similarities, do we still see ourselves in our closest living relatives, the chimps and bonobos? 

    Dr Catherine Hobaiter and her team have spent almost two decades deep in the rainforests of Africa, studying wild chimpanzees and attempting to read between the lines when it comes to their diverse behaviour - especially the nuances of chimp communication. 

    When chimps shake hands, point, hold out their palms, or beckon, these gestures look familiar to us - but do they have the same meanings as they do for humans? Are chimps always violent? Do chimpanzee communities always have an alpha male? Why do chimpanzees drum on tree roots!?

    Cat shares some of her team's incredible breakthrough scientific discoveries, and some of her favourite personal anecdotes about her time spent with apes like us.

    Support the show

    Talking Apes is an initiative of the nonprofit GLOBIO.
    Official website: talkingapes.org
    Instagram: @talkingapes_podcast
    Twitter: @talking_apes

    Saving Great Apes Beyond Sanctuary Walls with PASA Director Kelly O'Meara | S2E25

    Saving Great Apes Beyond Sanctuary Walls with PASA Director Kelly O'Meara | S2E25

    Decades of losing. Losing forest habitat, losing primate populations, and losing in our efforts to educate politicians, the public, and policy-makers. 

    Most critically, we are losing great apes by the thousands each year.

    On Giving Day for Apes we talk with PASA's new director, Kelly O'Meara, about how PASA's 23 member primate sanctuaries across Africa are much more than caring arms for the victims of the illegal wildlife trade. 

    While the sanctuaries are faced with the responsibility of providing lifelong care to the floods of baby chimps, gorillas, and bonobos that show up at their gates, they are also key stakeholders in the conservation conversation - owed to their unique positioning amidst the local surroundings, communities, and cultures. 

    Kelly tells us how PASA acts as a representative for its members and as a voice that raises their importance in protecting not only the individuals in their care but the wild populations beyond their walls too. 

    Visit PASA.org to learn more. 



    Support the show

    Talking Apes is an initiative of the nonprofit GLOBIO.
    Official website: talkingapes.org
    Instagram: @talkingapes_podcast
    Twitter: @talking_apes

    Stopping Illegal Chimp Trafficking with PASA's Iris Ho | S2E24

    Stopping Illegal Chimp Trafficking with PASA's Iris Ho | S2E24

    When an entire family of chimpanzees is slaughtered for bushmeat, the baby chimps are captured live and sold into the multi-billion dollar global wildlife trade. Often sold on as pets, they suffer in confinement and misery, deprived of companionship and a natural life in their wild rainforest homes. 

    Iris Ho is Head of Campaigns and Policy at PASA (Pan African Sanctuary Alliance) - Africa’s largest coalition of wildlife sanctuaries and one of the world’s leading organizations fighting to protect primates. Her role is to represent PASA at multilateral conferences where wildlife protection policies are made, and to be a voice for PASA’s 23 member wildlife sanctuaries  - all fighting on the frontlines to tackle this intensifying crisis. 

    Animal rescues by sanctuaries make up one pillar in the struggle against poaching and the illegal wildlife trade, but the issues need to be tackled holistically to get to the roots. Iris tells us how we might begin to strengthen law enforcement, and change global policies and mindsets to drive lasting transformative changes that could save our wild cousins from extinction. 

    Learn more about PASA’s work here: pasa.org

    Please consider signing PASA’s petition advocating a ban on pet primates: pasa.org/fight-the-trade-of-primates/

    Support the show

    Talking Apes is an initiative of the nonprofit GLOBIO.
    Official website: talkingapes.org
    Instagram: @talkingapes_podcast
    Twitter: @talking_apes

    Gorillas and Forest Elephants with Conservationist Ian Redmond Part 2 | S2E23

    Gorillas and Forest Elephants with Conservationist Ian Redmond Part 2 | S2E23

    Mountain Gorillas and forest elephants highlight our launch of Talking Apes Season 2 with conservationist and naturalist Ian Redmond. Over his three-decades of life in the wilds, Ian has seen the most beautiful reflections of nature and the most horrific of impacts we humans have dish out. Through it all Ian has remained positive and confident in the resiliency of nature and the strength of our resolve to ensure survival of magnificent species like gorillas and elephants. Part 2 digs deeper into the role of carbon, climate and ecosystem services as an economic commodity that might just provide wildlife with a greater value alive than poached.

    Support the show

    Talking Apes is an initiative of the nonprofit GLOBIO.
    Official website: talkingapes.org
    Instagram: @talkingapes_podcast
    Twitter: @talking_apes

    Talking Apes
    en-usSeptember 20, 2022

    Gorillas and Forest Elephants with Conservationist Ian Redmond Part 1 | S2E23

    Gorillas and Forest Elephants with Conservationist Ian Redmond Part 1 | S2E23

    Mountain Gorillas and forest elephants highlight our launch of Talking Apes Season 2 with conservationist and naturalist Ian Redmond. Over his three-decades of life in the wilds, Ian has seen the most beautiful reflections of nature and the most horrific of impacts we humans have dish out. Through it all Ian has remained positive and confident in the resiliency of nature and the strength of our resolve to ensure survival of magnificent species like gorillas and elephants.

