
    The Adam Kiddoo Podcast

    It’s time to master the art of Real. Heart. Alignment... where you LIVE, WORK & PLAY from YOUR PERSONAL POWER. As energy aligns & your gifts flow where you're out of your head & living powerfully from your heart... THAT is when life simply works. Join us for LIFE CHANGING conversations designed to help you see what you’re not seeing, hear what you’re not hearing & to BE who you’re not being... as the world needs more Heart Centered Leaders, NOW more than ever before. If you're ready to say NO to living a half-hearted life… and instead say YES to leading BOLDLY from a place of Real. Heart. Alignment... then WELCOME to the Adam Kiddoo Podcast.
    en-usAdam Kiddoo58 Episodes

    Episodes (58)

    Speak Your F*****g Truth

    Speak Your F*****g Truth

    “If you do stand so strongly for something, and you're not quite sure why…or it's the herd mentality or if it’s ego or anything like that, know where that's coming from. If you are standing for ego, you're not standing for your truth. If you're standing for herd mentality, you are not standing for your truth.”

    In this life changing episode Adam talks about what it looks like, what it feels like and what it IS like when you are speaking the TRUTH (hidden in your grey area).

    Adam dives into:

    • The meaning of “speaking the truth”
    • How to recognize the grey area between your conscious and subconscious mind
    • How we can convert things that stay in the grey areas of our life to a-ha moments
    • The difference between something that is true to you and something manufactured by ego
    • How we can change the world by sending love to others
    • Why the triggers in life are gifts to us
    • The difference you can make in someone else’s life by speaking to their highest version

    Crack Yourself Wide Open

    Crack Yourself Wide Open

    We’ve put a thick skin on ourselves because of experiences we’ve had in life.

    Sometimes even if you don't think you have thick skin... you have layers and layers that are designed to protect you from things which you feel could be harmful to you.

    When you become aware of your habits/behaviors and come to know who you truly are...you must begin to crack yourself wide open. In this life changing episode, Adam talks about how to use your heart to open yourself up and to use a blank slate to create from. “Be Open...Be You…”

    Adam dives into...

    • How to pay full attention to the energy that flows throughout your body
    • How our energy level impacts the people around us
    • How to manage our stress in different situations
    • What happens when you try to block off your feelings when you have heated conversations
    • What becomes possible when you are so open and present in your life and when you send away the resistance in your body
    • What other people think of you when you are fully open and not judging your own self
    • Steps to do the mind exercise “Removing the logs from the street”

    Hiding In Plain Sight

    Hiding In Plain Sight

    Your audience will accept you for who you are. But if you're wearing a mask, they will not see you. And if they don't see you, they will not buy from you. They will not connect with you or build a deep and expansive relationship with you because they overlooked you. In this inspiring episode, Adam talks about how people are designed to fit in with society (ever since the caveman days). You should just BE YOU and open up your heart.

    Adam dives into... 

    • What we get for being real and how to take off “The Mask” you’re wearing
    • How to recognize your own personal mask you’re wearing and how it repels people from seeing you as their guide & leader
    • Why we have a deep desire to fit in and what the Safety Mechanisms are that we use from our childhood
    • Why people are not seeing you as their guide even though they like and appreciate you
    • Why it’s not the best to cater to everyone when it comes to your business
    • Why you should act differently in different areas of life
    • How you can avoid blocking your heart and pushing people away from you and your business 

    Jealousy of An Illusion

    Jealousy of An Illusion

    In this episode, Adam will share some of the things that are going on in his life. He dives into a lot of interpretations and perceptions in the world and in the marketplace so you can start seeing clearly past that. Oftentimes, when you see something you want for yourself, it's actually not really like that for other people. All we can do is be right here and right now. Be Real, Be authentic, Be you... If you are real, raw and authentic, you're going to WIN THE DAY.

    Adam dives into...

    • What are the reasons and distractions that caused his launch not to go as planned
    • What are the things you don't see in other successful people's “perfect” lives.
    • What should be the internal, deeper intention and purpose behind the thing you want
    • Why we shouldn't want things just because other people have them
    • Why you should focus on everything that is working very well for you
    • Why you must pause or stop to see what you are not seeing when moving forward with what you are doing
    • What is the difference between intent and intention
    • How you let your personal power get weakened without even noticing it

    The Biggest B.S. You've Ever Heard

    The Biggest B.S. You've Ever Heard

    The only time you know you're living in TRUTH is if you feel good. If you feel good in the present moment, you're connected with something higher than yourself. If you feel bad, if you're second guessing yourself, if you're stressed, if you're not breathing, it's not true. It's a lie.

     In this episode Adam dives into:

    •  How to quiet your mind by sending away the inside chatter
    • How to get a sense of your heart, of your personal power & of your essence
    • How to be a Creator instead of a Repeater
    • How to find your "Inner Wisdom"
    • How to see the opportunity to get back in your power
    • Why we should work on a blank slate instead of filling an already created canvas
    • How to recognize the truth that's hidden in your thoughts and automations
    • Knowing your competitive advantage as an Entrepreneur

    Fear vs Love (Head vs Heart)

    Fear vs Love (Head vs Heart)

    Most people are working from a place of fear or doubt. Even the slightest second hesitation, second guessing yourself, it's pulling you out of your personal power. It's pulling you out of your strength, but love is the natural state. Love is abundant; it's expansive.