    Support the show

    Talking Apes is an initiative of the nonprofit GLOBIO.
    Official website: talkingapes.org
    Instagram: @talkingapes_podcast
    Twitter: @talking_apes

    Baby Animals & Big Impact with Wildlife Photographer Suzi Eszterhas | S1E22

    Baby Animals & Big Impact with Wildlife Photographer Suzi Eszterhas | S1E22

    The touching and beautiful photography of Suzi Eszterhas is a reminder that every photograph has the potential to say something powerful, poignant and meaningful. Much of her work used imagery of baby animals to spur big impact for conservation. On this episode of Talking Apes we’re going to be exploring the way we think, interpret and talk about conservation and wildlife through the camera lens. 

    We’ll also touch on the challenges of being an incredibly talented and dedicated female photographer in a field traditionally dominated by men.

    Suzi’s images have graced the covers of over 100 magazines such as Smithsonian Magazine, BBC Wildlife, TIME and Ranger Rick. Suzi joins us for a thoughtful — personal look at conservations meaning and its importance in our lives through images, and how that’s brought to life in her new book, NEW ON EARTH: Baby Animals in the Wild

    See more of Suzi's work: https://www.suzieszterhas.com/

    Support the show

    Talking Apes is an initiative of the nonprofit GLOBIO.
    Official website: talkingapes.org
    Instagram: @talkingapes_podcast
    Twitter: @talking_apes

    Cheetahs and Chimps with Wildlife Vet Dr Karina Flores | S1E21

    Cheetahs and Chimps with Wildlife Vet Dr Karina Flores | S1E21

    Join us for another live Talking Apes with Dr. Karina Flores to dive into her experience as a wildlife veterinarian. With wild patients as varied as African wild dogs, Fishers, Cheetahs, and now rescued chimpanzees here in Sierra Leone at the Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary, Dr. Karina has no shortage of experience rolling with the punches and working through the unexpected! Today, she oversees care for the 106 rescued chimpanzees at Tacugama, where each day brings new triumphs and challenges. 

    More about Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary: https://www.tacugama.com/

    Support the show

    Talking Apes is an initiative of the nonprofit GLOBIO.
    Official website: talkingapes.org
    Instagram: @talkingapes_podcast
    Twitter: @talking_apes

    Talking Chimps in Sierra Leone with Tacugama's Bala Amarasekaran | S1E20

    Talking Chimps in Sierra Leone with Tacugama's Bala Amarasekaran | S1E20

    "I wasn't thinking about saving chimps, we were just trying to help this little guy" Over 100 rescued chimpanzees and 27 years later Bala Amarasekaran - the founder and director of Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary - is the driving force behind Sierra Leone's national animal movement and the effort to create a conservation movement unlike any in West Africa.

    For an extra special 20th episode, we join you live from Sierra Leone, as we enjoy a local beer and the magnificent "Salone" sunset while we chat with Bala. 

    More about Tacugama: https://www.tacugama.com/

    Support the show

    Talking Apes is an initiative of the nonprofit GLOBIO.
    Official website: talkingapes.org
    Instagram: @talkingapes_podcast
    Twitter: @talking_apes

    Conservation Drones and AI with Serge Wich | S1E19

    Conservation Drones and AI with Serge Wich | S1E19

    Drones employed in conservation, wildlife, ecology science have gained marked popularity in recent years as they become more accessible to the masses. But more than just toys, drones, a.k.a. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are also becoming increasingly critical in conservation. Researchers and conservationists alike are employing these new aerial technologies to gain new perspectives, gather different types of data, and often, leave less of a human footprint on the otherwise pristine natural landscapes in which they work. 

    Join us as we discuss these new conservation technologies and strategies with Serge Wich, UAV specialist and founder of Conservation Drones. Serge shares with us his work in the field and why more and more researchers are taking to the sky to expand the great ape conservation landscape.

    More about Conservation Drones: https://conservationdrones.org/

    Support the show

    Talking Apes is an initiative of the nonprofit GLOBIO.
    Official website: talkingapes.org
    Instagram: @talkingapes_podcast
    Twitter: @talking_apes

    World Gorilla Day with Dr Tara Stoinski of the Dian Fossey Fund | S1E18

    World Gorilla Day with Dr Tara Stoinski of the Dian Fossey Fund | S1E18

    Can saving one species once on the brink of vanishing in the mist show us the way out of the extinction darkness? Joining us to celebrate World Gorilla Day is Dr. Tara Stoinski, President & CEO, and Chief Science Officer of the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International, and discover how saving one species can help tip the scale in favor of others too. 