     In this episode Adam speaks about:

    •  What love is
    • The difference between love and fear
    • How we can change the world around us, as entrepreneurs
    • What will be the most attractive energy, when it comes to the law of attraction
    • How to train yourself to be aware of staying in your Power, Strength & Center
    • Why you should get rid of your fear in order to be successful
    • If "Wolf in Sheep's Clothing" applies to your entrepreneurial journey
    • How to perceive your own value from outside the limited scope

    Acting like an Entrepreneur with Nick Dunning

    Acting like an Entrepreneur with Nick Dunning

    " My journey of becoming an entrepreneur is the flip side of that. I've had to develop the other side of things. It's much more the sort of the logical sequential stuff, the organizing and, the filing and that kind of stuff that is just so anti me. But we can't do everything on just pure instinct. We need to balance the two at certain times. So I think it's a fascinating journey. " Nick Dunning is a multiple award winning Actor. (Over 75+ IMDB Credits and thousands of stage flying hours) A BBCTV Produced Screenwriter and A Certified High Performance Coach who helps actors to Increase their stage screen and camera confidence and improve the quality of their relationships with others. In this episode, Nick and Adam talk about the challenges Nick faced when he was getting into the entrepreneurial world ...

    They dive into...

    • How Nick started his acting career and entrepreneurial journey.
    • How he overcomes his fear to perform
    • How reviews affect people
    • How Nick handles being at the mercy of people judging him
    • The difference between acting & presenting
    • How Nick found real personal and professional connections
    • What is Imposter Syndrome and how to get out of it

    Staying Centered In The Swings of Life

    Staying Centered In The Swings of Life

    If you have something to be excited about... be excited about it, live into it. Why not stay up for a little bit longer? Why not stay up and start to create that as a new norm for you? When life gets you down, you don't have to stay down. Get up... Stay up... stay high vibe... feel good now and keep feeling better!!

     In this episode Adam speaks about:

    •  What is The Pendulum of life
    • What should be your targeted ground zero point
    • What is the glass ceiling that prevents us from going high
    • How to create our ground zero level above this glass ceiling
    • How to avoid the problems that take your power away
    • How to stay center in your power
    • How to be center in LOVE
    • Why you shouldn't be in stress when making decisions

    Working from Knowing

    Working from Knowing

    We all have our own subconscious programming from our childhoods, society, and the people around us. We’ve let our programming shape our realities and often work from a place of preconceived notions. This same old same old just keep us stuck. It's time to “start creating a new future and working from a place of knowing-- a higher sense, not included in five senses.”

    Adam dives into...

    •  How to step into knowing, allowing, and trusting the universe
    • Why life isn’t meant to be “figured out” but experienced
    • The different modes of knowing and how YOU might experience it
    • How letting go of emotional and energetic bagagge can help you connect to your higher senses
    • How working from a sense of higher purpose can propel your business forward
    • How opening your heart and tapping into your intuition will help you heal yourself and deeply impact others

    The Power of Empathic Energy

    The Power of Empathic Energy

    “There is so much personal power in tapping into energy. Energy that’s moving through you. It’s already been with you for a long long time. Your job is just to remember that.” In this solo episode, Adam talks about energy, trusting the universe, and letting your personal power shine through.

    Everything is energy, science has proved that now. If you’ve always wanted to re-connect to your energetic self, Adam breaks it down and gives you the perfect jumping off point!

    Adam dives into...
    -How connect with, harness, and utilize energy
    -The difference between synchronicity and flow (and why we need both!)
    -Concrete examples of synchronicity and flow from Adam’s own experience
    -Why working from a certainty mindset causes more pain than progress
    -How sensing people’s energy can help you become a better coach and entrepreneur
    -Exercises and hacks to use when you’re trapped in your analytical mind and facing resistance 

    Unleashing Your Authentic Voice with Tracy Goodwin

    Unleashing Your Authentic Voice with Tracy Goodwin

    " The voice is the orchestra of the heart. Orchestras have a lot of instruments, but most people deliver a one-man band." Tracy Goodwin is more than just a voice coach who helps actors and entrepreneurs speak from a place of presence and freedom. In this episode, Tracy and Adam talk about the importance of (re)connecting to the inner voice and letting it shine through to attract your ideal client.

    They dive into...

    • Tracy’s story and how she helps entrepreneurs speak their heart’s message
    • How our upbringings create deep-seated subconscious patterns that stifle the authentic voice
    • Why being the biggest or the loudest WON’T help you reach your audience
    • The three pillars: how to get out of your head and have a conversation in the NOW
    • What “voice masks” are and why they scare off clients
    • How to hack muscle memory and discover your “core drivers” to show up as the best speaker you can be

    Your Path To Freedom

    Your Path To Freedom

    Any time I felt fear, I leaned in. I kept leaning in, and the world expanded. Things started opening up.” In this inspiring episode, Adam talks about how avoiding our fears keeps us passive and helps us stay stuck. You’ll never be “ready” enough. So, it's time to get out of your comfort zone...and propel your business forward!

    Adam dives into...

    • Why your brain is wired to keep you in survival mode and how you can outsmart it!
    • Why you need to stop “getting ready” and JUST DO IT
    • How to take inspired action rather than blind action
    • How to stop working from a place of fear and start living in trust and alignment
    • Why courage is a step up from fear but NOT the final goal
    • How leaning into fear helps you gain the momentum you need to succeed

    Letting Go Into Millions with Brandon Lucero

    Letting Go Into Millions with Brandon Lucero

    “When I think of Brandon Lucero, I think of speed of implementation, leadership, and messaging.” Brandon is a New Generation Entrepreneur and the Founder of Sold With Video and creator of the Video 4x Effect. He talks about his entrepreneurial journey: how he’s ditched his money-centered mindset and harnessed spiritual practices to find success in his business and personal life.

     They dive into...

    • Why Brandon started out with a money focus and has now shifted to a service focus
    • How delegating tasks can make or break your business (high vs low value activities)
    • Why holding onto perfectionism is toxic and how letting go of it will increase your productivity
    • How to shift your energy and intentions to consciously manifest revenue
    • Brandon's personal story of business success and spiritual transformation
    • How gratitude for his debt and failures along the way has helped him develop perseverance

    Who Is The Real Adam Kiddoo?

    Who Is The Real Adam Kiddoo?

    Who is Adam Kiddoo? I am whoever you think I am. 

    However… there’s more here than meets the eye. Here’s your chance to meet the man behind the mic in a way you would never see coming. If you’re into personality type test & knowing yourself better… this episode will make your head spin & completely blow you away in the best way possible. 

    So who is Adam Kiddoo from the deepest level? Tune in to find out.

    Your Experience vs Reality

    Your Experience vs Reality

    “What’s going on in the world right now is not reality.” In this paradigm-shifting episode, Adam goes deep. We’re talking perception, reality, and distortion! You’ll get clear on what it feels like to be in your power vs. what it feels like when you're being reeled into other people's versions of "reality." It's time to start looking at life in a whole new way.

    Adam dives into…

    • Why unpacking what you see as “reality” is essential to your business
    • Why you’re doing everything right and STILL not gaining momentum
    • How meditation and presence can help you avoid your “default future”
    • How to act from a space of conscious choice and get off of autopilot
    • How fully experiencing life allows us to “collapse” our past and stay present

    How To Think Like An 8-Figure Digital CEO with James Wedmore

    How To Think Like An 8-Figure Digital CEO with James Wedmore

    Did you know that James Wedmore, 8-Figure Digital CEO and Host of the Mind Your Business Podcast, was so dedicated to his new business that he’d given up so much? James talks openly about the quest for success, burn out, and the spiritual breakthroughs and mindset shifts that got him to where he is today. Learn how to overcome “employee” mindset and find success as an entrepreneur...all while having fun! And the best part? James is one of Adam’s personal mentors!

    They dive into…

    • Why we’re educated and groomed to have an “employee” mindset and how it keeps us safe and stuck
    • How James embraced setbacks early on and used them to build resilience
    • How we can break free of our conditioning and move into entrepreneurial flow and alignment
    • How success leaves clues if we’re actively listening (...and the ONE sentence that cranked $20 million+ out of James’ business)
    • Why mentorship and beginner’s mind are essential to personal growth and business development
    • How approaching business with a spirit of play keeps things fresh and gives clients those good vibes

    The Only Way To Be Authentic

    The Only Way To Be Authentic

    “Entrepreneurship is the best form of personal development out there.” Welcome to the Adam Kiddoo Podcast: the place for entrepreneurs to feel good, get centered, and tap back into their personal power so they can move forward in business...and in life!

    In this first solo episode, Adam talks about the only way to truly be authentic. Find out how to start working from a place of real heart alignment!

     He dives into...

    • His own personal story and how he started showing up authentically
    • Why you may be afraid to show up and how to get out of that scarcity mindset
    • How he got up the courage to put his true self out there
    • How inner work can help you move away from ego, toward your authentic self, and to sales
    • Why the world needs YOU to show up authentically
    • How letting go of limiting beliefs and mental chatter can transform your business and your life

    Overcoming Health & Financial Hardship with Mel Abraham

    Overcoming Health & Financial Hardship with Mel Abraham

    "It's not about the money. Only one piece of affluence has to do with money. The first part of affluence is living a meaningful life." Mel Abraham is a #1 best-selling author, speaker, and financial coach for entrepreneurs. He tells Adam how his fight against cancer pushed him to reexamine his business and his life, opens up a conversation about the “taboo” topic of money, and encourages us to get to the bottom of our money story. Wealth and financial liberation lie on the other side of that money mindset!

    They dive into...

    • Mel’s journey from accountant to entrepreneur
    • The difference between making money and building wealth
    • How Mel’s cancer diagnosis propelled him forward in business and in life
    • The importance of ditching work-life balance for work-life HARMONY
    • Why we don’t talk about money and we why SHOULD
    • How becoming aware of your money story can help you to shift it and create WEALTH