    More about Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International: https://gorillafund.org/

    Talking Apes is the podcast that gets to the very heart of what is happening with and to apes like us. We explore the world of apes and primates with experts, conservationists, and passionate primate people from around the world. Join us as we unpack their weird and wonderful lives piece by piece.

    Talking Apes is made possible through generous support from listeners to nonprofit GLOBIO.org. 

    Support the show

    Talking Apes is an initiative of the nonprofit GLOBIO.
    Official website: talkingapes.org
    Instagram: @talkingapes_podcast
    Twitter: @talking_apes

    Monkeys in America: Pet Primates with Dr Liz Tyson of Born Free USA | S1E17

    Monkeys in America: Pet Primates with Dr Liz Tyson of Born Free USA | S1E17

    Every now and then, headlines pop up about a monkey on the loose, tiktok videos of pet monkeys go viral, occasionally even celebrities will get their faces in the paper for their pet monkeys (looking at you Beiber!) But these blips of fame and notoriety of pet primates barely scratches the surface of just how many monkeys, apes, and other primates are being kept in people's basements, backyards, and bedrooms throughout the USA. With ~15,000 pet primates around the country, we have to ask ourselves: "Is it legal? Is it safe? It is ethical? Who decides?"

    To help us unpack the ambiguous world of monkeys in America, we welcome Dr. Liz Tyson, Programs Director at Born Free USA who has an in-depth knowledge of the exotic pet trade - from both a legal and a practical standpoint. Join us for this episode of Talking Apes and find out more about how YOU can help keep primates out of pethood.

    Born Free USA: https://www.bornfreeusa.org/our-campaigns/

    Talking Apes is the podcast that gets to the very heart of what is happening with and to apes like us. We explore the world of apes and primates with experts, conservationists, and passionate primate people from around the world. Join us as we unpack their weird and wonderful lives piece by piece.

    Talking Apes is made possible through generous support from listeners to nonprofit GLOBIO.org.

    Support the show

    Talking Apes is an initiative of the nonprofit GLOBIO.
    Official website: talkingapes.org
    Instagram: @talkingapes_podcast
    Twitter: @talking_apes

    Orangutan Veterinary Care with OVAID's Nigel Hicks | S1E16

    Orangutan Veterinary Care with OVAID's Nigel Hicks | S1E16

    Life as a wildlife veterinarian is a tough and demanding job. For Wild Orangutan veterinarians, that task is often made trickier through the lack of basic tools, skills, and government support! On this episode of Talking Apes, we meet with Orangutan Veterinary Aid's (OVAID) founder, veterinarian Dr. Nigel Hicks to talk about the art of Wild Orangutan Vet Care. Since its conception, OVAID has promoted compassionate conservation throughout Borneo by providing medical instruments and training scholarships for Bornean wildlife vets.

    This episode is a must-listen for International Orangutan Day, August 19th!

    Find out more about OVAID here: https://www.ovaid.org/

    Talking Apes is the podcast that gets to the very heart of what is happening with and to apes like us. We explore the world of apes and primates with experts, conservationists, and passionate primate people from around the world. Join us as we unpack their weird and wonderful lives piece by piece.

    Talking Apes is made possible through generous support from listeners to nonprofit GLOBIO.org. Support the show (https://globio.org/donate)

    Support the show

    Talking Apes is an initiative of the nonprofit GLOBIO.
    Official website: talkingapes.org
    Instagram: @talkingapes_podcast
    Twitter: @talking_apes

    Great Ape Hearts - Ours and Theirs with Dr Rob Shave | S1E15

    Great Ape Hearts - Ours and Theirs with Dr Rob Shave | S1E15

    We all know that chimps, gorillas, orangutans, and bonobos are our closest genetic cousins, but what does that mean from a physiological standpoint?  How can a chimp's heart unlock the mysteries of elite endurance athletes?

    Join us for this episode of Talking Apes as we explore the hearts of our chimp and gorilla cousins with Dr. Rob Shave, Cardiac Physiologist, Professor at the School of Health and Exercise Science at the University of British Columbia, and Director of the International Primate Heart Project. Dr. Shave and his crew travel the world to collaborate with zoo and primate sanctuary veterinary teams to take an insider's look at great ape hearts. With some awesome anecdotes and some mouthfuls of medical terms, these Talking Apes are sure to get your heart thumping!

    Learn more about the International Primate Heart Project: http://primateheartproject.co.uk/

    Talking Apes is the podcast that gets to the very heart of what is happening with and to apes like us. We explore the world of apes and primates with experts, conservationists, and passionate primate people from around the world. Join us as we unpack their weird and wonderful lives piece by piece.

    Talking Apes is made possible through generous support from listeners to nonprofit GLOBIO.org. 

    Support the show

    Talking Apes is an initiative of the nonprofit GLOBIO.
    Official website: talkingapes.org
    Instagram: @talkingapes_podcast
    Twitter: @talking_apes